Power System Analysis of A Microgrid Using ETAP: April 2015

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Power System Analysis of a Microgrid using ETAP

Method · April 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24287.87206


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2 authors:

Sneha Kulkarni Sunil Sontakke

Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology Ashta Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology


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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-X, Issue-X,

Power System Analysis of a Microgrid using

Sneha Kulkarni, Sunil Sontakke

 disturbance, Microgrids can island themselves and retain power

Abstract— Due to evolution in the power system, the availability, avoiding blackouts and lost productivity. For the
development of smaller generating systems such as micro last few years electrical engineers have been concentrating on
turbines, Wind Turbines, Solar PV system, etc., have opened new the power system studies using software tools. Recent advances
opportunities for onsite power generation which is located at in engineering sciences have got a revolution in the field of
user’s site called Distributed Energy Resources (DER). The
electrical engineering after the development of powerful
significant potential of DER to meet customers need and utilities
independently can be captured by organizing these resources into computer based software. This research work highlights the
Microgrid. Power System study and analyses are mandatory parts effective use of Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP)
of power system engineering. This paper deals with a Micro Grid software for analyses and monitoring of electrical power system
simulation in Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP). which involves a Microgrid consisting of a wind turbine, a solar
This paper is focused on the detailed analyses by using the most panel and two diesel generators.
modern software ETAP, which performs numerical calculations This paper embodies an innovative approach to analyze the
of large integrated power system with fabulous speed besides, power system network by using ETAP with the help of one line
generating output reports which will be helpful in implementation
diagram. This diagram is executed in ETAP to perform load
of a Microgrid system. In this software, Off-line monitoring is
made which includes current flowing in every branch, power flow study, harmonic load flow and short circuit analysis. The
factor, active and reactive power flow, short circuit analysis and system is analyzed under steady state by using load flow
harmonic distortion etc. of large power system. Based upon the analyses. Moreover, Harmonic analyses of current and voltage
recorded data obtained from an actual Microgrid which has been waveforms when sinusoidal voltage is applied to a non-linear
implemented in ETAP for Off-line monitoring and analyses. load are also made. The short circuit analysis is also carried out
Index Terms— DER, DG, ETAP, Microgrid, Distributed to get the full load short circuit current and to decide the
Generation, Load flow, Introduction protective devices’ ratings.
Section 2 is the brief idea of the microgrid concept and ETAP.
I. INTRODUCTION Section 3 is the single line diagram of the system under
After deregulation, electric power demand has enlarged concern; this diagram is instigated based upon practical data in
tremendously. Fossil fuels are reducing day by day therefore ETAP for simulation purpose in Section 4 which is Load
power producers are moving towards of renewable energy Modeling and simulation of microgrid in ETAP. Section 5
sources. Out of these wind power and solar power generation contains analyses which include load flow, harmonic and short
has developed up to significant extent. These energy converters circuit analysis. Section 7 deals with the Conclusion of this
can work together in the form of power parks or as a standalone research work.
power supplies called Distributed Generators, with the
induction of DGs, in the power system, power grid has become
more complex, hence invite its own problems like protection, II. BRIEF IDEA OF MICROGRID AND ETAP
power quality, blackouts, load sharing and shedding etc. Now a
What is Microgrid?
day’s utility grid is unable to supply the complete demand of
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has offered the
electricity. Owing to these problems a new concept of
following description of Microgrids:
Microgrid, as shown in fig. 1, has come up, which can work in
"A Microgrid, a local energy network, offers integration of
grid connected mode (in case of normal power supply
distributed energy resources (DER) with local elastic loads,
condition) or islanded mode (in case of disturbed power supply
which can operate in parallel with the grid or in an intentional
island mode to provide a customized level of high reliability
The Microgrid concept has the prospective to solve major
and resilience to grid disturbances. This advanced, integrated
problems arising from large penetration of distributed
distribution system addresses the need for application in
generation in distribution systems. Microgrids are almost 85%
locations with electric supply and/or delivery constraints, in
efficient as they have very little transmission losses and use the
remote sites, and for protection of critical loads and
surplus heat to warm or cool buildings. During power outage or
economically sensitive development.
In another slightly different definition of a Microgrid:
Sneha Sudhir Kulkarni, Department of Electrical Engineering, "A Microgrid is any small or local electric power system that is
Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology, Ashta, Tal.- independent of the bulk electric power network. For example, it
Walwa, Dist.- Sangli, Maharashtra, India, Phone/ Mobile No. - 8407967497, can be a combined heat and power system based on a natural
(e-mail: [email protected]).
gas combustion engine (which cogenerates electricity and hot
Prof. Sunil Sontakke, , Department of Electrical Engineering,
Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology, Ashta, Tal.- water or steam from water used to cool the natural gas turbine),
Walwa, Dist.- Sangli, Maharashtra, India, Phone/ Mobile No. - 9028090793, or diesel generators, renewable energy, or
(e-mail: [email protected]).

Published By:
1 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Power System Analysis of a Microgrid using ETAP

fuel cells. A Microgrid can be used to serve the electricity needs equipment (Generator, Transformer, Shunt equipment) is
of data centers, colleges, hospitals, factories, military bases, or readily available which reduces the considerable time of the
entire communities (i.e., village power)." user. ETAP provides error report and highlight the mistake to
the user in brief report.
Key elements of power systems that are included in ETAP are:
1. Load flow (power flow study)
2. Short circuit
3. Transient stability
4. Harmonic Study
5. Voltage Instability Analysis
6. Relay Coordination
7. Sub-synchronous Resonance
8. Load forecasting
9. Load shedding studies
10. Online monitoring.


Figure 1: Microgrid Taxonomy

The Key Features of a Microgrid

Operation in both island mode or grid-connected
 Presentation to the Microgrid as a single controlled
 Combination of interconnected loads and
co-located power generation sources
 Provision of varied levels of power quality and
reliability for end-uses, and
 Designed to accommodate total system energy
Microgrid-Enabling Technologies
Figure 2 : Schematic of Microgrid to be analyzed
The key capability and feature of a Microgrid is its ability to
The above figure shows the schematic of Microgrid to be
island itself (i.e., separate and isolate itself) from a utility’s
analyzed. The DG1 shows the combination of two diesel
distribution system during brownouts and blackouts.
generators of 62.5 kVA and 45 kVA resp. The DG2 represents
However, in order to have an operational Microgrid that can
a wind turbine generator of capacity 100 kW whereas the DG3
perform in the manner expected – both online and islanded –
implies the solar power generator of 100 kW. The main
requires use of the following technologies:
generator (GEN) is the line from MSEDCL of 11 kV and a
 Distributed Generation (DG)
transformer of 500 kVA; 11kV/440V is connected to it. The
 Islanding and Bi-Directional Inverters wind turbine has capacity 100 kW and can provide 380 V AC
 Smart Meters voltage. The solar panel has rating of 100 kW and capacity of
 Distribution Automation (DA) 3000AH and can provide 220 V DC. A smart switch is
 Substation Automation connected between the main 11 kV line and distributed
 Microgrid Control Systems generators at point of common coupling (PCC) so that the
 Smart Transfer Switches Microgrid can be islanded.
 Advanced Energy Storage The load can be classified as lights, fans, air conditioners,
room coolers, water coolers, Photostat machines, printers,
ETAP: Electrical Transient Analyzer Program computers, induction motors, irrigation pumps and the other
As power system become increasingly complex, there is a industrial equipment etc. Comprehensive load modeling is
critical need to make available improved tools for analyzing the performed in ETAP based upon original system data.
power system. In addition, it gives guidance to the entry of new
working professional into the power system with at least a basic IV. LOAD MODELING AND SIMULATION OF SYSTEM IN
understanding of power system operation. ETAP
ETAP is the most comprehensive analysis platform for the
design, simulation, operation, control, and optimization, Fig.2. gives that, in the system there are three DERs and one
automation of generation, transmission, distribution and 11 kV line coming from MSEDCL. There is a 500 kVA
industrial power systems. ETAP offers a suite of fully transformer connected in the system. The same is shown or
integrated software solutions including arc flash, load flow, implemented in ETAP as shown in Fig. 3.
short circuit, relay coordination, cable capacity, transient
stability, optimal power flow, and more. Its modular
functionality can be tailored to fit the needs of any company
from small to large power systems. Typical information for all

Published By:
2 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-X, Issue-X,
DERs are connected, which has total load connection of 0.043
MW and 0.026 MVAr. The power factor for the bus 7 is
87.3% whereas for bus 25, it is 98 %. The total current flowing
through the bus 7 is 245.2A, while from bus 25 it is 253.1A.
The critical overloading of any equipment is considered when
it is operating at a load equal to or more than its 100% of
operating values. And that is considered as marginally
overloaded when it is operating at 95% load. In the given
system, the gen1 and WTG1 are overloaded, while the gen2 is
marginally overloaded.
Table 1: ETAP alerts in Load Flow Analysis

Device Type Condition Rating Operating %

ID Operating
Figure 3 : SLD of Microgrid in ETAP GEN 1 Generator Critical 0.038 0.038 100.0
Overload MW MW
Bus 7, which is the main load bus, operating at 440 V has 100% WTG Wind Critical 0.100 0.100 100.0
operating magnitude with power of 0.012 MW and 0.004 1 turbine Overload MW MW
MVAr. The same bus at constant impedance requires 0.139 Generator
MW real power while 0.079 MVAr. Bus 25 is the bus, where GEN 2 Generator Marginally 0.055 0.053MW 95.9
all the DERs are connected together, which is also operating at Overload MW
440 V and 1.0 p.u. and with giving real power of 0.12MW and
reactive power of 0.008 MVAr. Bus 6 is the swing bus To summarize, the total load demand of the system is 0.206
connected to utility grid line of 11 kV. Bus 23 is a MVAr/pf MW, 0.120 MVAr at 86.42% lagging pf. The total motor load
control bus connected to a wind turbine of 100 kW and 0.380 is 0.067 MW at 86.84% pf and the total static load is 0.139
kV. Bus 32 and bus 33 are the voltage control buses connected MW at 86.87%. The total generation is 0.206 MW
to DG 1 that is to the diesel generators of 62.5 KVA and 45 .
KVA ratings. There are two transformers connected in the Table 2 : Summary Report of Total Demand
system. The transformer T5 is a 500 kVA, 11/0.44 kV, plinth
mounted, ONAN cooled, DYn11 transformer whereas the T13 MW MVAr MVA % PF
is a 200 kVA, 0.380/0.440 kV, step up transformer. 14.51
For the simplicity of simulation and lack of space available, the Source(swing) 0.015 0.101 0.102
loads of different departments in the college had been 99.50
implemented by using a combination of composite network and Source (non-swing) 0.191 0.019 0.192
panel assembly. The following figure will demonstrate the 86.42
connection of load in electrical department. Total Demand 0.206 0.120 0.238
Total Static Load 0.139 0.079 0.160
Total Motor Load 0.097 0.039 0.077

5.2 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis

As microgrid contains large no. of single phase loads,
unbalanced load flow plays a very important role in the analysis
Figure 4 : Load connection of Electrical Department of microgrid. After unbalanced load distribution, the load flow
gives following results.
Table 2: Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis
kV Phase MW MVAr MVA
5.1 Load Flow Analysis pf
Based on the network topology with the impedances of all
A 0.054 0.025 0.059 90.9
devices as well as with the in feeds and the consumers, the
load-flow calculation can provide voltage profiles for all Bus
0.44 B 0.079 0.046 0.091 86.4
nodes and loading of network components, such as cables and 7
transformers. With this information, compliance to operating
limitations such as those stipulated by voltage ranges and C 0.030 0.021 0.037 82.4
maximum loads, can be examined. The Newton- Raphson
method with 0.0001precesion and 999 iterations is used for A 0.064 0.010 0.064 98.8
load flow analysis. Bus
In the given system, buses 28, 32, 33, 34 are the generation 0.44 B 0.064 0.010 0.064 98.8
buses therefore no load is connected to these buses directly.
Bus 7 is the main load bus, where total load of 0.151 MW, C 0.064 0.010 0.064 98.8
0.083 MVAr is connected. Bus 25 is the bus where all the

Published By:
3 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Power System Analysis of a Microgrid using ETAP

A 0.054 0.025 0.059 90.9

0.44 B 0.079 0.046 0.091 86.5
C 0.030 0.021 0.037 82.4

This analysis gives the reduction of power factor due to

overloading of a phase in an unbalanced system. So, it is
necessary to minimize the overloading of the phase and to make
sure that the load is balanced in nature.

5.3 Harmonics Analysis Figure 5: Harmonics waveforms of Voltage Distortion

After performing harmonic analysis on the entire power
system under consideration in ETAP, the obtained
information includes Total Harmonic Distortion in voltage (%
VTHD) and Total Harmonic Distortion in current (% ITHD).
The system contains different types of motors and
synchronous machines with a utility grid connected all
together. The utility grid is to be considered to have %
negative sequence X/R = 0.05, X2=4.99, R2= 99.875 and that
of zero sequence X/R is 0.05, R0 = 99.875, X0=4.99.The
generators have negative sequence X/R=9.00, X2=18.00,
R2=2.00. For zero sequence the generators have X/R = 7.00,
X0= 7.00 and R0= 1.00.The utility is considered to have
harmonics of typical arc furnace and all motors and
synchronous machines are considered to have typical IEE 12
pulse 1 type harmonics. Figure 6 : Spectrum view of Harmonics order at different buses
Bus 7 has voltage distortion of 101.01% in RMS, 143.97% in
ASUM and VTHD of 14.46%. Bus 34 has voltage distortion 5.4 Short Circuit Analysis
of 127.63% in RMS, 298.53% in ASUM and VTHD of Short circuit analysis analyzes the power flow after a fault
79.31%. For current distortion, Bus 7 has RMS amp of occurs in a power network. The faults may be three phase
249.71A, ASUM amp of 362.34 A and ITHD of 19.27%. Bus short circuit, one-phase grounded, two phase short circuit,
34 has RMS amp of 204.34A, ASUM amp of 317.08 A and two-phase grounded, one phase break, two-phase break or
ITHD of 23.97%. complex faults.
At bus 7 and bus 14, the harmonic voltage at 5th harmonics In the given system two synchronous generators are connected
order is 9.65 %, at 7th harmonic order 5.70% and at 11th & 13th which is of 45 kVA and 65 kVA respectively and having X/R
harmonics order it is 2.53% of the fundamental voltage. The ratio of 19.00. There are 4 induction motors with X/R ratio of
alert report gives that the harmonics at any branch or bus 15.00, X”= 27.83.
exceeds its permissible limit, so an appropriate mitigation When a three phase fault is occurred on bus 6, current of 0.546
equipment should be introduced in the system. kA is obtained in bus 6 at ½ cycle calculation and that for
It can be seen that the harmonics are maximum at harmonics 0.544kA current at 1.5-4 cycle calculation. There is effect on
of order so a combination of filters consisting of 11th bus 7 where a 4.30 % voltage from bus 7 to bus 6 is observed.
and 13 order single tuned filters and high pass filters is to be A current of 0.021 kA is observed in bus 7.
introduced in the system. When a three phase fault is occurred on bus 7, all the motors
The following figures give the waveforms for the voltage and synchronous motors are affected by that fault. A current of
distortions and the order of harmonics in each of the buses. 6.637 kA real is observed in bus7. Bus 14 and bus 28 gives a
Table 3: VTHD (Total Voltage Distortion) fault through a tie circuit breaker.
When a three phase fault is occurred on bus 14 then all the four
Bus Voltage Distortion induction motors and synchronous motors are affected. A total
ID kV % Fund. VTHD current of 6.637kA is flown through the bus 14 at ½ cycle.
Bus 7 0.440 100.00 7.03
Bus 14 0.440 100.00 7.03
Bus 23 0.380 100.00 69.86
Bus 25 0.440 100.00 79.76
Bus 28 0.440 100.00 7.03
Bus 32 0.440 100.00 79.76
Bus 33 0.440 100.00 79.76
Bus 34 0.440 100.00 79.76

Published By:
4 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-X, Issue-X,
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14 0
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Figure 7: Short Circuit Analysis 3 phase device duty

Sneha Sudhir Kulkarni is appearing for B.E.
VI. CONCLUSIONS Electrical degree from Annasaheb Dange College of
Simulation of large electrical power system performed in this Engineering and Technology, Ashta of Shivaji
research paper for monitoring and analyses purpose has open University, Kolhapur.
new pathways for power sector stake holders. Over loading of Her interests include smart power grid, Digital
power/distribution transformers, line conductors/cables current Electronics, Power Systems.
carrying ability, power factor, supply demand gap, voltage drop
at the tail end, technical losses, active and reactive power flow,
voltage and current magnitudes, Total Harmonic Distortion in
voltage and current etc. can be analyzed and monitored at any
desired location using this innovative approach. Moreover, Prof. Sunil Shrikant Sontakke received the B.E.
degree in electrical engineering from AMIE. He
utilities can simulate the complete power system and can also received M.Tech. Power Systems from RIT,
integrate different grids as they are actually connected referring Islampur in 2011. He is currently working toward
to this research work. This simulation can also be helpful for the Ph.D. degree at the VTU Institute in Belgum.
utilities in their planning and development sectors. Once the Currently he is working with Annasaheb Dange
College of Engineering and Technology as
simulation is performed in ETAP for complete power system, it Assistant Professor.
may be very helpful for converting conventional grid network His research interests include smart power grid,
into smart grid. buildings energy management and automation, and
optimization of large-scale systems.
I, first author would like to extend my sincere thanks to prof.
Sunil Sontakke, Assistant professor, Electrical Engineering
Department, ADCET, Ashta for his kind and valuable support
to complete this paper.

1. Robert H. Lasseter, Paolo Piagi, " Microgrid: A Conceptual Solution ",
PESC’04 Aachen, Germany 20-25 June 2004.
2. R. H. Lasseter, J. H. Eto, B. Schenkman, et.al., "CERTS Microgrid
Laboratory Test Bed", IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol. 26,
No. 1, January 2011.
3. Takehiko Kojima, Yoshifumi Fukuya, " Microgrid System for Isolated

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5 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
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