Chapter1 5
Chapter1 5
Chapter1 5
Academic pressure is always present to all students, yet not all students feel the
same thing or think the same off-putting thoughts when stressed. Pressures on academic
contribution to the low performance of students at school. Majority of student with stress
reported got high scores on poor self-esteem, and about haft scored high on depression,
Result from the literature suggest that higher level of stress is more likely
associated with poor academic performance (Sohail, 2013). Moreover, college is a stage
where students face myriad of pressures and challenges in the academic environment as
they seek to maintain optimal Performance or even to remain in the academic program
(Guimba, 2004).
criticized by its own educators, scholars, and parent for generating toxic levels of stress
and producing graduates with high scores, low ability, and poor health (Zhao, Haste, and
Selman, 2009, 2013, & 2014). Although these emergent themes were present among all
age and school groups, they strongly dominated the model reasoning and civic attitudes
of the urban 11th graders who experience higher levels of academic stress (Zhao, Selman,
Chopra, & Chen, 2013). If stress is harsh and extended, it can lessen academic
performance, hinder with a student’s capability to involve in and add to campus life and
raise the probability of substance abuse and other potentially destructive behaviors
many disease and stroke (Clark, 2013). Failures become pressures that come from
environmental stressors Lucier & Bulo, (2012). A publication of stress by the University
of New York, buttresses the notion that extreme levels of stress can hinder studies
effectiveness and lead to poor academic performance and attrition. Strategies to reduce
stress by students include social support, effective time management, helpful reappraisal,
The Philippines education system is already through its second high program. The
K- to 12 is also much to be appreciated since it gives high school students a taste of what
is to come in college and they finally seek employment. According to studies, stress is a
major factor to how a child perform academically. According to the study in that was
stated in the journal by Cuerpo (2017), student of Corpus Christi Senior high School,
It states can enhance learning ability, but much of it can cause physical and
mental health problem and the academic achievement of a child is put to risk. Another
study conducted on the effects of stress on health habits, health status and self-esteem
states that working hours and workloads are dominant sources of stress. CEBU,
Philippines after another suicide occurrence official from the Division of Instruction in
Focal Visayas (Dep-Ed-7) underscore the requirements for school to reinforce program
stress, mental health and other correlates among students. Prabu (2015) reported that
Deb (2005) indicated that “student academic stress and parental pressure as well
This study aims to determine the Prevalence of Academic stress among the with
honor students and find out whether they have a significant difference.
The objective of this study is to find the level of academic stress among senior
Null hypothesis
performance of the senior high school honors student in Mindanao Mission Academy.
Significance of the Study
Students. It will help them to realize the cause of their academics stress as an honor
student. It can also help them to determine why they experience academic pressure.
Teacher. It will help them to be aware of the academic pressure that the students
Parent. It will help them to understand from being a big part of their child's education, as
well. Parents who are involved are better prepared to help their children learn at home
The scope area of this study are the senior high school with Honor students in
Mindanao Mission Academy (MMA), during the academic year 2019-2020, first quarter.
This study focuses on the academic stress level of Senior High School with Honor
Definition of Terms
environment: at school, home, in their peer relations and even in their neighborhood
indicate the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus
Honor students. A students whose work has earned that place on a school’s honor roll
(Cambridge dictionary).
With Honor. Students with an average grade of 90-94 and shows exemplary behavior
base on the school’s (MMA) standard of conduct. (MMA student Handbook, 1947).
This chapter includes the previous studies, thesis and articles of the previous
researches. The researcher used the previous studies and articles to have deeper
understanding of the study. It is the basis in order to achieve the outcome of the study.
Conceptual Framework
With Honor Mission Academy Level of Academic
Students Senior High Stress
School Students
Figure 1. Paradigm
The study will be conducted in Mindanao Mission Academy wherein, Senior
High School with honor students, are the respondents. Through them, the level of
explaining how each theory works and how they can each affect educational
on the idea that education is mesocratic, meaning that social rewards are earned by talent
and effort and that success or failure is based on the ability of every individual.
Functionalists believe that not only people born with advantages can get a high position
in society, but everyone can if they put the work in. The founder of functionalism,
Durkheim, argues that the function of school is to 'sift and sort' people into allocated roles
based on their ability. It is also said that education plays a part in socializing children,
teaching them core values which they may either resist or embrace (Parsons, 2004, p.54).
such as those of the Marxist theory. Bowles and Gintis (1976) say that meritocracy is in
fact a myth, as some people start education with benefits such being born into a middle-
class family with educated parents, private schooling and material advantages. This
concept of cultural capital (Bourdieu, 1971) means that these children have a more
Bowles and Gintis also argue that school reproduces class structure, with pupils
being taught to accept the hierarchy of society from a young age. Willis (1977) argues
that labelled pupils 'learn to labour', resulting in working class pupils going on to do
working class jobs. He suggests that the formation of anti-school subcultures has a strong
authority forming as a way of learning to cope with the boredom of repetitive work.
Furthermore, Marxism argues that this is in fact beneficial as it produces a cheap pool of
labour and workers who can fulfil the menial roles that the middle class will not
Related Readings
which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in
different domains of learning. Because the field of academic achievement is very wide-
ranging and covers a broad variety of educational outcomes, the definition of academic
achievement depends on the indicators used to measure it. Among the many criteria that
indicate academic achievement, there are very general indicators such as procedural and
All criteria have in common that they represent intellectual endeavors and thus,
Test) determines whether a student will have the opportunity to continue his or her
Therefore, academic achievement defines whether one can take part in higher
education, and based on the educational degrees one attains, influences one’s vocational
career after education. Besides the relevance for an individual, academic achievement is
of utmost importance for the wealth of a nation and its prosperity, (Richarda, et all 2017).
academic challenges or failure or even the fear of the possibility of academic failure.
and physical problems like depression, anxiety, nervousness and stress related disorders,
which in turn can affect their academic results. Anxiety as a disorder is seen in about 8%
Anxiety and stress have a substantial negative effect on their social, emotional and
academic success. Depression is becoming the most common mental health problem
frustration, academic conflict, academic anxiety and academic pressure. The four
According to most high school students, their greatest academic stressors include
tests, grades, homework, academic and achievement expectations and parental pressure.
School related stresses include inadequate instructional methods, teacher-student
to balance one’s leisure time with school, and disorganization surrounding academic
standards, worries about time management and concerns over grades and scores. Students
are thus, seen to be affected by the negative causes of academic stress. (Anoushka
Thakkar, 2018)
Related Studies
undergraduate students by Muna Suleyiman and Antinkut Zewdu (2018) aims to assess
the Prevalence and associated factors of stress of the students. The general lifetime
prevalence of stress was 24.5%. More specifically, fear of academic failure, fear of
assignments, financial strain, high family expectation, study skill problem, lack of family
the students has been high across the world. This study was aimed to describe the level of
academic stress prevalence among the students as will difference based on demographic,
including department, gender and previous education backgrounds. Academic stress was
experienced by the students of various departments, from the different previous education
background the public senior high school. A high prevalence of academic stress among
the students should draw more attention and call for special intervention from the unit of
Moreover, KJ Reddy (2018) studied that stress has become parts of the student
academic life due to the various internal and external expectations placed upon their
shoulders. The five dimensions of sources such as personal inadequacy, fear of failure,
interpersonal difficulties with teachers, teachers pupil relationship and also obtained.
Therefore it becomes imperative to understand the sources and impact of academic stress
belongs to the age of 17-18 years. Equal percentages of the male and female students of
grade 11 and grade 12 studying in science. The performance in the grade 12 grade final
examination is crucial for getting admission into one’s preferred choice for college or
university. The pressure of preparation for examination create a high degree of anxiety in
many students specially in those who are unable to perform at a level that matches the
This study is unique and different from the previous studies for it focuses on the
honor students of Mindanao Mission Academy. This research will also identify the level
This chapter presented the research design, research locale, research respondents,
Research Design
This study used Quantitative research design to answer the research question that
served as foundation in determining and knowing the level of academic stress among
Research locale
This study will be conducted in Mission Academy, Purok 15, Poblacion Manticao
conference (now the North Central Mindanao Conference) of the Seventh-day Adventist.
It is established to fill the need of the constituents for Adventist Education especially in
Northern Mindanao that comprises the province of Misamis Oriental, Bukidnon and part
of Lanao Del Norte. Established in 1947 by former Mindanao Mission to serve the whole
Mindanao; hence, it was named MINDANAO MISSION ACADEMY. On July 14, 1947
The school is situated in a 20-hectare lot along the national high way at
Manticao, Misamis Oriental. The institution became a converging point for student
coming from different area in Mindanao. The site was acquired through the untiring
efforts of the Mindanao Mission Administrative committee under the leadership of the
late Pastor Apolonio Somoso, then president of the Mindanao Mission and also chairman
Research Participants
The Senior High School with honor Students of academic year 2019-2020, first
Sampling Methods
The researchers utilized the purposive sampling methods. Before conducting the
study the researchers asked permission to the respondents. After the approval, the
information about the stress level of students. The questionnaire contains questions that
serves as guide of the researchers in determining the level of academic stress of the
honors students in Senior High. After getting the list, the researchers
(5) The researchers let the respondents answer the questionnaires and
(6) Finally, all gathered data was summarized, analyzed, interpreted and
After gathering data from the respondents, the researcher tallied the answer. In
analyzing the data, the researchers used correlational statistic method.
This chapter discussed the data analysis and findings from 87 answered
This study assessed the level of academic stress among Senior High School students of
Mindanao Mission Academy who made it to Honor’s List in the first grading period S.Y.
given time. After the approval of the respondent to participate in the study, the 87 senior
data from the questionnaires were statistically analyze using a Bivariate Correlational
Test in a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. After analyzing the
data, results and analysis were made with the help of the school statistician.
Test of
Std. Normality
Variables Mean Skewness Kurtosis
91.4071 1.41120 .837 -.417 .000
Valid N (listwise) 87
Moderate Stress level: The factor refers to stresses relating excessive workload, lengthy
Mild: It refers to stresses as a result of limited time allocated to classes, inability to finish
homework, the difficulty to catch up if behind, and the limited time to wind up or relax.
Basis Education Program”. In line with the implementation of Republic act No. 10533,
The Award for Academic Excellence within the quarter is given to learners from
grades 1 to 12 who have attained an average of at least 90 and passed all learning areas.
The Average Grade per Quarter is reported as a whole number following DepEd Order
No.8, s. 2015. With Highest Honors (98–100), With High Honors (95–97) and With
Honors (90–94). This award is given at the end of every quarter to encourage learners to
attend and actively participate in class. Perfect attendance means that a learner must be
present in all of his/her classes, and must have no absences for the entire quarter.
Learners who are representing the school for various purposes may also qualify for this
To answer research Question 2 “What is the level of academic stress of senior high
Test of
Std. Normality
Variables Mean Skewness Kurtosis
3.0448 .50710 -.749 2.048 .010
Stress Level
Valid N
The mean average of academic stress level of the 87 Honor students is 3.0448
which fall on the Moderate Level. Thus, it signified that the respondents had experience
moderately stress out on their academic endeavors. Most of the respondents had
experienced academic stress based on a -749 skewness. Based on the table 1, the average
academic performance of the respondents is 91.4, which is under the category With
Honor. The positive skewness (.837) indicates that more general average fall below the
mean. The negative kurtosis (-.417) indicates that the data set is scattered. Therefore, the
will be used. Since Normality test indicate less than .05, the data set in not normal, thus,
Spearman’s rho correlational tests are used. The result shows that the p-value is 0.573
which is higher than the significant value of 0.05. Thus, the stress level has no significant
relationship on the academic performance of the 87 Senior High School with Honor
students. This result suggests that though the stress level of the respondents is moderate
(3.0448), it has no significant connection to their academic performance and that strongly
suggests that another factors may affect the level of stress among the respondents.
Thus, the result supports the study of the Tung and Chahal (2005) on the
prevalence academic stress among higher secondary school students which has no
significant causal relationship between stress and the adjustment. Another supports the
idea of Sohail, (2013), that higher level of stress is more likely associated with poor
academic performance. This results show a negative relationship between stress level and
academic performance which means that the higher the stress level of the respondents,
Therefore, Senior High School achievers have moderate stress level but has no
This study was conducted to find the academic stress of senior high school honor
performance. Eighty seven (87) senior high school honor students in Mindanao Mission
Academy (MMA) are the respondent of the study. The researchers used the quantitative
Based on the result of the study, stress level of Senior High School with honor
students has no significant relationship towards academic performance. The data analysis
resulted to moderate stress level but has no relationship to their academic performance,
which helped the researchers to accept the null hypothesis. Hence, further study should
be made to find out the factors affecting the moderate stress level of the respondents.
level and academic performance of Senior High School with honor students of Mindanao
The researchers would like to recommend the following to make their study more
(2) To find out the cause of moderate stress level among the respondents.
(4) Include the Junior High School students to have bigger respondents.
(6) Factors affecting stress level of honor students in Mindanao Mission Academy.