Young Tax Professional of The Year 2020

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Young Tax

Professional of
the Year 2020
Young Tax Professional of the Year 2020

The search for the

Young Tax Professional
of the Year 2020 is on!
Netherlands Russia
United France
States China Japan
Spain Turkey
Germany Italy



South Africa

EY Young Tax Professional of the The stage is now set for YTPY cognitive abilities, personality
Year (YTPY) is an international 2020 and we wanted to extend traits, their understanding of tax
competition designed to recognize an invite to your students to be and their presentation skills across
and foster the next generation part of this competition. It will multiple stages that involve online
of tax leaders. Originally started allow them to collaborate and tests, case studies, presentations
in 2011 with 9 countries, the compete with other aspiring and group discussions.
current iteration of YTPY brings talent from various cities. This
The winner of the EY GDS
together future tax leaders from unique platform gives them
competition will have the
across 18 countries. an opportunity to learn about
opportunity to win exciting prizes
the constantly changing tax
The tax environment is constantly and will be personally coached
environment and the qualities
transforming to reflect legislative, by EY GDS tax leaders to be
that would help them succeed
regulatory and technological successful at the EY Global Finale
in a global organization.
changes. Now more than ever, Tax and beyond. In November 2020,
is taking a seat at the global table, EY Global Delivery Services (GDS) local country winners from across
traversing borders to highlight the is on the lookout for a dynamic the world will come together
power in international, multilateral young leader to represent us at to take part in the Global YTPY
thinking and decision-making. the Global Finale. The EY GDS Finale and the winner will be
local competition brings together crowned as the EY Young tax
Reflecting on this landscape, the
talented minds across the country Professional of the Year 2020.
competition places a strategic
to compete for this opportunity.
emphasis on digital readiness and
Participants will be tested on their
Young Tax Professional of the Year 2020

YTPY is a great platform for promising
graduates to differentiate themselves
from their peers. It’s an opportunity to
showcase their prowess to the EY Leaders
and academia judges while simultaneously
working in collaboration with other YTPY
winners coming together from different parts
of the world.

Ashutosh Rathor
Tax Leader, EY Global Delivery Services
Member, Global Tax Executive Committee

What’s in it for the colleges?

A chance for
An unparalleled Foster a stronger your institution
experience for relationship with to standout in
your students EY a competitive

What’s in it for the students?

Opportunity to
interact with
Exciting Potential Global
Tax leaders
rewards internship at EY experience
from around
the globe
Young Tax Professional of the Year 2020

Flashback YTPY

Hear it from the winners

YTPY has been one of the most memorable
experiences so far. It has taught me so much

The YTPY program has broadened my
understanding of Tax and how it impacts the
about Tax and business environment, which society. It has given me a platform to connect
has helped me to be fearless, spontaneous with like-minded peers across different colleges
and to communicate with confidence. It was and B-schools. The golden prospect of working
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet EY with the senior leadership of EY GDS and
global Tax leaders and amazing people from hopefully globally in Amsterdam, has given me
20 different countries. an opportunity to gain insight on how EY is
building a better working world.

Rajat Garg
Vaishnavi Viswanathan
GDS YTPY 2019 Winner,
GDS YTPY 2018 Winner,
Narsee Monjee Institute of
Stella Maris College
Management Studies
August 2020 Empower your students
Competition Launch with a vision to pursue a
fulfilling career in Tax
November 2020
Global Finale

For any questions, contact

Bhavna Girdhar Follow us on
[email protected] Insta & Linkedin
Margaret Sengupta #GDSTax
[email protected]

EY | Assurance | Tax | Strategy and Transactions | Consulting

About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services.
The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in
the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding
leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so
doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people,
for our clients and for our communities.

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the
member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate
legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by
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have under data protection legislation are available via
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All Rights Reserved.

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This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied
upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.

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