Prof Ed Test Paper
Prof Ed Test Paper
Prof Ed Test Paper
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I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer in each of the following items.
1. A system of roles and norms that governs the by blood, marriage and ritual.
production, distribution and consumption of a. Clan c. Marriage
goods and services. b. Kinship d. Ritual
a. Capitalism c. Political
b. Economic Institution d. Socialism 7. Affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes
related to him or her through women only.
2. An economic model which the factors of a. Ambilineal c. Matrilineal
production are owned by individuals. b. Patrilineal d. Unilineal
a. Communism c. Marxism
b. Capitalism d. Fascism 8. System containing both unilineal descent
groups example is both from patrilineal and
3. The ability to control the behavior of others matrilineal groups in which one belongs to
even against their will. one's father and/or mother's descent group.
a. Authority c. Power a. Bilateral c. Clan
b. Will d. Force b. Ambilineal d. Coercion
4. A type of authority in which power is based 9. Form of marriage in which one man marries
on the characteristics of people in power. one woman.
a. Charismatic c. Sovereignty a. Polygamy c. Polyandry
b. Rational Legal d. Traditional b. Monogamy d. Polygyny
5. A type of government in which the power is 10. Larger than bands; dependent on their land;
exercised through the people. self-sufficient; detached from putting
a. Oligarchy c. Monarchy community.
b. Democracy d. Polygyny a. Band Society c. Tribe
b. Chiefdom d. State
6. A sharing of characteristics of origins can be
II. Match the items in column A about the different topics in Understanding Culture and Society
with their examples in column B. Write the letters of your choice on the space provided.
1. Exceptionality a. Buildings, Artworks, and Monuments
2. Socioeconomic Status b. Artifacts
3. Politics c. Printing Press
4. Discoveries d. Autism
5. Linguistic Anthropology e. Judiciary
6. Tangible Culture f. Heliocentrism
7. Natural Heritage g. Alibata
8. Archaeology h. Luksong Tinik
9. Intangible Culture i. Rice Terraces of the Philippines
10. Invention j. Elite
III. Explain the following ideas briefly and in accordance to the cultural variance.
1-5. Cultural similarities. What is common for us all over the globe?
Content Objectives Duration /% Learning Targets Distribution
Economic 20% 2 - Test II 1,2 4,10 - Test II 5
Kinship 6
20% 1 - Test II 10 7,8,9 8 - Test II 7
Political and
Leadership 20% 3 3 - Test II 5 - Test II 6,7,9 - Test II 6
TOTAL 100%
Poster Making: Create a poster for the National Museum of the Philippines advertising why people should go
to the museum to appreciate our biological, cultural, and social evolution.
CATEGORY 10 8 5 3
All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate to Graphics do not
related to the topic related to the topic the topic but hard to relate to the topic.
and make it easier to and most make it understand.
understand. easier to understand.
Several of the One or two of the The graphics are No graphics made
graphics used on the graphics used on the made by the student, by the student are
poster reflect an poster reflect student but are based on the included.
exceptional degree of creativity in their designs or ideas of
student creativity in work. others.
their work.