Power System Analysis of A Microgrid Using ETAP: April 2015
Power System Analysis of A Microgrid Using ETAP: April 2015
Power System Analysis of A Microgrid Using ETAP: April 2015
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Published By:
1 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Power System Analysis of a Microgrid using ETAP
fuel cells. A Microgrid can be used to serve the electricity needs equipment (Generator, Transformer, Shunt equipment) is
of data centers, colleges, hospitals, factories, military bases, or readily available which reduces the considerable time of the
entire communities (i.e., village power)." user. ETAP provides error report and highlight the mistake to
the user in brief report.
Key elements of power systems that are included in ETAP are:
1. Load flow (power flow study)
2. Short circuit
3. Transient stability
4. Harmonic Study
5. Voltage Instability Analysis
6. Relay Coordination
7. Sub-synchronous Resonance
8. Load forecasting
9. Load shedding studies
10. Online monitoring.
Published By:
2 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-X, Issue-X,
DERs are connected, which has total load connection of 0.043
MW and 0.026 MVAr. The power factor for the bus 7 is
87.3% whereas for bus 25, it is 98 %. The total current flowing
through the bus 7 is 245.2A, while from bus 25 it is 253.1A.
The critical overloading of any equipment is considered when
it is operating at a load equal to or more than its 100% of
operating values. And that is considered as marginally
overloaded when it is operating at 95% load. In the given
system, the gen1 and WTG1 are overloaded, while the gen2 is
marginally overloaded.
Table 1: ETAP alerts in Load Flow Analysis
Published By:
3 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Power System Analysis of a Microgrid using ETAP
Published By:
4 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-X, Issue-X,
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1. Robert H. Lasseter, Paolo Piagi, " Microgrid: A Conceptual Solution ",
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2. R. H. Lasseter, J. H. Eto, B. Schenkman, et.al., "CERTS Microgrid
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3. Takehiko Kojima, Yoshifumi Fukuya, " Microgrid System for Isolated
Published By:
5 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
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