Assessment Task 4 - Process Journal - Anousha
Assessment Task 4 - Process Journal - Anousha
Assessment Task 4 - Process Journal - Anousha
Assessment Task
Cover Sheet
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TEACHER NAME: Abbey Paraskevas
Monday 12th October 2020
On Monday we were introduced to our new topic and learnt the different parts on the guitar. Into half
of the lesson, we split up and started playing around with the stings and attempted to receive the first
belt. I played the song “Pumpin’ in A” and got my white belt. I think I need more practice when playing
since I was very slow at moving my fingers to the right fret. Since this was my first time, I think I will get
better as I practice more over the coming lessons.
On Wednesday I attempted to receive my yellow belt. I attempted to play the song stellar rock. When I
was playing, I was moving my fingers along the strings and the frets very slowly and this was the reason I
didn’t move up to the next belt. For next time, I think I need to practice moving my fingers faster and
making the song sound smoother.
Today I attempted to receive my yellow belt again. I played the same song as last week (stellar rock).
This time I tried to move my fingers along the strings and frets smoother and faster, but Mrs. Pareskevas
said I still needed more practice and it still wasn’t as smooth as she hoped for it to be. I honestly think
this wasn’t my best try at the song so next lesson I’m going try harder.
Today, for the 3rd time, I attempted to get my yellow belt. I had more practice from the previous 2 tries
so I was confident I would get it this time. I moved my fingers pretty smoothly and was very proud of my
effort. I played the same song (stellar rock) and received my yellow belt. I will attempt to play the song,
12 bar blues to receive my orange belt next week.
Today I tried to play the song 12 bar blues to receive my orange belt. This song was by far the best and
easiest song I’ve played. It was my favourite and I was very proud of myself when I played it. It was the
smoothest I’ve ever played a song on the guitar. I received my orange belt and started to practice for my
next belt which was the green belt.
This lesson was used to practice for our assessment task. Since the song for green belt was easy, I
decided I would play the song for purple belt as my final song for my assessment task. The song is called,
“power chords”.