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Vocabulary 3 Complete the sentences by adding a suitable particle below

1 Complete the passage with the words and phrases below. to the words in bold and continuing with your own words.
There are more words and phrases than you need. up • to • in • down
involved in • decline • wildlife sanctuary • shelter • disturb • aware 1.The reason I’ve always looked up .....................................................
of • guilty of • for the time being • soil • crops • long-term effects •
researchers • in no time at all • die out • make up 2.I didn’t live in a city until I was 18. I was brought ..............................

Chernobyl: Three Decades Later 3.It’s not always easy to stand up ........................................................
4.My sister and I are very different .......................................................
In 1986, a large amount of radiation was released when a
terrible accident occurred at the nuclear power plant in the 5.With her purple hair, Megan definitely doesn’t blend .........................
city of Chernobyl, which was then part of the Soviet Union. 6.I’m trying to study! Please turn ..........................................................
1. ……………………………… the health problems
4 Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the
associated with radiation exposure, the government phrases below. Do not change the original meaning. One
evacuated the area’s residents. Following the disaster, as phrase is used more than once.
radiation entered the 2. ……………………………… and come across • make sense • take off • take after • take charge of •
water, many scientists assumed that plant and animal life hand in • wipe out • get rid of
would 3. ……………………………… . Instead, surprisingly, 1.Our flight departure was delayed by two hours.
plant and animal life recovered. ....................................................................................................
In fact, some 4. ……………………………… refer to
2.If you don’t want those old clothes, donate them to a
Chernobyl as Europe’s largest 5. ……………………………… charity shop.
. This is because there has been hardly any human activity ....................................................................................................
in the past 30 years to 6. ……………………………… them.
3.Sandra won’t be at work next week.
Animal populations that were on the 7. ………………………
prior to the disaster have grown. Some scientists
8. ……………………………… studying Chernobyl say it 4.My personality is similar to my grandmother’s.
could still be years before the 9. ……………………………… ....................................................................................................
are fully known. But 10. ……………………………… , nature 5.Since Mr Williams’ death, his son has been running the
there is thriving. company.
2 Complete the sentences with the words below and a
suitable suffix or prefix. 6.I just happened to see this article and thought it would
interest you.
practical • natural • equality • obey • understood • renew • ecology
• support • suit • concern ....................................................................................................
1.You’ll love working in our team. Everyone is very ………… 7.There was nothing logical about his explanation.
2.A sports car is …………………… for a family. ....................................................................................................
3.Deforestation affects …………………… balance. 8.Local farmers lost their crops because of the flood.
4.I don’t think he’s …………………… for this job. ....................................................................................................
5.Why did he …………………… the rules? 9.Your book reports are due on Friday.
6.I …………………… you. I thought you said to meet in the ....................................................................................................
7.Try to use more sources of …………………… energy.
8.I’m …………………… about the rising crime rate. 1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Some sentences may have
9.Many football players prefer playing on real grass, not on more than one correct answer.
…………………… plastic grass.
1.The vet is checking my dog’s eyes today.
10.She was shocked by the social …………………… in this
country. I’m ..............................................................................................
2.When did researchers start tracking the wolves? 4.The new park is …………………… designed by a
Japanese landscape designer.
How long ............................................................................................. ?
5.I’ll …………………… that information e-mailed to you by
3.I got the job only because of you.
our reservations office.
If it ........................................................................................................ .
6.If I were you, I …………………… buy an electric bicycle.
4.“Don’t put your hands into the tiger enclosure.” They’re great!
The zookeeper warned us ....................................................................
7.How many . new animal species ……………………
5.It’s too bad we weren’t able to pet the lion. discovered last year?
8.The guide
I wish .................................................................................................... . warned us …………………… to leave the trail
because it would be dangerous.
6.We must stop deforestation.
4 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not
Deforestation ........................................................................................ .
change the original meaning.
2 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words 1.This is the professor. I was telling you about her lecture.
in brackets. Where there is no word in brackets, use a suitable (whose)
relative pronoun. There may be more than one correct
2.“I haven’t even started working on my application,” Linda
Dogs for Conservation said. (admitted)
Maremma sheepdogs from Italy …………………… (use) 1.

for about 2,000 years as guard dogs to protect sheep and

3.Yesterday, I saw a cobra for the first time. (until)
goats. Now, these dogs 2. …………………… (employ) in
Australia to protect little penguins. Every year, the penguins
go to New Zealand and Southern Australia, the only places 4.More than 20 million people have watched this video. (by)
3. …………………… they lay eggs and raise chicks.

Decades ago, some little penguin colony populations began 5.We had planned to hire another sales assistant when
to drop. For example, Middle Island in Australia once had business picked up, but it didn’t. (hired)
about 1,500 birds. By 2005, the population 4. ………………
(fall) to fewer than ten. They 5. …………………… (wipe out) 6.Without a doubt, that man is the person who stole my bag.
by foxes, which 6. ………………… easily …………………… (must)
(can / walk) to Middle Island from the mainland during low
tide. While conservationists 7. …………………… (try)
various unsuccessful methods to protect the birds, an
organic egg farmer named Allan Marsh, 8. ……………………
chickens lived in large open spaces, suggested using
Maremmas. He 9. …………………… (use) the dogs for
years to protect his birds. Everyone was willing to try them
and the dogs were introduced on Middle Island in 2006.
Since then, the penguin population has grown to nearly 200
– which 10. …………………… (not happen) if the dogs hadn’t
protected them.

3 Complete the sentences with a suitable word.

1.I …………………… be near cats when I was younger,
because I was allergic to them.
2.The clerk with …………………… I spoke was very helpful.
3.He’s been recommending that film to everyone. He
…………………… have really loved it.
1.couldn’t 5. have / get
Vocabulary 2.whom 6. would
3.must 7. were
1 1. Aware of 6. disturb 4.being8. not
2. soil 7. decline
3. die out 8. involved in 4
4. researchers 9. long-term effects 1.This is the professor whose lecture I was telling you about.
5. wildlife sanctuary 10. for the time being 2.Linda admitted (that) she hadn’t even started working on her
2 1. supportive 6. misunderstood 3.Until yesterday, I had never seen a cobra.
2. impractical 7. renewable 4.This video has been watched by more than
3. ecological 8. concerned 20 million people.
4. suitable 9. unnatural 5.We would have hired another sales assistant if business had
5. disobey 10. inequality picked up.
6.That man must have stolen my bag. / That must be the man
3 1. to 4. to
who / that stole my bag.
2. up 5. in
3. for 6. down
Accept all logical and grammatically correct continuations.
4Possible answers
1.Our plane took off two hours late.
2.If you want to get rid of those old clothes, donate them to a
charity shop.
3.Sandra is taking next week off.
4.I take after my grandmother.
5.Since Mr Williams’ death, his son has taken charge of the
6.I just happened to come across this article and thought it
would interest you.
7.His explanation didn’t make sense.
8.Local farmers’ crops were wiped out by the flood.
9.You must hand in your book reports on Friday.

1.having / getting my dog’s eyes checked today
2.have researchers been tracking the wolves / have the wolves
been tracked by researchers
3.hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t have got the job
4.not to put our hands into the tiger enclosure
5.we had been able to pet the lion / we could have petted the
6.must be stopped
1.have been used
2.are being employed
3.where / that
4.had fallen
5.had been / were wiped out
6.can … walk
7.were trying
9.has used / has been using / had used /
had been using
10.wouldn’t have happened

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