Blanking and Piercing Theory Applications and Rece PDF
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Effect of zirconium addition on welding of aluminum grain refined by titanium plus boron
A I O Zaid
Effect of molybdenum addition on aluminium grain refined by titanium on its metallurgical and
mechanical characteristics in the as cast condition and after pressing by the equal angular channel
A I O Zaid and A M Atieh
Effect of copper addition at a rate of 4% weight on the machininability of ZA-21A1 cast alloy by
CNC milling
S M A Alqawabah and A I O Zaid
Effect of V addition to Al and Al grain refined by Ti on chemical corrosion rates in NaOH solution
with and without inhibitor at different temperatures
Adnan I O Zaid, Ahmad M Al-Haj-Ali and G T A Allawi
Stress corrosion cracking behavior of quenched and tempered 2.25Cr 1Mo steel
T Manzoor, E Ahmad, M Sarwar et al.
International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM 2013) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/60/1/012065
Adnan l O Zaid
Industrial Engineering Department, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Blanking and piercing are manufacturing processes by which certain geometrical
shapes are sheared off a sheet metal. If the sheared off part is the one required, the processes
referred to as blanking and if the remaining part in the sheet is the one required, the process is
referred to as piercing. In this paper, the theory and practice of these processes are reviewed
and discussed The main parameters affecting these processes are presented and discussed.
These include: the radial clearance percentage, punch and die geometrical parameters, for
example punch and die profile radii. The abovementioned parameters on the force and energy
required to effect blanking together with their effect on the quality of the products are also
presented and discussed. Recent experimental results together with photomacrographs and
photomicrographs are also included and discussed. Finally, the effect of punch and die wear on
the quality of the blanks is alsogiven and discussed.
1. Introduction
Blanking and piercing are manufacturing processes by which engineering or industrial parts of certain
geometrical shapes are sheared off sheet materials such that the produced parts do not need further or
subsequent machining unless very high quality is required. If the sheared off part is the object the
process is referred to as blanking and if the reining part is the required part the process is referred to
as piercing. The literature on these processes is voluminous and goes back to the forties. Most of the
work has been directed towards improving the quality of the product and the effect of punch speed on
the quality of the produced blanks. They found that blanks produced at punch speed of 3m/s were of
better quality than those produced at conventional speeds [1,2] They carried out experiments on cast
iron, mild steel, brass, copper, zinc, aluminum and lead to investigate the effect of clearance, tool
shear and the ratio of punch diameter, d, to thickness, t, in blanking circular discs. They found that as
the ratio d/t increases the maximum blanking force per unit sheared area decreases and that the
maximum blanking force is greatest at no clearance. They also concluded that similar influence of the
d/t ratio on the energy required to effect blanking existed. The d/t ratio has been specifically studied
by Maeda and Temura,[3],for mild steel, soft copper and soft aluminum. They found that for values of
d/t >5 the maxmum blanking force per unit sheared area is almost independent of the ratio whereas for
d/t ≤5 the blanking force is highly dependent on the d/t ratio. Following Zener and Hollomen findings,
interest in the dynamic blanking and piercing has been stimulated in late sixties. An extensive amount
of information on the comparison between dynamic and quasi-static blanking of ferrous and non-
ferrous materials, regarding the quality of the produced blanks,the maximum blanking force and
energy required to effect blanking, both in the cold and hot conditions, together with the effect of
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International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM 2013) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/60/1/012065
percentage radial clearance had been published in refs. [3-13]. In general it is concluded that
improvement in the quality of the blank has been achieved in high speed blanking particularly for
ferrous materials, and they are always higher than those of slow speed. However, the energy
requirement was less for non-ferrous ones. As the quality of the produced parts is of prime
importance, examination of the available literature reveals that most of the published work was
directed towards studying the effect of the percentage radial clearance, strain rate and temperature on
the blanking force and energy required to effect blanking aiming to improve the blank quality and tool
(punch and die) lives. Little work is published on the effect of geometrical parameters of punch and
die on the blank quality and tool life. Koura and Zaid [14] investigated the effect of out of roundness
of the punch and die in determining the quality of blanks. Kazzutake Komori [15] investigated the
blanking operation using the node operation method, giving attention to the effect of various kinds of
ductile fraction criterion on crack initiation and propagation during the blanking process. He reported
that the methods gave good agreement with the autographic record (punch force-punch displacement
curve) as calculated by the suggested work method agrees fairly with the one obtained experimentally
[15]. Thipprakmas reported that fine blanking method for improving the wear resistance method of
sprocket parts. The sprocket is a profile wheel with teeth. Its periphery is widely used in the drive
system which makes it subjected to wear. This requires that the sprocket should posses high strength
and good wear resistance. The traditional method in manufacturing the sprocket is the hobbing
process followed by heat treatment to increase its strength, hardness and wear resistance. Recently,
the fine blacking process has seen increase in use for manufacturing the sprocket with the advantages
of improving strength and better surface quality which in twin will improve the wear resistance,
furthermore, the reduction of the process operations leading to saving of the production time and cost;
as compared to its traditional manufacturing process by hobbing [16].He has also investigated the fine
blanking process for manufacturing the sprocket regarding the improvements in its strength and wear
resistance using the metallurgical examination of the fine blanked sprocket and found that the
improvement in its hardness and wear resistance is attributed to the grain elongation in the plastically
deformed zone as supported by the photomicrographs in this region. It is therefore, anticipated that
using fine blanking fore producing the sprocket may select low carbon steel instead of the medium
carbon in its production cost [16].
International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM 2013) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/60/1/012065
International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM 2013) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/60/1/012065
The tests were carried out on a universal testing machine of 500KN capacity at a cross head speed of
5mm/min in two steps: the first step involved the variation of the punch profile radius, keeping the die
profile sharp until blanking is completed and the second step involved the variation of the die profile
radius keeping the punch profile sharp. The punch and die profile radii were measured using the
profile measuring machine at a magnification of 30. the maximum blanking force was determined
directly from the autographic record and the energy required to effect blanking is determined from the
area under the autographic record, punch load-punch displacement curve, Figure 3a using a
planimeter. The accuracy of the blanks was determined by measuring the amount of dishing, doming
and edge taper on the sectioned and mounted blanks using a profile projector type PT300 at a
magnification of X10. Finally , to study the mechanism of deformation and the metallurgical aspects
of the process, the blanking tests were interrupted before, at and after the maximum blanking force
was reached, at points a, b and c of Figure 3b. the partially and completely blanked specimens are
then sectioned along their diameters, mounted in Bakelite, ground, polished with 1 micron diamond
past and etched in 1% natal solution for 5 seconds, metallurgically examined for crack formation and
photographed. Hardness and microhardness Vickers survey were carried out at the shear zone. The
total number of performed tests were hundred and sixty.
(a) (b)
International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM 2013) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/60/1/012065
Figure4. Variation of maximum blanking force with Figure5. Variation of the blanking energy
the radial clearance percentage at sharp punch and with radial clearance percentages at
die.Also shown the theoretical value of force,in dotted different values of punch`profile radius,
line and square ended die.
International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM 2013) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/60/1/012065
and(b) indicate that at zero punch and die profile radii, the shear lines starts to form in the clearance
zone before the maximum blanking force is reached. After it is reached, cracks started at the square
ends of the punch and die and propagate until they meet and the blank is mechanically separated i.e.
there is no shear stresses holding the blank to the parent sheet. Later, the blank is pushed through the
die opening against the friction between punch and sheet, blank and sheet and blank and die opening.
As the radial clearance percentages is increased keeping a square ended punch and die results in
widening the shear zone and reducing the work hardening in the regions contiguous to the punch and
die corners as observed from the microhardness measurements taken in this zone. This is clearly
shown in Tables 4 and 5 at and beyond the maximum force. It can be seen from these tables that The
hardness at the tip of the crack is found to be 328 HV and 303 HV near the corner of the die. No such
cracks occurred at the point of maximum force (at 60% penetration of the sheet thickness), the
metallurgical examination revealed that, for all values of percentage radial clearance two cracks
occurred: one near the corner of the punch and the second near the corner of the die However the
crack near the corner of the punch is longer. This suggests that crack has first occurred near the corner
of the punch following the points of maximum hardness until the hardness falls to the value below
that near the corner of the die. The crack then stops and second crack develops near the corner of the
die and propagates towards the first one. Pera report,[17] shows that in the punching operation cracks
occur in the region of maximum hardness gradient close to the corner of the punch and the die. In
these tests it was found that the hardness of the material is less at the die edge than at the punch edge
for all values of radial clearance percentages.
Radiusing either the punch or the die profile resulted in a decrease in both the level of hardness
near the modified tool and depth of hardening; it also caused an increase in the width of the shear
zone near the edge of the modified tool. The microhardness measurements indicated that hardness is
less near the edge of the modified tool and that the hardness decreases as the profile radius increase.
No appreciable change in the microhardness of the material at the corner of the square ended tool was
noticed beyond the maximum force, table 3 on the other hand change in the order of the
microhardness was noticed in the specimen material adjacent to both ends of the modified and non-
modified tool at the maximum force. An example is given in Table 2. An interesting results is that the
crack always initiated at the corner of the square ended tool, Figs. 6(a) and 6(b), and propagated
towards the modified tool until the material is no longer able to carry the applied load, then shearing
of the blank occurs. This can be explained using the plain strain deformation model for blanking
suggested by Noble and Oxley [18] in which they used a simple stress analysis model to show that the
crack formation can be related to the change of the shear flow stress across the shear zone. The
greater the shear stress gradient the will be the chance of forming a crack. Thus cracking would be
most expected in the regions where the workhardening is high, i.e. in the region adjacent to the square
International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM 2013) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/60/1/012065
ended tool, and least expected in the regions where the workhardening is low, i.e. in the region
adjacent to the modified tool. This agrees with the experimental results obtained in this work.
Figure 7. Effect of punch profile radius Figure 8. Effect of die profile radius
on blanking force, amount of dishing on blanking energy,amount of dishing,
and amount of doming:a), c),and e) doming and taper,b),d),and e)respectively
International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM 2013) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/60/1/012065
Tabble 5. Microhardness Vickers survey beyond the point of maximum blanking force
Blanking conditions Microhardness (HV160)
Figures 7 show the effect of punch profile radius onblanking force and the accuracy of the produced
blanks, from which it can be seen that increasing the punch profile radius results in deteriorating of
the blanks quality.Similarly, Figure 8 indicates that increase of die profile radius radius also resulted
in deterioration of blanks quality i.e.increase of the amounts of dishing, doming, and edge taper.
3.3 Effect of the wear and surface roughness on blanking and piercing
As it was found that the radial clearance percentage between punch and die is the most important
parameters in blanking and piercing in determining the accuracy of the blank, therefore, wear of
blanking and piercing tools will cause the optimum radial clearance percentageto change, therefore,
wear should be considered in the repair and maintenance of their tools. Similarly, the wear causes the
surface roughness of the punches and dies which will have to a lesser degree, the same effect as the
change in the radial clearance percentage. Little work on the effect of the wear of tools in these
processes is published therefore, this area is still open for research,[19].This lack of research may be
attributed to the complexity of the process which still not fully understood despite the amount of
theoretical and experimental research which was work carried out on these processes since mid
forties till now. Analytical modeling, and finite element analysis have received much attention in
recent years, [19,20]. Review of these current analyses and models are reviewed and discussed in
reference [21}. A more detailed study concerning the mechanism of deformation and crack
propagation is given by Noble and Oxley showed that the cracks occur in the region of maximum
hardness i.e. where the metal has been subjected to the greatest amount of strain hardening, namely at
the punch and die edges [17]. PERA report using a plain strain deformation model for blanking
showed that crack formation can be related to the change of the shear flow stress a cross the shear
zone, the greater the shear stress gradient the greater the chance for crack formation [18].
4. Conclusions
The following points are concluded:
• Although square ended punch and die produce blanks of better quality, it is essential to
provide profile radiusing of punch and die to improve their lives. Increasing punch and die
profile radii caused increase in both blanking force and energy particularly at small radial
clearance percentage.
• In general, providing the profile radii tends to increase the energy and reduces the blanking
force and reduces the quality of the blanks. Furthermore, they caused enlargement of the shear
zone, being more affected by the die profile radius.
International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM 2013) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/60/1/012065
• Radiusing the punch and die profiles caused delay in crack formation at small values and non-
occurrence at large values and resulted of lower levels of miccrohardness in the vicinity of the
radiused end.
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