Students Communication With Parents
Students Communication With Parents
Students Communication With Parents
Education is a thing that nowadays is talking very much and more factors are involved
in his realisation ,but on the base of this, the most important thing is family. Leading role
in the educational proces is got by school,because it is one of the closest advisors
between familiy and student. Dialogue with familly is one of the essential elements of
a good and succesfull learning. Always school has been collaborating with parents in such of
forms ,but today social requirements are more frequent to strengthen the bond between school
and familly.
If childrens feel loved, they become more receptive to parents advices in a lot of ways,
also they recive more easy what the parents want. The most important part of this proces is
communicaton, because kids are like sponge, they are absorbing all what we do and all we
Family communication
Relation between parents and chlidren is vital and essential in a youger education.
Consequences that resulting from a good parenting is visible both in social behavior and
intimity of a child.
Directly interaction betweent this two parts involved (parent and child) fails to
influence directly the character and behaviour of a kid. The key role in the proces of an
younger training they got by the parents,and next his antourage and his relation other people
his life. Base of eachother is careful build form person that give us life.
Analysing deeper, the most effective parenting communication means an rule system
that use more often neagtion,in away of other in conversation like „you don’t touch or you do
not deserve or I'm not leaving you” because this one inhibit children behaviour and he will not
have courage to tell or to do some that is not good for them.
Self-confidance is one of the most important assets in a human life,and if you trust
yourself you will pass any obstacle form your life.Thrust underlying a strong,powerfull and
healthly character . On the other side many parents thing that they must stabilize specific
limits for thei own childs. Not everything is allowed, and humans must learn negation
significance. In this case psychologists recommands to expose the reason why is not allowed.
Explications have a verry important role for a teenager gorwth
In a parental community doesn’t must miss motivational words and that one who
growth self-esteem. Positive words like : „you are strong,you are capable,be optimist” ensure
a good start in life. Be confident in your powers and you will be able to pass any obstacle.
Is necessary to mention the fact that a poor parental community will obstruct a
healthly evolution of your child. Impact of an education had severe repercussions , a
phenomenon that shows us that criminal rate have been growth verry fast in younger
communities and their societies.
School had a verry imporant part between parents colaboration with his own childs, to
ensure a good education ,beacuse permanent studying takes lifelong. Colaboration between all
educational factors ,first of them school and familly is acctually neccesary. School can’t
complete his fully tasks if it doesn’t know familly and work condition of a kid. School
relation with familly is essencial to know a lot of aspects for the kids behaviour, learning
situation,discipline and with all of these familly dialogue in an indispensable element for
educational success.
For a success education of a child ,familly must become a good school collaborator
and to create necessary condtions to fullfil study but also for control and daily performance.
Always school had colaborate with familly in different forms,but for today social
requirements is more and more neccesary to fortify this connection.
Communication with parents, the starting point is the knowledge of the educational
component, because parents can be very different. It was realized a project of educational
partnership with the parents of some students considering many objectives, such as:
on the first day of school was given the parents objects of study, class schedule, school
supplies, rules of procedure and other materials necessary for the student during the
school year;
communicating with family wherever appropriate,a lot of changes in the evolution of
the child;
current situation of informing school and discipline;
activities in which parents to get to know better each other, act together in order to
carry out tasks;
involvement of parents in educational projects at the level of the class and school;
Knowledge of students and groups of students is one of the main areas of content
preparation for all teachers, and for achieving this aim, it requires close collaboration between
school and family. A permanent concern in meetings with parents is to identify any
difficulties that you are experiencing them in communicating with their own children, as well
as presenting some means of optimizing the communication between them. Thus, working
with family is resting on a solid foundation. Directions of improvement of networking
effective teachers-parents/parents-teachers:
The teacher will inform the parents about the positive and negative aspects of the pupil
at school.
It is recommended that you first be presented some positive aspects, some of the
successes obtained in learning or some commendable changes from his behavior.
It will then show the student encounters objects that weight, what faults are observed
in his behaviour will be analysed and their causes.
Parents will be informed of the possibilities for the development of the child's skills
and interests, about which they manifested in educational work and extrașcolară.
It is important that parents keep in touch with the school, to be informed about the
results of the work and about their behavior at school.
For there to be a relationship between optimal and genuine partners involved in the
educational process is required assuming the responsibility of every person who is involved in
this endeavor. Cannot speak separately from those relationships that are formed along the
time spent in school, malfunction of a relationship type, put in difficulty and other
relationships. Another important aspect of relations who take birth in this formative approach
is the relationship between students and teachers.
relations between the teacher and the class is generally polarise their feelings of
affection, mutual trust, or, conversely, of distaste, distrust and even hostility of most of
the time. There are cases when contact between the teacher and spiritual student does
not pass the area of indifference: there is no class for teacher and classroom teacher for
the initiative must belong to the Professor, who, however, bearing in mind the
essential law of interpersonal relations that emotional sympathy and the sympathy and
affection born Hi-will, antipathy and hostility get up feelings of same quality, you
have to lead, to control these relationships and design collaboration and mutual
the relationship between teacher and student must be founded on the fact that the
teacher has the role of mentor, Coordinator of the student's activity and in which the
student can find at any given time more than a teacher, a man, a guide in his journey
through life.
from the teacher starts everything: whether it is aggressive or tries to humiliate the
child or to confuse him especially in the presence of others around you, the student
will act as such, or will respond violently, taking teaching framework, or taunt will
retire itself, refusing to communicate, thereby helping to develop emotional blockage
over time.
from the teacher starts everything: whether it is aggressive or tries to humiliate the
child or to confuse him especially in the presence of others around you, the student
will act as such, or will respond violently, taking teaching framework, or taunt will
retire itself, refusing to communicate, thereby helping to develop emotional blockage
over time.
in establishing relationship with the students, the teacher has the mission to unite them
to students and to mobilise in order to become a whole.
students ' Confidence in their own forces and self esteem can be achieved by
encouraging each minor performance of each student individually, this is supposed to
mean learning systematized and personalized. Reward should prevail instead of
the relationship between teacher and pupil not only presents an intellectual side.
Affective factor has a major on the yield.
First of all you should take into account an old proverb that says: "it brings sweet
than" so, than to criticize in order to encourage him to make things better, we can give to
understand that no matter what happened, he is in order though what He did not. This will
minimize the self-esteem of the child and will do it just to see that what he did is wrong and
not in his ensemble.
They need to her affection towards permanent and not just with the blank feed when
"deserves to be awarded". If they are protected and surrounded by warmth, love and
acceptance they need, children learn to love themselves, and will possess the inner force
necessary in order to pursue their goals and to get in touch with each other. They will increase
the conscious that deserves love and will be able to give and receive love is to say to have full
relations. Permanent critical attitude will guide your child to see soon what is evil and what is
good and leads to serious repercussions given intolerance's.
In conclusion, the future of a child determine parenting in society, and the teacher has to
establish a harmonious relationship at the outset with the student to not affecting its psychic
development, emotional and personal. The teacher must create a relationship that will enable
the student to catch the wings in his development.