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A Guide to Backyard

Poultry Farming for

Sustainable Livelihoods
Compiled by
Prakashkumar Rathod
Citation: Rathod P. (2020). A Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods. Hyderabad 502 324,
Telangana, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 28 pp.

Cover photo:
Source: Alekha, Harsh Trust, Nabarangpur, Odisha

Contents page and back cover (inside) photo:

Source: Sudhir Naik, Veterinary College, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Back cover photo:

Source: Maktum Tahshildar, ICRISAT Scientific Officer, Dharwad, Karnataka

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A Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming
for Sustainable Livelihoods

Compiled by
Prakashkumar Rathod
About the Author
Dr Prakashkumar Rathod – Visiting Scientist, ICRISAT Development Center, Asia program,
ICRISAT, Hyderabad, 502 324, Telangana, India.

The author acknowledges the valuable inputs of:
• Dr Sariput Landge, Maharashtra Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Nagpur
• Drs Anant Rao Desai, Siddalingswamy Hiremath and Sudhir Naik, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal
and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka.
• Dr M Rajalakshmi, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry.

ii | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods

Introduction 1
Bonuses of backyard poultry farming  2
Backyard vs commercial poultry 3
What sets indigenous birds apart? 4
Indigenous (native/desi) backyard poultry 5
Limitations of indigenous backyard poultry 8
Improved backyard poultry 8
Improved backyard poultry for egg production 9
Improved dual purpose backyard poultry 12
Management of improved varieties of backyard poultry 16
Brooding/nursery management (up to 6 weeks) 16
Managing adult birds after 6 weeks 17
The ideal night shelter 17
Feed management 18
Importance of fresh drinking water 19
Breeding management 20
Health care 20
Record keeping 22
Marketing of backyard poultry 22
Information sources for scientific backyard poultry 23
iv | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods
Introduction capita availability (PCA) around 74 per annum during
2017-18 (
Backyard or homestead poultry farming is common
among rural and landless families in India and is a India aims to produce 106 billion eggs and reach a PCA
lucrative source of supplementary income. It involves of 81 eggs per annum by 2020. With regard to poultry
low investment and yields high economic returns, meat production, India targets to produce 4.20 million
and can be easily managed by women, children tons with a PCA of 3.21 kg/annum by 2020 against
and the elderly. Meat and eggs from such birds are 3.30 million tonnes of meat and PCA of 2.22 kg per
inexpensive and rich source of protein and energy for annum in 2015 (
poor households. filess/Seeking%20Comments%20on%20National%20
Backyard poultry farming is characterized by an
2017.pdf). In this context, the rural poultry sector can
indigenous night shelter system, scavenging, natural
fill this gap to meet these targets. Moreover, products
hatching of chicks, low productivity of birds, scant
of rural poultry have a niche market and fetch higher
supplementary feed, local marketing and minimal
prices than commercial poultry.
health care practices.
While a majority of rural folk in India are well versed
The organized or commercial poultry sector in India
with traditional livestock rearing including that of
contributes nearly 75% of the total meat and egg
poultry, transforming poultry management through
output while the unorganized sector contributes 25%.
a few scientific interventions can lead to sustainable
According to the 20th Livestock Census reports of
livelihoods from regular income, food security and
the Government of India, total poultry population is
nutrition. This brochure focuses on rural poultry
851.81 million (including backyard poultry population
production, which includes backyard rearing of desi/
of 317.07 million), which is a 45.8% rise over previous
native chickens and rearing of new chicken breeds
livestock censuses (
evolved for poultry production by rural Indian
provisional-key-results-20th-livestock-census). Egg
production in India was around 95.2 billion and per households.

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 1

Bonuses of backyard poultry farming 

A source of employment to small and Eggs and meat contain low levels of
marginal farmers, including women and cholesterol and saturated fats and high
unemployed youth levels of vitamin compared to meat from
commercial poultry
Provides additional income
Accessible source of nutrition for families
Enhances soil fertility (15 chickens
produce 1-1.2 kg of manure/day).

Products fetch a higher price

compared to those from commercial
poultry farming

Egg and meat with low investment 

Helps control ecto-parasites in

domestic animals
Source: RIVER, Puducherry

2 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods

Backyard Vs commercial poultry
Labor inputs
External inputs
Housing costs Backyard poultry
Feed costs Commercial poultry

Production cost
Meat quality
Veterinary inputs
Involvement of small farmers and women
Dependence on external agencies
Competition with human foods like grains

Backyard poultry need negligible veternary inputs, with the

Housing for backyard poultry can be made with local
exception of vaccination for New Castle Disease. Commercial
resources and hence inexpensive
poultry requires viral, bacterial and parasitic control.

Backyard birds scavenge or can thrive on leftover cereals, Commercial poultry needs clean water supply while backyard
requiring no supplements and hence inexpensive poultry can thrive on local sources

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 3

What sets indigenous birds apart?
• Superior adaptability to their habitat and

ability to survive, can reproduce with low

nutrition under sub-optimal management.

• Require fewer inputs as they scavenge

and are raised with little veterinary care.
• Exhibit broodiness and hatch their own


• Their eggs and meat are preferred and

fetch a premium price compared to
commercial farm-bred chickens.

• Can protect themselves from predators.

• A reservoir of superior genes.

Me Bu • Act as insurance for the poor during

wa difficult times.

Source: ICAR-NBAGR, Karnal

4 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods

Indigenous/native breeds
that have evolved in Kashmir
Jammu and
different parts of India Faverolla

Punjab Brown Uttara

Punjab and Daothigir
Haryana Uttarakhand Harringhata Miri
Mewari Black

Rajasthan Assam
Ankaleshwar Meghalaya
Busra Tripura Kaunayen
Gujarat Madhya Pradesh West Bengal
In this system, flock size ranges Chattisgarh
from five to 50 birds raised under Odisha Aseel
a traditional scavenging system Maharashtra Aseel
devoid of management practices. Busra
Backyard chickens in India are Andhra Pradesh
generally the native/desi type Aseel
(19 poultry breeds) with low egg Ghagus Andaman & Nicobar
and meat production potential. Karnataka Ghagus
Desi chicken breeds grown under Kalasthi
Tellichery Nicobari
free range backyard conditions
contribute about 10-12% of the
total egg production in India. Information source: ICAR-NBAGR, Karnal

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 5

Ankaleshwar Aseel Harringhata Black
Ave. weight Ave. weight Ave. weight
1.8 kg 1.6 kg 3-5 kg 3 kg 1.3 kg 1.1 kg
Roosters Hens Roosters Hens Roosters Hens
Age at first egg laying 6 months Age at first egg laying 6.7 months Age at first egg laying 5.6 months
Annual egg production is 78-80. Annual egg production is 30-35. Small bodied black bird with typical
Small, single combed, hardy with poor A pugnacious and high stamina game conformation of a layer
productivity. Reared by the tribes of bird with a majestic gait; larger among Annual egg production is 45.
Narmada and Bharuch districts. native birds (28 inches from back to toe)

Chittagong Danki Daothigir Busra

Ave. weight Ave. weight
Ave. weight Ave. weight
3.5-4.5 kg Roosters 3.1 kg 2.2 kg 1.8 kg 1.6 kg 1.1 kg 1.0 kg
Roosters Hens Roosters Hens Roosters Hens
3-4 kg Hens Age at first egg laying 7.4 months Age at first egg laying 6 months Age at first egg laying
Large game bird; Found Heavy bird with glossy and lustrous A heavy breed with good juvenile 6 months
in Northeastern states plumage and compressed single comb growth and mostly reared by the Small to medium sized bird
of India Bodo community. Annual egg production is 45-55.
Annual egg production is 32. Annual egg production is 60.
Ghagus Hansli Uttara
Ave. weight Ave. weight Ave. weight
2.1 kg 1.4 kg 3.8 kg 2.5 kg 1.3 kg 1.1 kg Age at first egg laying
Roosters Hens Roosters Hens Roosters Hens 5.5 months
Age at first egg laying 5.7 months Age at first egg laying 7.2 months Compact, light body and strong wings that
Small bird with small comb and Annual egg production is 67. enable quick flight and to fight predators;
wattles, thick neck and feathered attractive plumage; suitable for backyard
shanks; some possess whiskers. rearing; good taste of meat
Annual egg production is 52. Annual egg production is 137.
6 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods
Kadaknath Kalasthi Kaunayen
Ave. weight Ave. weight Ave. weight
1.6 kg 1.2 kg 2.5 kg 1.8 kg 3.0 kg 2.3 kg
Roosters Hens Roosters Hens
Roosters Hens
The skin, beak, shank, toes and soles of Age at first egg laying 7.2 months
Relatively short shank and long thigh;
roosters and hens are dark gray; comb, Similar to Danki except that these are broad and round rib cage; long body,
wattle and tongue have a purplish hue; most smaller; the average weight of the bonier than fatty type, erect standing
internal organs show black pigmentation. bird is 1-1.2 kg posture with head held high.
Annual egg production is 80. Annual egg production is 34. Annual egg production is 35.

Kashmir Faverolla Mewari Miri

Age at first egg laying 7 months Ave. weight Ave. weight 1.5 kg
Age at first egg laying 7 months
Small with small feathered comb and 1.9 kg 1.2 kg Dual-purpose, small black bird.
wattles and the average weight of the Roosters Hens
Age at first egg laying 6.8 months Reared by the Miri tribe.
bird is 1-1.2 kg.
Annual egg production is 70-75. Annual egg production is 43. Annual egg production is 62

Nicobari Punjab Brown Tellichery

Ave. weight Ave. weight Ave. weight
1.8 kg 1.3 kg 2.1 kg 1.5 kg 1.6 kg 1.2 kg
Roosters Hens Roosters Hens Roosters Hens
Age at first egg laying 6.6 months Age at first egg laying 5.5 months Age at first egg laying 6 months
Good layer among native birds; brown matte Meat type with brown plumage, Small bird with black skin; plumage
in color, small size with short legs; round and yellow beak, legs. color varies from black to grey and
compact in appearance with a stout neck. Annual egg production is 70. sometimes a combination of colors.
Annual egg production is 148. Annual egg production is 70.
Source: ICAR-NBAGR, Karnal, Haryana

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 7

Limitations of indigenous Improved backyard poultry
backyard poultry Given some of the limitations of indigenous backyard
poultry breeds, research organizations and private
institutions have developed improved varieties of birds for
Slow growth meat, eggs or dual purpose. Improved varieties lay more
eggs, gain greater body weight, have attractive plumage,
involve low input costs, have high disease resistance, a
better survival rate and lay large brown eggs resembling
Low body weight desi eggs. However, desi hens can be used for brooding
eggs of improved bird varieties.

The improved layer varieties have the potential to

Late sexual maturity produce 140-170 eggs in a laying year under free range
conditions and 160-200 eggs under organized farm
conditions. The birds weigh on average 2.5-3.5 kg in
Low clutch size thus, males and 1.5-2.0 kg in females. A few improved egg
low egg production purpose varieties developed in India are discussed.

Small egg size

broodiness Gramapriya
Source: ICAR-DPR,

8 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods

Improved varieties developed in India for
their eggs for rural poultry production

Gramapriya CARI Nirbheek

Ave. weight (20 weeks)
Age at sexual maturity 170-175 days
Body weight at 6 weeks is 0.4-0.5 kg 1.8 kg 1.3 kg
and at 72 weeks 1.8-2 kg. Roosters Hens
Age at sexual maturity 176 days
Annual egg production is 170-190.
A cross between the Indian native
Developed at ICAR-DPR, breed Aseel and CARl Red.
Hyderabad, Telangana.
Annual egg production is 198. CARI Nirbheek Source: ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar
Developed at ICAR-CARI,
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh.

CARI Hitcari CARI Upkari

Ave. weight (20 weeks) Ave. weight (20 weeks)
1.7 kg 1.3 kg 1.6 kg 1.2 kg
Roosters Hens Roosters Hens
Age at sexual maturity 178 days Age at sexual maturity 165 days
A cross between the Indian native Indian native chicken with frizzle plumage
Naked Neck and CARI Red. crossed with CARI Red; has four different
Annual egg production is 200. varieties for different agro-climatic conditions.
CARI Upkari Source: ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar
Developed at ICAR-CARI, Annual egg production is 220.
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh. Developed at ICAR-CARI,
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh.
Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 9
CARI Sonali Layer CARI Priya Layer CARI Shyama
Also known as Golden-92. A cross A cross between superior male and Ave. weight (20 weeks)
between White Leghorn and Rhode
Island Red.
female strains of White Leghorn
Commercial white egg layer
1.4 kg 1.1 kg
Roosters Hens
earlier known as ILI-80.
Age at first egg laying 18-19 weeks Age at sexual maturity 170 days
Age at sexual maturity 17-18 weeks
Peak egg production 27-29 weeks A cross between Kadakanath and CARl Red;
Peak egg production 26-28 weeks meat is very rich in protein (25.47 %).
50% egg production 155 days 50% egg production 150 days
Annual egg production is 280. Annual egg production is 210.
Annual egg production is 298.
Developed at ICAR-CARI, Developed at ICAR-CARI,
Developed at ICAR-CARI,
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh. Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh.
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh.

CARI Sonali Layer Source: ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar CARI Priya Layer Source: ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar CARI Shyama Source: ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar

10 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods

Athulya Kalinga Brown Kaveri
Ave. weight (72 weeks) Ave. weight (72 weeks) Ave. weight (20 weeks)
1.5 kg 1.7 kg 2-2.2 kg
Age at sexual maturity 123 days Age at sexual maturity 122 days Good scavenger.
Age at 50% egg production 145 days Age at 50% egg production 150-155 days. Attains sexual maturity at 183 days.
Annual egg production is 290-300. It is a cross between White leghorn and Annual egg production is 130-140.
Developed at AICRP-KVASU, Mannuthy, Rhode Island Red.
Developed at CPDO, Bengaluru,
Kerala. Annual egg production is 265-275. Karnataka.
Developed at CPDO, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Grama Lakshmi Krishilayer

Ave. weight (72 weeks) Ave. weight (72 weeks)
1.7 kg 1.7 kg
Age at sexual maturity is 160 days; Total egg production at 72 weeks is
Age at 50% egg production 180 days. 270-280.
Total egg production at 72 weeks is Developed at ICAR-DPR,
180-200. Hyderabad, Telangana.
Developed at AICRP-KVASU, Mannuthy,

Source: M Tahshildar, ICRISAT

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 11

Improved dual-purpose varieties
for backyard poultry production
These are varieties developed for dual Giriraja
purposes. Varieties developed for meat have Ave. weight (Eight weeks) 40 weeks
the potential to gain 1.4-1.6 kg weight in eight
weeks under semi-intensive conditions while 1.6 kg 3-5 kg
dual-purpose varieties may gain only 1.2-1.4 Age at first egg laying 160-170 days
Annual egg production is 140-150.
kg during the same period. The body weight
Developed at KVAFSU, Bidar, Karnataka.
of these varieties depends on the quality and
quantity of feed and management practices
followed. A few improved dual purpose Swarnadhara
Ave. weight (Eight weeks) 40 weeks
varieties developed in India are discussed.
1-1.2 kg 2.5-4 kg Giriraja Source: Dept of Poultry
Science, Vet. College, Bengaluru
Recently, broiler breed Raja II was developed Age at first egg laying 160-170 days
under AICRP at Veterinary College, Bengaluru, Annual egg production is 180-190.
(KVAFSU) with ICAR support. It has plumage Developed at KVAFSU, Bidar, Karnataka.
similar to backyard rural varieties and gains
a weight of 1.6-1.8 kg with feed efficiency of Pratapdhan
1.6 in six weeks. However, improved varieties Ave. weight (20 weeks)
developed for meat and dual purposes cannot
fly owing to their weight and are susceptible 1.3-2.7 kg
Age at first egg laying 125 days
to predators. They also require more feed
Age at sexual maturity 170 days
supplement to meet their nutritional
requirements. Annual egg production is 161.
Developed at AICRP-MPUAT, Udaipur, Swarnadhara Source: Dept of Poultry
Rajastan. Science, Vet. College, Bengaluru
12 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods
Vanaraja CARI Debendra
Ave. weight (Six weeks) Ave. weight (Eight weeks)
0.65-0.75 kg 1.1-1.2 kg
Age at first egg laying 175-180 days A cross from between colored synthetic broiler as
Weight at sexual maturity 2-2.2 kg male line and Rhode Island Red as female line.
CARI Vishal Source: ICAR-CARI,
Annual egg production is 110. Age at sexual maturity is 155-160 days and feed Izatnagar
Developed at ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad, Telangana. conversion ratio is about 2.5-2-6 up to eight weeks.
Annual egg production is 200.
Krishibro Developed at ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh.
Ave. weight
1.5 kg CARIBRO Vishal
A feed conversion ratio of Also known as CARIBRO-91
about 2 at six weeks of age. Ave. weight (Seven weeks)
Developed at ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad, Telangana. 2-2.5 kg CARI Debendra Source: ICAR-CARI,
Feed conversion ratio at six weeks is 1.85.
Jharsim Developed at ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh.
Ave. weight (Six weeks)
0.4-0.5 kg Kamrupa
Age at sexual maturity Ave. weight (20 weeks)
175-180 days
Weight at sexual maturity 1.6-1.8 kg
1.3-2.2 kg Source:
A three-way cross between Assam local type (25%), AICRP-AAU,
Potential to lay 165-170 eggs
annually under backyard system. colored broiler (25%) and Dalhem Red (50%). Guwahati
Developed at AICRP-BAU, Ranchi, Jharkhand. Annual egg production is 120-130.
Developed at AICRP-AAU, Guwahati, Assam.

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 13

Nandanam I Nandanam II CARIBRO Dhanaraj
Ave. weight (12 weeks) Ave. weight (Eight weeks) Ave. weight (Seven weeks)
1 kg 1.44 kg 2-2.1 kg
Red plumage, brown shelled Most popular among semi-urban farmers Most preferred by farmers for its
eggs and high fertility as backyard birds due to attractive multi-colored plumage and high
Annual egg production is 180. plumage with a feed efficiency of 2.66. economic returns feed conversion
Developed at TANUVAS, Chennai, Developed at TANUVAS, Chennai, ratio at seven weeks is 1.92.
Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu. Developed at ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar,
Uttar Pradesh.

Source: TANUVAS, Chennai Source: TANUVAS, Chennai Source: ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar

Nandanam I Nandanam II CARIBRO Dhanaraj
CARIBRO Mrityunjay Aseel Cross
CARIBRO Tropicana Ave. weight (Seven weeks) Ave. weight (15 weeks)
Ave. weight (Seven weeks)
1.8 kg 1.8-2 kg 1.2 kg
A commercial cross suitable for hot and dry Has two colors black (Aseel Kala) and
Suited to hot and humid regions. Feed regions and feed conversion ratio at six and
conversion ratio at seven weeks is 2.11. Red (Aseel Peela).
seven weeks is 1.95 and 2.11, respectively.
Developed at ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar, Annual egg production is 120-140.
Developed at ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar, Developed at CPDO, Bengaluru,
Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh. Karnataka.
14 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods
Srinidhi Chabro
Ave. weight (20 weeks) Ave. weight (Eight weeks) 26 weeks

1.7-2 kg 1.6-1.7 kg 2.4-2.5 kg

Age at first egg laying 165-170 days Annual egg production is 170-180
Annual egg production is 140-150 Multi-colored plumage. Feed conversion ratio
under backyard poultry conditions. is 2.48 and fit for backyard farming.
Developed at ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad, Telangana. Developed at CPDO, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Source: MPUAT, Udaipur

Narmadanidhi Himsamridhi Pratapdhan

Ave. weight (20 weeks) Ave. weight (20 weeks)

1.3-2.2 kg 1.2-1.7 kg
A cross between local breed Age at first egg laying 170-190 days
Kadaknath (25%) and improved broiler Annual egg production is 140-170.
germplasm (Jabalpur col.) (75%); Developed at AICRP-CSKHPKV, Palampur,
Hens mature in about 161 days Himachal Pradesh.
and produce 181 eggs in backyard
system of management.
Developed at AICRP-NDVSU, Ave. weight (20 weeks) Source: ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.
1-1.2 kg Srinidhi

Age at first egg laying 190-200 days

Annual egg production is 100-120
Developed at ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad,
Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 15
Management of improved varieties of Brooding/nursery management
backyard poultry (up to six weeks)
Backyard poultry can be reared for egg production in • Brooding care of chicks ensures constant body
small numbers (10-20) under free range conditions temperature and protection from predators.
if optimum natural feed resources are available. • The brooder house floor must have a uniform 1-2
However, if the local demand is for meat, birds can inch spread of clean litter like sawdust, paddy husk,
be reared in larger numbers under intensive/semi- rice husk, coconut husk, etc.
intensive conditions by providing inputs similar to
• Litter absorbs moisture from poultry droppings and
those given to commercial broilers. Consequently, they
provides warmth in winter and coolness in summer.
need to be reared under proper brooding/nursery
management up to six weeks, after which they may be • Rake the litter frequently and treat it with slaked
released under a free range or scavenging system. lime to avoid caking. Remove moist litter and
replace it with fresh litter.
• Spread newspapers on the litter to prevent chicks
from feeding on it till they are accustomed to
differentiate litter from feed.
• Rear the chicks on standard chick starter ration.
• Brooding can be natural or artificial; the former
involves a broody hen and the latter may involve
heat sources, reflectors, electric bulbs, etc.
• Secure the brooding area with a brooder guard/
chick guard made of cardboard sheet, GI sheet,
Backyard hen with chicks Source: P Rathod, ICRISAT wire mesh, mats, etc to restrict bird movement
close to the heat source.
16 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods
Managing adult birds after six weeks Constructing a night shelter
• Let the birds free to forage/scavenge during the • Use low cost and locally available materials like
day; provide them shelter during night. bamboo, wooden planks, polythene sheets, etc.
• Provide clean drinking water before letting them • Build the shelter in a well-drained area a few inches
out. above the ground to avoid dampness. Provide
• The preferred flock size is 12-15 birds per adequate space per bird and avoid overcrowding.
household depending on the area and natural • For laying hens, dark, raised secure nests with clean
food available. nesting material should be available. Nests can be
• Extra roosters can be reared separately and in the fenced area or in the shelter itself.
marketed for meat. • Hens lay more eggs if adequate artificial light is
• Night shelters should be well ventilated, have available.
adequate light and protection from predators.

The ideal night shelter

• Protects from the weather
• Protects from predators
• Spacious to enable movement
• Adequate ventilation
• A clean environment
• Helps in converting poultry litter into manure
• Reduces disease risk
Backyard poultry housing Source: P Rathod, ICRISAT

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 17

Space requirements for chickens. food or greens like waste grains, germinated seeds,
mulberry leaves, azolla, drumstick leaves and
Age Floor space Feeding space Watering space subabul leaves (high protein sources).
(weeks) (sq. ft) (cm) (cm)
• Extra feed will depend on the free range available,
0-4 0.5 2.5 1.5 intensity of vegetation, availability of waste grains,
4-8 1.0 5.0 2.0 insects, etc.
8-12 2.0 6.5 2.5 • Under free range conditions, the birds meet their
protein requirements through scavenging, but the
• Check for loose or projecting wires, nails, or sharp
risk of energy deficiency is common. Feeding with
objects to avoid injuries.
locally available cereals like maize, sorghum, pearl
• Should be comfortable, stress free with optimum millet, broken rice with equal parts of polished
temperature, fresh air and sufficient light. rice or rice bran is essential. However, the nutrient
• Dimensions for a 10-bird night shelter: 4 ft long x 3 intake of scavenging birds varies with place and
ft wide x 3.5 ft high and 1.5-2 ft above the ground, season, crops grown and the natural vegetation
with a slope 3.5 ft to 2.5 ft. available.
• Drinker (waterer) and feeder must be in the front • Restrict feed at six months of age (age of sexual
with nests or baskets at a back corner of the shelter. maturity in layers) to control the weight of the birds.
• During the rainy season and harvest time, worms,
Feed management insects and post-harvest leftovers will be plenty for
• Should be reared on standard chick starter ration the birds to feed on.
during the initial six weeks under nursery rearing or • During the dry season of scarcity, feed supplements,
brooding. including household waste (kitchen leftovers)
• In the second growing stage, besides the feed and oilseed cakes have a positive effect on egg
material available in free range, provide natural production and body weight of scavenging birds.

18 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods

• A handful of grains or kitchen waste in the • Any feed of grain or household scrap should be
morning and evening can be given to supplement given inside the shelter. When regularly provided in
scavenging. the evening, it will help train the birds to willingly
• The scavenging feed base is very important for enter the enclosure before nightfall.
propagation of backyard birds. Soil type and • A locally available feed formulation includes:
cropping systems dominated by wheat, maize, ♦♦ 50% cereals (maize, sorghum, pearl millet,
rice, sugarcane and finger millet make up finger millet, broken rice)
supplementary feed base.
♦♦ 28% bran (rice bran, wheat bran, deoiled
• Supplemental calcium sources like limestone rice bran)
powder, stone grit and shell grit at 4-5 gms per bird
♦♦ 20% meal/oil cakes (soybean meal, groundnut
daily, especially during the laying phase, leads to a
meal, sunflower meal, linseed cake, etc.)
high rate of survival and good egg production.
♦♦ 2% additives (vitamin and mineral mixture).

Importance of fresh drinking water

• Access to fresh, clean and cool water at all times of
the day is a must.
• If birds are not provided water for two days,
they will cease producing eggs and the birds will
start moulting, during which the reproductive
physiology of the bird is allowed a complete rest
from laying. The bird builds up its body reserves of
nutrients and requires at least 10-15 days to restart
egg laying.
Source: P Rathod, ICRISAT

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 19

• A bird can drink twice as much water as its weight • While debeaking is discouraged in rural poultry
as it eats feed. A simple trough, floor-based given that the birds need to forage and scavenge, it
waterers or hanging waterers can be used. is recommended if the farmer is rearing about 80-
100 or more birds to avoid cannibalism, egg biting,
Breeding management feather pecking, etc.
• A rooster can service six to eight hens to obtain • After the first deworming, repeat at three-week
fertile eggs. intervals for a total of four deworming sessions.
• Collect fertile eggs from the nest regularly and store • While medicating via drinking water, follow the
them in a cool and well-ventilated place. veterinarian’s advice on the amount of medicine
• Place 10-12 eggs under a brooding hen within two to be mixed in the water that chicks normally
weeks of egg collection for higher hatchability. consume in four hours (approximately 6 litres for
100 birds per day, at six weeks).
• Rural hatcheries can be set up using a community-
based approach for improved hatchability under • Provide extra water only when all the medicated
field conditions. water is consumed.
• Dust and dip the birds or fumigate the house at the
Health care slightest indication of external/ecto-parasites.
• Vaccinate birds against Marek’s disease, Newcastle • Take care not to dip the head and avoid dipping on
disease (Ranikhet disease), fowl pox, etc. for greater rainy days.
immunity. • Strictly follow the instructions of veterinarians and
• Deworm birds regularly to protect from internal manufacturers to avoid health hazards.
parasites due to their scavenging nature.

20 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods

Debeaking and deworming schedule

42-50 days
13-16 weeks
First deworming Continue deworming
31-42 days Second debeaking
(may be done once in three months
First debeaking and second
earlier if worms or as per requirement
are noticed)

Recommended vaccination schedule for backyard poultry

Newcastle disease Infectious Bursal disease Pox Newcastle disease
At day 5-7 At day 14 At day 21 At day 28
Strain: Lasota Strain: Georgia Strain: Fowl pox Strain: Lasota
Dosage: One drop Dosage: One drop Dosage: 0.20 ml Dosage: One drop
Route: Eye drop Route: Oral drop Route: Subcutaneous injection Route: Eye drop

Newcastle disease* Pox*

At Week 9 At Week 12
Strain: R2B Strain: Fowl pox
Dosage: 0.5 ml Dosage: 0.20 ml
Route: Subcutaneous injection Route: Subcutaneous injection

*Vaccines to be repeated at six-month intervals or as per requirement.

Note: The first day’s vaccination for Marek’s disease is generally done at the hatchery.
Source: RIVER, Puduchery

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 21

Health care continued... • Record keeping of egg production also helps
• Avoid rearing different species of poultry together farmers identify underperforming/best performing
(chicken with ducks, turkeys etc.). Separate young birds to either cull/breed them to enhance
and adult stock. production.
• Maintain hygiene in poultry houses and keep • Information on vaccination and deworming may
equipment clean. Ensure proper disposal of dead also be recorded.
birds. Prevent entry of rodents. Though biosecurity
is cost intensive, it pays in the long run in terms Marketing of Backyard Poultry
of fewer losses from infection and good quality
production. Periodical culling is advised to control While products of
the spread of diseases. backyard poultry are in
great demand in India,
they require the right
Record keeping market. Community-based
How do you monitor the performance of individual approaches like Self Help
birds? Some basic record keeping is essential. Groups (SHG), Farmer
• This is easy to follow as each hen lays eggs in Producer Organizations and
separate nests and the number of birds reared in poultry cooperatives can
backyards is generally small. provide the right platform
• Tracking each hen’s egg laying capacity and to market the birds
hatching performance helps in choosing hens to without the involvement
produce the next generation. of middlemen. Encourage
marketing on the basis of
• Recording expenses, production and sales provides
net weight instead of flock
insights into the economics of backyard poultry Source: S. Naik, KVAFSU, Bidar
22 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods
Information sources for scientific • ICAR-Central Avian Research Institute (CARI),
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh
backyard poultry
• Central Poultry Development Organization
Several research institutions under the Indian Council and Training Institute (CPDOTI), Hesaraghatta,
of Agricultural Research (ICAR),State Agricultural and Karnataka
Veterinary Universities ( and
• Central Poultry Development Organization (CPDO),
associated Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) (
Mumbai, Maharashtra are involved in
developing and promoting indigenous and improved • Central Poultry Development Organization (CPDO),
poultry breeds suitable for backyard rearing apart Chandigarh.
from delivering scientific information on poultry • Central Poultry Development Organization (CPDO),
farming. The Department of Animal Husbandry Bhubaneswar, Odisha
and Veterinary Services of state governments are • All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on
also involved in such activities. Private industries, Poultry, Hyderabad, Telangana
Farmer Producer Organizations, Non-Government
• ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research
Organizations, Self Help Groups and Farmers’
Institute, Goa
Associations too promote backyard poultry. Farmers
can readily procure pullets from these organizations • ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research (DPR),
or procure fertile eggs of native breeds to hatch to Hyderabad, Telangana
make their own stock. • ICAR-National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources
(NBAGR), Karnal, Haryana
The following organizations (not an exhaustive list)
• Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences
involved in developing and promoting indigenous
University (KVAFSU), Bidar, Karnataka
and improved poultry breeds can provide related
information: • Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences
University (TANUVAS), Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods | 23

• Kerala Agricultural University,
Thrissur, Kerala
• Kerala Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University (KVASU),
Pookode, Kerala
• Maharashtra Animal and
Fishery Sciences University
(MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra
• Birsa Agricultural University,
Ranchi, Jharkhand
• Assam Agriculture University,
Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam
• Maharana Pratap University
of Agricultural and Technology
(MPUAT), Udaipur, Rajasthan
• Nanaji Deshmukh Pashu
Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya
• CSK Himachal Pradesh
Agricultural University,
Palampur, Himachal Pradesh.
Source: ICAR-NBAGR, Karnal

24 | Guide to Backyard Poultry Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods

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Feb 2020

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