Oracle® Demantra: Sales and Operations Planning User Guide Release 7.3
Oracle® Demantra: Sales and Operations Planning User Guide Release 7.3
Oracle® Demantra: Sales and Operations Planning User Guide Release 7.3
June 2010
Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning User Guide, Release 7.3
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KPI Dashboard Product Category Worksheet........................................................................ 2-31
KPI Scenario Comparison Product Category Worksheet....................................................... 2-33
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Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning User Guide, Release 7.3
Part No. E10533-05
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Welcome to Release 7.3 of the Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning User Guide.
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1 Introduction to Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning
2 Sales and Operations Planning Worksheets
3 Sales and Operations Planning Workflows
4 Working with Sales and Operations Planning
Related Information Sources
This is the Release 7.3 of the Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning User's
Guide. This manual describes the features that are available when you access Oracle
Demantra Sales and Operations Planning as an S&OP User, Manager, or Administrator.
If this guide refers you to other Oracle Demantra Applications documentation, use only
the 7.3 versions of those guides.
Documentation on OracleMetaLink can be found at
Online Documentation
All Oracle Applications documentation is available online (HTML). Online help is
available for end users of Oracle Sales and Operations Planning.
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Introduction to Oracle Demantra Sales and
Operations Planning
Sales and operations planning is a formal management process that creates a unified
business plan based on a consensus between an organization's sales, marketing,
manufacturing and financial functions. This process also extends to include key
customers and suppliers. Collaboration among an organization's functional areas
results in an integrated set of plans that all stakeholders understand and are committed
to support.
Sales and operations planning is an iterative process typically led by senior
management. Results from one planning cycle are compared with the next to give
senior management trends within their business. They evaluate time-phased projections
for supply and demand, inventory and order backlog to ensure that the tactical plans in
all business functions and geographies are aligned and in support of the company's
With traditional "silo-based" companies, sales, manufacturing and financial functions
often compete against each other. Without a consolidated plan, small problems can
quickly grow into much larger issues. Using Sales and Operations Planning reports and
KPIs, these problems can be quickly identified. Plan over plan net change reports can be
run against key metrics to identify the largest changes automatically. With the
high-level differences identified, further detail and understanding of the underlying
causes are analyzed through various views and reports. With the exceptions and issues
identified, alternative scenarios can be developed.
Some of the benefits of an effective sales and operations planning process include:
• Increased customer service levels
• Improved profitability
• Quicker responsiveness
In addition, a sales and operations planning process should also help to answer the
following basic questions:
• What has changed since the last review?
• What are the projected resource requirements to meet both service and cost targets?
• What actions are required to ensure the appropriate levels of resources are available
when needed?
2. Analysis and reconciliation of the demand, NPI, supply, and financial plans.
Assumptions are recorded, risks and opportunities identified, recommendations are
3. Senior management reviews the consolidated plans and alternatives. Decisions are
made and put into action.
However, in practice, different companies will have varying practices and time frames
• Customer issues.
Reconciliation is a continuous, interactive process to assess the impact of demand
shaping and changes in supply performance and capacity. This step typically involves a
pre-sales and operations planning meeting where a senior cross-functional team
examines emerging business issues such as the latest views on new products and
anticipated demand and supply. They highlight major issues, such as the:
• Impact of changes upon volume and financials.
• Business plan strategic direction over the sales and operations planning horizon.
Lastly, the team prepares for the executive review to ensure it runs efficiently.
Executive Review
The senior management meeting, also know as the executive sales and operations
planning meeting, is when decisions are made on the plans and additional actions
proposed to close the gap between the operations plan, the budget, and the strategic
plan. This meeting is an opportunity for all major stakeholders to meet and:
• Review key metrics and financial performance.
During the demand plan review meeting, participants use the Consensus Forecast
worksheet that contains the separate stakeholder forecasts. Each stakeholder may assign
weights to each series, as well as an override to the calculated (weighted) consensus
plan. Any assumptions (for example, regarding causal factors) can be recorded in the
worksheet's Notes section.
Once the forecast has been agreed-upon, the S&OP manager (or other final approver)
approves the consensus forecast by product category. After reviewing and approving
all product categories, the S&OP manager indicates that the forecast is ready for export
using the Demand Review Completed workflow. This workflow notifies an
administrator that the forecast is available for export to the supply plan step.
Supply Review
The supply review determines a company's ability to meet the consensus-based
demand, measures past performance and projects future performance, and serves as the
main input into the senior management meeting. The supply review uses the following
supply plan data to create a supply plan/rough-cut capacity plan:
• Constrained forecast by organization and item.
Once these have been imported to Demantra, the S&OP manager and strategic
planner(s) are informed via a workflow that the consensus forecast is available for
supply planning. The stakeholders review consolidated demand, supply and inventory
plans worksheet as well as production and inventory levels by product category or
family. By using exception alerts, the S&OP manager can identify any exceptions that
arise from comparing the supply plan with any specified supply metric(s) thresholds.
At this point planners revise the production and capacity outside of the fixed time fence
to meet inventory targets. If the strategic planner required a capacity increase within the
Financial Review
The financial review, commonly referred to as the pre-S&OP meeting, reconciles
consensus demand and supply plans with financial performance objectives. Financial
exceptions are identified at the product category (or family) level and investigated. This
phase includes what-if financial analysis of demand shaping opportunities and the risks
associated with lead-time and capacity constraints. Adjustments are made to the
financial forecast based upon the latest consensus forecasts. The goal of the financial
reconciliation is to prepare for the executive review by gathering a feasible set of
operational plans to meet revenue targets while maximizing profitability.
Executive Review
The executive review examines year-to-date performance of key metrics, considers
alternative scenarios and seeks to achieve consensus. The result of this meeting is a
single set of finalized consensus demand and supply plans, which are broadcast as
operational plans.
These responsibilities provide single sign-on access to Demantra Sales and Operations
Planning. The administrator can modify user security settings directly in the Demantra
Business Modeler. If an EBS user already has access to Demantra Demand
Management, then the user name in Demantra Sales and Operations Planning includes
the suffix "_SOP".
For non-EBS customers, there are other seeded users in the Business Modeler:
• SalesMgr1 is an example of a stakeholder in the Sales department. This user can
edit forecast data in the Sales Forecast worksheet.
There is also a seeded user group in the Business Modeler. The SOP group members
can share forecast notes in worksheets.
Worksheets Overview
To manage or view forecasts and demand, you start in the Collaborator Workbench and
launch any of the relevant Sales and Operations Planning worksheets: Worksheets with
the necessary series for analysis and modification of the forecast are available for the
analyst at the beginning of each cycle.
Consensus Waterfall Analysis Comparison between actual vs. forecast demand, aggregated
Product Category by product category and organization, to determine prior
periods forecast accuracy.
Sales Forecast Displays sales and forecast values for individual products,
broken down by 4-4-5 time buckets.
Consensus Forecast Product Displays the consensus forecast and budget (or financial plan)
Category by category or product family (in currency).
Exception Real Time Sales Compares bookings for future dates with the consensus
Tracking forecast at the Item level.
Worksheet Description
Constrained Forecast Product Compares the unconstrained consensus forecast derived from
Category the Demand Review Consensus Forecast worksheet with the
contrained forecast coming from supply planning.
Resource Rough Cut Capacity Machine and crew capacity-planning worksheet by scenario.
Supplier Rough Cut Capacity Plans future supply capacity by item and supplier.
Consolidated Plan Product Displays demand, supply and the projected on-hand
Category inventory.
Worksheet Description
Financial Forecast Compares consensus plan with the financial forecast and
Worksheet Description
Cumulative Plan Product Compares cumulative planning data with the budget.
KPI Dashboard Product Displays S&OP Key Performance Indicators by scenario and
Category category.
• 8 Week Lag Forecast: The forecast series for the current week minus eight.
Series Description
4 Week Lag Forecast Forecast archived four weeks prior to the current time bucket.
4 Week Lag Absolute Absolute Deviation for the forecast archived four weeks prior
Deviation to the current time bucket.
4 Week Lag Absolute % Error Absolute percentage error for the forecast archived four
weeks prior to the current time bucket.
8 Week Lag Forecast Forecast archived eight weeks prior to the current time
8 Week Lag Absolute % Error Absolute percentage error for the forecast archived eight
weeks prior to the current time bucket.
8 Week Lag Absolute Absolute Deviation for the forecast archived eight weeks prior
Deviation to the current time bucket.
8 Week Lag % Error Percentage error for the forecast archived eight weeks prior to
the current time bucket.
13 Week Lag Forecast Forecast archived 13 weeks prior to the current time bucket.
13 Week Lag Absolute % Error Absolute percentage error for the forecast archived 13 weeks
prior to the current time bucket.
13 Week Lag Absolute Absolute Deviation for the forecast archived 13 weeks prior to
Deviation the current time bucket.
13 Week Lag % Error Percentage error for the forecast archived 13 weeks prior to
the current time bucket.
Series Description
Historical Demand Trend % A read-only, calculated series (history only) that defines the
period-over-period change in actual demand.
Marketing Baseline Baseline forecast for the Marketing stakeholder. This field is
Marketing Forecast Trend % A read-only, calculated series (history only) that defines
period-over-period change in the Marketing Forecast.
Marketing Abs Deviation Historical absolute difference between the Marketing Forecast
and Adjusted History series.
Marketing Abs % Error Historical absolute forecast error between the Marketing
Forecast and Adjusted History series.
Sales managers can enter forecasts and observe the difference between the Sales
Forecast and Consensus Forecast.
Series Description
Sales Baseline Baseline forecast for the sales stakeholder. This field is
Sales Override The quantity override to the baseline sales forecast. This field
is only editable for the forecast range.
Sales Abs Deviation Historical absolute difference between the Sales Forecast and
Adjusted History series.
Sales Abs % Error Historical absolute forecast error between the Sales Forecast
and Adjusted History series.
Series Description
Consensus Forecast Value One-number forecast derived from the Demand Review. This
series is the aggregate of items multiplied by unit prices.
Provides ability to compare demand plan with budget in the
same unit.
Budget Value Annual or updated budget (or finance plan), against which a
company wants to track its performance.
Series Description
Booking - Book Qty - Book This series includes data for future dates to support forecast
Date tracking. This series color is amber when Booking History is
greater than > Consensus Forecast for future dates (not
Series Description
Series Description
Total Available Capacity Total planned resource capacity. This series is calculated as:
(Available Standard Capacity + Available Premium Capacity).
Difference: Available and Difference between Total Available Capacity and Required
Required Capacity.
Average Production Rate Average rate of production on this resource. This series is
used to calculate the Possible Increase in Production (PIP).
Series Description
Diff: Prod Plan - Actual Difference between the Production Plan and Actual
Production series.
Production Plan Accuracy Percentage of the Production Plan that has been met. This
series is calculated as Actual Production/Historical
Production Plan. The series color indicates:
Production Plan Value Priced production plan. This series is calculated as (Actual
Production * Unit Cost) for history and (Production Plan *
Unit Cost) for forecast.
Series Description
Safety Periods On-Hand Projected number of periods' safety stock that are currently
Projected On-Hand Value Value of the projected on-hand in currency. This series is
calculated as (Actual On-Hand * Unit Cost) for history and
(Projected On-Hand * Unit Cost) for forecast.
Series Description
Shipment Forecast Statistical forecast based on the shipped date of the requested
Booking History Booking History (requested item and booked date). This
series color is amber when Booking History > Consensus
Forecast for future dates (not history).
Past Due Backlog Actual past due backlog (in history only).
Difference: Booking Forecast Difference between Booking Forecast and Shipment Forecast
and Shipment Forecast (for future dates only).
Series Description
Beginning On-Hand Inventory Beginning inventory levels by planning period for a supply
Production Plan Planned production levels for both history and forecast,
including purchase and in-transit orders.
Dependent Demand Internal demand for items that are both saleable and
consumed in other production (for example, service parts).
Projected On-Hand Projected forecast and history inventory levels. This series
appears amber if its value drops below the Safety Stock series.
Inv Periods On-Hand Projected number of periods' inventory for planned levels
imported from Strategic Network Optimization (if used).
Series Description
Consensus Forecast Value One-number forecast derived from Demand Review history
and forecast, representing the aggregate value of items
multiplied by unit prices.
Cost of Sales One-number forecast derived from the demand review and
multiplied by unit costs
Financial Forecast Value LY Lagged financial revenue forecast showing prior year's actual
Financial Forecast Value Financial revenue forecast including actuals to date against
which a company wants to track its performance.
Diff: Consensus Fcst Value - Difference between the Consensus Forecast Value and
Financial Fcst Value Financial Forecast Value series (for both history and forecast).
If this series is less than zero then the consensus plan is below
the updated financial forecast. This series is read-only.
Diff: Consensus Fcst Value - Difference between the Consensus Forecast Value and Budget
Budget Value Value series (for both history and forecast). If this series is less
than zero then the consensus plan is below budget. This series
is read-only.
Series Description
Consensus Forecast Value One-number forecast derived from Demand Review history
and forecast, representing the aggregate value of items
multiplied by unit prices.
Constrained Forecast Value Demand amount, in currency, that can be achieved given the
plan's current constraints. This series appears red if
Constrained Forecast Value is less then the Consensus
Forecast Value series.
Financial Forecast Value Financial revenue forecast including actuals to date. When
integrated with Hyperion, this series contains the Financial
Forecast scenario.
Diff: Consensus Fcst Value - The difference between the consensus forecast value and the
Financial Forecast Value budget. This series is read-only.
Difference: Constrained Fcst Difference between the Constrained Forecast Value and
Value - Budget Value Budget Value series (for both history and forecast). If this
series is less than zero then the plan is below budget.
Series Description
Consensus Forecast Value One-number forecast derived from Demand Review history
and forecast, representing the aggregate value of items
multiplied by unit prices.
Constrained Forecast Value Demand amount, in currency, that can be achieved given the
plan's current constraints. This series appears red if
Constrained Forecast Value is less then the Consensus
Forecast Value series.
Difference: Constrained Fcst Difference between Constrained Forecast Value and Budget
Value and Budget Value Value for both history and forecast. This series is calculated as
Difference between Constrained Forecast Value and Budget
Cumulative Budget Value Entire year (52 week) cumulative total for the Budget Value
series. The series color indicates:
Production Plan Planned production levels for both history and forecast.
Safety Periods On-Hand Projected number of periods' safety stock that are currently
Constrained Forecast Value Demand amount, in currency, that can be achieved given the
plan's current constraints. This series appears red if
Constrained Forecast Value is less then the Consensus
Forecast Value series.
Production Plan Accuracy Percentage of the Production Plan that has been met. This
series is calculated as Actual Production/Production Plan. The
series color indicates:
Series Description
Production Plan Planned production levels for both history and forecast.
Projected On-Hand Projected forecast and history inventory levels. This series
appears amber if its value drops below the Safety Stock series.
Inventory Periods On-Hand Projected number of periods' inventory for planned levels
imported from Strategic Network Optimization (if used).
Safety Periods On-Hand Projected number of periods' safety stock that are currently
Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning uses the following workflows. These
workflows are pre-seeded to manage batch forecasting and facilitate the forecast
approval process.
Approve Plan Scenario Supply Review Approves a plan scenario and notifies
stakeholders. Approve Scenario
method runs this workflow.
Demand Review Process Demand Review Resets approval flags for all product
categories. Creates task for user sop1 to
conduct demand review.
Download Plan Scenarios Supply Review Loads or refreshes the list of S&OP
supply plans.
Download Unit Cost Supply Review Loads data into the item cost staging
table and then download data into the
Unit Cost series.
Hyperion Export
Use the Hyperion Export workflow to export the revenue annual plan, financial forecast
value, and budget data from Hyperion Planning into Demantra. The Extract to
Hyperion Planning method starts this workflow. This workflow is supported if Oracle
Demantra Sales and Operations Planning Integration to Hyperion Planning has been licensed
and installed.
Hyperion Import
Use the Hyperion Import workflow to import the consensus forecast (units, currency)
and cost of sales (currency) to Hyperion Planning from Demantra. The Publish to
Hyperion Planning method starts this workflow. This workflow is supported if Oracle
Demantra Sales and Operations Planning Integration to Hyperion Planning has been licensed
and installed.
Note: Demand Priority and Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) are
not pre-seeded in the integration interface export profiles. It is a
straightforward operation to add these series in the profiles directly in
the Business Modeler.
Note: Demand Priority and Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) are
not pre-seeded in the integration interface export profiles. It is a
straightforward operation to add these series in the profiles directly in
the Business Modeler.
Note: Demand Priority and Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) are
not pre-seeded in the integration interface export profiles. It is a
straightforward operation to add these series in the profiles directly in
the Business Modeler.
Note: Demand Priority and Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) are
not pre-seeded in the integration interface export profiles. It is a
straightforward operation to add these series in the profiles directly in
the Business Modeler.
Configuring Workflows
During installation, Sales and Operations Planning adds pre-seeded users and user
groups that are required by the application and used for the approval process. During
the configuration process, administrators should modify workflows to reflect the S&OP
analysts and managers who will be performing approval tasks.
By design, only the creator of a workflow can view or edit that workflow. The
pre-seeded Sales and Operations Planning workflows were created by the component
owner "sop". To access these workflows you must access the Workflow Manager as the
component owner (sop).
Use the following procedures to work with Sales and Operations Planning.
3. From the View According to Schema Groups drop-down list box, choose Sales and
Operations Planning.
The Workflow Manager filters workflows to only display those belonging to Sales
and Operations Planning.
4. Locate the Demand Review Process in the Schema Name column, and click the
corresponding Start button.
This workflow initiates the Demand Review process by resetting all prior demand
review approvals, and sending task notifications to the appropriate S&OP planner.
Editing Forecasts
One of the collaborative responsibilities of a sales or marketing manager is to review
and adjust forecasts.
2. In the tree, select the combination for which you want to edit the forecast. By
default, there are pre-seeded levels in worksheets such as Sales Forecast. If you
review forecasts at different levels then make a copy of the worksheet and modify
the pre-seeded level combination.
3. Editable series appear on the worksheet in white. Locate the series that you want to
edit and enter a new value for the appropriate time bucket. For example, modify the
Sales Baseline forecast by using the Sales Override column to make a quantity
adjustment or by using the Sales % Change to Base column to make a percentage
4. Save your changes to the forecast. From the Data menu, choose Save Data.
2. From the Collaborator Workbench, open the Consensus Forecast Product Category
3. In the tree, choose the product category for which you want to create a consensus
4. Compare stakeholder forecasts – for example, the Final Forecast series from
Demand Management with the Sales Forecast and Marketing Forecast in Sales and
Operations Planning.
5. Forecast weights and override series for individual stakeholders are editable. Use
the stakeholder accuracy as the basis for determining appropriate weights. For
example, Abs % Error and Sales Abs % Error contain accuracy for Demand
Management Analysts and Sales respectively.
To specify a stakeholder's forecast weight, enter the weighting as a percentage in
either the Sales Forecast % Weight or Marketing Forecast % Weight series.
7. To approve the consensus forecast for a specific time period, choose Yes from the
Consensus Forecast Approved series.
2. From the My Tasks section of the Collaborator Workbench, click the Done check
box for the Complete Forecast Approval check box.
7. In the Init Params Table Name field, specify a table where the engine profile will be
9. Choose the batch engine profile this simulation profile will be associated with.
Typically this will be the same batch profile used in step 5.
2. From the ENGINE_PROFILES table, locate (and note) the PARENT_ID of the
specific simulation engine profile whose results you want to view.
5. Right click an existing simulation series (default name Simulation) and select Create
The Create Series As dialog box appears.
7. In the Internal Name field, enter an internal identifier for the series. Internal names
cannot contain spaces.
8. Click OK.
The Select Data Type dialog box appears.
11. Modify the server expression to point to a new sim_val column. The syntax of the
column is: sim_val_<number of parent id>. For example, if the PARENT ID is 45,
then the column being pointed to would be sim_val_45.
2. From the My Tasks section of the Collaborator Workbench, select the hyperlink to
go directly to the exception worksheet.
3. Exception worksheets are configurable and you can revise the default level
starting, 4-1
A Demand Review Process workflow, 3-4
Download Plan Scenario Data workflow, 3-4
Approve Plan Scenario workflow, 3-3
Download Plan Scenarios Workflow, 3-4
Archive Demand Plan workflow, 3-3
Download SCI Data workflow, 3-4
Download Unit Cost workflow, 3-5
Booking Forecast Generation workflow, 3-3 E
business process, 1-2
editing forecasts, 4-1
Exception Real Time Sales Tracking worksheet,
collecting and downloading data, 1-6 Executive review, 1-5, 1-8
Complete Scenario Exceptions Review workflow, Executive Review worksheet, 2-3
3-4 Export OBI Data workflow, 3-5
configuring workflows, 3-8
consensus forecast, 1-3 F
Consensus Waterfall Analysis Product Category
Financial Forecast worksheet, 2-24
worksheet, 2-4
Financial Plan review, 1-4
Consolidated Plan Product Category worksheet,
Financial review, 1-8
Financial Review Worksheet, 2-3
Constrained Forecast Below Budget workflow, 3-
Financial Summary Product Category worksheet,
Cumulative Plan Product Category worksheet, 2-
forecasts, 4-1
Hyperion Export workflow, 3-5
Demand Analysis worksheet, 1-7
Hyperion Import workflow, 3-5
Demand Analysts, 1-7
Demand Plan review, 1-3
Demand Plan Review worksheets, 2-1 I
Demand review, 1-7 Inventory Plan Product Category worksheet, 2-18
Demand Review inventory plans, 1-4
KPI Dashboard Product Category worksheet, 2- S&OP Administrator, 1-6
31 Sales and Operations Planning
KPI Scenario Comparison Product Category business process, 1-2
worksheet, 2-33 overview, 1-1
users and groups, 1-8
L Sales and Operations Planning process, 1-5
Sales Forecast worksheet, 2-9
Low Demand Fill Rate workflow, 3-5
starting Demand review, 4-1
Supplier Capacity Overused workflow, 3-6
Supply Plan Exception Detection workflow, 3-7
Marketing Forecast worksheet, 2-6 Supply Plan review, 1-4
Supply Plan Review worksheets, 2-2
O Supply review, 1-7
overview, 1-1
Demand Plan review, 1-3 T
Executive review, 1-5 time display in worksheets, 2-1
Financial Plan review, 1-4
reconciliation, 1-4 U
Sales and Operations Planning, 1-5
Upload Consensus Forecast-Org,Demand
Supply Plan review, 1-4
Class,Week workflow, 3-7
users and groups, 1-8
Upload Consensus Forecast-Org,Period
worksheets, 2-1
workflow, 3-7
Upload Consensus Forecast-Org,Week
workflow, 3-7
Poor Production Adherence workflow, 3-5 Upload Consensus Forecast-Zone,Demand
Poor Projected On-Hand Adherence workflow, Class,Week workflow, 3-7
3-6 Upload Consensus Forecast-Zone,Period
process, Sales and Operations Planning, 1-5 workflow, 3-8
Production Plan Product Category worksheet, 2- Upload Consensus Forecast-Zone,Week
17 workflow, 3-8
production plans, 1-4 users and groups, 1-8
Projected Backlog Product Category worksheet,
2-20 W
workflows, 3-1
Approve Plan Scenario, 3-3
Real Time Sales Tracking workflow, 3-6 Archive Demand Plan, 3-3
reconciliation, 1-4 Booking Forecast Generation, 3-3
Remove Scenario Approval workflow, 3-6 Complete Scenario Exceptions Review, 3-4
Resource Capacity Overused workflow, 3-6 configuring, 3-8
Resource Rough Cut Capacity Plan Worksheet, Constrained Forecast Below Budget , 3-4
2-14 Demand Review Process, 3-4
rough-cut capacity plan, 1-7 Download Plan Scenario Data, 3-4
Download SCI Data, 3-4
Download Unit Cost, 3-5
Downlooad Plan Scenarios, 3-4
Export OBI Data, 3-5
Hyperion Export, 3-5
Hyperion Import, 3-5
Low Demand Fill Rate, 3-5
Poor Production Adherence , 3-5
Poor Projected On-Hand Adherence, 3-6
Real Time Sales Tracking, 3-6
Remove Plan Scenario Approval, 3-6
Resource Capacity Overused, 3-6
Supplier Capacity Overused, 3-6
Supply Plan Exception Detection, 3-7
Upload Consensus Forecast-Org,Demand
Class,Week, 3-7
Upload Consensus Forecast-Org,Period, 3-7
Upload Consensus Forecast-Org,Week, 3-7
Upload Consensus Forecast-Zone,Demand
Class,Week, 3-7
Upload Consensus Forecast-Zone,Period, 3-8
Upload Consensus Forecast-Zone,Week, 3-8
Consensus Forecast Product Category, 2-11
worksheets, 2-1
Consensus Waterfall Analysis Product
Category, 2-4
Consolidated Plan Product Category, 2-22
Constrained Forecast Product Category, 2-13
Cumulative Plan Product Category, 2-29
Demand Plan Review, 2-1
Exception Real Time Sales Tracking, 2-12
Executive Review, 2-3
Financial Forecast, 2-24
Financial Review, 2-3
Financial Summary Product Category, 2-26
Inventory Plan Product Category, 2-18
KPI Dashboard Product Category, 2-31
KPI Scenario Comparison Product Category,
Marketing Forecast, 2-6
Production Plan Product Category, 2-17
Projected Backlog Product Category, 2-20
Resource Rough Cut Capacity Plan, 2-14
Sales Forecast, 2-9
Supply Plan Review, 2-2
time display, 2-1