Jesus, The Light, Learning School Foundation (Secondary Education) Educational Philosophy

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Jesus, the Light, Learning School Foundation

(Secondary Education)

Educational Philosophy: Progressivism

To produce competent and globally competitive graduates

JLLSF offers quality education to children of diverse backgrounds and interest. JLLSF
brings out the best in your child without blocking your child’s interest. As the students
learn, they enjoy their youth. Teachers encourage your child to contribute integral piece
in the body of knowledge.

JLLSF aims to develop moral character and personal principles within each child. It aims to
broaden scientific and technological knowledge for living in and contributing to a developing
and changing society. It aims to cultivate the different aptitudes and interests of the students in
order to equip them with skills and to prepare them for tertiary schooling.

At the end of the school year, the students must improve their overall skills. Students must be
able to: verbally and visually express a point of view; demonstrate speed and accuracy in
explaining their thoughts as a manifestation of their enthusiasm in the learned topics; listen and
respond to interaction with others; upheld a high ethical standard to promote efficiency and
productivity in mathematics education.

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