1 Forage and Livestock Production in Ethiopia-1 PDF
1 Forage and Livestock Production in Ethiopia-1 PDF
1 Forage and Livestock Production in Ethiopia-1 PDF
Published by:
Ethiopian Society of Animal Production
PO Box 80019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Author's Address
Alemayehu Mengistu
Pasture/Forage/Range Development Consultant
Visiting Assistant Professor at Department of Biology,
Addis Ababa University,
PO Box 62291
Addis Ababa
Tel. + 251-1-184415
Fax + 251-1-624546
E-mail: [email protected]
FOREWORD .......................................................................................................................................... V
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... VI
The fieldwork and early on-farm trials, which provide much of the
information for this study, were conducted by staff from the Ethiopian Ministry
of Agriculture under the Animal Nutrition and Forage Production Program of the
Fourth Livestock Development Project. The study was also conducted in
collaboration with Alan Robertson and the financial analysis was made by Philip
Young. In addition, Berhanu Shiferaw, Hadera Gebru, Tegegnwork Haile, David
Young and Shane Colville-Stewart also contributed to the publication. Special
thanks also goes to Ato Gebre for his encouragement.
The author wishes to express his gratitude to those people who have
contributed and provided encouragement towards the realization of this
publication. Finally, the author extends its acknowledgement to the Ethiopian
Society of Animal Production for making the publication of this study possible.
This study reviews the Animal Nutrition and Forage Production Program
of the Fourth Livestock Development Project (FLDP) implemented in Ethiopia
between 1987 and 1994 with finance from the World Bank, and the Government
of Ethiopia. The study discusses the main technical, institutional, economic, and
farmer centered issues, which were central to the success of the forage production
program. It outlines appropriate strategies and policies for the integration of
improved forage production into farming systems in Ethiopia. The objectives of
this program were to increase the quantity and quality of forage produced and to
reduce the incidence and impact of soil degradation.
Rapid population growth and land degradation is decreasing the area
available for livestock grazing in Ethiopia. This results in overgrazing of non-
arable areas, which exacerbates the land degradation cycle. This trend can be
productively reversed by developing and implementing sustainable farming
systems, which integrate livestock, and cropping systems to increase the quantity
and quality of ruminant forage.
Conservation-based improved forage production provides the means to
reduce the impact of livestock on increasingly limited and degraded resources.
The study analyses the principal biological, technical, economic and institutional
issues and summarises the opportunities and constraints for wider adoption of
improved forage production and use It outlines strategies for sustainable forage
and browse production from integrated farming systems.
The financial and economic benefits from increased forage production are
substantial. They are not limited to just increased animal production, because if
implemented correctly, the forage development strategies discussed in this paper
impact on many aspects of whole farm systems. For example, the use of multi-
propose tree legumes results in increased production of forage, fuel wood,
building materials, nitrogen for crop production, honey production, and even
materials for the construction of local agricultural implements. In addition, forage
production increases food crop production through reduced soil erosion and
improved soil structure. In this regard, increased dung production is important in
the overall fuel and nutrient balance. Improved forage production must be part of
an integrated agricultural production system if Ethiopia is to overcome declining
animal and food crop production.
Alemayehu Mengistu
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
August, 2002
these changes are a shift towards more intensive feeding systems, with more
emphasis on cut-and-carry feeding, and a gradual shift away from uncontrolled
grazing, particularly on uplands and sloping areas. This may need to be combined
with decreasing livestock populations in some areas – perhaps associated with
small-scale mechanisation of cropping systems, which currently rely on animal
draught power for cultivation. The use of woody leguminous species in
agroforestry, alley cropping or browse coppice systems is one of the key
elements of sustainable agricultural systems in Ethiopia. Legumes are especially
emphasised because of their multipurpose utility, and their dual roles in animal
nutrition and the maintenance or improvement of soil fertility and hence crop
The FLDP was a five-year program designed to address these issues in
Ethiopia. Its main objective was to improve livestock and agricultural production
in Ethiopia through increasing the efficiency of resource utilisation at farm level.
Increasing foreign exchange earnings and decreasing land degradation through
increasing live animal and hide and skins exports and through import substitution
of dairy products are also important objectives. The project commenced in 1988
and achieved significant success with its Animal Nutrition and Forage Production
Program. The objectives of this program were to:
• increase the supply of forage for ruminant livestock;
• conserve soil on arable land and catchment areas;
• increase meat and milk production by increasing the quantity and quality of livestock
• increase manure production;
• increase draught power for cropping; and
• increase fuelwood and other tree products.
determine what species can be used and what forage strategies can be used to
integrate livestock and cropping systems. The major factors considered in
determining AEZ are:
• length of growing period – a function of rainfall, evapotranspiration, soil water storing
capacity and meteorological hazards;
• thermal zone – a function of temperatures prevailing during the growing season and
closely related to altitude; and
• landscape – a function of aspect, soil type and slope.
There are about nine principal AEZs where livestock and cropping
systems are environmentally and economically suited to forage production
(AACM, 1987). These are combinations of length of growing period and thermal
zone classes, which can be summarised as follows:
During the latter part of the dry season livestock feed is normally in short
supply and is also of poor quality. Residues from cereals (wheat, teff, millet and
sorghum for example) are the main source of forage but these are low in protein
and have poor digestibility. Removing them from the fields also reduce organic
matter content in the soil which degrades soil structure and increases the
erodibility of cropped land. The production of adequate quantities of good quality
dry season forages to supplement crop residues and pasture roughages is the only
way to economically overcome the dry season constraints affecting livestock
production in Ethiopia. The use of deep rooted perennials such as browse
legumes reduce the impact of the dry season because browse species have root
systems which better able to exploit soil water reserves than forage species
(Alemayehu M., 1988).
Agroforestry Where trees and shrubs producing browse or forage pods are
integrated with cropping systems;
Intercropping Where crops for human consumption are undersown or intercropped
with forage legumes; and
Ley Farming Where crops for human consumption are relayed or rotated with
forage legumes.
strip and alley cropping strategies are also suited to middle altitude cropping
systems and have the advantage of being able to use a wider range of species than
the lowland or highland systems.
Highland cropping systems are less suited to undersowing or
intercropping but forage crops grown as relays or in rotation with cereal crops
offer opportunities for better integration of livestock and cropping systems.
Contour strips of browse or forage legumes combined with thick grasses increase
the sustainability and productivity of most soils whilst also providing high
quality forage to supplement low quality roughages and crop residues. Poorly
drained areas and uplands can be developed as permanent pastures and stock
exclusion areas which, although not directly integrated with cropping areas,
reduce grazing pressure on cropped land. Inclusion of woody browse legumes in
stock exclusion areas not only increases quality forage production but also
provides an alternative fuel source, which enables dung resources to be used on
cropping areas. In this way, well-managed permanent pastures and stock
exclusion areas provide an important resource, which is integral to sustainable
crop production. Increasing cropping intensities to support growing populations
demand more draught animals, which places an unsustainable burden on the
reduced areas available for grazing. A combination of small-scale mechanisation
and increased use of browse legumes on upland stock exclusion areas are
essential if highland agricultural systems are to be sustained.
Key Principles
and forage harvesting and reducing the amount energy used by animals for walking.
Animals should be tethered or temporarily kraaled near forage sources to reduce cut
and carry labour requirements and to improve nutrient cycling in livestock-cropping
systems. Tethering systems are particularly suited to cattle being fed from contour
forage strip, undersowing, and alley cropping strategies. Kraaling systems are
particularly suited to small ruminants being fed from stock exclusion areas, undersown
cereal or tree crops, and forage banks.
• The use of browse legumes in agroforestry, alley cropping and forage bank systems to
add a third dimension to the root and foliage resources of farming systems. This third
dimension - roots reaching deep into the soil resource and branches reaching upwards
– is especially important where lateral expansion of cropping areas is restricted
because of increasing population or land degradation. This offers the single most
important opportunity for increasing sustainable productivity in Ethiopian farming
systems. Appropriate species have been widely demonstrated and accepted by farmers
in much of the country.
• Conservation of soil and water resources by using more productive and sustainable
farming systems, which focus on utilising improved forage and browse resources to
increase household income from livestock fattening or increased milk production.
Zone Rainfall
1. Shrub Rangeland < 300mm
2. Cereal Livestock 300-600 mm
3. High Rainfall > 600 mm
nutrient deficiencies. This and the introduction of forage legumes such as Alfalfa
(Medicago sativa), White Clover (Trifolium repens), and Tagasaste/Tree Lucerne
(Chamaecytisus palmensis) increased sustainable carrying capacity from 0.1
TLU/ha to 1.5 TLU/ha. In 1990 more than 75 percent of the temperate cereal-
livestock and high rainfall zones used legumes in their farming systems –
covering an area of more than 20 million hectares.
Fig. 3.2: Names and Cumulative Number of Forage Species Introduced Into
Queensland, Australia a/
The first letter of each species aligns with its date of first release or use. Species widely
planted, past or present, and those now naturalised are underlined.
Source: Gramshaw and Walker, 1988
Fig. 3.3: Area of Sown Patures and Forages in Queensland, Australia – Total
Area Sown and Proportion Sown Solely to Grasses
Source: Gramshaw and Walker 1988
New Zealand
South-East Asia
then provides the basis for adoption of the contour forage strip and livestock
exclusion area strategies.
where fruit, coffee, coconuts, enset or chat are grown. There is also broad
application with eucalyptus and Acacia plantations grown for fuelwood.
Where crop weeding practices are very thorough, forages should be
undersown at the time of final weeding. This avoids any risk of the undersown
legume competing seriously with the cereal crop but often means that the
legumes have insufficient time to produce ripe seed prior to crop harvest. In areas
of poorer weeding practices, undersowing should coincide with an earlier
weeding. In this way sufficient legumes survive any subsequent weeding to
provide an adequate seeding capacity prior to crop harvest. Early maturing
cereals generally favour better forage production because they compete with the
undersown forage legume for a shorter period of the growing season. The
competitive balance between crop and undersown or intercropped forage legume
is very sensitive to sowing time. This will vary with soil and crop type, season,
and management practices, and is best determined using on-farm demonstrations.
Farmers understand the benefits of undersowing or intercropping and
adopt this strategy over a wide range of traditional cultivation and cropping
practices. Farmers are attracted by the simplicity of the program and by the high
yields of forage, which require no management input because the forage legume
is protected from grazing by the crop. Farmers acknowledge that undersowing
does not reduce crop yields but do not accept that the use of legumes helps
maintain soil fertility, even though this has been successfully demonstrated. The
incentive for adoption is large quantities of high quality forage in return for a
minimal investment. High adoption rates can only be maintained if supplies of
seed are available. Relatively large quantities of seed are required (typically 8 to
10 kg pre hectare for annual legumes) unless early undersowing practices are
used to ensure adequate seed set at the end of each season.
Good stands of undersown legumes produce 2,500 to 3,000 kg dry matter
per ha from one cut in farmers' fields (Robertson, 1990). Farmers advise that
grain yields are not depressed but that sprawling legumes such as the Desmodium
and vetch dramatically reduce weed infestations – effectively replacing weed
growth with high quality forage. Verano stylo (Stylosanthes hamata) undersown
into a three week old sorgum crop near Kaduna in Nigeria yielded 1.6 t/ha
sorghum grain, 3 t/ha DM stylo forage, and 6 t/ha sorghum residue (Saleem,
1982). The forage and by-product resulting from this undersowing is a balanced
growth diet for ruminants. Compare this total production of 1.6 t/ha grain and 9
t/ha forage with the production from the control crop without undersown forage –
2.0 t/ha grain and 7.5 t/ha sorghum residue. Middle altitude farmers in Ethiopia
undersowing maize with Desmodium uncinatum harvested an average of more
than 6 t DM/ha/year (Tadesse, 1990). This is enough quality forage to mix with
12 t DM natural hay or crop residue and fatten about 150 sheep or 15 oxen over a
120-day fattening cycle (see Chapter VI). Highland wheat crops in Ethiopia
undersown with a range of indigenous Trifolium species yielded significantly
more DM than control crops without undersown legumes. The most significant
outcome of this work was the successful intercropping of wheat with forage
legumes without any significant reduction in wheat yield. Trifolium quartinianum
was particularly efficient with broadcast undersowing at Holetta yielding 1.1 t/ha
wheat grain, 2.1 t/ha wheat straw and 3.1 t DM/ha clover hay (Kahurananga,
Forage strips are broad based mixtures of herbaceous and tree legumes,
and grasses planted on contour bunds or in narrow strips along the contour
without any physical structures. This is a multipurpose strategy providing forage,
shelter, soil stablisation, and fuelwood. Forage strips planted along the contour
contribute to soil conservation by directing ploughing along the contour and by
reducing run-off down the slope. This increases infiltration and reduces soil
erosion, especially where a thick sward of grass or herbaceous legumes is
included in the forage strip. Contour forage strips are particularly successful
when perennial, thick rooted grasses are mixed with woody leguminous species.
Because this strategy integrates forage production in cropping areas, potentially
weedy species such as stoloniferous grasses should not be used for forage strip
Farmers perceive the principal benefits of forage strips to be the fuel and
forage products rather than the conservation attributes. It is these benefits, which
should be promoted as the incentives for adoption of forage strip strategies. They
key problem with forage strips is the difficulty some farmers have in establishing
them where livestock have free grazing access to fallow land or crop stubbles
after harvest. This problem is best overcome by involving shepherds in forage
strip establishment and promoting cut and carry feeding of animals tethered in
the field. Thus contour forage strips are more easily promoted once backyard
Where farmers use a cropping rotation or have sufficient land, they can
grow a short-term forage crop. Short-term forage crops can be reliably introduced
over a wide range of sites but are most appropriate for farmers who rely on dairy
production for their income. Annual leguminous species mixed with cereals
provide the best quantity and quality of forage in highland areas but annual
legume forages optimise forage production in middle altitude and lowland areas.
Farmers in Ethiopia are shifting towards perennial forage production strategies
because annual forage crops do not integrate livestock and cropping systems
except where fallow is commonly used. In these areas fallow reduction strategies
based on leguminous forage crops are appropriate. Oats and vetch have
performed well over a wide range of AEZs, with oats showing good tolerance of
relatively low fertility and poor drainage. Lablab is very productive at lower
altitudes and competes well with weeds whereas alfalfa does not persist under
rainfed condition in Ethiopia.
Table 4.6: Effect of Cutting Height (cm) and Frequency (weeks) on the Total
Productivity (t/dm/ha) and Leaf Content (%) of Sesbania sesban cv nubica
Table 4.7: DM Yield and Chemical Composition of Pigeon Pea Leaf Meal
Cut at Different Time Intervals
fertiliser spreading and so are an attractive implement for farmer groups and can
act as an additional incentive for organisation of grazing and pastoral groups.
Village groups should aim to oversow up to 10 ha each year in low and
medium altitudes and about 2 ha each year in the highlands. The most reliable
species for oversowing have been the stylos, which have established and begun
spreading on an extremely wide range of sites in Ethiopia. Wynn cassia and
climbing/sprawling legumes such as greenleaf and Siratro have also shown
promise. Experience in the sub-humid middle altitude areas of Ethiopia shows
that even after a short time oversown Stylosanthes guianensis (cv Schofield) and
Desmodium uncinatum can make up more than 15 per cent of pasture DM
composition and yield more than 3 t DM/ha (Tadesse A., 1988).
Permanent Pastures
Roadside Sowing
cost-effective, particularly when using species with the ability to spread under
grazing. Sowing a broad grid of suitable roads provides a convenient mechanism
for introducing improved forage species to a large area since the rate of spread
from a very long narrow transects is high. 10 km of roadside sowing equates to
about one hectare of oversown grazing land. Seeding rates are typically 0.5 to 1.0
kg per kilometer of roadside. Mixed seed should be emptied from sacks or
buckets from the back of a reasonably fast moving vehicle. In this way the vortex
currents carry seed onto the roadside verge. Roadside sowing is most suitable for
quickly establishing and prolific seeding species, which tolerate grazing. The
stylos are the most successful species used in roadside sowing in Ethiopia.
Aerial Sowing
Activity Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Expected Rainfall
Identification of new farmers
Initial extension for new farmers
Extension for existing farmers
Farmers field days
Establishment in nurseries
Planting out
Undersowing, belg season
Undersowing, main rains
Oversowing grazing areas
Sowing in exclusion areas
Mixed pasture establishment
Backyard forage establishment
Forage strip establishment
Seed Program
Harvesting most legume seed
Harvesting most grass seed
Seed cleaning, treatment
Seed packaging, labelling
Distribution to extension teams
The key principles for selecting improved forage species and their
cultivars focus on their ability to persist under normal management conditions
and produce large quantities of high quality forage. This means that the species
should tolerate grazing, and be able to flower and set seed under normal grazing
conditions. Suitable species will be drought tolerant in order to maximise
production in an environment characterised by a dry season. A mixture of species
should be selected for each AEZ to ensure biodiversity, and thus minimise the
risks from pests and climatic extremes. Species with different plant forms and
modes of reproduction should also be selected for each AEZ to maximise the
opportunities for integrating improved forages into different farming systems and
ecological niches. For example, tall growing species such as Seca stylo are
suitable for cut and carry systems associated with strategies for oversowing
natural grasslands. Similarly, sprawling vigorous legumes such as Siratro and
Greenleaf desmodium are suitable for undersowing and intercropping. Maku
Lotus and Halifa white clover are suitable for wet bottomlands in highland areas
and so on. Browse and other multipurpose leguminous tree species should be
introduced into every AEZ. Seed bearing species (such as stylo and tree lucerne)
should be mixed with vegetatively reproducing species (such as Rhodes grass or
hybrid Phalaris) to optimise ecological stability of introduced forage mixes.
When assessing growth rates and productivity, it is important to
understand the life cycle and growth habits of each species and cultivar. Stylos,
for example, are slow to become established but after two or three years are
highly productive. Similarly, tree lucerne and Leucaena often require more than
12 months to become established but are highly productive after this time.
Because the ultimate objective of forage production is to increase the quality of
livestock forage as well as the quantity, qualitative aspects of forages should also
be considered during selection and assessment of new forages. Palatability,
digestibility and nutrient balance should be measured. The occurrence of toxic
substances – for example indospicine in Indigofera spicata or mimosine in
Leucaena – should also be considered. Much of this information is readily
available so that the initial screening should be restricted to species with a
reasonable probability of being useful in each AEZ.
Because there is a considerable body of knowledge appropriate to forage
production and development in Ethiopia, it is economically and technically more
efficient to implement a wide range of strategies at farmer level without prior
adaptive research. Not only is there sufficient knowledge to proceed with some
confidence, but many of the problems which would affect adoption of the
strategies are related to socio-economic and institutional factors which are
unlikely to be resolved by adaptive research. The cost of seed is small compared
to the cost of extensive research and the economic cost of delayed
implementation of forage development programs. In addition, the accumulation
of local knowledge of the various strategies is much more rapid through
observation by farmers (the ultimate users of the program) and technicians over a
wide range of development sites. Finally, this farmer-centered approach is more
flexible and thus better able to make rapid modifications in response to changing
market, socio-economic and environmental conditions. The farmer centered
approach to development and implementation of forage production strategies also
provides better "hands-on" training for technicians, extension agents and farmers.
Some forage species, especially some grasses, may become rampant under
favourable conditions and should either be restricted in their use or excluded
from forage production strategies. For example stoloniferous grasses such as
Rhodes grass are highly suitable for pastures or stock exclusion areas but should
not be used for undersowing or on contour forage strips because of their potential
to become serious weeds.
Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 detail improved forage and browse species, which
have been successfully used under FLDP. Many of them have also been used
successfully in other parts of Africa and on other continents. Detailed
information on the characteristics and requirements of these species is in Annex
Livestock Fattening
Livestock fattening is one of the best ways for farmers to quickly realise
returns on improved forage production investments. It is a strategy, which
significantly increases household incomes and provides a quick and tangible
incentive for further adoption of improved forage production strategies. The other
attraction of livestock fattening strategies is that they generate income without
using significant amounts of arable cropland. The amount of land used to enclose
animals at night is small and most of the forage production strategies do not
compete with crop production. Livestock fattening programs must include
improved forage production strategies as a precondition if they are to be
sustainable and successful.
It is necessary to estimate how much forage is available before deciding
how many animals to fatten. Visual estimation skills can be developed by cutting
and weighing samples and careful observation of animals performance at
different feeding rates. Initially, a conservative approach should be adopted since
it is better to successfully fatten a small number of animals than to run short of
feed and fatten none at all. Fattening programs are most efficient if they are
planned to coincide with the period of maximum forage growth. If market
conditions or other factors make it more attractive to fatten animals at other times
of the year, improved forage should be conserved as forage or browse hay.
Fattening programs should not begin until forage and browse supplies sufficient
to complete a fattening cycle are assured – normally after the second year of the
forage program.
Fattening programs should only use cut and carry feeding strategies and
should provide as much forage as animals can eat for 24 hours per day.
Underfeeding is the main cause of failure in fattening programs. This can be
overcome by ensuring that animals have feed available at all times, including
through the night. If there is no feed left in the morning, animals should be given
more on the following evening. Fattening programs are more efficient and
require less labour if the animals are fed close to the source of forage. Carrying
feed long distances from the field to the village is very labour intensive and
usually results in underfeeding. It is much better to tether animals near the source
of forage and give then cut forage in the field. This practice also helps return
nutrients to the field. Forage only needs to be brought back to the village for
night feeding. As a general rule, if animals are tethered or kraaled where forage is
being cut, one person can feed 7 to 10 oxen (up to 80 sheep or goats) during the
day and cut enough forage to bring back on donkeys for night feeding.
will reduce feed intake and affect the performance of animals. As a general rule,
cattle require about 10–14 litres of fresh water each day and sheep or goats
require about 4-7 litres of fresh water each day. The exact amount will vary with
animal liveweight, climate, type of forage and other factors.
Animals in the fattening program should receive adequate disease and
internal parasite protection. Unhealthy or unproductive animals will not give a
good return to the scarce quality forage resources. Animals should be vaccinated
against the major endemic diseases (for example Rinderpest, Foot and Mouth
Disease, and Contagious Bovin Pleuro-Pneumonia). Animals should be drenched
with a broad spectrum anthelmintic at the beginning of the fattening cycle. This
is especially important for sheep fattening. Animals which are performing poorly
after 30 days should be culled and sold – even if this incurs a loss, since this is
better than wasting good forage on unhealthy or unproductive animals which are
not growing.
Selecting animals for fattening will depend on the availability of stock and
the potential markets for finished stock. Breeds with good growth characteristics
should be selected. Most lowland cattle of the Boran type are suitable. Animals
should have a large skeletal frame, which is capable of producing a heavy
carcass. Stock should be docile and easy to handle and should not be too old –
their teeth should be sound. Steers are preferable to bulls because they grow
faster and are more docile. The most profitable animals to purchase for fattening
are those, which are lean with a faintly visible backbone and ribs, visible hip
bones, and a slightly recessed tail head. Thinner animals normally take too long
to recover and fatter animals usually have a higher price per kilo, which limits the
potential for increased values. If possible, determine why animals are lean.
Animals from an area where feed is short or which have just finished the
ploughing season are likely to gain weight rapidly.
Individual households generally only have enough forage to fatten one ox.
If there is not enough forage for this, or if the household considers the risk too
great, 2 to 5 sheep or goats should be considered. Groups of households may
decide to pool their forage resources to fatten a group of animals. This makes
more efficient use of labour but requires careful attention to animal health at the
beginning of the fattening cycle to avoid transmission of diseases or internal
parasites amongst the fattening group.
It is important that accurate records be kept of each fattening cycle to
determine whether each cycle is profitable and to provide information for
planning subsequent cycles. Records should be kept by farmers using self-
monitoring techniques, and extension agents. Local units of forage weight or
volume should be used. Animal performance is best measured with girth tapes
used to estimate weight gain and growth. Visual appraisal and hand testing along
the back and rear of the animals will also give a subjective appraisal of animal
Dairy Production
Dairy products are an important source of human food and income for
many rural communities in Ethiopia. Where sedentary communities raise dairy
animals there are significant opportunities to increase production by increasing
the quantity and quality of forage available to lactating animals. Wherever
possible, breeding cycles should be timed to ensure that lactations begin at the
time of maximum forage availability – near the end of the main wet season.
Improved dairy breeding and artificial insemination programs should be
conditionally tied to improved forage production strategies. This is the best way
to ensure sustainable production from these investments as well as to maximise
the benefits from them. Most of the principals outlined for fattening programs
also apply to dairy production programs.
Nutrition is a more significant constraint to sustaining milk production in
Ethiopia than is the genetic potential of dairy animals. Natural pasture would
rarely support milk yields of more than 3 to 4 kg per cow per day but improved
forages, such as those outlined in the strategies in Chapter IV, can sustain yields
of up to 8 or 10 kg under good feeding and management conditions (Walshe et al,
1991). Because milk is a high energy, high protein product lactating animals
benefit from the addition of by-products or concentrates in their ration. Suitable
by-products or concentrates should have high digestibility, high energy
(carbohydrate) and proteins levels and low fiber content. Most high protein (for
example soybean or fish meal) and high energy (for example maize or barley)
concentrates are expensive, especially where dairy producers compete for them
with poultry producers. Low protein (for example noug or cottonseed cake) and
low energy (for example oats or bran) concentrates are suitable for dairy animals
and are more cost effective than the expensive concentrates. Note that leaf hay
(dried leaves) from browse species such as Leucaena, pigeon pea, Sesbania and
tree lucerne have high energy and high protein levels and are suitable
concentrates for dairy animals if there is sufficient available to mix with other
feeds. A backyard browse plot or hedge will normally produce enough leaf hay
for one dairy cow and thus has a significant impact on household dairy
A large amount of feed is required to maintain dairy animals, but the share
of total feed needed for maintenance declines as the milk yield increases. For
example, a cow producing 500 kg of milk pear year needs about 2.5 feed units
per kg of milk, while the requirement drops to about 0.5 feed units per kg for a
cow producing 5,000 kg per year (Walshe et al, 1991). This emphasises the
importance of improved quantity and quality of forage for efficient dairy
prediction. Because dairy animals typically have a lactation period of more than
the 90 to 120 days required for fattening cycle, forage needs to be conserved to
provide high quality rations throughout the lactation period and the dry season
when forage is scarce.
Forage Conservation
increase their resistance to rain. Flat topped and broad haystacks are not
weatherproof – the hay will be damaged by rain.
When conserving crop residues such as straw, layers of leguminous forage
or browse hay should be sandwiched between the layers of crop residue. This
increases the feeding value of the crop residues and provides a balanced livestock
diet. Alternatively, separate haystacks can be made from crop residues and forage
and browse legumes.
sealed, weatherproof sacks or small cloth bags with printed labels on each sack or
bag identifying the species, cultivar, source, date of harvest, and recommended
storage conditions. Seed treatments are not normally required for forage seed but
inoculants and gum adhesives should be included for leguminous species, which
are not naturalised in the forage program area. Inoculant requirements are listed
in Annex 3.
Importation of forage and browse seed should not be necessary after the
start-up phase of a forage program – typically three years. self-sufficiency in
major forage species and cultivars requires a planned seed production program
which is farmer based and market oriented. The basic objective of a successful
forage seed production program should be low cost seed production by farmers
based on contracts, which do not compete with subsistence food production. This
approach has proved successful in Ethiopia where forage seed production is now
treated as a cash crop by small farmers.
Contract prices are based on estimated yield, production costs, the market
for seed (or program requirements), and the cost of imported seed. Local seed
prices will normally be significantly less than imported seed prices because they
exclude shipping or airfreight costs. As an example, contract seed prices paid to
Ethiopian farmers for seed produced in 1990/91 were typically one third to one
half of the import price. Contracts must be arranged well before the crop is grown
and should detail: which species and cultivar is to be grown; who will supply the
parent seed and when it will be delivered; technical supervision during planting,
growing and harvesting; minimum quality standards for produced seed; and the
price paid for a given quantity and quality of seed.
Before contracting seed growers, the contracting agency (buyer) should
conduct group meetings with farmers to ensure that they fully understand the
technical and contractual aspects of seed production. Although it is desirable to
spread the program over a wide range of geographical locations and agro-
ecological zones, it is important to cluster production sites to facilitate
supervision and seed collection. The area of land needed to produce the quantities
of pasture seed required for most forage development schemes is very small
compared to the total cropping land available. Thus pasture seed production will
not compete with food production. Apart from contract seed production, farmers
can also opportunistically collect seed from browse species and other species
growing in stock exclusion areas, forage strips, and undersowing sites.
Opportunistic seed collection can also be contracted.
Site Selection: The most suitable regions for forage and browse seed
production have: an adequate growing season to support good seed set and
maturation; freedom from frost; even, sunny conditions during flowering to
promote flower opening, pollination and high rates of photosynthesis during seed
differentiation; access to labour for harvesting and seed cleaning; and access to
markets and seed storage infrastructure. Weed free areas or areas that have a
history of reasonably clean cropping are preferable to weedy areas to minimise
the problems of weed competition in the seed crop.
Seedbed Preparation: Seed crops need to be established in a clean, fine
and firm seedbed with sufficient seed to ensure a strong, dense plant population,
which will compete with weeds and maximise yields. Ethiopian experience
suggests that the maximum size of a seed crop for small farmers is about 0.25 ha
(FLDP, 1991). Legumes seeds need to be treated to soften hard seeds, which will
not germinate without treatment. Browse legumes and forage legumes with less
than 500,000 seeds per kg should be treated. The simplest say is to boil water in a
tin, remove the tin of boiling water from the fire, and immerse a cloth bag
containing the seed in the hot water for about 10 minutes. The treated seed
should then be rapidly cooled by spreading it out in a thin layer. Stylos are
sensitive to heat so they should only be immersed for 3 minutes. Where hot water
treatment of seed is impractical, scarification is suitable alternative. The simplest
way to scarify or scratch the seed coat is to combine some seeds with sand or
gravel and thoroughly mix them together so that the gravel or sand scratches the
seed. This will normally take at least 15 minutes.
Sowing: When using cultivars or species new to an area, legume seed
should be inoculated with appropriate rhizobia (see Annex 3) to ensure that they
fix nitrogen. Seed should be sown as soon as possible after the beginning of the
main rainy season. This reduces the risks of crop failure. Small forage seeds
(more than 20,000 seeds/kg) are broadcast onto the seedbed and raked in. Larger
seeds are either sown in rows or buried, with a light cultivation, no more than 3
cm deep after broadcasting. Sowing in rows reduces the quantity of seed required
and makes weed management and harvesting simpler. Row spacings should be
50 cm for small seeded forage legumes, vetch, stylos, desmodiums, and grasses.
1 m row spacing should be used for siratro, axillaris, and cowpea. Browse
legumes being grown for seed should be planted in rows 3 m apart. Sprawling
legumes such as axillaris, desmodiums, and siratro produce much higher seed
yields if seed crops are grown on trellises, browse trees, or along fencelines. Seed
crop sowing rates are suggested in Table 7.1. Some plants reproduce without
seed – from sets or cuttings. Several grasses are more effectively reproduced this
way – for example hybrid Phalaris and these may be grown by farmers and sold
on a contract basis of so much per rooted cutting or set.
Management: The overall aim of seed crop management is to
consistently succeed in producing a seed crop with not only a high yield of
quality seed, but also a crop, which allows efficient seed harvesting. This
essentially means having a crop of uniform age and is best achieved by:
establishing an adequate, uniform plant population; developing a dense cover to
exclude weeds, encouraging flowering at the same time; and ensuring that
flowers produce mature seeds. Regular crop inspections are important to control
weed and pest populations. Weeds should be hoed or pulled by hand. Weeds not
only compete with the seed crop but they also increase the risks of contaminating
forage seed with weed seed – something which increases the work required for
effective seed cleaning. Advice on pest management should be sought from local
Plant Protection Specialists or Extension Advisers.
Harvesting: Most tropical legumes flower and set seed over a long
period and frequently shed seed quickly. This makes it very difficult to judge
when to harvest seed. Techniques used to judge ripeness include testing for ease
of seed removal; seed hardness; and field colour. When most seed can be easily
removed by gentle rubbing or shaking, then seed is normally close to shedding
and should be harvested. If seed rubbed in the palm of the hand is hard and dry
then it is mature and ready to harvest. Grass seed should be bitten to ensure that it
is full. The seed or pods of some species, for example Siratro, Rhodes Grass, tree
lucerne and Leucaena, change colour as they ripen. The optimum harvest time
usually occurs before maximum flower density occurs. Hand harvesting of
tropical pasture seed, particularly if labour is experienced and well supervised,
can lead to high yields of good quality seed. Hand harvested yields are generally
higher than yields from mechanical harvesting. As an alternative to hand picking,
mature seed of both grasses and legumes can be removed from the plant by
shaking it into a basket or bag. Hand picking and shaking two or three times per
week will maximise seed yields and farmer income. Small seeds can be collected
from threshing areas by sweeping. This technique is particularly suitable for
stylos, Wynn Cassia, and Axillaris.
should be stored in a sealed container but cotton sacks or woven bags are suitable
for most legume seeds. Seed stores should be well ventilated, secure, and clean –
especially free from insects and rodents. Each seed container must be labelled
with information on: the species; the cultivar; the date of harvest; the location of
harvest; the weight of seed in the container; and any seed treatments (for example
scarification or insecticide dressing).
Seed Distribution
normally staffed from existing resources rather than adding new staff at the
regional and local level.
Adequate financial and infrastructure support is important for the
successful implementation of forage programs. Transport is especially important
for participatory programs. Small 4WD vehicles or motorbikes, where dogs and
wildlife are not a problem, should be available to each local technician to
encourage them to work in the field and to motivate their activity. Regional
coordinators and subject matter specialists also need access to vehicles for
periodic visits to local areas, demonstrations and farmer group meetings. Access
to telephone or radio communications between regional and central offices is
essential for effective and timely coordination of project activities – especially
during the preparation of annual plans. Regional offices should have a modest
but up-to-date technical library to which local technicians and farmers have
access. This is most easily organised through a library of original journals and
books kept at central level from which appropriate papers and chapters are copied
to each region for inclusion in a series of subject matter file.
Central government staff coordinating improved forage programs need
access to word processing resources and printing or copying facilities for
preparation of posters, newsletters, extension bulletins and technical briefing
papers. A photocopier is invaluable for facilitating the flow of information
between subject matter specialists and local technicians, and between farmers.
Computers are needed at central and ideally regional level to coordinate budgets,
organise and keep track of seed distribution, and analyse monitoring and research
data. Training in the use of word processing, spreadsheet, and data analysis soft
ware needs to be included with all computer purchases.
Central and regional administrators need to organise and monitor farmer
and local technician training. This will sometimes involve subject matter
specialists but could also include international training courses. Because of the
many components required for successful production of improved forage, large
programs are normally most successful if the program coordinator is supported
by special coordinators for key areas – seed, forage production, forage utilisation
and training. This central program organisation can be duplicated at regional
level if the program is sufficiently large. Otherwise a single regional coordinator
can work with the special coordinators at central level and the local technicians at
village level.
farmers and local technicians and regional subject matter specialists. The timing
of forward planning, seed requirement calculations, seed ordering and
distribution, and sowing are all developed with farmers during the annual
planning process. Annual plans developed by each farmer or household are
aggregated into village annual plans by self-organised farmer groups - for
example pastoral associations and grazing management groups. Village annual
plans are aggregated at regional level to make regional forage production plans,
and finally pooled together at central level to prepare a national forage
production plan for that particular year. Fig. 8.1 provides an indicative annual
planning cycle for a forage program.
Regional plans
reviewed and Implementation Monitoring
identified and prepared with farmers will have a much clearer idea of the quantity
and cultivars of seed, which are needed to commence implementation. Because
imported seed is cheap relative to other project costs, adequate quantities of
forage seed should be imported as early as possible during project
implementation. This enables local technicians to saturate participating farmers
with seed and so establish an early visual impact. This is extremely important for
reinforcement of the forage program and its extension to a wider community of
Financing Mechanisms
Units and terminology used will be those chosen by the farmers during
design of the forage production monitoring sheets. Local technicians should
review this data when they collect the monthly summary sheets of the above
information to which they would include:
• strategy name(s);
• success score relative to neighbouring farmers;
• primary forage use;
• secondary forage use; and
• local climatic data (rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature, frost).
Livestock fattening monitoring: by farmers is best developed as a herd
book which records performance of individual animals. Daily records should be
kept for each animal (identified by ear tag, name or distinguishing mark)
throughout the fattening cycle (see Chapter VI). Experience in Mauritania
suggests that were farmers design the livestock monitoring books they actively
collect data and take a keen interest in its analysis. Base data should include:
• animal identity and date of purchase;
• breed, sex, and age of animal;
• purchase price and weight (estimated by girth measurement);
• sale price and weight (estimated by girth measurement); and
• sale date.
Dairy production monitoring follows similar principles to monitoring of
livestock fattening but will take place throughout the year to take account of the
lactation period and the management during pregnancy and preparation for the
subsequent lactation. Base data should include the identity, breed, and age of
each animal being monitored. Most farmers only have one or two milking
animals so auto-recording monitoring is not an onerous task.
Daily livestock fattening and dairy production monitoring data is aimed at
identifying the production impact of different management strategies and should
include for both types of monitoring:
• time animal was housed;
• time animal was grazing outside;
• time animal was tethered and fed outside;
• quantity (local measure) of cut and carry forage provided;
• source of cut and carry forage;
• quantity (local measure) of crop residues provided;
• quantity (local measure) of by-products provided;
• quantity (local measure) of natural grass hay provided;
• time animal was watered (local measure);
• labour inputs (local measure) that day;
understanding of the local farming systems and the crops grown for food and
A feature of FLDP was the high financial and economic rates of return.
This was because development relied on the simple intervention of local seed
distribution and an extension service, which was essentially in place at the time
of project preparation. The strategy at the outset was to use existing resources –
government staff, farm-level resources (land, labour and limited capital), and
local farmers for seed production, after an initial period of importation.
The only major capital items required for a successful forage development
project are:
Simple seed storage sheds – preferably constructed on a regional basis -
with basic seed cleaning equipment. In most instances, seed can be cleaned to a
satisfactory standard by hand, packed in small bags and then distributed prior to
rainy seasons.
Adequate transport facilities for extension staff. Depending on the size of
the project area, this can vary from four-wheel drive vehicles and motor cycles,
to smaller fleets for smaller projects. Good transport systems are essential,
because timeliness of operations such as seed harvesting and planting is most
important. Preferably, transport should be dedicated to the forage project. In
addition, it is necessary to equip forage development projects with fleets of small
and medium sized trucks for transport of seed, seedlings and cuttings. Transport
for extension staff will vary with the type of service used. If Development Agents
are located in strategic villages, field-level extension staff only require a bicycle,
motor cycle, or horse/mule. If these staff are scattered widely through the project
area, they will need more expensive forms of transport. Experience indicates that
a satisfactory approach is to locate multi-disciplinary Development Agents in
selected villages, particularly if farm sizes are small and the farming community
lives in villages or extended family groups.
A central office for general project coordination. Space is usually available
in the Ministry of Agriculture's headquarters. Ready access to within-country
communication services is important, so that seed is delivered on time and funds
for local seed purchases are available when required. Farmers growing seed
under contract soon lose interest if they are not paid according to the agreed
schedule. The central office should have adequate computer and report
production facilities, and at least access to a local printer for production of
extension materials and training aids.
As with capital expenditure, forage development projects have low
requirements for recurrent expenditure. Apart from vehicle operation and
maintenance, there are no major items of plant and equipment, which need to be
agronomy. These two key aspects of forage production projects must proceed in
unison – seed is required to support an expanding forage development program,
and to a considerable extent, large areas of forage are required for seed
production. This is because a high proportion of the seed required can be
produced from forage set aside when flowering occurs. Multi-purpose forage
trees are capable of producing seed and forage at the same time, provided that
farmers are aware of this opportunity.
such as Sesbania and tree lucerne can be damaged if branches are hacked off with
blunt instruments.
• Basic seed storage containers – these can be the same as those used to store cereal
• All livestock should be treated against the main "killing" diseases such as rinderpest
and anthrax, etc. In addition, good responses to the control of internal parasites are
achieved when nutrition is improved. This means that animals in a fattening program
should be drenched, provided they can be separated from other livestock to avoid re-
• Information on the sources and use of fuel for cooking and heating will provide a
guide as to the importance in incremental dung (for fuel) and wood (from tree
• Current livestock feeding practices – use of supplementary straw or hay during the dry
season (or the short rains) will indicate an understanding of the importance of feeding
crop residues, and a familiarity with an animal production system which will benefit
substantially from the introduction of improved forages into the farming system.
• Incremental dung and wood production, and the total value of by-products.
An example of the STRATMOD model, based on forage development
strategies for the Chelo Service is given in Table A2.2 in Annex 2. The Chelo
model is based on the following forage development strategies.
• Pasture development – 0.01 ha;
• Undersowing – 0.74 ha;
• Alley planting – 0.34 km;
• Strip planting – 0.26 km;
• Backyard pasture – 570 m2; and
• Backyard trees – 170 (number).
Cooperative, this would men that an extra 0.27 sheep/goats and extra 0.42 cattle
would be sold six years after the forage development program commenced. If
sheep/goats and cattle are valued at Birr 30 and 250 per head respectively, this
means that annual gross income would increase by Birr 105 by year 6. For
simplicity, it was assumed that incremental income in the first year would be
zero, and that thereafter income would increase from Birr 35 in year 2 to Birr 105
by year 6. Further details are given in Table A2.1.
For those farms with immediate surpluses of protein and energy, for
example farms associated with Dembessa Service Cooperative, it was assumed
that the impact of increased supplies of improved forage would be immediate,
and that a static level of increased income would be generated from year 2
onwards. For example, for the Dembessa farms it was assumed that annual
incomes would increase by Birr 64 per year, one year after forage development
A further analytical step was necessary for those farms with large
surpluses of energy and protein, for example Kolba Service Cooperative. It was
assumed that these surpluses would be used to fatten culled oxen for specific
markets, such as Christmas and Easter when livestock prices are high. In the case
of Kolba, it was assumed that by year 3 there would be adequate incremental
forage to result in increased production from the existing herds and flocks and to
fatten 0.5 oxen or about four sheep/goats. This activity would generate a gross
margin of about Birr 350 per oxen, or approximately Birr 175 in year 3. The total
incremental income from livestock production activities in year 3 and 4 would be
Birr 290. By year 5, incremental income would have increased to about Birr 465.
When added to the increased income from dung and fuelwood (Birr 644 for
Kolba farms) increased annual income attributable to the forage development
activities would amount to Birr 1,110 – refer Table A2.1 for details.
At the time the analysis was undertaken there was a wide separation
between the fixed official exchange rate and the shadow or market exchange rate.
In these circumstances, the standard conversion factor was estimated to be
between 0.3 and 0.2. However, the impact on the economic rate of return of low
conversion factors was more than offset by low shadow prices for labour – this
figure is as low as Birr 0.50 per day in some areas when crop weeding is not an
important activity. In summary, forage development projects generate high
economic rates of return and are not unduly influenced by exogenous risk factors,
provided that seed is produced and distributed.
Forage legumes are herbaceous (not woody shrubs) and are used in
undersowing, intercropping, oversowing or grazing areas, improvement of stock
exclusion areas, and in mixed pasture establishment. Forage legumes with a
sprawling or climbing habit can also be used in backyard forage plots.
Establishment is always by direct seeding. Because of this, only those species
and cultivars with good seed production capacity and ease of seed establishment
should be selected. Ease of establishment and persistence are other important
factors to consider during assessment of cultivars for selection. Species and
cultivars with proven capabilities in Ethiopia are detailed below. Their attributes
are summarised in Table 5.1 in Chapter V and Table 7.1 in Chapter VII. Other
species assessed by FLDP included Neontonia wightii (Glycine), Arachis pintoi
(Forage Peanut cv Amarillo), Calopogonium mucunoides (Calopo). Vigna
parkeri (Creeping Vigna cv Shaw), Aeschynomene falcata (Joint Vetch cv
Bargoo), A. americana (Joint Vetch cv Glenn), Centrosema pascuorum (Centro
cv Cavalcade or Bundey), and Ornithopus compressus (Yellow Serradella).
age. Its low energy content makes it unsuitable as a quality dairy ration but it is
useful for fattening strategies. It establishes easily with sowing rates from 0.5 to
2 kg/ha and is a useful component of roadside and aerial seeding mixes. If newly
established plantings are allowed to seed in their first year plant density will
quickly increase because of heavy seed setting. This is one of Siratro's best
features and makes it highly suitable for oversowing strategies below 2000 m in
areas with annual rainfall exceeding 750 mm. Seed production is best from crops
grown on trellises, tall cereal crops or browse trees – with harvests of up to 1000
kg/ha possible. Siratro is an excellent understory species for plantation and
forestry crops if tree spacing is sufficiently wide – this is essentially an agro-
forestry strategy with good soil conservation characteristics because of Siratro's
ground cover characteristics. It climbs very vigorously and is useful for
controlling weedy grasses and other species.
frosts. Silverleaf should be grown on relatively fertile, well drained soils. It needs
careful grazing management for high productivity and is most productive with
cut and carry systems based on undersowing and stock exclusion area strategies.
Continuous moderate cutting or grazing is preferable to occasional very heavy
cutting or grazing. Silverleaf should be allowed to seed at least in the first season.
It is palatable and thus is better managed for cut and carry systems. Silverleaf
requires a moderate to fine seedbed with sowing rates from 1 to 2.5 kg/ha.
Because of this, it is not suited to oversowing strategies. Seed production is more
successful when crops are grown on trellises, tall cereal crops or browse trees
with harvests of up to 400 kg/ha possible.
The stylos are very useful because they are often extremely hardy, and
will grow on soils of very low phosphate status and on some quite acid soils.
Palatability is variable, but always increases during the during the dry season
when the plants "hay off", because of this, sytlos are less suited to cut and carry
systems and more suited to common grazing strategies such as oversowing or
improvement of stock exclusion areas. Most sytlos establish readily by surface
sowing even on rough seedbeds. Burying seed may prevent germination. Typical
seeding rates are 1 kg/ha from oversowing and 2 kg/ha for undersowing.
Establishment and early growth are assisted by controlling companion grasses
with grazing. Seed should be heat treated before sowing (see Chapter VII) but
generally does not need to be inoculated. Most stylos are tolerant of heavy
grazing pressure, and some will set seed and spread even under severe grazing. In
fact the key to good stylo management is to prevent excessive competition form
companion vegetation by regular cutting or grazing. Stylos typically take two to
three years to become fully established, after which their productivity increases
significantly. This aspect of their growth should be taken into account during
assessment of their capability in new areas. Stylosanthes fruticosa is native to
some parts of Ethiopia. The stylos with proven capabilities in Ethiopia are
detailed below:
very high feed value and should be used as a supplement for crop residues and
natural hay in a mixture of 30 per cent alfalfa and 70 per cent other roughages.
its high production and because it seeds over a long time, thus spreading the
labour demand. It is possible to harvest and clean 12 –20 kg seed per person day
(Robertson, 1990).
farmers. Once Pigeon Pea is established, and farmers are used to the idea of a
productive third dimension to their cropping systems, longer lived browse
species such as Leucaena can be introduced to fill gaps as Pigeon Pea dies out.
The plant is best established by direct seeding using 10-50 kg/ha for pure stands
(not recommended for forage strategies) and about 1 kg/km of contour forage
strips. Seed should be sown into a well-prepared site and covered with no more
than 2 cm soil. Early growth is slow but once established plants require little
attention. Pigeon Pea intercrops very well with maize an sorghum. Pigeon Pea
productivity depends very much on the cultivar used. Annual seed yields of 1,500
to 3,000 kg/ha have been recorded but pod boring insects reduce yields. One
person can harvest up to 20 kg seed per day (Robertson, 1990).
farmers fields. Single trees in contour forage strips produce up to 1 kg seed per
year after they are two years old. Seed is best collected by plucking ripe pods
from the tree before they shatter. This is generally done on an opportunistic basis.
Cut trees continue to flower and set seed and make seed collection easier because
they have less height and more synchronised flowering. Tree lucerne is a good
seed crop for highland farmers new to this industry because of its high
production. It is possible to harvest and clean up to 4 kg seed per person day
(Robertson, 1990).
Buffel Grass is extremely drought tolerant and is a very robust grass for
areas below 2000 m with more than 250 mm annual rainfall. It is adapted to
heavy cutting or grazing but is less palatable than many other grasses. Buffel
Grass establishes well from seed and is well suited to improvement of stock
exclusion areas and rehabilitation of degraded areas.
Panic is an erect grass, useful for strip planting or mixed pastures in areas
below 2400 m altitude with more than 500 mm annual rainfall. It grows on most
soils but requires high fertility for good productivity. Panic produces good
quality forage and is well adapted to cutting or grazing. Suitable cultivars include
Petrie and Gatton.
Setaria is a widely adaptable species for areas for areas below 2400 m
altitude with more than 700 mm annual rainfall. It grows on a wide range of soils
and tolerates waterlogging. Setaria is ideal for contour forage strips where it can
Alemayehu Mengistu, 2002 92
be established by direct seeding or from splits. It does not produce seed readily –
an advantage for contour forage strip strategies because it reduces the risk of this
plant becoming a weed. Cultivars include Narok, Solander, Nandi, and
Kazaungula, with Solander being the best adapted to highland areas.
Elephant Grass is a very productive, sterile grass for cut and carry systems
and is well suited to contour forage strip strategies in areas below 2400 m and
with more than 700 mm annual rainfall. It responds dramatically to manuring and
is an excellent backyard forage – where it makes productive use of higher
nutrient loads. Elephant Grass must be cut regularly to maintain its forage
quality. It combines well with browse legumes and vigorous perennial forage
legumes such as Greenleaf Desmodium. Elephant Grass is planted as sets at the
beginning of the wet season.
Plicatulum is a very versatile, low input grass for areas below 2000 m
altitude with more than 700 mm annual rainfall. It is drought tolerant and adapted
to very low fertility soils and to waterlogging. Plicatulum tolerates heavy grazing
once established and is well suited to stock exclusion areas and other degraded
sites. It produces good seed crops and is not recommended for contour forage
strips, although it has good soil conservation properties. Cultivar Bryan performs
well in Ethiopia.
Phalaris is the most important grass species for forage development and
soil conservation in Ethiopia. It has good forage qualities and is best mixed with
other forages to optimise its value as a livestock feed. Phalaris performs well
between 1800 and 3000 m altitude, is frost and drought tolerant and is productive
with more than 400 mm annual rainfall. It requires fertile soils for strong growth
Alemayehu Mengistu, 2002 93
but will survive on poor soils, although its conservation value is diminished on
such soils because of weak growth. Phalaris establishes slowly but once
developed is well adapted to heavy grazing or cutting. It is suitable for contour
forage strips where its soil conservation properties are put to best use, but is also
suitable for backyard forage and mixed pasture strategies. In intensive programs,
Phalaris establishes well from splits either from nurseries or from breaking up
old clumps. It requires through seedbed preparation for direct sowing and does
not establish well with competition. Phalaris should be lightly grazed or cut
during early establishment to encourage the plant to stool. Phalaris does not set
fertile seed except where long growing seasons are possible, in which case annual
seed yields of 300-400 kg/ha are feasible with adequate nutrition. This lack of
fertility in many sites is an advantage for contour forage strip strategies because it
reduces the risk of Phalaris becoming a crop weed.
...................................... ....................................... ................................................
Producer's Name Producer's Signature FLDP Co-coordinating Unit
...................................... ....................................... ................................................
Service Co-op. Exec. Representative's For Zonal Office
Committee Representative Signature AFRDMD
Date .........................
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