Four Quadrant Speed Control of DC Motor Using Chopper

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-5, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362,

Four Quadrant Speed Control of DC

Motor Using Chopper
Prof. Samadhan Patil, 2Dipesh Bharambe, 3Nishant Badgujar,
Raghavendra Mogaveera
Yadavrao Tasgaonkar Institute Of Engineering And Technology
Dept. Of Electrical Engineering
Abstract — In this paper present four quadrant Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET’s). It carries
speed control model is designed by using chopper to positive attributes of BJT’s and MOSFT’s. Four
control the speed of DC motor. The designed model Quadrant Chopper is used for conversion of fixed DC
provide four quadrant speed control of DC motor in into variable DC. Operation of four quadrant chopper
both direction, ie clockwise direction, counter- is shown in figure1. In the first quadrant operation
clockwise direction along with braking of the DC power can be flow from source to load and hence,
motor. This operation will most superior in DC motor current and voltage in the first quadrant are assumed
than the AC because changing the rotation of motor to be positive. Similarly, in second quadrant
is difficult and complicated in AC as compare to DC. operation voltage remain positive but change in
In this .The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor(IGBT) direction of current ie. negative this condition
is used for speed control of DC motor which is very happened when load is inductive such as a DC motor
smooth in operation. The chopper circuit is designed in third quadrant operation current and the voltage are
by Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) to both in negative but the power is positive. Similarly
control the speed of DC motor in both direction. The in four quadrant operation current is positive and
switching operation of IGBT is done by can by using voltage is negative and therefore power is negative
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique. In this which is shown in figure1.
designed model PWM signal can be generated by
using of IC LM324 (Quad op-amp).As per the
variation in the pulses motor speed will be vary. By
Four Quadrant Speed control technique it is very
easy to control the direction and speed of the motor.
In this paper designing of speed control is verified
experimentally on DC motor.

Keywords – Four Quadrant Chopper, IGBT, DC

motor, PWM, Voltage regulator

Four Quadrant DC motor are extremely used in
adjustable speed drive and position control
application. Their speeds below the base speed can be
controlled by armature-voltage control. Speeds above
the base speed are obtained by field-flux control. As
speed control method for DC motors are simpler and
less expensive than those for the AC motors, DC Basic operation of Four quadrant chopper
motors are preferred where wide speed range control At the first quadrant current and voltage are positive
is required. DC choppers also provide variable dc then the motor can rotate in the forward direction ie.
output voltage from a fixed dc input voltage. Chopper forward motoring. If the polarity of armature current
circuit are operate in four quadrant ie. Forward and armature voltage changing then the motor can
Motoring, Forward Braking, and Reverse Motoring operated as reveres motoring ie. (III Quadrant) and
and Reverse braking. This type of chopper is widely when direction of energy is reveres in II and IV
use in reversible motor drive. Insulated Gate Bipolar Quadrant the motor can operated as a generator
transistor is combination of Bipolar Junction braking. The chopper will give the facility of
Transistor (BJT’s) and Metal Oxide Semiconductor regenerative braking. The regenerative braking is

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-5, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

cause when the energy can return to the supply and During first quadrant operation inductor get fully
the main condition for the regenerative braking is that changed it will find the path to discharge for that
Emf produced by the motor which is rotating Emf it inductor change the polarity and get discharge
must be greater than the applied voltage so that can through path Load(B) -D3 –( Vdc+) –(Vdc -) –D2 –
be flow in the reverse direction the motor can Load(A) in that case voltage negative and current is
operated at generating mode. The generating mode positive the fourth quadrant operation can be
can be maintained over any particular duration of achieved. If we consider the power in the electrical
time only if the load is able to delivered power. Four system is given below
quadrant operation can be described by the circuit Po= Vo * Io (1)Where, Po=Output power in the
which is show in bellow figure 2. circuit
Vo=Output voltage
Io= Output current
This gives the result that the system can allow the
power flow in both direction while reversing the
current and changing the polarity of the voltage, that
way motor operated in both direction.

II. Design of Circuit

Block diagram of experimental setup are shows in
figure. Generally switches can be used to change
direction of rotation of the DC motor. Change the
polarity of the voltage and motor can spins in other
direction, but this idea have some of disadvantages if
suddenly reverse the voltage on DC motor during
spinning. It Cause a current surge that can burn out
the speed controller. Hence to avoid such type of
Fig1 :- Four quadrant chopper circuit
problem we design this system in which only single
potentiometer is use for direction and speed control of
Four quadrant chopper circuit Four quadrant
DC motor. The pot turning in one direction the motor
operations can be carried out by the four switching
start spinning. Turning the pot another direction then
devices with the diode connected in anti parallel with
motor start spinning in opposite direction and the
switching diode, the motor is connected between the
center position of the pot is the pot is in of state
two arm A and B.
forcing the motor to become slow and get stop before
a) First Quadrant:-
changing the direction of motor.
When the supply is given to the circuit the T1 and T4
is ON, current flowing through the path,(Vdc+) -T1 –
Load (A-B) -T4 –(Vdc-).hence both current and
voltage are positive. During this condition the
inductance get charge by positive polarity. The first
quadrant operation can be achieved

b) Second Quadrant:-
During third quadrant operation inductor get fully
charge it find path to get discharge during discharge
the energy can dissipated through Load(B) –D1 –
(Vdc+) –(Vdc-) –D4 –Load(A) since the voltage is
positive and current is negative and second quadrant
operation can be achieved.

c) Third Quadrant;-
When T2 and T3 are turned-on current start to flow
through path (Vdc+) –T3 –Load (B-A) –T2 –(Vdc-
),the current and voltage are negative. the second
quadrant operation can be achieved. the inductor get
charge again with the same polarity.

d) Fourth Quadrant:- .Fig 2:- Block diagram

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-5, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

The electronics devices are work on the 12volt dc Due to that IC-D is triggered by a voltage which is
supply hence while giving the 230volt AC supply it is greater than its reference voltage and IC-C is
necessary to step down the supply by step-down triggered by voltage less than its reference. It is not
transformer (230v-12v) and this AC supply rectified possible to trigger the both comparator at the same
in DC supply by the rectifier. The supply kit having time because the peak to peak or maximum output
the rectifier (Bridge rectifier),filter(Capacitor level of triangular wave is less than the difference
filter),voltage regulator (7812) etc. it gives the pure between to voltage references otherwise the all IGBT
DC for the main operational kit. The relay circuit is are conduct Causes the short circuit and get damage.
use for protecting the circuit from fault or damage it Triggering of the IC-D and IC-C is depend upon the
will disconnect the circuit from the supply during the position of the triangular wave when triangular wave
fault condition. The timer IC can be use in the relay shift up then comparator IC-D trigger and triangular
circuit. In this after disconnecting the circuit from the wave shifted down Causes comparator IC-C to
supply the operation continues start it is not necessary trigger. When the triangular wave is between the two
to start operation from the beginning. By applying the voltage references then no one comparator is
full supply voltage to the motor in pulses. This is triggered.
known as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).this
technique can be used in the system for controlling
the direction and speed of the motor. Here the PWM IV. Pulse width modulation(PWM)
can be generated by the LM324 Quad op-amp. Dual
in line LM324 packages contain four identical op- PWM is ON and OFF signal which having constant
amps. It will operate as a mind the controlling period and frequency. By adjusting the triangular
system. That PWM pulses can be used to trigger the wave the resultant square wave is obtaining it can be
IGBT. varying in the frequency or pulse width called as
frequency modulation or pulse width modulation. The
proportion of pulse ON time to the pulse period is
III. LM324 Qud Op-amp called as a duty cycle. The duty cycle of pulse
Now a day the advancement in the comparator can be waveform gives the relation between input voltage
done hence the comparator is easily found such as and output voltage the duty cycle is the ration of ON
National Semiconductor LM324 quad Op-Amps time, ton to the period T of pulse waveform is given
.Comparator is the modified version of Op-Amps. as
duty cycle= ton/ ton+ toff (2)
T=ton+ toff
duty cycle= ton/ T (3)
ton= on time of the pulse waveform
toff=off time of the pulse waveform
T= total period

Fig 3:- Pin Diagram of LM324

LM324 Combine the four op-amp IC ie. IC-A,IC-

B,IC-C and IC-D as show in the pin diagram of the
IC LM324.The ramp voltage signal can be control by
the potentiometer vie IC-A. Increasing and
decreasing of the ramp voltage change the position of
triangular wave. Op-amp IC-B use as a triangular
wave generator which can provide the trigger signal
to the voltage comparator. IC-C and IC-D is
the voltage comparator, the reference voltage for IC-
D is provided to non-inverting (+input) terminal and Fig 4:- waveform of positive comparator
inverting terminal (-input) is connected to the IC-C.

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-5, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

transistor it can be use as an amplifier. That transistor

give the trigger pulse to the IGBT. When the
triangular wave is shifted at positive cycle then the
positive comparator will turn ON and negative
comparator remains OFF due to the positive
comparator IGBT-1 and IGBT-4 triggered and rotated
the motor in forward direction similarly triangular
wave is shifted to down at negative cycle positive
comparator is OFF and negative comparator is turn
ON which provide the trigger pulse to IGBT-2 and
IGBT-3 hence the motor can rotate in the reverse
direction. Speed of the DC motor it depends upon the
pulses if the position of threshold point is inverses
then the small pulses generated and motor speed
increase. By decreasing the position of threshold
point large pulse will generate and motor rotate fast
speed. All this operation speed control of DC motor
completely depends upon the ramp voltage which can
Fig 5:- waveform of negative comparator be set by the single potentiometer.
If we change the PWM duty cycle or the PWM pulse
we could change the average voltage of the motor CONCLUSION
that means the motor speed can be change by varying
the PWM pulse. Short pulse means the motor runs The four quadrant chopper circuit is design and
slowly and longer pulse means motor run faster.PWM implemented in which the speed and direction of the
can be generated by the triangle wave generators DC motor is control. IGBT is provide the smoother
which provide basic PWM pulse frequency and control as compare to the SCR hence, the controlling
necessary ramp voltage which is may be high or low operation of motor is smoother by adjusting the PWM
to develop the PWM signal. Ramp voltage can be pulses the motor speed will be control successfully
continuously compared by the comparator. Ramp and motor will complete their operation in all four
voltage signal is increases up to the threshold point it quadrant in this way the four quadrant speed control
will turn on the compotator because non inverting operation can be done. This system gives high
input voltage of comparator is greater than the reliability. Construction of whole circuit is simple and
inverting input. When the ramp voltage signal is robust in nature. This type of operation generally
decrease means triangular wave shifted down then reversible drive application for bi-direction operation
comparator will be turn off because the non-inverting of the motor.
input is less than inverting input. The generated
PWM signal can be use to trigger the chopper circuit
which having the four IGBT which use to control the
speed and direction of the motor. In this design we In this experiment used IGBT and LM324 quad OP-
have use12V, 300rpm DC motor whose speed and AMP are used. LM324 generate the PWM signal and
direction is going to control. The PWM signal which it provide to the IGBT for their
is generated by the LM324 comparator is provided to ON and OFF operation and because of this operation
the IGBT. The insulated gate bipolar transistor of the motor performed.
(IGBT) combines the positive attributes of BJTs and
MOSFETs. BJTs have lower conduction losses in the
on-state, especially in devices with larger blocking
voltages, but have longer switching times, especially
at turn-off while MOSFETs can be turned on and off
much faster, but there on-state conduction losses are
larger, especially in devices rated for higher blocking
voltages. Hence, IGBTs have lower on-state voltage
drop with high blocking voltage capabilities in
addition to fast switching speeds. Here, the two
comparator are use they work as positive comparator
and negative comparator. Comparator gives the
square wave output that output pulse voltage Fig 6:- Experimental setup of four quadrant operation
regulated by the zener diode which is use as a
regulator that regulated output provide to the

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-5, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

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