MS CourseTask8
MS CourseTask8
MS CourseTask8
BSN 3Y1 - 2
1. Give the rationale for each of the following nursing interventions and selected activities for
the nursing care plan for ineffective airway clearance: (20 pts)
2. Encourage the client to take a deep This moves air down to the bottom areas of the lungs
breath, hold for 2 seconds, and cough and opens up the air passages and moves the mucous
two or three times in succession out; coughing is also easier.
8. Monitor client’s respiratory Assists in evaluating prescribed treatments and client
secretions outcomes
2. Match the following concepts with each other. Write the letter only. Use CAPITAL letters. (2
points each)
3. Assessments for need to C. Reduced oxygen in the blood characterized by a low
suction PO2 or Sa02