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Engenharia Agrícola

ISSN: 1809-4430 (on-line)




Yeison F. B. Rodriguez1, Nelson G. Guzman1*, Joel G. Hernandez1

Corresponding author. Universidad Surcolombiana/ Neiva, Colombia.
E-mail: [email protected] | ORCID ID:

caffeine, coffee The objective of this work was to study the influence of two postharvest processing
roasting, coffee methods on the biochemical composition and sensory analysis of a Colombian specialty
processing, cup coffee. For this purpose, coffee beans (Coffea arabica) of the Castillo variety were
quality, chlorogenic collected and processed using the wet and semi-dry methods, and the drying process was
acids. conducted in a sun drier prototype with a plastic parabolic cover, with a maximum drying
air temperature of 50 °C; green coffee beans were managed according to the official
Specialty Coffee Association cupping protocol and roasted to a medium and dark degree.
Physicochemical determinations (pH, color, titratable acidity, caffeine content, and
chlorogenic acid quantification) in green coffee and roasted coffee beans were performed;
the sensory analysis was performed by a panel of trained tasters. The wet and semi-dry
processing methods resulted in differences in color parameters, pH values, and caffeine
content. However, the titratable acidity, chlorogenic acid, and sensory evaluation did not
have any difference; therefore, the type of coffee processing method used is not relevant
to the final chemical properties of the roasted coffee (i.e., the Castillo variety) evaluated in
this study; the coffee cup score is also not affected, and the post-fermentation washing
process can be dispensed with.

INTRODUCTION and good agricultural practices (Di Donfrancesco et al.,

2019). Postharvest processing is thought to be a key factor
The sensory characteristics of Colombian coffee contributing to a high-quality coffee. Coffee beans are
imbue it with one of the highest prices on the international processed either by the wet, semi-dry, or dry method
market (Barjolle et al., 2017). At the end of 2018, (Duarte et al., 2010). The wet process is the most common
Colombian coffee production exceeded 13.5 million bags in Colombia; it removes the mucilage by adding water.
(Federación Nacional de Cafeteros, 2019), a figure that The main disadvantage of this method lies in the disposal
positions the country as the third largest producer of coffee of the waste generated by coffee processing, where both
worldwide. Colombia contains different coffee producing wet pulp and water solutions with a high content of
regions, with one of them being the department of Huila; organic load are discharged, thus modifying the acidity of
its ideal agro-ecological characteristics for cultivation have the water supply, which in turn increases the turbidity as a
made it the highest coffee producing area. Among the consequence of the large amount of suspended solids
varieties of coffee that have the highest volume of (Vellema et al., 2015).
production is the Castillo variety; its agronomic attributes In the semi-dry method, beans are fermented but
offer a tolerance of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in not washed. Washing is a step that can be omitted since it
regions at elevations below 1600 m above sea level. In does not affect the quality of the cup; environmental
areas with an elevation higher than 1600 m where the impact and production costs are however reduced (Dadi et
incidence of rust decreases, the Castillo variety has greater al., 2018). Once the parchment is obtained, beans then
productive potential (Alvarado et al., 2005). The continue to the roasting process; varying levels of roast,
department of Huila is known for its production of depending on the preferences of the consumer, are
specialty coffees whose exceptional sensory characteristics delivered. In Colombia, two levels of roast stand out:
and cup profile are associated with small-scale harvests medium and dark. Medium roasts result in a more
Universidad Surcolombiana / Neiva, Colombia.
Area Editor: Gizele Ingrid Gadotti
Received in: 7-25-2018
Accepted in: 12-13-2019
Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.177-183, mar./apr. 2020
Yeison F. B. Rodriguez, Nelson G. Guzman, Joel G. Hernandez 178

balanced aroma and flavor, while coffees with a higher for an extract of 2.25 g of ground coffee in 50 ml of water
level of roast deliver stronger flavors which mask some of at 80 °C, which was then brought to room temperature to
the defects in the final drink (SCAA, 2015). The aim of perform the measurement (Mazzafera, 1999). Titratable
this study is to evaluate the effects of wet and semi-dry acidity was evaluated by titration with NaOH, according to
processing methods on the chemical composition of AOAC (1995). The results were expressed in milligrams
Castillo variety coffee samples, for green coffee, medium (mg) of chlorogenic acids in relation to grams (g) of coffee.
roast, and dark roast; the effects of fermentation
Chlorogenic acids and caffeine
processing in sensory evaluation are also examined.
The determination of chlorogenic acid (CGA) and
MATERIAL AND METHODS caffeine content was performed by HPLC (LaChrom Elite
Samples Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a self-sampler
(model L-2200) and a UV detector (model L)-2400). The
Forty kilograms of coffee cherries of the Castillo separation was carried out for 24 min with a C18 column
variety (Coffea arabica) were harvested at an altitude of (150 × 4.6 mm i.d. 5 μm) (Scharlab, Barcelona, Spain). In
1650 m above sea level; only beans with an intense red the mobile phases a gradient of MeOH, water, and glacial
coloration were selected. The samples were deposited in acetic acid was used. Readings were made for chlorogenic
polystyrene containers with cooling gels to avoid early acid at 324 nm and for caffeine at 280 nm; in both cases,
fermentation and were later transported to the coffee 200 μl was injected at a flow rate of 1 ml/min.
processing pilot plant at the Universidad Surcolombiana;
20 kg of coffee cherries were processed with the wet ATR-FTIR analysis
method, and the remaining 20 kg were processed using the The spectrum measurements were made with an
semi-dry method, and in both cases the fermentation ART-FTIR CARY 630 spectrometer (Agilent, Santa Clara,
process was carried out at room temperature (27 ± 4 °C). CA, USA), between the wavelengths 3100-800 (cm-1),
Fermentation began, for both methods, at a pH of 5.81 ± with a resolution of 4 cm-1, and 20 scanners. Once the
0.014, and continued until a pH of 4.59 ± 0.107 was spectra were obtained, the areas of reported peaks of
reached. Subsequently, the drying process was carried out interest for caffeine, CGA, and lipids were integrated with
in a prototype sun dryer with a plastic polyethylene the Resolution Pro FTIR software (Agilent, Santa Clara,
transparent parabolic cover; a temperature of 50 °C is CA, USA).
reached in the dryer, and the moisture content of the
samples was reduced to 11.3% (w.b.) ± 0.05 and 11.0% Sensory analysis
(w.b.) ± 0.10 for the wet and semi-dry processes,
The sensory analysis was performed by 10 trained
respectively. The hulling process was carried out in a
tasters, with five cups per treatment, according to the
laboratory hulling machine (ING-C-200, Ingesec, Bogotá,
methodology established by Di Donfrancesco et al., 2014;
Colombia), followed by the selection of non-defective
the sensory analyses were conducted only for the semi-dry
coffee beans (Tolessa et al., 2016). The coffee beans were
and wet methods with a medium level roaster, owing to the
passed through a No. 13 sieve with a diameter of 5 mm to
eliminate the smaller beans, for both process methods. The specifications of the SCA Protocol.
non-defective green coffee beans, obtained by processing Statistical analysis
20 kg of cherry coffee, were divided into two equal parts,
to be roasted in a Laboratory Quantik roaster (TC-150R, The results of the analytical and sensory
Quantik, Colombia); 150 g batches of green coffee for determinations were processed from an analysis of the
each process method were put in the roaster machine to an variance (one-way or multifactor ANOVA) with a
entry temperature of 180 °C, with two levels of roasting confidence level of 95%. Mean comparison analyses were
defined according to luminosity (L*) measurements: performed to identify statistically significant differences of
medium (21.0 < L* < 23.5) and dark (19.0 < L* < 21.0) the parameters evaluated between the different categories.
roasts (Craig et al., 2012); all assays were carried out in The statistical procedures were carried out with
triplicate. Statgraphics Centurion XVI (Manugistics Inc., Rockville,
Analytical determinations
The colors of the green and roasted samples were Table 1 shows the mean values and the standard
obtained using a Konica Minolta colorimeter (CR-410, deviation for the physicochemical parameters. When
N.J., USA), represented in the coordinates L*, a*, and b* evaluating the effect of the degree of roast, significant
(Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage, CIE). differences were found (p < 0.05) for all the parameters,
mainly due to the occurrence of multiple chemical reactions
pH and titratable acidity during the roasting process. Regarding the effect of the type
The pH was determined by a properly calibrated pH of processing method, there were significant differences
meter with a glass electrode (Starter 5000, OHAUS, USA) (p < 0.05) for the parameters of color, pH, and caffeine.

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.177-183, mar./apr. 2020

Effect of the postharvest processing method on the biochemical composition and sensory analysis of arabica coffee 179

TABLE 1. Mean values ± standard deviation of color parameters L*: lightness, a*: redness, b*: yellowness, pH, titratable
acidity, CGA, and caffeine, in green and roasted samples.
Wet process Semi-dry process α
Dark Medium Dark
Green coffee Medium roast Green coffee (R) (P)
roast roast roast
L* 43.8±0.3 Aa 24.5±0.4Ba 20.5±0.1Ca 44.5±0.3 Aa 24.8±0.4 Ba 21.4±0.3 Ca *** ns
a* 1.7±0.1Aa 9.0±0.1 Ba 7.1±0.1Ba 2.3±0.1Aa 8.7±0.3Ba 7.3±0.1Ba *** ns
b* 11.8±0.1Aa 9.5±0.1Ba 6.2±0.1Ca 13.6±0.1Ab 9.4±0.3Ba 6.6±0.1Ca *** ns
pH 6.1±0.1Aa 4.9±0.1Ba 5.0±0.1Ca 6.1±0.1Aa 4.8±0.1Bb 4.8±0.2Cb *** ***
Titratable Acidity 3.1±0.2Aa 36.5±0.7Ba 37.9±0.7Ca 2.9±0.1Aa 37.9±2.1Ba 37.2±1.4Ba *** ns
48.9±0.9Aa 8.8±0.2Ba 8.0±0.1Ba 50.4±2.2Aa 9.7±0.4Ba 8.7±1.1Ba *** ns
29.9±0.9Aa 17.0±0.1Ba 17.2±0.5Ba 35.6±0.9Ab 14.1±0.6Bb 13.3±1.3Bb *** **
Different uppercase letters indicate significant differences for roasting levels (R). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences
for the processing method (P). ns: not significant. * p < 0.05. ** p < 0.01. *** p < 0.001.

In the color coordinates L*, a*, and b* in green to time and temperature, variables that also affect the CGA
coffee, the samples of the semi-dry processing method content in coffee beans. The higher the processing speed,
presented higher values than the samples of the wet the lower the CGA loss (Farah & Duarte, 2015), which is
processing method; this is due to the fact that the beans evidenced in the magnitudes obtained for the two
had dried with adhering mucilage, enhancing the values of postharvest processing methods: 8.828 ± 0.197 mg/g
the color coordinates; these differences, attributable to the medium roast and 8.021 ± 0.111 mg/g dark roast for the
processing method, are not found in roast beans, even in wet processing method, 9.661 ± 0.429 mg/g medium roast
beans with mucilage, because of the caramelization and 8.754 ± 1.145 mg/g dark roast for the semi-dry
reactions that generate the homogeneous brown color. In processing method.
fact, the effect of the temperature decreases the differences The values obtained for the caffeine content were
caused by the mucilage residues. Other authors (Lee et al., higher in the green coffee samples, as compared to the
2017) have reported similar results. The pH values were roasted samples; this is because the observed caffeine
higher for the samples obtained with the wet processing content can be influenced by the roasting process (Burdan,
method. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) 2015). The samples of medium roast and dark roast
between the postharvest processing method and the roasted processed with the semi-dry processing method presented
samples; with longer roasting times (dark roasting), the pH the lowest levels of caffeine (14.11 ± 0.61 mg/g and 13.33
values increased (Daglia et al., 2000; Duarte et al., 2005); ± 1.34 mg/g); however, the level of caffeine observed in
this increase in pH alters the degree of ionization of the green coffee beans had the lowest values in samples
chemical compounds that improve the taste of the utilizing the wet method. The measured values of caffeine
beverage (Ky et al., 2001). Regarding the values of in green coffee are comparable with the ranges reported by
titratable acidity and CGA content, the type of processing Liang et al. (2016), and by Jeszka-Skowron et al. (2016),
method does not have any significant effect (p > 0.05); while for medium and dark roasts the levels are in the
however, it was observed that as the degree of roasting range described for arabica coffee by Wang & Lim (2015).
increases, the CGA content decreases and titratable acidity Caffeine levels are relatively stable despite being subjected
increases, which represents an inverse relationship to heat during roasting (Garg, 2015), although lower
between the two variables. The values found for CGA in values tend to be present in coffee with dark roasts than in
green coffee are within the ranges reported by other coffee with lower roasts (Wang and Lim, 2015), as
authors (Ky et al., 2001; Farah et al., 2005; Moon et al., evidenced by the values of caffeine acquired from the
2009; Hečimović et al., 2011; Han et al., 2017; Worku et roasted samples using the semi-dry processing method of
al., 2017). In the roasting step, processing speed is related this study.

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.177-183, mar./apr. 2020

Yeison F. B. Rodriguez, Nelson G. Guzman, Joel G. Hernandez 180

While performing the analysis for the results of the multifactor ANOVA (Table 2), it was observed that the degree of
roasting presented differences (p < 0.05) for all of the evaluated parameters; the postharvest processing method factors showed
significant differences (p < 0.05) for the color coordinate a*, pH, and caffeine. The interaction of the factors (RxP) was
significant (p < 0.05) for the color coordinate b*, pH, and the titratable acidity.

TABLE 2. F-ratio and significance levels, obtained in multifactor ANOVA, for the physicochemical parameters according to
the factors: degree of roasting (R) and process (P) and their interaction (R x P).
L* 2210.80*** 15.70** 1.59ns
a* 3296.78** 5.835* 13.52*
b* 235.00*** 2.28ns 5.47**
pH 45312.64*** 327.27*** 187.36***
Titratable Acidity 4212.83*** 1.43ns 10.56**
CGAs 1233.85*** 1.68ns 3.12ns
mg / g 25.26*** 66.49*** 3.19ns
ns: not significant. ** p < 0.01. *** p < 0.001

ATR- FTIR analysis

Figure 1 shows the spectra of the green coffee samples and the roasted samples, for the two postharvest processing
methods. For CGA, authors have related the bands of 1700-1600 cm-1 (Ribeiro et al., 2010), however, because CGA is a family
of esters formed between certain transcinamic acids and quinic acid (Clifford, 2000), absorption is present in the region of
1450-1000 cm-1 (Lyman, 2003).

FIGURE 1. Average ATR-FTIR spectra from green, medium roasted, and dark roasted coffee. (A) wet process and (B)
semi-dry process

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.177-183, mar./apr. 2020

Effect of the postharvest processing method on the biochemical composition and sensory analysis of arabica coffee 181

The C-O axial deformation of quinic acid occurs in The mean value of the areas involved at the 1742
the range of 1085-1050 cm-1. Within this range, the band cm-1 wavelength, in the green and roasted coffee samples,
1067 cm−1 is attributed to structures of pyruvic acid, showed no difference (p > 0.05); this wavelength is
pyridine, and quinic acid (Dias et al., 2018). The ester associated with an aliphatic ester to the C-O carbonyl
bond C-O-C is also absorbed in the range of 1300-1000 vibration; therefore, its presence in the medium infrared
cm-1; this may be partially due to chlorogenic acids (Craig spectrum can be attributed to the presence of lipids
et al., 2012). The above information agrees with both the (Lyman et al., 2003; Gallignani et al., 2008), which is also
absorbance peaks obtained in the samples studied and the related to C = O stretching and to different functional
range of 1450-1000 cm-1 reported by Reis et al. (2013). groups including aliphatics, aromatic acids, aldehydes,
The obtained results show that in the length of 1701 cm-1 ketones, and lactones, all of which are compounds that
the peak obtained was more acute for the green coffee give different aromas to coffee, making it an important
samples compared to the roasted coffee samples; region of the spectrum (Craig et al., 2015).
additionally, at the wavelength of 1376 cm-1, a change in
the shape of the peak was observed; this generated higher Sensory analysis
values in the quantification of the areas by the Resolution The coffee postharvest processing method did not
Pro software (Table 3). When comparing the quantification
affect the total cup score, for the Castillo variety evaluated
of the areas with the concentrations obtained by the HPLC
in this study (p > 0.05); the mean value for the semi-dry
method, it was observed that green coffee samples have a
processing method was 85.938 ± 0.569, while the value for
higher CGA content, and the ATR-FTIR technique did not
the wet processing method was 84.125 ± 0.415; therefore
differentiate between the medium and dark roast samples.
both treatments could be defined as specialty coffees.
In relation to caffeine; records related to the 1659
cm-1 band have been reported (Lyman et al., 2003; Craig et All of the individually evaluated attributes (Figure
al., 2012); in this study, the band moved to 1650 cm-1 2) did not present any differences (p > 0.05), but it was
which is agreement with the range of 1650-1600 cm-1 of evident that the results for the attributes of fragrance /
the infrared spectrum (Gallignani et al., 2008; Craig et al., aroma, aftertaste, acidity, and body that resulted from wet
2014) region in which the cyclic amides absorbing caffeine processing method were, on average, higher than the
content showed significant differences in the integration of samples processed with the semi-dry processing method.
the areas. The green coffee samples showed the highest In addition, it was observed that the parameters of
values which relates the decrease or proportion of caffeine uniformity, balance, clean cup, and sweetness increased
directly to the coffee’s degree of roast. Additionally, Figure the overall rating. Finally, this result confirms that the
1 shows that the caffeine peak is much more pronounced for cupping protocol is only designed to evaluate the quality
the green coffee samples compared to the peaks obtained for threshold used to classify samples as specialty coffees (Di
the two degrees of roasting. Donfrancesco et al., 2014).

Semi-dry process
10 Wet process

FIGURE 2. Average score of the attributes evaluated in the samples of Castillo coffee with wet and semi-dry processing
method. Mean values ± SD (n = 10). Bars indicate the standard deviation.

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.177-183, mar./apr. 2020

Yeison F. B. Rodriguez, Nelson G. Guzman, Joel G. Hernandez 182

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Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.177-183, mar./apr. 2020

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