The Snaith School Prospectus

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The Snaith School

A Specialist School in Business and Enterprise

“The school provides a good
standard of education”
Ofsted 2005

The Snaith School

A Specialist School in Business and Enterprise
Dear Parents/Guardians individual where they feel that they
matter, know they are making
Thank you for wanting to find out progress and have the support,
more about The Snaith School. I encouragement, guidance and
hope that you will find this opportunities to unlock and develop
prospectus helpful. their potential.

In September 2005 we were

designated as a Specialist School in INTRODUCTION
Business and Enterprise. This signals
another exciting phase for the school The staff are highly committed and
and will provide a wealth of work extremely hard to provide an
opportunity for the school, local excellent education for all our pupils.
business and wider community.
With the school working in
At The Snaith School we recognise partnership with parents, our pupils
the need to prepare children to be develop self-confidence, self-esteem
able to flourish and prosper and respect for others, qualities that
throughout their lives by continually will be of benefit all their lives. We
striving to be a centre of high quality provide quality education,
learning in the community. This outstanding pastoral care, excellent
means fostering a passion for life- examination results, high standards
long learning and a positive attitude of behaviour and care for others
to acquiring new skills, knowledge and for the school environment. We
and understanding. aim to provide a calm, orderly
atmosphere in which pupils can be
We believe that we provide a high happy, successful and safe.
quality comprehensive education for
pupils aged 11-16 in offering a Jean Pickerill
curriculum which allows pupils to Headteacher
develop their talents and abilities to
the full. We value each child as an
The school’s basic expectation is recognise effort and success in all
that all pupils come to school to areas of school life. The school’s
learn and achieve. We therefore discipline policy motivates and
expect high standards of behaviour promotes good behaviour on an
in class and around the school from individual level thereby building a
all our pupils, and they are not positive atmosphere, which is
expected to undermine these conducive to learning. Regular
expectations. Pupils have a voice in recognition of effort, performance
how the school is run through the and good behaviour is important in
Key Stage and School Councils. developing a pupil’s confidence and
self-esteem. In addition to the many
opportunities to praise pupils which
PASTORAL CARE arise during the course of a school
day, we have a system of merit
The school has a clearly defined certificates to support this process.
Anti-Bullying Policy and we do not
tolerate bullying among our pupils. Form Tutors are responsible for keeping
We encourage openness about an overall view of the welfare of the
bullying as we believe that a climate pupils in their group. Each Year Group
of openness undermines and has a Head of Year who works with
challenges bullying behaviour. the Form Tutors, to help and counsel
pupils, and to arrange social events
As pupils progress through the school, for that Year. The Head of Year should
they are encouraged to accept be the first point of contact in the
responsibility and to develop a sense school for parents with concerns
of self-discipline, and to understand about a child’s educational progress
and help others who may have or social well being, or if a parent
problems. To foster a sense of wishes to pass on information relevant
responsibility among the pupils, a to their child’s schooling.
prefect system operates in Year 11.

The school wishes to encourage the

achievement of pupils and to
It is vital to have strong links between own protection and to understand
parents and school. From the the importance of protecting others.
beginning of Year 7, when parents of
the new intake are invited into The school has developed a Child
school, through to Year 11, we Protection Policy. This follows the
welcome parental support. It is Area Child Protection Committee
hoped that parents will take an Guidelines and Procedures for any
interest in their child’s work and action which has to be taken to
discuss progress and any problems safeguard or promote the welfare of
which arise. Further contact will be our children. The school aims to
made through the progress reports, promote good effective
and by Parents’ Evenings. We would communications with other
ask you to make every effort to agencies.
attend these meetings. All members of staff receive regular
training to improve awareness and
In Year 7 towards the end of the first understanding of Child Protection
term, an interim report based on procedures.
effort in the various subject areas will
be sent home. The report also
contains a Form Tutor comment on
how the pupil has settled into school, “Pupils’ very strong
is making progress etc. This will be
followed by a Parents’ Evening early
relationships with each other
in the Spring Term when parents can and staff allow them to feel
discuss progress with the Form Tutor,
comfortable at school, valued
Head of Year, Head of Learning
Support and Senior Staff. and able to try their best.”
Towards the end of the summer term
Ofsted 2005
parents will receive an academic
report and an end of year review
completed by the pupil. A Parents’
Evening will follow when parents can
talk to subject staff.

Parents should be aware that the

East Riding has an Educational
Welfare Officer who works with the
school in matters such as pupil
attendance and part time
employment of pupils.

Child Protection Procedures

The Snaith School aims to provide a
safe and secure environment where
the children are protected. The
curriculum is used to build
confidence in pupils to ensure their
value other faiths and cultures and The programme includes:- outdoor
provide pupils with a time to reflect pursuits activities; study visits, both in
on matters of concern - to individuals this country and abroad; curriculum
in the school, to the school as a visits to the theatre, museums and art
community, to the wider community galleries. Many departments make
in which the school is set and to the use of our business links.
total human family. These may be
expressed through stories; poetry;
hymns; songs; prayers, and the
celebration of religious festivals.
“Pupils are becoming confident,
Sport sociable and well-rounded
We are committed to the notion that
physical education and fitness are
personalities with a strong sense
crucial in promoting good, lifelong of commitment to the school and
health. Sport therefore plays a major
their own development.”
role in the daily life of the vast
majority of pupils. As well as Ofsted 2005
timetabled PE lessons, there is a busy
programme of lunchtime and after
school activities and team clubs.
Pupils participate in competitive
sports and they have been very
successful. The pupils experience a
range of sports, including basketball,
netball, gymnastics, badminton,
tennis, rounders, football, rugby,
fitness, aerobics and athletics.

Extra Curricular Activities

There is a wide variety including
sports clubs and music and drama
practices, as well as lunchtime and
after- school study sessions for pupils
preparing for GCSE.

All pupils have access to the School

Library, which has a good range of
books and a suite of computers.

Visits are positively encouraged

throughout the school. The aim of
the programme is to encourage
pupils to experience new and
challenging opportunities, to
develop self-reliance and to develop
the ability to work as part of a team.
Sex Education all specialist lessons are available on
the ground floor. Many classrooms
Sex Education is carried out mainly
are carpeted thereby improving the
within the PHSCEE curriculum as part
provision for hearing impaired pupils.
of the Health Education programme.
In line with government policy the
The subject is dealt with across the
school has an Accessibility Plan
years according to the needs and
aimed at improving the facilities for
maturity of pupils in the different year
disabled pupils.
groups. It is taught in the context of
family life. Parents/Guardians have
the right to withdraw children from
Religious Education and
this provision.
All pupils are taught Religious
Access Arrangements Education following the guidelines
of the Humberside Agreed Syllabus
Arrangements for the admission of
(1999). Parents/Guardians have the
disabled pupils are made in
right to withdraw their children from
consultation with the school’s SENCO
these lessons.
(Special Educational Needs Co-
ordinator), pupil, parent and the
The 1998 Education Reform Act
relevant external agencies.
requires schools to hold assemblies of
Wheelchair access is available to the
‘a broadly Christian character’.
whole of the ground floor. Although
Whilst complying with this, we also
there is only a lift to parts of the site
seek to ensure that we respect and

“The school provides excellent

moral guidance and the pupils
reflect this in their daily lives.”
Ofsted 2005
“Pupils enjoy school. They
expect to work hard, are
enthusiastic and contribute
well to lessons and other
Ofsted 2005

We aim to provide a challenging • acquire a range of skills of study,

and varied curriculum for all pupils. communication, problem solving,
The aims of the curriculum are to: practical work, observation,
investigations and information
• ensure that all pupils, regardless of handling
ability, reach the highest
academic standards of which Key Stage 3 (Years 7 - 9)
they are capable and develop
Pupils in Key Stage 3 follow a broad
their particular talents
and balanced curriculum, in line with
the National Curriculum
THE CURRICULUM requirements. All pupils study English,
Mathematics, Science, Languages,
Technology, ICT, History, Geography,
• enable pupils to value themselves
RE, Art, Drama, Music and PE. They
and their relations with other
also cover Personal, Social, Health,
people without discrimination on
Citizenship and Enterprise Education
grounds of religion, race, gender,
(PHSCEE). At the end of Key Stage 3
class or disability
pupils take their National Curriculum
• help pupils understand moral
issues and social problems,
including an awareness of the Key Stage 4 (Years 10 - 11)
social, political and economic Pupils at Key Stage 4 continue to
context in which they live follow a broad and balanced
curriculum. The compulsory subjects
• stimulate and encourage are: English, Mathematics, Modern
creativity, inventiveness and Foreign Language, Technology,
originality and to appreciate Science - setted by ability. PE, RE,
achievements in art, drama, Careers, Health Education, Expressive
music, literature, science and and Performing Arts, IT – are also
technology compulsory and are taught in mixed
ability groups. Pupils additionally
choose options from a variety of
subjects including, Art, Business
Studies (GCSE and Applied GCSE),
Drama, Health and Social Care,
History, Geography, Information
Technology, Music, PE and a second
Foreign Language.
Pupils also have access to: the
ASDAN Course focusing on personal
development and life skills and a
variety of National Vocational
Qualifications in conjunction with
Selby and Goole Colleges.

It is the policy of the school to enter

all Year 11 pupils for the full range of
examinations provided they have
good attendance and punctuality
and a good record of coursework

Work Related Learning and

Careers Education and
The school has a co-ordinated
programme of Work Related
All pupils undergo a period of 2
weeks work experience in Year 11 as
part of a comprehensive Careers
Education programme in Years 10/11.

Special Educational Needs

Pupils experiencing learning
difficulties are given extra support
within their normal lessons and
through carefully planned
withdrawal, so that pupils with SEN
are fully integrated into the
educational life of the school. We
have a team of highly qualified and
experienced Teaching Assistants, led
by the Head of Learning Support.
Admission Policy • Residential/Day Visits - Foreign
exchanges, skiing holidays, visits
The Snaith School is an 11-16 mixed
out of school time and those
comprehensive school. The current
which are not directly related to a
admission arrangements adhere to
curriculum activity are classified as
the criteria operated by the East
voluntary and the total cost in all
Riding of Yorkshire Local Education
ways must be met by the
Authority and are handled by the
The published admission limit: 154.
• Day visits for Geography, History,
Biology, including National

The Snaith School
Association (SSA) No charge is made for pupils who
are entered for recongised
The Snaith School Association,
examinations through the school.
founded in 1978, hopes always to
The school may charge for exams
work for the benefit of all pupils and
where the pupil has been prepared
the school. It is an association of
for the exam outside school time, or
staff, parents and any other
where the pupil is deemed to have
interested members of the
unreasonably wasted the fees paid
community. It tries to strengthen
by the school e.g. by failing to turn
understanding between teachers
up for the examination.
and pupils and aims to keep parents
involved with the school whilst raising
If pupils cause loss or damage to
money for a variety of ventures.
school equipment or buildings, the
Headteacher may ask for the cost of
The Charging Policy replacement or repair.
The school has a charging Policy in
line with the LEA’s policy. The school Complaints Procedure
will make charges for:
If Parents/Guardians have a
• Instrument tuition delivered by the
complaint, they should put this in
peripatetic teachers of the
writing to the Headteacher, who will
Schools’ Music Service. The
take appropriate action and report
amount will be determined
back to the person concerned.
annually by the Governors in
Parents/Guardians may wish to write
response to the charges levied
to the Chair of Governors,
centrally for the service
contactable through the school, if
• work in practical areas for the final
they are not satisfied that a
product made of wood, metal and
complaint has been satisfactorily
• Swimming lessons for Year 7 pupils
• Visits to Leisure Centres will be
treated as an optional extra
which is chargeable
Headteacher: Mrs J D Pickerill B Ed (Hons)
The Snaith School
Pontefract Road
DN14 9LB
Tel: 01405 860327 Fax: 01405 862748
email: [email protected]

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