A New Model For The Representation of The ISO 2859 Standard
A New Model For The Representation of The ISO 2859 Standard
A New Model For The Representation of The ISO 2859 Standard
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
In order to carry out Acceptance Sampling, companies often use sampling schemes
recommended by easy-to-use quality standards. These standards, however, do not take quality
costs directly into account. This research proposes a new model for the representation of the
use of ISO 2859-1 (1999) standard. Using this new model, it is feasible to evaluate
economically the use of the standard. A real case example is presented and the quality cost of
Key words: Quality Standard; ISO 2859 – 1; Acceptance Sampling; Quality Cost
Corresponding author. Tel.: +302461056665; fax: +302461056601
E-mail address: [email protected] (George Nenes).
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Bakola & Sialvera, 50100 Kozani,
1. Introduction
Over the last years quality issues and especially the cost aspects of quality are
(2001) quality cost may be as high as 40% of a company’s turnover and, therefore, its
accurate estimation, analysis and reduction (if possible) plays a major role to any company’s
development. In particular, quality cost includes all costs that result from imperfect systems,
processes and products, and it usually consists of prevention, appraisal, internal and external
failure costs. In many cases, each quality cost category can be expressed as a function of the
actual quality of products (e.g. fraction nonconforming of a lot of products). In these cases it
is possible to develop a total quality cost function, namely a sum of the partial quality costs,
and optimize it in order to find the economically optimum quality level of products.
This paper focuses on Acceptance Sampling (AS) and more specifically on single-
produced lots, companies often use sampling plans (n,c)1 that are recommended by specific
standards, which are simple and easy to use. The most popular international standard is ISO
2859 which in fact is a series of standards for various AS cases. For the purposes of this paper
we study the sampling schemes and procedures that are recommended by ISO 2859-1 (1999),
More specifically, this paper aims at determining the economic consequences of using the
ISO 2859 quality standard. To this end, we develop a new, Markov chain model for the
representation of the use of the sampling plans that are recommended by the ISO 2859 and
then by using this model we evaluate the economic impact of the standard on a company.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The following section outlines the
related literature. In Section 3 we set the notation and we develop the expected total quality
n is the sample size and c is the acceptance number
cost function of a sampling plan. Section 4 presents in detail the model that represents the
integrated use of the ISO 2859 standard, while in Section 5 a real case study is presented. The
final section of the paper summarizes the main conclusions of our research.
2. Related Literature
and Chiu (1975) and Wall and Elshennawy (1989). Tagaras and Lee (1987) use the Bayes’
theorem to develop an algorithm for the computation of the economically optimum single-
sampling plan. Ferrell and Chhoker (2002) propose an economic model for the design of AS
plans adopting the Taguchi approach. A year later, González and Palomo (2003) use a
Bayesian analysis in order to derive AS plans regarding the number of defects per unit and
apply their methodology to the paper pulp industry. In that paper the sampling plans are
obtained through the minimization of the expected total quality cost. At the same time,
Cassady and Nachlas (2003) define a generic framework for establishing three-level AS plans,
using quality value functions. They note that there are many cases in which the quality of a
product can be classified in three or more discrete levels; for example, a food product may be
classified as good, marginal or bad. Chen et al. (2004b) present and investigate a general
decision theory. In order to determine the optimal sampling plan they consider a loss function,
which includes the sampling cost, the time-consuming cost and the decision loss to determine
the optimal AS plan. At the same time and in a similar study Chen et al. (2004a) develop a
general Bayesian framework for designing a variable AS plan with mixed censoring. A
general loss function including the three partial costs of Chen et al. (2004b) as well as the
salvage value is introduced to determine the corresponding optimal sampling plan. Stout and
Hardwick (2005) present a unified approach to the problem of response adaptive screening,
when multiple costs and constraints need to be incorporated. In particular, they describe a
cost- and constraint-based approach, which is suitable in AS where sample products must be
The forerunner of the present paper is some earlier work by Nikolaidis and Nenes (2009),
regarding the economic consequences of using the ISO 2859 standard. However, in that paper
the switching procedures that the ISO 2859 recommends are not taken into account. Thus, this
paper revisits the problem of the economic evaluation of AS procedures by extending that
earlier work in order to account for the complete usage of the standard, including the
sole sample of n units is taken and every unit is checked and characterized as conforming or
rejected based on the outcome of the control and the maximum allowable number of
nonconforming items in the sample (acceptance number c). Regarding the economic elements
of AS by attributes, these are usually the inspection cost per item ci, the replacement/repair
cost cr and the cost per nonconforming item that is not detected during inspection cd.
The average total quality cost per lot that corresponds to the use of a single-sampling plan
practice, every rejected lot is usually submitted to 100% inspection (rectifying inspection). In
When the fraction nonconforming p per lot is stochastic - let φ(p) be the pdf of its
distribution - the average total quality cost K n ,c is given by:
K n ,c K n ,c p φ p dp .
Nikolaidis and Nenes (2009) have investigated numerically the effect of a variety of
parameters, cost elements and quality levels of lots on the economic behavior of the ISO 2859
sampling plans. They have presented some rules of thumb which ensure the minimization of
the economic loss that arises from using the plans recommended by ISO 2859 instead of the
economically optimum ones. The derivation of these rules, however, has not been based on
the integrated use of the standard, namely the use with the switching procedures between
normal, tightened and reduced inspection. Thus, their rules of thumb hold only for the case
where normal inspection is applied and the switching procedures are ignored in practice.
In the following section, we develop a Markovian model that can be used for the
complete representation of the ISO 2859 standard and, thus, when combined with the
aforementioned cost functions, it can be exploited for the economic evaluation of the
“integrated” use of the standard, which involves the consideration of the switching procedures
4. A model for the representation of the complete use of the ISO 2859 standard
In order to evaluate the use of the ISO 2859 standard under an economic viewpoint, it is
necessary first to understand the switching procedures of the standard and then create a model
for their representation. At the beginning of the standard implementation, the inspection
should be set to normal, unless otherwise directed by the responsible authority. The normal
sampling plan will be applied to successive lots until the switching procedure indicates that
the inspection should be more/less severe. In brief, if two out of five (or fewer) lots are
soon as five out of five lots are accepted during tightened inspection. In order to switch from
normal to reduced inspection, the “switching score” must be at least 30 (assuming that
reduced inspection is desirable by the responsible authority and the production rate is steady).
The switching score in sampling epoch i (ssi) is computed in the following way:
Case 1 - c ≥ 2: ssi = ssi-1 + 3 if the lot is accepted and would also be accepted for one step
Finally, normal inspection should be reinstated if a lot is rejected under reduced inspection.
In order to compute the average quality cost of using the sampling schemes of ISO 2859
it is necessary to know:
a. the average cost of implementing the standard under normal, reduced or tightened
inspection and
b. the estimated proportion of lots that are inspected in the long run, using normal,
Then, the average cost of using ISO 2859 per lot, taking into account the switching
where πΝ (πT, πR) is the proportion of lots that are inspected in the long run using normal
(tightened, reduced) inspection, K n ,c the expected quality cost of using the sampling plan
(n,c) and nΝ,cΝ (nT,cT, nR,cR) the sample size and acceptance number of the normal (tightened,
A Markov chain has been employed in order to model the switching procedures of the
examined standard and eventually compute the values of N , T , R and ECL. Two models
have been developed; one for Case 1 and another for Case 2, since the computational
procedure of the switching score is different in each case.
4.1 Case 1
In each inspection epoch i, and specifically just after the inspection of a lot, three questions
need to be answered:
(ii) How many lots have cumulatively been rejected for the period of time that the
standard indicates?
N(1,ss=j), for j = 0
N(2,ss=j), for j = 0, 3
N(3,ss=j), for j = 0, 3, 6
N(4,ss=j), for j = 0, 3, 6, 9
At the first 20 states - which have the form N(h,ss=j) - the decision that should be taken
after lot i is inspected, regarding the severity of the next sampling, is to use normal inspection.
The integer j expresses the updated value of the switching score after the inspection of lot i.
The integer h is a counter that counts how many lots have been inspected after the last
rejection, including the lot that has been rejected. It is 0 h 4. In this sense, h = 1 in case of
a rejection of the last lot. Similarly, h = 2 in case of a rejection of the next to last lot (while the
last lot is accepted). If a lot is rejected and then the next two (three) are accepted, then h = 3
c. after accepting a lot, provided that for previous value of the counter h was 4.
At the five states T(a) the decision for the severity of the next sampling is to use tightened
inspection. Parameter a represents the number of consecutive lots that have been accepted
when tightened inspection is implemented. In this sense, whenever the procedure is at state
T(0) and the next lot is accepted, a transition to T(1) takes place. Similarly, as long as the
following lots are accepted, the state of the procedure gradually moves from T(1) to T(2), T(3)
and, eventually, T(4). If, being at state T(4), the examined (current) lot is again accepted, then
normal inspection should be implemented in the next lot, since five consecutive lots will have
been accepted, namely, a transition to N(0,ss=0) should take place. The rejection of a lot that
is inspected using tightened inspection, means that the state of the procedure returns (or
remains) to T(0).
The final state of the Markov chain (R) recommends reduced sampling.
Based on the above, let us examine step by step all possibilities from the beginning of the
process, in order to understand all possible state transitions that may occur in AS when using
ISO 2859. Assume that the process starts using normal inspection and the switching score is
set to zero: ss0 = 0. State N(0,ss=0) is the initial state of the procedure, namely, the state of the
procedure before the arrival of any lot. It indicates that the first lot to come will be inspected
using normal inspection while the current switching score is zero, since no lot has been inspe-
cted yet. In this sense, after the inspection of the first lot, there are three potential transitions:
a. If the lot is accepted and it would also be accepted for one step tighter AQL, then ss1 = 3
and a transition to N(0,ss=3) state takes place.
b. If the lot is accepted, but it would be rejected for one step tighter AQL, then the process
c. Finally, if the lot is rejected, then a transition to N(1,ss=0) state occurs. N(1,ss=0) state
indicates that:
a. to N(0,ss=6) occurs if the next lot is accepted and would also be accepted even if the AQL
b. to N(0,ss=0) takes place if the next lot is accepted, but it would not be accepted if the AQL
Similarly to states N(0,ss=0) and N(0,ss=3), for all states N(0,ss=6), N(0,ss=9),
if the next lot is rejected, a transition to N(0,ss=0) occurs if the next lot is accepted, but would
not be accepted for one step tighter AQL, while if the next lot is accepted for the current AQL
and would also be accepted for one step tighter AQL, then a transition to state N(0,ss+) occurs,
where ss+ = ss + 3.
Note that state N(0,ss=27) has not been included in the above analysis. The transitions
from this state differ from the other states in the following manner: if, being at state
N(0,ss=27), the next lot is accepted (and would also be accepted even if the AQL was one step
tighter) then a transition to state R occurs.
a. If the next lot is accepted and would be accepted even if the AQL was one step tighter,
b. On the other hand, if the next lot is accepted but would not be accepted if the AQL was
Using the same reasoning, if the next lot is accepted and would be accepted even if the
AQL was one step tighter, then the following transitions may occur, according to the current
N(4,ss=6) and N(3,ss=6) → N(4,ss=9). Similarly, if the next lot is accepted, but would not be
accepted for one step tighter AQL, then the following transitions may occur: N(2,ss=0) →
N(3,ss=6) → N(4,ss=0). Finally, if the lot is rejected, a transition to T(0) will occur. The same
transition to T(0) will also occur from states N(4,ss=0), N(4,ss=3), N(4,ss=6), N(4,ss=9) if the
lot is rejected. On the other hand, if the lot is not rejected, then a transition to N(0,ss=0) will
take place if the lot would be rejected for one step tighter AQL, or to N(0,ss+) if the lot would
Finally, as long as the procedure remains to state R, the next lot is inspected with the
reduced sampling plan. As soon as a lot is rejected, the normal plan is implemented -
transition to N(0,ss=0).
4.2 Case 2
For case 2 (c < 2), the model is similar to the one developed so far, but in this case the
switching score increment is two instead of three. Thus, the possible states, the explanation of
N(0,ss=j), j = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28
T(j), j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and
Figure 2 represents graphically the states of the Markov chain and all possible transitions
It should be noted that we disregard the case of discontinuing the inspection procedure (in
case that five lots are rejected, while using the tightened inspection plans).
In this section we present a real case example of the industry in order to illustrate the use
of the new model. The company under study is an aluminium opening systems (windows and
doors) manufacturing company, which will be called hereafter by the fictitious name “Alum”,
for reasons of confidentiality. Alum uses specific types of locking mechanisms in the
windows and doors that it manufactures. Every so often Alum acquires lots of mechanisms.
For the period of January 2008 to June 2009, Alum has been keeping records of all incoming
lots, their size, the sampling process, as well as the nonconforming items found within every
sample. The results for this period of time, for lots of a certain type of mechanisms, acquired
Based on the nonconforming items that have been found in the samples, Alum has
estimated that the average fraction of nonconforming mechanisms in the lots is about 1%.
Furthermore, as there seems to be no apparent trend around this value, Alum has assumed that
Based on these information, the Quality Department of Alum has come to an agreement
with the locking mechanisms’ supplier that the incoming lots of mechanisms will be inspected
using the sampling plans and the switching procedures recommended by the ISO 2859
standard, for AQL = 1% and general inspection level II. Moreover, according to the
agreement, the size of lots will be constant and equal to 800, i.e. N = 800, and the deliveries
will take place on a regular, 10-day basis. Finally, the procurement arrangement specifies that
each time a lot is rejected, the supplier will be obliged to provide a discount of 500 €, besides
the obligation to replace all nonconforming mechanisms that will be revealed during the
According to this agreement, the sampling plans that the ISO 2859 standard recommends
for normal, tightened and reduced inspection are ( nN , cN ) (80, 2) , (nT , cT ) (80,1) and
normal inspection but for one step tighter AQL - namely, for AQL = 0.65% - is (80,1), i.e. the
Alum has also estimated that the cost of inspecting each locking mechanism is about ci =
1.55 €, while the cost of each nonconforming mechanism that escapes the inspection process
cd has been estimated 60 €. The value of cd is considerably high, since every time a
immediate disassembly of the door is necessary, in order to replace the nonconforming lock.
This has a significant effect on both the labor cost and on the cost of lost production time. The
repair cost of each locking mechanism that is discovered in the inspection process is trivial,
i.e. cr = 0, since according to the arrangement, the supplier is obliged to replace every
Based on the above, the average total quality cost per lot determined by (2) and
Using (5), the average costs for normal, tightened and reduced inspection are K (nN , cN )
0 K ( p nN , cN ) ( p )dp 552.65 € and, in the same way, K(nT,cT) = 555.99 € and K(nR,cR) =
510.97 € respectively.
For p~U(0,0.02), the average probabilities of acceptance for normal, tightened and
reduced inspection are Pa (nN 80, cN 2) Pa ( p ) ( p )dp 0.932 and, in the same way,
Pa (nT 80, cT 1) 0.796 and Pa (nR 32, cR 1) 0.951 , respectively. Thus, for this
particular problem setting, the Markov chain is described by the transition probability matrix
shown in Table 2.
multiplying the transition probability matrix by itself until it reaches the steady state. Then,
the steady-state probabilities can be used to evaluate the long-run expected cost per lot. After
having computed the values of i for i 1, 2,..., 26 , the values of N , T and R are given
20 25
by the equations: N i , T i and R 26 . In this way, for this particular
i 1 i 21
example, we find that N 0.620 , T 0.087 and R 0.293 , while from (4) we get that
Ιn this case study, the optimum decision for AS from an economic point of view would
be to accept the lot without any inspection at all, i.e. n = 0. Consequently, the resulting
ECLISO 2859 is 12.7% larger compared to the minimum quality cost ECL*.
It is of major importance for both supplier and company (Alum, in our case) to be able to
know the proportion of lots that are inspected in the long run, under each of the three different
severities of the standard. This information can be easily obtained through our model.
More importantly, the example of Alum is indicative of the usefulness of our model for
evaluating economically the use of the ISO 2859 standard. It is not at all obvious that the use
of this standard is the best choice regarding the selection of AS plans. For the particular case
of Alum and the lots of locking mechanisms, it is evident that the best alternative, from an
economic point of view, is to accept all lots and just replace the nonconforming mechanisms
In the long run, this alternative is economically optimum for the supplier of locking
nonconforming will be sooner or later revealed either during inspection or after having been
mounted on the doors). However, if Alum accepts all lots without inspection, the supplier will
never have to offer the 500 € discount. Therefore, it is obvious that the alternative of no
inspection, for the particular type of incoming raw materials, leads to a win-win situation
under an economic point of view, for both Alum and its supplier.
It should be noted that the reason for this research is not to degrade the importance of ISO
2859 standard. The existence of such standards is of significant importance for industry since
they provide a common and simple basis that companies may use in order to perform AS.
Nevertheless, it is true that these quality standards neglect the economic impact of the Quality
Control process on companies or, at the very least, do not take it explicitly into account. Thus,
when the Quality Practitioners are in position to use more sophisticated techniques to estimate
the cost elements of the Quality Control process and evaluate their economic impact, then,
6. Conclusions
We have presented a new model that can be used for the economic evaluation of the ISO
2859 standard. Using this model, it is now feasible to evaluate the economic behavior of the
standard. Besides, the derivation of the steady state probabilities are helpful in giving insights
about the proportion of lots that are inspected using each type of inspection severity. It should
be finally mentioned that the accuracy of the model depends on the estimation accuracy of all
not possible, the model does not necessarily become redundant. Even a rough estimation of
the parameters can be used in the model to provide useful (though not very accurate) insights.
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Tables and figures
Table 1: Records of incoming lots of locking mechanisms, January 2008 to June 2009
No Date Lot size N Sample n Nonconforming d p (%)
1 January 12, 2008 1000 100 1 1.00
2 February 6, 2008 1800 150 2 1.33
3 February 13, 2008 500 100 2 2.00
4 March 19, 2008 2400 200 0 0.00
5 March 27, 2008 600 100 2 2.00
6 April 13, 2008 1400 100 1 1.00
7 April 16, 2008 400 50 0 0.00
8 May 16, 2008 2000 200 3 1.50
9 May 31, 2008 1000 100 0 0.00
10 June 29, 2008 2000 200 1 0.50
11 July 16, 2008 1200 100 2 2.00
12 August 9, 2008 1600 150 1 0.67
13 September 10, 2008 2200 200 1 0.50
14 September 18, 2008 600 100 2 2.00
15 October 1, 2008 900 100 0 0.00
16 October 8, 2008 500 100 0 0.00
17 October 24, 2008 1200 100 0 0.00
18 November 12, 2008 1300 100 2 2.00
19 December 11, 2008 2000 200 3 1.50
20 January 3, 2009 1500 150 2 1.33
21 January 15, 2009 900 100 1 1.00
22 January 25, 2009 700 100 2 2.00
23 January 29, 2009 500 100 1 1.00
24 February 20, 2009 1500 150 3 2.00
25 March 25, 2009 2400 250 1 0.40
26 April 24, 2009 2100 200 2 1.00
27 April 29, 2009 500 100 1 1.00
28 May 22, 2009 1700 150 1 0.67
29 June 20, 2009 2000 200 1 0.50
Table 2: Transition probability matrix of the Markov chain for the examined case
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
N(0,ss=0) 1 .136 .796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N(0,ss=3) 2 .136 0 .796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N(0,ss=6) 3 .136 0 0 .796 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N(0,ss=9) 4 .136 0 0 0 .796 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N(0,ss=12) 5 .136 0 0 0 0 .796 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N(0,ss=15) 6 .136 0 0 0 0 0 .796 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N(0,ss=18) 7 .136 0 0 0 0 0 0 .796 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N(0,ss=21) 8 .136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .796 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N(0,ss=24) 9 .136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .796 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N(0,ss=27) 10 .136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .796
N(1,ss=0) 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .136 .796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0
N(2,ss=0) 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .136 .796 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0
N(2,ss=3) 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .136 0 .796 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0
N(3,ss=0) 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .136 .796 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0
N(3,ss=3) 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .136 0 .796 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0
N(3,ss=6) 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .136 0 0 .796 .068 0 0 0 0 0
N(4,ss=0) 17 .136 .796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0
N(4,ss=3) 18 .136 0 .796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0
N(4,ss=6) 19 .136 0 0 .796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0
N(4,ss=9) 20 .136 0 0 0 .796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 0 0 0 0 0
T(0) 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .204 .796 0 0 0 0
T(1) 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .204 0 .796 0 0 0
T(2) 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .204 0 0 .796 0 0
T(3) 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .204 0 0 0 .796 0
T(4) 25 .796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .204 0 0 0 0 0
R 26 .049 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .951
Figure 1: Transitions for all possible states for Case 1 (c ≥ 2)
a A
N(0,ss=0) r R a
a a
a a
A A a a a a A
r a
r r
r r r r
N(1,ss=0) A A A
N(2,ss=0) N(2,ss=3) A
a A
N(3,ss=0) N(3,ss=3) N(3,ss=6) A
r a
a a A
T(4) r r r
A N(4,ss=0) N(4,ss=3) N(4,ss=6) N(4,ss=9)
A: the lot is accepted and would have been accepted even if the AQL had been one step tighter (for normal inspection)
the lot is accepted (for tightened or reduced inspection)
a: the lot is accepted but would have been rejected if the AQL had been one step tighter (for normal inspection)
r: the lot is rejected
N(0,ss=0) r R
a a
r N(0,ss=2) a N(0,ss=4) a N(0,ss=6) a N(0,ss=8) a N(0,ss=10) a N(0,ss=12) a N(0,ss=14) a N(0,ss=16) a N(0,ss=18) a N(0,ss=20) a N(0,ss=22) a N(0,ss=24) a N(0,ss=26) a N(0,ss=28)
r a
r r r
r r r r
r r r r
r r
r r
a a: the lot is accepted
r r: the lot is rejected
T(3) a T(2) a T(1) a T(0)
r r