U2T1. - Practice Report - UP170496
U2T1. - Practice Report - UP170496
U2T1. - Practice Report - UP170496
Sergio Alejandro Martinez Moreno UP170496
Ramon Alonso Martinez Delgadillo UP170115
Abstract.- This practice will present the results obtained and 1, integer values between 0 and 37, and so
during the simulations made in the MATLAB program, on), it is common for each primary color to be
during this practice we will analyze an image, we will see encoded with one byte (8 bits). Thus, in a usual
how to convert it into a digital image, we will know how it
way, the intensity of each of the components is
is formed by three RGB matrices, where we will hide
measured according to a scale that goes from 0
each of these matrices, which will make lower the colors
to 255.
and see how the image reacts to lower these ones. Then
we will use some filters that will help us to see which
filter is better to later analyze shapes within the image. • RGB cube
This would be the beginning to later analyze images and Therefore, red is obtained with (255,0,0), green
create judgments from these ones. with (0,255,0) and blue with (0,0,255),
obtaining, in each case, a monochromatic
I SUMARRY resulting color. The absence of color - what is
known as black color - is obtained when the three
Esta práctica presentara los resultados obtenidos components are 0, (0,0,0). The combination of
durante las simulaciones hechas en el programa two colors at level 255 with a third at level 0
Matlab, durante esta práctica analizaremos una gives rise to three intermediate colors. In this
imagen, veremos cómo convertirla en una way yellow is (255,255,0), cyan (0,255,255) and
imagen digital, sabremos como se conforma magenta (255,0,255). Obviously, the color white
mediante tres matrices RGB, donde ocultaremos is formed with the three primary colors at their
cada una de estas matrices, que harán que highest level (255,255,255).
bajemos los colores y veremos cómo reacciona la
imagen a bajar estos. Después utilizaremos unos The set of all colors can be represented in the
filtros que nos servirán para ver cual filtro es form of a cube. Each color is a point on the
mejor para después analizar formas dentro de la surface or inside it. The gray scale would be
imagen. Esto sería el inicio para después analizar located on the diagonal that joins white with
imágenes y crear juicios a partir de estas. black.
II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK • Color on computer screens
RGB. (From the English Red, Green, Blue; red, On computer screens, the sensation of color is
green, blue). It refers to the composition of color produced by the additive mixing of red, green,
in terms of the intensity of the primary colors and blue. There are a series of tiny dots called
with which these colors are formed. It is a color pixels. Each point on the screen is a pixel, and
model based on additive synthesis, with which it each pixel is a set of three sub-pixels; one red,
is possible to represent a color by mixing by one green and one blue, each of which glows
adding the three primary light colors. The RGB with a certain intensity.
color model does not define by itself what exactly
red, green, or blue means, so the same RGB At first, the limitation on the color depth of most
values can display noticeably different colors on monitors led to a limited gamut of 216 colors,
defined by the color cube. However, the
different devices that use this color model.
Although they use the same color model, their dominance of 24-bit monitors made it possible to
color spaces can vary considerably. use 16.7 million colors from the HTML RGB color
• Proportions with which each color is
mixed The range of colors on the web consists of 216
To indicate with what proportion each color is combinations of red, green and blue, where each
mixed, a value is assigned to each of the primary color can take one of six different values (in
colors, so that the value 0 means that it does not hexadecimal): # 00, # 33, # 66, # 99, #CC or
intervene in the mixture and, as that value #FF . You can see 63 gives the number of
increases, it is understood that it provides more combinations, 216. These decimal values
intensity To the mix. Although the range of correspond to 0, 51, 102, 153, 204 and 255,
values could be anything (real values between 0 which have an intensity percentage of 0%, 20%,
Sergio Alejandro Martinez Moreno UP170496
Ramon Alonso Martinez Delgadillo UP170115
40%, 60%, 80% and 100%, respectively. This same sensation. And the color synthesis model is
allows the 216 colors to be divided into a cube of based on this limitation of human vision, through
dimension 6. which it can be obtained from studied visual
stimuli and with a mixture of the three primary
It is intended that the pixels are of a color the colors, the color of an object with a specific
more saturated the better, but it is never a pure spectrum.
color. Therefore, the production of colors with
this system has a double limitation: • Luminance signal
The sensation of luminosity is given by the
The derivative of the operation of additive brightness of an object and by its opacity, being
mixtures: only the interior colors of the triangle able to produce two objects with different shades
formed by the three light sources can be and prisms the same luminous sensation. The
obtained. luminance signal is the quantification of that
The derivative of the fact that the primary colors sensation of brightness. To maintain compatibility
used are not monochromatic. between black and white images and color
Furthermore, the various screens are not the images, current television systems (PAL, NTSC,
same, in addition to being configurable by users, SECAM) transmit three pieces of information:
with which various parameters may vary. This luminance and two-color difference signals.
implies that the color coding intended for the
displays should be interpreted as relative In this way, the old black and white models can
descriptions, and the accuracy understood ignore the information related to the color, and
according to the characteristics of the display. reproduce only the luminance, that is, the
brightness of each pixel applied to a grayscale
• Perception and sensation of color image. And color televisions obtain the
The eyes have two types of light-sensitive cells or information of the three RGB components from a
photoreceptors: rods and cones. The latter are matrix that relates each component to one of the
responsible for providing the color information. color differences signals. For each of the
To know how a color is perceived, it must be television systems they are transmitted
taken into account that there are three types of differently, which is why you may have problems
cones with different frequency responses, and when reproducing an NTSC signal in a PAL
that they have maximum sensitivity to the colors reproduction system.
that make up the RGB triple, red, green and blue. III RESULTS & CALCULATIONS
While the cones, which receive information from In the figure 1 and figure 2 we are able to see
green and red, have a similar sensitivity curve, that we turned off the RGB matrices and in these
the response to blue is one twentieth (1/20) of figures, we can see how they changed when we
the response to the other two colors. This fact is turned off one by one the RGB matrices.
taken advantage of by some image and video
coding systems, such as JPEG or MPEG,
consciously "losing" more information from the
blue component, since the eyes will not perceive
this loss.
The fact that the sensation of color is obtained in Figure 1. Turning off matrices RGB.
this way means that two observed objects,
radiating a different spectrum, can produce the
Sergio Alejandro Martinez Moreno UP170496
Ramon Alonso Martinez Delgadillo UP170115
Sergio Alejandro Martinez Moreno UP170496
Ramon Alonso Martinez Delgadillo UP170115