Antenatal Corticosteroids in Preterm Labour PDF

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Annexure:- I

Preparation and Dosage of Dexamethasone


Dexamethasone Sodium
Phosphate is available in
4 mg per ml strength.

Table 1: Dose and Route of Administration of

Injection Dexamethasone
Dose 6 mg each
No. of Injections 4
Interval between injections 12 hours
Route of administration Deep Intramuscular
Site of administration Preferably antero lateral aspect of thigh
Complete course Four doses (equivalent to 24 mg total)
Logistics 2 ml disposable syringes and 22/23 gauge needles
Storage No need to refrigerate

The 6 mg dose would require 1.5 ml of the preparation provided each ml has 4 mg
of Dexamethasone.

Table 2: Indications and Contraindications for using
Corticosteroids in Antenatal Period
Indications Contraindications
1. True preterm labour Frank chorioamnionitis is an absolute
2. Following conditions that lead to contraindication for using antenatal
imminent delivery: corticosteroids. Following signs and
symptoms in the mother suggests Frank
• Antepartum haemorrhage
• Preterm premature rupture of
1. History of fever and lower abdominal
• Severe pre-eclampsia
2. On examination: Foul smelling vaginal
discharge, tachychardia and uterine
3. Fetal tachycardia

Maternal diabetes, pre-eclampsia and hypertension are NOT contraindications

for using injection corticosteroid in pregnant women. Dexamethasone can be
administered if otherwise indicated with a careful watch on blood sugar and blood
pressure [If chorioamnionitis is suspected, consider delivering the baby].

Flow Chart for Antenatal Corticosteroid (ANCS) Administration {24-34 Weeks Gestational Age}

Assess the gestational age of pregnant woman reporting with the complaints of labour pain.
If between 24-34 weeks then

Check whether the pregnant woman is in true preterm labour using

the table* given below:

If the pregnant woman is in true labour If the pregnant woman is not in true labour

Observe for the symptoms, discharge

Delivery imminent Delivery NOT imminent if the symptoms resolve with advice
to report immediately if danger
Give one dose of Injection Give one pre-referral dose of signs appear.
Dexamethasone as described Injection Dexamethasone if the If symptoms do not resolve, treat her
in the box** and prepare for patient is to be referred, otherwise as in true preterm labour and follow
delivery and neonatal complete the course. Tocolysis (delay the chart.
resuscitation of uterine contractions) is to be
done under medical supervision.

Before referral Referral refused or not possible **Dexamethasone protocol

1. Check vitals, BP 1. Check vitals, BP Dose/injection 6 mg
2. Do Hb, Blood Sugar, 2. Do Hb, Blood Sugar, Urine Ex.
Urine Examination (Ex) 3. Give ANCS first dose, then Route Intramuscular
3. Give ANCS first dose - 3 additional doses 12 hourly
Refer to higher facility 4. Arrange for delivery, Interval 12 hours
4. Arrange transport resuscitation and care of
5. Referral slip preterm baby No. of Injections 4

Contraindication for use of ANCS is Frank Chorioamnionitis

*Symptoms of True and False Labour Pain
TRUE Labour Pain FALSE Labour Pain
1. Begins irregularly but becomes regular and predictable 1. Begins irregularly and remains irregular
2. Felt first in the lower back and sweeps around to the 2. Felt first abdominally and remains confined
abdomen in a wave pattern to the abdomen and groin
3. Continues no matter what the woman’s level of activity 3. Often disappears with ambulation or sleep
4. Increases in duration, frequency and intensity with the 4. Does not increase in duration, frequency or
passage of time intensity with the passage of time
5. Accompanied by ‘show’ (blood-stained mucus discharge) 5. Show absent
6. Associated with cervical effacement and cervical 6. Does not associate cervical effacement and
dilatation cervical dilatation


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