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Volume II - ESOG Module 230 - Issue 2.

30 July 2008

ESOG Module 230


Issue 2.1 30-07-2008

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................1
2. INITIAL TERMINAL INSTALLATION AND ALIGNMENT ...............................................................2
3. FINAL TERMINAL ALIGNMENT ....................................................................................................3
3.1. Method A: Alignment using a Central Site ..............................................................................3
3.2. Method B: Alignment using Spectrum Analysers at each VSAT .............................................5
4. TERMINAL AND NETWORK TESTING .........................................................................................7
Annex A - Spectrum Analyser Measurements of VSAT Signals .........................................................8

The Eutelsat S.A. Systems Operations Guide (ESOG) is published to provide all Eutelsat S.A.
space segment users with information that is necessary for successful operation of earth stations
within the Eutelsat S.A. satellite system.

The ESOG consists of 2 Volumes. They contain, in modularised form, all the necessary details,
which are considered important for the operations of earth stations.

Volume I concentrates on Earth Station and Antenna Approvals, System Management and Policy

Volume II describes the initial line-up of satellite links between earth stations and the
commissioning of earth stations for Eutelsat S.A. services. The modules which are contained in
this Volume relate to the services provided via Eutelsat S.A. satellites.

The ESOG can be obtained either by requesting a printed version to Eutelsat S.A. or in Acrobat
format from the Eutelsat S.A. Web:


Paris, 30-07-2008




Earth Station Standards ................................................................................................ Module 100

Earth Station Access and Approval Procedures ............................................................ Module 110
Earth Station Type Approval.......................................................................................... Module 120
Earth Station Verification Assistance (ESVA)................................................................ Module 130
Operational Management, Control, Monitoring & Coordination ..................................... Module 140
VSATs’ ODUs Type Approval........................................................................................ Module 160



Digital Services Handbook............................................................................................. Module 210

VSAT Handbook............................................................................................................ Module 230
SKYPLEX Handbook .................................................................................................... Module 240
DVB Television Handbook (being prepared) ................................................................. Module 250

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The purpose of this VSAT Handbook is to provide pointing and alignment

guidelines to assist in the installation and commissioning of terminals in
VSAT networks via Eutelsat S.A. satellites and to ensure that performance
objectives are being met.

This handbook assumes that the network’s Hub station has already been
put into operation following the procedures for standard SMS carriers in
ESOG Module 220.

Prior to accessing the satellite, any VSAT network must have obtained
Eutelsat S.A. Approval to Access the Space Segment in accordance with
ESOG Module 110.

Some important preparatory issues for conducting successful testing are

presented below:

a. Test Plan, Test Schedule and Instructions: Prior to the

commencement of any satellite transmission the Earth station/VSAT
Operator shall have received the detailed line-up test schedule
containing all necessary technical/operational parameters and other
special instructions.
b. CSC Coordination Circuit: Prior to the first satellite access of the first
VSATs of any newly installed VSAT network or the activation of
additional in-bound carriers or capacity for an existing network, the Hub
station must establish communications to the Eutelsat S.A. CSC in
Paris, as detailed in the ESOG Module 140. The telex, facsimile and
telephone numbers are as indicated in the table of contact numbers
attached to each ESOG module.

Test results shall be summarised at the end of each month or quarter,

combined with the VSAT registration information and made available to
Eutelsat S.A. by mail, fax, or any other commercially available data system
when requested.

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Operators are requested to begin the installation and initial pointing and
alignment of their VSAT terminals according to their supplier instructions.
A suggested procedure to assist VSAT Operators is as follows:

Step 1: Check azimuth, elevation and polarisation angle calculations.

Step 2: Check magnetic variation figure for VSAT site to give correct magnetic
azimuth bearing.
Step 3: Accurately set antenna pointing and feed polarisation offset.
Step 4: Verify the frequency of the on-board satellite beacon or another RF carrier
(e.g. the outbound from Hub). If a spectrum analyser is available, accurately
calculate the down converted frequency that you will be viewing on it.
Remember that some LNBs (Low Noise Block) down-converters may have
fairly unstable local oscillators and this must be taken into account when
setting the spectrum analyser span/division and resolution bandwidth.
NOTE: The on-board beacon is visible from any point within Eutelsat S.A. satellite
beam coverage.
Step 5: Once all these values are determined and the antenna is pre-pointed, begin
a slow antenna sweep in azimuth each side of the calculated azimuth and
repeat in small (0.5°) elevation increments. Carefully peak antenna pointing
once the beacon / RF carrier is detected.

Operators should then begin the final alignment of the subject terminal,
before proceeding to system tests including hub control over the terminal.

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For each VSAT alignment it is necessary to optimise as much as possible

its cross-polar performance. For this purpose one or more Test Slot(s) as
needed, with free cross-polar can be provided by Eutelsat S.A. on demand.
Eutelsat S.A. will provide this slot(s) on a best effort basis on the
understanding that this slot(s) is preemptible at any time for
operational/commercial reasons. A typical slot may be 45 kHz wide.

Two methods are recommended for final alignment of VSAT terminals.

The first one utilises a central site, such as the Hub, to monitor the co-polar
and cross-polar components of the signal from the VSAT under test, using a
good quality spectrum analyser. The cross-polar component of the VSAT
under test is measured by means of:
a) a four-port antenna Hub, or
b) a dedicated monitoring earth station with a good quality antenna
(preferably with a XPD value of better than 35 dB) and LNB, previously
aligned on the opposite polarisation to that of the carrier(s) from the
VSAT(s) being aligned.
This is the preferred method for pointing and aligning terminals in large
VSAT networks, as only one high quality spectrum analyser is required.
(Note that a second spectrum analyser would facilitate the process as both
the co-polar and cross-polar could be monitored simultaneously, and this
would also avoid having to switch a single analyser between the different
output ports or feeds). A step by step procedure is given in §3.1 below.

The second method requires the use of a spectrum analyser at each VSAT
site. This is believed to be more applicable to VSAT networks with a limited
number of remote terminals and a limited number of installation teams, as
not many spectrum analysers would be required. A step by step procedure
is given in §3.2 below. This method requires a RF carrier that can be
received by the VSAT being aligned. It can be either an existing carrier with
free cross-polar or alternatively a carrier uplinked by the Hub in a
preassigned test slot as previously mentioned.

For a qualitative analysis on the accuracy of spectrum analyser

measurements see Annex A.

3.1. Method A: Alignment using a Central Site

Test Description:
This is the preferred method for pointing and aligning terminals in large
VSAT networks.
It requires the support of a cooperating earth station (normally the network
Hub) where a spectrum analyser with predetermined characteristics (which
must be of good quality, e.g. -140 dBm/Hz noise floor) will be available to
monitor both co-polar and cross-polar components radiated by the VSAT
under test.

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Test Procedure:
The following is the procedure to be employed:
Step 1: A telephone contact is established between the VSAT being aligned and the
central monitoring site or Hub. This contact must be maintained at all times.
Step 2: The VSAT radiates a continuous unmodulated carrier in the pre-provided
test slot in order to ensure good measurement accuracy achieved on the
spectrum analyser. In case the VSAT under test cannot radiate this type of
carrier, it is suggested to use test Method B in § 3.2 below.
Step 3: The central site monitors the test slot to detect the presence of the carrier
originating from the VSAT. If the central site does not detect and confirm the
carrier in the assigned transponder and/or if the communications link
between the VSAT under test and the central site fails, the VSAT under test

+++++ immediately CEASE, transmissions +++++

The VSAT under test shall again verify its set -up on:

- correct satellite acquisition

- polarisation plane alignment
- transmit frequency
re-commencing with Step 1.
Step 4: Under control of the central site, adjust carefully the antenna in azimuth and
elevation to achieve maximum receive level of the co-polar signal on the
spectrum analyser at the central site. Ensure that the instruments sweep
bandwidth and resolution bandwidth is optimised. (As an example of
spectrum analyser settings, choose a resolution bandwidth in the order of
10 KHz, a video bandwidth in the order of 1 KHz and a frequency span in
the order of 1 MHz.)
Step 5: Adjust carefully the polariser (or feed) in clockwise and counter clockwise
direction until the maximum receive signal is obtained. Mark the antenna
and polariser (or feed) positions and note the signal level value.
Step 6: In the case of a four-port antenna Hub remove the spectrum analyser from
the co-polar port and connect the instrument to the cross-polarisation output
port of the feed system without changing the previous frequency, sweep
bandwidth and resolution bandwidth settings. In the case of a dedicated
monitoring antenna remove the spectrum analyser from the output port of
the Hub’s feed system and connect it to that of the monitoring antenna.
(Note that a second spectrum analyser would facilitate the process as both
the co-polar and cross-polar could be monitored simultaneously, and this
would also avoid having to switch a single analyser between the different
output ports or feeds.)
Step 7: Re-adjust the instruments sweep bandwidth and resolution bandwidth until
the cross-polar component of the VSAT signal can be clearly measured on
the spectrum analysers screen.
Step 8: Under control of the central site adjust very carefully the VSAT polariser (or
feed) in clockwise and counter clockwise direction until minimum cross-
polar signal level has been reached. Mark position and this signal level
value. Also note the maximum signal levels obtained clockwise and counter-
clockwise to this setting.

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Feed system cross-polarisation optimisation (also called "Nulling") has been

achieved when the polariser (or feed) has been adjusted and set to the
minimum cross-polar signal value.
Note A: If the received cross-polar signal is still too high then adjust carefully the
antenna in azimuth and elevation, within its 3 dB beamwidth, to minimise
the carrier received at the spectrum analyser and then repeat steps 7 and 8.
Step 9: At the VSAT terminal compare the polariser (or feed) setting obtained in
maximising the co-polar with that obtained in minimising the cross-
polarisation (Step 8). It should be the same. In the case of a small
difference the VSAT should be aligned at the setting corresponding to the
cross-polarisation minimum obtained in Step 8. Important differences in the
two settings may indicate problems in the antenna mount (e.g. de-focusing
of the feed).
Step 10: Adjust carefully the antenna in azimuth to ensure that the azimuth (and,
when necessary elevation) setting is still the same as that of the maximised
co-polar signal. If it is not then Steps 4 to 9 should be repeated.
Note B: For offset front feed antennas the cross-pol null exists only in azimuth, so
there is no requirement to adjust in elevation.

3.2. Method B: Alignment Using Spectrum Analysers

at each VSAT
Test Description:
This method is believed to be more appropriate for pointing and aligning
terminals in relatively small VSAT networks.
It requires a spectrum analyser (which must be of good quality, e.g. -140
dBm/Hz noise floor) to be available at each VSAT as it is being installed,
thus it could be applied to networks with a small number of installation
Test Procedure:
The following is the procedure to be employed:
Step 1: Connect the spectrum analyser to the output port of the antenna feed
system of the VSAT under test. RF access should be available at the
outdoor unit. Adjust the spectrum analyser and feed to receive a
predetermined satellite carrier in the polarisation where the VSAT will
operate. This carrier’s corresponding slot in the opposite polarisation should
be signal-free, in order to enable the cross-polar nulling detailed below. (As
an example of spectrum analyser settings, choose a resolution bandwidth in
the order of 10 KHz, a video bandwidth in the order of 1 kHz and a
frequency span in the order of 1 MHz.)
Step 2: Adjust carefully the antenna in azimuth and elevation to maximise the
satellite carrier received on the spectrum analyser.
Step 3: Adjust carefully the polariser (or feed) in clockwise and counter-clockwise
direction until the received signal is maximised. Mark the antenna and
polariser (or feed) positions.
Step 4: Rotate the feed system by 90° clockwise or counter-clockwise without
changing the previous frequency, sweep bandwidth and resolution
bandwidth settings.

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Step 5: Re-adjust if necessary the input sensitivity of the spectrum analyser until the
received satellite carrier can be detected (a line amplifier may be required
for spectrum analysers with a noise floor above -140 dBm/Hz).
Step 6: Adjust carefully the polariser (or feed) in clockwise and counter-clockwise
direction until minimising the satellite carrier. Mark the feed position and
note this signal level value. Also note the maximum signal levels obtained
clockwise and counter-clockwise to this setting.
Note A If the received signal is still too high with respect to the expected cross-polar
performance of the antenna being aligned, then adjust carefully the antenna
in azimuth and elevation if necessary to minimise the carrier received at the
spectrum analyser and then repeat steps 5 and 6.
Step 7: Rotate the feed by exactly 90° counter-clockwise or clockwise i.e. in the
opposite sense of Step 4.
Step 8: The feed position should now correspond to that obtained in maximising the
co-polar (Steps 2 and 3). In the case of a small difference the VSAT should
be aligned at the setting obtained in Step 7. Important differences in the two
settings may indicate problems in the antenna mount (e.g. de-focusing of
the feed).
Step 9: Adjust carefully the antenna in azimuth to ensure that the azimuth (and
when necessary, elevation) setting is still the same as that of the maximised
co-polar signal. If it is not then steps 4 to 8 should be repeated.
Note B For offset front feed antennas the cross-pol null exists only in azimuth, so
there is no requirement to adjust in elevation.

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For each newly installed VSAT operators are requested to perform a

minimum set of system tests including hub control over the remote terminal.
These tests should be conducted according to the VSAT supplier
Each terminal should also conform to ETSI requirements (Refer to ETSI 300
160 and 300 161), including those for control channel messages from the
In addition as a general Eutelsat S.A. requirement it should be
demonstrated that the terminal can be at any time forced to cease
transmission by the Hub, and also that when the Hub outbound carrier is
removed the transmitting VSATs automatically respond by ceasing their

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Annex A - Spectrum Analyser Measurements of

VSAT Signals
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A- General Information
Spectrum analysers are capable of detecting and measuring very low level signals provided
that a large difference can be obtained between the resolution bandwidth (RBW) setting
and the bandwidth of the carrier being measured. For example, a measurement advantage
of 30 dB could be obtained if a RBW of 45 Hz was used while measuring an unmodulated
continuous carrier signal with a 45 kHz bandwidth.
VSAT terminals often have unstable (and inexpensive) transmit oscillators and it may be
necessary to increase the RBW to take account of this thus losing some of the advantage.

B- Measurement of the cross-polar component of a signal

It may be difficult to measure the cross-polar component of a signal especially if it is
uplinked at a relatively low EIRP from a VSAT (i.e. being measured at the central site), or
alternatively being received on a VSAT with low G/T and cross-polar discrimination.
A qualitative analysis is given below:
Input data:
Satellite: EUTELSAT II-F4
Transponder: 44
Downlink coverage: East coverage, medium gain
Transmit Station: Located at 39 dBW contour
Receive station: Located at -0.5 dB/K contour
Carrier 3 dB bandwidth: 45 kHz.
The contribution into the cross-polarisation is calculated for three isolations:
a) 25.5 dB, corresponding to a signal transmitted from an antenna with CPIuplink antenna = 35 dB
(Standard S spec.), and assuming CPIsat = 33 dB, and a pol. plane alignment error of 1
deg, and
b) 22.1 dB, corresponding to a signal transmitted from an antenna with CPIuplink antenna = 25 dB
(Standard M spec.), and assuming CPIsat = 33 dB, and a pol. plane alignment error of 1
deg, and
c) 18.2 dB, corresponding to a signal transmitted from an antenna with CPIuplink antenna = 20 dB,
and assuming CPIsat = 33 dB, and a pol. plane alignment error of 1 deg.

Five different receive earth station G/T values are also assumed:

G/T Approximate Antenna Diameter

27 dB/K 3.7 m
25 dB/K 2.4 m
22 dB/K 1.8 m
19 dB/K 1.2 m
17 dB/K 0.9 m

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Finally three different Transmit EIRP levels are assumed, 45 dBW, 42 dBW and 38 dBW:

Transmit Earth Station C/N in cross-pol for an isolation of

EIRP Receive G/T C/N 25.5 22.1 18.2
(dBW) (dB/K) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)

45 27 dB/K 9.6 -15.9 -12.5 -8.6

45 25 dB/K 6.3 -19.2 -15.8 -11.9
45 22 dB/K 4.4 -21.1 -17.7 -13.8
45 19 dB/K 1.5 -24 -20.6 -16.7
45 17 dB/K -0.5 -26 -22.6 -18.7

42 27 dB/K 6.1 -19.4 -16 -12.1

42 25 dB/K 3.3 -22.2 -18.8 -14.9
42 22 dB/K -0.5 -26 -22.6 -18.7
42 19 dB/K -1.5 -27 -23.6 -19.7
42 17 dB/K -3.5 -29 -25.6 -21.7

38 27 dB/K 2.1 -27.6 -24.2 -20.3

38 25 dB/K -0.7 -26.2 -22.8 -18.9
38 22 dB/K -2.6 -28.1 -24.7 -20.8
38 19 dB/K -5.5 -31 -27.6 -23.7
38 17 dB/K -7.5 -33 -29.6 -25.7

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ESOG Volume II Module 230 Issue 2.1, 30-07-2008

Eutelsat S.A. CSC Voice: +33-1-

e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +33-1-

Ground Segment Operations Voice: +33-1-

Fax: +33-1-
Earth Station Approval
and Line-up Office Voice: +33-1-
e-mail: [email protected] +33-1-

Type Approval Voice: +33-1-

e-mail: [email protected]

Resource Engineering Group

e-mails : Voice: +33-1-

[email protected] Fax: +33-1-

[email protected]

Eutelsat S.A. Booking Office Voice: +33-1-

e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +33-1-

Eutelsat S.A.
Mailing Address 70, rue Balard
F-75502 PARIS Cedex 15

Eutelsat S.A. Corporate Web http://www.eutelsat.com

Eutelsat Extranet http://services.eutelsat.fr

(password protected)

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