Vocabulary Teaching Table

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Assignment A – Vocabulary Teaching Table

 Use this table to help you think about how you will teach the 12 vocabulary items you have selected from the 'What made me the way I
am' text for pre-teaching. Two examples are given to show you how to use it. The table is for the teacher, not the students.

 For pronunciation, you may find one of these sites helpful: http://www.phonemicchart.com/transcribe/

How meaning will be (Transcription and Grammatical and Concept questions
No Item Meaning
conveyed to students Word Stress other information (if needed)
Award A prize or other mark I will show a picture to students /ə'wɔ:d/ - phonemic Verb / Noun T: “Would anyone like
of recognition given script to tell us about an
in honour of an award that was given
achievement. əˈwɔrd to you?”
T: “Yes, Lisa, how did
Word stress: oO
you receive your
1 Lisa : “I received an
award in Grade 7 for
the best English
student in class”
T: Wow that’s a
terrific achievement,
well done.” Anyone
Reflect/ (of a surface or body) I will show the students a short /rɪ'flekt/ - phonemic Verb
Reflection of throw back (heat, video clip on the reflection of script
2 light light, or sound) light, I will then elicit.
without absorbing it. rɪˈflɛkt
Word Stress: oO
3 Communities a group of people /kə'mju:nətɪz/ - Noun

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living in the same phonemic script
place or having a
particular Word Stress: oOoO
characteristic in

How meaning will be (Transcription and Grammatical and Concept questions
No Item Meaning
conveyed to students Word Stress other information (if needed)
4 Planning Is the process of /'plænɪŋ/ - phonemic Noun
thinking about the script
activities required to
achieve a desired Word Stress: Oo
goal/ the process of
making plans for
5 Treat Behave towards or /'tri:t/ - phonemic Verb
deal with in a certain script
"she had been Word Stress: O
brutally treated"

Give medical care or

attention to; try to
heal or cure.

"the two
were treated for cuts
and bruises"
6 Minority The smaller number /maɪ'nɒrətɪ/ - Noun
or part, especially a phonemic script

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number or part
representing less than
half of the whole. Word Stress: OoOo
"only a minority
of properties are

7 Mining The process or /'maɪnɪŋ/ - phonemic Noun

industry of obtaining script
coal or other minerals Word Stress: Oo
from a mine.

8 Winning Gaining, resulting in, /'wɪnɪŋ/ - phonemic Adjective

or relating to victory script
in a contest or Word Stress: oO
9 Rich having a great deal of /'rɪtʃ/ - phonemic Adjective
money or assets; script
wealthy. Word Stress: O
10 Lorry/ies a large, heavy motor /'lɒrɪz/ - phonemic Noun
vehicle for script
transporting goods or Word Stress: oO
troops; a truck.
11 Grandparents a parent of one's Word Stress: OoO Noun
father or mother; a
grandmother or
12 Choice an act of choosing /'tʃɔɪs/ - phonemic Noun
between two or more script
"the choice Word Stress: Oo

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between good and

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