Problem Sheet 3, Gauge Theories in Particle Physics: Problem 1: Time Ordering (5 Points)
Problem Sheet 3, Gauge Theories in Particle Physics: Problem 1: Time Ordering (5 Points)
Problem Sheet 3, Gauge Theories in Particle Physics: Problem 1: Time Ordering (5 Points)
Lecture: Prof. Michael Krämer
Tutorials: M.Sc. Colomba Brancaccio, Dr. Silvia Manconi
where P is the sum of the initial momenta (the invariant mass P 2 is usually
denoted by s).
2.1 Show that the one-particle phase space for a particle of mass m is
dφ1 = (2π) δ 1 − Θ(P0 ).
s s
2.2 Show that the phase space for two particles of mass m1 and m2 in the
center-of-mass frame reads
1 |~p1 |CM
(dφ2 )CM = dΩ θ(ECM − m1 − m2 ),
4(2π)2 ECM
where dΩ is the infinitesimal solid angle and ECM is the total energy in
the center-of-mass frame.
2.3 Show that dφ2 can actually be written in terms of Lorentz-invariant quan-
tities as
1 √
dφ2 = 2
λ1/2 (s, m21 , m22 ) dΩ θ( s − m1 − m2 ),
8(2π) s