Installation Manual: NC900C-A
Installation Manual: NC900C-A
Installation Manual: NC900C-A
Installation Manual
Model No.
• NC900C-A Projector
• NC-80LB01-B/NC-80DS01-B Signal input board or SIB
• NC-90MS01 Media block or IMB
• Digital Cinema Communicator for S2 DCC for S2
3. Turn off the projector, unplug the power cable and have
the projector serviced by a qualified service personnel CAUTION:
under the following conditions: 1. Do not unplug the power cable from the wall outlet or
• When the power cable or plug is damaged or frayed. projector when the projector is powered on.
• If liquid has been spilled into the projector, or if it has Doing so can damage the projector.
been exposed to rain or water. • While projecting images
• If the projector does not operate normally when you • While cooling after the projector has been turned off.
follow the instructions described in this user’s (The POWER button LED blinks in green while the fan
is rotating, and “cooling...” is displayed on the LCD
screen. The cooling fan continues to work for 90
• If the projector has been dropped or the cabinet has
been damaged. 2. Do not turn of the AC power for 90 seconds after the
• If the projector exhibits a distinct change in perfor- lamp is turned on and while the POWER indicator is
mance, indicating a need for service. blinking green. Doing so could cause premature lamp
4. Keep any items such as magnifying glass out of the light failure.
path of the projector. The light being projected from the 3. Use of a wall outlet with a 20 A or more circuit breaker
is recommended.
lens is extensive, therefore any kind of abnormal objects
that can redirect light coming out of the lens, can cause
Caution on Carrying the Projector/Handling the Optional
unpredictable outcome such as fire or injury to the eyes.
5. When using a LAN cable:
When shipping the projector with the lens, remove the lens
For safety, do not connect to the connector for peripheral
before shipping the projector. Always attach the dust
device wiring that might have excessive Voltage.
cap to the lens whenever it is not mounted on the projector.
6. Do not look into the lens while the projector is on. Serious
The lens and the lens shift mechanism may encounter dam-
damage to your eyes could result.
age caused by improper handling during transportation.
For questions relating to unclear points or repairs In Australia and New Zealand
Contact your dealer or the following support branch for ques- Company Name: NEC Australia Pty Ltd
tions relating to unclear points, malfunctions and repairs of Address: 26 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
the product. Telephone: 131 632 (from anywhere in Australia)
Email Address: [email protected]
In Europe WEB Address:
Company Name: NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
Address: Landshuter Allee 12-14, D-80637 Muenchen,
Telephone: +49 89 99699 0
Fax Line: +49 89 99699 500
Email Address: [email protected]
WEB Address:
In North America
Company Name: NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
Address: 500 Park Boulevard, Suite 1100 Itasca, Illinois
60143, U.S.A.
Telephone: +1 800 836 0655
Fax Line: +1 800 356 2415
Email Address: [email protected]
WEB Address:
In China
Company Name: NEC Solutions (China) Co., Ltd.
Address: Rm 1903, Shining Building, 35 Xueyuan Rd, Haid-
ian District Beijing 100191, P.R.C.
Telephone: +8610 59342706
In South Korea
Company Name: Hyosung ITX Co., Ltd.
Address: 1F, Ire Building, 2, Yangpyeong-dong 4-ga, Yeong-
deungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea 150-967
Telephone: +82-2-2102-8591
Fax Line: +82-2-2102-8600
Email Address: [email protected]
WEB Address:
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise
ACHTUNG: Diese Sicherheitshinweise sollen eine lange Lebensdauer
ZUR VERMEIDUNG EINES ELEKTRISCHEN SCHLAGES Ihres Projektors sicherstellen und vor Feuer und elektrischen
ÖFFNEN SIE NICHT DAS GEHÄUSE. INNERHALB DES Schlägen schützen. Lesen Sie diese Hinweise sorgfältig
GEHÄUSES BEFINDEN SICH KEINE FÜR DIE BEDIE- durch und beachten Sie alle Warnungen.
1. Wenn Sie Informationen zum Transport und zur Installa-
tion des Projektors wünschen, wenden Sie sich an Ihren
Dieses symbol warnt den bediener, dass inner- Händler. Versuchen Sie nicht, den Projektor selbst zu
halb des gerätes unisolierte teile vorhanden transportieren oder zu installieren.
sind, die hochspannung führen und deren Zur Gewährleistung eines ordnungsgemäßen Betriebs
berührung einen elektrischen schlag verursa- des Projektors und zur Minimierung des Risikos von Ver-
chen kann. letzungen von Personen muss der Projektor von qualifi-
Dieses symbol macht den bëdiener darauf auf- zierten Technikern installiert werden.
merksam, dass wichtige, den betrieb und die 2. Stellen Sie den Projektor auf eine flache, waagerechte
wartung des gerätes betreffende schriften bei- Fläche in einer trockenen Umgebung; frei von Staub und
gefügt sind. um irgendwelche probleme zu ver- Feuchtigkeit.
meiden, sollten diese beschreibungen sorgfältig 3. Stellen Sie den Projektor weder in direktes Sonnenlicht
gelesen werden. noch in die Nähe einer Heizung oder sonstiger Hitze
abstrahlender Einrichtungen.
4. Wenn das Gerät direktem Sonnenlicht, Rauch oder Kippen Sie den Projektor nicht mehr als 15° nach vorn oder
Dampf ausgesetzt wird, können interne Komponenten hinten. Dies könnte zu Fehlfunktionen führen. Wählen Sie
beschadigt werden. nach dem Anbringen des Projektors an der Decke eine
5. Behandeln Sie Ihren Projektor vorsichtig. Fallenlassen geeignete Option für den [Fan Tile Setting].
oder starkes Schutteln kann interne Komponenten
6. Zum Tragen des Projektors werden mindestens vier Per-
sonen benötigt.
7. Halten Sie den Projektor nicht mit der Hand am Linsen-
bereich fest. Anderenfalls kann der Projektor umkippen
oder herunterfallen und Verletzungen verursachen. 15°
8. Legen Sie keine schweren Gegenstände auf den
9. Schalten Sie den Projektor aus, und ziehen Sie das Netz-
kabel ab, bevor Sie den Projektor umsetzen.
10. Die Einstellungen des Kuhlgeblases mussen angepasst
werden, wenn der Projektor in Hohenlagen von ca. 5500
Fuß / 1600 Meter oder hoher verwendet wird. Einzelhei-
ten dazu finden Sie unter „Über den Modus Große Höhe“
(Seite 12).
11. Wenn der Projektor an der Decke installiert werden soll: Spannungsversorgung
• Versuchen Sie nicht, den Projektor selbst zu 1. Der Projektor wurde so konzipiert, dass er mit der unten
installieren. aufgeführten Netzspannung läuft.
• Der Projektor muss von qualifiziertem Servicepersonal • 100–130 V Wechselstrom 10,3 bis 7,9 A 50/60 Hz Ein-
installiert werden, um einen ordnungsgemäßen phasenstrom
Betrieb sicherzustellen und die Verletzungsgefahr zu • 200–240 V Wechselstrom 5,1 bis 4,3 A 50/60 Hz Ein-
reduzieren. phasenstrom
• Die Decke muss für das Gewicht des Projektors eine Stellen Sie sicher, dass die vorhandene Spannungsver-
ausreichende Festigkeit aufweisen und die Installation sorgung diesen Vorgaben entspricht, bevor Sie versu-
muss entsprechend den örtlichen Bauvorschriften chen, Ihren Projektor zu betreiben.
ausgeführt werden. 2. Es wird kein Netzkabel mit dem Projektor geliefert. Ver-
• Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie von Ihrem wenden Sie ein Netzkabel, das die Normen und Netz-
Fachhändler. spannung des Landes, in dem der Projektor verwendet
Einzelheiten zu den Befestigungspositionen bei Decken- wird, erfüllt. Siehe „2-4. Auswahl des Netzkabels
montage finden Sie unter „2-2-1. Installing the Projector (Deutsch)“ betreffend den Einzelheiten.
on the Ceiling“ (Seite 30). 3. Behandeln Sie das Netzkabel vorsichtig. Ein beschädig-
tes oder durchgescheuertes Netzkabel kann elektrische
WARNUNG: Schläge oder einen Brand verursachen.
• Biegen oder ziehen Sie das Netzkabel nicht
1. Bedecken Sie die Linse nicht mit der mitgelieferten Lin-
senkape o.ä. wärend der Projektor eingeschaltet ist.
Dies kann eine Verformung oder ein Schmelzen der • Legen Sie das Netzkabel nicht unter den Projektor
Kappe verursachen. Darüber hinaus würden Sie sich oder unter einen anderen schweren Gegenstand.
aufgrund der vom Lichtausgang abgestrahlten Hitze • Bedecken Sie das Netzkabel auch nicht mit weichen
wahrscheinlich die Hände verbrennen. Materialien, z. B. mit Teppichen.
2. Platzieren Sie keine hitzeempfi ndlichen Objekte vor
• Erhitzen Sie das Netzkabel nicht.
der Projektorlinse. Dies könnte zum Schmelzen des
4. Wenn Sie das Netzkabel und das Signalkabel in unmittel-
Objekts durch die Hitze am Lichtausgang führen.
barer Nähe zueinander platzieren, kann Überlagerungs-
rauschen auftreten. Vergrößern Sie in einem derartigen
Fall den Abstand zwischen diesen beiden Kabeln.
5. Berühren Sie den Projektor auf keinen Fall während eines
Gewitters. Wenn Sie dies nicht beachten, kann dies zu
einem elektrischen Schlag oder einem Feuer führen.
4. LCD Menu................................................................................... 61
4-1. List of Menu.............................................................................................................................................................. 61
4-1-1. When You Use the Service Personnel Menu............................................................................................... 63
4-2. Title Select................................................................................................................................................................ 63
4-2-1. Title select (Title Memory)............................................................................................................................ 63
4-2-2. Test Pattern.................................................................................................................................................... 63
4-3. Configuration........................................................................................................................................................... 64
4-3-1. Lamp Setup................................................................................................................................................... 64
4-3-2. Lens Control.................................................................................................................................................. 65
4-3-3. Reset.............................................................................................................................................................. 66
4-3-4. Setup.............................................................................................................................................................. 68
4-3-5. Installation..................................................................................................................................................... 72
4-3-6. Memory.......................................................................................................................................................... 75
4-3-7. Lens FW Update............................................................................................................................................ 75
4-4. Title Setup................................................................................................................................................................ 76
4-4-1. Preset Button................................................................................................................................................. 76
4-5. Information............................................................................................................................................................... 77
4-5-1. Lamp.............................................................................................................................................................. 77
4-5-2. Preset Button................................................................................................................................................. 78
4-5-3. Usage............................................................................................................................................................. 78
4-5-4. Error Code..................................................................................................................................................... 78
4-5-5. Version........................................................................................................................................................... 79
4-5-6. IP Address..................................................................................................................................................... 80
4-5-7. Setup Date..................................................................................................................................................... 80
4-5-8. Option Status................................................................................................................................................ 80
5. Appendix..................................................................................... 81
5-1. List of Registered Titles (when shipped from the factory)................................................................................... 81
5-2. Error Code List......................................................................................................................................................... 82
5-3. Battery Replacement Method for ICP Board (English)......................................................................................... 87
5-4. Batterieaustauschverfahren für ICP-Karte (Deutsch)........................................................................................... 93
5-5. Outline Drawing....................................................................................................................................................... 99
5-5-1. Signal Input Board (NC-80LB01-B).............................................................................................................. 99
5-5-2. Signal Input Board (NC-80DS01-B)............................................................................................................ 100
5-6. Index....................................................................................................................................................................... 101
NOTE The drawing shows the proper clearance required for the front, back and top of the projector.
or greater
NOTE The drawing shows the proper clearance required for the back, sides and top of the projector.
or greater
or greater
NOTE • The drawing shows the proper clearance required for the front, sides, back and bottom of the projector.
• If suspending the projector 30 cm/12 inches away from the ceiling, allow ample clearance for all four sides and
the under the projector.
Beispiel 1 - Wenn sich Wände auf beiden Seiten des Projektors befinden.
30 cm 50 cm
oder mehr oder mehr
HINWEIS Die Abbildung zeigt den ordnungsgemäßen Abstand für die Vorder-, Rück- und Oberseite des Projektors.
70 cm
oder mehr
HINWEIS Die Abbildung zeigt den ordnungsgemäßen Abstand für die linke, rechte, Rück- und Oberseite des Projektors.
oder mehr
30 cm
70 cm
oder mehr
HINWEIS • Die Abbildung zeigt den ordnungsgemäßen Abstand für die linke, rechte, Vorder-, Rück- und Unterseite des
• Wenn Sie den Projektor 30 cm von der Decke entfernt installieren, achten Sie auf ausreichende Freiräume auf
allen vier Seiten und unter dem Projektor.
Width of minimum
Projected image
Screen mask
Screen mask
SCOPE projection:
Note: Number of pixels per horizontal line: 1998 for VISTA (FLAT); 1920 for HDTV
Select a lens that meets the magnification requirement for SCOPE, VISTA (FLAT), and HDTV screen types.
e nw
te rline
n e Screen
terli height
cen (H)
n gth
Option lenses
The lens units that can be attached to this projector are shown in the following table.
MODEL Magnifying
NP-9LS14Z 1.36–1.63
NP-9LS16Z 1.63–2.03
NP-9LS20Z 2.03–2.72
NP-9LS27Z 2.72–4.07
NP-9LS40Z 4.07–6.34
SCOPE projection = = 2.0x
VISTA (FLAT) projection = = 1.95x
HDTV projection = = 1.88x
Therefore, “NP-9LS16Z”, which satisfies the magnifications in all of the above projections, is selected as the primary lens.
When moving the projector, first turn off the power and always disconnect the power plug from the electrical outlet, and
check that all of the connecting cables between equipment and the lenses have been removed.
Side cover
Front cover
Lamp cover
NOTE • “Side cover” and “Front cover” are equipped with key locks. Special keys (cover key) are required to mount or
remove them.
• To remove the side cover, the filter cover (side) needs to be removed.
• If you remove the front cover or side cover, the following error message is displayed on the LCD screen of the
main unit operating panel by the tamper detection circuit.
“Tamper Fail”, “Service Door Tamper”
Encrypted contents cannot be displayed while an error message is being displayed. Refer to “3-2. Recovering
from Tamper Errors” (page 47) for the recovery procedure.
1 Loosen the screw securing the front cover until the Phillips screwdriver goes into a freewheel-
ing conditions.
The screw is not removable.
Key lock
This completes removing the front cover. To mount the cover, perform the removal procedure in reverse. Make sure that you
do not forget to tighten the screw or to lock the key lock.
This completes removing the side cover. To mount the side cover, perform the removal procedure in reverse. Make sure that
you do not forget to tighten the screws or to lock the key lock.
• Step 1
Projector Installation (See page 30)
• Step 2
Selecting the Power Cable (See page 31)
Connecting the Power Cable (See Projector User’s Manual)
• Step 3
Mounting the Lens Unit (See page 39)
• Step 4
Mounting the Lamp (See Projector User’s Manual)
• Step 5
Mounting the following optional parts as required.
- Installing the Media Block (NC-90MS01) (See page 42)
- Installing the Signal Input Board (NC-80LB01-B/NC-80DS01-B) (See page 42)
• Do not extend the adjuster by more than 35 mm. Rotating it forcefully may cause the adjuster to come off or be
• To adjust the level adjusters of the projector, extend the two level adjusters at the front and the back at the same time so
that the weight is imposed to them equally. If you adjust only one adjuster, the weight is not imposed equally, which may
result in level adjuster failure.
Carefully read the contents described in this section before connection and connect the cables according to the proper
procedure. Inappropriate handling may cause fatal, serious or other bodily injuries due to fire or electric shock.
• For details on connecting the power cable, refer to the projector User’s Manual.
• Before connecting the power cables, check that the main power switch of the projector is turned off. Implement the con-
nection with AC power shut off.
• Be sure to ground the equipment to ensure safety. Use a power cable that meets the standards and power supply voltage
of the country where you are using the projector (page 33), and always connect the equipment to the ground. If the ground
is not connected, it may cause electrical shocks.
• When connecting the power cable plugs to the AC IN and the electrical outlet, securely insert the plugs all the way in. If
the connection between the power cable plug and the electrical outlet is loose, the plug area may generate heat, causing
burns and accidents.
• Switch the power cable and power supply voltage of the projector to match the projector to the voltage of the electrical
outlet you are connecting to. If selected incorrectly, it may cause damage or fires.
Connect the AC power supply from the power supply equipment of the building to the projector via a breaker. The breaker
capacity will be as follows depending on the power supply voltage.
Power supply voltage Projector input current Power cable current capacity
AC 100–130V 10.3 to 7.9A 125V 15A or higher
250V 15A or higher
AC 200–240V 5.1 to 4.3A 250V 15A or higher
Furthermore, use plugs, cables, and connectors that are suitable for the regulations of the country of installation, as shown in
the following table.
Plug Cable Connector
CEE 7 H05VV-F 3G1.5 IEC 320 C19
Plug Cable Connector
NEMA 5-15P SJT 3 x AWG 14 IEC 320 C19
Plug Cable Connector
JIS C 8303 VCTF 3 x 2.0mm IEC 320 C19
Plug Cable Connector
GB2099 RVV 300/500 GB17465.1
Dimensions of the connector of the power cable are shown below.
+0 +0
28 -0.9 20 -0.7
20 min
13 ±0.2
2.5 -0 6.0
-0 R3.5 min
+ 0.5
8 ±0.2
2.5 -0
+ 0.5
7 -0
Unit: mm
Lesen Sie diesen Abschnitt vor dem Herstellen der Verbindungen sorgfältig durch, und schließen Sie die Kabel anhand der
ordnungsgemäßen Verfahren an. Falsche Handhabung kann zu schweren oder sogar tödlichen Verletzungen durch Brand
oder einen elektrischen Schlag führen.
• Für Einzelheiten zum Anschließen des Netzkabels siehe des Projektors Bedienungshandbuch.
• Bevor Sie das Netzkabel anschließen, prüfen Sie, ob die Hauptstromschalter des Projektors ausgeschaltet ist. Stellen
Sie die Verbindungen bei ausgeschaltetem Netzstrom her.
• Erden Sie das Gerät, um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Verwenden Sie ein Netzkabel, das die Normen und Netzspan-
nung des Landes, in dem der Projektor verwendet wird, erfüllt (Seite 37), und schließen Sie das Gerät stets an Erde an.
Wenn keine Erde angeschlossen wird, kann es zu elektrischen Schlägen kommen.
• Führen Sie die Netzkabelstecker beim Anschließen bis zum Anschlag in den Netzeingang und die Netzsteckdose ein.
Sitzt der Netzstecker nicht fest in der Netzsteckdose, kann Wärme im Steckerbereich erzeugt werden, die zu Verbren-
nungen und Unfällen führen kann.
• Wechseln Sie das Netzkabel und die Versorgungsspannung des Projektors, um den Projektor an die Spannung der
verwendeten Netzsteckdose anzupassen. Eine falsche Einstellung kann zu Beschädigung oder Bränden führen.
2-4-1. Netzstrom-Spezifikationen
Verwenden Sie für die Netzspannungsversorgung, die an den Projektorkopf angeschlossen ist, nur die unten angegebene
Verbinden Sie das Netzkabel mit der Netzversorgung via einen Abschalter.
Die Ausschalterleistung hat abhängig von der Versorgungsspannung folgende Werte.
Verwenden Sie zudem Stecker, Kabel und Steckverbinder, die den Vorgaben des jeweiligen Landes entsprechen (siehe dazu
folgende Tabelle).
Stecker Kabel Steckverbinder
CEE 7 H05VV-F 3G1.5 IEC 320 C19
Stecker Kabel Steckverbinder
NEMA 5-15P SJT 3 x AWG 14 IEC 320 C19
Stecker Kabel Steckverbinder
JIS C 8303 VCTF 3 x 2.0mm IEC 320 C19
Stecker Kabel Steckverbinder
GB2099 RVV 300/500 GB17465.1
Die Abmessungen des Netzkabels sind unten angegeben.
+0 +0
28 -0.9 20 -0.7
20 Min
13 ±0.2
2.5 -0 6.0
-0 R3.5 Min
+ 0.5
8 ±0.2
2.5 -0
+ 0.5
7 -0
Einheit: mm
MODEL Magnifying
NP-9LS14Z 1.36–1.63
NP-9LS16Z 1.63–2.03
NP-9LS20Z 2.03–2.72
NP-9LS27Z 2.72–4.07
NP-9LS40Z 4.07–6.34
NOTE • The other NEC optional lenses are not available on this model.
• The projector and lenses are made of precision parts. Do not subject them to shock or excessive forces.
• Remove the lens unit when moving the projector. If not, the lens could be subject to shock while the projector
is being moved, damaging the lens and the lens shift mechanism.
• Turn off the power and wait for the cooling fan to stop and turn off the main power switch before mounting or
removing the lens.
• When dismounting the lens from the projector, return the lens position to the center position before turning off
the power. Failure to do so may prevent the lens from being mounted or dismounted because of narrow space
between the projector and the lens.
• Never touch the lens surface while the projector is operating.
• Be very careful not to let dirt, grease, etc., on the lens surface and not to scratch the lens surface.
• Perform these operations on a flat surface over a piece of cloth, etc., to prevent the lens from getting scratched.
• When leaving the lens off the projector for long periods of time, mount the dust cap on the projector to prevent
dust or dirt from getting inside.
NOTE If you remove the front cover, the following error message is displayed on the LCD screen of the main unit operat-
ing panel by the tamper detection circuit.
“Tamper Fail”, “Service Door Tamper”
Encrypted contents cannot be displayed while an error message is being displayed. Refer to “3-2. Recovering
from Tamper Errors” (page 47) for the recovery procedure.
NOTE Mounting the lens with lens cap on its back to the projector can cause malfunction.
3 Orient so that the connector on the lens unit is on the right side, then insert the lens into the
1 Rotate the lens counterclockwise while holding down the RELEASE LEVER.
The lens unit can be removed from the projector.
2 Slowly remove the lens from the projector by pulling it straight out.
After removing the lens, attach the lens cap to both the front and back of the lens for proper storage. If the projector
is stored without the lens, attach the dust cover to the lens hood.
Phillips head screwdriver (No.2) and cover key (attached goods).
• Step 1
Remove Side Cover from the Projector (See page 26)
• Step 2
Mount the Option Board to the Projector (See this page)
• Step 3
Mount the Cover to the Projector (See page 26)
• Step 4
Restore the Tamper Error (See page 47)
Setting up the Projector (See page 44)
NOTE If you remove the side cover, the following error message is displayed on the LCD screen of the main unit operat-
ing panel by the tamper detection circuit.
“Tamper Fail”, “Service Door Tamper”
Also, if you remove the closing panel or device from slot, the following error message is displayed on the LCD
screen of the main unit operating panel by the tamper detection circuit. Furthermore, since the marriage is
cleared, re-marriage is necessary.
“Marriage Tamper Fail”, “Physical Marriage Tamper”, “Marriage Not Active”
Encrypted contents cannot be displayed while an error message is being displayed. Refer to “3-2. Recovering
from Tamper Errors” (page 47) for the recovery procedure.
NOTE Carefully store the blocking panel and screws that you removed.
guide (left/right)
4 Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to display “Configuration” and press the DOWN button.
5 Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to display “Installation” and press the DOWN button.
6 Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to display “Option Slot” and press the DOWN button.
7 Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to display “Slot A” and press the DOWN button.
TIP Settings of slot A and slot B can be confirmed at projector’s [Information] - [Option Status]
• Step1
Turning Your Projector On (See page 50)
• Step2
Setting The Date and Time in the Projector (See page 51)
• Step3
Setting the Projector Projection Method (See page 52)
• Step4
Adjusting the Lens (See page 54)
Display the test pattern to adjust the screen size, screen ratio and focus.
• Step5
Replacing the notch filter (See page 56)
• Step6
Connecting with the Image Input Port (See page 59)
• Step7
Connecting the Various Control Terminal (See page 60)
This chapter explains the adjustment and connection of the projector with Steps 1 to 7.
Steps 1 to 7 complete the adjustment and connection of the projector. Next, carry out various settings such as color adjustment
using DCC for S2. Refer to the “Digital Cinema Communicator for S2 Installation Manual” for the procedure.
TIP Error codes can be checked when using the DCC for S2.
While the above error messages are being displayed, encrypted contents cannot be displayed. Refer to “3-2-1. Procedure for
Recovering from Tamper Errors” (page 48) for details on how to recover from tamper errors.
Start recovery
Yes Step 1
- Attach the front cover and side cover
-C heck that the equipment is correctly attached to slot
Step 2
Log in to the projector with Advanced User or higher
privileges using the buttons on the control panel.
Yes Step 3
Perform re-marriage using the Digital Cinema
Communicator for S2
Recovery complete
• Step 1
“Attach the front cover and side cover”
If you have removed a cover, then attach the cover. Furthermore, if the covers are attached, check that they are attached
When the covers are attached, “Tamper Fail” is cleared.
• Step 2
“Log in to the projector with Advanced User or higher privileges using the buttons on the control panel”
Refer to “4-1-1. When You Use the Service Personnel Menu” (page 63) for details on logging into the projector with Advanced
User or higher privileges using the buttons on the control panel.
Once you login, “Service Door Tamper” is cleared.
• Step 3
“Perform Re-Marriage using the Digital Cinema Communicator for S2”
DCC for S2 is used to perform re-marriage. Refer to “Digital Cinema Communicator for S2 Installation Manual” for details.
• Connect the power cable to the projector (See Projector User’s Manual).
• Supply AC power to the projector.
2 Check that the VOLTAGE SELECT switch is set to match the voltage of the power supply you
are using.
You should select a power cable which is appropriate for the voltage of the electrical outlet you are connecting the projector
to, and set the VOLTAGE SELECT switch properly. If the selection or setting is wrong, it may cause fires, or damage to the
4 If KEY LOCK is on, press the KEY LOCK button for one second or longer.
KEY LOCK becomes off. The KEY LOCK button indicator turns off and buttons on the control panel become
5 Press the POWER button on the control panel of your projector three seconds or longer.
Projector turns on.
The POWER button indicator lights up green after the completion of activation.
6 Press the LAMP ON/OFF button on the control panel for five seconds or longer.
The lamp is turned on and the screen glows light about 15 seconds later. The LAMP ON/OFF button indicator brinks
in cycles of 2 (and changes to steady green light 90 seconds later). The douser is closed until the screen glows light
(the DOUSER button indicator lights green). When the douser is open, the DOUSER button indicator turns off.
NOTE When installed on the ceiling, always set “Fan Tilt Setting” (page 73) correctly.
3 Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to display “Configuration” and press the DOWN button.
4 Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to display “Installation” and press the DOWN button.
5 Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to display “Orientation” and press the DOWN button.
6 Check that “Image Orient” is properly selected and press the DOWN button.
If “Image Orient” is not properly selected, press the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to select it.
Normal-F Front projection. With the projector installed on the pedestal, projection is executed
from the front of the screen.
Normal-R Rear projection. With the projector installed on the pedestal, projection is executed
from the back of the screen.
UpsideDown-F Ceiling front projection. With the projector installed on the ceiling, projection is
executed from the front of the screen.
UpsideDown-R Ceiling rear projection. With the projector installed on the ceiling, projection is
executed from the back of the screen.
10 Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to display “Fan Tilt Setting” and press the DOWN button.
NOTE If you remove the notch filter, always attach the dummy bracket.
• Phillips head screwdriver (No.2).
• Turn off the projector and disconnect it from the electrical outlet.
2. Open the notch filter cover, and then pull it up and remove it.
PC control terminal (RS-232) Use this terminal when controlling the projector in serial connection from a PC.
Ethernet port (LAN) Use this port when controlling the projector in LAN connection from a PC or a cinema
Network hub/Router
PC Cinema server
LAN cable
This completes the adjustment and connection of the projector. Next, set up the projector from the DCC for S2. Refer to the
“Digital Cinema Communicator for S2 Installation Manual” for the procedure.
Main menu Submenu Description
Title Select “Title Memory Name” Selects the title of the signal to be projected. 63
TEST Pattern Selects the test pattern to be projected. 63
Configuration Lamp Setup Adjust Adjusts lamp brightness. 64
Lamp Mode Selects the lamp to use. 64
Lens Control Lens Position Adjusts the position of the projected screen. 65
Focus Zoom Adjusts the size and focus of the projected screen. 65
Reset (FactoryDefault) Returns the settings to their default values. Selects between 66
preset buttons and titles only, LAN settings only and all settings.
Lamp Usage Initializes the usage time of the lamp. 67
Filter Usage Initializes the usage time of the air filter. 67
(Fan Usage) Initializes the usage time of the fan. 67
(Douser Count) Resets the number of times the douser has been used. 67
(Setup) Douser Setup Sets the douser open/close state. 68
Panel Key Lock Locks the buttons on the projector’s control panel so that they 68
cannot be operated.
Auto Key Lock Enables or disables Auto Key Lock. 69
3D Connector Sets the signal input terminal for a 3D image system (3D terminal 69
or GPI/O terminal).
Unlit Mode Sets the projector operation when the lamp does not turn on. 69
Off Timer Sets the time until the projector power is turned off automatically. 70
Filter Message Sets the time to display the message indicating the air filter 70
replacement cycle.
Silent Mode Selects whether to use the status indicator, buzzer, indicators on 70
the control panel and backlight.
(Installation) Option Slot Configures the device installed in slot A (only when the projector 72
is in standby mode).
Orientation Sets the projection method and cooling fan operating mode. 72
Lens Center Moves the lens shift position to the center. 73
Baudrate Sets the PC control connector (RS-232) data transmission speed 73
Date/Time Sets the date and time on the projector. 74
New Router Setup Sets the router with the default settings when the router built-in 74
the projector has been replaced.
Fan Speed Mode Sets the cooling fan operating mode. 74
(Memory) The content of the selected lamp memory (lamp mode and lamp 75
output power value) can be overwritten with the current settings.
(Lens FW Update) This will be used to update the lens firmware in the future. 75
(Title Setup) Preset Button Preset Button 1–16 Sets the title to be assigned to the preset buttons (<1> to <8> 76
Main menu Submenu Description
Information Lamp Output Displays the lamp output setting. 77
Voltage Displays the lamp voltage value. 77
Preset Button Preset Button 1–16 Displays the titles which are assigned to the preset buttons (<1> 78
to <8> buttons).
Usage Displays information related to projector usage. 78
Error Code Displays the currently occurring error. 78
Version System Displays the model name and various version information about 79
the projector.
SIB Displays the model and version of the signal input board (SIB). 79
IMB Displays the vendor name and version information about the 79
media block (IMB).
Slave Displays the slave firmware version of the projector. 79
Ballast Displays the ballast firmware version of the projector. 80
IP Address System Displays the IP address of the projector. 80
Setup Date Displays the date when the projector was set up (starting date of 80
the warranty period).
Option Status Displays the link status of the device mounted in slot A and 80
OFF, Alignment, Cross Hatch, Convergence, Red, Green, Blue, White, Black, White 50% [IRE], H-Ramp, Logo
4-3. Configuration
Adjust the lamp output (brightness).
← Displays the current output power value (%) when the lamp rated output is 100%.
← Displays the current power value (W).
Lamp Mode
Selects the lamp to use. When “Dual” is selected, lamp 1 and lamp 2 turn on/off at the same time. When “Lamp 1” or “Lamp
2” is selected, the other lamp is not used.
TIP • If you change the lamp mode while the lamp is on, the changed settings are applied immediately.
• If you change the lamp mode while the lamp is off, the changed settings are applied the next time the lamp
is turned on.
• The LCD screen displays “Lamp Lit Change” if any of the following events occurs when the lamp mode is set
to “Dual”.
-- One of the lamps has failed to turn on when you turn the lamps on
-- One of the lamps has extinguished while the lamps are on
To once again light a lamp which has failed to turn on or extinguished, press both the LAMP ON/OFF button
and the MENU button three seconds or longer. However, the lamp cannot be turned on again while the LAMP
ON/OFF button indicator is blinking.
NOTE When the lamp mode is changed, the LAMP ON/OFF button indicator blinks green. You cannot change the lamp
mode while the LAMP ON/OFF button indicator is blinking. Wait until the LAMP ON/OFF button indicator changes
from blinking to steady on.
Lens Position
Adjusts the position of the projected screen.
The projected screen moves in the selected direction as you press the UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT button.
Focus Zoom
Adjusts the size (Zoom) and focus (Focus) of the projected screen.
Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the focus.
Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to adjust the size of the projected screen.
4-3-3. Reset
Used when initializing settings and usage times. Some of the items are in the service personnel menu. Refer to “4-1-1. When
You Use the Service Personnel Menu” (page 63) for details on how to use these.
Returns the projector main unit settings to the factory default state. You can choose from the following three types of
• Registered preset buttons and title settings
• Network settings
• All adjustment and setting values
P Button & Title Resets the allocation of preset buttons and all registered titles.
LAN Resets the network settings.
All Resets all adjustment and setting values.
NOTE If you are logged in to the projector with Installation privileges, you cannot reset the network settings (LAN).
Lamp Usage
Resets the lamp usage time. When both lamp 1 and lamp 2 are replaced at the same time, reset the usage times of both lamp
1 and lamp 2.
[1] Press the LEFT/RIGHT button to select the lamp to reset the usage time of, and then press the ENTER button.
[2] Press the ENTER button in the “Lamp1 Usage” or “Lamp2 Usage” screen, the confirmation screen will appear.
[3] Select “Yes” in the confirmation screen, and then press the ENTER button to reset the lamp usage time.
Filter Usage
Resets the air filter usage time. Press the ENTER button, then select “Yes” in the displayed confirmation screen, and then press
the ENTER button to reset the air filter usage time.
Fan Usage
Resets the fan usage time. Press the ENTER button, then select “Yes” in the displayed confirmation screen, and then press the
ENTER button to reset the fan usage time.
Douser Count
Resets the number of times the douser has been used. Press the ENTER button, then select “Yes” in the displayed confirmation
screen, and then press the ENTER button to reset the number of times the douser has been used.
4-3-4. Setup
This menu is for service personnel. For the procedure to use it, refer to “4-1-1. When You Use the Service Personnel Menu”
(page 63).
Douser Setup
Sets the douser open/close state. Request your dealer/distributor to perform the setting.
Open(Power On) When set to Enable, the douser opens after the projector starts up.
Lamp On When set to Enable, the douser opens when the lamp is turned on.
Title Select When set to Enable, the douser opens when a title is selected.
NOTE When the buttons on the projector’s control panel are locked, press the EXIT button on the projector for about 10
sec. to unlock them (The key lock setting on the projector becomes Unlock).
3D Connector
Selects the port for 3D video systems used as the control signal input/output for the 3D video system.
If you select “Not Use”, the GP I/O port is used as the control signal input/output for the 3D video system. If you select “Use”,
the 3D port is used as the signal input for the 3D video system.
Not Use Does not use the 3D port as the control signal input/output for the 3D video system (uses the GP
I/O port).
Use Uses the 3D port as the control signal input/output for the 3D video system.
Unlit Mode
When lamp is unlit, sets whether to shut down the projector or transit to lamp-off state. The default setting is set to “Lamp Off”.
For this menu, the new setting is applied immediately when the setting is changed.
Lamp Off In case the lamp did not turn on for some reason, the projector will transit to lamp-off state (the
power remains turned on).
Cooling In case the lamp did not turn on for some reason, the projector shuts down (powers off). (Before
shutting down, the fan operates for 90 seconds (cool off time).)
Off Timer
Automatically turns off the projector power once the configured time has elapsed. The time until the power is turned off can be
set in steps of 1 hour (up to a maximum of 24 hours). The timer starts from when the setting is applied by pressing the ENTER
button. While the timer is running, the remaining time is displayed in the format “Left **.* H”. Set to “No Preset” to stop the timer.
Filter Message
Sets the time until the air filter replacement cycle (units: hours). Once the usage time of the air filter exceeds the configured
time, the message (“Filter Time Over”) is displayed on the LCD screen. The default setting is set to “0 (-----) [H]”. In this setting,
“Filter Time Over” is not displayed.
Silent Mode
Sets whether the status indicators, buzzer, indicators on the projector’s control panel, illumination, and LCD screen backlight
are enabled or disabled.
TIP When LCD Backlight is set to Disable, you can change the setting to Enable by long-pressing (3 seconds or
more) the EXIT button and UP button.
4-3-5. Installation
This menu is the service personnel menu. For the using service personnel menu, refer to “4-1-1. When You Use the Service
Personnel Menu” (page 63).
Option Slot
Configures the devices mounted in slot A. This menu is active in standby mode only.
Slot B is not available in this projector (displays as “Not Available”).
Set the projection method (Image Orient) to match the installation conditions of the projector and screen. Furthermore, set the
cooling fan operation (Fan Tilt Setting) to match the installation conditions of the projector.
NOTE When you change the installation method, always check that “Fan Tilt Setting” is set correctly (the factory default
settings are Image Orient: Normal-F and Fan Tilt Setting: Floor). If “Fan Tilt Setting” is not set correctly, the lamp
may heat up causing it to shatter or become damaged.
← Select the item and press the ENTER button to display the menu.
Normal-F Front projection. With the projector installed on the pedestal, projection is executed from the front
of the screen.
Normal-R Rear projection. With the projector installed on the pedestal, projection is executed from the
back of the screen.
UpsideDown-F Ceiling front projection. With the projector installed on the ceiling, projection is executed from the
front of the screen.
UpsideDown-R Ceiling rear projection. With the projector installed on the ceiling, projection is executed from the
back of the screen.
Lens Center
To move the lens shift to the center position. The center position may slightly shift depending upon mounting conditions of the
To select the transmission speed (bps) for your projector (SYSTEM) and a PC when they are connected by a commercially
available RS-232C straight cable. Select one from 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400. Select the transfer speed corresponding to
the speed of the connected devices.
Use this to set the date and time on the projector.
The internal clock in the projector uses coordinated universal time (UTC). This sets the time difference between the standard
time in your region and UTC.
TIP If you are using DCC for S2, you can set the date and time from your computer. Refer to “Digital Cinema Com-
municator for S2 Installation Manual” for details.
Sets the router with the default settings when the router built-in the projector had been replaced.
Auto The fan rotates at the optimal speed according to the temperature sensor inside the projector.
High Speed The fan always rotates at high speed.
High Altitude Select when using the projector in locations with low air pressure, such as at high elevations of
altitude approximately 5500 feet (1600 m) or higher. The fan always rotates at high speed.
NOTE • It is recommended that you select “High Speed” if you use the projector non-stop for consecutive days.
• Set “Fan Speed Mode” to “High Altitude” when using the projector at altitudes approximately 5500 feet/1600
meters or higher.
• Using the projector at altitudes approximately 5500 feet/1600 meters or higher without setting to “High Altitude”
can cause the projector to overheat and the protector could shut down. If this happens, wait a couple minutes
and turn on the projector.
• Using the projector at altitudes less than approximately 5500 feet/1600 meters and setting to “High Altitude”
can cause the lamp to overcool, causing the image to flicker. Switch “Fan Speed Mode” to “Auto”.
• Using the projector at altitudes approximately 5500 feet/1600 meters or higher can shorten the life of internal
parts such as the lamp.
4-3-6. Memory
This menu is the service personnel menu. For the using service personnel menu, refer to “4-1-1. When You Use the Service
Personnel Menu” (page 63).
The content of the selected lamp memory (lamp mode and lamp output power value) can be overwritten with the current set-
tings. Press the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to select the lamp memory, then press the “ENTER” button to display the confirmation
screen. Select “Yes” in the confirmation screen, and then press the ENTER button. The selected lamp memory (lamp mode
and lamp output power value) is overwritten with the current settings.
NOTE Lamp memory cannot be newly registered. Use DCC for S2 to register the lamp memory in advance. Refer to
“Digital Cinema Communicator for S2 Installation Manual” for details on registering the lamp memory.
← Select the lamp memory and press the ENTER button to display the confirmation screen.
4-5. Information
Displays the hours of lamp use, the version information and error codes.
4-5-1. Lamp
Displays information relating to the lamp.
Displays the lamp mode and lamp output power value (W).
Displays the voltage value (V) of the currently used lamp.
← Selects the preset button number whose contents you want to display.
← Displays the assigned title numbers.
← Displays the registered names of the assigned titles.
TIP To select a title allocated to one of “Preset Button9” to “Preset Button16”, press the preset button while holding
down the UP button. For example, to select the title allocated to “Preset Button9”, press the <1> button while
holding down the UP button.
4-5-3. Usage
Displays information related to the projector usage, such as the usage time of the projector, lamps, air filters, and fan, and
information about the lamp replacement cycle.
4-5-5. Version
Displays the version information about the projector, optional boards and IMB.
Displays the version information of the projector.
Displays the model name and version information about the signal input board (SIB). When the projector is in standby mode,
the version information displays “---”. Displays “Not Use” when the signal input board is not attached to the projector.
Displays the vendor name and version information about the media block (IMB). When the projector is in standby mode, the
vendor name is blank and the version information displays “---”. Displays “Not Use” when IMB is not mounted to the
Displays the slave firmware version of the projector.
Displays the ballast firmware version of the projector. The version information is displayed in the format “ballast 1/ballast 2”.
4-5-6. IP Address
Displays the IP address set in the projector.
← Displays the date when the projector was set up (starting date of the warranty period).
008 DVI-A DVI-A DVI 2048x1080 0x0 0 P7v2 theatre Use Not Use Disable DC2K DVI M10I OFF
• Before replacing the battery, thoroughly read the content of this section, and perform the work by following the procedure
correctly. If you make a mistake while fitting the new battery, there is a risk of explosion and damaging the projector.
• When replacing the battery, use the same model of battery.
• Dispose of the used battery by following the directions of your local government agency.
Also, if you remove the closing panel or device from slot, the following error message is displayed on the LCD
screen of the main unit operating panel by the tamper detection circuit. Furthermore, since the marriage is
cleared, re-marriage is necessary.
“Marriage Tamper Fail”, “Physical Marriage Tamper”, “Marriage Not Active”
Encrypted contents cannot be displayed while an error message is being displayed. Refer to “3-2. Recovering
from Tamper Errors” (page 47) for the recovery procedure.
• Phillips-head screwdriver (No. 2)
• Remove any cables connecting to external video equipment.
• Remove the side cover (see page 26)
1 Remove the option board mounted in slot A and the slot B blocking panel.
Remove the board and blocking panel in the order slot A then slot B.
1. Unscrew the knurled screws (2 locations) on the front of the slot A/B until the screws turn
freely ( ). These screws cannot be removed.
2. Pull the board or blocking panel directly out ( ).
Slot A Slot B
Blocking panel
1. Gently lift up the positive (+) terminal that is retaining the battery so that you can remove the
“+” terminal
2. Insert a non-conductive tool or your finger into the negative side of the socket.
NOTE If you are using a tool to remove the battery, ensure that you have securely inserted the tool between the battery
and the socket before removing the battery. Furthermore, take care to ensure that the tool you use to remove the
battery does not touch the ICP board. There is a risk of damaging the ICP board.
3. Ensure that the positive (+) terminal of the socket is pressing down on the positive (+) sur-
face of the battery.
“+” terminal
“+” terminal
NOTE If you do not set the marriage, you will not be able to project encrypted content.
• Lesen Sie aufmerksam den Inhalt dieses Kapitels bevor Sie die Batterie ersetzen und gehen Sie vor wie nachstehend
beschrieben. Es besteht die Gefahr einer Explosion, wenn Sie beim Einsetzen der neuen Batterie einen Fehler machen,
mit dem Risiko schwerwiegender Beschädigungen des Projektors.
• Ersetzen Sie die Batterie ausschliesslich durch ein Modell des gleichen Typs.
• Entfernen Sie die gebrauchte Batterie gemäss den geltenden Vorschriften Ihres Aufenthaltsortes.
HINWEIS • Gehenm Sie immer nach den Anweisungen in diesem Kapitel vor.
• Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Netzspannung ausgeschaltet ist, wenn sie die ICP-Karte aus dem Projektor
• Auch wenn die Daten mittels in der ICP-Karte eingebauten Zweitbatterie ca. 3 Stunden lang erhalten bleiben,
wenn die Batterie ersetz wird (bei völlig aufgeladener Zweitbatterie), sollten Sie die Batterie möglichst bald
ersetzen. Um sicherzustellen, dass die Zweitbatterie wirklich völlig aufgelanden ist, sollten Sie den Projektor
mindestens 30 Minuten lang einschalten, bevor Sie die Batterie ersetzen.
• Falls Sie die Seitenabdeckung, entfernen wird die folgende Fehlermeldung vom Datenerkennungskreisauf
dem LCD-Schirm der Betriebskonsole angezeigt.
„Tamper Fail“, „Service Door Tamper“
Wenn Sie die Abdeckung oder das Gerät bei Steckplatz A entfernen, wird die folgende Fehlermeldung vom
Datenerkennungskreisauf dem LCD-Schirm der Betriebskonsole angezeigt. Ausserdem muss eine neue Ver-
bindung hergestellt werden, da die alte Verbindung gelöscht wurde,
„Marriage Tamper Fail“, „Physical Marriage Tamper“, „Marriage Not Active“
Die Videoeingabe im HD-SDI Port der Signaleingabekarte kann nicht angezeigt werden, solange eine Fehler-
meldung angezeigt wird. Siehe „3-2. Recovering from Tamper Errors“ (Seite 47) betreffend der
• Kreuzschlitzschraubenzieher (Nr. 2)
• Verbindungskabel zu externen Videogeräten entfernen.
• Die Seitenabdeckung entfernen (siehe Seite 26)
1 Die Zusatzkarte aus Einsteckplatz A und die Blindplatte aus Einsteckplatz B entfernen.
Zuerst die Karte aus Einsteckplatz A, und dann die Blindplatte aus Einsteckplatz B entfernen.
1. Lösen Sie die Rändelschrauben (an 2 Stellen) an der Vorderseiten des Einsteckplatzes A/B
bis sie keinen Halt mehr haben ( ). Diese Rändelschrauben dürfen nicht entfernt werden.
2. Ziehen Sie die Karte in gerader Richtung heraus ( ).
Einsteckplatz A Einsteckplatz B
1. Die positive (+) Anschlussklemme, welche die Batterie andrückt, sachte anheben, so dass
die Batterie herausgenommen werden kann.
„+“ Anschlussklemme
2. Stecken Sie ein nicht leitendes Werkzeug oder Ihren Finder in die negative Seite der
HINWEIS Falls Sie die Batterie mit Hilfe eines Werkzeugs entfernen, sollten Sie sicher stellen, dass das Werkzeug richtig
zwischen Batterie und Fassung eingefügt ist bevor Sie die Batterie entfernen. Ausserdem sollten Sie darauf
achten, dass das Werkzeug dass Sie verwenden die ICP-Karte nicht berührt. Die ICP-Karte könnte dadurch
beschädigt werden.
3. Stellen Sie sicher dass die positive (+) Anschlussklemme der Fassung auf die positive (+)
Fläche der Batterie druckt.
„+“ Anschlussklemme
„+“ Anschlussklemme
HINWEIS Wenn die Verbindung nicht neu konfiguriert wird, kann die codierte Eingabe in der HD-SDI Buchse nicht verwen-
det werden.
5-6. Index
Numbers I
3D Connector...................................................................... 69 ICP board............................................................................ 87
Image Orient........................................................................ 73
IMB..................................................................42, 72, 79, 80
A Installation........................................................................... 72
IP Address........................................................................... 80
Adjust................................................................................... 64
Auto Key Lock...................................................................... 69
B Lamp cover................................................................... 24, 28
Lamp Mode.......................................................................... 64
Ballast.................................................................................. 80
Lamp Setup......................................................................... 64
Battery replacement............................................................ 87
Lamp Usage........................................................................ 67
Baudrate.............................................................................. 73
LCD menu........................................................................... 61
Lens adjustment.................................................................. 54
C Lens Center......................................................................... 73
Lens Control........................................................................ 65
Ceiling.....................................................................30, 52, 73 Lens Position....................................................................... 65
Configuration....................................................................... 64 Lens unit........................................................................19, 39
Connector............................................................................ 34 Lens zoom magnification..................................................... 21
Level adjuster...................................................................... 30
D List of titles........................................................................... 81
Date setting.......................................................................... 51
Douser Count...................................................................... 67
Media block.....................................................42, 72, 79, 80
Douser Setup....................................................................... 68
Error Code.................................................................... 78, 82 Notch filter........................................................................... 56
Ethernet port....................................................................... 60 Notch filter cover.....................................................24, 28, 56
FactoryDefault..................................................................... 66 Off Timer.............................................................................. 70
Fan Speed Mode..................................................................74 Option board...........................................................42, 59, 72
Fan Tilt Setting.............................................................. 52, 73 Option lens................................................................... 22, 39
Fan Usage........................................................................... 67 Option Slot........................................................................... 72
Filter cover.................................................................... 24, 28 Option Status....................................................................... 80
Filter Message..................................................................... 70 Orientation........................................................................... 72
Filter Usage......................................................................... 67
Focus............................................................................ 54, 65
Front cover.................................................................... 24, 25 P
Panel Key Lock.................................................................... 68
PC control terminal.............................................................. 60
Power cable......................................................................... 31
Preset Button.................................................................76, 78
Projection method................................................................ 52
Projector cover..................................................................... 24
Reset................................................................................... 66
RS-232................................................................................ 60
Service personnel menu...................................................... 63
Setup................................................................................... 68
Setup Date........................................................................... 80
SIB...................................................................42, 72, 79, 80
Side cover..................................................................... 24, 26
Signal Input Board...........................................42, 72, 79, 80
Silent Mode.......................................................................... 70
Slave.................................................................................... 79
System................................................................................. 79
Tamper error........................................................................ 47
Test Pattern.......................................................................... 63
Time setting......................................................................... 51
Title Memory........................................................................ 63
Title Select........................................................................... 63
Title Setup........................................................................... 76
Unlit Mode........................................................................... 69
Usage.................................................................................. 78
Version................................................................................. 79
VOLTAGE SELECT switch................................................... 50
Zoom............................................................................ 54, 65