General Anesthesia: by Dr. Anindya
General Anesthesia: by Dr. Anindya
General Anesthesia: by Dr. Anindya
General anesthetics (GAs) are drugs which:
It is a controlled state of unconsciousness, accompanied by partial or complete loss of protective reflexes,
including the inability to independently maintain an airway or respond purposefully to verbal command.
It is a state of mind obtained by IV administration of combination of anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics
&/or analgesic that render the patient relaxed, yet allows the patient to communicate, maintain patent
airway and ventilate adequately.
It is a depressed level of consciousness with some blunting of protective reflex, although it remains
possible to arouse the patient.
A general term used for any technique of anxiety reduction in which no drugs are given
Relief of anxiety through the doctor’s behavior - it is one of the form of psychosedation
Ether synthesized in 1540 by cordus
General anesthesia was absent until the mid-1800s.
Ether used as anesthetic in 1842 by dr. Crawford W.Long
1846 – Oliver Wendell Sr. “Anesthesia”
Insensibility during surgery produced by inhalation of ether.
William T. G. Morton (dentist) was the first to publicly
demonstrate the use of ether during surgery(1846).
Chloroform used as anesthetic in 1853 by dr. John snow
1860 – Albert Niemann Cocaineas.
Endotracheal tube discovered in 1878
Thiopental first used in 1934
Curare first used in 1942 - opened the “Age of anesthesia”
For the patient –
Should be pleasant,
Non irritating,
Should not cause nausea or vomiting.
Induction and recovery should be fast with no after effects.
For the surgeon –
Should provide adequate analgesia,
Immobility and muscle relaxation.
It should be noninflammable and nonexplosive so that cautery
may be used.
For the anaesthetist –
Its administration should be easy, controllable and
It is a term used to describe the multidrug approach to managing the patient needs. Balanced
anesthesia takes advantage of drug’s beneficial effects while minimizing each agent’s adverse qualities.
A ‘balanced anesthesia’ is achieved by a combination of I.V and inhaled anesthesia and Preanesthetic
Guedel (1920) described four stages with ether anaesthesia, dividing the III stage into 4
The order of depression in the CNS is: Cortical centers→basal ganglia→spinal cord→medulla
• analgesia and amnesia, the patient is conscious and conversational. Starts from
beginning of anaesthetic inhalation and lasts upto the loss of consciousness
• Pain is progressively abolished
Stage of • Reflexes and respiration remain normal
Stages of
Guedel (1920) described four stages with ether
anesthesia, dividing the III stage into 4 planes.
The order of depression in the CNS is:
1. Cortical centers
2. Basal ganglia
3. Spinal cord
4. Medulla
Mechanisms of GA
GA (gases) are highly lipid soluble and therefore can easily enter in neurones
After entry causes disturbances in physical chemistry of neuronal membranes –
fluidization theory
Finally, obliteration of Na+ channel and refusal of depolarization
– Each subunit has N-terminal extracellular chain which contains the ligand-
binding site
Inhalational Intravenous
Volatile Slower
Gas Inducing agents
liquids acting
Inhalation anesthetics
• Common features of inhaled anesthetics
– Modern inhalation anesthetics are nonflammable, nonexplosive agents.
– Decrease cerebrovascular resistance, resulting in increased perfusion of the brain
– Cause bronchodilation, and decrease both minute ventilation and hypoxic
pulmonary vasoconstriction
Because gases move from one compartment to another within the body according to partial
pressure gradients, a steady state (SS) is achieved when the partial pressure in each of these
compartments is equivalent to that in the inspired mixture.
Anesthetic concentration in the inspired air (Alveolar wash-in):
replacement of the normal lung gases with the inspired anesthetic mixture.
The time required for this process is
directly proportional to the functional residual capacity of the lung,
inversely proportional to the ventilatory rate; it is independent of the physical properties of the gas.
Anesthetic uptake:
is the product of gas solubility in the blood, cardiac output, and the alveolar to venous partial pressure gradient of the anesthetic.
Solubility in the blood: called the blood/gas partition coefficient.
The solubility in blood is ranked in the following order: halothane > enflurane > isoflurane > sevoflurane > desflurane > n2o.
An inhalational anesthetic agent with low solubility in blood shows fast induction and also recovery time (e.g., N2O), and an agent
with relatively high solubility in blood shows slower induction and recovery time (e.g., halothane).
Wash out:
when the administration of anesthetics discontinued, the body now becomes the “source” that derives the anesthetic into the
alveolar space. The same factors that influence attainment of steady-state with an inspired anesthetic determine the time course of
clearance of the drug from the body. Thus N2O exits the body faster than halothane.
Inhalation sedation
Indication Contraindication
Uncooperative patient Patient with extreme anxiety
Mildly apprehensive patient Nasal obstruction, sinus problem, common cold
Medically compromised patient URTI
Patient with gaging reflex Serious psychiatry disorder
COPD patient
o Advantage Disadvantage
o Easy to administer Expensive equipment
o Rapid onset Occupational hazards from Nitrous
o Rapid uptake Oxide leakage
o Wide margin of safety
o Nausea-Vomiting uncommon
Nitrous oxide (N2O) “laughing gas”
It is a potent analgesic but a weak general anesthetic.
Rapid onset and recovery:
Does not depress respiration, and no muscle relaxation.
No effect on CVS or on increasing cerebral blood flow
Diffusion hypoxia:
speed of N2O movement allows it to retard oxygen uptake during recovery.
Synthesized in 1951
Blood gas partition coefficient 2.5
Potent anesthetic, rapid induction & recovery Weak analgesic (thus is usually coadministerd with
N2O, opioids)
Neither flammable nor explosive, sweet smell, non
irritant Is a strong respiratory depressant
Low incidence of post operative nausea and Is a strong cardiovascular depressant
Hypotensive effect
Not hepatotoxic in pediatric patient, and combined
Cardiac arrhythmias: if serious hypercapnia develops
with its pleasant odor, this makes it suitable in
due to hypoventilation and an increase in the plasma
children for inhalation induction
concentration of catecholamines
Malignant hyperthermia
It is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder of skeletal muscle that occurs in susceptible individuals undergoing general anesthesia with volatile agents and muscle relaxants (eg,
• hypertension,
• hyperthermia,
• hyperkalemi
• acid-base imbalance.
Rx Dantroline
Less potent than halothane, but produces rapid induction CNS excitation at twice the MAC, Can induce
and recovery seizure
~2% metabolized to fluoride ion, which is excreted by
the kidney
Has some analgesic activity
Differences from halothane:
Fewer arrhythmias,
less sensitization of the heart to catecholamines
greater potentiation of muscle relaxant
A very stable molecule that undergoes little
Not tissue toxic
Does not induce cardiac arrhythmias
Does not sensitize the heart to the action of
Produces concentration-dependent hypotension
due to peripheral vasodilation
It also dilates the coronary vasculature, increasing
coronary blood flow and oxygen consumption by
the myocardium, this property may make it
beneficial in patients with IHD.
• Like isoflurane, it decreases vascular resistance and perfuses all major tissues very well.
• Has low pungency, not irritating the airway during induction; making it suitable for induction
in children
• Metabolized by liver, releasing fluoride ions; thus, like enflurane, it may prove to be
• The most potent and the best analgesic anesthetic available for
clinical use. Nephrotoxic and thus seldom used.
Intravenous sedation
Advantage Disadvantage
Highly effective technique Venepuncture is necessary
Rapid onset of action Venepuncture complications
Patent vein is a safety factor Infiltration
Thiopental has minor effects on the CVS but it may cause sever
hypotension in hypovolemic or shock patient
All barbiturates can cause apnea, coughing, chest wall spasm,
laryngospasm, and bronchospasm
29 Intravenous anesthetics/Propofol
Phenol derivative
It is an IV sedative-hypnotic used in the induction and or maintenance of anesthesia.
Onset is smooth and rapid (40 seconds)
It is occasionally accompanied by excitatory phenomena, such as muscle twitching, spontaneous
movement, or hiccups.
Rate of Infusion – 30 mg/kg/min – amnesic
- 10 to 50 mg/kg/min – sedative dose
Full orientation occur with in 5 to 10 minute after stopping of infusion.
propofol ↓ ↓
General examination
Airway assessment
Respiratory system
Cardiovascular system
System related problems identified from the history
Mallampati Classification
Class I = visualize the soft palate, uvula, anterior and posterior pillars.
Class III = visualize the soft palate and the base of the uvula.
Class 1:
Lower incisors can bite upper lip
above vermillion line.
Class 2:
Lower incisors can bite upper lip
below vermillion line.
Class 3:
Lower incisors cannot bite the upper lip.
Interincisor distance (IID)
considered a potentially
difficult intubation.
Thyromental distance(TMD)
ASA II Mild systemic disease with no significant impact on daily activity Unlikely to have an
e.g. mild diabetes, controlled hypertension, obesity . impact
ASA III Severe systemic disease that limits activity e.g. angina, COPD, prior Probable impact
myocardial infarction 1.8-4.3%
ASA IV An incapacitating disease that is a constant threat to life e.g. CHF, Major impact
unstable angina, renal failure ,acute MI, respiratory failure requiring 7.8-23%
mechanical ventilation
ASA V Moribund patient not expected to survive 24 hours e.g. ruptured 9.4-51%
Factors Value
History Age > 70 years (5 point)
Myocardial infection with in 6 month (10 points)
Cardiac Exam Signs of CHF: ventricular gallop or JVD (11 points)
Significant aortic stenosis (3 points)
Electrocardiogram Arrhythmia other than sinus or premature atrial contractions (7 points)
5 or more PVC's per minute (7 points)
General Medical PO2 < 60; PCO2 > 50; K < 3; HCO3 < 20; BUN > 50; Creat > 3; elevated SGOT;
Conditions chronic liver disease; bedridden (3 points)
Operation Emergency (4 points)
Intraperitoneal, intrathoracic or aortic (3 points)
Breast milk 4
Infant formula 6
Nonhuman milk 6
Serve to
Relief of apprehension or anxiety
Amnesia of perioperative events
Antisialogogue effect
Reduction of stomach acidity
Prevention of nausea and vomiting
Vagolytic action
Facilitation of anesthetic induction
Prophylactic against allergies
Preanesthetic Medicine:
• Benzodiazepines; midazolam or diazepam: Anxiolysis & Amnesia.
• Barbiturates; pentobarbital: sedation
• Diphenhydramine: prevention of allergic reactions: antihistamines
• H2 receptor blocker- ranitidine: reduce gastric acidity.
Provide relief from apprehension & anxiety
Post-operative amnesia
anxiolytics but no analgesia – should not be given with opioids
Iv – 0.05-0.1 mg/kg (2 to 5 mg in 0.5 mg increment) – return to normal within 4
Intra-nasal dose – 0.6 mg/kg
Gold standard
Oral doses – 5-10 mg
With opioid can produce respiratory and cardiovascular depression
Drug antagonized the sedative and amnestic effect of midazolam
0.1 -0.5 mg
Short acting – preferably given in infusion form
Priorly used but now generally no use
Replaced by benzodiazepine
Doses – 50-200 mg orally
Action within 15 to 20 minute – duration last – 2 to 4 hr
Mainly antiemetic but can produce sedation
Doses – IV/IM – 2.5 to 7.5 mg
Sedation, anticholinergic and antio emetic effect
Always used with opioids
Lytic cocktail – 50 mg pethidine + 25 mg promethazine + 10 mg chlorpromazine
Antisialogogue + antihistaminic + sedative
Doses – Orally – 10 – 25 mg
Trimeperezine tartrate
Doses – 3-4 mg/kg – 2 hr preoperatively
Well absorbed after IM injection
Onset – 15 to 30 minute
Peak effect – 45 to 90 minute
Lasting for 4 hr
May cause – orthostatic hypotension, respiratory distress, addiction
Doses – 50 to 100 mg – IM / IV – single dose lasts for 2 to 4 hour
Highly potent drug
3 to 6 umg/kg – IM/IV
Respiratory depression
Increase heart rate by blocking acetylcholine on muscarinic
receptor in SA node
Atropine is more effective than glycopyrolate / scopolamine
Useful in preventing intraoperative bradycardia resulting from
vagal stimulation or carotid sinus stimulation
Atropine (0.5mg IM) also helps in preventing vasovagal attack Side Effects
Pupillary dilatation
- Domperidone (10mg oral) more preferred (does not produce extrapyramidal side effects)
- Ondansetron (4-8mg i.v.), a 5HT3 receptor antagonist, found effective in preventing post-
anaesthetic nausea & vomiting
- Ranitidine (150-300mg oral) or Famotidine (20-40mg oral) given night before & in morning along with
Metoclopramide reduces risk of gastric regurgitation & aspiration pneumonia
- Proton pump inhibitors like Omeprazole (20mg) with Domperidone (10mg) is preferred nowadays
Atropine/ Glycopyrolate – 30 min prior to surgery
Diazepam (0.25mg/kg) – orally night before procedure
For longer procedure – Midazolam (0.05-0.1mg/kg) – IM- 30 min prior to surgery
If pt. having pain – fentanyl (100mg) may be added to midazolam
Ca channel blocker
Eye drops
Anesthesia & Resuscitation equipment Oxygen therapy Equipment
Anesthesia machine Oxygen cylinder
Breathing circuit Oxygen flowmeter
Anesthetic mask Oxygen mask
Laryngoscope Nasal catheter/ prongs
Endotracheal tube Intravenous infusion equipment
Airways Scalp needle
Magill’s forceps Intravenous cannula
Mouth prop Bivalve (three way)
Resuscitation bag Infusion set
Monitoring equipment Intravenous fluids
Blood pressure monitor
Pulse oximeter
Respiratory gas monitor
Anesthesia Machine
To deliver a desired concentration of a mixture of anesthetic agents in an
inhalation form with oxygen and/or air – act as a vehicle to carry this
mixture to the outlet of the equipment.
Consist of
Cylinder of gases
Flow meter
Oxygen flush / emergency oxygen knob
Working platform and tray
Two type
Intermediate flow (Walton 5 machine)
Continuous flow (Boyle machine)
Intermediate machine
Gas flows on patient demand through DEMAND VALVE
– now a days obsolete
Delivery of hypoxic gas mixture
Lead to – brain damage / coma/ cardiac arrest/ death
To avoid newer anesthetic machine has – hypoxic gas
mixture alarm
Reservoir bag
Excursion (rhythmical inflation + deflation) – allows visual monitoring of patient breathing
Expiratory valve
Spring loaded valve (Heidbrink Valve)
Non-rebreathing valve
Magill’s system – a single corrugated tubing
Bain’s system – coaxial tubing
Closed circuit – double tubing – inspiratory / expiratory
Anesthetic mask
Nasopharyngeal airway
Endotracheal tube
Nasotracheal tube
Flexo-matalic tube
Awake intubation
Blind oral
Blind nasal
Retrograde – rail road technique
Fiberoptic scope
Consisting of
Self inflating bag
Non-breathing valve
With reservoir bag
Without reservoir bag
Monitoring Equipment
Blood pressure monitor
Generally monitor on the right / left upper arm
Simple sphygmomanometer / aneroid dial
Noninvasive automatic blood pressure monitor
Invasive blood pressure monitor
Help to monitor
Heart rate, rhythm
Type of arrhythmia
It may be either 3 lead or 12 lead
Pulse oximeter
Non invasive equipment to monitor the oxygen saturation
of the patient
A small probe attached on any of the finger/ toes/ ear
It is important because hypoxia can occur from anesthetic
gas mixture/ breathing circuit got disconnected
Hypoxia can lead to brain death , coma and even cardiac
Capnometer/ capnograph
Equipment that continuously record CO2 tension
(in mm Hg or %) of expired gas
Value – 35-45 mm Hg
Oxygen Cylinder
Oxygen flowmeter
Oxygen Mask
Nasal Catheter
Intravenous Infusion Equipment
Scalp needle
Intravenous cannula
Bivalve ( three way)
Infusion set
IV fluid
Induction of anesthesia
the period of time from the onset of administration of the anesthetic to the development
of effective surgical anesthesia in the patient.
It depends on how fast effective concentrations of the anesthetic drug reach the brain.
During induction it is essential to avoid the dangerous excitatory phase (stage II delirium)
that was observes with the slow onset of action of some earlier anesthetics.
GA is normally induced with an I.V thiopental, which produces unconsciousness within 25
seconds after injection. At that time, additional inhalation or IV drugs comprising the
selected anesthetic combination (skeletal M. relaxants) may be given to produce the
desired depth of surgical stage III anesthesia.
Inhalation induction: For children without IV access, non pungent agents, such as
halothane or sevoflurane, are used to induce GA.
Maintenance of anesthesia
It depends on how fast the anesthetic drug diffuses from the brain.
For most anesthetic agents, recovery is the reverse of induction; that is,
redistribution from the site of action (rather than metabolism) underlies
N.M blocking agents and Opioids induced respiratory
depression have either worn off or have been adequately
reversed by antagonists.
Regained consciousness and protective reflex restored
Relief of pain: NSAIDs
Postoperative vomiting: metoclopramide, prochlorperazine
Complications Cause Management
Coughing Irritation of airways, secretion By deepening of anesthesia / induce muscle relaxant
Hiccup Afferent impulse from abdominal/ Deepen anesthesia / induce muscle relaxant
thoracic viscous via vagus
Wheezing Reflex under light anesthesia, ETT Rule out mechanical obstruction
inserted too far, aspiration Deepen the level of anesthesia
Aminophyline IV 250-500 mg
Adrenaline IV 1-3 ml (1:10000)
Salbutamol IV 250mg / 2.5mg inhalation
Cyanosis Misplaced ETT Properly position ETT
Disconnection Connect circuit properly
Airway obstruction Check gas supply
Oxygen supply failure Monitor ET CO2 SaO2
Hypertension Light anesthesia Use vasodilator
Hypoventilation Deep anesthesia level
Hypercarbia Ventilate properly
Hypotension Due to anesthetic drug Volume load
Blood loss IV Atropine
B-blockers IV Vasopressor (dopamine)
hypoxemia Failed oxygen delivery Ventilate with self inflating bag
Obstructed airway Rule out disconnection
Esophageal intubation Check ETT position
Complications Management