The Snaith School Prospectus
The Snaith School Prospectus
The Snaith School Prospectus
The Snaith School
Association (SSA) No charge is made for pupils who
are entered for recongised
The Snaith School Association,
examinations through the school.
founded in 1978, hopes always to
The school may charge for exams
work for the benefit of all pupils and
where the pupil has been prepared
the school. It is an association of
for the exam outside school time, or
staff, parents and any other
where the pupil is deemed to have
interested members of the
unreasonably wasted the fees paid
community. It tries to strengthen
by the school e.g. by failing to turn
understanding between teachers
up for the examination.
and pupils and aims to keep parents
involved with the school whilst raising
If pupils cause loss or damage to
money for a variety of ventures.
school equipment or buildings, the
Headteacher may ask for the cost of
The Charging Policy replacement or repair.
The school has a charging Policy in
line with the LEA’s policy. The school Complaints Procedure
will make charges for:
If Parents/Guardians have a
• Instrument tuition delivered by the
complaint, they should put this in
peripatetic teachers of the
writing to the Headteacher, who will
Schools’ Music Service. The
take appropriate action and report
amount will be determined
back to the person concerned.
annually by the Governors in
Parents/Guardians may wish to write
response to the charges levied
to the Chair of Governors,
centrally for the service
contactable through the school, if
• work in practical areas for the final
they are not satisfied that a
product made of wood, metal and
complaint has been satisfactorily
• Swimming lessons for Year 7 pupils
• Visits to Leisure Centres will be
treated as an optional extra
which is chargeable
Headteacher: Mrs J D Pickerill B Ed (Hons)
The Snaith School
Pontefract Road
DN14 9LB
Tel: 01405 860327 Fax: 01405 862748
email: [email protected]