Bendability Analysis For Bending of C-MN Steel Pla
Bendability Analysis For Bending of C-MN Steel Pla
Bendability Analysis For Bending of C-MN Steel Pla
Bendability Analysis for Bending of C-Mn Steel Plates on Heavy Duty 3Roller
Bending Machine
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plate width allowance (mm)
T HE 3-roller plate bending machine are widely used in
heavy engineering industries for the manufacturing of
skeleton of oil and gas rigs, the construction of tunnels,
b width of plate (mm) cylindrical tanks, boiler equipments, fuel tanks for launch
vehicle in space application, industrial buildings, pressure
Manuscript received June 30, 2007. This work is a part of Master of vessel, heat exchangers, tall towers, reactors, etc. Fig. 1 shows
Technology thesis submitted to Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of
Technology, Surat-395007, Gujarat, India (Deemed University) during the the six stages of 3-roller plate bending operation sequence for
academic year of 2006-07. fixed bottom roller gap.
Himanshu V. Gajjar is a student of Master of Technology in Mechanical Top roller load required to bend the plate is the function of
Engineering Department (MED) at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of
Technology, Surat-395007, Gujarat, India (e-mail: [email protected]).
various parameters viz. plate thickness, plate width, shell
Anish H. Gandhi, is a student of Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering diameter to be rolled, plate material property, gap between
Department (MED) at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, bottom rollers etc. Machine capacity is limited by the factors
Surat-395007, Gujarat, India (corresponding author: phone: (M) 091- such as the size of rollers and horse power of its motor. In the
9374519605, (R) 091-261-2766265; e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]).
process of continuous roller bending, maximum load is
Tanvir A. Jafri is a senior DGM (Maintenance & machine shop), Larsen & required during the edge pre-bending stage as top roller is at
Toubro Ltd., Hazira works, Surat-395007, Gujarat, India (e-mail: the offset distance from its mid position. So, top roller offset
[email protected]) during the pre-bending decides the maximum width and
Dr. Harit K. Raval is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department at
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat-395007, Gujarat,
minimum shell diameter combinations that can be rolled for
India (e-mail: [email protected]).
the particular plate thickness and material property within thickness, equivalent width and maximum width based on the
machine capacity. power law material model were derived to study the
bendability and reported. Effect of top roller offset on the
bendability at maximum top roller load imparting capacity is
include strain hardening characteristics, where as in field for pre-bending can be obtained by considering plate as a
many material exhibits strain hardening characteristics. If simply supported beam, carrying a concentrated load at offset
power law material model is considered, then equivalent distance ((l/2)-x) from the centre of span as shown in Fig. 2.
thickness can be calculated as explained in following For simply supported beam, external bending moment can be
paragraphs. derived to the form [9]:
⎛ ⎛ x ⎞⎞
B. Equivalent Thickness for Power Law Material Behavior M ext = F ⎜⎜1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟ x (11)
⎝ ⎝ l ⎠⎠
Equivalent thickness, for the power law material model can
be obtained by equating the bending moment equations for
reference material and new material to be bent. So, rewriting TOP ROLLER
⎛ t ( nr + 2 ) ⎞
= K r′⎜ n r ⎟b r
M r ,int
⎜ ρ r (n + 2 )2 ( nr +1) ⎟ (6)
⎝ r ⎠
⎛ t ( nn + 2 ) ⎞
M n ,int = K n ′ ⎜ n n ⎟b (7)
⎜ ρ n (n + 2 )2 ( nn +1) ⎟ n
⎝ n ⎠ x
Equating (6) and (7), and assuming constant width (br=bn): Fig. 2 Top roller offset
(n n − n r )
K r (n n + 2 )ρ (nn − nr )t r(nr + 2 ) 2 (nn − nr ) ⎛ 2 ⎞ (8) Top roller load (F) for pre-bending assuming perfectly plastic
t n(nn + 2 ) = ⎜ ⎟
(n r + 2 )K n ⎜
⎝ 3⎠
⎟ material model can be derived by equating internal and
external bending moments from (2) and (11) to the form:
Equation (5) and (8) gives the equivalent thickness for
perfectly plastic material and power law behavior ⎛ t 2σ y ⎞⎛ ⎞ (12)
F =⎜ ⎟⎜ t ⎟b
respectively. The equivalent thickness calculated using (5) is
the function of yield stress only. It does not have any
⎜ 4
⎝ ⎠⎝(
⎟⎜ lx − x 2 ) ⎟
influence of post yield stress material behavior, whereas (8)
Where as, if power law material model is used, then top
depicts the influence of strain hardening behavior of the
roller load (F) can be derived using (1) and (11) as:
⎛ t n+2 ⎞⎛ l ⎞
C. Equivalent Width for Perfectly Plastic and Power Law F = K ′⎜ n ⎟
⎜ ρ (n + 2)2n +1 ⎟⎜⎝ lx − x 2 ⎟⎠ (13)
Material Models ⎝ ⎠
Assuming thickness of new material to be bent (tn) is same
as that of the reference material thickness (tr), equation for the Equation (12) shows that the force required to bend the
equivalent width can be derived to the form given by (9) and plate considering perfectly plastic material model is the
(10) for perfectly plastic and power law material models function of material property parameter (σy). It does not shows
respectively. any influence of post yield behavior of material, where as,
(13) shows that the force required to bend the plate
σ yr considering power law material model is the function of
bn = br (9)
σ yn material property parameters (K, n). This shows the influence
of strain hardening characteristics.
Plate material, thickness and shell diameter are the
K r ′ t (nr − nn ) ρ (nn − nr ) (n n + 2 )2 (nr − nn ) constrained by design requirement. However, overall shell
bn = br (10)
K ′ (n + 2 )
n r
length can be obtained by welding the shell segments of
different width. Width of bending decides the number of
circumferential seams required to complete the cylinder of
As explained earlier, equivalent width based on power law overall length. As welding seams increases, assembly and
material model is the function of strain hardening behavior of fabrication cost also increases. Further, it demands proper
the material. alignment of individual shell segments edges with other
similar adjoining shells. So, to minimize the number of seams,
D. Bending Force Analysis and Bendability it becomes important to check maximum width; the machine is
OEM provides the machine capacity in terms of thickness capable of bending within the safe working limit specified by
vs. width combinations for fix shell diameter and reference OEM. Maximum width (bmax) considering the perfectly plastic
material property parameters at the maximum top roller load material model can be obtained by rewriting (12) in terms of
imparting capacity of the machine. As the maximum bending width (bmax) for maximum top roller load imparting capacity
load is required during the pre-bending mode, top roller load (F = Fmax) specified by OEM.
thickness vs. plate width for pre-bending of reference material
at shell diameter of 2000 mm. Under the pre-bending stage the 140
top roller is at offset distance of ((l/2)-x) as shown in Fig. 2. It 120
is general practice to keep the value of x in the range of 1.4 to 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
1.75 times the plate thickness [8]. However, value of x can be Plate width (mm)
decided based on practical limitations. For the machine under
consideration, the maximum top roller load imparting capacity Fig. 4 Capacity chart for SA-516 Gr60, 5000 MT top roll capacity,
is 5000 tones. From the machine capacity chart, at 5000 tones, shell φ 2000 mm, x = 214 mm
135 mm thick and 4500 mm wide reference material plate can 200
be pre-bent to the shell diameter of 2000 mm. From Fig. 4 it
Thickness of SA-387 Gr22
can be observed that at maximum top roller load imparting
Cl1 (Mat 1), mm
Width of plate (mm)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Width of SA-516 Gr60 (Ref. Material), mm
Perfectly plastic material behavior
Pow er law behavior 200 250 300 350 400 450
Top roller offset (mm)
Fig. 6 Comparison of equivalent width Fig. 7 Pre-bending width at different top roller offset, plate material
SA-516 Gr60, 5000 tone top roller load, shell φ 5000 mm
If thickness for new material to be bent is same as that of G. Top Roller Offset Analysis
the reference material then the width of new material which
Top roller offset plays major role in machine capacity as the
can be bent at maximum top roller load imparting capacity of
equivalent thickness; width and maximum width are function
5000 tones can be calculated as explained earlier. Figure 6
of top roller offset. With the shifting of top roller towards the
shows the comparison of equivalent widths for two different
center of span, top roller vertical travel required to pre-bend
material models for “Mat 1” at shell diameter 2000 mm and
the same shell diameter increases. But load required for
plate thickness of 135 mm. Equivalent width of “Mat 1” is
marginal increase of top roller vertical travel is less compared
found to be 4829.3 mm and 4087.8 mm for perfectly plastic
to the load increase due to marginal shift of top roller in
and power law behavior respectively. If the equivalent width
center. This in turn reduces the pre-bending load. As the top
exceeds the maximum plate width which can be
roller shift towards the centre of the span, pre-bending load
accommodated on machine (bmachine) i.e. 4500 mm, then
decreases and so bendability increases. On the other side,
equivalent plate width for the new material to be bent should
material wastage increases due to larger straight length at the
be taken as 4500 mm.
end portions of plate. At top roller offset of 214 mm, 180 mm
thick and 2893 mm wide plate of “Mat 1” can be bent to the with shifting of top roller towards center.
shell inside diameter of 5000 mm. As top roller shifts towards
the center, maximum width that can be pre-bent increases as IV. CONCLUSION
shown in Fig. 7. For the top roller offsets of 1.4t i.e. 252 mm, Presented work analyzes the bendability in terms of
maximum pre-bending width is 3215 mm whereas at the top maximum width for bending of C-Mn steel plate on 3-roller
roller offset of 1.75t i.e. 315 mm, maximum pre-bending heavy duty plate bending machine. Following important
width increases to 3628 mm. Similarly at top roller offset of conclusion can be derived based on investigation;
450 mm, maximum pre-bending width further increases to 1) The equivalent thickness, equivalent width and maximum
3986 mm. width calculated based on power law material model
includes the effect of strain hardening and can lead to the
more realistic prediction of machine capability.
2) It is very crucial to predict bendability based on one plate
material because capacity of 3-roller plate bending
machine is the complex function of plate thickness, plate
width, plate material, maximum top roller load imparting
capacity, top roller offset and shell diameter to be bend.
3) Maximization of the width of the plate for bending is the
important factor which controls the overall cost of
fabrication. So, in place of capacity chart for the reference
material supplied by OEM, the maximum width at top
Fig. 8 Capacity graph for (a) 214 mm offset distance and (b) 450 mm roller load imparting capacity for plate material, thickness
offset distance
and shell diameter combinations to be bent should be
specified to define the machine capacity.
Fig. 8(a) and 8(b) are the graphs of the machine capacity
4) Top roller offset for the pre-bending should be analyzed
for bending of reference material at two different top roller
from the point of view of maximization of machine
offsets of 214 mm and 450 mm respectively. The point on the
capability and minimization of material wastage.
surface shows the plate thickness, width and shell diameter 5) Capacity of heavy duty 3-roller plate bending machine in
combinations at the maximum top roller load imparting practice can be fully exploited using the bendability
capacity of 5000 tones. Figure 8(a) shows that, on “Point 1” at analysis which may results into better utilization and will
the top roller offset of 214 mm, it is unsafe to pre-bend the help either in reduction of fabrication cost or by reducing
156 mm thick and 4500 mm wide plate of reference material material wastage.
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