Physicochemical and Technological Characteristics of Arrowroot Flour Modified by Ultrasound and Low-Temperature Heat Treatment

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Ciência Rural, Santa

Physicochemical andMaria, v.49:10,

technological e20181037,
characteristics 2019 flour modified by ultrasound
of arrowroot and low-temperature heat treatment.
ISSNe 1678-4596

Physicochemical and technological characteristics of arrowroot flour modified by

ultrasound and low-temperature heat treatment

Marília Cândido Fideles1* Juliana Aparecida Correia Bento1 Karen Carvalho Ferreira1
Ana Lázara Matos de Oliveira1 Márcio Caliari1 Manoel Soares Soares Júnior1

Escola de Agronomia, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), 74690-900, Goiânia, GO, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected].
Corresponding author.

ABSTRACT: Arrowroot is a plant abundant in starch content, and because it does not possess gluten proteins in its composition, its utilization
is of great interest in the production of food for people who are intolerant to these proteins. The substitution of gluten involves the use of
thickening agents, such as pre-gelatinized starches or flours, which can be obtained by physical processes. In this context, the aim of this study
was to evaluate the physicochemical and technological characteristics of arrowroot flour (AFU) modified by ultrasound, in the functioning of
intensity and time, and modified by low humidity heat treatment (LHHT) as a function of temperature and time. Besides characterizing AFU
and AFLHHT, we aimed their future application in products without gluten. All independent variables affected (P<0.05) water absorption index
(WAI) and water solubility index (WSI) at 28 °C; WSI was at 80 °C, peak viscosity, final viscosity, setback and enthalpy of gelatinization (ΔH).
The selected AFU was processed in 15 min at an ultrasound intensity of 43.5%, while AFLHHT was at 105 °C for 15 min. Neither of them presented
significant differences in relation to their proximal composition. It is concluded that the modification of AF by both methods is feasible, and it
is possible to predict its use in the formulation of foods without gluten, due to their physicochemical and technological characteristics which
are more appropriate than those of AF.
Key words: Maranta arundinacea L.,hydration, RVA, DSC, dietary total fiber.

Características físico-químicas e tecnológicas da farinha de araruta modificada por ultrassom e por

tratamento térmico de baixa umidade

RESUMO: A araruta é uma planta que apresenta conteúdo abundante de amido, e por não apresentar as proteínas do glúten em sua composição
desperta o interesse da sua utilização na produção de alimentos para pessoas intolerantes a essas proteínas. A substituição do glúten envolve
a utilização de agentes espessantes, como amidos ou farinhas pré-gelatinizados, que podem ser obtidos por meio de processos físicos. Neste
contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as características físico-químicas e tecnológicas da farinha de araruta (FA), FA modificada por
ultrassom (FAU) em função da intensidade e tempo, e FA modificada por tratamento térmico de baixa umidade (FATTBU) em função da temperatura
e tempo, além de caracterizar FAU e FATTBU selecionadas, visando sua futura aplicação em produtos sem glúten. Todas as variáveis independentes
afetaram (P<0.05): índice de absorção de água (IAA) e o índice de solubilidade em água (ISA) a 28 °C, ISA a 80 °C, viscosidade de pico,
viscosidade final, tendência a retrogradação e entalpia de gelatinização (ΔH). A FAU selecionada foi processada em 15 min em intensidade do
ultrassom de 43,5%, enquanto FATTBU a 105 ºC por 15 min. Ambas não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação à composição proximal.
A modificação da FA tanto por ultrassom como por tratamento térmico com baixa umidade é viável, e é possível prever a sua utilização na
formulação de alimentos sem glúten, devido as suas características físico-químicas serem mais apropriadas que a da FA.
Palavras-chave: Maranta arundinacea L., hidratação, RVA, DSC, fibra alimentar total.

INTRODUCTION to APRIANITA et al. (2014), arrowroot flour has 62.3

g 100 g-1of starch in its composition, being able to
Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.) of modify it to obtain pre-gelatinized flour, which is a
the family Marantaceae, is a perennial plant. It is product that can be used for the production of gluten-
cultivated for its edible rhizomes in all the tropical free foods (MARTI et al., 2013).
countries of the world (ODEKU, 2013). Arrowroot The native starch structure, present in
rhizome contains abundant amounts of starch, in starchy flours, can be modified by physical, chemical,
addition to non-starch polysaccharides, sugars, protein, enzymatic or genetic methods. Among the possible
lipids and inorganic material (KUMALASARI et al., physical modifications are those resulting from the
2012). Arrowroot by products do not contain gluten use of ultrasound and the low humidity heat treatment
proteins, being suitable for the diet of individuals (LHHT). Ultrasound can promote changes in swelling
with food intolerance to these proteins, being able to power, solubility and pulp properties (BERNARDO et
substitute this for wheat flour (LIM, 2016). According al., 2016). Furthermore, LHHT can promote changes

Received 10.17.18 Approved 08.13.19 Returned by the author 08.23.19

CR-2018-1037.R1 Ciência Rural, v.49, n.10, 2019.
2 Fideles et al.

in viscosity, pulp stability, heat resistance, acids and 14.4 g of AF and 105.6 g of distilled water in a glass
mechanical deformation (CHUNG et al., 2009). beaker. Mixture was homogenized and brought to
In this context, the objective of this low-frequency ultrasound (Eco-sonics, QR500,
study was to evaluate the physicochemical and Indaiatuba, Brazil) with20 KHz, 500W potency and
technological characteristics of AFU modified by titanium tip macro (13 mmdiameter). After ultrasonic
ultrasound as a function of intensity and time, and treatment, samples were oven dried in a stove with
modified by LHHT as a function of temperature forced air circulation at a temperature of 30 °C for 12
and time, in addition to selecting those with h, and milled with knife blades with 0.6 mm diameter
characteristics more suitable for application in pasta sieves. Ultrasound-modified AF was packed in LDPE
and baked foods without using gluten. bags, and stored at -13 °C ± 1 °C.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Modification of AF by low moisture heat treatment

Modification of the AF by low moisture
Preparation of AF heat treatment (LMHT) was performed according
Arrowroot of the common variety used to a methodology proposed by ABRAHAM (1993),
in the experiment was planted in organic soil and with adaptations. The moisture content of the flour
harvested in July 2017 at Nossa Senhora Aparecida was adjusted to 20 g 100 g-1 and the amount of water
Farm, in Hidrolândia City, Goiás State (latitude added was determined by the ratio of initial moisture,
16,965475 South, longitude 49,184229 West and desired moisture and sample weight. A completely
altitude 787m). The rhizomes were washed and randomized design was used, with factorial
sanitized with sodium hypochlorite solution of200 arrangement 2×3 (105 °C and 120°C; 15, 30 and 60
mg 100 g-1,peeled manually, cut into transverse min), totaling six treatments (T1: 105 °C/15 min; T2:
slices (50 mm thick), and immediately placed in 105 °C/30 min; T3: 105 °C/60 min; T4: 120 °C/15
sodium metabisulfite solution (0.2 g 100 g-1). Slices min; T5: 120 °C/30 min; T6: 120 °C/60 min), and four
were dried in a stove with forced air circulation original replicates. Samples were placed in a vertical
(Tecnal, TE-393/1, Piracicaba, Brazil), under a autoclave and heated at the temperatures and times
temperature of 40 °C for 48 h, ground in a knife defined in the design. The samples were then placed
mill (Tecnal, TE65I/2, Piracicaba, Brazil), with in a stove with an air circulation oven and dried at 40
a 0.6 mm diameter sieve. Arrowroot flour was °C for 8 h, and then triturated as previously described
packed in low-density polyethylene bags (LDPE) for the other flours. The AFLMHT was packed in LDPE
and stored at -13 °C ± 1 °C. bags, and stored at -13 °C ± 1 °C.

Yield, starch content and particle size of AF Thermal and physicochemical properties of AF,
The yield of AF was calculated according to AFUand AFLMHT
the relationship between initial weight of the rhizome Water absorption index (WAI) and water
and the weight of the final product performed in three solubility index (WSI) were determined according
original replicates. Determination of the starch content to the methodology of ANDERSON et al. (1969),
was performed using the Lane-Eynon method, using with adaptations. Samples of 2 g were weighed into
Fehling’s reagent, according to the methodology 043/ previously tared centrifuge tubes and added with 30
IV proposed by the Adolfo Lutz Institute (IAL, 2008). mL of distilled water. Tubes were shaken in a water
Particle size was determined using a sieve vibrator bath for 30 min at 28 °C and 80 °C, and centrifuged at
(Bertel, 4819, Caieiras, Brazil), according to the 5.300 ×G for 10 min. The supernatant was carefully
methodology proposed by the Association of Official removed with the aid of a 10 mL volumetric pipette
Analytical Chemistry (AOAC, 2012). and placed in a Petri dish, maintained in an oven
with air circulation at 65 °C for 6 h. The WAI value
Modification of AF by ultrasound was calculated by the ratio between the weight of
Ultrasound modification of the AF was performed the precipitate (WP) and the weight of the sample
through a central compound rotational design (CCRD) (WS), on a dry basis (Equation 1), and the result was
(Table 1). Independent variables were the intensity expressed in g of precipitate per g of dry matter. The
of the equipment (25-99%) and time of exposure WSI was calculated by the ratio between the mass
to the ultrasonic waves (5-25min). Concentration of the dry residue (MDR) of the supernatant and the
of AF was fixed in function of other studies with WS, on a dry basis (Equation 2), and the result was
other starches (corn and marsh lily).We weighed expressed as a percentage.

Ciência Rural, v.49, n.10, 2019.

Physicochemical and technological characteristics of arrowroot flour modified by ultrasound and low-temperature heat treatment. 3

Table 1 - Rotational composite central planning with coded and real values for applied intensity: X1 (%) and time of exposure to
ultrasonic waves: X2 (min), with 11 experiments, 3 repetitions at the central point.

Experiment ----------------------Coded variable---------------------- ---------------------Real variable-------------------------

X1 X2 X1 X2
1 -1 -1 35.83 7.93
2 +1 -1 88.16 7.93
3 -1 +1 35.83 22.07
4 +1 +1 88.16 22.07
5 -1.414 0 25.00 15
6 +1.414 0 99.00 15
7 0 -1.414 62.00 5
8 0 +1.414 62.00 25
9 0 0 62.00 15
10 0 0 62.00 15
11 0 0 62.00 15

Equation (1) selected from each heat treatment with those of AF,
a new experiment was carried out using a completely
Equation (2) randomized design, with three treatments and three
The viscoamilographic profile of the original replicates. Analyses of WAI, WSI, paste and
treatments was determined according to the thermal properties were performed as previously
methodology 61.02.01 of the American Association described, while those related to proximal composition
of Cereal Chemists (AACC, 2012), using the rapid and total dietary fiber were performed according to
visco analyzer (RVA) (Perten, RVA 4500, Huddinge, the AOAC (2012), and the results expressed in g·100
Sweden). Parameters of peak viscosity (PV); g-1. Total carbohydrate content was calculated by
breakdown (BD); final viscosity (FV) and setback difference, the water activity used a digital electronic
(SB) were calculated by computer software coupled hygrometer (Aqua-Lab, CX-2-T, Jarinu, Brazil) at a
to the RVA system. constant temperature of 25 °C. Determination of the
Thermal behavior of the samples was hydrogen ion potential (pH) was performed using a
analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry with digital potentiometer (Tecnal, TEC-51, Piracicaba,
a calorimeter (TA Instruments, Q20, New Castle,
Brazil), according to the methodology proposed by the
UK), according to the methodology described by
WEBER et al. (2009), the initial gelatinization AOAC (2012). The instrumental parameters of color
temperature (Ti),peak gelatinization temperature (Tp); were determined in a colorimeter (Bankinh Meter
final gelatinization temperature (Tf),and enthalpy of Minolta, BC-10, Ramsey, USA):luminosity (L*), and
gelatinization (ΔHgel) being determined. The computer chromaticity coordinates a* and b*.The values of a*
software Statistica 7.0 (Statsoft, Statistica 7.0, Tulsa, and b* were used to calculate chroma (C*) and hue
USA), was used to analyze the physicochemical and angles (H°), using (Equations 3 and 4), respectively.
technological data obtained. All analyses were performed in triplicate.
Equation (3)

Selection of AFU e AFLMHT and comparison with the Equation (4)

physical and chemical characteristics of AF
In order to select theAFU, the desirability RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
test was performed (BARROS NETO et al., 2001),
while Tukey’s test (p<0.05) was applied to compare Yield, starch content and particle size of AF
the means obtained by the AFTTBU. Selection of both The AF presented a yield of 33.68%,
modified AFs was based on physicochemical properties higher than the value reported by APRIANITA
considered to be most suitable for improving yield and et al. (2014) of 32%. Starch content determined
quality after baking of foods and bread products. for AF was 53.61 g 100g-1, lower than the value
In order to compare physical and obtained by APRIANITA et al. (2014) of 62.30
physicochemical characteristics of the flours g·100 g-1. Differences reported for both AF yield and

Ciência Rural, v.49, n.10, 2019.

4 Fideles et al.

starch content can be explained due to differences + 82.78X2². The lowest PV values were obtained
between edaphoclimatic, cultural management and in the experiments that used time of exposure to
flour processing methods. From the granulometric sound waves between 16 and 22 min, and intensity
analysis of AF, it was observed that 85.48% of the between 70 and 80% (Figure 2A). In order that pasta
same was retained in the sieve with a mesh 0.50 mm products have a better quality of cooking, the starch
in diameter, evidencing a relatively homogenous must be pre-gelatinized, which implies according to
particle distribution. According to CARVALHO et al. CAPERUTO et al. (2001), in lower PV of the pre-
(2012), it is desirable that the particles be uniform in gelatinized flour in relation to the PV of the raw flour.
size and density since this parameter can significantly The lowest BD values were obtained with
affect the water absorption, texture and uniformity of intensity of 68-86% and irradiation time between 18
the final product. and 23 min (Figure 2B). The BD, for evaluating the
stability of the starch when subjected to mechanical
AF modified by ultrasound agitation at high temperatures, is an important
All adjusted regression models were parameter for the preparation of precooked products,
significant with a level of significance ranging from since it indicates the ability of the food to maintain its
0.003 to 0.048, and explained from 82% to 99% of integrity when cooked (TEBA et al., 2009).
responses. The models for WAI at 28 °C, WSI at 28 The lowest SB values were reached when
°C and WSI at 80 °C were, respectively: y = 6.82 + AF was submitted to ultrasound treatment with
0.28X1 – 1.10X1² + 0.53X2 - 0.99X2²; y = 23.07 - 3.95 intensity between 70 and 80%, and duration between
X1² - 5.12X2²; y = 35.30 + 5.29X1 - 5.97X1² + 5.89X2 18 and 22 min (Figure 2C), a result of the greater
- 5.64X2² + 3.35X1X2, where X1 is the irradiation degradation of macromolecules, which reduced the
intensity (%) and X2 is the irradiation time (min). viscosity peak, and tendency to retrograde. The lowest
Ultrasound modification provided increases relative values of VF were observed when AF was irradiated
to WAI and WSI at 28 °C and WAI at 80 °C of AF with intensity between 64 and 88% in 16 to 22 min
(3.23 g gel dry matter-1, 6.99 g gel dry matter-1, 12.51 (Figure 2D). This reduction of VF and SB occurred
g 100 g-1, respectively) (Figure 1). due to a disintegration of these granules, promoted
The highest WAI values at 28 °C and WSI by the ultrasonic waves together with the heating
at 28 °C were observed at intermediate intensity during the treatment, and with its high viscosity gel
and time conditions (Figure 1A and B), in the areas formation capacity, which was reduced (ZHU, 2015).
of the graphs close to 62% ultrasound intensity and The adjusted model for ΔH was significant
15 min irradiation time, while those with higher (y = 0.663 - 3.29X1 + 3.31X1² - 3.82X2 + 3.11X2²), while
WSI at 80 ºC in the areas around 88% intensity and the models for Ti, Tp and TF were not significant. The
22 min (Figure 1C). The WSI increase was directly lowest values of ΔH were reported in the treatments
proportional to the increase in temperature (Figure with intensity between 73 and 85%, and between 17
1B and C). The higher WAI and WSI indices at 28 °C and 21 min (Figure 2E). The AFU when submitted
were probably due to partial pre-gelatinization of the
to treatments in these conditions presents lower
starch granules resulting from the physical process of
energy expenditure in the gelatinization process. The
modification under intermediate conditions; whereas,
more drastic conditions tend to further destroy the variation of the gelatinization energy of the starch
granules and form smaller molecules, which favors can be explained by the difference between the
the elevation of WSI at 80 °C. For CLERICI & EL- binding forces of the double helix, which results in
DASH (2008), the partial pre-gelatinization confers different alignments of the hydrogen bonds within the
to the starch characteristics of greater absorption, starch molecules. When the double helix breaks, the
solubility in water and gel formation in cold water. gelatinization energy is reduced, and the crystalline
The application of pre-gelatinized starches in pasta structure is little affected (LUO et al., 2008).
contributes to the quality of the final product, which
has a more homogenous mass and better texture after AF modified by LMHT
cooking (SCHMIELE et al., 2013). The T1 showed a higher WAI value at
The models for PV, BD, FV and SB were, 28 °C (p<0.05), followed by T4, and by the other
respectively: y = 154.96 - 423.91X1 + 420.78X1² treatments, which did not differ from each other
- 521.82X2 + 380.02X2²; y = 4.38 - 159.23X1 + (Table 2), indicating a higher water absorption of the
184.58X1² - 294.95X2 + 193.71X2²; y = 230.97 - AFLMHT processed at a lower temperature and shorter
386.12X1 + 348.49X1² - 360.10X2 + 269.10X2²; time, followed by higher temperature and shorter
e y = 80.33 - 121.44X1 + 112.29X1² - 133.23X2 time. As for WSI at 28 °C, T2 and T6 presented the

Ciência Rural, v.49, n.10, 2019.

Physicochemical and technological characteristics of arrowroot flour modified by ultrasound and low-temperature heat treatment. 5

Figure 1 - Hydration properties of AFU modified by ultrasound varying intensity (%) and time of exposure
to the ultrasonic waves (min). A: Water absorption index [WAI 28 °C] (ggel / dry matter);
B: Water solubility index [WSI 28ºC] (g100g-1); and C: Water Solubility Index [WSI 80 °C]

highest values (p<0.05), while T3, T4 and T5 presented that these viscoamilaceous properties are temperature
the highest values. And for WSI at 80 °C T1, T2 T3 and dependent, reaching values usually high for treatments
T4 presented lower values than the other treatments under low temperatures due to the amount of starch
(p <0.05). These values are also related to the pre- granules still available to be gelatinized.
gelatinization intensity of the starch. Because all The T1 presented a significantly lower ΔH
treatments had WAI and WSI values at 28 °C and value than the other treatments, demonstrating that
WSI at 80 °C higher than those presented by AF. AFLMHT when submitted to lower temperature and
T1 presented the highest water absorption at room exposure time, presents a lower energy expenditure in
temperature and the lowest solubility in hot water in the gelatinization process (Table 2). This result can be
relation to the other treatments, besides being able to attributed to the fact that under higher heat treatment
form a gel in cold water. That, according to CLERICI conditions and time in the autoclave, an increase
& EL-DASH (2008) and SCHMIELE et al. (2013) in the content of resistant starch occurs, which, in
are the characteristics necessary to obtain good turn, increases the energy required for gelatinization
quality pasta. (POLESI & SARMENTO, 2011).
Values of PV, BD, FV and SB were
significantly higher in T1, due to the treatment being Selection of AFU and AFLMHT, and comparison with the
milder (low temperature and time). According to TEBA physical and chemical characteristics of AF
et al. (2009), a certain percentage of starch granules The AFU selected for future application in
can conserve part of the starch structure, and present pasta and gluten-free baked goods was processed
relatively high values of PV due to the existence of in 15 min at 43.5% ultrasound intensity (no
granules in a swelling condition when they do not experimental point evaluated) according to the
undergo very severe heat treatments. Regarding BD, desirability diagram, while, AFLMHT was processed at
FV and SB, GOMEZ & AGUILERA (1983) stated 105 °C for 15 min (T1).

Ciência Rural, v.49, n.10, 2019.

6 Fideles et al.

Figure 2 - Pasting and thermal properties of the AF modified by ultrasound varying intensity (%) and time of exposure to
the ultrasonic waves (min). A: peak viscosity (PV); B: breakdown (BD); C: setback (SB); D: final viscosity (VF);
and E: enthalpy of gelatinization (ΔH).

The WAI at 28 °C of FA presented a water, the starch granules swell slightly from 10 to
significantly lower value than the modified flours 20% (DENARDIN & SILVA, 2009). The value of
(Table 3). Native starch has a crystalline structure WAI is related to the availability of the hydrophilic
that limits the absorption and solubilization of the groups in binding to the water molecules and to the
granules in water, so when in contact with the cold gel-forming capacity of the starch molecules, thus,

Ciência Rural, v.49, n.10, 2019.

Physicochemical and technological characteristics of arrowroot flour modified by ultrasound and low-temperature heat treatment. 7

Table 2 - Water absorption index, water solubility index at different temperatures (28 °C and 80 °C), peak viscosity, breakdown, final
viscosity, setback and enthalpy of gelatinization (averages and standard deviations) and processing time (min) in AF modified
by low-temperature heat treatment as a function of temperature (°C).

Parameter T11 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

Water absorption
5.02a ± 0.15 3.52c ± 0.10 3.81c ± 0.13 4.43b ± 0.06 3.55c ± 0.05 3.94c ± 0.19
index at 28 °C2.3
Water solubility
13.68bc ± 0.33 15.34a ± 0.28 12.30d ± 0.32 12.82cd ± 0.33 12.71cd ± 0.59 14.41ab ± 0.55
index at 28 °C4
Water solubility
16.51b ± 0.70 18.02b ± 0.65 16.84b ± 0.07 17.32b ± 0.64 26.31a ± 0.92 26.27a ± 1.19
index at 80 °C4
Peak viscosity 5 568.00a ± 1.41 217.50b ± 7.78 60.50d ±2.12 276.00c ± 2.83 45.50e ±0.71 42.00e ±0.00
Breakdown 5 172.00a ± 2.83 17.00b ± 0.83 4.00b ±0.00 29.00b ±0.00 3.00b ±0.00 2.00b ±0.03
Final viscosity 5 495.00a ± 11.0 286.00b ± 5.66 85.50c ± 3.79 337.00b ± 1.41 64.00c ± 1.41 59.50c ± 2.12
Setback5 64.00c ± 0.74 85.50b ± 0.71 47.83d ± 1.82 90.00a ± 1.41 21.50e ± 1.12 19.50e ± 0.71
Enthalpy of
6.32c ± 0.29 9.31a ± 0.43 9.78a ± 0.45 7.75b ± 0.32 7.64b ± 0.36 10.31a ± 0.24
gelatinization 6

Treataments :T1: 105 °C/15 min; T2: 105 °C/30 min; T3: 105 °C/60 min; T4: 120 °C/15 min; T5: 120 °C/30 min; T6: 120 °C/60 min;
averages followed by different letters in each column differ from each other by the Tukey test (P<0.05); 3g gel 100 g-1; 4 g 100 g-1, 5RVU;
cal g-1.

high WAI values are due to a higher gelatinization, it is possible to add a larger volume of water in the
that is, a larger number of hydroxyls available to production, improving handling of the mass and
form hydrogen bonds with water (CARVALHO et al., avoiding the drying of the product during storage.
2012; CLERICI & EL-DASH, 2008). The AFU was Ultrasound modification increased the WSI
the one with the highest WAI in relation to the others. of AF significantly relative to AF and FALMHT (Table 3).
According to CLERICI & EL-DASH (2008), flours According to SINGH et al. (2003), sonification causes
with higher WAIs are considered more desirable in damage to the semicrystalline structure of the starch,
the preparation of bakery products and pastas, since leaving hydroxyl groups free to bind to water molecules

Table 3 - Water absorption index; water solubility index; peak viscosity; breakdown; final viscosity; setback; initial gelatinization
temperature; peak gelatinization temperature; final gelatinization temperature and enthalpy of gelatinization (mean and
standard deviation) of AF, selected AFU and AFLMHT.


2 c a
Water absorption index 2.52 ± 0.14 5.50 ± 0.11 5.02b ± 0.15
Water solubility index 3 11.72c ± 0.62 15.24a ± 0.39 13.68b ± 0.33
Peak viscosity 4 1100.50a ± 13.50 1127.00a ± 2.83 568.00b ± 1.41
Breakdown4 612.50a ± 16.26 404.00b ± 14.14 172.00c ± 2.83
Final viscosity 4 673.0b ± 2.83 1063.50a ± 19.09 605.00c ± 1.41
Setback4 185.00b ± 0.00 340.50a ± 7.78 134.50c ± 6.36
Initial gelatinization temperature 4 65.61b ± 1.33 65.74b ± 1.17 73.39a ± 0.05
Peak gelatinization temperature 5 78.92b ± 0.02 78.08c ± 0.00 82.76a ± 0.19
Final gelatinization temperature5 89.64a ± 1.46 86.72b ± 0.61 89.11ab ± 0.75
Enthalpy of gelatinization 6 11.96a ± 0.55 6.13b ± 0.130 6.32b ± 0.35

Averages followed by different letters in each column differ from each other by the Tukey test (P<0.05); 2g gel 100 g-1 ;3 g 100 g-1, 4

RVU; 5 °C; 6 cal g-1.

Ciência Rural, v.49, n.10, 2019.

8 Fideles et al.

through hydrogen bonding. Since WSI is a parameter since flours and starches with a lower gelatinization
measuring starch degradation, increasing that index temperature can provide easier cooking, so that time
indicates an increase in the number of fragmented and heat are reduced in the cooking step (SNOW &
water-soluble molecules. O’DEA, 1981).
The PV of the FA did not differ from There was no significant difference in
the FAU (Table 3), possibly because the ultrasonic proximal composition, including total dietary fiber
treatment had retained part of the starch structure of of AF, AFU and AFLMHT (Table 4). Moisture content
a certain percentage of starch granules. Nevertheless, of the samples ranged from 6.53 to 6.60 g 100g-1,
both showed higher values than FALMHT, whose more according to RDC Resolution 263/2005, which limits
drastic treatment may have further damaged the the maximum humidity to 15 g 100g-1(BRASIL,
starch structure. 2005). The ash content of AF, AFU and AFLMHT
AF had a higher BD value (P<0.05), ranged from 4.86 to 4.87 g 100g-1, higher than that
followed by AFU and AFLMHT (Table 3), which can be reported by NASCIMENTO et al. (2015), which
explained by the fact that AF had a greater ability to was 0.70 – 0.80 g 100g-1for AF. Values of lipids and
gelatinize than the others, which had already undergone proteins determined varied between 0.57 to 0.59 g
partial gelatinization during their treatments higher 100g-1 and 6.14 to 6.19 g 100g-1, respectively, values
in the AFLMHT than in the AFU. Thus, AF has greater higher than those reported by NASCIMENTO et
stability. The BD is important for evaluating starch al. (2015), 0.10 and 1.00 g 100g-1, respectively, but
stability when subjected to high temperatures and lower than the protein obtained by APRIANITA et
mechanical agitation. This variable is directly related al. (2014) in AF of 7.7 g 100g-1. Such divergences
to the ability of the product to maintain its integrity between results may be due to the type of genetic
during cooking (TEBA et al., 2009). material or the differences in cultivation conditions.
The AFU showed significantly higher values AF, AFU and AFLMHT presented high carbohydrate
of SB and FV in relation to AF and AFLMHT (Table 3). content, and about 65.5% of the carbohydrate content
The higher values of FV, according to AUGUSTO- is represented by the starch.
RUIZ (2003) can be a positive factor, because flours The brightness (L*) is a color parameter
with higher PV can be used in the preparation of that can range from zero (black) to 100 (white), while
products that require lower temperatures to be ready, the chromaticity coordinate a* varies from green
as in the case of soups and instant desserts. (-) to red (+) and b* to yellow (+). The chroma (C*)
AFU and AFLMHT showed relatively lower measures the intensity or brightness of the color, the
enthalpy of gelatinization than AF, a positive factor, greater the colors are alive, and the angle hue (H°)

Table 4 - Proximal composition, total dietary fiber, water activity, pH- and color-instrumental parameters (L*, a*, b*, C* and H°) (mean
and standard deviation), raw AF, selected AFU and AFLMHT.


1.2.3 a a
Moisture 6.53 ± 0.13 6.60 ± 0.15 6.60a ± 0.21
Ashes¹ 4.87a ± 0.12 4.86a ± 0.09 4.89a ± 0.15
Protein¹ 6.14a ± 0.16 6.19a ± 0.06 6.16a ± 0.04
Lipids¹ 0.57a ± 0.02 0.59a ± 0.02 0.57a ± 0.02
Carbohydrate¹ 81.89a ± 0.34 81.76a ± 0.22 81.78a ± 0.28
Total dietary fiber¹ 3.67a ± 0.01 3.71a ± 0.01 3.70a ± 0.04
Wateractivity 0.345a ± 0.045 0.374a ± 0.017 0.386a ± 0.007
pH 6.67a ± 0.03 6.66a ± 0.02 6.63a ± 0.02
Luminosity 83.48b ± 0.22 85.22a ± 0.38 85.45a ± 0.33
a* 1.47c ± 0.10 1.90b ± 0.09 2.40a ± 0.06
b* 14.33a ± 0.54 12.95b ± 0.18 14.50a ± 0.21
Chroma 14.41a ± 0.54 13.09b ± 0.19 14.70a ± 0.20
Hue angle 84.37a ± 0.42 81.66b ± 0.29 80.60c ± 0.36

Averages followed by different letters in each column differ from each other by the Tukey test (P<0.05); 2 g·100g-1; 3wet basis.

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