Conceptualizing India Energy Security

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Conceptualizing India’s Energy Security – issues and challenges

Dr. A .K. Tiwari , Director , Central Training Institute , Jabalpur M.P.

[email protected]

Abstract: The concept of energy security generally presented as low

vulnerability of vital energy systems. This paper emphasis the countries
energy security as the input of energy policy framework and describes the
threat impacts on energy. Many important issues such as use of non-efficient
machines, high energy intensity in manufacturing processes, high aggregate
technical and commercial losses in power distribution and international oil
politics with interdependencies between all the dimensions are also
discussed. The paper also focuses on Non-compliance of energy
conservation act and its unscrupulous implication on countries energy
problems. Some recommendations are also presented to make India as
energy secure nation.
Key words : Energy security; energy independence; energy audit , energy conservation building
code, security index

Introduction: It means energy must be available to

Energy security means every citizen all peoples 25X7 hours from all the
must have access to uninterrupted resources of energy such as Coal,
energy supplies during all the times Diesel, Petrol, Electricity, Gas etc.
at reasonable price. Three conditions Many descriptions of energy security
of energy security must be satisfied – are available in literature. The
1. Reliable and uninterrupted definition of Energy security by the
energy supply. United Nations is as ‘the continuous
2. Access to energy all time. availability of energy in varied forms,
3. availability of energy at in sufficient quantities and at
affordable and competitive affordable prices’ [World Coal
Institute, 2005] . In terms of energy There are several factors governing
security, a key issue is resource the secure supply of energy [World
availableness, that is that the actual energy outlook, 2018]:
physical quantity of the resource • Diversification of power generation
obtainable round the world (i.e., capacity—to enable generation costs
to stay moderately stable.

long-run security). Another facet of

energy security is that it would like
for system dependability with
• Prices—energy should be available
continual provide of energy,
at reasonable price.
significantly electricity, to fulfil
• Stages of investment required—a
peoples demand at any given time
vital investment is required to satisfy
(i.e., short-run security).
the forecast growth in energy demand
and also the accessibility of that
investment is problematic in economically and environmental
developing countries. security of the country.
• Comfort of transport—energy Is India energy secured country?
should be transported without delay Unfortunately, the answer is no.
on the market. we are among the energy unsecured
• Focus of suppliers—the reliance on country of the world.
foreign fuels from a restricted variety We are depends upon the various
of suppliers will increase the chance resources of energy such as
of antagonistic market impact.
• Availability of infrastructure
proficiency—countries should have
access to totally different energy
sources to attain a various energy
• Inter joining of energy systems—
the interconnection of energy
systems, significantly electricity,
should be thought of. Petroleum, Natural Gases, Uranium
• Fuel changeover—variation within etc. on import from other countries.
the uses of fuels might also be Due to political imbalance of energy
necessary for energy security. exporting countries or with geo-
• Political intimidations—the energy political conditions our energy
provide system is prone to supply will be adversely affected.
disturbances caused by political The pricing of these energy resources
unrest, benefits and terrorist attacks. are depends upon international
As mentioned above, Energy security market where we have no control. A
may be further classified as long term large population of the country is still
and short term security. Long term using kerosene for lighting.
energy security correlates with
national economic developments The availability of fossil fuels in
while short term energy security is India such as Coal, lignite is
related with daily demand of energy diminishing day by day hence we
and its supply. cannot run our thermal power station
Energy security is the key of national for many years. Due to
security, economic security and environmental mitigation, loss of
environment security. It means, biodiversity and ecosystems it will
threats to energy security will effect not be possible to construct large
hydropower projects.
Challenges: pumps sets are nonstandard and
Since independence previous inefficient which have the efficiently
governments did not seriously focus of 30% hence caused the energy
on increasing the electricity losses of 70%.
generation from non-renewable Similarly, in small and medium
energy, the only progress happens in industries numerous motors
last 4 years. It is estimated that only compressors, drives, belt conveyors,
15 % of the total energy demand is crushers, fans, blowers etc. are not
available from non-renewable energy energy efficient therefore causing the
sources. In addition to energy crises, energy losses. Although there is a law
we are among the most energy which prevents production and sale
wastage country in the world. The of none ISI mark equipment (usually
energy intensity in manufacturing called China made, Delhi made) but
process is very high in India, as these are available everywhere which
comparable to Europe, China, Japan has no address of manufacture, no
and USA. It is because of less bills, no taxes and no quality testing.
awareness of energy saving In our power sectors transmission
opportunities in manufacturing and distribution losses are very high
sectors and use of non-efficient as compare to other countries.
machine. Approximately 30 to 40% electricity
is lost in distribution lines which are
termed as aggregate technical and
commercial losses. Government
policies such as free electricity or
subsidised tariff also causing loss to

In our country non ISI marks According to provision of energy

equipments are widely used. conservation Act 2001, energy audit
Although they are available in market is mandatory for every industry.
at low prices with low efficiency and Unfortunately, most of the industry
causing high energy losses. In India did not follow to conduct this. The act
there are approximately 2 crores also made it mandatory to follow
agricultural pumps sets, they national energy conservation
consume 14 billion units of building code (ECBC) in every big
electricity per year and there is 50 commercial building (such as
lakhs pumps sets increase annually. It shopping malls, hospitals, multiplex
is estimated that out of which 80%
etc.) but municipal corporations are compliance of ECBC . By reducing
not implementing the code strictly. the line loss of transmission and
distribution companies and no to free
electricity. Public awareness and
publicity on energy conservation is
the need of time. By implementing
these measures India can become an
energy secured nation.

Recommendations – for being 1. Zhenya Liu Global Energy Development:
energy secure nation following The Reality and Challenges , in Global
Energy Interconnection, 2015
remedies must be enforced: 2. T E R I Report No.2007ER05 on Energy
We must shrink our dependency on Security
3. TERI 2006 - National Energy Map for
large thermal and hydropower of India, Technology Vision 2030,
generation, and to increase the 4. FICCI 2011-India’s energy security Key
issues impacting the Indian oil and gas
distributed power generations from sector
Solar, Wind, geo thermal and tidal 5. Planning Commission of India integrated
Energy Policy 2016
power sources. Indigenous sources of
6. Diego García-Gusano, Diego Iribarren and
petroleum and natural gases must be Daniel Garraín - Prospective analysis of
exploited more and to increase the energy security: A practical life-cycle
approach focused on renewable power
production reducing our dependency generation and oriented towards policy-
on import. In order to increase the makers, ELSEVIER Applied Energy
Volume 190, 15 March 2017, Pages 891-
number of electric vehicles, 901
Government must encourage and
7. Global energy institute- International
protect the production and sell of Energy Security Risk Index (2013 Edition)
electric busses, electric cars and
8. Harsh Kanani-Energy Security in India
electric two wheelers. To establish , Great Lakes Institute of Management
electric vehicles charging station and , 2010
every places. The physical security is
required in all power houses,
transmission lines and substations to
prevent the terrorist attack. Strict
rule and policy against the production
and sells of non-efficient, non-
standards equipment. Strict action
must be taken against industries not
conducting annual energy audit and

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