Smart Energy Coordination of Autonomous Residentia
Smart Energy Coordination of Autonomous Residentia
Smart Energy Coordination of Autonomous Residentia
article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited.IET Smart Grid
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Abstract: The smart grid technology permits the revolution of the electrical system from a conventional power grid to an
intelligent power network which has led the improvements in electrical system in terms of energy efficiency and
sustainable energy integration. This paper presents the energy management/coordination scheme for domestic demand
using the key strategy of smart grid energy efficiency modelling. The structure consists of combining renewable energy
resources, Photovoltaic (PV) and wind power generation connected to the utility grid with energy storage system (ESS) in
an optimal control manner to coordinate the power flow of a residential home. Based on the demand response (DR)
schemes in the framework of real-time electricity pricing, this work designs a closed-loop optimal control strategy that is
created by the dynamic model of the ESS to compute the system performance index, which is formulated by the cost of
the energy flows. A dynamic distributed energy storage strategy (DDESS) is implemented to optimally coordinate the
energy system, which reduces the total energy consumption from the main grid of more than 100% of the load demand.
The designed model introduces a payback scheme while robustly optimising the energy flows and minimising the utility
grid’s energy consumption cost.
NOMENCLATURE 1. Introduction
The energy coordination or management strategy has
Indices introduced power flow improvement on the electrical power
indices of charging and discharging of system. From generation to the consumption of electricity,
c (ch), dc(disc) managing energy is becoming one of the most important
the battery
b, op indices of battery and opportunity strategies to enhance the sustainability of the electrical grid
indices of the utility grid, inverter and [1]. Since the last decade, the complexity of the utility power
gr(ut), inv, d grid has required several steps of monitoring, control and
indices of photovoltaic (PV), wind protection scheme in real time to improve the overall
pv, wt, avg efficiency of the electrical system [2]. The energy system has
turbine and average
max, min indices of maximum and minimum become increasingly complex due to energy demand growth,
energy generation insufficiency and inaccessibility of the
Parameters and constants utility grid to several people globally. The integration of
A area (wind turbine swept area, PV area) renewable energy resources (RERs) permits the utility to
CB capacity of battery solve some technical issues [3]. Due to generation uncertainty
CP coefficient of wind turbine performance [4], renewable energy creates several challenges on the
Ha hours of autonomy of the battery quality of the power flows into the electrical system [5],[6].
N, Nc time horizon and control horizon Nevertheless, energy management assists in solving these
pr real-time electricity pricing problems.
ρair air density
1.1 Motivation
Variables The smart grid technology is considered as one of the
main solutions to several challenging questions of the current
C cost power grid. The intelligent electrical system assists in
E energy handling uncertainties in schedules and power transfers
Δt time variation across sections. By integrating RERs, optimising the transfers’
J objective function capability of the transmission and distribution networks and
I solar irradiance measured on the PV meeting the demand requirements for increased quality and
k sampling of time of control horizon reliable supply, the smart grid also introduces a path to
manage and solve unpredictable events and uncertainties in
operations and planning more aggressively. The smart grid
P puissance
technology is based on real-time control implementation to
t time
improve the reliability, security and efficiency of the
V average wind velocity
electrical grid. The intelligent grid environment operates
from small/large scale energy generation to the consumers
and guarantees the accommodating increase of distributed Through smart grid technology, different strategies are
generation (DG) and ESS efficiently [7]. developed to coordinate energy flow for a residential
consumer. The primary objective of these approaches is to
1.2 Literature survey minimise energy consumption and to increase the system
Energy efficiency on a smart grid system reduces the efficiency by taking into consideration the load diversity.
overall cost of power and secures the power flow However, there is still a gap in the context of modelling the
coordination between the energy supply and demand. Several residential power flow where the dynamic energy storage is
strategies have recently been implemented to effectively used to coordinate a cost function based on real-time
manage the energy flow on the different types of the electrical electricity pricing scheme, which considers an energy
system; from residential usage to industrial consumption [8], opportunity cost. The effort and performance of such a system
[9]–[16]. minimise the overall cost of power consumption while
In [8] an optimal control strategy for residential usage providing optimal integration of sustainable energy resources.
is designed inside the advanced metering infrastructure to Thus, the proposed system coordinates the energy from the
control variable load demand intelligently. To improve the DERs, which include DG and distributed energy storage
effectiveness of energy consumption, the proposed model (DES) to provide a prospect of the total reduction of energy
needs to incorporate RERs to increase system efficiency. In consumption from the utility grid.
[17], an intelligent system is presented to evaluate the cost In this paper, the DG includes PV and wind power
saving of residential energy consumption when three generation. Therefore, the contributions of this work are
appliances and four pricing schemes are considered. The outlined as follows:
proposed model implements an optimisation strategy of two • Through the use of smart metering, develop a robust
stages based on mixed integer linear programming. These two optimal control model to coordinate the energy flow
stages aim to firstly schedule the power in each appliance and relationship between generation and consumption for a
then estimate the energy price of each appliance. In [18], a residential smart home application. The model provides
decentralised strategy is introduced to coordinate the load an opportunity for the end user to sell the energy to the
consumption of a residential home based on demand response.
supplier optimally.
The proposed model seeks to develop an intelligent strategy
of reducing end users’ electricity bills without compromising • Design a dynamic algorithm of DES-based on closed-loop
their comfort and privacy. The model also embeds several, optimal control technique, which implements a real-time
autonomous home energy management systems using smart electricity pricing scheme through the hourly energy price
distribution system. This scheme contains the distribution of different energy generation components. This strategy
energy service which combines electricity and aims to formulate the system performance index to
communication networks. Nevertheless, designed systems do penalise the use of energy from the utility grid and to hold
not consider the integration of sustainable energy such as a profit from other energy generations (DERs including
wind, PV, etc. PV, wind turbine and DES as well as opportunity energy).
Furthermore, the evolution of the smart grid provides • Present speculative execution of the proposed model by
a platform for efficient integration of RERs into the utility varying the initial state of charge (SOC) of battery
grid. In [19], a load reduction model based on a self-decision
systematically within its set minimal and maximal values
making method is designed using a multi-agent system. The
to analyse the system improvement. Besides, the DDESS
objective of the proposed strategy is to consider the
coordination of the upstream grid, RER and DR schemes so model proves its effectiveness in the context of energy
that the stress from the peak load on the feeder can be saving, where two scenarios of the performance index are
minimised. In [20], a smart home energy coordination system analysed. The saving of the proposed system can vary
is proposed. The model combines small scale PV generation between 61 to 157 % of total energy to pay the utility grid.
with the utility grid using smart metering that collects data
and controls the allocated power consumption. The proposed 1.4 Organisation of paper
approach operates in two stages-based grid operator and The remainder of this paper is structured as follows:
smart scheduler, which can optimise the energy demand from Section 2 presents a literature survey of the related research
the utility grid and improve the efficiency of the home’s works. Section 3 explains the system problem by providing a
electricity usage. schematic of the relevant components. Section 4 presents the
Residential home energy management of a smart grid design approach and the optimisation technique of the
is a practical solution that assists users to deal with the described problem. In section 5, the results of the system
complexity of dynamic electricity pricing scheme [9]. design are presented. Finally, section 6 provides a conclusion
Additionally, residential energy flow coordination permits and gives suggestions for future work.
the integration of sustainable energy resources. The
management of the energy flow for a suburban home is very 2. Review of related works
complex. This mostly depends on the different types of load Through smart grid technologies, home energy
demand that can be found in residential sectors and their time coordination is structured into three main components, which
of operation as well as the availability of renewable energy are the energy production system, energy consumption
resources when they are integrated into the power distribution system and prosumer energy system. The production of
system. energy can contain residential PV, micro-wind turbine and
utility supplier or main grid [21]. The consumer is mostly
1.3 Contributions based on residential home appliances with different types of
load demands (flexible or non-flexible loads, thermal or non-
thermal loads). The prosumer is based on two principal demand response structure to optimise the energy flows on
dynamic characteristics, which consist of being a supplier the entire electrical system. The designed model has the
and/or a consumer of the energy. Currently, most energy possibility of reducing the total power of the system with a
prosumers on the residential side are battery storage system condition of having several elastic and delay tolerability of
and electric vehicles [22]. Several strategies have been used several energy loads on the demand side. In [24], households
to manage the energy flows in the residential sector. are categorised into two types of demands, namely essential
In [10], a multi-objective mixed integer nonlinear and flexible demand. The scheme aims to intelligently
programming model is developed to handle demand response coordinate energy consumption management, complex
strategy through an energy management system of a smart demands and operation delay. The delay on the system
home by taking into consideration the energy saving and the operation is mostly caused by the flexible load, which is
thermal comfort zone for residential users. The system characterised by delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant demands.
formulates and evaluates a real-time electricity pricing Through a centralised algorithm, an adaptive dynamic
scheme through different operating conditions. The model programming model is designed to formulate an
considers the optimal operation of the management of devices optimisation-based decision that can minimise the total
and units while ensuring the heating system based on the energy cost and the operation delay for the flexible demands.
thermal demand and user’s comfort level. The efficiency and An intelligent residential energy management scheme
robustness of the model are tested under different under demand response strategy is developed in [25]. The
heating/cooling scenarios. In [11], demand response is proposed model aims to meet future demand by introducing
developed as a potential structure to evaluate the system air an alternative solution to energy generation from renewable
conditioning loads for residential application. The system energy technologies for residential usage. The structure is
creates a model based on the aggregated residential air built under an optimal approach to minimise the electricity
conditioner in which the total system power is a function of bills and maintain the energy demand limits subject to
indoor and outdoor temperatures. Based on this structure, the different constraints. This system algorithm implements a
system temperatures are taken into account in the evaluation performance index that coordinates different types of loads
process at the system level with the demand response strategy which depend on the electricity price horizon. In [26], a
to predict the residential air conditioning loads. It is observed residential energy hub which contains renewable energy,
that the residential air conditioner is one of the essential natural gas generation, electric vehicle, and storage system is
factors to ensure demand response strategy and guarantee the proposed under a probabilistic optimisation scheme. The
effective regulation of the system. This structure increases the proposed model optimally deals with the uncertainty from the
economy of grid operation and enhances the capability of solar panel and the coordination of varying energy generation
resources. to increase system efficiency. In [27], an alternative energy
Luo et al. [9] have proposed a new home energy coordination control framework which takes into account
management system in the framework of real-time electricity demand behaviour is developed to improve the system
pricing scheme and high residential PV penetration. The effectiveness. The model uses the demand response strategy
energy management system devises the operations model of through hidden Markov modelling techniques to detect
the appliances and an advanced adaptive thermal comfort consumer behaviour from real-time aggregate consumption.
model to measure and evaluate the user’s indoor thermal Additionally, the system considers the dynamic activity
comfort level. The designed system coordinates the energy recognition model to build up an optimisation strategy to
source’s scheduling problem, which is solved by a novel control and schedule user’s appliances.
biological self-aggregation, intelligent, inspired algorithm. Barmayoon et al. [28] have proposed an economic
Through the simulation’s analysis, it is observed that the dispatch approach to assess the impact of energy tariff and
proposed model improves the automation of the residential storage size optimally. As the battery storage is the leading
building and can effectively respond to renewable energy solution for renewable energy application in the residential
output and real-time pricing. An effective energy sector, it can effectively minimise the overall operation cost
management system for a residential microgrid is presented by ensuring total supply to the demand side. A stochastic
in [12]. The model implements a multi-objective optimisation multi-stage decision process that coordinates the relationship
strategy to cover different aspects of the designed system. of energy from the utility grid, electric vehicle and renewable
This scheme consists of distributed heat and electricity energy for household electricity demand is proposed in [29].
generation, heat transfer and thermal dynamics of sustainable The model uses a stochastic dynamic programming scheme
residential buildings and load scheduling potentials based on to manage the strength of a smart home optimally. The model
household appliances with system constraints. The proposed creates an opportunity strategy from the storage system
model can coordinate all levels of energy management from (electric vehicles and battery) to ensure an optimal cost-
the supply to the demand side while taking care of the home saving behaviour of the system. However, a gap was
comfort system. Through optimal scheduling and operation observed in the context of opportunity energy that impacts the
coordination of the energy flow, the proposed model can also overall energy saving based dynamic of DES to compute the
conserve energy to reduce the energy consumption cost and performance index into all this related works as described
efficiently provide an acceptable comfort level. In [23], a section 2.
residential home energy management system is developed Therefore, this work is an advanced model of creating
under a demand response strategy to minimise the total a flexible communication strategy developed in [30]. This
energy cost. The system coordinates multiple residential paper develops an optimal control strategy of the energy flow
households into a decentralised online control algorithm, based on the feedback of the dynamic distributed storage
which is implemented by a Lyapunov-based cost using real-time electricity pricing scheme combined with the
minimisation strategy. The proposed algorithm uses the prepaid tariff scheme. The model incorporates a demand-side
management strategy through the consideration of dynamic storage system which is equivalent to Edc (t ) = Eb (t ) when
electrical pricing scheme under real-time electricity pricing Eb (t ) 0 .
model. Though this scheme, a smart coordination approach,
As described in (2), when the energy from DER is of
based on data from the system energy flow, is implemented
the vital value to cover the total energy demand at a given
by the dynamic model of the ESS. Besides, the proposed
time, the surplus energy from DER is considered as
model considers the variation of battery depth of discharge as
opportunity energy, and it can be described as follows:
a function of the state of charge to create an optimal dynamic
Eop (t ) = Ewt (t ) + E pv (t ) + Edc (t ) − Ed (t ) (3)
control that can handle the overall system behaviour.
where Eop represents the opportunity energy. It is important to
3. Problem description note that during the charging state of the battery, the
Figure 1 presents the system layout of the proposed opportunity energy is negligible.
model. This system aims to manage the energy generations as
a function of energy demand for residential usage. A DER 3.1 Utility grid system
that enables the system to operate as a microgrid connected The energy throughout the main grid is a function of
to the utility grid is coordinated by DDESS to improve energy its energy generation that is supplied by the distribution
flexibility on the consumer side. Through the proposed system operator (DSO) to the consumer and the opportunity
structure of the energy coordination, the model has the energy form DER, as shown in Fig. 1. These relations are
opportunity to inject into the main grid a surplus of energy summarised by:
that comes from the DER. It is important to note that the Eug (t ) = Egr (t ) if Eop (t ) = 0 (4)
opportunity energy derives from DER and is considered at the Eug (t ) = − Eop (t ) if Egr (t ) = 0 (5)
time where the energy demand is less than the energy from
where Eug is the energy flow on the utility grid. For the
the DER.
Based on Fig. 1, if the opportunity energy is equal to proposed model, the electricity price is considered to be a
zero, the energy flowing on the system can be described by prepaid tariff, which is combined with a real-time electricity
(1). When the opportunity energy is greater than zero, the pricing scheme as developed in [30].
energy flow of the system is expressed by (2). In this case, it 3.2 Energy storage system
is assumed that the energy from DER is superior to the energy On power system applications, the battery energy
demand at a specific given time t of DDESS. storage system (BESS) is considered as one of the best
Ed (t ) = Ewt (t ) + E pv (t ) + Egr (t ) + Edc (t ) (1) strategies to enhance system operation efficiency in terms of
voltage and frequency control, coordinate the power flow and
Ed (t ) = Ewt (t ) + E pv (t ) + Edc (t ) (2)
improve short term capacity of the electrical system [31].
where Ed (t ) is the energy flow on the demand side, Ewt (t ) Thus, several relations can define the dynamic model of the
is the energy generated by the wind turbine, E pv (t ) is the battery based on the improvement applications. By
Eb Ewt E pv
E gr Ed
Figure 1. Smart energy coordination based on dynamic distributed energy storage optimal control.
energy generated by the PV, Egr (t ) is the energy supplied by considering the battery state of charge, a function to establish
the utility grid, and Edc (t ) is the discharge energy from the a dynamic model of the energy storage, this relation is
expressed as follows [32]:
SOC (t ) = SOC (0) + nc .Ech (t ) − nd .Edisc (t ) (6) of time due to the depth of discharge described in Eq. (10),
where SOC (t ) is the state of charge at a time t , SOC (0) is which makes the battery capacity a function of time.
the initial state of charge, Ech (t ) and Edisc (t ) are respectively 3.3 Wind turbine system
energy flows on the battery during charging and discharging The energy generated by the wind turbine depends on
period, and it is assumed that nc and nd are charging and the electrical power production. This expression is
discharging parameters, which will be detailed in this formulated as follows [30]:
subsection. 6
Pwt = . wt . air .C p . AV
. (16)
Through the dynamic strategy, the initial SOC can be
incremented as each sample of time to the next value of the where Pwt is the average power demand at the given time, wt
SOC. In [33], an analytical model of battery energy storage is
is wind turbine efficiency, air is the air density, C P is the
presented for an optimal cost based model of sizing a hybrid
system with energy storage. This model describes the coefficient of wind turbine performance, A is the wind
structure of the battery SOC and different parameters that are turbine swept area, and V is the average wind velocity of
related to this equation as defined in Eq. (6). During charging given time. Suppose the system is implemented at a given
states of battery, by considering Fig.1, Eq. (6) can be time horizon N , the energy generated by the wind turbine
rewritten as follows:
can be determined as:
SOC (t + 1) = SOC (t ) +
(E pv )
(t ) + Ewt (t ) − Ed (t ) .ch
6 N
Ewt (t ) = .wt .air .C p . A.t.V (t ) (17)
inv .CB t =1
where ch is the charging coefficient of the battery, inv is the where t is the sample time, and t is the time variation of
inverter coefficient, and CB is the capacity of the battery. the selected time horizon N .
While on discharge case, Eq. (3) can be taken into
consideration to describe the energy on the battery storage. 3.4 PV system
Equation (6) can be rewritten as: For the PV system, the power that can be generated is
(E )
expressed by Eq. (18). This relation expresses that the power
op (t ) + Ed (t ) − E pv (t ) − Ewt (t ) produced by a PV panel varies proportionally as a function of
SOC (t + 1) = SOC (t ) − (8)
disc .inv .CB the surface of the panel and the level of solar radiation which
that surface can receive [30].
where disc is the discharging coefficient of the battery.
Ppv = pv . Ap .I (18)
In this case, the capacity of the battery is determined
by Eq. (9) below as; where Ppv is the power is generated by the PV for a given time,
Ha.Ed .avg pv is the PV efficiency, Apv is the active surface of the PV,
CB = (9)
inv .ndisc .DOD and I is the solar irradiance measured on the PV for a given
where Ha is the hours of autonomy of the battery, Ed .avg is the time. For a specified time horizon N , it can be calculated as
average of hourly demand, and DOD is the depth of discharge for wind turbine the energy generated by the PV as follows:
of the battery. The DOD is varying disproportionally to the E pv (t ) = pv . Apv .t I (t ) (19)
SOC. When it is assumed that the operating efficiency and t =1
the battery ageing are negligible, the depth of state of the Assuming the system horizon is about a day, namely
battery can affect expression as a function of the state of N = 24 hours, the energy consumption or daily load demand
charge in the relation below [34]: from the residential home as presented in Fig. 1, and the
DOD(t ) = 100 − SOC (t ) (10) average wind velocity described in Eq. (17) as well as the
By updating Eq. (10) to Eq. (9), it can be seen that the solar irradiation on the PV can be given in Table 1 [30].
capacity of the battery is also a variable which varies as a
function of time. This variation can then be taken into 4. System design and optimisation technique
consideration by the state of charge during charging Eq. (7) The designed DDESS principally aims to optimise the
and discharging Eq. (8). Therefore, the state of charge of system energy flow by providing a significant reduction of
battery defined in Eq. (6) can be rewritten as: the energy cost from the utility grid. The model also
SOC (t + 1) = SOC (t ) + nc (t ).Ech (t ) − ndc (t ).Edisc (t ) (11) maximises the energy flow on the DER side and creates an
where: opportunity to supply the utility grid when there is surplus
Ech (t ) = E pv (t ) + Ewt (t ) − Ed (t ) (12) energy. The design of the system consists of implementing a
Edisc (t ) = Eop (t ) + Ed (t ) − E pv (t ) − Ewt (t ) (13) performance index of each component, as presented in Fig. 1.
Additionally, this structure is based on real-time electricity
nc (t ) = (14) pricing scheme combined with the prepaid electricity tariffs.
inv .CB(t ) Figure 2 presents the schematic overview of the system
1 design based on DDSOC. The optimal control system aims
ndc (t ) = (15)
disc .inv .CB(t ) to coordinate different switching systems represented by S1,
S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6.
It is important to note that the charging and discharging
parameters, as described in Eqs. (14) and (15), are a function
Table 1 Energy demand, average of wind speed velocity and solar irradiance
PV S2 Utility Grid
E ch (t )
E pv (t ) Ewt (t ) Eop (t ) Egr (t )
Edisc (t )
supplied by the utility grid and if the sample time t is C pv (t ) = prDER E pv (t ) (22)
t =1
identified in time horizon N , the energy cost of the N
However, in this case, real-time electricity pricing is where J (k ) represents the system performance index, k is the
combined with renewable energy pricing, which is
sample of time which is assigned at system control horizon
represented by pr . Equations (21)–(24) represent the
DER N c , and j is the level or the time variation of the control
different energy costs from DER as follows: horizon. From the second term of Eq. (25), it indicates that
Cwt (t ) = prDER Ewt (t ) (21) the design model shown in Figs. 1 and 2 minimise the energy
t =1
cost from the utility grid while maximising the use of energy N that make up the DDESS. By accomplishing a structure
from the DER. of the designed model optimally, the following steps describe
The opportunity cost, Eq. (24), can also be set in the the system implementation:
function of the utility grid electricity price. Thus, the Step 1: Determination of the control horizon N c and
performance index, Eq. (25), can be rewritten as:
N Nc = k
(26) simulation time horizon N .
min J ( k ) = p ( E (k ) − E ( k )) − p E (k )
k =1
j =1
rgr ug , k j op , k j rDER DER , k j
Step 2: System parameters updates at a sample of time,
with EDER (k ) = E pv (k ) + Ewt (k ) + Eb (k ) , and Eb (k ) = Ech (k ) or chosen to be k .
Step 3: Smart meter reading of the energy flows on the
Eb (k ) = Edisc (k )
different components of the model as described in Fig. 1.
Step 4: System constraints updates at the chosen sample time,
4.1 System constraints as described in step 2.
Based on the system performance as described in Eq. Step 5: Generate the DDESS strategy by using Eq. (25) or Eq.
(25) and (26), the limitations of DDESS can be defined. The (26).
mutual energy flow relation of the system as illustrated in Step 6: Find the optimal value of the energy flow.
Figs.1 and 2 describes the constraints of the structure of the Step 7: Update the system control horizon, i.e.
DDESS. kupdated = k + 1.
For energy consumption, the system constraints
Step 8: Repeat the system process from step 2 to step 7 until
depend on all components that supply the load demand. The
energy consumption constraints are a function of Eq. (1). This it reaches the simulation time horizon N .
relation is assumed to be an equality constraint, and it is Step 9: Generate the optimal solution of the system.
expressed as a function of the sample time k as:
5. Simulation results and discussion
Ed (k ) = E pv (k ) + Ewt ( k ) + Edisc ( k ) + Egr ( k ) (27)
Table 2 defines the essential values of the simulation
Based on the restriction of Eq. (27), the utility grid
for the proposed DDESS. The values presented here are
constraints can be determined as:
mostly for the DES and the installed capacity for DG (PV and
Egrmax (k ) Edmax (k ) (28)
wind turbine). The amount of Ed .avg (the average hourly
Egrmin (k ) 0 (29) demand) is determined by using the daily average of energy
The DG (PV and wind turbine) will be limited as: demand as described in Table 1.
E pv (k ) E pvmax (k ) (30)
Table 2 Simulation Parameters
E pvmin (k ) 0 (31)
Ewt (k ) Ewtmax (k ) (32) Parameters Values Parameters Values
Ewtmin (k ) 0 (33) SOCmax (%) 95 inv (%) 92
The DES, as described in subsection 3.2, assists in SOCmin (%) 40 Ha (hour) 5
determining the SOC constraints and the energy flow on the ch (%) 85 Ppv (kW) 5
battery constraints. For the energy flow on the battery, these disc (%) 85 Pwt (kW) 1.5
constraints are the same during the charging and discharging
period. Thus battery constraints are as follows:
All minimum values of the system are set to zero
Eb (k ) Ebmax (k ) (34)
except the minimal value of the SOC of the battery as
Ebmin (k ) 0 (35) described in Table 2. The maximum values of the energy flow
SOCmin (k ) SOC (k ) SOCmax (k ) (36) for each component are limited in the function of the maximal
value of the energy demand. This strategy is made by
It is important to note that the limitations on the energy hypothesising that the given energy generation system can
flow on the battery can be changed from a negative value to supply the demand on its own. Except for the DG, based on
positive reciprocally. This charging variation depends on the their installed capacity, the maximum values of the PV and
state in which the energy storage is operating. However, in wind turbine can be limited to their capacities as described in
this case, it is assumed to be taken positively based on the Table 2. However, for the optimal solution to satisfy the
formulation of the performance as described in Eqs. (25) and system constraints, the hypothesis of assigning all maximal
(26). values to the peak value of the energy demand is accepted.
Some additional constraints are added to the system
implementation. These are the opportunity constraints which 5.1 Simulation results
are based on Eq. (4) and (5), and the system lower and upper The results of simulations for the designed DDESS are
limits which are assigned to the energy flow limits of each presented in Figs. 3 to 8. Those results are implemented by
parameter on the system, as shown in Fig. 2. Thus, the considering the different values of the initial SOC of the
computing of the DDESS is based on the implementation of battery. Based on the maximal and minimal values of the
Eqs. (25) and (26) subjected to all given constraints in SOC of the battery as described in Table 2, eight different
subsection 4.1. initial values of SOC of the battery are selected to test the
performance of the system vis-à-vis energy saving. The
4.2 System Algorithm selected values are 90%, 85%, 80%, 75%, 70%, 65%, 60%
In this paper, the system implementation is a and 55%. It is necessary to note that these values are not
function of the control horizon and the assigned time horizon
Figure 3. Optimum energy flow from distributed generation (PV and Wind).
Figure 4. Optimum energy flow from the utility grid (grid supply and opportunity energy) and DES for the first
four set values of SOC.
presented as a percentage as described in Figs. 3 - 8. Thus, all from PV which can supply the consumer and charge the
values are divided by 100 and presented in a unit range to battery. These four optimum patterns of PV generation are
avoid congestion on the label of figures. compared with the generating energy from the PV where the
Figure 3 presents the optimum results of DG (PV and optimal energy generations are supplying the prosumer
Wind turbine) during the selected values of SOC of the (Battery) and/or consumer load. The same structure is
battery. In Fig. 3.a, the first four setting values, namely 0.95, developed for the wind turbine in Fig. 3.b. Additionally, Fig.
0.85, 0.80 and 0.75, represents the optimum energy flows 3.c describes the last four values of the initial SOC of the
Figure 5. Optimum energy flow from the utility grid (grid supply and opportunity energy) and DES the last four
set values of SOC.
Figure 6 State of charge of battery with the first four initial Figure 7 State of charge of battery with the last four initial
values. values.
battery, namely 0.70, 0.65, 0.60, and 0.55, to present the Figures 4 and 5 show the pattern of the energy flow
optimum patterns of the energy flow on PV. The same for the battery, from the utility grid to the consumer, and from
profiles are compared to the generating energy from the PV the DER to the utility grid. The profiles are presented for
when the PV is not supplying any load. In Fig. 3.d, the same different set values of the initial SOC of the battery, namely
structure for Fig. 3.c is used to show the flow of energy on the first four and last four settings of the initial value of the
the wind turbine. It is observed that the energy flow on the SOC. Fig. 4.a and 5.a give the different patterns of the energy
DG, as described in Fig. 3, has the same pattern for each consumption form the utility grid. The first four set initial
setting value of the SOC of the battery. The profile confirms values provide the same profile of the energy consumption
that the system is robust enough in terms of energy generation from the utility grid, but for the last four values, a change of
from renewable energy. It can be concluded that there is no each set of values is observed as shown in Fig. 5.a. The same
loss of energy from DG because what is produced is also patterns are also seen in Fig. 4.c and Fig. 5.c for the energy
consumed by either consumer or prosumer (battery storage). from DES to the consumer, which is the discharging of the
battery. However, the energy flow during the charging of
Figure 8. Smart switching system of DDSOC based on residential home energy coordination.
battery has kept the same profile during each change made for the system can conserve its robustness. This mostly depends
the initial value of the SOC, as shown in Figs. 4.b and 5.b. on battery parameters, such as capacity and hourly
Additionally, for the opportunity energy that flows from the discharging. Increasing the capacity of the battery can
DER to the utility grid, the existence of an opportunity for the provide a large energy opportunity in the system but will
first four initial values of the state of charge is observed (Fig. require a large scale RERs component. Thus, it is observed
4.d). In the last four, Fig. 5.d, there is no opportunity pattern that the system saving of energy and cost, in which the
provided on the system. consumer can use to pay the utility grid, depends on the initial
value of the state of charge of BESS. When this value is close
to the maximal value of SOC of the battery, there is an
5.2 Discussion and analysis of results essential saving, but when the initial value is closer to the
Figures 6 and 7 give the profile of the different set minimal value of the state of charge battery, the saving
values of the initial SOC inside their limitations, namely decreases.
maximal and minimal SOC of the battery. The designed Suppose the optimal energy that the consumer is
DDESS is robust enough to ensure optimal energy flows on supplied from the utility grid, as described in Figs. 4.a and 5.a,
the residential sector under the smart grid framework. The represents the optimal energy (O-Energy), and the energy
model gives the consumer the possibility to optimise the total supply without the implementation of DDESS is called
energy consumption by minimising the energy from the normal energy (N-Energy), two concepts can, therefore, be
utility grid. Besides, Fig. 8 presents the optimal control defined. These are consumer energy payback (CEPB) and
behaviour of the intelligent smart switching system. Different consumer excess energy payback (CEEPB). The CEPB is
switching devices, namely S1 to S6, are presented. Figure 8.a considered as the opportunity energy which is presented in
confirms the energy pattern of Figs. 3, Fig. 4.b and Fig. 5.b. Figs. 4.d and 5.d, and the CEEPB is the difference between
The same observation is also made from Fig. 8.b to 8.d. the O-Energy and CEPB. The same procedure is also
Additionally, in Fig. 8.c, it is seen that S5 (energy from the developed for the cost of energy consumption where O-Cost
utility grid switch) is on during all system horizon, but no presents the optimal cost of energy consumption, and N-Cost
opportunity energy flows on the system, Fig. 8.c (S6 is off). denotes the normal cost of energy consumption. CEPB and
The energy from the utility grid is still minimised, as CEEPB conserve the same notation of energy for the cost of
described in Fig. 5.a. Thus, the optimal behaviour of S6 for energy.
the last four values of the initial SOC of the battery depends Tables 3 and 4 represent the analysis of the results
on the availability of DERs, Fig. 8.b and c (S5). found from the DDESS. In Table 3, the energy consumption
By considering Figs. 6 and 7, it is also observed that of the end user analysis shows that the consumer has a
the optimal solution of the energy storage is a function of the significant value of paying back (CEEPB) between the setting
optimal probability from the performance index. By points of 0.9 and 0.85 where the end user can benefit as
observing the availability of the opportunity energy in the described in Table 3. However, for the values between 0.8
relation of the SOC pattern, it is deduced that even between and 0.55, the CEEPBs are negative. Compared with N-
75 to 55% of the initial SOC, it is possible to have opportunity Energy, these values are considered as the minimum energy
energy. However, the optimal solution does not allow the consumption that the consumer can pay the supplier. Table 4
performance index to generate any opportunity energy so that analyses the cost of energy on the system. It is important to
note that the CEPB cost is derivate based on the system important energy cost saving of about 61 to 157 % is observed
performance as described in Eq. (25) and the opportunity cost when the DDESS computed Eq. (26) as described in Table 5.
formulated in Eq. (24). The same saving observation for the The saving can reach a peak of about 125 % when the
energy structure as described in Table 3 is observed in Table opportunity is evaluated at DER electricity pricing. It is
4. However, in terms of comparison, a significant increase is necessary to note that the evaluation of the opportunity
observed in the cost analysis, as shown in Table 4 compared energy depends on the set policy of a given utility company
to the energy analysis in Table 3. This increase is due to the and its relationship with different energy stakeholders.
price of renewable energy that was used to compute the CEPB
or the opportunity cost. However, saving is of less value. 6. Conclusion
Therefore, the second scenario of the system performance, as This paper has developed an energy coordination
presented in Eq. (26), can be considered through the structure for an independent residential smart home. An
computation of the DDESS to improve the system regarding optimal control approach is formulated under a closed-loop
the energy cost saving. It is important to note that system algorithm based on the DDESS to compute the performance
behaviour based on the energy flow is not affected by the two index of the system through a real-time electricity pricing
important scenarios as described in Eqs. (25) and (26). scheme. The proposed approach is robust in the context of
optimal energy flows coordination of DER, utility grid and
Table 3 Energy consumption analysis end user with the consideration of opportunity energy. It is
found that the designed algorithm has maximised the use of
SOC N-Energy O-Energy CEPB CEEPB DG to provide opportunity energy, which brings a significant
(%) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) improvement to the reduction of total energy cost to pay the
90 71.9 9.29 50.57 41.28 utility grid. Besides, an intensive energy flowing has been
85 71.9 9.29 22.41 13.11 provided to coordinate the DES optimally. The initial value
80 71.9 9.29 8.32 -0.97 of battery SOC plays an important role in the saving of energy
75 71.9 9.38 0 -9.38 and minimisation of the utility grid’s energy cost. It is
70 71.9 16.21 0 -16.21 observed that the system saving improvement of the energy
65 71.9 21.22 0 -21.22 and cost can vary between 61.18 to 157.48 % of the total
60 71.9 24.98 0 -24.98 energy to pay the utility grid. Through the smart switching
55 71.9 27.91 0 -27.91 system of the designed model, it is found that the DDESS
based on real-time pricing can optimally coordinate the
Table 4 Cost of Energy consumption analysis scenario 1 energy flows of a smart home regardless of load demand
diversity and different energy resources. Therefore, this work
has significant value that can satisfy both the energy supplier
SOC N-Cost O-Cost CEPB CEEPB Saving
(%) and the consumer.
(%) (R) (R) (R) (R)
Future research work will be focused on the
90 87.61 11.32 32.87 21.55 124.60 integration of this approach into a given residential electrical
85 87.61 11.32 14.56 3.24 103.70 network, which contains several autonomous smart homes to
80 87.61 11.32 5.41 -5.92 93.24 coordinate the electrical grid behaviour in the context energy
75 87.61 11.43 0 -11.43 86.95 flowing and voltage regulation at each bus. Additionally,
70 87.61 19.75 0 -19.75 77.45 future work can also look at the optimal approach where the
65 87.61 25.86 0 -25.86 70.48 electricity pricing is variable in function of the energy flow
60 87.61 30.44 0 -30.44 65.25 within a given sampling time expressed in a range of minutes.
55 87.61 34.01 0 -34.01 61.18
Table 5 Cost of Energy consumption analysis scenario 2 The first author thanks the Southern African Systems
Analysis Centre (SASAC), South Africa National Research
SOC N-Cost O-Cost CEPB CEEPB Saving Foundation (NRF), and the British Council as well as the
(%) (R) (R) (R) (R) (%) University of Pretoria for their sponsorship.
90 87.61 11.32 61.68 50.36 157.48
85 87.61 11.32 27.33 16.01 118.27 References
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