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Social Love in Quarantine

AOSF Program for First Year Students Tool Kit

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Social Love in Quarantine: AOSF Program for First Year Students Tool Kit
A unique component of ASF classes is the opportunity for
transformative exposures experiences expanding the students’ social
formation outside the walls of the classroom. Tagged as “Social Love
Sunday: A Day of Social Engagement,” this experience formally initiates
the students into a journey of growing in “social love”: to make
loving difference in the lives of those who have been pushed to
the peripheries, underscoring commitment to the common good,
universal human dignity, justice as participation, and solidarity
with marginalized communities.

In pre-COVID 19 past, ASF students were deployed on a designated

Sunday to government and non-government sectors within Davao
City. Some of these sectors included the Matina Aplaya Fishers
Association Women Shell Makers, Street Sweepers, the Agdao
Vendors Association, and the Gawad Kalinga communities. These
communities/sectors had become our partners in forming our
students to be AdDU Sui Generis Leaders for the Common Good: a
new brand of leaders who are critical, discerning and responsive
to changing social realities, and who imagine a future “full of
hope and life for all” particularly in Mindanao.

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A phrase used by Pope Francis in his social encyclical Laudato Si:

“Social love is the key to authentic development.”

In order to make society more human, more worthy
of the human person, love in social life—political,
economic and cultural—must be given renewed
value, becoming the constant and highest norm for
all activity. Social love encourages a culture of care.
(231, Laudato Si)

Social Love in Quarantine: AOSF Program for First Year Students Tool Kit Page 2 of 35
“social love ” in time of covid 19

ASF students embark on their first year of college in an extraordinary

time, in a world that has dramatically changed. As you may have
discovered, this pandemic and the recent events have exposed our
vulnerabilities as individual and as global community to health
crisis, to individual and corporate greed that brings catastrophic
and irreversible damage to environment such that the low-income
communities are the most marginalized. This refers to the presence
of “micro and macro aggressions” turning their ugly heads in racism,
sexism and other forms of exclusion; to our fear of each other’s
diversities and “otherness”; to systemic injustice and dehumanization;
to disregard and obscuration of truth and goodness as we rip each
other apart with fake news, destructive propaganda and hate speech;
to the ever widening gap between the “powerful, privileged few and
the economically powerless and underprivileged masses.”

Despite all that, we have our inherent capacity for compassion and
communion as hallmarks of social love!

COVID 19 will surely shape the world for decades and it will shape
the way we live our lives from here on. It has created many challenges,
but it will also help create many opportunities to innovate how to
think anew of how the world could be and should be.

In this unprecedented time, the call to be “persons with and for

others” rings louder. Now as ever before, Ateneans must take on the
commitment to lead, to speak up, to tread the path of social care, and
to oppose if we must, the death-dealing culture of greed and apathy.

how do we do this concretely

Beginning with social love expressed in “physical distancing,” we take

creative ways of social engagement that do not require a face-to-face
community exposure and/or immersion. In the confines of their
home, students will be provided opportunities for virtual engagement
with foundations and/or non-profit organizations both locally and

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before your project

1 Discern
Begin from within
a. Choose your cause.
b. Learn more about your cause.
c. Identify your personal passions and assets.
d. Choose your action strategy.
e. Choose a Foundation or Non-Profit or Non-Government Organization.

during your project

2 Prepare, Plan, and Act

a. Gather a planning team.

b. Organize into task teams.
c. Document your project through photos and videos.

after your project

3 Reflect, Demonstrate, and Celebrate

a. Reflect on what you are learning and doing.

b. Evaluate your project outcomes.
c. Sustain your project.
d. Demonstrate and showcase your results.
e. Celebrate your success.

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

your guide: before your project

Discern Begin from within


a. choose your cause

• What problems have you seen, heard, read about, or experienced

in the country and in the world that sparked your interest or
concerned you?
• What issue do you care about most?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

The following are examples of common community issues. Select the
one that is most important to you. The issue(s) you care about may not
be listed. Add any issue(s) you want to help solve.

Education Bullying/Violence Gender Equality Disasters

Recruit and train Reduce bullying and/ Speak out for gender Help people prepare for a
volunteer readers, tutors, or violence in school and rights to empower people. disaster.
and mentors. communities.
Water Reduce, Reuse, Energy Biodiversity
Restore or protect bodies Recycle Help save energy and Protect habitat for
of water. Keep glass, metal, plastic, reduce your carbon endangered plant and
or paper out of landfills. footprint. animal species.

Green Space Hunger Disease First Aid

Create new green spaces Provide food for the Stop the spread of Work with local agencies
or community gardens. people. infectious diseases by to train people in CPR/
immunizing or educating first aid skills.

Health Destructive Decisions Access to School Dropout Prevention

Increase physical activity Reduce the use of drugs, Help students attend Encourage students to
and/or healthy eating alcohol, tobacco, or risky school or gain access to stay in school.
habits of people. sexual behavior. the internet.

Economic Opportunity Other Cause

Organize a job skills Add another issue you care about:
training for people.

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

your cause

Why is this issue important to you?

your vision

What would you like to see change?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

b. learn more about your cause

Now that you’ve chosen a cause, it’s time to learn more about it so that
you can bring your vision to life and make a meaningful difference. The
more you research, the more effective your project will be.

your research plan

Community Need:

What do you already In order to take action What are sources of What did you learn
know about the need or and make a difference, information (e.g. media, about the community
condition you identified? what do you need and interviews/conversations, need and how to
want to learn about? observations/experiences, address it?
survyes, etc.) you can use
to get the information you

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

baseline data

What is the current status of the community need you identified?

(This will be your baseline data, the starting point from which you will set project goals
and measure the impact of your project.)

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

c. identify your personal passions & assets

Now that you have learned about the community need, the next step
is to think about the passions and assets you have that can help make a

Check the one(s) that you enjoy most. Your interest may not be listed–
kindly add it in the space provided.

Music Art Writing Movement

Playing an instrument, Painting, drawing, Writing poetry, stories, Dancing, martial arts
singing, writing songs sculpture, graphic art and plays, journalism

Building Leadership Entrepreneurship Sports

Wood working, Peacebuilding, student Business, marketing, Team sports, physical
construction, welding government, politics advertising activities, competitions

Teaching Nature Animals Computers

Mentoring, tutoring, Exploring nature, Caring for animals, Software development,
teaching, reading to kids gardening training, medicine repair, web design

Creative Arts Academic Subjects Speech Comedy

Cooking, sewing, fashion, Science, math, history, Debate, public speaking, Making people laugh,
knitting etc. broadcasting jokes, writing sketches

Spirituality Drama/Theater Photography & Film Reading

Prayer, meditation, Acting, directing, theater Taking pictures, making Reading fiction,
studying sacred texts lighting or set design films, animation nonfiction, poetry

Advocacy Journalism Outdoor Recreation Mechanics

Politics and government, Newscasting, writing, Fishing, hiking, camping, Electronics or machine
commitment to a cause radio & TV production bicycling repair, auto repair


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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Personal Assests: (Your strengths, things you are good at or you enjoy)
Skills Knowledge

Interests and experiences Traits

How will you use your personal passions and assets to address
the community need?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

d. choose your action strategy

Educate. Share information and teach others to positively change people’s behaviors.
Examples include: recycling; promote healthy eating; and discouraging smoking, bullying

Volunteer. Use your creativity, time, and talent to directly meet a need in your community.
Examples include: tutoring; planting trees; and teaching senior citizens how to use technology

Advocate. Speak out, join others, and persuade policy makers to change policies and laws.
Examples include: organizing petition; online advocacy; and speaking at public forums or meetings

Give. Collect and donate financial and in-kind support.
Examples include: raising money for hurricane disaster relief; research to treat and cure diseases; and
collecting books for children

What is your action strategy?

- -
e. choose a foundation /non profit /non government organization *

Begin by studying its history, its vision mission and goals, its advocacies. And
then sign in, roll your sleeves, because the world needs talented and gifted young
persons, young Ateneans to lead it to a better place.

*See List of International and Local NGOs for Social Love in Quarantine Engagement

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Answer these questions to make sure
that your project is meaningful, doable, and effective:

• Are you willing to commit time and skills to this project?

• Will the project have a positive, and visible, outcome for your community?
• Will you be able to measure and track the impact or results of your project?
• Will you need funds to do this project–and do you have a plan for how you
will raise them?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Are you willing to commit time and skills to this project?

Will the project have a positive, and visible, outcome for your

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Will you be able to measure and track the impact or results of
your project?

Will you need funds to do this project–and do you have a plan for
how you will raise them?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

your guide: during your project

Prepare, Plan, and Act 2

a. gather a planning team

Bring together people who you think have assets to help your project, but
with whom you might not normally get together.

Your Planning Team: (Who are part your team?)

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

What values and ground rules will help your team work well together and ensure
that the project goes smoothly?
Team Values:

Team ground rules:

Task Teams Person(s) in- Schedule Materials Any expected

charge Needed challenges


Logistics and


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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

b. organize into task teams

1. Partnerships
Community partners can help you identify community needs, effective
strategies, and resources to address those needs; refine your project idea
by providing feedback; and spread the word out about your project.

As you work with your community partners, make sure you can answer
these questions:

Goals and Expectations

• How does your project meet you and your partner’s goals?
• What do you and your partner expect from each other?

• Who will you want to talk to when you need to contact the
• What resources does each partner bring to the table?

• Are there specific requirements or materials that need to be

• How will you reflect during the project?
• Will the partner participate?

2. Fundraising
Make a list of all project expenses–everything you might need from
beginning to end.

3. Logistics and Promotion

Implement your project plan. Remember to prepare all of the following
logistics (e.g. schedule, materials, promotions, etc.) to make your event

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Additional task teams and their responsibilities:

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

c. document your project through photos and videos

Photos and videos of your project can be used for many purposes, such as
promoting your project, tracking project progress, sharing project results,
and preserving memories.

How will you use project photos and videos?

How will these photos and videos benefit your project?

Photo and Video Permissions

Remember to be sensitive to those being photographed. Always ask for
permission from the subjects, and make sure that parents or guardians of
any participants under the age of 18 give their consent through signing a
photo release form* authorizing you to use the photographs.

*Kindly send your photo release form(s) as attachment(s).

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Answer these questions to make sure
that your project is meaningful, doable, and effective:

• Do you have clear, measurable project goals?

• Are all project team members aware of the project goals?
• Do you have a method to track progress towards project goals?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Do you have clear, measurable project goals?

Are all project team members aware of the project goals?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Do you have a method to track progress towards project goals?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

your guide: after your project

Reflect, Demonstrate,
and Celebrate 3

a. reflect on what you are learning and doing

• How has your participation in the project impacted you?

• How have you impacted your community?

When appropriate, include the beneficiaries and partners in your

reflection activities.

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Your Project and You: (What inspires you to serve? What does service mean to

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Your Project and Your Community: (How would you describe your
connection to your community? What short and long-term impacts will your project have
on your community?)

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Your Project and Your Future: (Which skills are you learning and
demonstrating through this project? What interesting careers have you learned about
through this project?)

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

b. evaluate your project outcomes

Find out what changed in your community as a result of your project.

Did you meet your project goals?

Your Vision Project Goals Baseline Data Project Outcomes

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Evaluate your project planning and implementation process.

What worked well?

What would you do differently?

As you implement your project plan, sometimes things don’t go exactly

as you planned, and that is okay. As you evaluate your project outcomes,
think about the challenges you encountered and how you overcame
them. Next time you plan a project, you will be able to utilize these
problem-solving skills in order to have an even greater impact.

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

c. sustain your project

Make plans to continue or expand your project.

• Can you create and reach even more project goals?

• How can you get more people and youth involved?
• How can other communities get involved?
• When and where can you do your project again?

After your project, how will you expand and keep your project going
over the long term, so that you can make an even bigger difference?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

reflection questions

Who will carry on your work after your project is finished?

How will your project continue to impact your community?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

What do you want people to say about your project in one month,
one year, five years, or ten years?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

d. demonstrate and showcase your results

Share your results and show others how to replicate your project.

Sample ways to share project results: Sample ways to teach others how to replicate
your project:
• Create a blog or a video that features “before” • Host a workshop for a group of your peers
and “after” pictures of the community. or community members explaining your project
• Give a presentation to your class. planning process.
• Send a press release to local media, or write an • Create “how-to” guides and videos and post them
article for the school or community newspaper. on the project’s social media accounts.
• Post photos and project results on your project’s • Present your project to the public via discussions,
social media accounts. conferences, events, etc.
• Create an “FAQ” or “Q and A” section on your
project’s blog site.

How will you share your results and teach others how to replicate
your project?

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

e. celebrate your success

How can you recognize and thank all stakeholders?

Some Celebration and Recognition Ideas

• Hold a culminating event to bring together everyone involved in the
project and provide a focal point for demonstrating and celebrating
both learning and service.
• Report the results of the service to everyone who served.
• Offer recognition items, such as certificates or token of appreciation.
• Get feedback from key stakeholders and participants, including
community partners and project beneficiaries. Gather ideas for the
next project.
• Send thank-you notes to everyone who took part in the project.

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source: Youth Changing the World (Youth Service America)

Dear Ateneans,

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