To Prepare A Pure Sample of Potash Alum (Fitkari), (K SO .Al (SO) - 24H 0)
To Prepare A Pure Sample of Potash Alum (Fitkari), (K SO .Al (SO) - 24H 0)
To Prepare A Pure Sample of Potash Alum (Fitkari), (K SO .Al (SO) - 24H 0)
Potash alum is prepared by dissolving an equimolar mixture of hydrated aluminium
sulphate and potassium sulphate in minimum amount of water containing a little of
sulphuric acid and then subjecting the resulting solution to crystallisation, when
octahedral crystals of potash alum separate out.
Two beakers (250 ml), china-dish, funnel, funnel-stand, glass-rod, wash-bottle, tripod
stand and wire-gauze. Potassium sulphate, aluminium sulphate and dil. sulphuric acid.
1. Take a 250 ml beaker. Wash it with water and then transfer 2.5 g potassium
sulphate crystals to it. Add about 20 ml of water. Stir to dissolve the crystals.
Warm if required.
2. Take the other 250 ml beaker, wash it with water and then transfer 10 g aluminium
sulphate crystals to it. Add about 20 ml of water and 1 ml of dilute sulphuric add to
prevent hydrolysis of aluminium sulphate. Heat for about 5 minutes. If milkiness
still persists, filter the solution.
3. Mix the two solutions in a china-dish and place the china-dish on a wire-gauze
placed over a burner. Stir the solution with a glass-rod. Concentrate the solution
till the crystallisation point is reached. Place the dish over a beaker containing cold
4. Soon the crystals of potash alum separate out. Decant off the mother liquor and
wash the crystals with a small quantity of ice-cold water.
5. Dry the crystals by placing them between filter paper pads or by spreading them
over porous plate.
Weight of crystals obtained = …………g
Expected yield = …………g
Colour of the crystals =…..
Shape of the crystals = ………
Note: The crystals of potash alum are octahedral in shape.