International Journal of Health Sciences and Research: Immune Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research: Immune Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research: Immune Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Review Article
Diabetes mellitus patients are more prone to infection and also the wound healing capacity is very
less. As the immune cells are well established mechanisms to protect us from pathogens. So, this
article tried to combine all the recent updates of the relevant scientific data that have been done till
now on ―The effect of diabetes mellitus on the immune cells‖. It has been well described that there is
no or less effect of diabetes mellitus on the adaptive immune system. But if it comes to innate immune
system diabetic mellitus affects the cellular functions like chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and killing of
pathogens by monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils. Most studies showed that decrease in normal
cellular function, and alteration in enzyme activity and cytokine secretion in diabetic monocytes,
macrophages, and neutrophils when compared to control cells. Improvement in cellular functions can
be achieved by controlling diabetes mellitus. By understanding how the immune cells were altered in
diabetes mellitus further we can proceed by targeting therapeutically to achieve better results in
regulation of diabetic complication and improve the lifespan of diabetic patients.
Key words: Hyperglycemia, Insulin, Monocytes, Macrophages, Neutrophils, Advanced Glycation end
product (AGE)
MCP-1 gene and protein level and adhesion expression .In-vitro studies on monocytes
of THP-1 to endothelial. Specific inhibitors also showed same results as in vivo.
of oxidant stress, protein kinase C, ERK1/2, (Bernal-Lopez et al. 2013)
and p38 MAPK blocked the elevated levels Monocytes towards atherosclerosis:-
of MCP-1 by HG (Shanmugam et al. 2003) Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activated
PGE2 and cytokine secretion of monocytes from T1D patient’s exhibits
monocytes has been regulated by the reduction in IL-6 and CCL2 secretion.
Extracellular signal-regulated protein These cytokines are induced through
kinases (ERK) pathway, is further activated MAPK/ ERK and P38 pathways. So LPS is
by mitogen-activated protein kinase (MEPK acting somewhere in these pathways.
or MEK) tyrosine and threonine Apolipoprotein E (Apo E) is effective in
phosphorylation and inactivated by protection of monocytes from lipid
mitogen-activated protein phosphatase-1 accumulation is also altered in monocyte.
(MPK-1) dephosphorylation. Ceolotto et al (Wehrwein et al. 2006) In hyperglycemia
in-vivo in human monocyte experimental the HUVE, showed increased expression of
results clearly shown that there is significant protein and mRNA levels of CCL5 and also
increase in the activity of the ERK and increased monocyte adhesion (2.1-2.2 fold)
MEK kinases but not in the MPK-1 in through the P38 MAPK pathway. (Gao et al.
hyperglycemia it has a negative role in 2015)
pathophysiology of monocyte and Human monocytic cells when
macrophages As most of them are under exposed to high glucose enhanced the
NF-kB control so as expected there is secretion of resistin and TNF- α mRNA and
upregulated in NF-kB expression levels protein levels.(Tsiotra et al. 2013). HG and
(Ceolotto et al. 2001) PIT-1 decrease expression of PIP3 and at
IL-6 in intermediate monocytes and its the same time there is an increase in the
controversy:- concentration of ICAM (intercellular
When healthy individuals are adhesion molecule 1) in HUVEC and
induced acute hyperglycemia by IV infusion CD11a (lymphocyte function- associated
of dextrose and octreotide for 2 hr. Results antigen 1, LFA-1 subunit) in
in a decrease of IL-6 expression. Where as monocytes.(Manna and Jain 2014)
In vitro results of PBMC with high glucose ii. Insulin resistance by
also showed reduction in IL-6 and IL-17A hyperglycemia:-
expression levels. Among them, Studies on circulating monocytes of
intermediate monocytes show highest hyperglycemic patients reveal that there is
reduction. The path ways for the reduction high expression level of CD11c and lower
of IL-6 was identified as P38 MAPK expression levels of CD206 with respect to
expression not by phosphorylation using as normal glycemic control monocytes.CD11c
electro chemiluminescence assay and elevation correlates with increase insulin
SB203580 inhibitor (Spindler et al. 2016). resistance, obesity, triglyceridemia and low
CD16+ CD14+ is intermediate monocytes serum IL-10. They might undergo M1
which are more in T2D and secrets pro- inflammatory polarization in high glucose
inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1 β. condition (Torres-Castro et al. 2016).
(Terasawa et al. 2015) Taken together, all the above studies
The in vivo study on normal and have investigated the effect of
well (HbA1c ≤ 6.5) or poorly (HbA1c > 6.5) hyperglycaemia on monocytes. It was
controlled DM patients showed that clearly evident that there is an effect of
monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1) cytokines on the proper functioning of
and IL-6 are upregulated, in diabetic monocytes and its role in inflammation,
patients than healthy subjects.. So control of proliferation, and adhesion leads to other
glycaemia might decrease only IL-6 complications like cardiovascular diseases
this rac and Cdc42 activate JNK and P38 neutrophils and lymphocytes isolated from
MAPK pathway (Caron and Hall 1998) T2D patient’s blood. The results showed
vi. Pathways and delayed response:- that there is a decrease in calcium
As the pathways are affected during mobilization in T2D than normal. So this
hyperglycaemia, DM patients are more calcium mobilization alteration in immune
susceptible to infection. The neutrophils cells might be one of the mechanisms of
NET formation and microbicidal activity are immune disturbance in diabetes (Kappala et
reduced in diabetes than normal. al. 2014)
Neutrophils from T2D show high-level vii. Synergistic effect of dyslipidemia:-
expression of IL-6 are responsible for Neutrophils or PBMC (peripheral
continuous active state which makes them blood mononuclear cells) when treated with
less response to LPS stimuli for long time. It RHQ (rhodamine-quinoline based
might also be by negative feedback chemodosimeter) for measuring endogenous
mechanism of NET formation in diabetic ROS and HOCL. The results showed that
neutrophils (Joshi et al. 2013). Diabetic rat HOCL and ROS generation is more in
peritoneal neutrophils exhibit delayed diabetic dyslipidemia neutrophils than
response when compared to normal might diabetic nondyslipidemia neutrophils and
be due to expose to chronic hyperglycaemia normal control. Due to more production of
for 30days or may be continuous exposure H2O2 and hyperactivity of myeloperoxidase
to hyperglycaemia makes them less enzyme (MPO) in diabetic dyslipidemia.
stimulus(de Souza Ferreira et al. 2012b). These results prove that dyslipidemia has a
Neutrophils when pretreatment with synergistic effect on the generation of ROS
PKCα/β inhibitor Go6976 or GF109203X and provoke diabetic patients into more
decrease NF-kB, TNF-α, production and complications (Ghoshal et al. 2016).
prevent LPS induced phosphorylation of viii. Proteins and complications:-
IKK αe /β, IkB- α, NF-kB and observed Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
failure of activating P38 and JNK pathways. proportionally elevates the basal ROS
These data strongly supported production in post menopause females. As
interconnection of pathways and cytokine the neutrophil function is decreased they
production in neutrophil (Wen et al. 2006). may be more susceptible to infection. So
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) glycemic control is more important in post
of diabetic patients have decreased menopause females to prevent diabetic
stimulation response with mitogens complications.(Saito et al. 2013).
concanavalin a, phytohemagglutinin, Hyperglycaemia elevates the rate of
pokeweed mitogen when compared with myelopoies is makes the diabetic patients
healthy control patients. Also decrease in more prone to atherosclerosis. As measured
diabetic neutrophils, polymorphonuclear plasma levels of neutrophil produced
cells (PMNC) respiratory burst activity S100A8/S100A9 is proportionately
compared to normal. This effect might be increased with leukocyte counts in coronary
due to long-term in-vivo exposure to artery disease (Nagareddy et al. 2013). An
hyperglycaemia (Daoud et al. 2009). increase in the activities and its percentage
Calcium dependent processes such equivalence of neutrophil membrane-bound
as phagocytosis and chemotaxis of elastase (MLE), membrane-bound form of
neutrophil and lymphocytes are active in cathepsin B (MCB) and their respective
protection against microbial infections. intracellular proteases (ICE,ICB) of
While investigating the process of calcium neutrophils is observed in T2D compared to
mobilization under the effect of N-formyl- normal might have a role in diabetic
methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (f MLP), complications (Zurawska-Płaksej et al.,
Thapsigargin (TG), and hydrogen peroxide 2014).
(H₂O₂) on [Ca²⁺] (i) homeostasis in
expression levels are enhanced. Similarly increases The release of growth factors and
the serum PPAR-γ target gene CD36 and its chemotactic proteins of vascular smooth
activity increases. So exercise has a positive muscle and endothelial cells .i.e. Heparin-
effect in control the inflammatory binding epidermal growth factors, (VCAM-
complication and reduces insulin resistance 1) vesicular cell adhesion molecules and
somehow through PPAR-γ in diabetes metalloproteinase involve in adhesion and
specially T2D (Ruffino et al. 2016). Human migration have a crucial role in
PBMC are used to evaluate the receptor atherosclerotic progression.(Iida et al.
expression levels in correlation with C- 2001).
reactive protein (CRP) and inflammatory ii. Insulin resistance:-
cytokines involved in insulin resistance. The adipocyte-derived factor called
Surprising the IL-6 and TNF – α levels is pigment epithelium- derived factor (PEDF)
more and also enhanced P2X7 receptor activates macrophages, through the
expression along with high CRP in T2D production of TNF mediates insulin
monocytes than health (Hong Wu et al. resistance in NOD mice pancreas.
2015, 7). Interestingly PEDF inhibitor emetine
Monocytes migration is the main (emetic) inhibits macrophage activation by
reason for inflammation in atherosclerosis. PEDF, show attenuation in pancreatic TNF
Out of glucose, insulin, and insulin-like level, insulitis and hyperglycaemia in
growth factor only insulin has an effect on C57B16 mice, so hopefully as it will show
THP-1 monocytic and bone marrow derived positive results as target in T1D diabetes
monocytic cells migration (BDMC). (Hudson et al. 2016).
Pathways studies using pathway inhibitors 2.3 Neutrophils:
and surface expression inhibitors concluded These are the nonspecific immune
that insulin increase surface expression of cells recruited as the first line of host
macrophage-1 antigen (mac-1).which defense. These are the cells that respond to
mediates via the Akt pathway for monocyte inflammation as early as possible and then it
migration through endothelium, these data communicates with other immune cells.
suggest the insulin role in atherosclerosis in Neutrophils produce proteases among this
T2D(S. Y. Jin et al. 2014) neutrophil elastase is one to promote the
2.2 Macrophages: inflammatory response. When hepatocytes
i. Atherosclerosis:- treated with neutrophil elastases it leads to
Hyperinsulinemia effects on inflammation and insulin resistance. After
macrophages make more prone to heart removal of elastase from high-fat diet
coronary diseases like atherosclerosis. But it induced obese mice has less tissue
was a mystery how insulin involves in the inflammation along with low adipose tissue
development of atherosclerosis. (Iida et al. neutrophil and macrophage content.
2001) Macrophages interact with acetylated Implying that it might affect glucose
low-density lipoproteins (LDL) through tolerance and insulin resistance specifically
scavenger receptors or acetyl- LDL in type 2 diabetes (Talukdar et al. 2012).The
receptor, degrade them and transform into neutrophil function requires ATP-dependent
foam cells involve in atherosclerotic initial energy produced by glucose metabolism
stages. These macrophage foam cells are (Borregaard and Herlin 1982). It was
found in atherosclerotic (Steinberg 1997). reported that 50% reduction in glycolysis
The effect of insulin (10-7M) and glucose use in diabetic patients (Munroe
increase the expression level of TNF- α and Shipp 1965). As the glycolysis is
gene and protein release from the monocyte- impaired in diabetes neutrophils due to loss
derived macrophage THP-1 cell. It of synthase phosphatase activity it affects
communicates its activation effect through neutrophil functional properties (V 1983).
ERK pathway in MAPK family.. TNF- α
When examining the effect of AGE RAGE/NF-kB pathway and mediate serious
or RAGE on (ATP-Binding Cassette complications like thrombosis and
Transporter) ABCA1 expression using atherosclerosis through tissue factors in
RAGE ligand S100B along with some other DM.
genes like ABCA1, ABCG1, ABCG8 and Heparanase (HPA) devoid of its
LXR target genes LXR- α and LXR-beta on enzymatic activity it can also
THP-1 monocyte cells. The results revealed phosphorylated some signaling pathways
that ABCA1 protein and mRNA levels are like AKT in macrophages migration
significantly reduced in S100B ligand pathways in the presence of AGE. In-vitro
treatment. This reduction was prevented study using ana-1 macrophages, the HPA
using anti-RAGE antibody on THP-1 cells. protein and mRNA level are significantly
As a support of these results the peripheral high in the presence of AGE. Anti HPA
blood monocytes (PBMC) from diabetes antibody which identified only non-
also showed a reduction in ABCA1 enzymatic terminal pretreatment results in
expression. Liver X receptor (LXR) ligand termination of AKT phosphorylation and
treatment reverses the effects of S100B. So macrophage migration. LY294002
It was concluded that the RAGE can reduce (PI3k/AKT inhibitor) also prevents
the cholesterol transport mediated by migration of macrophages. The anti-RAGE
ABCA1 in monocytes which have a role in antibody also attenuates AGE-induced HPA
atherosclerotic complications in diabetes. expression, AKT phosphorylation and
(P. Kumar et al. 2013) macrophage migration. So these results
It was concluded that AGE effect on proved that AKT phosphorylation is one of
monocytes induces proliferation and it also the pathways for macrophage migration
decrease cholesterol efflux through which was mediated by HPA (Qin et al.
ABCA1.future research has to focus on this 2013).
to find more interesting facts. Albumin isolated from T1D patients
ii. AGE on macrophage:- are used to treat J774 macrophages. While
On incubation with AGE –albumin isolating albumin they found glycated
human macrophage U937 cell line, which modified and carboxyl-methyl-lysine
has RAGE shown dose- dependent (CML) modified albumins are higher in
expression of tissue factors (TF). As well as T1D than control. Also observed the
PBMC from normal and diabetic patients alterations in APOA-1/HDL mediated
treated with AGE –albumin also results in cholesterol efflux in diabetic albumin
increased expression of tissue factors in treated in comparison with controlled
diabetes as normal control. Tissue factor albumin and correlates with a reduction in
expression is thought to be by the ABCA-1 protein content. Elevations of
involvement of oxidant stress. (Ichikawa et intracellular lipids level are observed even
al. 1998) When evaluating the action of in cholesterol acceptor presence. It was
AGE on macrophage polarization. It induces correlated with enhanced stearoyl-CoA
the expression of IL-6 and TNF- α in desaturase-1 expression and reduced
macrophages and also up regulates the M1 expressions of Janus kinase-2 were induced
markers like iNOS, CD11c, and CD86 by albumin from T1D patients. This
whereas M2 markers arg1 and CD206 are albumin-mediated lipid accumulation and
not affected or unchanged. It also increases ABCA1 alteration possibly have a role in
the RAGE expression and NF-kB activation. atherosclerotic complications (Machado-
These results caused by AGE are attenuated Lima et al. 2013).In glyceraldehydes
by using an anti-RAGE antibody or NF-kB (inducer of AGE formation) treatment
inhibitor PDTC (X. Jin et al. 2015). So as a macrophages there is decrease in the efflux
conclusion the AGE can positively regulate of HDL-mediated cholesterol and 7-keto
M1 phenotype differentiation via cholesterol in correlation with decreased
expression of ABCA-1 and ABCG-1(Ibarra diabetes. The greatest challenge for future
et al. 2011). scientists to study diabetes is that ―a different
In conclusion AGE on macrophages stage of diabetes has a different effect on
induce migration, reduce cholesterol efflux, immune cells ―. Hope future scientists will
alters pathway, and induces M1 polarization decode the cause for complications in diabetes
and provide the best treatment and improve the
and insulin resistance. lifespan of a diabetic patient.
iii. AGE on neutrophils:-
the results showed the dose and time- First and Foremost I would like to thank
dependent rise in ROS and reactive nitrogen my guide Dr. Piruthivi Sukumar for his valuable
intermediates (RNI) production. It might be suggestions and guidance without him I can't
via NADPH oxidase and inducible nitric imagine the start of my scientific career. Last
oxide synthase (iNOS). When using but not least I would like to say heartful thanks
inhibitor for both enzymes to scientific journal for their support, without
diphenyleneiodonium, a flavoprotein and you I can't pay my debt towards the research
also anti-RAGE prevent the rise in ROS and field.
I am dedicating this review article to my
RNI. So the AGE –RAGE interaction via
parents (R.chinnayya & R.jaya), brother
NADPH and iNOS is one cause for (R.vijaykumar), and brother in law and sister
oxidative stress and diabetic complications. (L.Rajaravikumar & L.krishnaveni) for their
(Bansal et al. 2012).While accessing the unconditional love and support.
plasma levels of AGEs and their effect on
the proteolytic enzymes like cysteine, ABBREVIATIONS
cathepsin B in plasma and neutrophils in DM-diabetes Mellitus
T2D patients. There is a significant rise in TID-type 1 diabetes
AGE formation in diabetic than normal. T2D-type 2 diabetes
Also found that AGEs reduces the activity ERK-extracellular signal-regulated protein
of cathepsin. These AGE related cathepsin kinase
activities possibly play a role in diabetic MAPK-mitogen-activated protein kinase
MPK-1-mitogen-activated protein phosphatase-
complications. (Grzebyk, Knapik-Kordecka,
and Piwowar 2013) PKC-protein kinase C
In conclusion, AGE has an effect on PBMC-peripheral blood mononuclear cells
neutrophils functional properties. But till LPS-lipopolysaccharide
now limited data is available regarding the NET-neutrophil extracellular trap
effect of AGE on neutrophils. Hope the PMN-polymorph nuclear neutrophils
ongoing research will provide more data in HUVEC-human umbilical vein endothelial cells
near feature. ROS-reactive oxygen species
PEM-peripheral exudates macrophages
SUMMARY SPM-splenic macrophages
The immune system is important for AGE-advanced glycation endproduct
protection. In diabetes, hyperglycemia and
hyperinsulinemia condition alters the normal REFERENCES
functioning properties of the innate immune Alba-Loureiro, T. C., C. D. Munhoz, et al.
system but not or very less effect on the 2007. ―Neutrophil Function and Metabolism
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How to cite this article: Rajana VM. Immune dysfunction in diabetes mellitus (DM). Int J Health
Sci Res. 2017; 7(12):256-275.