Able To Know How Can I Add Two-Digit Numbers
Able To Know How Can I Add Two-Digit Numbers
Able To Know How Can I Add Two-Digit Numbers
I am working on: time management, I will try to use a timer to finish each center on time.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Outcomes
- - Rewrite
- - Add
- - Tens
- - Ones
- - carry up
Resources/equipment needed
- PowerPoint.
- Students book.
- Pencils.
- Videos.
- Paper.
& Time
Ppt Tr: you have to switch your Camera and Microphone off and be on time.
Ss: October.
Ss: 18.
Ss: Sunday.
Ss: 7.
- Prior knowledge:
Tr: let's take the attendance, please send one emoji in the chat box.
Tr: before we begin the lesson, we will review what we took on Thursday.
Tr: let’s try to solve these equations, I will choose some students to help me
- Modelling:
Tr: our vocabulary is, Rewrite, Add, Tens, Ones, carry up.
Tr will solve 2 equations, after that will choose one student to help her to
solve the third equation.
Main activities
& Time
PowerPoint - All the students:
Students book
Pencil Tr: now open your math book 2 pages 192- 193, and solve question 1 to 15.
Tr: now you have 10 to 15 minutes to solve this equation by using paper and
Tr: after you finish you will take a picture of your answer and upload it in
& Time Plenary/Conclusion
Tr will display an exit ticket that has 2 questions and choose students
randomly to solve.
After that, the teacher will display a picture “thumbs up, thumbs down” and
ask the students to put the emoji in the chat box, if they understand they will
10 mins
put thumbs up if they didn’t understand they will put thumbs down.