Unit 2 - Teachin-WPS Office
Unit 2 - Teachin-WPS Office
Unit 2 - Teachin-WPS Office
Lesson 3: Sounds
Literacy begins at birth and builds on relationships and experiences that occur during infancy
and infancy. For instance, introducing a baby to books at an early age contributes to a later interest in
reading. Reading together while he or she sits on your lap promotes bonding and feelings of trust. The
give-and-take nature of babbling, lap games, songs, and rhymes set the stage for sharing favorite picture
books. Exposure to logos, signs, letters, and words results in the knowledge that symbols have meaning.
The acquisition of skills like looking, gesturing, recognizing and understanding pictures, handling books,
and scribbling laid the groundwork for conventional reading and writing. Young children who have
normal vision and hearing are regularly exposed to print and words through daily activities. They hear
stories, rhymes, and songs and often observe others reading and writing. These children are poised and
prepared to develop literacy skills. They rapidly develop language and social skill s and quickly absorb
information about how the planet works (e.g. objects exist and have permanence and things have
names, characteristics, and purposes). By observing and imitating the people around them and by
participating in everyday activities, they easily acquire the foundations of literacy. They attach intending
to letters, recognize their own names, find familiar words in picture books, and play simple word games.
They enjoy learning about the sounds letters make, how they fit together to create words and will begin
to use familiar words to create sentences. They enjoyed hearing favorite stories and creating their own.
Activities that promote literacy learning are directly linked to activities that promote communication,
interactions with others, and concept development. Avoid teaching literacy skills in isolation and
instead find creative ways to teach literacy in the context of what makes sense to a particular child.