Advertising Sales ($) Average # of Viewers (Millions) Length of Program (Minutes) Average Viewer Age (Years)

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Average # of Length of

Advertising Average Viewer

Viewers Program
Sales ($) Age (years)
(Millions) (Minutes)

28,200 11.1 30 31 <--As usual, the template contains different numbers f

25,300 10.4 30 24 We must build two multiple regression models: the fir
31,100 18.9 60 31
28,900 14.6 60 37 Building the multiple regression model with 2 indepe
20,000 13.5 60 21 Go to Data tab>Data Analysis>Regression>Select the a
15,000 4.5 30 14 variables (average # of viewers and length of program
27,300 16.1 60 25 You will obtain a new sheet (Model A). Now, each ind
23,200 2.7 30 18 For example, the slope for Average # of viewers is 744
19,700 5.3 30 18 but the slope for Length of Program is not significant (
22,800 11.2 120 44 The conclusion is that this regression model is not use
18,500 6.1 120 18
29,000 14.9 60 29 Building the multiple regression model with 3 indepe
30,100 17.8 120 30 Repeat the steps that are indicated above and see if a
24,900 7.5 120 57 Using my numbers, I obtained that the only significant
22,700 9.1 30 44 Therefore, this model can not be used to obtain accur

Ok… So, what should we do if both models are not ap

Well, since in both cases the only significant variable w
Details about this linear regression model, also called
can be viewed by accesing Reduced Model sheet.
Using this final model, we are able to make both requ
plate contains different numbers from the ones you will have in your dataset.
multiple regression models: the first one has two independent variables and the second has three independent variables.

e regression model with 2 independent variables

Analysis>Regression>Select the area for the dependent variable (advertising sales) and the area for the independent
of viewers and length of program)>OK.
w sheet (Model A). Now, each independent variable has a different slope, but are these slopes significant for our model?
pe for Average # of viewers is 744.02 and it is significant (explain why? Hint: look at your p-value),
gth of Program is not significant (again explain this using the p-value).
at this regression model is not useful for predictions since the only significant variable is Average # of Viewers.

e regression model with 3 independent variables

t are indicated above and see if all the three variables are significant (Model B sheet).
obtained that the only significant variable is Average # of viewers again.
el can not be used to obtain accurate predictions.

d we do if both models are not appropriate for our scenario?

ases the only significant variable was Average # of viewers, we should build a linear regression model like we did last week.
ear regression model, also called reduced model since the number of independent variables was reduced,
cesing Reduced Model sheet.
el, we are able to make both required predictions and we are done with the assignment.
nt variables.

our model?

did last week.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.77585941109415
R Square 0.60195782578336
Adjusted R Squ 0.53561746341391
Standard Error 3228.20678872946
Observations 15

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 189121504.484 94560752 9.07377959 0.003977174
Residual 12 125055828.85 10421319
Total 14 314177333.333

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 16864.5034406637 2315.54411523 7.283171 9.6968E-06 11819.36621 21909.6407
X Variable 1 744.026083995749 176.648628881 4.211898 0.00120613 359.141785 1128.91038
X Variable 2 -8.4006474583954 23.7267211962 -0.354059 0.72943828 -60.096732 43.2954371
Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
11819.36621 21909.64067
359.141785 1128.910383
-60.096732 43.29543709

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.822766908
R Square 0.676945385
Adjusted R Sq 0.588839581
Standard Error 3037.589316
Observations 15

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 212680896 70893632 7.6833234 0.004809135
Residual 11 101496437.37 9226949
Total 14 314177333.33

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
Intercept 14726.22723 2556.9393755 5.759318 0.00012662 9098.441608 20354.01285 9098.441608
X Variable 1 702.9688961 168.19218103 4.179558 0.0015377 332.7804016 1073.157391 332.7804016
X Variable 2 -23.98865406 24.363953732 -0.984596 0.34598388 -77.6133547 29.63604655 -77.6133547
X Variable 3 121.9040616 76.289575446 1.597912 0.13836829 -46.0081618 289.8162851 -46.0081618
Upper 95.0%

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.7731750754
R Square 0.5977996973
Adjusted R S 0.5668612124
Standard Erro3117.7188231
Observations 15

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 187815114.8 1.88E+08 19.32220342 0.000723364
Residual 13 126362218.6 9720171
Total 14 314177333.3

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
Intercept 16484.875009 1982.094766 8.316895 1.45777E-06 12202.8196 20766.93042 12202.819601
X Variable 1 729.5471892 165.9682687 4.395703 0.000723364 370.9945436 1088.099835 370.9945436

The regression equation is: y=16484.875+729.547*x and it can be used to make both predictions.
First prediction: y=16484.875+729.547*3.2 18819.42601
Second prediction: y=16484.875+729.547*14.1 26771.49038
Upper 95.0%

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