A. Stalzer Supervising Middle Managers - Handout
A. Stalzer Supervising Middle Managers - Handout
A. Stalzer Supervising Middle Managers - Handout
Purposeful Supervision of
Middle Managers
ACPA 2008
Presented By:
Amy Stalzer, MBA Admissions, Emory University
[email protected] (404) 727-2685
Middle Managers in the Literature
Extending from top management down to the
front line
Gen Xs
Likely to be married
Child Care
Own Homes
Older Gen Ys
Moving through the early life stage changes
Young Gen Ys
Many still live at home with their parents
Unaware of the “reality” of life
Divergent career paths
New Challenges
Standards of Behavior
discretionary effort
long term commitment
peak performance
low turnover
increased tenure
Factors influencing Employee
Meaningful work
Connectedness to colleagues
Connectedness to leader
*Ken Blanchard Companies
General Strategies for Supervisors
Recognize the need for development
Ask yourself:
Are you motivating your people?
Are you challenging your people?
Do you show that you care for your people?
More Strategies
4 solutions to increase the odds of achieving an engaged
Educate the leaders
Encourage networks
Champion work-life balance
Facilitate the match
2. Recognition 7. Freedom
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