Questionnaire: Subject: Questionnaire On Buying Behavior of Youth in Delhi NCR While Purchasing A Smart Phone

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Subject: Questionnaire on buying behavior of youth in Delhi NCR while purchasing a

smart phone.


Socio-demographic factors. Please Tick “√” in the box that best describes you.

1. Name of Respondent (optional):

2. Gender:

Male Female

3. Age:

Below 20 years 20 - 30 years

30 - 40 years 40 - 50 years

Above 50 years

4. Educational qualification:

Less than HSC Graduate

Post Graduate Diploma


5. Annual Income in:

Less than 100000 100000 – 200000

200000 – 500000 More than 500000

No. Description Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

1. Smart phone are more

convenient, reliable, and
useful than normal mobile
2. Smart phone are more
fashionable, stylish, and
3. The price/quality relationship
is acceptable in Smart phone,
as I can enjoy other free
services (e.g. email, voice-
mail, Skype, word processor
& other apps) anywhere I
4. Smart phone has good
Integration of wide range of
functions and services.

5. Smart phone bigger screen

and full keyboard make
different functions easier to
6. Price is the most important
factor when purchasing
Smart phone.

7. I compare prices of other

Smart phone’s brands and
store brands before I choose

8. I buy Smart phone because

they are worth to use
regarding with their price &
usage quality.

9. I am uncertain which Smart

phone’s brands provide real
value for money in terms of
product quality.
10. The cheapness of some Smart
phone’s brand suggests to me
that they may have some
risks, such
as low quality.

11. Smart phone is compatible

and fit with my needs.

12. Smart phone is compatible

and fit with my lifestyle /
working style.

13. Smart phone is fit with my

habits of using cell phones.
14. Smart phone is a good
complement to the traditional
mobile phones
for me.

15. Smart phone can fulfill my

wants and needs in current

16. Friends and family are very

helpful to me in making
decision of buying smart

17. I will ask the opinions from

my friends and family
buying a smart phone.
18. Friends and family give me
valuable advice when I buy a
smart phone.

19. I trust my friends and family

about their opinions and
advices of smart phone.

20. I will purchase a smart phone

because my friends and
family recommend to me.

21. I intend to purchase smart

phone in the near future.
22. I search for information
about smart phone from time
to time.

23. I always talk about smart

phone with my friends.

24. Purchasing of smart phone is

beneficial for my daily

25. I willing recommend my

Friend to buy smart phone.

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