Types, Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence: Chapter - 6
Types, Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence: Chapter - 6
Types, Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence: Chapter - 6
“It is always said that whenever there is a cause there is an effect or x is always followed
by y”
Domestic violence is considered as a major social problem in Indian society. Then the
question arises that what are the causes for domestic violence or what causes men to be violent,
abusive and so much cruel towards their own wives? Domestic violence in itself is the violation
of human rights but still there is no decrease in the cases of domestic violence. As far as India is
concerned we can have a look on the past decades, with increasing evidences regarding the
phenomenon, domestic violence has drawn a lot of attention from several concerned feminists,
human rights group, and sociologists and social workers. Many social scientists have also
attempted to study the phenomenon and have also proposed several theories related to domestic
violence and also to explain the same. Domestic violence also have many types like for example
it is a wrong perception by people that only beating, slapping or physical violence is domestic
violence but there are many other types of violence like sexual violence, economical violence,
emotional or psychological violence. As there is growth and development in Indian society in
term of technology and other things there is also growth and development in terms of types of
domestic violence. If types are there then we have to know the reasons or the causes for domestic
violence against women and the present study is also an attempt to highlight the major causes of
domestic violence. So to know domestic violence and to learn more we have to know about
what are the factors or causes giving rise to domestic violence. The definition of the term
"domestic violence" varies, depending on the context in which it is used. It may be defined
differently in medical, legal, political or social contexts. The definitions have varied over time,
and vary in different parts of the world. Traditionally, domestic violence was mostly associated
with physical violence. For instance, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition,
domestic violence is: “the inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on
another; also: a repeated / habitual pattern of such behavior”. However, domestic violence today,
as defined by international conventions and by governments, has a much broader definition,
including sexual, psychological and economic abuse. “Domestic violence shall mean all acts of
physical, sexual, psychological or economic violence that occur within the family or domestic
unit or between former or current spouses or partners, whether or not the perpetrator shares or
has shared the same residence with the victim”.
The term "Intimate partner violence" (IPV) is often used synonymously with domestic
abuse or domestic violence. Family violence is a broader definition, often used to include child
abuse, elder abuse and other violent acts between family members.
Broad definitions of domestic violence are common today. For instance the Act XX on
Domestic Violence 2006, in Malta, defines DV as follows:
"Domestic violence" means any act of violence, even if only verbal, perpetrated by a
household member upon another household member and includes any omission which
causes physical or moral harm to the other"
Terms such as wife abuse, wife beating, and battering are descriptive terms that have lost
popularity recently for several reasons:
There is acknowledgment that many victims are not actually married to the abuser, but
rather cohabiting or in other arrangements.
Abuse can take other forms than physical abuse. Other forms of abuse may be constantly
occurring, while physical abuse happens occasionally. These other forms of abuse that
are not physical, also have the potential to lead to mental illness, self harm, and even
attempts at suicide.
Males as well as females may be victims of domestic violence, and females as well as
males can be the perpetrators.
All forms of domestic abuse can occur in same sex partnerships.
"Domestic violence" may also be the name of a specific criminal offence, in a criminal code
of a jurisdiction, describing various criminal acts. It may also appear in the context of legislation
that is not necessary criminal, but rather civil (providing for civil remedies, protection orders
etc.). See, for example, Protection of women or Domestic violence Act.
Physical abuse
It is abuse involving contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, pain, injury, or other
physical suffering or bodily harm. Physical abuse includes hitting, slapping, punching, choking,
pushing, burning and other types of contact that result in physical injury to the victim. Physical
abuse can also include behaviors such as denying the victim of medical care when needed,
depriving the victim of sleep or other functions necessary to live, or forcing the victim to engage
in drug/alcohol use against his/her will. If a person is suffering from any physical harm then they
are experiencing physical abuse. This pain can be experienced on any level. It can also include
inflicting physical injury onto other targets, such as children or pets, in order to cause
psychological harm to the victim.
Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse is any situation in which force or threat is used to obtain participation in unwanted
sexual activity. Coercing a person to engage in sexual activity against their will, even if that
person is a spouse or intimate partner with whom consensual sex has occurred, is an act of
aggression and violence.
Sexual violence is defined by WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION as “any sexual act, attempt
to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise
directed, against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their
relationship to the victim, in any setting, including but not limited to home and work.”
a. Use of physical force to compel a person to engage in a sexual act against his or her will,
whether or not the act is completed;
b. Attempted or completed sex act involving a person who is unable to understand the
nature or condition of the act, unable to decline participation, or unable to communicate
unwillingness to engage in the sexual act, e.g., because of underage immaturity, illness,
disability, or the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or because of intimidation or
Emotional abuse
It is used to control, degrade, humiliate and punish a spouse. While emotional abuse
differs from physical abuse, the end result is the same. A spouse becomes fearful of their partner
and begins to change their behaviors to keep their partner happy. The happier their partner, the
less domestic violence the spouse has to suffer. By the time a spouse identifies the true problem
they have begun to feel as if they are crazy. They will doubt themselves and their own sense of
reality because emotional abuse is meant to cause the victim to question their every thought and
behavior. Below are some of the tactics which normally emotional abuser uses:
Control all the financial decisions, refuse to listen to their partner’s opinion,
withhold important financial information and make their spouse live on limited
resources. They make all major decisions such as where to live, how to furnish
the home and what type of automobile to drive.
Deprives the victim of all social support necessary for the ability to resist.
Monopolization of Perception
Cultivates anxiety and despair.
Occasional Indulgences
Demonstrating “Omnipotence”
Makes cost of resistance appear more damaging to the self-esteem than capitulation
Emotional abuse is crippling. It robs a person of their self-esteem, the ability to think
rationally, confidence in themselves and their independence and autonomy. If the spouse’s words
and behaviors have caused any of the following feelings it is time to see it as emotional violence:
Economical abuse
Economic abuse is a form of abuse when one intimate partner has control over the other
partner's access to economic resources. Economic abuse may involve preventing a spouse from
resource acquisition, limiting the amount of resources to be used by the victim, or by exploiting
economic resources of the victim. The motive behind preventing a spouse from acquiring
resources is to diminish victim's capacity to support himself/herself, thus forcing him/her to
depend on the perpetrator financially, which includes preventing the victim from obtaining
education, finding employment, maintaining or advancing their careers, and acquiring assets. In
addition, the abuser may also put the victim on an allowance, closely monitor how the victim
spends money, spends victim's money without his/her consent and creating debt, or completely
spends victim's savings to limit available resources.
The below mentioned table 6.1 clearly indicates that majority of respondents reporting
about all types of violence, 37.5% respondents said that they have suffered all types of violence
like physical, sexual, emotional as well as economical also. They are beaten up by their
husbands, in-laws etc. they also said sexual violence is also there as well as using abusive words
is common in day to day life and also humiliation for money also. 17.5% of the respondents said
that only physical, emotional and sexual violence was there in there married life. No torture was
there in terms of money. Only 1% of the respondents said that there was no violence in their
entire married life. Few of the respondents complained only for sexual violence that is only 3%
they also said that in their entire married life they never experienced any types of beating or
physical violence, nor financial violence and neither emotional torture. Again many respondents
said that physical and emotional violence was much in their lives the percent is 20.5%. 9% of
women said that they were victim of only emotional violence nothing else and other 2% said that
they always had to beg for money from the husband and parent-in-laws. Even for basic needs.
Many respondents also said that though they were working and were getting salaries but it was
taken up by the husbands or by in-laws and then she had to beg even for 10 rupees. Very few 5%
of women said that they were victim of economical as well as emotional because they got
married at an early age or them were not educated and depending wholly on the husband and his
Table 6.1
Sr. Cumulative
Category Frequency Percentage
No. Percentage
1. 9 4.5 4.5
2. 4 2.0 6.5
3. 18 9.0 15.5
4. 6 3.0 18.5
5. 75 37.5 56.0
All types
6. No violence 2 1.0 57.0
200 100.0
Physical Violence
Table: 6.2
2. 8 4.0 20.5
3. 8 4.0 24.5
Twisting arms
4. 7 3.5 28.0
5. 10 5.0 33.0
6. 100 50.0 83.0
7. 34 17.0 100.0
No physical
200 100.0
The above mentioned table 6.2 clearly indicates the common types of physical violence
the women have to go through. Majority of women that is almost half of the women 50% said
that their husband used to beat them, agonize them physically. They used to throw objects on
her, used to kick her from his legs even at the time of pregnancy. Twisting her arms, slapping
was a normal thing that the husband used to do, even beating etc. As many as 17% women said
there was no physical violence even by the husband or by in-laws. 16.5% respondents said that
throwing object was one type of physical violence with them. Whatever used to be in the
husbands hands he used to throw at her to show his power and to control her. 4% was for two
categories that is kicking and twisting of arms by the husband. Many respondents said that many
times they had minor fractures. 5% respondents said that beating with hands by husbands and in-
laws was one of the common things they had gone through. Very few respondents that is 3.5%
said that slapping was one of the physical violence.
Table: 6.3
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
YES 183 91.5 91.5
NO 17 8.5 100.0
200 100.0
Table 6.3 indicates women response with regard to slapping. The respondents were asked
that whether slapping comes under domestic violence or not. Majority of the respondents that is
91.5% said “yes” that slapping is a part of violence because slapping somebody is again a kind of
physically hurting somebody. Very few respondents that is 8.5% said that it is not a form of
domestic violence. Respondents also said that there are different types of slapping behavior and
with varying intensities.
Table: 6.4
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
YES 184 92.0 92.0
NO 16 8.0 100.0
200 100.0
Table: 6.4 the data in the above table reveals that notably 92.0% of the respondents are of
the opinion that beating of wife by husband or in-laws is a form of domestic violence. They said
that beating includes physical violence, physically hurting a person like throwing of objects,
kicking by legs etc. Beating is a form of domestic violence. Very few of the respondents that are
only 8.0% said no that beating is not a part of domestic violence.
Table 6.5
Category Cumulative
Sr.No. Frequency Percentage
1. 56 28.0 28.0
Once in a week
2. 33 16.5 44.5
Twice/thrice in a week
3. 68 34.0 78.5
Once in a month
4. 5 2.5 81.0
5. 38 19.0 100.0
About 34.0 % respondents pointed that beating was very common in their married life.
The majority of respondents said that they were beaten up twice or thrice in every week. The
reason for beating was sometimes alcohol, sometimes children, sometimes mother-in-laws etc.
Many respondents also said that beating everyday was very common. They always use to remain
in a kind of fear that the husband will come and will get some reason and start beating or even
many respondents said that their husband had a bad drinking habit due to which they used to
drink everyday and beat. Many of them even said that because their husbands were jobless that
was the reason or some of them said because of extra marital affairs they use to come and beat
every day. 19% respondents said that in their entire married life beating was not there. Very few
respondents that is 16.5% women said that their husband used to beat only once in a week that
was due to some or other arguments or because of mother-in-law or other family member. Very
few said that beating was there once in a month that even because of some or other silly reason.
Many respondents said that it is normal for women that husbands and parent-in-laws are beating.
Table: 6.6
Category Cumulative
Sr.No. Frequency Percentage
1. Hitting 10 5.0 5.0
All types
(hitting, slapping, kicked,
8. 88 44.0 83.5
repeatedly insult, hearing bad words,
always need to ask money)
The data indicates that 44% respondents said that they faced all types of violence in their
family like hitting, kicking, slapping, repeated insult, hearing bad words, always need to ask for
money etc. They said that it was a day to day activity which used to start early in the morning
and used to go whole day till night. Many respondents that are 16.5% also said that there was no
violence in their life, no abusive words nothing. 13.5% respondents pointed that there was
emotional torture in the married life like using abusive and bad words etc. 11.5% respondents
revealed that their husbands and parents-in-laws mainly mother and sister-in-laws always use to
insult them in front of others or in front of her natal family. 5% respondent complained of hitting
again and again hitting was the common physical violence. 3.5% women respondents said that
slapping was the only common form of domestic violence in her whole marriage. Very few
respondents that is 2.5% said that a kind of emotional violence was there on them because there
was always constant inquires to know about the whereabouts. 2% of women respondents said
that they always had to ask for money from their husband that was a kind of mental and
economical violence on them. 1.5% that is very small number of women said that kicking was a
common form of violence on them.
Table: 6.7
Category Cumulative
Sr.No. Frequency Percentage
1. 72 36.0 36.0
2. 23 11.5 47.5
6. All
(husband, parent-in-law, 81 40.5 93.0
7. 14 7.0 100.0
and sister-in-law
200 100.0
The above mentioned data reveals that were mainly responsible for domestic violence.
Majority of respondents that is 40.5% suggested that the responsible person for domestic
violence was whole of the husband’s family. They gave different reasons for violence but mainly
majority of respondents said that the whole family is responsible. 36% of respondents said that
husbands were mainly responsible for their condition and different reasons were given like
alcohol, extra marital affairs, desire for male child etc. Even 11.5% respondents pointed that the
husbands were good, they were not at all responsible for any type of violence but because of
mother-in-laws and her nature she used to create problem in their relationship. Very few
respondents that is only 0.5% said that father-in-laws were responsible for them facing domestic
violence and only 1% said that brother-in-laws responsible for facing domestic violence and
gave various reasons for that. 3.5% women said that most of the problems were created by the
sister-in-laws because they always used to be at their homes and telling wrong and bad things
about them. 7% respondents said that mother-in-laws and sister-in-laws are responsible for them
facing domestic violence because mainly due to a kind of jealousy. Most of the respondents said
that their mother-in-laws is one and only reason for their facing domestic violence. She has a
jealousy feeling against her and she does not allow her son to be with the wife and then always
used to say some or other wrong things and then intentionally she wanted to create such situation
that the husband should get angry and start beating her. Even it is always said that a woman is a
woman’s biggest enemy.
Table: 6.8
200 100.0
As the table indicates that in the event of violent behavior or harassment women tried to
seek help from someone. In Indian society which is a patriarchal one, it is always advised to girls
that whatever happens or in whatever situation you are in, you should never leave your
husband’s house and come and never even share your family matters with others. In the above
mentioned table it is clear that when it comes to family related violence majority of women
approach their natal family, Myakka. As it is her parents’ house, her own house. Majority of the
respondents that is 76% said that in the event of harassment or violent behavior they use to go to
seek help from their natal family. Very few respondents that are only 9.5% said that approached
to both police as well as the natal family to get rid of violence. Only 3.5% women said that they
went to the neighbors for help because natal family was out of station or were not ready to help
her. Very few only 3% said that they went to their friends for help. 3.5% women said that they
directly went to the police for help, and there they revealed a new picture about the police, that
the police people used to say, that “it’s your family matter, solve it at home, don’t bring it in
public”. And so on. Very few that are 1.5% approached to the community leader but nothing
much was done. 2.5% women said that first they went to their friends and they advised that to
have a word with parents and then move forward. Not many were interested to go in mahila
mandal only 0.5% said that they went to women organizations for help but nothing was done.
Table: 6.9
Category Cumulative
Sr.No. Frequency Percentage
1. 15 7.5 7.5
Has remained the same
2. Has increased 104 52.0 59.5
3. Has 65 32.5 92.0
The data shows that after intervention of others like natal family, friends, and police etc. majority
of women that is 52% said that it was increased because of intervention by others. 32.5% said
that after intervention of others the husband and parent-in-laws got some fear in their mind that
somebody is keeping an eye on them so they said that it got decreased. 8% respondents did not
say anything about whether it got increased or decreased because they were confused by
themselves. Some 7.5% respondents said that even after intervention by these people it remained
the same.
Table: 6.10
Table: 6.11
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 25 12.5 12.5
The above mentioned table reveals the opinion of the respondents about beating children
is justified when all alternatives are exhausted. Majority that is 87.5% respondents suggested that
it is wrong to beat children when all other alternatives are exhausted. It is human mind and
nature that when an individual is frustrated they want to take out everything on someone and
mostly it happens in the case of domestic violence that the children becomes the victims of this.
It is noticed that majority of respondents suggested that it’s wrong and gave their answers in no
but they themselves revealed that many times they also use to lose their control and used to beat
the children. Very few respondents that is 12.5% said that it right to beat the children because
they do not have any other option except this.
Table: 6.12
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. Yes 181 90.5 90.5
2. No 19 9.5 100.0
200 100.0
In India women are trained in such a way that in any circumstances they should not leave the
husband’s house. The socialization of women are in such a way that they will never take a
decision like to leave the husband’s house. It is always said to a girl that husband’s house is only
her original/final home. In any situation she should not leave his house. In Hindi it is said to the
girls that “Yahan se Teri Doli Utt Rahi Hai but Sasural Se Teri Arthi Uttni Chaihiye”. This kind
of teaching or training is given to a girl since her early age. Majority of respondents that is 90.5%
said that Yes women are trained in such a manner that they should never leave the house of her
husband. Only 9.5% respondents said that No the women are not trained in such a way but it is
the women who tolerates all these violence in hope that one day her husband will realize her
importance and value.
Table: 6.13
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 178 89.0 89.0
2. NO 22 11.0 100.0
The data reveals a clear picture that if a woman takes the decision of giving divorce to her
husband it means the situation would be beyond her control. Majority of respondents said that
after tolerating so much of violence at the hands of husband and in-laws they had to take this
type of decision. 89% women said that because of worst situation like, everyday beating at the
hands of husband, listening of abusive words, taunting from mother-in-law or sister-in-law or
other in-laws, they had to take this decision. Many respondents said that they could have even
tolerated all this violence whole life but many times it happened that violence was on their
children, so for the better future of their children they had to seek divorce. Many respondents
said in Indian society divorce or divorced women are not considered as good or in other words
stigmas are attached to her that’s why most of the women drop the idea of seeking divorce. Very
less percentage of respondents 11% said No that it is not necessary that if a woman wants to take
divorce then really her circumstances are worst. They said that there can be different reasons for
this like may be the couple is not able to set up a proper tuning among them or may be there is a
kind of adjustment problem or may be because of ego clashes.
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 160 80.0 80.0
2. NO 40 20.0 100.0
200 100.0
The above mentioned table suggests that emotional violence refers in terms of
housekeeping. Majority of women that is 80% said that one of the main reasons of domestic
violence or emotional violence was on issue of housekeeping. Husband and in-laws both always
used to find some or the other nukes in work. Most of it uses to start from taunting then insulting
her. Many respondents even said that many times it is used to start from morning and continued
till evening with usage of abusive words. Mostly, the respondents said that the mother-in-laws
and sister-in-laws both always used to search for a moment for insulting her and even if they will
not get any chance then they used to take topic of housekeeping and started insulting. Even many
respondents disclosed that in front of others also mostly mother-in-laws and husband used to
start insulting for housekeeping. Only 20% respondents said that they did not experience any
type of insult and psychological tension for housekeeping. Even these respondents said that their
parent-in-laws never used to do these types of things or insult especially in front of others. In fact
here, the situation was bit different. In front of others they always used to show great love and
affection, used very nice and good words, never used to allow to do work, they never used to
insult or use abusive words in front of others but at home they were the worst people.
Table: 6.15
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 158 79.0 79.0
2. NO 42 21.0 100.0
The human nature is very difficult to understand. What we have we are never satisfied
with that. We always think about what others are having or in other words we usually compared
our things with others. It is clear through the above mentioned table that majority of respondents
that is 79% are saying that they were always compared to other women. Husband/In-laws always
used to make comparison between her and husband’s friend’s wives. Many respondents said that
whenever they used to go out then many times the husband used to praise other women and they
always used to say that why I am not like other women. It always used to give a kind of
inferiority feeling to them. Most of the respondents even pointed that whenever anybody used to
visit their place then the mother-in-laws always used to insult by comparing with other women.
21% women said that their husband or in-laws never used to compare with any other women but
they always used to say to change herself according to them.
Table: 6.16
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 163 81.5 81.5
2. NO 37 18.5 100.0
The above mentioned data reveals that 81.5% of respondents said that they always had to
take permission to visit her own relatives and whenever she used to ask to visit them mostly the
husband or mother-in-law used to deny. They always used to hear a No to go to the natal family.
The in-laws and mother-in-law had in their mind that they will go and tell the real picture of her,
of her mother-in-law or father-in-law or she will go and will discuss her family matters in front
of her natal family. Most of the respondents even said that the in-laws always used to demand for
money and she never used to go and put their demands in front of her parents so they also used to
discourage them from going to natal family as well as to visit the relatives. Many respondents
even disclosed that on several occasions like festivals or rakshabandan, In-laws and husband
used to deny from going to the natal home. Very few 18.5% respondents said that their In-laws
and husband never used to deny them from visiting relatives. They always used to send to the
relatives because in our Indian society whenever a girl visits to her relatives after marriage they
give gifts, sari, sweets etc. Here also they had their own interest. Many times denying visiting
relatives also turned into physical violence. It always gave a kind of mental stress and tension to
a girl if they were refused or denied from visiting her own relatives.
Table: 6.17
2. NO 82 41.0 100.0
The above mentioned table suggests that 59% of women respondents said that their
husbands used to threaten them to leave the house or to commit suicide. The main reason which
the majority of women said for this was the extra-marital affairs of the husband and demands for
money. In majority of the cases they said that they were even forced to a limit to think of
committing suicide by their husbands at times and by mother-in laws too. Only 41% respondents
said that their husbands never tried to do anything of this sort.
Table: 6.18
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 151 75.5 75.5
2. NO 49 24.5 100.0
The above mentioned table shows that majority of the respondents that is more than the
half 75.5% said that their husbands never allowed them to move freely here and there. They said
that all kinds of restrictions were imposed on her. Their husband used to keep an eye on them
and their whereabouts. They also mentioned that they were not left alone in their own house.
Most of the women said that they were not even allowed to go to shop alone, vegetable markets
alone or with her friends. She was not even allowed to visit her natal family alone. 24.5%
respondents said that their husbands never bothered for them and their whereabouts. They never
even used to ask that where is she going, when she will come back, in both the cases it is a type
of emotional torture to women or in other words a type of domestic violence that is emotional
violence because woman’s emotions are involved here.
Table: 6.19
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 135 67.5 67.5
2. NO 65 32.5 100.0
200 100.0
The table above shows that husbands accusing their wives of having affairs with someone
else. Majority of the respondents that is 67.5% said that their husbands always doubted them. If
somebody will call or if any of their friends meets them by chance in vegetable market or at any
place where she and her husband were there, then he started questioning like from how many
years we know each other, what type of friends we are. Majority of the respondents said that
husbands never allowed even to talk on mobile phone. He always used to ask why and who is
calling you again and again, tell them not to call, tell them you are married now and when the
respondents used to try and tell him that he is just a friend then he used to give or call her from
bad names, always used to start using abusive language and words. 32.5% respondents said that
their husband never ever accused them of having an affair with others but mother-in-laws and
other in-laws sometimes used to accuse them.
Table: 6.20
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 128 64.0 64.0
2. NO 72 36.0 100.0
200 100.0
This table indicates that husbands usually or daily gave verbal threat to use physical force.
Majority of the respondents that is 64% said that their husbands always used to give verbal
threats that he will use physical force on her. Many women said that they always used to be in a
fear that husband will beat them very badly.
Sexual violence
Table: 6.21
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 104 52.0 52.0
2. 96 48.0 100.0
Total 200 100.0
The above mentioned table reveals the picture about sexual violence which is done on
women. In Baroda, majority of the respondents that is 52% said that their husbands always tried
to have unnatural sexual relation. Unnatural word means that which is not natural or which is
done with some kind of force or without the concern or will of the partners. Many respondents
said that because India is a patriarchal society and male dominating one so men are the rulers. It
is even said to the woman when she gets married, that now she will be under the control of her
husband, and the husband will be having full right on her body. Sexual relation is something
which is very private matter as well as in marriage it is considered as important and sacred. The
physical intimacy should be with careful concern and it should not be forcefully done. It is seen
or it is clear with the above mentioned data that majority of women complain of sexual violence
and their husband tries to have unnatural sexual relations with them. 48% of respondents said
that their husbands never tried to have unnatural sex because some of them said that husband was
having extra-marital affair and some said their husband never found them attractive and so on.
Table: 6.22
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 108 54.0 54.0
2. 92 46.0 100.0
Total 200 100.0
The data reveals that most of the respondents said that their husbands used to pressurize
them to have sexual relation without will. 54% women said that their husbands never used to
bother what kind of mood she was in. Whether she is willing or not, they were least bothered.
Because sex is something which needs consent of both the partners and if one is willing and the
other is not, it is considered a kind of violence. Maximum women said that their husbands many
times used physical force to make sexual relationship with them as they also mentioned that
marriage legally permits man and woman to have sexual relationship. But marriage also is all
about respecting each others feelings but due to this patriarchal society or male dominating
society, men usually assume that they have full rights on their wives and they also try to show
his superiority by using physical force on them and make sexual relation. 46% respondents
pointed that their husbands never used physical force for sex.
Table: 6.23
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. YES 117 58.5 58.5
2. 83 41.5 100.0
Total 200 100.0
The above table suggests that 58.5% husbands also used to force their wives to watch
pornographic movies. Mostly respondents said that their husband always used to get some
pornographic movies on their phones or CDs and forced them to sit and watch it with them and
then use to force her and tried to have sexual relations with them. Many respondents said that
they never used to like watching porn movies but because of pressurization they had to. 41.5%
respondents said no for pornographic movies but they even said that their husbands used to
watch this type of porn movie at least once in a day but never used to force them to watch.
Economical violence
Table: 6.24
Category Cumulative
Sr.No. Frequency Percentage
1. 169 84.5 84.5
2. Mother-in-law 9 4.5 89.0
4. 17 8.5 100.0
200 100.0
The table shows the fourth type of violence that is economic violence. Majority of the
respondents that is 84.5% said that they always had to ask everything from somebody from the
husband’s family. Health is one of very important things. It is also said that “Health is wealth”.
Majority of women said that even health care was not taken care of. Many respondents even said
that even at the time of delivery of their child no proper care was taken. Husband and in-laws
never bothered for monthly check up and used to say that if delivery expenses are needed or if
they need money then they should go to their natal family or house and get money and take care
of her. The condition of women in terms of finance or money is very poor because most of the
respondents or we should say majority of the respondents are dependent on their husbands.
Majority of the women said that control of health care and other money related decisions were in
hands of husbands. Only 8.5% said that they had total control of money related decisions
because they were working and they didn’t had to depend on anybody. 4.5% said that mother-in-
law used to control everything related to health care. Only 2.5% said that it was handled by
Table: 6.25
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. 84 42.0 42.0
2. 116 58.0 100.0
200 100.0
The above mentioned table reveals that 58% women respondents said food is a very basic
thing which nobody can deny. Majority of them said there was no restriction on having food.
42% women respondents said that they had restriction even on food. Their husband used to keep
an eye on what they were eating, even the quantity was looked after. Some respondents even
disclosed that their husbands use to eat quality and quantity of food and after having food they
used to either lock the refrigerators or used to throw the food or put the food in the toilet so that
they could not consume that. Such ill-treatment was done to them. In our Indian society we keep
dogs, cats as our pets, we feed them before we eat and then eat our meal after feeding them.. In
such a country the husband is not giving food to his own wife who left her own house for him. It
is a very disturbing situation for human beings starving for food as basic necessity and society
ill-treating them for this need.
Table: 6.26
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. 85 42.5 42.5
2. 115 57.5 100.0
200 100.0
The data reflects that majority of respondents said that their husband or in-laws never
used to refuse her basic needs but they even stated that whatever they needed their parents used
to send each and every item from their natal home. Most of the respondents also said that
husbands never denied for any kind of basic, or small needs. 42.5% respondents said that in
terms of basic needs they were tortured like anything. Some respondents revealed that some
basic needs like soap, shampoos, sanitary pads, hair oils, biscuits and so on were refused by their
husband or by in-laws. These are some very basic needs without them how a person can imagine
surviving. Their husbands and in-laws used to say that if they want all these things they should
go to father’s house and get them.
Table: 6.27
2. NO 99 49.5 100.0
The data suggests that women had to beg for money always from their husbands because
most of the respondents were not working so for their each and every single need they had to
depend and beg from their husbands. Many respondents around 50.5% said that even for children
school fees they had beg twice / thrice then the husband or in-laws used to give money. If they
wanted something basic for household thing then also they had to beg from the husbands. 49.5%
said that their husband used to give money at the start of the month by himself and she had to
manage in that money only which is given to her by her husband. They said they didn’t had any
such issues of begging.
Table: 6.28
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. 91 45.5 45.5
2. 14 7.0 52.5
3. 15 7.5 60.0
4. Both husband and 76 38.0 98.0
5. 4 2.0 100.0
200 100.0
In the above mentioned table it is clearly specified that husbands mostly handled the
economic matters of the household that is 45.5%. Most of the respondents said because in their
family only husband is the earning member that is why all economic matters were handled by the
husbands. 38% women respondents said that both of them husband and In-laws used to handle
all kind of economic matters because both of them were working and educated. 7.5%
respondents said that only they used to handle all economic matters of the household because
many said that their husband was jobless, some said her husband had drinking habit because of
that he used to spend all his earned money on alcohol or so on. Only 7% said that all economic
matters were handled by parent-in-laws. Very less that is only 2% respondents said that all
economic matters were handled with joint decision of husband, parents-in-laws and including
The above mentioned table suggests the causes of domestic violence. It is said that India
and Indians are very conservative and are still ruled by all types of old customs and traditions
and various orthodox beliefs. The data clearly shows that one main cause of increase in domestic
violence is our orthodox belief system. 90% respondents said that old traditions, conventions,
superstitions and orthodox beliefs are directly responsible for domestic violence. Only 10%
respondents answered in No that these are not directly responsible but majority of the
respondents said that India has still a long way to modernity. We still follow all kind of gender-
biases. The married girl had to hear many things related to her life if she wanted to resort out of a
problematic relationship. Her natal family at times used to give her advices to think about ill-
future of her siblings before leaving husband’s house. Society was also responsible for various
taunts and pressures to keep her agony within the area of four walls. Superstitions like the
husband’s behavior is result of deeds of past life were also some excuses women had to hear/face
during domestic disturbances.
Table: 6.30
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. 23 11.5 11.5
Dominance of science
2. 82 41.0 52.5
Dominance of material culture
4. 60 30.0 100.0
200 100.0
This data shows that some of the reasons which are responsible for increase in domestic
violence. It suggests that 41% respondents said that the rise in domestic violence is due to rise in
people’s greed for all type of materialistic things. It is said that people are to be loved and things
are to be used but now a days in our Indian society it has changed into materials are to be loved
and treated very nicely and people are to be abused. Dominance of material culture is very high
in our society. Dowry is one of the good examples of this. 30% respondents said that all the
reasons are valid which was given in the interview schedule that is dominance of material
culture, alienation from religion, dominance of science. 17.5% women said that another reason is
alienation from religion. Only 11.5% respondents said that dominance of science is also
responsible for rise in domestic violence. Citing examples like advancements of child sex
determination technologies led to more abortions and feuds in the family life. Ignorance of
Purdah system in few household females also led to arguments between members of family on
basis of disrespect for religious beliefs.
Table: 6.31
200 100.0
The above mentioned table reveals that majority of respondents that is 35% said that the
main cause of domestic violence in their life was mainly husband’s drinking problem everyday
as they used to consume alcohol. But majority of women also pointed that having alcohol was
not only the reason. The relationship between alcohol or other substance abuse and domestic
violence is complicated. A prevailing myth about domestic violence is that alcohol and drugs are
the major causes of domestic abuse. In reality, some abusers rely on substance use (and abuse) as
an excuse for becoming violent. Alcohol allows the abuser to justify his abusive behavior as a
result of the alcohol. While an abuser’s use of alcohol may have an effect on the severity of the
abuse or the ease with which the abuser can justify his actions, an abuser does not become
violent “because” drinking causes him to lose control of his temper. Domestic violence is used
to exert power and control over another; it does not represent a loss of control. Alcohol
does affect the user’s ability to perceive, integrate and process information. This distortion
in the user’s thinking does not cause violence, but may increase the risk that the user will
misinterpret his partner or another’s behavior. A large quantity of alcohol, or any quantity for
alcoholics, can increase the user’s sense of personal power and domination over others. An
increased sense of power and control can, in turn, make it more likely that an abuser will attempt
to exercise that power and control over another. But the table also reveals that the other majority
of respondents that is 37% said that their husband had no drinking habit but still they are victims
of domestic violence mainly physical and sexual violence. Those who had drinking habit but
they only use to drink twice or thrice in a month is 11% and those respondents who said that
drinking was there but only once in a year that is 11.5% and they said that the day when the
husbands had alcohol he use to surely come and do some sort of violence. 5.5% respondents said
that their husband had drinking habit but it was only for once in a week and few instances of
violence were there only.
Table: 6.32
Category Frequency Percentage Cumulative Percentage
1. Dowry 126 63.0 63.0
2. 23 11.5 74.5
3. Alcoholism 10 5.0 79.5
Birth of Girl
4. 7 3.5 83.0
5. 21 10.5 93.5
affair of
6. husband
Mother-in-law 7 3.5 97.0
7. 1 0.5 97.5
All (dowry,
8. alcohol, extra- 5 2.5 100.0
marital affair
Total 200 100.0
As the above mentioned data clearly indicates that majority of respondents that is
63% said that the reason for them facing domestic violence is demand for money and that
becomes one of the major cause for domestic violence. The disturbances and deaths associated
with dowry demands can initiate through domestic violence. Similar to acts of domestic
violence, the acts used in dowry-related offences include physical, emotional, and economic
violence, as well as harassment and stalking as means to exert compliance or to punish the
victim. Women often struggle with bringing successful claims of dowry-related violence, as
emotional and economic violence are difficult to prove in a court of law. However, dowry-
related violence is distinct from domestic violence in a way that the husband or current partner
may not be the only perpetrator of dowry-related violence or death. The second is the sex
discrimination with 11.5% respondents. Alcoholism is another cause on which only 5%
respondents said that is responsible for them facing domestic violence. 3.5% respondents said
that because they gave birth to a girl child that became a reason for emotional, physical, sexual
violence and emotional torture as well. 10.5% woman respondents said that in their married life
the main reason for cause for domestic violence was extra-marital affair of the husband. Some
3.5% respondents told that because of their mother-in-law they faced major problems in their
married life. Very less that is 0.5% said that their early pregnancy was the major problem. Only
2.5% respondents said that in their life multiple causes were there for facing domestic violence
like for example dowry, alcohol or drug-addiction, in-laws, female foeticide etc. were some
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. Not much 51 25.5 25.5
Had to seek
2. 20 10.0 35.5
medical treatment
Had to be hospitalized
3. 4 2.0 37.5
One could not go to
4. 67 33.5 71.0
about doing your daily task
5. 58 29.0 100.0
All of the above
200 100.0
The above mentioned data and table clearly states the consequences of effects of
domestic violence on women. Majority of women that is 33.5% respondents who complained for
physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence, said that there was a very bad effect on
their health that they were not able to do their daily task. 29% said that there were all types of
effects like they were not able to do daily task, they had to be hospitalized, and many
respondents who were only victim of sexual violence they had to get medical treatment done
again and again. 25.5% respondents said violence was there but not much. 10% women said that
they had to seek medical treatment. Only 2% respondents said that formally they got
Table: 6.34
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. 32 16.0 16.0
2. 89 44.5 60.5
3. 11 5.5 66.0
No one
4. 68 34.0 100.0
200 100.0
The above table is giving a brief idea about violence in the presence of whom. This
category is taken to see what kind of effect is there on women when she is beaten up in the
presence of children only 16% women said that the violence was there in front of children. They
commented on this that whenever any act of violence was there on the mother, the children had a
fear in their mind, they get a bad and wrong picture of their father and about marriage. Majority
that is 44.5% said that in front of in-laws violence use to take place. 34% said that nobody used
to be present at the time of violence and only 5.5% said that it was in the presence of outsiders.
In all the cases it was seen that if violence is there in the presence of others then the women
always have a low self-esteem, she is always fearful etc. She is always negative about herself and
possibility of being in depression. In such a situation chances of seeking help becomes
minimalistic from her end.
Table: 6.35
Sr.No. Category Frequency Percentage
1. 146 73.0 73.0
2. 54 27.0 100.0
200 100.0
The table suggests that majority of the women said that they always use to reconcile first
after the quarrel or the act of violence. Women are considered soft at heart that’s the major
problem in them. Men usually take advantage of her soft nature, here as visible 73% women said
that after violence of any type they were always the first person to reconcile. 27% said that they
never use to go first to reconcile after the quarrel or act of violence. They even disclosed that
their husbands always use to come and reconcile and use to accept their faults.
“Besides using abusive language, my husband hits me with whatever he can lay his hands on.
When he is really mad, he flings a stick or whatever is in his hand freely towards me. He does
not kick or pull my hair or bang against the wall. But hitting me in the back or slapping is
what he does most of the times. In a fit of rage, he even asks me to leave home and go to my
parents’ house. But how can I go? I have children and this is my home”.
This chapter has mainly focused on the various types of domestic violence, various
reasons or causes which are responsible for domestic violence and also the consequences of these
types of violence on the women. It is clear with the help of data in the chapter that there are total
four main types of domestic violence like physical, sexual, emotional and economical. They exist
in various intensities and combinations. This chapter also highlights the major causes of
domestic violence. Dowry or demanding money is one of the main cause of domestic violence
which exists in our society for ages. In olden times the practice or form of dowry was different.
There was a practice of Stree Dhan which was given to wife in marriage and after marriage she
had control over Stree Dhan all through her life. With the passage of time the practice of Stree
Dhan assumed the form of dowry which subsequently became a social evil. In the chapter the
data clearly indicates that the main cause of domestic violence against women is due to dowry.
An ego clash between husband and wife is another cause for domestic violence in our society
generally males ego dominates and the wife has to suffer. Beside these factors there are other
factors responsible for domestic violence like extra-marital affair, and even alcoholism. There
are various consequences or in other words effects on the women who are tolerating such kind of
violence in their marriage life. If we want to understand domestic violence in-depth then we have
to go into greater details of all the types, causes, and consequences of this social evil which in
turn will also help us to find out remedies of it.