The Electronics Engineering Laws: Republic Act 5734 Republic Act 9292

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The Electronics

Engineering Laws
Republic Act 5734
Republic Act 9292

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 0

Title of the Act

u RA 5734: Electronics and

Communication Engineering Law of the
u RA 9292: Electronics Engineering Law
of the Philippines

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 1

Categories of Practice

u RA 5734: ECE (Electronics and

Communications Engineer)
u RA 9292
u PECE (Professional Electronics Engineer)
u [R] ECE (Registered Electronics Engineer)
u ECT (Electronics Technician)

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 2

Composition of the Board

u RA 5734 (Section 12)

u1 Chairman
u2 Members of the Board
u RA 9292 (Section 6)
u1 Chairman
u2 Members of the Board

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 3

Appointing Authority

u RA 5734: Section 12. It shall be composed of a

chairman and two members, all to be appointed by
the President of the Philippines, with the consent
of the Commission of Appointments, from among
the registered practicing electronics and
communications engineers of recognized
standing in the Philippines as certified to by any
officially registered association of electronics
and communications engineers in the Philippines
who possess the qualifications prescribed in this
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 4
Appointing Authority

u RA 9292: Section 6. “Appointed by the

President of the Philippines from the three
(3) recommendees per position chosen and
ranked by the Commission, which
recommendees shall in turn be chosen from
the five (5) nominees for each position
submitted by the accredited professional
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 5
Qualification of the Board (RA 5734)

u Section 14.
u (a) A citizen and resident of the Philippines;
(b) At least thirty-one years of age, and of good moral
(c) A registered electronics and communications
engineer under this Act:
(d) Actually in active practice of the electronics and
communications engineering occupation for at least ten
years, in the government service or in private;
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Powers and Functions of the Board

u RA 5734: There are 10 provisions stipulating

the powers and functions of the Board.
u RA 9292: There are 22 provisions stipulating
the powers and functions of the Board.
u Provision for the seal of the board
u Maintaining the roster of PECEs, ECEs, and
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 7
Powers and Functions of the Board

u RA 9292: There are 22 provisions stipulating

the powers and functions of the Board.
u Adopt a program for the full computerization of
the licensure examination;
u Grant registration without examination, subject
to review and approval by the Commission, in
accordance with the provisions of this Act;

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Powers and Functions of the Board

u RA 9292: There are 22 provisions stipulating the powers

and functions of the Board.
u Promulgate a program for continuing professional education
and/or development of Professional Electronics Engineers,
Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians;
u Prescribe the minimum manning and manpower
requirements for Professional Electronics Engineers,
Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians in
industrial plants and commercial establishments for
purposes of ensuring compliance with the provisions of this
Act and all other ordinances, laws, rules and regulations that
may be enacted hereinafter;

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 9

Powers and Functions of the Board

u RA 9292: There are 22 provisions stipulating

the powers and functions of the Board.
u Formulate, prescribe and adopt such rules and
regulations for electronics installations in industrial
plants, commercial establishments and other
buildings or structures covered by the National
Building Code of the Philippines, in coordination
with the Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH), other concerned agencies, representatives
of industry and the Accredited Professional
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 10
Powers and Functions of the Board

u RA 9292: There are 22 provisions stipulating

the powers and functions of the Board.
u Submit an annual action plan and
corresponding report at the beginning and close
of each fiscal year on the activities, proceedings
and accomplishments of the Board for the year,
incorporating therein any recommendation to
the Commission;
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 11
Qualification of the Board (RA 5734)

u Section 14.
u (e) Not a member of the faculty of any school, institute,
college, or university where a regular course in
electronics, communications or radio is taught, or if he
has been such a faculty member, he has stopped
teaching therein for at least three consecutive years
immediately preceding his appointment; and
( f ) Not financially interested directly or indirectly, in any
school, institute, college, or university where a regular
course in electronics and/or communications
engineering is taught.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 12
Qualification of the Board (RA 9292)

u Section 8.
u (a) Be a citizen and a resident of the Philippines for at
least five (5) consecutive years prior to his/her
u (b) Be of good moral character and integrity;
u (c) Be a holder of a valid Certificate of Registration and
a valid Professional Identification Card as a Professional
Electronics Engineer, duly qualified to practice as a
Professional Engineer in the Philippines;
u (d) Be a member of good standing of the Accredited
Professional Organization;
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 13
Qualification of the Board (RA 9292)

u Section 8.
u (e) Be in active practice of the electronics engineering profession for at
least ten (10) years prior to his appointment, either in self-practice, or
employment in government service and/or in the private sector;
u (f) Must not have any pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, in any school,
academy, college, university or institution conferring an academic degree
and/or certification/accreditation necessary for admission to the practice of
Electronics Engineering and/or Electronics Technician or where review
classes in preparation for the licensure examination are being offered or
conducted nor shall he/she be a member of the faculty or of the
administration thereof prior to taking his/her oath of office; and
u (g) Must not have been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude.

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 14

Term of Office

u RA 5734: Section 15. The members of the

Board shall hold office for a term of three
years: Provided, That the first appointee to
the Board shall hold office for the following
terms: One member for one year, the other
member for two years, and the third
member for three years.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 15
Term of Office

u RA 9292: Section 9. The members of the

Board shall hold office for a term of three (3)
years from date of appointment or until their
successors shall have been appointed and
qualified and may be re-appointed once for
another term.

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Date of Approval

u RA 5734: Enacted without Executive

Approval, June 21, 1969
u RA 9292: This act which is a consolidation
of House Bill No. 5224 and Senate Bill No.
2683 was finally passed by the House of
Representatives and the Senate on
February 2, 2004. Approved: April 17, 2004.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 17
RA 5734 was enacted without RA 9292 was signed into law on
executive approval on June 21, April 17, 2004 by President
1969. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Under whose term?

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 18
REVIEW: Final Legislative Action

u After both houses have given final approval

to a bill, a final copy of the bill, known as the
“enrolled bill,” shall be printed, and certified
as correct by the Secretary of the Senate
and the Secretary General of the House of
Representatives. After which, it will be
signed by the Speaker of the House and the
Senate President.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 19
REVIEW: Final Legislative Action

uA bill may become a law, even without the

President’s signature, if the President does
not sign a bill within 30 days from receipt in
his office. A bill may also become a law
without the President’s signature if
Congress overrides a presidential veto by
two-thirds vote.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 20

u RA 5734: Sec. 28. This Act shall take effect

upon its approval.
u RA 9292: Sec. 43. This Act shall take effect
fifteen (15) days following its full publication
in the Official Gazette or any newspaper of
general circulation.

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 21

Important Notes and Provisions of
Republic Act 9292

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 22

The Law at a Glance

u Article 1 (General Provisions) – 5 sections

u Article 2 (Professional Regulatory Board of
Electronics Engineering) – 12 sections
u Article 3 (Examination, Registration and
Licensure) – 14 sections
u Article 4 (Practice of PECE, ECE, and ECT) – 4
u Article 5 (Sundry Provisions) 4 sections

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 23

The Law at a Glance

u Article 6 (Penal Provision and Assistance of

Law Enforcement Agencies) - 2 sections
u Article 7 (Transitory Provisions) – 2 sections
u Article 8 (Final Provision) – 5 sections

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 24

Article 3 Important Notes

u Examination is a requirement before

practice of the profession. (Section 13)
u Section 14 stipulates requirements for

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Article 3, Section 14

u (a) He/She is a citizen of the Philippines or of a foreign country

qualified to take the examination as provided for in Section 33 of this
u (b) He/She is of good moral character and had not been convicted by a
court of law of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude;
u (c) For the Electronics Engineering examinations, he/she is a holder of
a degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications
Engineering or Electronics Engineering, or subject to compliance with
minimum requirements to be prescribed by the Board, such equivalent
and/or related engineering course or program from any school,
institute, college, or university recognized by the Government or the
State where it is established, after completing a resident collegiate
course equivalent to that of a full baccalaureate degree;

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 26

Article 3, Section 14

u (d) For the Electronics Technician examinations:

u (1) is a graduate of an Associate, Technician, Trade or Vocational course in
electronics or, subject to the evaluation of the Board, such equivalent
and/or related formal or non-formal course or program from any school,
college, university or training institution recognized by the Government or
the State where it is established, after completing a resident course or
program of not less than two (2) years, or
u (2) has completed at least the minimum third-year equivalent of a Bachelor
of Science program in Electronics and Communications Engineering or
Electronics Engineering program according to CHED guidelines, or, subject
to the evaluation of the Board such equivalent and/or related engineering
course or program from any school, institute, college or university
recognized by the Government or State where it is established;

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 27

Section 15. Scope of Examination for
Electronics Engineers and Electronics
u The examination for Electronics Engineers shall
consist of written tests which shall cover
subjects prescribed by the Board but including
at least the following: Mathematics, Applied
Sciences, Engineering Economics, Laws and
Ethics, Electronics, Communications,
Computers, and Information and
Communications Technology.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 28
Section 16. Ratings
u To pass the licensure examination, a candidate for
Electronics Engineer or Electronics Technician must
obtain a passing rating of seventy percent (70%) in
each subject given during the
examination: Provided, however, That a candidate who
obtains a passing rating in the majority of the subjects
but obtains a rating in the other subject/s below seventy
percent (70%) but not lower than sixty percent (60%),
shall be allowed to take one removal examination on the
subject/s where he/she failed to obtain the passing
rating: Provided, finally, That should the examinee fail to
obtain a passing rating in the removal examination,
he/she shall be considered as having failed the entire
licensure examination.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 29
Section 17. Release of the Results of

u The Board and the Commission shall

correct and rate the licensure examination
papers and shall release the examination
results within fifteen (15) days after the said

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 30

Section 18. Qualifications and Schedule of
Registration for Professional Electronics
u For application for registration as a Professional Electronics Engineer, the
following shall be required:
u (a) Valid Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card as Electronics
u (b) Valid/current membership identification card from the Accredited Professional
u (c) Certified experience record of active self-practice and/or employment either in
government service or in the private sector, in the format to be prescribed by the Board,
indicating the inclusive dates, companies worked for, description of specific
responsibilities, relevant accomplishments and name, position of immediate supervisors
for a period of at least seven (7) years (inclusive and/or aggregate), at least two (2) years of
which are in responsible charge of significant engineering work, from the date applicant
took his/her oath as an Electronics and Communications Engineer or Electronics
u (d) Three (3) certifications signed by three (3) Professional Electronics Engineers attesting
that the experience record submitted by the applicant is factual.

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Section 19. Issuance of the Certificate of
Registration and Professional Identification
uA Certificate of Registration shall be issued
to examinees who pass the Electronics
Engineer and Electronics Technician licensure
examination, to Electronics Engineers who are
registered as Professional Electronics
Engineers and to Electronics Technicians who
are registered without examination, subject to
payment of fees prescribed by the
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 32
Section 19. Issuance of the Certificate of
Registration and Professional Identification
u A Professional Identification Card bearing
the registration number, date of registration,
duly signed by the Chairperson of the
Commission, shall likewise be issued to
every registrant who has paid the prescribed
fee. This identification card will serve as
evidence that the holder thereof is duly
registered with the Commission.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 33
Section 20. Registration without
Examination for Electronics Technicians.

u Within five (5) years after the effectivity of

this Act, the Board shall issue Certificates of
Registration and Professional Identification
Cards without examination to applicants for
registration as Electronics Technicians who
shall present evidence or other proof
satisfactory to the Board
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 34
Section 21. Non-issuance of a Certificate
of Registration and/or Professional
Identification Card for Certain Grounds
u The Board and/or the Commission shall not register
and shall not issue a Certificate of Registration and
Professional Identification Card to any person
convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any
crime involving moral turpitude, to any person of
immoral or dishonorable conduct and to any person
of unsound mind, furnishing the party concerned a
written statement containing the reasons for such
action, which statement shall be incorporated in the
records of the Board.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 35
Section 22. Professional Oath

u All successful examinees and all those who have

qualified for registration without examination
shall be required to take a professional oath
before any member of the Board or any person
authorized by the Commission before he/she can be
registered and issued a Certificate of Registration
and Professional Identification Card, and as a
prerequisite to practicing as a Professional
Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer or
Electronics Technician.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 36
Section 23. Revocation and Suspension of
Certificate of Registration, Professional
Identification Card and Cancellation of
Special Permits
u The Board shall, upon proper notice and hearing, revoke or
suspend the validity of a Certificate of Registration and
accordingly the Professional Identification Card, or cancel a
Special Permit granted under Section 26 herein, for any of the
causes mentioned in the preceding sections, or for
unprofessional or unethical conduct, malpractice, incompetence
or any violation of this Act and its implementing rules and
regulations, the Code of Ethics and the Code of Technical
Standards of Practice, or where fraud, deceit, or false statement
was found to have been employed in obtaining said Certificate
of Registration, Professional Identification Card or Special
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 37
Section 24. Reinstatement, Re-issuance or
Replacement of Certificate of Registration
and Professional Identification Card
u The Board may, two (2) years after the revocation of a
Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification
Card, upon application and for reasons deemed proper
and sufficient, reinstate the validity of a revoked
Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification
Card, subject to compliance with the applicable
requirements of the Commission, and the
Board: Provided, That he/she did not commit any illegal
practice of the profession or any violation of this Act, its
rules, codes and policies during the time that his/her
Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification
Card was revoked.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 38
Section 24. Reinstatement, Re-issuance or
Replacement of Certificate of Registration
and Professional Identification Card
u A new Certificate of Registration or
Professional Identification Card to replace
lost, destroyed, or mutilated certificate or
registration card may be issued, subject to
the rules promulgated by the Board and the
Commission, upon payment of the required
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 39
Section 25. Roster of Professional
Electronics Engineers, Electronics
Engineers and Electronics Technicians
u The Board shall prepare and maintain a roster of the
names, residence and/or office address of all
registered Professional Electronics Engineers,
Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians,
which shall be updated annually in cooperation with
the Accredited Professional Organization, indicating
therein the status of the Certificate of Registration,
Professional Identification Card and membership in
the Accredited Professional Organization of the
professional, whether valid, inactive due to death or
other reasons, delinquent, suspended or revoked.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 40
Section 26. Exemptions from
Examination and Registration

u No examination and registration shall be

required for foreign Professional Electronics
Engineers, Electronics Engineers or
Electronics Technicians who are temporarily
employed by the Philippine Government or
by private firms in the Philippines.

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 41

Section 27. Practice of the Profession

u No person shall offer himself/herself in the Philippines as, or use

the title "Professional Electronics Engineer", "Electronics
Engineer" or "Electronics Technician", as defined in this Act, or
use any word, letter figure, or sign whatsoever, tending to
convey the impression that he/she is a Professional Electronics
Engineer, Electronics Engineer or Electronics Technician, or
advertise that he/she is qualified to perform the work of a
Professional Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer or
Electronics Technician, without holding a valid Certificate of
Registration and a valid Professional Identification Card in
accordance with this Act, except as provided under Section 26

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 42

Section 28. Prohibitions and Limitations on
the Practice of Electronics Engineering
and Electronics Technician Profession
u Unless otherwise prescribed by any
supervening law, the practice of electronics
engineering and electronics technician shall
be a professional service, admission to
which must be determined on the basis of
the individual's personal qualifications.

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 43

Section 29. Seal of the Professional
Electronics Engineers
u All licensed Professional Electronics Engineers shall obtain and
use a seal of a design prescribed by the Board bearing the
registrant's name, registration number and title. Plans, drawings,
permit applications, specifications, reports and other technical
documents prepared by and/or executed under the supervision
of, and issued by the Professional Electronics Engineer shall be
stamped on every sheet/page with said seal, indicating therein
his/her current Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) number,
date/place of payment and current membership number in the
Accredited Professional Organization, when filed with
government authorities or when used professionally.

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 44

Section 30. Code of Ethics and Code
of Technical Standards of Practice

u The Board shall adopt a Code of Ethics and

the Code of Technical Standards of Practice
for Electronics Engineers and Electronics
Technicians, which shall be promulgated by
the Accredited Professional Organization.

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 45

Section 31. Continuing Professional
Education (CPE) and/or Development
u All registered Professional Electronics Engineers,
Electronics Engineers, and Electronics Technicians, shall
comply with pertinent rules and regulations already
prescribed by and/or as may be prescribed and
promulgated by the Commission and/or the Board, the
Accredited Professional Organization and other
government agencies, pursuant to this Act and other
relevant laws, international treaties, agreements and/or
covenants to which the Philippines is a signatory and
has ratified, with respect to continuing professional
education and/or development and/or other
similar/related programs.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 46
Section 32. Integrated and Accredited
Professional Organization
u There shall be one (1) integrated and Accredited
Professional Organization of Professional Electronics
Engineers, Electronics Engineers and Electronics
Technicians in the country, which shall be registered
with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a
non-stock, non-profit corporation and recognized by
the Board, the Commission and all government
agencies as the one and only integrated and
accredited national organization for the said
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 47
The Accredited Professional
u Every Professional Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer
and Electronics Technician, upon registration with the
Commission as such, shall ipso facto become a member of this
Accredited Professional Organization.
u Those who have been previously registered by the Board but are
not members of this Accredited Professional Organization at the
time of effectivity of this Act, shall be allowed to register as
members of this organization within three (3) years after the
effectivity of this Act.
u Membership in this Accredited Professional Organization shall
not be a bar to membership in other associations of the
electronics engineering and electronics technician professions.

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The Accredited Professional
u The Accredited Professional Organization shall
implement the continuing professional education,
accredit other organizations or entities to provide
continuing professional education, and/or
development program promulgated by the Board
and/or the Commission, compliance with which shall
be one of the requisites for the maintenance of
membership in good standing of the professional in
the Accredited Professional Organization.

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 49

The Accredited Professional
u All members of good standing of this Accredited
Professional Organization shall be issued an annual
membership card indicating the membership
number and validity period of the membership,
which shall be affixed to all plans, specifications and
any document signed by the member in the course
of practice of his/her profession.
u Failure to maintain membership in good standing in
the Accredited Professional Organization shall be a
cause for listing of the individual as delinquent in the
roster of professionals.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 50
The Accredited Professional
u The Institute of Electronics Engineers of the
Philippines (IECEP, formerly the Institute of
Electronics and Communication Engineers of the
Philippines) is a Professional Regulation
Commission recognized organization of Professional
Electronics Engineers (PECE), Electronics Engineers
(ECE) and Electronics Technicians (ECT) in
the Philippines.
u It is a non-stock and non-profit organization with
50,000 members inside and outside of the country.
The IECEP was organized in 1950.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 51
Section 33. Foreign Reciprocity

u No foreigner shall be admitted for registration as Professional

Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer or Electronics Technician
with or without examination under this Act unless he/she proves in the
manner as provided by the Board that, by specific provisions of law,
the country, state or province of which he/she is a citizen, subject or
national, or in accordance with international treaties, agreements
and/or covenants to which their country, state or province is a
signatory, admits Filipino citizens to practice as Professional
Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer or Electronics Technician
after an examination or registration process on terms of strict and
absolute equality with the citizens, subjects or nationals of said
country, including the unconditional recognition of professional
licenses issued by the Board and/or the Commission and prerequisite
degrees/diplomas issued by institutions of learning duly recognized by
the government of the Philippines.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 52
Section 34. Positions in Government
Requiring the Services of Registered and
Licensed Professional Electronics
Engineers, Electronics Engineers and
Electronics Technicians
u Within three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act, all existing
and proposed positions in the local and national government,
whether career, permanent, temporary or contractual and
primarily requiring the services of Professional Electronics
Engineers, Electronics Engineers or Electronics Technicians shall
accordingly be filled only by registered and licensed
Professional Electronics Engineers, Electronics Engineers or
Electronics Technicians.

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 53

Section 35. Penal Provision

u The following shall be punished by a fine of

not less than One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) nor more than One million
pesos (P1,000,000.00), or by imprisonment
of not less than six (6) months nor more
than six (6) years, or both, in the discretion
of the court.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 54
Violations of RA 9292

u Any person who shall give any false or

fraudulent statement to the Board to obtain
a Certificate of Registration and/or
Professional Identification Card as
Professional Electronics Engineer,
Electronics Engineer or Electronics
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 55
Violations of RA 9292

u Any person who shall present or use as his/her

own a Certificate of Registration, Professional
Identification Card, membership identification
card in the Accredited Professional
Organization and/or seal issued to another and
any person who allows the use of his/her
Certificate of Registration, Professional
Identification Card, membership card in the
Accredited Professional Organization and/or
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 56
Violations of RA 9292

u Any person who shall present or use a revoked or

suspended Certificate of Registration as Professional
Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer or Electronics
u Any person who shall assume, use, advertise or
otherwise practice as Professional Electronics Engineer,
Electronics Engineer or Electronics Technician, or
append to his/her name, any letter/s or words tending to
convey the impression that he/she is a registered
Professional Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer
or Electronics Technician, when in fact he/she is not duly
registered with the Board as such;
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 57
Violations of RA 9292

u Any Professional Electronics Engineer, or any person

on his/her behalf, who shall stamp or seal any
document with his/her seal as such after his/her
Certificate of Registration, Professional Identification
Card and membership card in the Accredited
Professional Organization has been revoked or
suspended or after he/she has been suspended
from practice or removed from the roster of
Professional Electronics Engineer, Electronics
Engineers or Electronics Technicians;
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 58
Violations of RA 9292

u Any Professional Electronics Engineer who

shall sign his/her name, affix his/her seal, or
use any other method of signature on plans,
technical descriptions or other documents
prepared by or under the supervision of
another Professional Electronics Engineer,
unless the same is prepared in such manner as
to clearly indicate the part of such work
actually performed by the former;
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 59
Violations of RA 9292

u Any person, except the Professional

Electronics Engineer or Electronics Engineer
in-charge, who shall sign for any electronics
engineering work, or any function of
electronics engineering practice, not
actually performed by him/her;

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 60

Violations of RA 9292

u Any person holding a Certificate of Registration and

Professional Identification Card as Professional
Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer or Electronics
Technician who shall be involved in illegal wire-tapping,
cloning, hacking, cracking, piracy and/or other forms of
unauthorized and malicious electronic eavesdropping
and/or the use of any electronic devices in violation of
the privacy of another or in disregard of the privilege of
private communications and/or safety to life, physical
and/or intellectual property of others, or who shall
maintain an unlicensed and/or unregistered
communications system or device;
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 61
Violations of RA 9292

u Any person who shall violate any provision

of this Act or any rules, regulations, the
Code of Ethics and the Code of Technical
Standards of Practice promulgated under
this Act.

Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 62

Section 36. Assistance of Law Enforcement
and Other Government Agencies

u Any law enforcement agency shall, upon call or

request of the Board and/or the Commission,
render assistance in enforcing this Act
including the Code of Ethics, Code of Technical
Standards of Practice and the implementing
rules and regulations and measures
promulgated hereunder, by prosecuting
violators thereof in accordance with law and
the Rules of Court.
Engr. James Matthew D. Wong, SMRIEEE 10/13/20 63

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