Time Allowed 03:30 Total Marks: 80

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Term Examination, 2017

B.Tech (Electrical), 4th Term

Paper: EMF

Time Allowed 03:30 Total Marks: 80

Note: Attempt any five questions.
Q.1 Define and explain the following (16)
a) Ohm’s Law
b) EMF
c) KVL
Q.2 Explain The Biot-Savart Law,Also Explain The Magnetic Dipole.? (16)
Q.3 Define Coulmb’s Law and also deraive its Formula. (16)
Q.4 Define The Following Terms
a) Poisson’s Equation
b) Laplace Equation
c) Cuurrent Density
Q.5 Explain Divergence Theorem,also define Relative Permiability.? (16)

Q.6 Explain The Cartesian Coordinate System and Cross Product of Two
Vectors.? (16)
Q.7 Explain Magnetic Circuits And its Behaviour.? (16)
Q.8 Explain The Static E-Field And Dot Product of Two Vectors.? (16)

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