Erickson Fairfax Proffers

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RZ 2018-BR-026

July 2, 2019

Pursuant to Section 15.2-2303(A) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and Section
18-204 of the Zoning Ordinance of Fairfax County 1978, as amended (hereinafter referred to as
the "Zoning Ordinance"), Erickson Living at Braddock Road LLC, for and on behalf of itself and
its successors and/or assigns (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Applicant"), in RZ 2018-
BR-026 filed on property identified as Fairfax County Tax Map 69-1 ((1 )) 34 (hereinafter
referred to as the "Application Property") hereby proffers the following, provided that the Board
of Supervisors (the "Board") approves a rezoning of the Application Property from the R-1
District to the PCC District. In the event this rezoning is denied by the Board, these proffers and
conditions will immediately be null and void.


A. Development Plan. Subject to the provisions of Section 16-402 of the Zoning

Ordinance, the Application Property will be developed in substantial conformance
with the Conceptual Development Plan/Final Development Plan (CDP/FDP),
prepared by Dewberry Engineers, Inc. dated December 19, 2018, and revised
through May 15, 2019.

B. Proffered Development Plan. Notwithstanding that the CDP/FDP is presented on

twenty-five (25) sheets, it is understood that the proffered portion of the CDP will
be the entire plan r~lative to the points of access, the maximum floor area ratio
(FAR), the total number and type of units, building heights, the amount of open
space, setbacks from peripheral lot lines and the general location and arrangement
of buildings and parking. The Applicant has the option to request a Fi,nal
Development Plan . Amendment ("FDP A") for elements other than the CDP
elements from the Planning Commission for all or a portion of the FDP in
accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 16-402 of the Zoning

C. Minor Modifications. Pursuant to Section 16-402 of the Zoning Ordinance, minor

modifications to the FDP may be permitted as determined by the Zoning
Administrator. The Applicant will have the flexibility to modify the layout shown
on the FDP, which will include the flexibility to modify building footprints based
on final engineering and design, decrease the maximum FAR, or decrease the
total number of units shown on the FDP, without requiring approval of an FDPA
provided such changes are in substantial conformance with the FDP as
determined by the Zoning Administrator and do not increase the total number of
units, decrease the amount of open space, decrease the setback from peripheral lot
lines, change the number and/or location of access points, or reduce landscaping
as shown on the CDP/FDP. Modifications to clearing limits shown on the
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CDP/PDP may be permitted at site plan in response to final design without

requiring approval of a Proffered Condition Amendment ("PCA"), Conceptual
Development Plan Amendment ("CDP A") or PDP A provided such modifications
are determined to be in substantial conformance with the CDP/PDP and these

D. Minor Variations. Minor variations to these proffered conditions and the

CDP/FDP may be approved without a public hearing in accordance with the
provisions of Section 18-204 of the Zoning Ordinance without the need for a

E. Severability and Future Applications. Pursuant to Paragraph 6 of Section 18-204

of the Zoning Ordinance, portions of the Application Property may be the subject
of a separate PCA, FDPA, Special Exception ("SE"), Special Permit ("SP"),
variance and/or other similar land use application, without the joinder and/or
consent of the owner( s) of the other portions of the Application Property,
provided that such application will not change, cause or require a change to the
general layout, physical improvements and/or access for other portions of the
Application Property. Previously approved proffered conditions or development
conditions applicable to the portion(s) of the Application Property, which are not
the subject of such an application, will otherwise remain in full force and effect as
to any such portion(s) of the Application Property not included.

F. Development Phasing. Development of the Application Property will occur in

phases subject to these Proffers and compliance with all applicable codes,
ordinances and other regulations, and provided that required parking,
infrastructure, on-site recreational amenities, stormwater management and best
management practice facilities are constructed concurrently to support each phase
of the development.


A. Uses. The Application Property will be developed with the following permitted
principal and secondary uses as identified on the CDP/PDP up to a maximum 0.60

(i) Continuing Care Facility. A Continuing Care Facility (CCF) consisting of

up to 1,050 independent living apartment units ("Independent Living
Units") and up to 175 assisted living, skilled nursing and/or memory care
units (collectively, "Assisted Living Units"). The Applicant reserves the
right to modify the mix of Independent Living and Assisted Living Units,
provided that the maximum number of CCF units constructed on the
Application Property does not exceed 1,225. The CCF may also include
permitted secondary uses as set forth in Section 6-603 of the Zoning
Ordinance provided the maximum FAR is not exceeded. All secondary
uses included in the CCF will be private for exclusive use by the residents
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of the CCF, their guests and invitees. Permitted secondary uses in the CCF
may include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. Accessory uses, accessory service uses, and home occupations as

permitted by Article 10 of the Zoning Ordinance;

b. Automated teller machines;

c. Business service and supply establishments;

d. Restaurants, Carryout Restaurants and Quick Service Food Stores;

e. Offices;

f. Theaters;

g. Retail sales establishments;

h. Health clubs;

L Kennels (if located within a completely enclosed building);

J. Community uses;

k. Financial Institutions (exclusive of drive-through facilities);

I. Garment cleaning establishments; and

m. Churches, chapels, temples, synagogues and other places of


(ii) Age Restricted Affordable Housing. An age-restricted affordable

multifamily building(s) consisting of up to 76,800 square feet of gross floor
area (GFA) (approximately, but not limited to, eighty (80) units) (the
"Affordable Housing"). The Affordable Housing will be constructed by
others in accordance with Proffer 14.

(iii) Community Recreation Facility. A publicly accessible Community

Recreation Facility consisting of an indoor facility up to 35,000 square feet
of GFA and an associated outdoor community park area. The Community
Recreation Facility and community park area will be constructed by others
in accordance with Proffer 9.C.

B. Temporary Marketing Facility. A temporary marketing facility, consisting of up

to 5,500 square feet of GFA and associated surface parking, will be located on the
Application Property prior to and during the construction of the first phase of the
CCF development subject to the issuance of a Temporary Special Permit (TSP).
Access will be provided from the private entry drive shown in the CDP/FDP. The
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temporary marketing facility will be characterized by muted colors and

landscaping around the perimeter, as depicted in the illustrative image provided
on Sheet 20 of the CDP/FDP. The temporary marketing facility and surface
parking will be removed no later than six (6) months following the issuance of the
first Residential Use Permit (RUP) for the first building constructed as part of the
CCF development or upon expiration. of the TSP, whichever occurs first. The
access to the Temporary Marketing Facility from the private entry drive will be
closed within ninety (90) days of the issuance of the first RUP for the first
building constructed as part of the CCF development or upon expiration of the
TSP, whichever occurs first. Upon removal, the Applicant will grade and
landscape the area and establish a passive park as shown on the CDP/FDP. The
passive park may include, but will not be limited to, landscaping and planting
beds, benches, and walkways. The Applicant will provide signage along the
Private Entry Drive indicating that the passive park is open to the public. The
final layout and design elements of the passive park will be determined within the
Applicant's discretion at the time of site plan and provided to the Department of
Planning and Development (DPD) for review upon removal of the Temporary
Marketing Facility. The passive park will be owned and maintained by the
Applicant subject to a public access easement. The easement will reserve to the
Applicant the right to establish reasonable rules and regulations for the passive
park including, but not limited to, hours when open to the public, the ability to
reasonably restrict access to all users for violations of those rules and regulations,
use for special events, security, and maintenance and repairs and/or safety

C. Intensity/Density Credit. All intensity/density attributable to land area dedicated

from the Application Property as designated on the CDP/FDP and conveyed at no
cost to the Board or the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCP A), or as may be
reasonably required at the time of site plan, will be subject to the provisions of
Paragraph 4 of Section 2-308 of the Zoning Ordinance and is hereby reserved to
the Application Property.

D. Fire Marshal Evaluation. Changes to the CDP/FDP may be permitted in response

to the review of site plans by the Fire Marshal, including, but not limited to,
adjustments to landscaping, sidewalks/trails and/or amenities as necessary to
allow for required emergency vehicle access, without requiring approval of a PCA
or an amendment to the CDP/FDP, provided that such changes are approved by
the Zoning Administrator in consultation with other applicable agencies as
determined by the Zoning Administrator, which may include the Fairfax County
Department of Transportation (FCDOT), the Urban Forestry Management
Division (UFMD), the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) and are in
substantial conformance with the CDP/FDP and these proffers.

E. VDOT Evaluation. Changes to the CDP/FDP may be permitted in response to the

review of site plans by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT),
including adjustments to streetscape, right-of-way, sidewalks/trails, bus shelter
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locations and/or other amenities as necessary without requiring approval of a

PCA, CDPA or FDPA, provided that such changes are approved by the Zoning
Administrator in consultation with other applicable agencies as determined by the
Zoning Administrator, which may include FCDOT, UFMD, and/or FCPA, and are
in substantial conformance with the CDP/FDP and these proffers.


A. Construction. For purposes of the transportation improvements described in this

Proffer, the term "construct" will mean the improvement is available for use by
the public regardless of whether or not VDOT has accepted the improvement for

B. Dedication of Braddock Road Frontage. Subject to VDOT approval, the

Applicant will dedicate at no cost and convey in fee simple with no encumbrances
to the Board right-of-way with a variable width along the Application Property' s
Braddock Road frontage, ranging from a minimum of 4 7.5 feet from the
centerline up to a minimum of 59.5 feet from the centerline where right turn lanes
into the Application Property are existing or proposed, as shown on the
CDP/PDP. The right-of-way dedication shown on the CDP/PDP may be adjusted
at the time of site plan provided that the minimum dimensions above are
provided. Dedication will be made at the time of the first site plan approval for
the first phase of the CCF or upon written demand of either Fairfax County or
VDOT, whichever should first occur.

C. Braddock Road Frontage. Subject to VDOT approval, the Applicant will install a
buffer strip along the Braddock Road frontage in accordance with VDOT
standards or in accordance with a design waiver approved by VDOT.

D. Dedication of Interior Public Street. Subject to VDOT approval, the Applicant

will construct and dedicate at no cost and convey in fee simple with no
encumbrances to the Board a public street as shown on the CDP/PDP that
provides access to Fairfax County Tax Map 69-1 ((1)) 34B, the Community
Recreation Facility, and the CCF (the "Interior Public Street"). Dedication will be
made prior to the first site plan approval for the first phase of the CCF, exclusive
of the temporary marketing facility, or upon written demand of either Fairfax
County or VDOT, whichever should first occur. In the event that VDOT does not
accept a dedication of the Interior Public Street, it 'will remain in private
ownership and the Applicant will grant a public ingress/egress and emergency
vehicle access easement over the street. If the Interior Public Street is privately
owned, the Applicant reserves the right to enter into a cost sharing agreement for
maintenance with the owners of Tax Map 69-1 ((1)) 34B and the Community
Recreation Facility.

E. Construction of Interior Public Street. Subject to VDOT approval, prior to the

issuance of the first RUP for the CCF, exclusive of the temporary marketing
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facility, the Applicant will construct and open to traffic the Interior Public Street
shown on the CDP/FDP.

F. Braddock Road Trail. Subject to VDOT approval, the Applicant will install a ten
(10) foot wide asphalt trail along the Application Property' s Braddock Road
frontage within the dedicated right-of-way as shown on the CDP/FDP. Said trail
will be constructed prior to the issuance of the first RUP for either the Affordable
Housing, or the first permanent building constructed as part of the CCF
development on the i\pplication Property, whichever occurs first.

G. Tum Lane. Subject to VDOT approval, the Applicant will construct an eastbound
right-tum lane on Braddock Road consisting of approximately one hundred (100)
feet of vehicle stacking and an approximately one hundred (100) foot taper as
identified on the CDP/FDP prior to the issuance of the first RUP for the first
permanent CCF building constructed as part of the CCF development on the
Application Property.

H. Bus Shelters. Subject to VDOT and FCDOT approval the Applicant will install
two (2) bus shelters with concrete pads within the right-of-way along the
Application Property' s Braddock Road frontage as shown on the CDP/FDP prior
to the issuance of the R UP for the first permanent CCF building constructed as
part of the CCF development on the Application Property. Notwithstanding the
bus shelter locations shown on the CDP/FDP, the final design and location of the
bus shelters will be determined at time of site plan approval in coordination with
VDOT and FCDOT. The final locations of the bus shelters may necessitate
adjustments to landscaping or right-of-way dedication as shown on the CDP/FDP,
which will be accommodated without the necessity of a PCA, CDP A or FDP A,
provided that such adjustments are in substantial conformance with the CDP/FDP.

I. Private Streets. The ring road and all internal private streets on the Application
Property intended to serve the CCF will be constructed of materials and depth of
pavement consistent with public street standards and in accordance with the
Fairfax County Public Facilities Manual (PFM). An emergency vehicle access
easement in a form acceptable to the County Attorney will be granted over the
ring road and each private street prior to the issuance of the first RUP for the
respective permanent CCF building located adjacent to such private street section.

J. Internal Pedestrian Circulation. Internal pedestrian circulation will be provided in

the form of private trails and walkways throughout the Application Property as
identified on the CDP/FDP. Except as otherwise indicated on the CDP/FDP, all
permanent trails and walkways will meet the accessibility standards as required
by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Applicant reserves the right to
modify the layout and alignment of the internal trails and walkways based on final
design, provided that pedestrian connectivity is maintained throughout the
Application Property and the limits of clearing and grading are not increased.
Installation of the internal private trails and walkways will be phased with the
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phased construction of the CCF, provided that the trails and walkways for each
phase are in place prior to the issuance of the first RUP for that phase.

K. Entry Drive and Vehicular Turnaround. At the time of approval of the first site
plan that includes a permanent CCF building, the Applicant will grant a public
ingress/egress and emergency vehicle access easement over the private entry drive
and Vehicular Turnaround as shown on the CDP/FDP. The private entry drive
and Vehicular Turnaround will be constructed in accordance with VDOT
standards for public streets. The Applicant will perform all maintenance of the
private entry drive and Vehicular Turnaround, including snow removal, from
Braddock Road to the proposed public roadway identified on the CDP/FDP. The
easement will prohibit the Applicant from closing or blocking access to the
private entry drive and Vehicular Turnaround, except as may be reasonably
necessary for maintenance. At such times as the private entry drive is closed for
maintenance, two-way traffic will be maintained to provide access to the traffic
signal at Braddock Road.

L. Signalized Intersection Improvements. Prior to the issuance of the first RUP for
the first permanent building constructed as part of the CCF, exclusive of the
temporary marketing facility, the Applicant will construct the northbound
approach of the intersection of Braddock Road and Burke Station Road to include
separate left turn, through, and right tum lanes as shown on Sheet 4 of the
CDPIFDP. The Applicant will also perform any necessary signal modifications to
the traffic signal at the intersection of Braddock Road and Burke Station Road
that may be necessary, subject to VDOT approval.

M. Pedestrian Crosswalks. Prior to the issuance of the first RUP for the first
permanent building constructed as part of the CCF, if approved by VDOT, the
Applicant will install striped crosswalks for pedestrians across the Braddock Road
access points shown on the CDP/FDP. If the striped crosswalks are not approved
by VDOT, this Proffer will be null and void and of no further effect. '


A. CCF Resident and Employee Parking. On-site parking for the CCP will be
provided in parking garages located beneath the CCF buildings and surface
parking areas. Each Independent Living Unit will be assigned one (1) reserved
garage parking space. Surface parking spaces located throughout the CCP as
shown on the CDP/PDP will be available to residents, guests and CCP employees
within the discretion of the Applicant.

B. Affordable Housing Parking. On-site parking for the Affordable Housing will be
provided in a surface parking area as shown on the CDP/PDP. A maximum of
eighty one (81) parking spaces will be provided for the Affordable Housing. The
Applicant, or its successors or assigns, may reduce the number of Affordable
Housing parking spaces at the time of site plan without the need for a PCA,
CDP A, PDPA or parking reduction, provided that the number of spaces provided
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is equivalent to the requirements for Independent Living dwelling units m

accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Applicant, or its
successors or assigns, may further reduce the number of parking spaces for the
Affordable Housing through a parking reduction in accordance with Proffer 4.D.
In addition, the Applicant may increase the number of parking spaces by up to ten
percent in accordance with the minor variation provisions in Article 18 of the
Zoning Ordinance without the need for a PCA, CDPA or FDPA.

C. Parking Assessment. With the site plan submitted for each phase of development
of the CCF, the Applicant will determine the number of surface parking spaces
needed for that phase. Prior to the site plan submission for each phase of the CCF
subsequent to the first phase, the Applicant will evaluate existing parking demand
generated by the CCF. If, based on current parking demand, the Applicant
determines that fewer surface parking spaces are needed for any given phase, the
Applicant will reduce the number of surface parking spaces identified on the
CDP/FDP, as long as the minimum Zoning Ordinance parking requirement is met
or a parking reduction is approved in accordance with Proffer 4.D. This
determination will be made within the sole discretion of the Applicant in
consultation with Land Development Services (LDS). Said assessments by the
Applicant will cease for any phases of the CCF after the first phase if LDS
determines that such assessments are no longer needed. The Applicant reserves
the right to provide additional surface parking in the first phase of development of
the CCF in anticipation of higher parking demands upon commencement of
operations. Any additional surface parking provided with the first phase will not
exceed the maximum number of surface parking spaces for the CCF identified on
the CDP/FDP.

D. Parking Reduction. Nothing herein will preclude the Applicant, FCPA or the
owner of the Affordable Housing from requesting a parking reduction in the
future if it is determined by the Applicant, FCPA or the owner of the Affordable
Housing, respectively, that the parking represented on the CDP/FDP is not
required. Said reduction will be processed through the submission of a parking
demand analysis to be reviewed and approved by LDS. Any parking reduction
approved by LDS will not necessitate the approval of a PCA, CDP A or FDP A.

E. Shuttle Spaces. With the site plan submitted for each phase of development of the
CCF, the Applicant will identify parking spaces to be reserved for private shuttle

F. Loading Spaces. With the site plan submitted for each phase of development of
the CCF, loading spaces will be provided as identified on the CDP/FDP.
Notwithstanding the loading spaces identified on the CDP/FDP, the Applicant
reserves the right to modify the number and location of loading spaces at the time
of site plan based on final design, provided that the loading spaces are distributed
throughout the CCF.
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A. Traffic Signal Pre-emption Equipment Contribution. Prior to the first site plan
approval for the first phase of CCF development that includes permanent
construction, exclusive of the temporary marketing facility, the Applicant will
contribute the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) to the Capital Project
entitled Traffic Light Signals in Fund 300-C30070, Public Safety Construction,
for the installation of signal pre-emption equipment at the intersection of
Braddock Road and Burke Station Road and at four (4) other intersections within
the Braddock Magisterial District as determined by the Fairfax County Fire and
Rescue Department (FRD). The Applicant will not be responsible for the
installation, ongoing maintenance, or repair of the signal pre-emption equipment.

B. Monetary Contribution. Prior to the issuance of a RUP for each unit in the CCF
development, the Applicant will provide a monetary contribution to the FRD
Ambulance Replacement Reserve Fund in the amount of one hundred eighty three
dollars and sixty seven cents ($183 .67) per unit, to be used at the sole discretion
of FRD. Based on 1,225 proposed CCF units, the maximum amount of this
contribution is limited to $225,000.00, however, the actual contribution will be
based on the number of CCF units actually constructed. The Applicant reserves
the right to make payments toward this monetary contribution earlier than
required by this proffer.


A. Landscape Planting Plan. As part of the first and all subsequent site plan
submissions, the Applicant will include a landscape planting plan and
specifications for review and approval by UFMD. The landscape planting plan
will be in conformance with the types and quantity of planting and landscape
materials shown on Sheets 5 through 8 of the CDP/FDP, however, the Applicant
reserves the right to include additional landscaping not shown on the CDP/FDP at
the time of site plan. The landscape planting plan and specifications will
incorporate sustainable landscape planting techniques designed to reduce
maintenance requirements, contribute to improved air quality, stormwater
management, and resources conservation capabilities that may be provided by
trees and other vegetation. Such techniques may include, but are not limited to,
the following:

(i) The reduction of natural turf or natural grass areas to minimize mowing
operations and resulting air pollution. Mulched planting beds that
incorporate groups of trees and other vegetation will be utilized where
feasible to provide a root zone environment favorable to trees and other

(ii) The provision of a diverse selection of non-invasive and, to the extent

feasible, native plants to encourage native pollinators and reduce the need
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for supplemental watering and the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides

and chemical control of harmful insects and disease.

(iii) Where feasible, the grouping of overstory trees, understory trees, shrubs
and groundcovers.

B. Foundation Plantings. The landscape planting plan submitted with each site plan
submission will include foundation plantings around the perimeter of the CCF
buildings that are generally consistent with the typical provided on Sheet 5A of
the CDP/FDP. Final design of the foundation plantings will be determined by the
Applicant at the time of site plan.

C. Landscape Planting Pre-Installation Meeting. Prior to installation of any plants to

meet the requirements of the approved landscape planting plan, the Applicant or
its designated representative will coordinate a pre-installation meeting on the
Application Property with the landscape contractor, UFMD staff and any
additional appropriate parties. Any proposed changes to planting locations,
tree/shrub planting sizes, and species substitutions shown on the approved plan
will be reviewed and approved by UFMD prior to planting. The installation of
plants not approved by UFMD may require a revision to the landscape planting
plan or removal and replacement with approved trees/shrubs prior to bond release.

D. Soils. Soil in planting areas that contain construction debris and rubble, is
compacted, or is unsuitable for the establishment and long-term survival of
landscape plants, will be the subject of remedial action to restore planting areas.
The Applicant will provide notes and details specifying how such soil will be
restored for the establishment and long-term survival of landscape plants for
review and approval by UFMD.

E. Mulch Beds. Prior to the issuance of the first RUP for each phase of the CCF
development, the Applicant will contact UFMD to request an·inspection of mulch
beds provided with each phase to confirm that mulch beds have been installed in
accordance with the landscape planting plan.


A. Scope. The provisions set forth in this Proffer 7 related to the Applicant's tree
preservation and invasive plant species management requirements and obligations
extend only to that portion of the Application Property to be developed by the
Applicant and the Vegetated Open Space area identified on Sheet 24 of the
CDP/FDP. The Applicant will not be responsible for the assessment,
conservation or removal of trees or invasive species in the Public Recreation Area
identified on Sheet 24 of the CDP/FDP or in the area to be developed with the
Affordable Housing.

B. Tree Inventory and Condition Analysis. The Applicant will submit a Tree
Inventory and Condition Analysis as part of the first and all subsequent site plan
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submissions for those portions of the Application Property within twenty five (25)
feet of the limits of clearing and grading identified on the CDP/FDP. The Tree
Inventory and Condition Analysis will be prepared by a Certified Arborist or
Registered Consulting Arborist (the "Project Arborist"), and will include elements
of PFM 12-0507 deemed appropriate to the project site as determined by UFMD.

C. Tree Preservation Plan. The Applicant will submit a Tree Preservation Plan and
Narrative for those portions of the Application Property identified on the
CDP/FDP as areas of tree preservation as part of the first and all subsequent plan
submissions. The Tree Preservation Plan and Narrative will be prepared by the
Project Arborist, and will include elements of PFM 12-0509 deemed appropriate
to the project site as determined by UFMD.

D. Project Arborist/Pre-Construction Meeting. The Project Arborist will attend a

pre-construction meeting to review the limits of clearing and grading with a
UFMD representative to determine where adjustments to the clearing limits can
be made to increase the area of tree preservation and/or to increase the
survivability of trees at the limits of clearing and grading. Prior to the pre-
construction meeting the Applicant will have the approved limits of clearing and
grading flagged with a continuous line of flagging. Adjustments to the limits of
clearing and grading will be recorded by the Project Arborist and tree protection
fencing will be implemented under the Project Arborist's supervision based on
these adjustments.

E. Tree Protection Fencing. The Applicant will provide appropriate tree protection
devices, based on site conditions and proposed construction activities as reviewed
and approved by UFMD. Tree protection fence will consist of four-foot high
welded wire attached to six-foot steel posts driven 18 inches into the ground and
spaced no further than 10 feet apart, or super silt fence.

F. Tree Preservation Measures. Tree preservation measures will be clearly

identified, labeled, and detailed on the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan sheets
and Tree Preservation Plan. Tree preservation measures may include, but are not
limited to the following: root pruning, crown pruning, mulching, and watering.
Specifications will be provided on the plan detailing how preservation measures
will be implemented. To the extent feasible, the location of utilities will be
selected in a manner to minimize impacts on trees in tree preservation areas
identified on the CDP/FDP. Tree preservation activities will be completed during
implementation of Phase 1 of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.

G. Additional Tree Preservation Areas. At the time of site plan, the Applicant will
explore additional measures to enhance the survivability of trees in those areas
identified on Sheet 5 of the CDP/FDP as "Possible Ex. Trees to Remain" in
consultation with UFMD. Such measures may include, but are not limited to,
adjustments to the limits of clearing and grading and/or the installation of
retaining walls in these areas to improve the survivability of the trees.
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H. Demolition. The demolition of all existing structures and site features within or
adjacent to tree preservation areas will be accomplished in the least disruptive
manner practical as reviewed and approved by UFMD. All tree preservation
fencing will be in place and verified by a UFMD or other County representative
prior to commencement of demolition activities.

I. Utilities. Notwithstanding the limits of clearing and grading identified on the

CDP/FDP, if it is determined at the time of site plan that additional clearing
and/or grading is required to accommodate the installation, replacement or
improvement of sanitary sewer lines and other necessary utilities, such additional
clearing and/or grading will be limited to the extent feasible in coordination with
UFMD at the time of site plan. If it is determined in consultation with UFMD
that additional planting is required to offset the additional clearing and/or grading,
such planting will be provided at the time of site plan without the need for a PCA,

J. Site Monitoring. The Applicant's Project Arborist will be present on site during
implementation of the Phase 1 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and monitor
any construction activities conducted within or adjacent to areas of trees to be
preserved. Construction activities include, but may not be limited to clearing, root
pruning, tree protection fence installation, vegetation/tree removal, and
demolition activities. During implementation of Phase 2 Erosion and Sediment
Control Plan, the Project Arborist will visit the site on a regular basis to continue
monitoring tree preservation measures and ensure that all activities are conducted
as identified in the Tree Preservation Plan and approved by UFMD. Written
reports will be submitted to UFMD and the Site Development and Inspections
Division (SDID) site inspector detailing site visits. A monitoring schedule and
Project Arborist reports will be described and detailed in the Tree Preservation

K. Invasive Plant Species Management. With the site plan for each phase of the
CCF development, the Applicant will determine if invasive species are present. If
necessary, areas containing plant species that are known to be invasive in
quantities that threaten the long-term health and survival of the existing
vegetation to be preserved will be the subject of an invasive plant species
management plan in order for the area to be awarded full 10-year canopy credit.
At the time of site plan submission the Applicant will provide a management plan
for review and approval by UFMD specifying the common and scientific name of
invasive species proposed for management, the target area for management
efforts, methods of control and disposal of invasive plants, timing of treatments
and monitoring, duration of the management program, and potential reforestation
as needed.


A. CCF Buildings. The architectural design of the CCF buildings will be in general
conformance with the conceptual elevations as shown on Sheets 21 and 22 of the
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CDP/FDP. The design may be modified as a result of final design and

engineering so long as the character and quality of the architecture and building
materials of the CCF buildings remain in general conformance with that shown on
the CDP/FDP. The Applicant reserves the right to make adjustments to building
features at the time of final design including, but not limited to, the number, type
and location of windows, balconies, building entrances, and other building
elements. Building materials for the CCF buildings may include, but will not be
limited to, the following:

(i) Brick;

(ii) Stone and/or masonry;

(iii) Asphalt shingle roofs;

(iv) , Cementitious lap siding and/or trim; and

(v) Stucco.

B. Retaining Walls. Retaining walls will be generally consistent in appearance and

materials with the illustrative images provided on Sheet 19 of the CDP/FDP. The
final design and building materials for the retaining walls will be determined at
the time of site plan. The Applicant will have the flexibility to adjust the
locations and lengths of retaining walls as may be required pursuant to final
design, however, the general location and approximate height of the retaining
walls will remain as shown on the CDP/FDP.


A. Private Recreation Facilities. The Applicant will provide indoor and outdoor
private recreation facilities for the residents of the CCF. Indoor private recreation
facilities within the CCF may include, but will not be limited to, fitness centers
and indoor sport courts, an indoor aquatics center, activity rooms and other
community gathering spaces, and such other indoor recreation amenities as
determined by the Applicant at final design. A variety of outdoor private
recreation facilities will be provided in a minimum of six (6) locations located
throughout the CCF including, but not limited to, accessible trails and/or walking
paths, garden areas, dog exercise areas, outdoor dining areas with seating, shade
structures, outdoor exercise and gaming areas and such other outdoor recreation
amenities as may be determined by the Applicant. The foregoing list of indoor
and outdoor private recreation amenities within the CCF is non-exhaustive, and
the Applicant reserves the right to modify, reconfigure, and/or provide additional
indoor and outdoor private recreation facilities in the future without the need for a

B. Phasing and Location of Private Recreation Facilities. Construction of the private

recreation facilities set forth in Proffer 9.A. will be phased with the development
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of the CCF such that residents of each phase will have access to both indoor and
outdoor private recreation facilities. Access to the indoor and outdoor recreation
amenities will be provided through a network of exterior walkways and interior
corridors as indicated on the CDP/FDP. The CCF will be organized as an
integrated community consisting two or more "Neighborhoods" comprised of
smaller groups of individual buildings. While all residents of the CCF will have
equal access to all of the indoor and outdoor private recreational amenities
provided on-site, the amenities will be dispersed throughout the CCF such that
residents of each building and each Neighborhood will have convenient access to
the amenities. Larger amenities intended to serve the entire community, such as
the indoor aquatics center, will be centrally located on site to the extent feasible to
provide convenient access to all residents. Smaller amenities intended to
accommodate residents of each Neighborhood and individual buildings will be
dispersed throughout the CCF. The following is a breakdown of the three
amenity tiers and the types of possible indoor and outdoor amenities that may be
provided in each tier:

(i) Tier 1 - Community Amenities.

a. Pool and Spa

b. Main fitness center

c. Wood/hobby shop

d. Movie theater

e. Auditorium

f. Resident concierge suite

g. Putting green

h. Bocce courts

1. Dog park

J. Resident gardens

k. Outdoor dining/kitchen area

I. Fire pit

(ii) Tier 2 - Neighborhood Amenities.

a. Smaller specialty restaurants

b. Commons/gathering area( s)
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c. Library

d. Card rooms

e. Creative arts rooms

f. Gardening rooms

g. Yoga Rooms

h. Smaller fitness rooms

1. Game dens

J. Outdoor seating areas

k. Shade structures

(iii) Tier 3 - Building Amenities.

a. Small common gathering spaces

b. Library nooks

c. Small reading rooms

d. Outdoor seating areas

C. Community Recreation Facility. Prior to the issuance of the first RUP for the first
new building constructed as part of the CCF development, exclusive of the
temporary marketing facility, or as mutually agreed by the Applicant and the
FCP A, the Applicant will dedicate to the FCP A in fee simple and without
financial encumbrances approximately 4.7 acres of the Application Property
identified on Sheet 24 of the CDP/FDP in accordance with the following:

(i) The conveyance will be subject to a condition that the FCP A coordinate
with the community through the Braddock District Supervisor to determine
design, on-site uses, programming, and scheduling.

(ii) The dedicated area will be developed by others with the following:

a. A publicly accessible community recreation facility with up to

35,000 square feet of gross floor area as shown on the CDP/FDP
intended to accommodate active use, community use, and
recreational use for all ages and all abilities, as funding is available
through the FCP A working with the Board to fund development
and operation of the facility.
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b. An outdoor community park area in the area identified on the


c. A surface parking lot consisting of up to 100 parking spaces. Said

parking lot may be used by the CCF as mutually agreed with
PCP A, but will not be used by the CCF to meet minimum parking

(iii) Prior to dedication, the Applicant will demolish the existing structure in
this location, perform any necessary clearing and grading to prepare the
site for construction, install any necessary utility connections (including
but not limited to water, sewer and electric), install storm water
management facilities, and construct the surface parking lot with
associated travelways as shown on the CDP/FDP. This work will be
performed in accordance with a separately bonded site plan submitted and
processed by and at the expense of the Applicant.

(iv) Upon dedication and release of the site plan addressed in Proffer 9.C.(iii),
the Applicant will have no further responsibility for the dedicated area or
the Community Recreation Facility. The Applicant will not be responsible
for coordination described in Proffer 9.C.(i), design, construction or
implementation of programming of the Community Recreation Facility
and any associated indoor or outdoor recreation amenities. Any
landscaping provided in conjunction with the Community Recreation
Facility will be installed and maintained by others. However, the
Applicant reserves the right to review and comment on the design of the
Community Recreation Facility within its reasonable discretion to ensure
it is compatible with the CCF.

(v) Prior to dedication, the Applicant will clear this dedication area of waste
and debris in accordance with Section 2-1002.4(B) of the Public Facilities
Manual (PFM) and schedule an inspection with the PCP A Land
Acquisition Manager, the Area 4 Operations Manager and the Natural
Resource Protection Manager to confirm the land is acceptable for

D. Trail. The Applicant will construct an eight (8) foot wide asphalt trail along the
western portion of the Application Property as shown on the CDP/FDP. The
portion of the trail located between the Affordable Housing and Braddock Road
will be constructed prior to the issuance of a RUP for the Affordable Housing.
The required plans for the remaining portion of the trail and any associated
improvements will be approved and bonded prior to the issuance of a RUP for the
sixth (6th) CCP building, exclusive of the temporary marketing facility.
Notwithstanding the location shown on the CDP/FDP, this trail will be field
located in consultation with the FCPA Trails Coordinator and UFMD at the time
of site plan to minimize impacts on existing trees. Portions of the trail located
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outside of the dedicated area will be subject to an easement to permit access by

FCPA for trail maintenance purposes.

E. Peripheral Tree Buffer. Upon completion of the trail set forth in Proffer 9.D, but
no later than prior to the issuance of a RUP for the tenth (10th) permanent CCF
building exclusive of the temporary marketing facility, or at such time as mutually
agreed by the Applicant and the FCPA, the Applicant will dedicate to FCPA in
fee simple and without encumbrances approximately 22.6 acres of the Application
Property as identified on Sheet 24 of the CDP/FDP to serve as a buffer between
the Application Property and the adjacent residential communities. The existing
trees located within this dedication area will remain as indicated on Sheet 5 of the

F. Value of FCP A Dedication and Site Improvements. Prior to the issuance of the
first RUP for the first new building constructed as part of the CCF development,
exclusive of the temporary marketing facility, the Applicant will demonstrate that
the combined value of the site improvements performed by the Applicant in
accordance with Proffer 9.C(iii) and the value of the land dedicated to FCPA in
accordance with Proffers 9.C and 9.E is equal to or greater than the sum of eight
hundred ninety three dollars ($893.00) per new resident in the CCF, based on the
number of Independent Living units actually constructed in the CCF. Based on
the formula utilized by FCPA and an anticipated 1,050 Independent Living CCF
units, the combined value of the site improvements and land dedication will be a
minimum of one million four hundred six thousand four hundred and seventy five
dollars ($1,406,4 75.00).


The Applicant will conduct a Phase I archaeological study on previously undisturbed

areas of the Application Property located within the limits of clearing and grading,
inclusive of the proposed trail along the western portion of the Application Property. The
Applicant will provide the results of said study to the Archaeology and Collections
Branch (ACB) of the Fairfax County Park Authority for review and approval prior to
approval of the first site plan. The study will be conducted by a qualified archaeological
professional approved by ACB. If the Phase I study concludes that a Phase II
archaeological study is warranted, the Applicant will complete said study and provide the
results to ACB prior to any land disturbing activities on the previously undisturbed areas
of the Application Property. If the Phase II study concludes that an additional Phase III
evaluation and/or recovery is warranted on any previously undisturbed areas of the
Application Property, the Applicant will complete said work in consultation with ACB
prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of a grading permit for any affected areas.
Should adjustments be needed to the improvements identified on the CDP/FDP, said
adjustments may be made without the necessity of a PCA, CDP A or FDP A.
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A. In order to reduce interior noise to a level of approximately 45 dBA Ldn, units

anticipated to be impacted by traffic noise from Braddock Road having levels
projected to be between 65 - 70 dBA Ldn, will have the following acoustical
treatment measures:

(i) Exterior walls will have a laboratory Sound Transmission Classification

(STC) rating of at least 39.

(ii) Doors, windows and glazing will have a laboratory STC rating of at least
28 unless glazing constitutes more than 20% of any fa9ade exposed to
noise levels between 65 and 70 dBA Ldn. If doors, windows and other
glazed areas constitute more than 20% of any facade impacted by noise,
they will have the same laboratory STC ratings specified for exterior
walls, or the Applicant will submit an acoustical analysis showing the
composite performance of the exterior walls including doors, windows and
glazing being equal to STC 39.

(iii) Adequate measures to seal and caulk between surfaces will be provided in
accordance with methods approved by the American Society for Testing
and Materials ("ASTM") to minimize sound transmission.

B. The Applicant reserves the right to pursue other methods of mitigating highway
noise impacts that can be demonstrated through an independent noise study as
reviewed and approved by LDS and DPD at the time of site plan, provided that
these methods will be effective in reducing interior noise levels for residential
units to approximately 45 dBA Ldn and exterior noise within outdoor recreation
areas to approximately 65 dBA Ldn.

C. Installation of features to mitigate noise not shown on the CDP/FDP may be

permitted at site plan in response to the results of the noise study without
requiring approval of a PCA, CDP A or FDP A provided such features are
approved by the Zoning Administrator in consultation with other applicable
agencies as determined by the Zoning Administrator, and are in substantial
conformance with the CDP/FDP and these proffers.


A. Independent Living CCF Buildings. The Applicant will seek certification of the
CCF buildings, exclusive of the temporary marketing facility and the Assisted
Living Building, in accordance with the Earthcraft House Program as
demonstrated through documentation provided to LDS and DPD prior to the
issuance of the first RUP for each CCF building. An alternative certification may
be selected by the Applicant, subject to the review and approval of the
Environmental and Development Review Branch (EDRB) of DPD at the time of
site plan.
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B. Assisted Living Building. The Applicant will implement green building practices
for the common publicly accessible areas of the Assisted Living Building,
exclusive of individual Assisted Living Units:

(i) The Applicant will install only LED or fluorescent lamps in all interior
building lighting fixtures. The Applicant will provide a maximum lighting
power allowance of 1.25 watts/square foot, except to the extent a higher
power allowance is required by applicable federal, state and/or local
regulations or licensing. Prior to the issuance of a Non-RUP for the
Assisted Living Building the Applicant will provide proof of installation
and manufacturer's product data to the Environment and Development
Review Branch (EDRB) ofDPD.

(ii) The Applicant will install motion sensor flush valves and low-flow
plumbing fixtures that have a maximum water usage as follows, in
restroom facilities located in publicly accessible common areas of the CCF:

1) Water closet = 1.28 gallons per flush (gpf)

2) Urinals= 0.5 gpf
3) Showerheads = 2.0 gallons per minute (gpm), when
measured at a flowing water pressure of 80 pounds per
square inch
4) Lavatory Faucets = 1.5 gpm, when measured at a flowing
water pressure of 60 pounds per square inch

The Applicant will provide proof of installation and the manufacturer's

product data to the EDRB.

(iii) The Applicant will install new Energy Star, or equivalent, water heaters
and mechanical units. Installation locations and manufacturer's product
data, including the Energy Star Energy Guide, if installed, will be provided
to the EDRB prior to the issuance of a Non-RUP for the Assisted Living


A. Compliance With Zoning Ordinance. All outdoor and building-mounted lighting

provided on the Application Property by the Applicant will comply with the
Outdoor Lighting Standards of Section 14-900 of the Zoning Ordinance.

B. Parking Lot and Building Mounted Lighting. Light poles in surface parking lots
and building-mounted lighting will utilize shielded cut-off fixtures and be directed
inward and downward such that the lamp surface is not directly visible to adjacent
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A. Age Restricted Affordable Housing. The Affordable Housing will be located on

approximately 4.3 acres of the Application Property as shown on the CDP/FDP.

(i) The Applicant will enter into an agreement with a third-party non-profit
developer for the development of the Affordable Housing. As part of the
agreement, the land area associated with the Affordable Housing will be
conveyed or leased to the third-party at no cost no later than bond release
for the site development work performed by the Applicant in accordance
with Proffer 14.B. If the land area is leased, and the lease is not renewed
at the expiration of its term by the third-party non-profit developer or
leased to another affordable housing provider, the Applicant will dedicate
the land area and Affordable Housing building(s) to the Fairfax County
Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA).

(ii) The Affordable Housing will not be a part of the CCF and will be
constructed and operated by the third-party which is to be selected at the
Applicant's discretion.

(iii) The agreement referenced in Proffer 14.A(i) will include the provision of a
van or shuttle service between the Affordable Housing and the
Community Recreation Facility. This service may, but is not required to,
include other stops. This service will be available to the Affordable
Housing residents at no charge on an as-needed basis, commencing upon
the issuance of the first RUP for the Affordable Housing or the issuance of
the first Non-RUP for the Community Recreation Facility, whichever
occurs later. Residents of the Affordable Housing will be advised of the
availability of this service at the time they enter into a lease. If it is
determined by the Applicant, its successors or assigns, as demonstrated to
FCDOT, that the service is not utilized by the Affordable Housing
residents after three (3) years of operation following the issuance of the
final RUP for the Affordable Housing, the service may be terminated. In
the event the service is terminated in accordance with this proffer, the
Applicant, or its successors or assigns, may, but is not required to,
reinstate the service in the future without the need for a PCA, CDP A or

(iv) The Affordable Housing will be affordable to households earning up to

sixty percent (60%) of the area median income (AMI), and will be
restricted to individuals sixty-two (62) years and older in accordance with
all applicable state and federal fair housing regulations.

(v) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Applicant, or its successors or assigns,

reserves the right to enter into a separate written agreement with the
appropriate Fairfax County agency as to the terms and conditions of the
administration of the Affordable Housing. Such an agreement will be on
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terms mutually acceptable to the Applicant, its successors or assigns, and

Fairfax County and may occur after approval of this application. Neither
the Board nor the County will be obligated to execute such an agreement.
If such an agreement is executed by all applicable parties, then the
Affordable Housing will be administered solely in accordance with such
agreement. Such an agreement and any modifications thereto will be
recorded in the land records of Fairfax County.

B. Site Development. In order to facilitate the construction of the Affordable

Housing, prior to the issuance of the first RUP for the first new building in the
CCF, exclusive of the temporary marketing facility, the Applicant will:

(i) Demolish the existing buildings, and perform preliminary clearing and
grading reasonably necessary to prepare the area for construction;

(ii) Install any necessary utility connections to the property line, at a

minimum, and stormwater management facilities for the Affordable
Housing to be located on and/or off-site from the Affordable Housing
parcel; and

(iii) Provide, at no cost to the third-party, any necessary easements,

permissions and/or other agreements as deemed reasonably necessary by
the Applicant to allow for the construction of the Affordable Housing.

The work described in this proffer will be performed by and at the sole cost and
expense of the Applicant. The Applicant will be responsible for securing the
required site plan and other approvals necessary to perform this work.

C. Value of Land and Site Improvements. Prior to the issuance of the first RUP for
the first new building constructed as part of the CCF development, exclusive of
the temporary marketing facility, the Applicant will demonstrate that the
combined value of the land area provided for the Affordable Housing in
accordance with Proffer 14.A and the site improvements performed by the
Applicant in accordance with Proffer 14.B is equal to or greater than the sum of
three dollars ($3. 00) per square foot of the total GF A of the CCF as identified on
the CDP/FDP. In the event that the combined value of the land area and site
improvements is less than this amount, the Applicant will provide the difference
as a monetary contribution to the Fairfax County Housing Trust Fund.

D. Timing. No RUPs for the fifth (5th) CCF building that includes Independent
Living units, exclusive of the Assisted Living Building, will be issued until the
third-party non-profit developer has: (1) secured all financing necessary,
including Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, if applicable, and (2) obtained a
building permit to allow construction of the Affordable Housing. Additionally, in
no event may the Applicant proceed with the construction of the seventh (7th)
CCF building until the first RUP is issued for the Affordable Housing. In the
event that construction and/or occupancy of the Affordable Housing is delayed
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due to factors outside the Applicant's control despite diligent pursuit thereof, the
Applicant may request a determination from the Zoning Administrator to allow
construction of additional CCF units.

E. Architecture and Design. The architecture and design of the Affordable Housing
will be determined within the discretion of the third-party non-profit developer.
The Applicant reserves the right to review, comment on and reasonably approve
the architectural design and materials of the Affordable Housing building(s) for
compatibility with the architecture and materials of the CCF buildings, provided
that such approval is not unreasonably withheld so as to cause a delay in the
construction of the Affordable Housing.


A. Subject to the approval of LDS, the Applicant will implement a Stormwater

Management (SWM) and Best Management Practices (BMP) plan to control the
quantity and quality of stormwater runoff from the Application Property. The
Applicant will provide stormwater management facilities as shown on the
CDP/FDP. The Applicant will meet or exceed the minimum State and Fairfax
County requirements for stormwater quantity and quality, unless otherwise
waived or modified. The Applicant will achieve one hundred percent (100%) of
the phosphorous load reduction through the provision of on-site BMP facilities.
SWM and BMP facilities will be phased with development of the CCF.

B. The Applicant reserves the right to pursue additional SWM and/or BMP measures
provided the same are in substantial conformance with the CDP/FDP. In the
event that alternative SWM and/or BMP measures are selected and additional
clearing is necessary, the Applicant will coordinate with UFMD and SDID at the
time of site plan to ensure that the amount of additional clearing is minimized.

C. Should new stormwater management regulations be issued affecting the

Application Property, the Applicant will have the right to accommodate necessary
changes to its stormwater/BMP facility designs without the requirement of a PCA,
CDP A or FDP A, or gain approval of any administrative modifications to the
CDP/FDP or proffers, provided the facility's design substantially conform with
the CDP/FDP.


A. Signs. Signs on the Application Property will be permitted in accordance with

Article 12 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Applicant reserves the right to pursue a
Comprehensive Sign Plan for the Application Property.

B. Timing of Completion. Upon demonstration by the Applicant that, despite

diligent efforts or due to factors beyond the Applicant's control, construction of
any of the required improvements described herein has been delayed beyond the
timeframes specified, the Zoning Administrator may agree to a later date for
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completion of such improvement without the necessity of a PCA, CDP A or


C. Successors and Assigns. These proffers will bind and inure to the benefit of the
Applicant and its successors and assigns. Each reference to "Applicant" in this
proffer statement will include within its meaning and will be binding upon the
Applicant's successor(s) in interest and/or the owners from time to time of any
portion of the Application Property during the period of their ownership. Once
portions of the Application Property are sold or otherwise transferred, the
associated proffers become the obligation of the purchaser or other transferee and
will no longer be binding on the seller or other transferor.

D. Escalation. All monetary contributions required by these proffers will escalate on

a yearly basis from the base year of 2020, and change effective each January 1
thereafter based on the Consumer Price Index as published by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, the U.S. Department of Labor for the Washington-Baltimore
Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area, as permitted by Virginia State Code
Section 15.2-2303.3.3.

A0870578 .DOC / l Proffers (cln 7-02-19) 007318 000005




By: Erickson Living Properties, LLC, Sole Member


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