Notting Hill: Answer Keys
Notting Hill: Answer Keys
Notting Hill: Answer Keys
Notting Hill
Book key e The newspapers are full of pictures of Anna.
f Spike gets a surprise in the bathroom.
1 a Notting Hill is a love story. g Anna thinks Spike spoke to the newspapers.
b William is British and Anna is American. h Tony has opened his first restaurant.
c William owns a bookshop and Anna is a film star. i The reporters fill the street outside William’s house.
2–3 Open answers 17 Possible answers:
4 a scuba diving suit, goggles b stared, screen a … doesn’t know about Anna and Jeff.
c lodger d sighed, doorbell, press e underpants b … is late for dinner.
f room service g mess h naked c … isn’t hopeful now.
5 a 4 b 6 c 1 d 8 e 2 f 7 g 3 h 5 d … goes to William’s house.
6 a Spike is talking about William’s T-shirts. e … helps her learn her lines.
b William is talking to the thief in his shop. f … leaves, angrily.
c The thief (Rufus) is saying that he is not stealing. g … goes out in his underpants.
d Martin is answering William. William doesn’t want h … told them about Anna.
to tell him about Anna’s visit. 18–20 Open answers
e Anna is talking to William. He is trying to clean her 21 a empty b doesn’t phone c lost
shirt. d didn’t know e London f nervous
f Mr Smith is talking to William about books that g doesn’t enjoy h painting i doesn’t want
William doesn’t sell. j loves k agrees
g Spike is explaining why he is wearing his scuba 22 a Bernie b Spike c William d Anna
diving suit. e William f William’s mother
h William is talking to a man at Anna’s hotel. He g Patrick Swayze h Demi Moore i Anna
wants to speak to her. j Bella
i The man at the Ritz Hotel has orders not to tell 23 Possible answers:
people about their famous visitor. a William’s house has a blue front door.
j Anna is talking to William. He would like to see b William’s orange juice runs down Anna’s shirt, so
her. she goes to his house with him for the first time.
7–9 Open answers c Anna uses the name ‘Flintstone’ on one of her visits
10 a F b T c F d F e T f F g T h T to the Ritz Hotel. At first, Spike doesn’t remember
i T j T the name.
11 a He needs a reason to be there. Everyone in the d William tells people from Anna’s company that he
room must be a reporter. works for Horse and Hound magazine. He needs a
b William clearly hasn’t seen the film. He asks very reason to talk to her.
bad questions. e Anna was paid $15,000,000 for her part in the film
c She loves Anna on screen and she wants her as a Helix.
sister. f This seat stands in a private garden in Notting
d He has lost a lot of money. Hill, in memory of a happy marriage. At the end of
e They are excited at the thought of a famous film the story, Anna and William are on this seat, or a
star eating with them. similar one.
f He thinks that William is a room service waiter. g William has a copy of the painting but Anna has
g He feels sad and lonely. He thinks he will never see the real one. She gives it to him. He realises that she
Anna again. does have feelings for him.
12–15 Open answers h William thinks that Anna should be in a film of a
16 a Tessa enjoys getting drunk. Henry James book. A year later, she is in The Wings
b Keziah only eats dead fruit. of the Dove. She has listened to William.
c Bella was William’s girlfriend, years ago. 24 –35 Open answers
d Anna wants to get away from the reporters.
Notting Hill
Discussion activities key 19 Suggested answer:
1 Suggested answers: Student A: How much would you pay for a story
Notting Hill: an area in West London, England. It is a about Anna Scott?
cosmopolitan district. Student B: How much interesting information have
Beverly Hills: a city in the western part of Los you got?
Angeles county, California, USA. There are wealthy Student A: Very interesting!!! And it’s not about Anna
neighbourhoods in the area. with Jeff but Anna with … How much will you pay?
2–4 Open answers Student B: If it’s a story about Anna and an
5 Suggested answer: Englishman we can pay as much as you want!
William describes one of the travel books he sells as Student A: £1,000?
‘very useful for lighting fires or for making paper hats’ Student B: Ok. What do you know about Anna that
6 Open answers can be interesting for the public?
7 Suggested answer: Student A: Last night she didn’t sleep at her hotel …
John Grisham writes modern legal drama, not Student B: You’re right! Where did she stay?
travel books. William sells travel books, not fiction Student A: In Notting Hill, at an ordinary
(e.g. novels, short stories, etc). Englishman’s house. Shall I show you where he
8 Suggested answer: lives? …
Anna is busy because she meets reporters, etc. 20–23 Open answers
9 Open answers
Activity worksheets key
10 Suggested answer:
1 a … sells fruit and vegetables (not meat)
Anna: Hi. Is William there?
b … the middle of London (not New York)
Spike: Hi, no William isn’t in.
c … before he meets his girlfriend (not before he goes
Anna: Can you leave him a message?
to work)
Spike: Sure.
d … William’s assistant (not brother)
Anna: Please tell him to phone me at the Ritz Hotel.
e … down his trousers (not under his shirt)
My name is Flintstone.
f The thief asks Anna (not William)
11 Open answers
2 a 2 b 3 c 2 d 1 e 2
12 Suggested answers:
3 a On a bus.
Anna: Which part did you like most? Did you enjoy
b Because all of his clothes are dirty.
working with the child actress?
c William’s mum and Anna.
Male star: Did you like working with Anna Scott?
d No, he didn’t.
Is she a nice person to work with?
e Because she doesn’t want strangers to find her at the
Child actress: Do you like the life of an actress?
f At four o’ clock at the Ritz Hotel.
13 Open answers
4 a a reporter (Tarquin from Time Out)
14 Suggested answers:
b Karen
– She doesn’t usually eat meat.
c Horse and Hound magazine
– She has worried about her weight since she was 19.
d nobody
– She can’t go home with William because she is
e Anna Scott
f Karen’s boss
– She doesn’t always follow the rules.
g the male star of Helix
– She wants to spend her life with someone.
h the child actress
15–18 Open answers
i William’s sister
j William’s friend, Max
Notting Hill
5 a 3 b 2 c 6 d 4 e 8 f 7 g 1 h 5 3 a 3
6 a Spike – to William b 7 (She wanted everyone to get drunk.)
b William – to Max and his other friends c 7 (He didn’t like her.)
c Tessa – to Bella d 3
d Keziah – to William e 7 (She wanted to get away from the reporters at her
e Max – to Rosie hotel.)
f William – to Bella and Max f 7 (In his bedroom.)
g Bella – to William g 3
7 a F b T c F d T e T f F g T h F h 3
i T j F i 3
8 a 3 b 1 c 7 d 4 e 6 f 2 g 5 j 7 (He told a couple of friends at the pub.)
9 a simply b meaningless c nervous d carefully 4 a telephone number
e suddenly f possible g crowded b didn’t know
10–12 Open answers c Henry James
d a painting
Progress test key e Ghost
1 a William b Anna c Spike d ------
f was saying her lines
e Spike f Anna g Martin h Martin i Anna
g that day
j ----
h Englishman
2 a 3 b 1 c 3 d 2 e 3
i friends and family
j Notting Hill.