DIETECH: An Exploratory Case Study On The Intervention of Existing Dietary-Related Smartphone Application To Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students

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DIETECH: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Existing Dietary-

Related Smartphone Application to Selected Malnourished

CRSHS Students

A Qualitative Research Submitted to the Faculty and Staff of Cordillera Regional Science
High School as a Partial Fulfillment for Practical Research I

Romesor C. Apolonio
Francis Ira S. Velaque
Roxane Bless B. Arsing
Jonalyn O. Bolinget

Amethyst Joy E. Taqued

Research Adviser

March 2020
Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget


The practice of healthy diet is intensive but promises beneficial effects to the

human body. However, it can also present harmful effects if not taken cautiously. In

modern times, dietary-related smartphone application is utilized for its healh features and

has garnered positive reviews. This study aims in determining the feasibility of existing

dietary – related smartphone applications as a tool for health improvement. A semi-

structured interview consisting of twelve questions was administered to four participants

in assessing their usage and perception on the applications. Results indicate mixed

reviews towards dietary-related smartphone application and nearly all of them felt their

overall dietary status have improved after usage. Overall, the feasibility of dietary-related

smartphone application is promising to people with nutrition-related problems but further

verificantions is needed from health professionals.

Results and conclusion

Keywords: diet, smartphone application, feasibility, perception,

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget


The researchers would like to express their solemn gratitude to the following for their

contributions in making this project possible.

The researchers would like to thank God Almighty for giving wisdom, guidance,

protection, and hope which the research was completed successfully.

To the researchers’ family, for their patience and assistance in making this


To the researchers’ research adviser, Ma’am Amethyst Joy E. Taqued, for her

pieces of advice for the improvement of the project and for the time she provided in the

completion of this project.

To our honored validators who lent their authority and expertise to guide this

study accomplish its objectives.

To all their friends and classmates for their support and encouragement towards

the completion of the study.

With gratitude,

Romesor C. Apolonio
Francis Ira S. Velaque
Roxane Bless B. Arsing
Jonalyn O. Bolinget

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

Table of Contents

Title Page i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgement iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Tables vi


Background of the Study 1

Scope and Limitations 3

Theoretical Framework 3

Statement of the Problem 5

Basic Assumptions 5

Significance of the Study 6

Chapter II 7

Research Design 7

Locale and Population 7

Data Gathering Instrument 8

Validity of the Test Material 8

Data Gathering Procedure 8

Treatment of the Data 9

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

Ethical Consideration 9

Chapter III 10

Results and Discussion 10

Chapter IV 21

Conclusion 21

Recommendation 22

References 24

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

List of Tables

Table 1. The effects of the application to the eating lifestyle of the student 10

Table 2. The perception of the student in using the application as a tool for health

improvement 14

Table 3. Attitude of the students towards the application 18

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget


Background of the Study

Healthy diet is important to the human body across all ages. It presents

various benefits such as reducing cancer risk, improving brain memory, and boosting

overall mood (Critchon-Stuart, 2018). Dieting requires intensive commitment and

maintenance in order to gain its benefits. With the various barriers that people would

confront, it is unlikely that they would be able to adhere to healthy eating. A study

conducted by Hilger, Loerbrocks, and Diehl (2017) reported that the reasons for delayed

healthy dieting is due to the lack of time and food preferences. This lack of control often

leads to detrimental effect opposite of the intended effects of healthy diet. Specifically,

malnutrition- that is, a condition where a person’s diet does not contain an equal amount

of nutrients in achieving optimal health, is one of the causes of fail dieting. They can be

underweight or obese (Brazier, 2020). According to the World Health Organization

(WHO), about 2 billion adults are overweight or obese, while some 462 million are


In the Philippines, the number of malnourished individual, especially children,

have decreased, except for the increased prevalence of overweight/obesity. Stunting and

wasting have decreased by 1% per year, but overweight/obesity still increased by 1% per

year. The effects of malnourishment to the population resulted in loss of 3% of the

country’s GDP. Moreover, it leads to developing weak immune system and cognitive

functions (“How malnutrition affects a child”, 2017)

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

With today’s technology, smartphones are studied for its potential to help solve

malnutrition. Smartphone presents features that aids in dietary assessment such as those

found in websites, social media, and health-related application (Rodger & Melioni, 2017)

(Caperchione, Ellison, George, Maeder, Kolt, & Mummery, 2013). A study conducted in

the United Kingdom by Wharton, Johnston, Cunningham, and Sterner (2014) found that

the subjects record their dietary data more consistently that traditional methods and that

the subjects seems to lose weight though no difference on the weight loss between

groups. Moreover, one study found in the UK as well found that the use of smartphone

raised their eating awareness and lost weight during their trial (Robinson, Higgs, Dlaey,

Jolly, Lycett, Lewis, & Aveyard, 2013). In Australia, researchers found out that mobile

phone-based intervention improved the overall dietary behavior and physical activity of

middle-aged men (Duncan, Vandelanotte, Kolt, Rosenkranz, Caperchione, George, …,

and Mummery, 2014). Another study in the UK found that using smartphone technology

as an attentive based eating intervention is feasible as it improved dietary behavior and

improved weight loss for obese and overweight people (Robinson, Higgs, Dlaey, Jolly,

Lycett, Lewis, & Aveyard, 2013).

While such studies generated related results, no known studies about smartphone

application as a dietary intervention to malnourished individuals have been conducted yet

in the Philippines. Thus, the researchers wish to explore this gap and generate aligned and

consistent results to other studies.

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

Scope and Limitation

The study only deals with malnourished students aged 13 to 19 currently studying

at Cordillera Regional Science High School in the academic year 2019-2020. Moreover,

the factor being observed is the eating lifestyle of the participant and the feasibility of

dietary-related smartphone application as a tool for health improvement.

Theoretical Framework

Diet is one of the most important part of the lifestyle of an individual. This can be

associated to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which states that a person must satisfy their

physiological needs, such as food, water, warmth, rest first before going to the other

needs. Thus, craving for food to eat and water to drink is a normal trait of every

individual (Brug, et al., 2018).

Another theory where the study is anchored on is the Social Cognitive Theory by

Albert Bandura. The theory states that a person's behavior towards the things around him

or her is affected by behavior, personal factors, and environmental factors. This suggests

that the dietary intake of each and every individual is affected by what he or she observes

from his or her environment or by imitating someone through the same diet.

Additional to that, the study also relies on the Health Belief Model (HBM) which

suggests that an individual's belief in a personal threat of an illness or a disorder together

with the individual's behavior in the effectiveness of the recommended health behavior or

action will predict the likelihood that the individual will adopt the behavior. This is built

from the two components of health-related behavior, the desire to avoid illness, or get

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

well if already ill and the belief that a specific health action will prevent or cure the

illness. An individual’s course of action then depends on the individual's perceptions of

the benefits and barriers related to health behavior. In the study, this implies that the

perceptions of the respondents affect the effectiveness of dietary-related smartphone

application and websites as interventions.

Student Hunger


Eating Lifestyle

Health Belief
model Ingest

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to determine the feasibility of existing dietary –

related smartphone applications as a tool for health improvement.

This study sought to answer the following answer:

1. How does the existing dietary-related smartphone application affect the participant?

2. What are the participant’s perception in using the application as a tool for a health


3. How strict do the participants abide by the application?

Basic Assumptions

1. Dietary-related smartphone application will:

 enhance,

 negatively affect, or

 not improve

the eating lifestyle of the participant.

2. The participants believe that dietary-related smartphone application:

 is effective or

 not effective

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

as a tool for health improvement.

3. The participants abide by the dietary-related smartphone application:

 regularly,

 sometimes, or

 seldom.

Significance of the Study

The study will benefit malnourished individuals. The findings will also become an

insight for individuals who seek to improve their health. This can further help them in

assessing their diets and overall physical appearance. It can also improve the perceptions

of people in using smartphone as a tool for health improvement. This study also benefits

dietician where they can utilize these diet-related applications in further helping their

patients cope with their dietary problems.

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget


Research Design

An exploratory research design aims to answer the question starting with the word

what, and it also proves the feasibility of research procedures that are presumed to be

preliminary results for future studies (Hill, 2017, as cited in Ying, 2014) (Hill, 2017, as

cited in Hancock & Algozzine, 2011, p.37). Since our study focuses on answering the

question what and it requires further studies, especially on a large-scale, an exploratory

study will be used. Several studies have somewhat used similar design in studying the

effects of smartphone application on diet such as Rodgers & Melioni (2017), Duncan (2014), and Robinson (2013).

Locale and Population

The research will be conducted at Cordillera Regional Science High School. The

target population of the study is malnourished students currently studying at CRSHS in

academic year 2019-2020 who used or at present using dietary-related smartphone


The researchers will use purposive sampling where a set of criteria will be used to

select the participants of the study. The first criterion is that the participant must be a

student who was, or at present, underweight or overweight and have used or is using an

existing dietary-related smartphone application. Secondly, the person must be

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

emotionally and physically stable by the time of the interview. This is to ensure that the

researchers will do no harm (or damage) to the emotional and physical well- being of the

respondent. The participants will also be selected regardless of their gender, age, and

other factors outside the criterion of the researchers.

Data Gathering Instrument

A semi-structured interview will be used to gather needed data for the

participant’s experiences and views. It will be an informal face-to-face interview so

follow-up questions may be given to the participants during the interview to ensure that

the participants will provide the needed data.

Validity of the Test Material

The researcher will validate the semi-structured interview questionnaires to three

nutritionists from Benguet State University. The validators will rate the instrument from a

Likert’s Scale of one to four with one being the lowest validity and four with the highest

validity. Furthermore, the researchers will also ask the validators for suggestions to

further improve the set of interview questions for the development of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the data gathering, the guide questions that will be validated by nutritionist

are already prepared for the face-to-face interview. A consent letter informing the

participant about the research will be given to them for their permission and approval.

The research will be conducted for approximately one to two weeks. During the

interview, a cellular phone recorder will be used to record all the information for

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

transcription and translation purposes only. The data gathered from the interview will be

transcribed and translated by the researchers for the data interpretation process.

Treatment of the Data

The data collected will be transcribed manually by the researcher. After which,

the actual audio recording of the interview will be deleted. This is to make sure that the

data from the respondent will remain confidential.

Categorization of data will be done to develop a code that represents a theme or

an idea. Similar events, behaviors, feelings, meanings, and other elements of eating

disorders intervention will be coded into axial coding where codes will be linked and

interconnected. The themes and concepts will be summarized to form a broader theme

that can possibly compliment or contradict the identified hypothesis.

Ethical Consideration

Before the researchers will interview the target respondents of the research, the

researcher will first give a consent form explaining the study and its objective to the

respondents. The identity of the respondents is assuredly anonymous. All media and

audio recordings of the interview will be used for the purpose of research and any copy

will be deleted after the course of the study has been done. Furthermore, the information

related to the respondents will be protected and will remain confidential.

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget


Results and Discussion

From the gathered data, the researchers have derived several themes and divided

them into three main categories namely: a) effects of the dietary-related smartphone

application to the eating lifestyle of the student, b) the perception of the student in

application as a tool for a health improvement and, c) the student’s attitude towards the



The first question is about the effects of the application to the eating lifestyle of

the student. The effects were discussed by comparing the changes experienced in their

eating lifestyle before and after using the application. An external factor, which cannot be

controlled by the researcher, is the varied duration of use. With this table 1 below

presents the common themes of the effects of the application to the eating lifestyle of the


Table 1. The effects of the application to the eating lifestyle of the student

Improvement Underweight Students
 Kuan nagimprove (portions of food) (It
 Two cups so yun kala nga inadaduak diyay rice
nga inkarkargak ti kanek (It’s two cups so It’s
like I kinda add a lot of rice when I eat.)
 No ada times nga ma-overworked ko day

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

application ket mabisinak sunga no manganak ket

medyo adadu kaysa day usual nga kankanek. (If
there are times, I overuse the application, I
would feel hungry so when I eat, I eat more than
 Wen ta idi gamin ngay ket mahilig ak ti mmm…
noodles kakasjay… pancit…pancit canton…
umm ibagbaga ni mamak nga haan nga palagi nga
kasta kunana ket ipapatik talaga… (Yes, because
before that I’m very addicted to… noodles like
that…pancit canton… ummm my mom told me to
avoid eating those on a regular basis but I really
insisted) ngem tatta ngay ket… nu inya ti ibaga
na kung baga ibagak..ay nu ibaga ni mamak…
ngay ket isu talaga ti tungpalek metlang (But
now… whatever my mom say… It’s like I
seriously obeyed it) so mostly ngay ket… mostly
ngay ket meat tapos vegetables… kung baga
paghaluen mi (So mostly I put meat and vegetables,
then I mixed it)
Overweight Students
 My rice intake decreased; my sugar intake
decreased. I eat three meals and ah, two snacks
after using the application and before, I eat two
meals, one snack.
Negative Effects Underweight Student
 Day usual, duwa nga meals, morning ken
evening. tas duwa nga snacks, morning ken
midnight snack. (The usual, I eat two meals,
morning and evening, and two snacks, morning
and midnight snacks.) Before the app, kala nga
mangmanganak ngem normal lang nga
pinagpangan (three meals and two snacks).
(Before the app, like I eat but the normal routine
of eating.)
 Hanak aglulunch. (I do not eat lunch). Gamin
agay-ayam ak basketball. (Because I am playing
basketball.) Haan a, no sumobra ak metlng ket
amok metlng limits ko. Kala naming duwa ak
lang sa this week nga haan nga nangan. idi
Monday tapos tata. (No, I know my limits. I just
didn’t eat twice this week, Monday and today.)
No effect Underweight Students
 Same lang. Kumbaga kala pinaadok lang day
kankanek. (It’s the same (awareness of what I

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

eat) but I just increased the amount of food I’m

 Ngem ti meat ken vegetables ket same lang ti
ikarkargak (But nothing’s changed for the meat and
vegetable part)
 Lettuce, haan basta diyay, day favfavorite ko nga
kankanen. (Isu metlng kankanek. Lettuce, my
favorite foods are what I usually eat.)

A study found in the UK suggests that the use of smartphone raised their eating

awareness during their trial (Robinson, Higgs, Dlaey, Jolly, Lycett, Lewis, & Aveyard,

2013). In Australia, researchers found out that mobile phone-based intervention improved

the overall dietary behavior and physical activity of middle-aged men (Duncan,

Vandelanotte, Kolt, Rosenkranz, Caperchione, George, …, and Mummery, 2014). In the

data gathered, underweight students tend to improve their portions of rice, meat, and

vegetables while overweight students tend to decrease their rice and sugar intake with a

change in the frequency of meals and snacks geared toward the general perception of the

recommended frequency. These are aligned with the results of the aforementioned


Negative Effects

Upon further discussion, the application, the student uses, is a physical activity

eccentric application where it does not focus much on diet. Combined with the hobby of

the student playing basketball, the probability of sacrificing lunch for playing is to be

expected and not a sign of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) as

assured by the student in the rapport of the interview. While this was a sign of a negative

effect, this cannot be heavily attributed to the application since it is not a diet eccentric

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

application. The student assured the researcher that it happens not on regularly but on a

seldom basis.

No Effects

Aforementioned is the external factor—the varied duration of use which cannot

be controlled by the researcher. The duration of usage is directly related to the probability

of developing a habit which in this study, a habit of eating healthy and nutritious foods. A

study from Lally, P. and her group in 2010 stated that “The time it took participants to

reach 95% of their asymptote of automaticity ranged from 18 to 254 days; indicating

considerable variation in how long it takes people to reach their limit of automaticity and

highlighting that it can take a very long time. Missing one opportunity to perform the

behavior did not materially affect the habit formation process. With repetition of a

behavior in a consistent context, automaticity increases following an asymptotic curve

which can be modelled at the individual level.” It is highlighted in her study that the

development of a habit can takes a considerable amount of time and that it depends on the

behavior, the person, and the circumstances.



Several studies have been conducted on the use of smartphone application as a

tool for health improvement like a study in China wherein suggested that “The use of

mobile health apps could improve patient experience, especially with regard to accessing

health information, making physician-patient communication more convenient, ensuring

transparency in medical charge, and ameliorating short-term outcomes. All of these may

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

contribute to positive health outcomes. Therefore, we should encourage the adoption of

mobile health apps in health care settings so as to improve patient experience.” Although

the adoption of mobile health apps in health care settings are not yet adopted here in the

Philippines, the probability of it happening is significant due to numerous researches

being conducted. This is why the researchers gathered the perception of malnourished

students on the use of dietary-related smartphone application as a tool for health

improvement. Table 2 below summarizes the reoccurring themes observed in the

statements of the participants.

Table 2. The perception of the student in using the application as a tool for health


No Effect  Yes, or no. Hanko amo, ngem no samet kasi kala
awan effect na met kenyak gamin. Isu ti
mapanpansin ko.
(Yes, or no. I do not know, but it might be no
because it doesn’t have any effect to me. That is
what I observe.)
 Or, actually, hindi na-improve eh, baka I’ll
change – my app- kasi hindi siya effective, ba’t
pa ako magi-istay? (Or actually, it’s not
improving, maybe I’ll change my app because
it’s not effective, why would I still stay?)
 Baka hinde, baka karkaro ak lang. (Maybe not,
maybe I’ll just get worse.)
 Agsukat ak ti app. Ah haan, han ko amo ta haan
nga ag focfocus nga masyado ti diet day app nga
diyay ya.
(I will change the app. Ah, no, I do not know
because the app does not focus much on diet.)

Encouragement  Ah, y-yes, kasi ahh syempre ahh if you are using
your phone everyday ket mas nakikita mo yung
Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

parang ah parang nakikita mo ung ahh ung

parang kunwari satatus ng kuan ng iba.
(Yes. Because of course if you are using your
phone every day, you can see other’s status.)
 If my friend has a--- has a strong metabolism and
ahh, nya dayen? resistance, I’ll recommend the
Keto app. Pero, if not, jay nalaka ngay suna nga
maulaw nu han lang nga mangan- I don’t
recommend that app.
(If my friend has a--- has a strong metabolism
and ahh, what’s that again? resistance, I’ll
recommend the Keto app. But, if not, the one that
easily faints if he/she does not eat- I don’t
recommend that app.
 mmm…yes. Ta…ummm… para kinyak ngay ket
useful met diyay nga app… nga mabalin na nga
kwa baliwan talaga day diet… day lifestyle mo
about pinangan day ummm… kala ibaga na
talaga ti… aramidem
(mmm…yes. For me, it was a useful app; like you
can get back on your diet; It’ll truly tells you
what lifestyle should you follow.)

Beneficial  Ahmm, yah I can consider it yes.

(I can consider it yes.)
 Hmm, parang as a general, it is really helpful
ngay siya, parang it is used as a guide ngay for
us--- para we can keep track of---- para we can
keep track of our diet and ah, yun.
(Like in general, it is really helpful because it is
like a guide for us--- like we can keep track of---
like we can keep track of our diet and that’s it.)
 hmmhmm… okay lang met… dayyyy… okay
(It’s kinda okay)
umm kwan… *in a soft voice* inya ngaba…kala
nga…mayat… pang kwa…. Talaga

(It’s like…how do you put this… it’s good…


uhhh…wait lang… *short pause* diyay mayat ta

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

kala amum ti…mabalin mo nga usarem nga

reference nu inya ti ikastam for… for your diet
kala kasjay…
(Its’ good because you know…you can use this as
a reference if you want to try something for diet
something like that)

ummm… siguro ket… wen… wen met siguro ta

uhh… becau- wen mayat ta ikaganaan kung baga
aramidem day… kung baga everyday mo nga
aramidem diyay kal ibagbaga na “balanced
diet”… dakel met… dakel siguro ti impact na
diyay… ta siyak gamin tatta ket kung baga usarek
lang for reference kasjay

(I would say yes because it’s good for prospering

if you follow the “balanced diet” thing that it
keeps saying every day. It’ll make a big impact.
For now, I’m only using as a sort of reference)

 Effective, ni ***** gamin, ta agususar diyay.

nakutokutong diyay idi grade 7 ngem idi grade 9
ayuhh, dinmakel iman bagi na.

(Effective, since ***** is using it and since grade

seven, that person is thin but in grade nine, that
person’s body grew.)

 Ahmm yes because pag ginagamit ko yung app

ket parang namomotivate akong have my
diet. (Yes, because if I’m using the app I am more
motivated to have my diet.)

 nu long… nu longer ti panag-usar ko ket…

masayan sigura nga… kasjay kasjay en… kung
baga i-balance kun tun amin from diyay diet ko…
kung baga… balanced ti meat ken vegetable, fuits

(The longer I use it, the more I’m accustomed.

It’s like I have a balanced diet- the meat, the
vegetables, the fruit. It’s all balanced) so kala…
diyay.. maim- dakel ti ikasta na kenyak. (So, it
really helped me, big time)

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

No Effect

Some participants seem to display doubts to their application and would consider

replacing with another. Participants claimed the application induced no effect on diet

improvement and further usage would only result in detrimental effects. Laly

explains that this is only due to some external factors, occurring once, interfering which

surprisingly would not materially affect the usage consistency. This implies that frequent

interference of the mentioned external factors would have contributed to the lack of

consistent usage which ultimately produced no effect.


Most of the participants expressed encouragement, suggesting the application can

be convenient to others beside themselves. Specifically, one of the participants supports

the application and said that it only recommends it to individuals with high metabolism,

indicating the application only works for already-fit people. This result is consistent to

the recommendation from Duncan (2014), Wharton (2014), and Robinson



Almost all of the participants stated that the application is somewhat beneficial to

them. Participants felt that their overall dietary status seem to improve drastically and that

it motivates them to achieve healthy eating. However, participants stated that they only

use it for a short amount of time and that further usage on the application will only be for

reference or basis aligned with the application’s recommendation. This is also consistent

to the study of Duncan (2014), Wharton (2014), and Robinson (2013).

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget


A study conducted by Phillippa Lally when she held a Medical Research Council

PhD studentship in 2010 indicates that the development of a habit depends on the

behavior, the person, and the circumstances. In relation, the application is a tool to

develop the habit of healthy eating which in return improves health. Table 3 below

presents the themes of the attitude of the students towards the application.

Table 3. Attitude of the students towards the application

Not strict Underweight Students
 Kastoy nalang pay ading, how strict did you follow
the instructions from the application? Scale from 1-
10. (Before that answer this first, how strict did you
follow the instructions from the application? Scale
from 1-10). 1-10? Ahmm. 7. (7) Apay met ading
nga 7 ti kua… (Why is it 7?) Ahmm. because ah
sometimes hindi ko rin nafofollow minsan ung nasa
instructions. (Because sometimes I’m not following
the instructions).
 Siguro mga… 6 kakasjay (Probably around six).
Six? Apay? (Six? Why?)ta… minsan ngay ket…
haan ku nga ifol-follow diyay recommended nga
kwan… haan nga strictly nga followed… kung
baga alak lang diyay… diyay kayak nga kanen
kasjay as long as asideg idjay recommended nga
diyay. (Because sometimes I don’t strictly follow
the recommendation. It’s like I only get what I can
eat as long as it’s consistent with the
Overweight Student
 Not very strict. Scale from one to ten. Seven.
Mood swings Underweight Students

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

 So, what are the challenges that prevented you from

strictly using the application? Ahmm,, minsan ahh
it’s in my mood kasi kung minsan parang walang
ganang kumain something like that…(Sometimes
it’s in my mood because I don’t have the appetite
something like that. )
 My discipline, peer pressure and then, stress
 Laziness, or other activities that hinder me from
doing my, yeah.
Need for Companionship Underweight Students
 Tapos if you have a peer in using the application,
you will use it more kasi may kasama ka? (Then, if
you have a peer in using the application, you will
use it more because you have companion?) Yes.
 kung baga nu family ngay ket we strict ak idjay
about diyay kankanek day recommendation nga
diyay ngem not to strict kala nga day ada latta ti
bawas bawas na. (I’m strict on what I eat or what
my recommendation told me so, when I’m in front
of the family; But not too strict like to the point
where I become choosy or something)
Overweight Students
 Specifically, friends, baka siguro kapag may
kasama akong friends, baka mas mafo-follow ko
siya strict, uh yeah strictly. Pero kapag kasi ano uh,
my mom uses it also pero- I’m not really that strict,
so baka hindi siya effective sa aking nanay
(Specifically, friends, maybe if I’m with friends,
maybe I can follow it more strictly. But if because
uh, my mom uses it also- I’m not really that strict
with my mom so it’s not effective if I’m with mom.)

Not strict

On a rating scale provided with one being the lowest and ten being the highest,

the participants rated how they perceived themselves abiding by the application. Most of

the answers averaged at 7 and they described it as not strict. This occurs because of the

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

underlying external factors which in Social Cognitive Theory affects the perception and

behavior of the individual.

Mood swings

As a continuation on the personal assessment of the participants, they enumerated

several factors which prevented them from strictly using the application and most were

because of mood swings. In the study conducted by Chaput et al., (2011) an acute

psychological stress (mental arithmetic task) was associated with eating in the absence of

hunger. The absence of difference in appetite sensations between both conditions is in

line with the profiles of plasma glucose and appetite-related hormones.

Most of the participants’ attitude toward the application was revealed that it was

merely affected by their moods which involves laziness and loss of appetite. Some

participant also added the loss of appetite which leads the participant not to be aware with

diet intake. A participant stated some factors that affects the mood is playing basketball.

Need for Companionship

The participants were asked whether the presence of a companion in using the

application will help them abide by the application compared to using it alone. Most of

the response yielded a yes but with a specific companion. Underweight students tend to

be stricter in their diet when they use with their family while overweight students tend to

be stricter with their friends. This can be associated with the “bandwagon effect” which

denotes a phenomenon of public opinion impinging upon itself. This indicates that with

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

the present of a companion, the stricter an individual will be in using the application

compared to using it alone.



1. The gathered data indicates that dietary-related smartphone application tends to

improve the portion of rice, meat, and vegetable for underweight students while

overweight students tend to reduce their rice and sugar intake while gearing to the general

knowledge of recommended frequency of eating which is three meals and two snacks.

However, the application failed to raise their awareness of healthy eating. This may be

associated with the duration of use which according to study, greatly affects the

development of a habit, in this case, the habit of healthy eating. Instead, the students stick

to their usual diet diversity based from their personal favorites.

2. The perception gathered stemmed from the student’s experience while using the

application thus, their perception is directly aligned with their experience as associated

with the Social Cognitive Theory which states that the person's behavior towards the

things around him or her is affected by behavior, personal factors, and environmental

factors. Since most of the participant noticed improvement on their diet, their perception

to dietary-related smartphone application is a beneficial tool quoting that it motivates

them to achieve healthy eating. However, participants stated that they only use it for a

short amount of time and that further usage on the application will only be for reference

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

or basis aligned with the application’s recommendation. A participant also mentioned of

recommending the application but highlighted that specific applications work for a

specific group of people which in that case, healthy people with fast metabolism rate.

While some of the participants will not recommend the application since it did not have

effect to them. This implies that frequent interference of the external factors would have

contributed to the lack of consistent usage which ultimately produced no effect.

3. The attitude of the participants toward the application was affected by several factors

one of which was stated by a participant is hobby. The researchers first let the participant

rate how strict they are with the application and majority responded seven on a scale of 1-

10 with 10 being the highest and as they described it, “not strict”. This is where the

several factors were observed which greatly contributed in the attitude of the participant

toward the application. The constant mood swings accompanied by the loss of appetite

and laziness were cited as the main factors affecting the student’s attitude. Furthermore,

the “bandwagon effect” is also observed in using the application where the participants

made mention that the presence of a companionship will help them become stricter in

using the application.


Based on the findings of the study, the following are recommended:

1. Individuals without health conditions but want to improve their diet are recommended

to consider adopting dietary-related smartphone applications.

Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget

2. Companions of those who are currently using dietary-related smartphone application

are encouraged to do the same.

3. Future research studies having a wider population and using other research

methodology are encouraged.

4. Future researcher would consider developing their own nutritionist approved dietary

application supplemented with theoretical concepts concerning healthy diet and eating


Dietech: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intervention of Dietary – Related Smartphone
Application to Selected Malnourished CRSHS Students
Apolonio, Velaque, Arsing, Bolinget


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