Female Foeticide: Magnitude of Problem
Female Foeticide: Magnitude of Problem
Female Foeticide: Magnitude of Problem
Female foeticide is the act of aborting a foetus because it is female. This is
a major social problem in India and has cultural connections with the dowry
system that is ingrained in Indian culture, despite the fact that it has been
prohibited by law since 1961. In India a strong preference for sons over
daughters exists, unlike in Western cultures. People realize smaller family
sizes with relatively greater number of sons through the use of medical
It is estimated that more than 10 million female foetuses have been
illegally aborted in India. Researchers for the Lancet journal based in
Canada and India stated that 500,000 girls were being lost annually
through sex-selective abortions.
Pre-natal sex-determination was
banned in India in 1994, under
the Pre- and Prenatal Diagnostic
Techniques (Prohibition of
conception Sex Selection) Act. The Date
act aims to prevent sex-selective
abortion, which, according to the
Indian Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, "has its roots in
India’s long history of strong
patriarchal influence in all spheres
of life.
It is most prominent in Gujarat and
the North Indian states, which
according to census data have an alarmingly low ratio of female children.
Certain castes regularly practiced female infanticide and later female
foeticide. The castes with a much lower proportion of female children to
male children included lewa patidars and the rajputs in Gujarat; jats,
rajputs, khutris and royal brahmins in undivided Punjab, rajputs and gujars
in the Uttar Pradesh.
Female Foeticide
This process began in the early 1990s when ultrasound techniques gained
widespread use in India. There was a tendency for families to continuously
produce children until a male child was born. This was primarily due to the
large sexist culture that exists in India against women. This is reflected by
literacy rates among women as well as economic participation, which are
both particularly low in states where female foeticide is prominent and an
unequal population ratio exists alongside. The government initially
supported the practice to control population growth. The Preconception
and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act was passed in 1994,
making sex-selective abortion illegal. It was then modified in 2003 holding
medical professionals legally responsible. However, the PCPNDT Act has
been poorly enforced by authorities
Female foeticide has led to an increase in human trafficking. In 2011,
15,000 Indian women were bought and sold as brides in areas where
foeticide has led to a lack of women.
like GE, which specialize in marketing medical
equipments used for illegal sex determination and abortion in unlicensed
clinics and hospitals.
fines and judicial action against ‘parents’ who knowingly try to kill
their unborn baby.
campaigns and seminars for young adults and potential
parents to enlighten them about the ill effects of female feticide. Ignorance
is one of the major causes for the increase in the selective sex abortionTitle
Female Foeticide
cases. Spreading awareness can go a long way in saving our future
sisters, mothers, girlfriends and wives.
A cohesive and concerted effort by everyone can prove to be the requisite
baby step in the right direction. We may not support the notion of women
rising above men, or them becoming the dominant sex, or conquering the
world. However, the basic humane consideration to let an innocent child
live and see the world she was conceived to grow in is not too much to
ask. Let’s not be murderers of our own flesh and blood.