Rock Engineering (BEG469RE) (Elective:) Year: IV

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Rock Engineering

Year: IV
Teaching Examination Scheme Total
Schedule Marks
Final Internal

Theory Practical Theory Practical

Marks Marks

L T P Duration Marks Duration Marks

3 2 0 3 80 -- -- 20 -- 100

Course Objective:
The general objective of this elective course is to equip students with knowledge, skill and
tools required for analysis and design of underground opening and related structures
applicable to hydropower development.

Course Contents:

1. Background (2 hrs)
1.1. Brief history on the development of rock engineering
1.2. The role of rock engineering in hydropower development
1.3. Main elements of underground hydropower plants

2. Properties of Rocks and Rock Masses(6 hrs)

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Physical properties of rocks
2.3. Special features of Rocks
2.3.1. Swelling and squeezing
2.3.2. Drillability and blastability
2.4. Strength of rocks
2.5. Jointing of the rock mass and its characteristics
2.6. Shear strength of joints
2.7. Weakness zones and fault

3. Rock Stresses (6 hrs)

3.1. Introduction
3.2. Origin of rock stresses
3.3. Stresses surrounding underground opening
3.4. Stability problems due to stress
3.5. Rock stress measurements

4. Groundwater in Rock Masses (4 hrs)

4.1. Introduction
4.2. Permeability and hydraulic Conductivity
4.3. Estimation of water leakages
4.3.1. Basic flow theory
4.3.2. Numerical modeling
4.4. Field measurements
4.5. Problems caused by groundwater
4.6. Sealing of water leakage

5. Engineering geological Investigation for underground structures (4 hrs)

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Investigation stages
5.3. Preconstruction phase investigations
5.4. Construction phase investigations
5.5. Engineering geological report

6. Rock Mass Classification (6 hrs)

6.1. Introduction
6.2. Quality rating and support estimation
6.2.1. The RMR System
6.2.2. The Q System
6.2.3. The RMi – support method
6.3. Comments on classification systems for rock support estimates

7. Design Approach of Underground Opening (6 hrs)

7.1. Introduction
7.2. Shallow seated and deep seated openings
7.3. Design procedures
7.4. Drill and Blast Tunneling
7.5. TBM Tunnels

8. Support and Lining (6 hrs)

8.1. Introduction
8.2. Support Methods and principles
8.2.1. Scaling
8.2.2. Rock bolts
8.2.3. Shotcrete
8.2.4. Concrete lining
8.2.5. Composite lining
8.2.6. Other methods
8.3. Evaluation of support requirements
8.3.1. Empirical Approach
8.3.2. Classification Systems
8.3.3. Analytical Methods
8.3.4. Numerical Modeling
8.3.5. Observational Approach (NATM)

9. Improved and Cost Saving Solutions (2 hrs)

9.1. Introduction
9.2. Unlined high – pressure Tunnels and Shafts
10. Ground Vibrations (3 hrs)
10.1. Earthquake vibrations
10.2. Blast Vibrations

(i) Stresses surrounding underground opening
(ii) Estimation of water leakages in rock mass
(iii) Presentation of geological data: joint rossete
(iv) Estimation of the rock support for underground structures

 Field visit to hydropower project in vicinity
 Field report and group presentation

 Nilsen, B. and Thidemann, A. 1993. Rock Engineering.
 Nilsen, B. and Palmstrom, A. 2000. Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering.

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