In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent AND The Most Merciful
In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent AND The Most Merciful
In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent AND The Most Merciful
Accomplished By:
(Who instruct me how to live diligently, and educate me to live with capability)
Rao Nizam-ud-Din (Marhoom O Maghfoor), and Bilqees Begum
Professor Dr. Shahnawaz Malik (Ph. D Supervisor)
Asst. Professor Riasat Ali Rao (College)
Master Sikandar Mirza (High School)
Master Intizar Hussain (Middle School)
Master Muhammad Yousaf (Primary School)
Poverty is the core issue of South Asian countries where poverty prevails
consistently and it is an immense obstacle in the way of development of these countries.
Like other South Asian countries, Pakistan is also struggling to combat against the genie
of poverty. It is also well known fact that poverty is a rural phenomenon in developing
countries like Pakistan. Hence, in this study we focus our attention towards rural aspect
of the poverty. Out of different channels to alleviate rural poverty we choose to
investigate the impact of rural infrastructural development on rural poverty alleviation of
the Pakistan. Therefore, in this study, question of thesis will be to determine the effects
of “rural infrastructural development” on poverty alleviation and growth enhancement of
rural Pakistan because it is believed that rural infrastructural development has two way
effects on poverty reduction. Firstly, it directly affects the poverty scenario of the masses
through employment generation. Secondly, it helps the masses to fight against the
poverty through growth enhancement because increased growth has supposed to be
helpful for poverty reduction of the country.
For finding out the status of rural development and analyzing spatial
distribution of rural infrastructural development in Pakistan we employ “Pakistan 2008
Mouza Statistics” and conduct descriptive analysis of the data. Whereas for finding out
the impact of rural infrastructural development on rural household’s income, growth and
rural poverty of Pakistan, we employ GoP (2005-06) i.e. PSLM Survey and various
issues of Economic Surveys of Pakistan. For the purpose of finding out the impact of
rural infrastructural development on rural household’s income we utilize OLS
methodology. So as to find out the impact of rural infrastructural development on
economic growth of Pakistan we exploit the time series analysis and use OLS
methodology after taking into consideration the issues of spuriousness and stationarity.
And the technique of Logit Modeling has been employing by us to find out the impact of
rural infrastructural development on rural poverty reduction of Pakistan at micro level.
these objectives in case of Pakistan. We also find by disaggregated analysis of the data
set that impact of different types of variables in different provinces is different and for
each province a different type of infrastructural variable has been proved important in
enhancing economic growth, augmentation of rural household’s income and reducing
rural poverty.
In The Name of Allah i
Title Page ii
Declaration iii
Certificate vi
Dedicated To v
Summary vi
Table of Contents ix
Acronyms and Abbreviations xv
List of Tables xiii
List of Figures xx
Acknowledgements xxi
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Objectives of the Study 6
1.3 Data and Methodology 8
1.4 Organization of the Study 9
2.1 Introduction 11
2.2 Poverty Profile 12
2.2.1 Absolute Poverty 13 Pervasiveness of Poverty in Pakistan 14 Social Sector Development 17 Education 17 Health 18 Population Welfare 21 Environment 23
2.2.2 Other Concepts of Poverty 25 Relative Poverty 25 Vulnerability 27 Transient Poverty 29
2.2.3 Decomposition Analysis 30 Gender Analysis 31 Spatial Analysis 32
2.2.4 Government Initiatives to Combat Poverty 34 Benazir Income Support Programme 34 Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund 35
ix Peoples Works Programmes 35 PBM 35 Initiatives of Punjab Government 36
2.3 Rural Poverty In Pakistan 37
2.3.1 Broad Developments 37
2.3.2 Social Sector Developments 38
2.3.3 Ancillary and Long-Run Developments 39
3.1 Introduction 41
3.2 Historical Background of Poverty Theory 41
3.3 Literature Review 45
3.3.1 Review Articles and Evaluative Studies 45
3.3.2 Infrastructural Development and Growth 48 Rural Dimensions of Infrastructure and Growth 58 Evidence from Pakistan Economy 61
3.3.3 Infrastructural Development, Growth and Poverty 62 Rural Dimensions of Infrastructure, Growth and
Poverty Evidence from Pakistan Economy 71
3.4 Issues Associated to Subject Matter of the Research
3.4.1 Selection of Region as Rural for Analysis 73
3.4.2 Model Selection as Single Equation Model 74
3.4.3 Quantification of Infrastructure Variables 75
3.4.4 Selection of Micro Data for Analysis Purposes 76
3.5 Hypotheses to Be Tested in the Study 77
3.5.1 Hypotheses to be Tested for Micro Analysis 77
3.5.2 Hypothesis to be Tested for Macro Analysis 81
3.6 Conclusion 82
4.1 Introduction 84
4.2 Accepted Wisdom on Poverty Notion 85
4.2.1 Measurement of Poverty 87 Indicators Used to Measure Poverty 88 Establishing the Threshold 89 Diminutive Statistic 90 Headcount Ratio 91 Poverty Gap Index 92
x Squared Poverty Gap Index 93
4.2.2 Poverty Reduction: Policies and Demographic
Characteristics Macro Approach to Poverty Reduction 95 Micro Approach 97 Regional Level Characteristics and Poverty 98 Community Level Characteristics and Poverty 98 Household Level Characteristics and Poverty 99
4.3 Gist of Rural Development 101
4.3.1 Rural Development Themes over Time 102
4.3.2 Rural Infrastructural Development and Poverty
Reduction Direct Impact of Rural Infrastructural
Development on Poverty Reduction Indirect Impact of Rural Infrastructural
Development on Poverty Reduction
4.4 Conceptualization of Rural Development for Poverty
4.5 Conclusion 112
5.1 Introduction 114
5.2 Datasets to be Exploited 115
5.2.1 Distinctiveness of the Data Sets 116 Pakistan Mouza Statistics 2008 117 Basic Information of Survey 118 Methodological Issues of Survey 118 Pakistan Social and Living Standards
Measurement Survey 2005-06 Basic Information of Survey 120 Sampling Frame of Survey 122 Stratification Plan and Sampling Design of
5.3 Variables to be Utilized in the Analysis 123
5.3.1 Determinants of Rural Household s Incomes 123 Household Income as Dependent Variable 124 Household Level Characteristics as Independent
Variable Community Level Characteristics as Independent 128
5.3.2 Rural Infrastructural Development and Economic
5.3.3 Rural Infrastructural Development and Rural
Poverty Dependent Variable 131 Poverty Line 131 Quantification of Poverty 132 Independent Variables 134
5.4 Conclusion 135
6.1 Introduction 137
6.2 Rural Development: Encompassment of the Services
within Vicinity
6.2.1 Land Utilization and Crops Cultivation in Pakistan 139
6.2.2 Sources of Irrigation 140
6.2.3 Sources of Drinking Water 142
6.2.4 Taste of Drinking Water, Filtration and Toilet
6.2.5 Sources of Fuel to be used for Domestic Purposes 146
6.2.6 Residential Public Facilities 147
6.2.7 Sources of Employment 148
6.2.8 Status of Industry 151
6.2.9 Social Organizations 152
6.2.10 Mass Communication 154
6.3 Rural Development: Accessibility to Services 156
6.3.1 Social Sector Facilities 156 Education 157 Health 159
6.3.2 Transport, Communication and Energy Sector
Facilities Transport 161 Communication 162 Energy 162 Spatial Distribution 163
6.3.3 Market and Banking Sector Facilities 164 Markets 164 Banks 165
6.4 Composite Index of Principal Variables 167
6.4 Conclusion 170
7.1 Introduction 174
7.2 Rural Infrastructural Development and Incomes of
Rural Inhabitants in Pakistan: A Micro Study
7.2.1 Model 177
7.2.2 Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural
Development for Rural Household s Income Estimation Results for Pakistan 181 Estimation Results for Provinces 185 Estimation Results for Balochistan 185 Estimation Results for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 189 Estimation Results for Punjab 191 Estimation Results for Sindh 193
7.3 Conclusion 196
PAKISTAN (1981-2010)
8.1 Introduction 199
8.2 Theoretical Background and Model 201
8.3 Estimation 202
8.3.1 Problems relating to Stationarity and Spurious
8.3.2 Regression Results 204
8.4 Conclusion 206
9.1 Introduction 208
9.2 Model 209
9.3 Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural
Development for Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan
9.3.1 Estimation Results for Pakistan 212
9.3.2 Estimation Results for Provinces 215 Estimation Results for Balochistan 215 Estimation Results for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 218 Estimation Results for Punjab 220 Estimation Results for Sindh 223
9.4 Conclusion 225
10.1 Introduction 229
10.2 Rural Development in Pakistan 230
10.3 Impact of Rural Development on Economic Growth
of Pakistan
10.3.1 Micro Analysis: Impact of Rural Infrastructural
Development on Rural Household s Income
10.3.2 Macro Analysis: Impact of Rural Infrastructural
Development on economic growth of Pakistan
10.4 Impact of Rural Development on Rural Poverty
Alleviation of Pakistan
10.5 Concluding Paragraph 237
10.6 Policy Implications and Recommendations 238
ILO International Labour Organization
LHV Leady Health Visitor
LPM Linear Probability Model
m.ha Million Hectare
MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey of Punjab
MOUZA A territorial/financial/revenue unit in Pakistan to show small
villages in the country
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
NCsRCL National Centers for Rehabilitation of Child Labour
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
ODI Overseas Development Institute
OED Operation Evaluation Department
OLS Ordinary Least Square
PAS Pakistan Agricultural Census
PBM Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (an Islamic concept of handling revenues
and expenditures of the state)
PFSS Punjab Food Support Scheme
PIHS Pakistan Integrated Household Survey
PMDC Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
PNC Pakistan Nursing Council
PPAF Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund
PSDPs Public Sector Development Programmes
PSLM Pakistan Social Living Standard Measurement
PSU Primary Sampling Unit
PGI Poverty Gap Index
PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter
SAP Social Action Programme
SPI Sen Poverty Index
SPGE Squared Poverty Gap Index
SYB Statistical Year Book
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNHS Uganda National Household Survey
VTC Vocational Training Center
WB World Bank
WID Women in Development
ZAKAT Under the Islamic provisions, a financial obligation upon
affluent segment of the society to help the deprived segment
No Title Page
2.1 Headcount Ratio in Pakistan 14
2.2 Literacy Rate (10+) in Pakistan (%) 17
2.3 Enrollment Rate in Pakistan (%) 19
2.4 Health Indicators and Preventive Measure of Health in Pakistan 20
2.5 Curative Measures for Health in Pakistan 21
2.6 Demographic and Population Welfare Indicators of Pakistan 22
2.7 Gini Coefficient in Pakistan 26
2.8 Ratio of Highest Quintile to Lowest Quintile 27
2.9 Vulnerability to Weather Shocks in Pakistan 28
Decomposition Analysis of Social Sector Development by Region
2.10 31
and Gender (%)
Decomposition of Data on Poverty for Urban and Rural Areas of
2.11 32
2.12 Province Wise Poverty in Pakistan 33
Variables of the Model (Investigating Rural Infrastructural
5.1 125
Development for Rural Household’s Income) and Their Definition
Variables used in Logit Model, Their Definition and Theoretical
5.2 133
6.1 Cultivated Area and Major Crops in Pakistan 139
6.2 Sources of Irrigation in Pakistan 141
6.3 Water Courses in Pakistan 143
6.4 Sources of Drinking Water 144
6.5 Taste, Filtration (Drinking Water) and Toilet Facility 145
6.6 Sources of Fuel for Domestic Use 147
6.7 Residential Public Facilities 148
6.8 Sources of Employment (Gender Analysis) 149
6.9 Status of Industry 152
6.10 Social Organizations 153
6.11 Mass Communication Facilities 155
6.12 Social Sector Facilities (Accessibility Analysis) 157
Social Sector Facilities (Accessibility Analysis): A comparative
6.13 160
Analysis of the Provinces (Spatial Distribution)
Transport, Communication and Energy Sector Facilities
6.14 161
(Accessibility Analysis)
Transport, Communication and Energy Sector Facilities
6.15 (Accessibility Analysis): A Comparative Analysis of the Provinces 163
(Spatial Distribution)
6.16 Markets and Banking Sector Facilities (Accessibility Analysis) 166
Markets and Banking Sector Facilities (Accessibility Analysis): A
6.17 167
Comparative Analysis of the Provinces (Spatial Distribution)
6.18 Composite Index of Principal Variables 169
Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural
7.1 183
Development and Rural Household’s Income: Results for Pakistan
Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural
7.2 Development and Rural Household’s Income: Results for 186
Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural
7.3 Development and Rural Household’s Income: Results for Khyber 190
Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural
7.4 192
Development and Rural Household’s Income: Results for Punjab
Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural
7.5 195
Development and Rural Household’s Income: Results for Sindh
Double-Log Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural
8.1 205
Development and Economic Growth of Pakistan (1981-2010)
Logit Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural Development
9.1 214
and Rural Poverty: Results for Pakistan
Logit Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural Development
9.2 217
and Rural Poverty: Results for Balochistan
Logit Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural Development
9.3 219
and Rural Poverty: Results for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Logit Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural Development
9.4 221
and Rural Poverty: Results for Punjab
Logit Regression Estimates of Rural Infrastructural Development
9.5 224
and Rural Poverty: Results for Sindh
No Title Page
4.1 Theoretical Framework of Thesis 111
6.1 Cultivated Area in Pakistan (Spatial Distribution) 140
6.2 Sources of Irrigation (Spatial Distribution) 140
6.3 Water Courses in Pakistan (Spatial Distribution) 142
6.4 Sources of Drinking Water (Spatial Distribution) 142
6.5 Taste, Filtration (Water) and Toilet Facility (Spatial Distribution) 146
6.6 Sources of Fuel for Domestic Use (Spatial Distribution) 146
6.7 Residential Public Facilities (Spatial Distribution) 149
6.8 Sources of Employment for Male (Spatial Distribution) 149
6.9 Sources of Employment for Female (Spatial Distribution) 150
6.10 Status of Industry (Spatial Distribution) 150
6.11 Social Organization for Male (Spatial Distribution) 154
6.12 Mass Communication (Spatial Distribution) 154
6.13 Education Sector Facilities (Spatial Distribution) 158
6.14 Health Sector Facilities (Spatial Distribution) 158
6.15 Transport Communication Facilities (Spatial Distribution) 162
6.16 Energy Facilities (Spatial Distribution) 162
6.17 Market Facilities (Spatial Distribution) 165
6.18 Banking Facilities (Spatial Distribution) 165
and it wouldn't have materialized into a reality without His help, kindness and
compassion. After ALLAH Almighty, I would like to thank to our dearest Prophet
topic of poverty for my Ph. D dissertation because he throughout his lifespan tried to help
the humanity in every respect. There had been the contributions of so many of my
benefactors and well wishers and it would be out of question for me to enlist the names of
all of them here. But whether their names appear here in this acknowledgment or not, I
want to assure them that their gestures of goodwill have never been gone forgotten nor
feelings for my supervisor Professor Dr. Shahnawaz Malik. It was his very personality
who was always there in with the most prudent and heedful of advice and guidance
whenever I needed. He was the person who always bailed me out of all the intricacies of
research with a smiling face and I owe him the most earnest and heartfelt gratitude.
here who suffered a lot during my research work. Even though they suffered, yet they
were always ready to help me and I believe that my success heavily depends upon their
prayers. I am thankful to my deceased father Rao Nizam ud Din (May Allah Almighty
takes his soul to JANNA’tul’FIRDOUS and bestows him final success for all the
examinations in the life hereafter, AAMEEN. He left us alone in this world on 8th of
November, 2012. He was most anxious for my degree but he has not enough time to see
this day of honour in my life, however, his prayers remained with me even after his
departure), my mother Bilqees Begum, my brothers Altaf Hussain (elder), Afaq Ahmad,
Irshad Ahmad, Shahzad Ahmad (youngers), my sisters Rashida Nizam and Abida Nizam,
my wife Noreen Zafar, my kids Khadeeja Sameen, Abdul Waa’say and Abdul Shaa’fay,
Reena, Sumera, Mukhtiar, Adnan, Noman, Ghufran, Ali, and Shan, my nephews and
nieces; Neelofer, Komal, Akmal, Danish, Saba, Talmeez, Saboora, Tahreem, Ajmal,
Bilal, Maheen, Sidra, Hafsa, Abdul Mateen, Abdul Rahman, Maria, Abdul Raafay, Aisha,
Zainab, Abdul Wahab and Abdul Basit! I am, indeed, at loss of words to enumerate their
real contribution during the whole course of my research work. I owe everything of it to
them. They all have always been a source of positive support and encouragement. I
tender the most profound of gratitude to all of them. And, in fact, it was owing to the
whole of my family that today I may be able to complete the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy. All the best of wishes for them in return, it is, no matter, a humble offering.
It says gems are precious, but some people are a cut above, the most precious and rarest
of gems too, for me, “MY FAMILY MEMBERS” are such persons. All my words go
their way.
Professor Dr. Toseef Azid, Professor Dr. Imran Shareef Chaudhry, and
Dr. Zahir Faridi also deserve due words of thanks, not only for keeping the atmosphere of
the department so congenial for the execution of research at this level but also for their
personal guidance and support. I am extremely thankful to all other members of the staff
especially Professor Dr Abdul Hafeez Chaudhry, Professor Dr. Karamat Ali along with
Professor Dr. Shafqat (Arabic Department, BZU, Multan) for great encouraging attitude,
convivial and loving behavior in their own different ways. All the ministerial and clerical
staff members of the Economics Department such as Muhammad Khalid, Ishtiaq Rizwi,
Muhammad Hussain, Haji Sahib, Baqir, Shah Gee, Rana, Nazar…., who do their best to
endow with all sorts of non-technical help at the time whenever I called for. I have a
Lahore), Shehzad Hussain (Asst. Professor, NDU, Islamabad), Rana Shahid Ali Khan
(Deputy Director, NAB) and Abo Ul Hassan Hashmi (Asst. Professor in Punjab
of Ms. Rabia Awan (Chief Statistical Officer, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Islamabad)
Agricultural Census Organization, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Lahore). They were very
kind to me and I always found them ready to lend a hand whenever I was in need of it in
order to attain data for analysis phase of my thesis. I acknowledge their unfeigned
contribution. I also wish to thank HEC for providing me the financial support in this
regard. I also want to keep in my prayers the parent department of Judiciary for granting
All my friends and fellow research students, especially; Rao Qasim, Rao
Naveed, Rao Zulfiqar, Abdul Raoof, Imran Abbas Thaheem, Shahid Akram, Mehmood
Ul Hassan, Nadeem, Hafiz Azhar, Khalid Mehmood, Safdar Ali, Mian Abbas, Rahmat,
Khizer, Malik Shahid Kareem, Asif Nadeem, Furqan, Arshad Sahib,.… and many more
with whom I shared the most valuable moments of life. They all deserve a thorough
expression of acknowledgement. They are the people who shared with me the most
jeering as well as the most intriguing moments of my stay at BZU campus. They never let
me feel bored, never off-track and never stuck-up. They were a continuous source of
moral support for me and I feel my heart-full of all gratitude for them. I owe all of them a
great deal.
growth fails to protect the masses from falling into the vicious circle of poverty.
Economic growth along with equitable distribution has the input function for poverty
underdeveloped countries, even then the role of government also could not be
neglected in certain fields such as infrastructure, health, education etc (Todaro and
Smith, 2008). As poverty in South Asia is a rural phenomenon and huge number of
poor people lives in the rural areas, therefore, in South Asian countries government’s
role for the development of rural area is a foremost bludgeon against poverty.
economic growth and development, which further helps reducing poverty. Especially
Rural area comprises of two fundamental sectors i.e. farm, and non-
farm. These two sectors are termed as engine for rural development. Infrastructural
development is also an important factor for rural development in the sense that it not
only chains farm and non-farm sectors to promote rural development but also proves
two sectors of rural areas (African Development Bank, 1999, and Reardon, 2001).
Whereas poor rural infrastructure hinders rural development and does not help
causes shrinkage to trade in rural sector for different commodities (Germano and
Thorbecke, 2001). With this perspective, in this study we take into consideration the
role of infrastructure for economic growth and poverty reduction in rural Pakistan.
issue, but it has been taken as a significant variable for economic development,
that profitability of infrastructural investment has earlier been neglected and it should
world and declare that insufficient infrastructure is one of the limiting factors that
elaborated the stages of economic growth and pointed out social overhead capital1 as
Earlier in literature infrastructure was named as social overhead capital.
a necessary element which has long lasting outcomes and affects the whole society
only has the force for regional economic development but also helps to reduce
available at a long distance from rural communities, consequently poor people has to
face high transaction costs which results in growing poverty of the masses belonging
reduction of rural areas in India, Fan et al (2000) concluded that improved rural
infrastructure along with technology have been found significant factors for poverty
in view the core problem of poverty in rural areas, Ashley and Maxwell (2001)
analyzed various policies for rural development and suggested different options for
better rural development. Out of these options, provision of public goods to farm
(irrigation, extension facilities etc), Exchange Infrastructure (market centers etc), and
non-Market Institutions (social networks and safety nets). The government has to
infrastructure for rural areas enhances the force of rural communities to fight against
the giant of poverty which consistently resides in rural areas of the world. The rural
infrastructural development has a two way effect on poverty reduction. On one hand
economic growth which helps reducing poverty. On the other hand it directly reduces
enhancement in rural sector economic activities and also the employment through
pro-poor Public Works Programs for rural development–. Therefore, the role of rural
also have been taken as an important factor that has significant impact for poverty
people belongs to rural areas in Pakistan. Malik (1988) estimated that poverty in
urban areas of Pakistan steadily declined during 1963-88, while both the rural poverty
and the overall poverty in Pakistan had the same trend that poverty increased in sixties
and declined in the end of seventies and middle of eighties. Qureshi and Arif (2001)
estimated poverty profile of Pakistan till 1998. They confirmed the results of Malik
(1988) till 1987 and also estimated that poverty trends for both the rural areas of
Pakistan and the whole of Pakistan from 1987 to 1998 were the same i.e. declined till
Pakistan can be categorized into three main heads: Public Works Programmes for
income opportunities, and Social Protection Programmes. Recently, Poverty
Reduction Strategy, 2001 has identified five major areas of intervention for poverty
reduction in the country. These are revival of economic growth, income generation,
[ADB (2002)]. In Pakistan during 1960s, and 1980s growth in GDP was reckoned
about 6 percent per annum and during 1970s and 1990s it was about 4 percent per
annum. Therefore, the average GDP growth of Pakistan is 5 percent per annum since
its independence which is noteworthy for a country whose future was predicted to be
25 years on its existence. But growth was not translated into the masses and regions
appropriately. Rural society lagged behind and suffered from poverty highly. It
requires periodic analysis of the effects of ‘government’s role for rural development’
must be the central issue for development of these economies. Generally rural
development has received low priority in Pakistan and government spending for rural
development was not in line with the experience of developed countries and also not
in line with the practices of the economies with similar conditions but with better
results. Rural societies long suffered the erosion in their living conditions on grounds
implementation of real strategy for rural development, all on behalf of elitist class in
Pakistan, which is a most important source of inequality in urban areas. The strategy
for economic development in Pakistan was turned and considered rural development
as the part of broader social development when in 1980s it came to the scene that
Pakistan’s rank in Human Development Indicators is bleakly low. The recent turn on
development is the core issue for progress of developing countries like Pakistan where
agriculture is the dominant sector of output. Therefore, rural development for poverty
reduction is the main area of concern for this study. As mentioned above farm and
non-farm sectors together with infrastructure are the main engines of rural
core issue of rural development. Hence, in this study, question of thesis will be to
growth enhancement in rural areas of Pakistan so that on the basis of the inferences of
the study future policies for poverty reduction in Pakistan may be able to play their
best possible role. Hypothesis behind the thesis is this that rural infrastructural
development not only gears up the growth but also helps the poor people to break the
a) To capture the status of rural development in Pakistan. This may
development in Pakistan.
view data limitations, this study not only finds out the impact of
income in Pakistan.
f) Province-wise decomposition of the analysis focusing rural
Most of the analysis in this study comprises of the primary data sets
but as per need of the study, secondary sources of the data may also be utilized in this
regard. Main data sets to be evaluated for the purpose of core analysis are as under:
Along with core analysis, it has also been tried to present the facts and
figures of Pakistan economy as per need of the study. For this purpose following data
5. ADB Publications
6. ILO Publications
8. World Development Reports
different methodologies will be employed for the purpose of analysis. Firstly, not
to discover rural development in Pakistan but also try to construct a composite index
of principal variables of the interest in this regard. Secondly, time series econometric
Pakistan at macro level. Lastly, primary data set provided by the Statistics Division
for finding out the impact of rural infrastructure not only on household’s income but
The study has been organized in ten different chapters. Chapter No.1
helping material regarding the study so that background for core issues of the thesis
may be fabricated properly. Thereafter, attention on core questions of the study will
be paid in Chapters No. 6-9 for the purpose of analysis. Finally, on the basis of
helping and core material of the study, we draw conclusions in Chapter No. 10.
chapter i.e. Chapter No. 2, will be covered. Then a brief survey of literature has been
presented in Chapter No.3. Thereafter, in Chapter No. 4 it has been tried to construct
the conceptual framework of the thesis whereas Chapter No. 5 discusses in detail the
Chapter No. 6 not only discovers the status of rural development in Pakistan but also
of provinces. In Chapter No. 7 & 8, it has been attempted to investigate the role of
analysis has been disaggregated over two data sets i.e. cross-sectional analysis at
micro level in Chapter No. 7 and time series analysis at macro level in Chapter No. 8.
So far as Chapter No. 9 is concerned an effort has been made to find out the effects of
After final conclusions in Chapter No. 10, a list of references has been
Pakistan is a developing country situated in South Asia where a
considerable share in this proportion and about one third of its population lives below
specifically belonging to Pakistan and South Asia. We also choose the topic of
force of rural infrastructural development in this scenario. The main theme of the
study regards to poverty in Pakistan, therefore, before entering into theoretical and
analytical phase of the study it will be better to discuss the state of Pakistan economy
with the background of poverty so that we may be able to familiarize with the
economy so as to summarize all such facts and figures which could point out the
the populace. The chapter has been divided into four main sections i.e. Section: 2.1 is
Introduction, Section: 2.2 presents Profile of Poverty in Pakistan, and Section: 2.3
attempts to demonstrate poverty scenario of rural areas of Pakistan because rural
sector is the region which we select for analysis purpose in this study and conclusions
are drawn in Section: 2.4. We further divide Section: 2.2 into five major sub-sections.
The sub-section: 2.2.1 may try to capture the incidence of poverty in Pakistan within
and the sub-Section: 2.2.3 takes into consideration different other important concepts
may try to decompose the poverty profile of Pakistan on the basis of regions and
the poverty.
which could affect the poverty level of the populace of that country. A detailed
approach to construct a poverty profile will be discussed in World Bank (1993) and
World Bank (2009), however, as a ready reference the poverty profile should be
Welfarist approach has been formulated and described by Sen (1979) and followed by renowned
economists such as Ravallion (1993) etc.
Non-Welfarist approach could be divided into two main categories i.e. a) Basic Needs (described by
Ul-Haq, Burki, Streeten, Hicks), and b) Capabilities Approach [formulated and described by
Sen (1992)].
representative of poverty trends (absolute or relative) which are analyzed not only
under the welfarist and non-welfarist approaches but also disaggregated these trends
captured and used in further analysis. Under the guidance of conventional principles
in this regard we make an effort to build up the poverty profile of Pakistan in the
the minds will be that of absolute poverty. Poverty of a region could also be analyzed
through the concepts other than absolute poverty such as social sector development,
relative poverty, vulnerability, and transient poverty etc. All such concepts are even
analogous to poverty while suggesting that whether poverty prevails in the region or
not but these concepts of poverty are unable to depict the proportion of the population
which is below a certain threshold of poverty i.e. incidence of poverty, or the distance
of poor from that threshold i.e. intensity of poverty, or inequality among different
parts of poor segment of the society i.e. severity of poverty. This is why absolute
poverty acquires the prime role in representation of poverty profile of any region.
Hence, firstly we discuss absolute poverty in the country. However, absolute poverty
monetary aspect of life for taking into consideration the poverty of a region while
non-welfarist approach points out the non-monetary aspect of life when measuring the
poverty of the populace. Adam Smith also talked about non-monetary aspect of life
when discussing the poverty of the different regions. Both these school of thought
have equal importance to present the poverty level of any society. We also try to
Table: 2.1
Year Percentage Year Percentage
1963-64 40.24 1992-93 22.40
1966-67 44.50 1996-97 31
1969-70 46.53 1998-99 32.60
1979 30.68 2000-01 34.46
1984-85 24.47 2004-05 23.94
1987-88 17.32 2005-06 22.3
1990-91 22.11 - -
Source: GoP (1999), GoP (Various Issues-i)
headcount ratio remarkably slows down during 1980s, and then sharply moves up
during 1990s. Again the evidence during first half of first decade relating to 20th
increasing trend has been documented. Table: 2.1 shows the poverty trends of
Pakistan economy while taking into consideration the headcount measure of poverty
because of two main reasons; first the simplicity of the measure while showing
measure in data sources. However, a limitation is still to face when we try to evaluate
the poverty trend of Pakistan that no uniform methodology for estimating a certain
threshold has been used in poverty measurement studies till 19901, therefore, we may
lack the reliability of analysis in this regard. But we have no other option except to
follow the available evidence, therefore, under this limitation the analysis has been
representing here.
Table: 2.1 clearly shows that poverty declined in Pakistan from 40% in
1963 to 22.3% in 2006 which suggest that Pakistan succeeded to halve its poverty in
forty years which is striking performance for a developing country like Pakistan.
However, high level of volatility is also evident from the table from decade to decade
i.e. from 40% to 17%, then from 17% to 35% and then again from 35% to 22%.
Question arises here that “what causes volatility and how to handle it?” This question
gives the way to additional research themes for poverty in Pakistan. In the following
we may discuss different important elements which were regarded in literature as vital
growth and poverty reduction from 1980s to onward. In 1980s high growth is evident
along with decline in poverty; in 1990s low growth is noticed with increment in
poverty and recently in first half decade of 20 th century, with growth enhancement the
poverty has been reduced. However, here we could not neglect also the direct
In 1990, the Planning Commission of Pakistan firstly estimated the official poverty line for Pakistan
while taking into consideration 2350 calories per adult equivalent per day as adequate nourishment
and described it as Rs. 670 per capita per month.
relationship of growth with poverty reduction before 1980s. Irfan and Amjad (1984)
investigated the factors which are responsible for equivalent changes in growth and
poverty during 1960s and 1970s and blamed structural changes in the economy-
which favour landlords and upset the labour class in 1960s while favouring labour
class in Bhutto’s era of 1970s- for direct relationship of growth and poverty in case of
responsible for poverty reduction in Pakistan till the end of 1980s. The factors which
are blamed to increase the poverty of Pakistan in 1990s will be poor economic growth
significant factor. We also want to explore that whether the role of rural
micro level or not? Therefore, in this thesis we focus not only towards micro
correlates of poverty but also explore the topic at macro level. We hypothesize that
rural infrastructural development may also have the force to enhance economic
growth and to reduce poverty significantly. Hence, we try to collect evidence in this
Pakistan while considering the monetary factors by choosing the threshold procedure
Our evaluation comprises of four major sectors of social welfare i.e. education, health,
Table: 2.2 Education
by all the measures of evaluation either we may consider literacy rate or enrollment
rate or gender ratio or teacher-student ratio. First of all we may look at literacy rates
In Table: 2.2 we could observe that literacy rate has risen from 13.2%
in 1951 to 54% in 2005-06 which means about four times increase in the literacy. It
rate of Pakistan is worst in the World and stands among least positions. The severity
of the problem is evident from the fact that Pakistan’s literacy rate is well below those
countries whose GNP per capita is near about equal to Pakistan such as Ghana,
Nigeria and Vietnam etc. As per GoP (Various Issues-iii), the literacy rate for the
FY1998 is very poor for rural areas (33.6% for rural areas compare to 63% for urban
areas) and for female segment of the society (32% as compare 54% of men) which
point out towards poverty of rural areas and female members of the households. Low
literacy is not only a sign of poverty but also the cause of poverty. Hence, it is needed
to control the poverty status of the society as a whole so that people may be able to be
literate and to have relatively better income sources for them so as to have capability
Along with literacy rate we may also look at the enrolment rate of the
country for primary section so that we could also analyze the situation with another
angle. The evidence in Table: 2.3 show that analysis for enrollment rate is analogous
to the analysis discussed in case of literacy rate. Such devastating facts of educational
attainment in Pakistan not only contribute to lowering the position of the Country in
HDI ranking but also showing the poverty level of Pakistan among the World. Health
First of all we may take into consideration life expectancy and infant
could be observed with life expectancy improves from age 46 in 1965 to 63 in 2005
and infant mortality decrease from 149 in 1965 to 70 in 2005. So far as preventive
measures are concerned same result could also be noticed here with improvement of
access to safe drinking water from 22% in 1976 to 66% in 2005 and improvement of
improvement could also be seen from the digits available in Table: 2.5 which are
Table: 2.3
Year Total Male Female
1991 43* 49 37
1997 41.5* 46 37
2001-02 42 46 38
2004-05 52 56 48
2005-06 52 56 48
Source: GoP (2003-i), GoP (2001-02), GoP (2004-05), GoP (2005-06)
* Estimated Values
Even the number of midwives improves over time but could not keep
its pace with the population growth. It could be noticed that for the period from 2002
to 2004 instead of improvement, the status of “population per midwife” was worsened
and afterwards till 2006 no significant development is evident. No doubt overall there
compare this progress with those countries which are similar to Pakistan or having
satisfying. Not only that health sector is unable to compete the World but evaluation
of available facilities also could not represent a better picture of this sector because of
poor quality of health facilities, high focus on curative measure in spite of preventive
measure, most of the facilities are available only in the cities, and discriminative
Table: 2.4
Low life expectancy at birth and high infant mortality rate of Pakistan
signify that poverty is high in Pakistan. As the growth and prosperity of the people
depends upon their productivity, which is highly affected by health conditions of the
people. Poor health facilities influence productivity adversely, which in turn creates
hurdles for the people to generate means so as to combat the ends. Resultantly people
lag behind not only at individual level but also among the nation. Therefore, health
sector of Pakistan is in need of serious efforts to be taken by the nation as a whole so
that country along with populace could be able to fight against the giant of poverty.
Table: 2.5
Years 1981 1991 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Doctors 13910 51833 102611 108130 113273 118062 122798
Dentist 1018 2077 5058 5531 6128 6734 7388
Nurses 6110 16948 44520 46331 48446 51270 57646
Midwives 4846 15009 23084 23318 23559 23897 24692
LHVs 718 3106 6397 6599 6741 7073 8405
6027 2127 1392 1350 1316 1274 1254
per Doctor
82357 53134 28244 26389 24320 22345 20839
per Dentist
13721* 6508* 3209 3150 3076 2935 2671
per Nurse
per 17300* 7349* 6189 6260 6326 6297 6235
116763* 35513* 22332 22119 22108 21274 18318
per LHV
*Estimated Values on behalf of data available in this table
Source: GoP (Various Issues-i), PMDC, PNC
be pro-development not only for the households but also for the nation as a whole.
necessary that population of the country and size of families should be reasonable,
viable and manageable given the resources of the country. In Pakistan, population
welfare and family planning are vital programmes to be included in SAP because
population growth rate could not be controlled significantly despite of the fact that
Pakistan started its efforts in this regard since early period of its inception. The
reasons for poor performance are deficient political involvement in the programmes,
Table: 2.6
Years 1965 1975 1980 1985 1990 2000 2005-06
Population(Millions) 52.6 71 82.6 96.2 112.4 146 159
Population Growth
2.7 3.1 3 3.1 3.1 2.69 2.1
Rate (%)
Crude Birth Rate
48 47.4 47.1 45.1 41.6 30 30.08*
(per thousand)
Crude Death Rate
20.9 16.9 14.7 13.1 11.9 8 7.1
(per thousand)
Fertility Rate
7 7 7 6.5 5.8 4.77 3.8
(birth per women)
- 11 5 9.1 10.7 27.6 26
Prevalence Rate (%)
Source: GoP (Various Issues-i), Zaidi (2009), World Development Indicator Database, April (2007)
* Average of the values for the years 2005 and 2006 mentioned on CIA Fact Book (online)
Pakistan included in the top ten populated countries of the World and
its ranking in this table is increasing with the time. The same fact is evident from
Table: 2.6 wherein population has been increased three fold within just 35 years from
1965 to 2000 which is a devastating state of affairs for a country who is struggling to
stabilize since its liberty. Population growth rate of 2.69 is also very high among the
World and no improvement during last forty years could be documented for this
statistic. The statistics of crude death rate and fertility rate could be observed to be
declined significantly from 1965 to 2006 but still our country could not attain a
pleasing place in the table of World ranking in this regard. Even this improvement is
not comparable at World level but it indicates towards improvement in health sector
facilities of Pakistan. Contraceptive prevalence of 26% for the year 2006 is very poor
figure which specifies ignorance of the three fourth population of the country despite
of the fact that country did heavy struggle for family planning since its freedom. The
conducted in Pakistan the important factors for controlling fertility rate are female
education, female labour force participation, breast feeding, age at the time of Environment
is also evident from the economies of Bangladesh and Vietnam where environment
respectively affect the poverty status of these countries [Cannon (2002), and Shaw
economic condition of the people of Pakistan. Either we may talk about farm or non-
farm sectors or we take into consideration the industrial sector of Pakistan, agriculture
is the main engine which run these sectors profoundly. The agriculture is closely
discuss the poverty profile of Pakistan because major proportion of the population
resides in rural areas and also the incomes of the populace heavily depend upon
resources regarding water and afforest, salinity, water logging, soil degradation,
transportation. The supply of water in Pakistan through rivers is just 1000 m3 per
person as against the need for additional 48 billion m3 [GoP (various issues-i)] which
groundwater quality as is evident from the fact that more than 65% tube-wells are
draining harmful sodic water. Along with water crises, interestingly 10% of area of
only 3.317 m.ha area out of 86.7 m.ha area of Pakistan is under forest cover which is
also a poor state of affairs for foresting in Pakistan because as per international
caused by four main reasons: i) 11.2 m.ha land is degraded by water erosion, ii) 6
m.ha land is degraded by salinity, iii) 3 to 5 m.ha land is degraded by wind erosion
and iv) about 2 m.ha land is degraded by water logging. Pollution is caused by these
ranging use of agro-chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers also caused the pollution.
Industrial sector in shape of textile etc demands sulfuric acid, caustic soda and soda
ash and this sector does not disposed of the waste properly, therefore, it causes
pollution with severity. Lastly the air pollution is resultant of SPM which arose in air
due to dusting material, industrialization, brick kilns, transportation, and solid waste
flaming. As per WHO standards for SPM concentration, Pakistani cities are 6.5 times
more concentrated than the settled standard in this regard. Domestic energy demands
(i.e. cooking, transportation vehicles) satisfied through wood, biomass, diesel, crude
elements of poverty silhouette but these are not sufficient to present an absolute
vulnerability and transient poverty expand the theory considerably. Hence, keeping in
view their importance in poverty theory now we may try to discuss the poverty in
Pakistan under these reflections. For this purpose firstly we attempt to present the
evidence over time if it is available. But, if time series evidence is not available then
we try to present and evaluate available research in this regard so that we may be able
to analyze the situation. We attempt to collect recent evidence in this regard either in
poverty, which helps to quantify, heed, and target the deprived segment of the society
development. Therefore, relative poverty and absolute poverty move side by side
Table: 2.7
Year Ratio Year Ratio
1963-64 0.355 1990-91 0.407
1966-67 0.351 1992-93 0.390
1968-69 0.328 1996-97 0.400
1969-70 0.330 1998-99 0.410
1979 0.375 2000-01 0.275
1984-85 0.428 2001-02 0.306*
1987-88 0.346 2004-05 0.298
Source: Zaidi (2009), GoP (Various Issues-i),
* Anwar (2003)
different segments of the society with the help of statistic known as “Gini
Coefficient”. The values of Gini coefficient belongs to the interval [0,1] with 1 as
Pakistan from 0.355 in 1964 to 0.298 in 2006. However, comparison of the Tables:
2.1 & 2.7 could not indicate any relationship between poverty and income distribution
because in the decades of 1960s and 1970s both move in same direction whereas in
1980s and 1990s both move in opposite direction. This situation supports
Here we find out the ratio of richest quintile to lowest quintile of the society for
different attributes. Higher the value of ratio, higher will be inequality. The evidence
in Table: 2.8 is analogous to the evidence in Table: 2.7. It is obvious from the
comparison of years 2001-02 and 2004-05 that discrepancy among richest quintile
and lowest quintile of the society for the attributes of literacy rate, enrollment rate,
Table: 2.8
try to find the data regarding vulnerability. The vulnerability in Pakistan could be
resultant of the shocks such as inflation, weather, floods, droughts etc. However we
try to analyze recent vulnerability status of Pakistan on account of price hike shock.
Vulnerability poses the danger of any shock for non-poor which could push a
reduction policies upon well-being of people- achieved after utilizing heavy resources
and long time efforts- could be disappeared suddenly only on account of vulnerability.
Recently, the global economic crisis hit the developing World severely and chewed its
development progress harshly. Similarly, due to mountainous increase in oil prices on
account of this crisis, Pakistan has also to face painstaking price hike specifically for
food items which thumps her achievements for economic development cruelly. As
per data available for April, 2007 [GoP (Various Issues-i)], all consumer products
related to poor segment of the society were seriously affected by inflationary pressure
and an increase of 200 percent and 150 percent respectively for palm oil and wheat
prices could be observed fairly. The CPI swallowed from 12 percent in 2007-08 to
22.4 percent in 2008-09 while augmenting food items’ inflation from 17 percent to
26.6 percent. Such a terrible surge in prices badly distresses the life of vulnerable
segment of the society and causing them to fell down in the vicious circle of poverty.
Table: 2.9
Percentage Households
Agro-Climatic Zones
Vulnerable Chronic Poor Transitory Poor
Total 56.1 39.7 13.7
Northern Irrigated Plains 29.1 34.3 12.9
Southern Irrigated Plains 71 46.4 14.6
BARANI (Arid) Plains 46.1 25.9 16.1
Dry Mountains 67.3 46.7 11.4
Source: World Bank (2002). Facts and figures in the table are constructed on the basis of
IFPRI panel survey with a gap of two years while using poverty line of 2580 calories per
capita per month.
in Pakistan during June 2008 and reported that 45 million people- mostly that of rural
areas- have been austerely distressed due to the price hike. About 40 percent
households faced no change in income, 45 percent faced decline in their real wages,
and food-insecure population has been recorded as 28 percent (as against 23 percent
food insecure population in 2006). Regarding social sector development, this survey
reported that 30 percent household could not meet their medical requirements and the
households has to lift their food expenditures by about 70 percent which caused the
school dropout rate to increase, primary school enrollment to fall, and nutritional level
to shrink.
most important element appears to be weather shocks. The same fact is evident from
Pakistan, has been recorded. The regions of dry mountains and southern irrigated
plains of Sindh show that near about two-third households are vulnerable, the region
of arid cultivation shows about half of the households to be vulnerable, and the region
of northern irrigation plains (canal water irrigation) has only one-third of the
households being vulnerable. Hence, it could be inferred from available evidence that
Chronically poor is a little bit different from transitorily poor because extremely poor
continues to move up and down from poverty line. This is why information on
transient poverty may be helpful to strengthen the poverty reduction strategies. Arif
and Bilquees (2007) analyzes transitory poverty in Pakistan on the basis of data taken
Survey”1. The study describes that in case of Pakistan severity is observed to be in
chronic terms specifically for urban areas of the country. About four-fifth of the
category belongs to rural areas. The transitory poverty of rural areas is resultant of
system of Pakistan. The interesting finding of the study indicates that it is easier to
distinguish chronic poor from transitory poor on the basis of ZAKAT because
and Baulch (1999) on the basis of panel data collected from rural areas of Pakistan
concluded that 74 percent of the poor households were transitorily poor2 and on the
basis of estimates of the study it is concluded that averagely the transitorily poor
etc which may provide us a disaggregated look upon the facts and figures of country’s
development process and helps us to choose targeted groups in this regard. In the
basis of gender-ness because social set-up of the country has based on combined
PSES [Arif et al (2001)] is conducted by PIDE in 1998-99.
McCulloch and Baulch (1999) specifies that the households who were found to be poor at least once
in the period under study, will be considered as transitorily poor.
family system wherein men are responsible for economic and financial matters and
Table: 2.10
Indicator Region
Male Female Aggregate
Urban 78 61 70
Adult Literacy Rate (15+) Rural 55 26 40
Aggregate 64 38 51
Urban 72 68 70
Net Primary Enrolment
Rural 56 46 51
Aggregate 61 52 57
Urban 59 61 60
Fully Immunized Children
Rural 45 44 45
(12-23 Months)
Aggregate 59 49 49
Urban - - -
Life Expectancy Rural - - -
Aggregate 64 66 65
Urban 43 39 41
Infant Mortality (per 1000
Rural 85 79 82
live births)
Aggregate 73 67 70
Source: GoP (2005-06)
Pakistan are poorer than men. All the indicators except infant mortality favour male
category of gender which indicates that female- either within the setup of a family or
in the broader sense of society- have to face serious problems regarding social sector
facilities. This is why female could be considered poorer then male. Whether we
may talk about education facilities or health facilities women in our society are treated
as a class for which these facilities are not supposed to be of much importance on
account of the fact that men are considered to be the ultimate earner and facilitator for
a family, therefore, it is taken as their right to enjoy all the facilities at upper edge.
Table: 2.11
urban areas or for the provinces of the country or on the basis of geographical
inequality in income distribution if we observe Table: 2.10 above for social sector
development indicators, it came to the knowledge that rural areas are more deprived
than urban areas for all important indicators in this regard. Similarly, Table: 2.11
shows that poverty incidence is higher in rural areas as compare to urban areas.
Interestingly, overall poverty of Pakistan also follows rural poverty which indicates
Data related to depth of poverty and severity of poverty also signifies
that rural areas are more deprived in Pakistan. Whereas data regarding income
distribution on the basis of Gini-coefficient, as is evident from the Table: 2.11, shows
Table: 2.12
2001-02 2005-06
Urban Rural Overall Urban Rural Overall
Balochistan 28.57 42.07 39.72 32.18 56.48 50.74
Khyber Pakhtunkhawa 34.21 48.00 45.98 23.98 28.24 27.57
Sindh 22.73 48.79 38.63 11.88 31.38 21.74
Punjab 26.92 39.27 35.71 12.51 21.76 18.78
Pakistan 26.04 42.97 38.07 13.74 26.73 22.36
Source: Anwar et al(2004), and Burki et al (2010)
presented in Table: 2.12 whereby it could be observed that poverty has substantially
provinces of Sindh and Punjab showed a relatively better picture in this regard. The
Balochistan. The same fact is evident from the facts to be analyzed in Chapter No. 6
2.2.4 Government Initiatives to Combat Poverty
government’s efforts in this regard and different programmes initiated by the public
World economic crisis of 2008, government launched this programme to help the
consequent vulnerable, transient poor and chronic poor of the society. This
communities for the purpose of providing basic service and consequent employment
comprehensive effort has been made to fight against poverty persisted constantly in
Since its inauguration in 2000 the PPAF has done a lot for the poor
communities of the country while disbursing nearly a sum of Rs. 55.5 billion to
institutions then use the amount to help the poor populace. Near about 15 million
people have been benefited directly and 11 million people have been benefited
roads, education, health, sanitation, water supply, electrification, gas, and telephone to
directions; firstly buttressing the access of poor to basic necessities of life for the
boosting the generation of employment which, if pro-poor, could benefit the poor
substantially. In this study we are also attempting to analyze the same issue whereby
services to rural inhabitants) on economic growth, income of the rural households and
rural poverty reduction. The rural sector will be chosen as the area of study on
account of the fact that overall the poverty is a rural phenomenon in Pakistan. PBM
1990s under the Islamic conception for handling revenues and expenditures of the
state. Different schemes of this institution e.g. IFA, CSW, CSP, FSP, VTCs, and
NCSRCL etc have been proved helpful for the depressed proportion of the society.
These schemes have specifically been framed for taking into consideration the needy
persons, orphans, and widows etc. Hence, the institution is an important initiative of
35 Initiatives of the Punjab Government
reduction initiatives of Pakistan. There are three main plans which have been
launched by the government of Punjab in this regard i.e. PFSS, Tractor Subsidy
Scheme, and SASTI ROTI1 scheme. The government of Punjab focuses its attention
towards destitute, widows, orphans, families having no specific earner, sick persons,
aged personalities and the poorest people belonging to urban and rural areas of the
society through PFSS so that government may be able to support these deprived units
of the society against the cruel consequences of poverty and destituteness. The
scheme titled “SASTI ROTI” is a project which subsidizes the TANDOORs2 where
poor labour force use to purchase bread for their dietary needs. On the other hand
Tractor Subsidy Scheme helps the poor farmers and tenants of rural areas to procure
subsidized tractors for their commercial and domestic use so that they may be able to
above analysis under decomposition analysis of Section: The vital feature of
the analysis is that the trend of overall poverty in Pakistan follows the trend of
SASTI ROTI is an expression in Urdu which means “low-priced bread”, and the expression has been
used as a slogan of the Punjab Government initiative to help the poor.
TANDOOR is an Urdu word which refers to a place where breads could be prepared manually in a
little bit large quantity while utilizing specifically constructed stoves.
poverty in rural areas of Pakistan which confirms the finding that poverty is a rural
Similarly, on the basis of this information we may be right to attempt probing rural
As per availability of data for rural households now we may try to inscribe the
2) Major income source of rural people lies with non-farm sector which
contributes about 40% of their total income. Other sources are
agricultural produce, agricultural wages, livestock and remittances which
account for 25%, 4%, 8% and 9% of their total income respectively
[GoP (2004-05]. Interestingly the 37% of total incomes of even farm-
owners comprises of non-farm sector [Dorosh et al (2003)].
4) Regional differences accounted for crop cultivation in rural areas of
Pakistan caused substantial variations in regional poverty. Despite low
performance of overall agricultural production, the regions where wheat
and cotton were cultivated showed significant improvement for poverty
reduction because during 2001 to 2004 substantial improvement was
documented for these crops which surpass the loss of drought of
2001-02, therefore, poverty incidence in the wheat-cotton region was
declined sharply. [GoP (2003), and World Bank (2007)]
India, 84 % in Bangladesh, and 98 % in Sri Lanka. Infant mortality in
rural areas of Pakistan is 88/1000 (80/1000 at national level) compared
to 62/1000 in India (national level), 56/1000 in Bangladesh (national
level), and 12/1000 in Sri Lanka (national level) [GoP (2004-05), WDI
online database]
1) During the period 1986 to 2001-02, real incomes of the rural household
were fallen while this period also documented substantial variations in
incomes on the basis of regions and households which indicate toward
transitory poverty of the rural areas of Pakistan [Dorosh and Malik
Pakistan economy. After observing all the facts and figures in this regard we may
evaluate the poverty pervasiveness in Pakistan with the passage of time or on the basis
of proportion of poor people in society, we find that poverty prevails in the country
issue relating to Pakistan economy, therefore, the same should be the main issue of
researches related to Pakistan as is the case of this study. Another fact which came to
the surface after analyzing the data presenting in this chapter is related to rural aspect
of the poverty. It could easily be observed that overall poverty in Pakistan follows the
pattern of the rural poverty in Pakistan. Therefore, we could say that in line with the
developing World the poverty is a rural phenomenon in Pakistan also. This is why in
this study for the purpose of poverty analysis of Pakistan we take into consideration
rural poverty as a core variable of the analysis. After evaluating the poverty status of
Pakistan economy now we may try to present the survey of concerned literature in the
next chapter so that we may be able to move towards analysis phase of the study.
This study may try to find out impact of rural development on growth
and poverty reduction while improvement in rural infrastructure will be taken as rural
development. Within the background of the research topic, this chapter tries to
discover and evaluate the literature behind the research theme. Firstly, it has been
tried to collect all the concerned material behind the subject matter of research.
Secondly, an effort has been made in this chapter to assemble significant and
imperative research works whether such a research work may be found in past or
recent years. The chapter has been divided into six sections. Section: 3.1 is
poverty theory, Section: 3.3 evaluates the literature related to background of the
research topic, Section: 3.4 discusses the literature which will be helpful to resolve
important issues of this study, Section: 3.5 explains the hypotheses of the thesis, and
define poverty may be easy but to feel poverty is a hard job. Only poor can imagine
what poverty is, and poverty theorists may just try to attract the focus of non-poor
towards poor. Notion of poverty is not new to the World. It exists since the creation
of the World and becomes visible since human beings’ inhabitation in the World. In
the same way when we talk about economic theory, again poverty theory can be
captured since the inception of economic thought by Adam Smith. Adam Smith
wrote regarding poverty in his renowned book titled, “An Inquiry into the Nature and
poverty as an economic problem of the society, but poverty will be taken as a separate
work on poverty, which was basically a survey conducted in London that tried to
while considering gender dimensions too. Whereas Rowntree (1901) could be taken
Economics formulated its space in economics since 1950s. In 1960s the concept of
development was related to growth, and GDP/GNP per capita was used as an
indicator in this regard whereas poverty was believed to be result of low per capita
income. The Pearson Commission Report1 (1969) is a clear evidence for this fact.
But with the passage of time it came to the surface that growth is a necessary but not a
sufficient condition for development. Hence, during 1970s the poverty theory itself
came to center of attention when Robert Mac Namara, the then Chairman, Word
economists propagated the theory of “Redistribution with Growth”. In the same line
literature whereas Townsend (1954, 1962, and 1971) established not only nutritional
aspect of poverty measurement but also described the concept within the ambit of
poverty theory can be termed as basic needs approach of poverty which broaden the
concept of poverty from mere income aspect to other social aspects of the society
such as education, health, and services etc as the same is derived from the
contributions of ILO (1976, 1977). Basic Needs Approach concluded the integrated
Robert Chambers (1983) explored rural development for poverty reduction and
and physical weakness. Chambers termed poverty along with non-monetary aspects of
poverty as deprivation trap and thought that rural poor can solve these problems with
Robert S. McNamara, President of World Bank formed the commission in 1969 headed by Lester
Bowles Pearson (Nobel Laureate). On September 15, 1969, Commission along with seven other
colleagues filed a report titled “Partners in Development”.
participation, social relationship, asset holding, and physical conservation etc.
whereby income was termed as source which increase capabilities of individuals and
permitted them to function in society. Gender issues in poverty were also introduced
during this decade and WID, GAD2 were major topics of debate while concluding
Human beings were taken as means and ends for poverty problems. The idea was
development. UNDP also propagated the idea of well being for the solution of
poverty problems. In the beginning of 1st decade relating to 21 st century, the poverty
was given due credence by the international community and MDGs have been set up
wherein poverty reduction is one of the eight goals of international community and
target is to halve the prevailing poverty situation of the World. The reports published
by IFAD, WB and ILO in 2001 and 2003 made an effort to revive the idea of poverty
and brought the importance of this topic again before the world because of the reason
In 1983 United Nations formed a commission headed by Dr. Harlem Brundtland, known as
Brundtland Commission for the purpose of exploring interaction between natural resources and
economic development. Commission presented its report while focusing on needs of the world’s
poor and imposition of limitations by State and Social Institutions to conserve the environment.
See Acronyms (A part of this study adjacent with Table of Contents) . Throughout this study capital
words are explained in Acronyms.
that poverty problem persists in the world even after experiencing serious efforts to
reduce it.
A number of studies have been reviewed for this thesis. These studies
have been categorized and reported in the followings while keeping in view the
chronological order:
regarding data that it was non-stationary and also drift over time therefore they
suggested that equations should be estimated in the form of first difference. But
according to author only first difference process over equations would mislead the
process reliable for estimation. Second objection i.e. “public capital’s impacts
showed wide range of estimates” was not admitted by the author after evaluation1 of
criticized studies. Third objection was about direction of causation which according
to critics runs from output to public capital. This objection was also not accepted fully
by the author and she quoted study2 of Eberts and Fogarty (1987) in which two way
direction of causation between output and public capital was proved. Third objection
Author herself evaluates the studies and reached to the conclusion that objection was not valid.
Randall et al (1987).
of simultaneity was also tested by the author who again was not in full agreement
with the critics on the issue of simultaneity and suggested that estimates were not
production function was concerned author argued that results of studies using cost
function to check the same relationship were also the same as that of studies using
integration should be tested in such studies and studies with production function
should not be used for policy purposes because for this purpose studies using cost
‘infrastructure and its impacts’ under different headings i.e. definition, status,
veiled background.
keeping in view mixed evidence relating to infrastructural development expenditures’
benefits it is better to carry out a disaggregated within-country study for such analysis
because sufficient shortage of infrastructure at macro level was not evident by any
estimation of public capital at macro level could not be ignored but nature of
developing countries is also of importance in the sense that there exist serious
developing world still there is shortage of sufficient infrastructure at macro level. The
expenditures at macro level within the framework of production model could provide
another side of the picture regarding developing countries for policy implications in
(2006), who not only analyzed the earlier research on the topic started after Aschauer
(1989), and their critics but also evaluated recent research. He appropriately
under econometric limitations, ii) Critics also could not negate the positive impacts of
infrastructure, iii) Under new econometric techniques recent work on the topic
pointed out three levels of infrastructure on the basis of their benefits i.e. local,
efficiency (growth process) and equity (development process). He also took into
One thing is worth mentioning here that mostly focus of the author remained on South
Africa throughout this study, however, his attempt for capturing the role of
infrastructure in growth and equity processes was appreciable and will be proved
helpful in further research on this topic. It also attracted the attention of researchers
(from different regions of the World, especially developing countries) to this topic.
production function was the base for his theoretical model, and comprehensive
pseudo GLS were employed by him in his cerebral work for the period 1949-1973 to
these variables on private output; however estimates of private capital were more
followed method of inter-country comparisons in line with Clark, Kuznet and
Chenery1, for the reason that under the assumption of one production function, inter-
country data has the ability to capture the variations in production conditions of
method of exchange rate on the basis of official value of U.S dollar. Data -gathered
from 47 less developed countries and 19 developed countries- was utilized by him in
regression analysis over three models with dissimilar variables constructed on the
that “Core” infrastructure consisting of streets, highways, airports, electrical and gas
facilities, mass transit, water system and sewers have a momentous role for promoting
Clark (1940), Kuznet (1965), Chenery (1960), and Chenery et al (1968).
The hypothesis used in the study of Hayami (1971).
Holtz-Eakin (1992) objected upon the estimates derived by Aschauer
(1989) on ground for using macro level data to obtain such estimates. Relying upon
on macro level data when economic growth response was to determine, Holtz-Eakin
tested macro level data after applying astute econometric techniques, and found that
according to his point of view causation ran from economic growth to public capital.
Not only Holtz-Eakin (1992) but different other studies such as Garcia-Mila,
McGuire, and Porter (1996) also held the same conclusion for relationship of public
capital and private-sector productivity. These studies were not in agreement with the
results of the studies conducted by Aschauer etc and concluded that estimates of
Aschauer etc were spurious due to lack of sophisticated econometric technique. The
studies built their thesis on the ground that causation ran from economic growth to
public capital, and analysis of such studies supported this hypothesis because urbane
sector’s productivity.
(1996). He was geared up by the work of Aschauer (1989) and Munnell (1992) for
exploiting data from 1946-1991, he not only estimated trans-log production of labour
cost share equation with iterative Zellner estimator for capturing effects of
growth in Canada as compare to the growth enhancement role of infrastructure in
in Canada than United States and due to differences in attributes of both these
economies, the estimates of his study were relatively high. This study can provide the
attention to find out impact of public capital on rate of growth1. For this purpose
index of infrastructural physical units as regressors and results were positive and
Before Sanchez-Robles (1998), focus was on the relationship between public capital and level of
growth, and this is the pioneering study evaluating the impact of public capital on rate of growth
approach lacks inclusion of translation-stage1 of economy towards steady-state
growth. He also emphasized that saturation point of infrastructure had its own
model confirmed the hypothesis and showed that investment in transportation was the
major cause of GDP growth. They established time pattern of GDP response to
transport infrastructure and observed three different patterns namely forward linkage,
cost due to reduced transportation cost which enhanced economic growth. Backward
declined economic growth. They analyzed that transitional dynamics were happened
in newly started and incremental projects of transportation. In sum, this study found
till 1973, thereafter slowed down. In this perspective, Fernald (1999) not only
There are two effects of public capital: 1. direct impact when controlling for private investment, 2.
indirect impact via increase in private capital marginal productivity. The direct impact could take place
during transition to the steady state, but endogenous growth model lack any transitional dynamics.
investigated impacts of roads on productivity but also focused on the importance of
interstate network of roads and congestion of vehicles on roads. The data on inputs
the period 1953-1989 was used by author for estimation of impact of road’s
investment. He found that roads are productive and interstate network of roads played
Congestion is also important factor but played its role after the completion of an
Production Model they relied upon the model used by Romer (1987) because they
trusted that infrastructure along with private physical capital could not enter into a
production model. On the other hand Romer presented specialization as the base for
infrastructure on specialization, they used the data of U.S Economic Census and
found positive correlation. Whereas in their study, for testing the effects of
covers 119 countries over the period 1960-1989- along with World Bank
The dataset was non-published and employed by Jorgenson et al (1987) for their study.
The data set used in the study King et al (1993)
Development Report (1994), and found a vital non-monotonic relationship between
set of infrastructural elements and emphasized that due to externalities attached with
this infrastructure, its effect alone had strong impacts on economic growth. Keeping
biasness of results related to single equation models. Pooled data over a period of
twenty years (1970-1990) for twenty one OECD countries, disaggregated on behalf of
characteristics, was gathered and then managed statistically. After estimation through
different components of fiscal policy which were helpful for economic growth.
endogenously by increasing productivity. They found strong positive impacts of
this area while establishing a database of official information available for economic
infrastructure variables and economic growth patterns. They used an updated database
measured individually (i.e. for roads, railways, ports, air-travel, telephones and
growth with the help of F-tests. Most important findings of the paper were:
for policy making in rural areas. They emphasized that in this age of digital
technology, provision of infrastructure for data availability had a vital role for
provider and user both. For this purpose collaborative case study of Scotland and U.K
within the perspective of rural data infrastructure was conducted by them. They
searched out that European Union had already been recognized the importance of data
in policy making and transformed the sectoral based rural development policy into
integrated rural development policy whereas U.K remained behind European Union in
this area. This study pointed out that exogenous model (agricultural based) of rural
development had failed to embrace the capacity of rural communities for self-
determination whereas endogenous model (integrated approach) did this job
efficiently. They concluded that the concept of social inclusion should had been seen
in data and information terms as well as economic ones, and user-centered rather than
the current problems of developing nations are still those of the nature of exogenous
developing nations so as to coin their future rural development policy while keeping
political and social rights of the people. And they paid their attention to find out
model and applied standard time series technique of VECM (Vector Error-correction
provided by Statistical Department that the data was discontinued in late 1980s and
1990s, the dataset had to be updated in this study while using data provide by
directly and indirectly. Casual relationship running from output to infrastructure was
not strongly recommended in this study. In short we can say that this study provides a
sound base to focus the attention for exploration of the infrastructural development
economy during first stage of industrialization i.e. 1850-1935. Results were very
growth of the England. Author used data of UK gathered from Board of Trade and
CSO which was performed in constant value terms and focused on the years 1963,
1984, 1991 and 1996 showing important phases of telecommunications’ history of the
expenditure and economic growth. They tested both the hypothesis i.e. portrayed by
Wagner’s Law1 and Keynesian Theory2. For this purpose they employed renowned
economic techniques of causality exploration over the data of Turkey for the period of
(2004), and Bogetic and Fedderke (2005) also saw the sights in the area of research
underemployment has a significant role. Bishop (1960) focused his attention towards
this problem and assessed in this regard the effectiveness of rural development
among uses and secondly resource development. He described that to keep the
regarding opportunities and rationing of jobs3 are the main reasons for
Causality runs from Economic Growth to Public Expenditures.
In recession public intervention can enhance economic growth
When in non-farm sector supply of labor is more than demand for labor at prevailing rate of returns,
then there exists a problems. Such problem is mentioned as JOB RATIONING by the author.
capital as the best solution of the problem of underemployment in rural areas. Lastly
he concluded that rural development programmes have the force to solve these
problems by development of local industry and local community. This article was
published in 1960 and covered a valuable aspect of rural development, and also
farmer within the framework of profit function, was premeditated by Evenson (1986).
“average” farm data set on the basis of regional data. Roads and electrifications
showed immense effect on input use. So far as output supply is concerned roads’
hypothesis and concluded that there is a weak positive supply response for intra-
strongly positive. They made it clear that effect of price on supply response relates to
inter-country estimates in the long run while their estimates belongs to short run in
gathered pooled data randomly from 85 districts of 13 states of India for the period
except irrigation were found to have strong positive impact on output and highest
services facilities provided by the government in rural (peripheral) areas and urban
(centre) areas of both the countries roofed by the studies of IFPRI. Comparison of the
both the studies reached to the same conclusion that rural areas were less served by
governments of both the countries and provision of rural infrastructure was the policy
here that study emphasized more need of infrastructure services for rural areas as
compare to urban areas. And it would be proved more valuable to test the impacts of
Studies) panel data and keeping in view heterogeneity between household and
in the study. According to authors roads were important public investments that had
both short and long term effects on employment, income, and productivity as well as
estimation of impact of rural roads projects on economic growth was criticized in the
different sophisticated econometric tools while using data of Pakistan for the periods
in manufacturing increased, need for infrastructure expanded which resulted in
(1997). They found positive effects of these factors on private investment. They
suggested that there is a strong need for energy and credit facilities for improving
Khan and Sasaki (2001) used the time series data of Pakistan for the
capital and economic growth. Production function approach was employed by them
for this purpose, and they recognized robust impacts of public capital on economic
and private capital in their study by estimating an investment function and concluded
growth (indirect channel) tried to probe into the matter of impact of infrastructural
energy were the focus of this study. Case study approach with double difference
methodology (i.e. before and after situation, and with and without situation) was
adopted by the authors so as to find out indirect impact of infrastructure on poverty
reduction in the regions of Asia and Pacific while selecting countries of China, India
and Thailand. After having thorough surveys they reached to the conclusion that
scaling-up poverty reduction programs of any country, however, this study found that
road transport infrastructure was comparatively a better source for this purpose. For
generalization of results to whole of the World, it was suggested by the authors that
projects adopted in this regard should had been pro-poor and targeted.
evidences and methods relating to public expenditures’ efficacy for poverty reduction
with a purpose to explore further direction in this area of research. After review of
valuable material, authors recommended inter alia that agricultural regions/rural areas
infrastructure for poverty reduction because mostly poor resided in rural areas and
rural policies had the force for poverty reduction. Authors were also of the point of
view that the evidence which investigated linkage between poverty reduction and
limited material on this area of research, and also they suggested country-to-country
research for this purpose because difference of such expenditures from satiety level of
63 Rural Dimensions of ‘Infrastructure, Growth and Poverty’
(1990) estimated the impact of reformed rural infrastructure on economic growth and
survey conducted in 1982, and households surveyed were marginally smaller than
640. The study got positive results in favour of poor people. Most important
conclusion of the study was the revealed elementary effect of rural infrastructural
development on poverty reduction through economic growth. Road access was the
associated with different elements of growth i.e. greater agricultural output, higher
incomes, better indicators of access to health services, and greater wage income
Nam, and focused his attention to explore causes of poverty reduction in Viet Nam
infrastructure would certainly be helpful for them. Overall Viet Nam had meager
infrastructure for all the inhabitants and specifically the poor communities were most
deprived of in this regard. Hence infrastructure could play a vital role for poverty
reduction in Viet Nam. Irrigation infrastructure for poverty reduction was evaluated
in this study while employing cross-sectional Living Standard Survey data of Viet
Nam for 1992-93. Profit function was worn out by author so as to capture effects of
(irrigated and non-irrigated) on household crop incomes. Two regressions were run
exploited all the explanatory variables while restricted model represented the
variables with t-ratios below one. Towering gains of irrigation infrastructure for
poverty reduction were reported in the study in both the cases of undifferentiated
to poor had comparatively high effects for poverty alleviation. On the basis of such
findings it was inferred in the study that infrastructure investment had the force to
reduce poverty.
poor then infrastructural development could raise the income and employment for
them, which helped reducing poverty. The study relates to ILO and emphasized on
to poverty reduction but ‘how could we link infrastructure with poverty reduction’ is
an area of research which is yet to be explored. Hence, Songco (2002) made an effort
to find out the linkages between rural infrastructure investments and household
welfare of the poor while taking into consideration the case study of Vietnam. He
reviewed literature extensively on this topic from different sources such as PRSPs
paper sourcebook, World Development Report 1994, World Bank Working Papers,
Three core areas were explored in this paper e.g. impact of rural infrastructure
projects, impact of rural infrastructure investment on poor and ‘how to optimize these
was minuscule in nature and also not informative. However, it was recognized in the
study that infrastructural development had the force to help reduce poverty.
According to author lessons derived from the small scale field study had importance
for Vietnam and should not be generalized because it was a limited survey conducted
with the purpose of intensifying the findings of review of literature. Field study
suggested that poor and very poor did not take infrastructure investment as supportive
in economic terms. They termed this type of investment appreciable but also
suggested alternative ways for poverty reduction efforts. However, road investments
infrastructure investment varied from country to country, hence, finding of his study
Operation Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
should not be taken as recommendation before further exploration in this area of
question was taken by ADB (2002) while discovering impacts of rural roads and
transportation on poverty reduction and also tried to find out that how could these
impacts be strengthen. Here, case study approach was adopted to capture not only
income impacts but also multifaceted impacts of rural roads on poverty reduction.
Three countries i.e. Indonesia, Philippine, and Sri Lanka were selected for the study.
Out of each country two project areas of ADB were selected for interviewing
participatory rural assessment etc. Hence qualitative and quantitative data were
collected from six regions where ADB had completed its projects for rural roads.
Instead of using income poverty line, in this study deprivation approach was selected
for poverty reduction analysis. Data was analyzed descriptively and inferentially. It
was concluded that rural road was a necessary but not sufficient condition for poverty
reduction. Social structure, spatial position, climatic situation, and natural resources
of the vicinity also had vital role for poverty reduction of rural roads. Poverty
reduction had also been differently impacted by integrated road projects and isolated
rural road projects. Integrated projects were proved more productive for poverty
reduction. Direct impact of rural roads worked limitedly for poor but indirect
impacts (access to facilities) worked adequately for poor. Not only poor but also non-
poor got benefits from rural roads, therefore, investment in rural road should had been
enhanced appropriately.
Fan et al (2003) focused their attention to the rural poverty in this
study, and trid to explore the effects of government expenditures for infrastructure on
agricultural growth and poverty reduction. As high variation in poverty incidence for
regional basis while dividing the country in to four regions i.e. Northeastern,
this study double log functional form was used for all equations of the model to
had the highest impact, spending for agricultural extension had second highest impact
and road expenditures had the third highest impact. Whereas in case of agricultural
growth the highest impact was recorded for spending on agricultural extension and
Yao (2003) who found that rural markets would be beneficial for poor only in the
presence of availability of infrastructure (geographic capital1) in remote areas.
Markets were the spots where demand and supply of factors and products set at
equilibrium for best allocation of resources. Rural poor people not only produced
farm and non-farm products but also had labour as their resources. If the resources of
poor community had access to market, then it is possible that these had been
and financial infrastructure fostered the access of poor to markets where they could
supply, and prices of resources. Infrastructure was not only helpful for poor to
poverty was explored empirically by Fan at el (2004), which exploited district level
data from 30 districts of rural Uganda for the years 1992, 1995 and 1997. So far as
faced by them they developed a simultaneous equation model for capturing marginal
impacts of government expenditure on growth and poverty reduction, and then used
Ravallion et al (2001), and Jalan et al (2002) used the terminology of geographic capital instead of
public capital.
Instead of traditional approach while using single poverty line based on a single basket, Fan et al
(2004) used region-specific poverty lines developed by Appleton (2001) on the basis of baskets of
different regions.
double log functional form for estimation of the model. Study found robust impact of
agricultural extension had the highest impact, roads investment had second highest
impact, and education expenditures had the third highest impact on agricultural
growth and poverty reduction whereas health facilities showed no impact at all.
Inferior type roads played vital role as against highways and high type roads.
Regional disparities of impact of such expenditures were also evident in this study,
infrastructural investment on economic growth and poverty for rural India, rural
China and rural Thailand respectively. While criticizing single equation model for
biased results and using simultaneous equations model, these studies investigated
importance of investment in infrastructure (especially for roads) was crystal clear for
economic growth and poverty reduction. In case of India, roads and R&D
investments had not only significant impact on poverty reduction but also had
powerful impact on economic growth. Investments in education and other sectors had
investment in education had the largest impact on poverty reduction, and education
R&D had the largest impact on growth. And Thailand’s experience also pointed out a
poverty reduction.
Fan and Chan-Kang (2005) estimated that development of rural roads
and other infrastructure proficiently widened the growth and reduced the poverty in
China. They used provincial level data and following a simultaneous equation model
poverty. Exception of the study was to disaggregate the roads on the basis of quality,
and also to obtain the results on the basis of different regions. Marginal effect of road
development was proved different for different regions, and also different for different
roads, for growth and poverty reduction. Another important finding of the study was
the recognition of ‘trade off’ between growth and poverty in different regions of
China, which attracted the attention of policy makers towards basic needs of different
activities for poverty reduction tried to assess the impact of irrigation on agricultural
productivity and poverty reduction in Pakistan. On the basis of field survey primary,
data from nine Tehsils of Pothohar Plateau was collected for the period of 2002-03
Headcount ratio, poverty gap and squared poverty gap were measured for the sample
area, and thereafter analysis of poverty incidence was conducted with respect to
available farm size and availability of water through different sources i.e. irrigation,
rain and both. It was concluded that overall poverty was comparatively low in the
study area and small scale irrigation had positive impact on poverty reduction.
They published their results for data of Pakistan in its Research Report No. 31 and for
Sri Lanka in Research Report No.32. For this purpose two different yearly surveys
households reached to the same conclusion that area with access to irrigation
issues regarding main themes of the study within the umbrella of literature. Main
themes comprises of selection of study area on the basis of spatial differences (we
select rural as against composite or urban sector), specification of model (we select
infrastructure), and usage of household survey for analysis purposes (we preferred
micro data as against secondary data). All these themes have been discussed with the
literature a number of studies [Ratner (1983), Antle (1983), Aschauer (1989), Holtz-
take into consideration the infrastructure at country level. Most of these studies make
their investigations for developed countries where rural sector has minimal role in
and poverty reduction has also been discovered for rural sector. The rural sector has
fact that in developing countries rural sector is the main cause of problems related to
developing countries if we streamline the rural sector of the economy then these
problems could be griped and resolved smoothly. The studies which put their
argument for infrastructure to growth and poverty reduction within the perspective of
rural sector are Evenson (1986), Binswanger et al (1987, 1989), Looney (1992, 1997),
Wanmali and Islam (1997), Khan and Sasaki (2001), , Khandker et al (2006), and
these studies chose the developing economies for their analysis. In this study we want
analysis the balance will tilt in favour of rural sector in line with those studies which
single equation model will be used for estimation purposes such as Saith (1981),
Ahluwalia (1985), Gaitha (1989), and ‘Ravallion and Datt’ (1994). On the other hand
the studies conducted by IFPRI and Shenggen Fan, used simultaneous equation model
the analysis to biased estimates, ii) multiple effects of public spending could not be
captured by single equation, iii) inclusion of one type of investment for poverty
reduction gave birth to upward biasness iv) ranking of effects of different spending
will not be possible. Most of these studies wherein simultaneous equation model will
be used were conducted their analysis at macro level and specifically taking into
consideration the public spending. On the other hand Shenggen Fan in his own study
[i.e. Fan et al (2006)] when conducted the analysis at micro level for a household
survey, used single equation model on account of the reason that at macro level it will
For this purpose we utilize household survey, therefore, in line with earlier studies
and specifically the study conducted by Fan et al (2006) for household analysis, we
will use single equation model because we want to estimate the impact of rural
development at micro level. Other reason to select single equation model instead of
simultaneous equation model is that after OPEC oil shocks of 1970, use of
simultaneous models for analysis purposes have been shrunk substantially on account
etc)]. Some of the studies uses core infrastructure itself to quantify the infrastructure
[Fan and Chan-Kang (2005)]. Few studies also used distances of the public services
(infrastructure) from the vicinity for the purpose utilizing it as proxy to quantify the
infrastructure variable [Fan et al (2005)]. The studies which use public spending as
proxy for infrastructure variable accomplished the analysis at macro level. The study
used core infrastructure of road i.e. Fan and Chan-Kang (2005) also conducted at
macro level. The distance of infrastructure from ultimate users has also been utilized
the studies which accomplished analysis at micro level. In this research work we not
only employ core infrastructure but also utilize the distance of public facility from
vicinity for quantification of infrastructure because our analysis also based at micro
level while employing households level data set. Furthermore in case of a country
like Pakistan where data for spending on infrastructure is not even completely
accessible at macro level, then it will be very difficult to find the data at micro level.
Hence despite of using spending as proxy for infrastructure variable we use core
infrastructure along with distance of core infrastructure from inhabitants for this
were arose as we try to find the data in case of infrastructure. Within the ambit of
(Various Issues-ii), GoP (1999-i), Ten Years Statistical Books of FBS, Data Sources
of State Bank of Pakistan] regarding budgets it will be very difficult (if not
impossible) to find out the data regarding expenditures incurred upon infrastructure
variables separately for urban and rural areas. The only help from these data sources
could be obtained in shape of community level expenditures and PSDPs. On the other
available but then it will not be possible to obtain the information only for rural sector
and this study tries to accomplish the analysis for rural sector. Another limitation for
conducting the analysis at macro level while employing time series data will be arose
when we want to gather the data on poverty because time series data on poverty for
Pakistan is not available due to some certain methodological issues regarding non-
effort in this regard, and non-availability of data for poverty before 1971. Therefore,
time series sources of secondary data may not be proved helpful for a study wherein
This is why we employ primary data obtained through secondary sources of FBS in
shape of survey titled, “Household Integrated Economic Survey 2005-06” whereby
we could obtain information not only for inhabitants of rural areas but also for the
vicinities where they live because this data set surveyed the rural communities along
communities. The micro data will be proved helpful for accomplishment of the
After having reviewed extensive material over the research topic, now
it may be better to discuss the research hypotheses to be evaluated in this study. This
study, as mentioned in introductory chapter, will try to find out the impact of rural
accomplished via two main channels i.e. direct impact of rural infrastructure over
impact over poverty on account of enhanced growth. Therefore, Chapter No. 7 and 8
will focus indirect channel whereas Chapter No. 9 will focus direct channel. It is also
important to mention here that Chapters No. 7 & 9 comprise of micro analysis
whereas Chapter No. 8 comprises of macro analysis. In the followings an attempt has
There are two popular strands in the literature on poverty; the first
views poverty as a structural/economic phenomenon. The cultural thesis argues
that poverty is rooted in the deficient character and behaviour of the poor which
Ellwood & Summers, 1986; Mead, 1986; Patterson, 2000; Rodgers, 2000). On
the other hand the “structural or economic” strand argues that mostly poverty
environments that favour certain groups over others. For example, economic
(Keynes, 1936; Ellwood and Summers, 1986; Abramovitz, 1996). This direct
relationship between poverty and income supports the argument that productive
work is the best mechanism for lifting people out of poverty which, in turn,
growth are necessary for sustained poverty reduction. This is the view
The current study has also adopted the structural approach that
links incomes in rural areas with factors that could be able to develop those areas
have influenced this choice of approach. Sen and Palmer-Jones (2006) examined
the link between poverty and location in rural India and also concluded that
were characterized by low income levels and minimal declines in rural poverty.
These results are supported by Son (2007) who looked at the effect of irrigation
and water availability on rural incomes in Vietnam. The study found that between
2000 and 2005 rural incomes were more than doubled in irrigated areas
(1957) and Nelson (1964) postulated that education adds to the effectiveness of
more easily to both social and technical changes in the economy and, to changes
in the demand for labour. In their analysis of poverty in Uganda, Okurut et al.
(2002) found that the higher the educational attainment of the household head the
wealthier the household, while the larger the household size the poorer the
income found that human capital and demographic factors were the main
people had relatively comfortable incomes. The study also concluded that
Inadequate infrastructure has also featured prominently in rural poverty
studies. In Argentina, a study on the rural poor found that the principal causes of
poverty were low education, poor health facilities and inadequate infrastructure
Khandker (1989) found that government investment in roads had a positive effect on
crop output, rural non-farm employment, and agricultural wages, all of which were
contribute to economic growth in, both farm and non-farm sectors, and generate
economic opportunities for the rural population in general. Likewise, Fan and Rao
helping the poor during the post–green revolution period in many Asian countries.
Escobal (2001) established the link between roads and income diversification. He
following two hypotheses which will be taken in to consideration for analysis purpose
incomes is indirect path at micro level for the purpose of poverty alleviation.
The positive impact of rural infrastructural development on rural
production and consumption directly but also creates many direct and indirect
income and employment. Infrastructure promotes growth and economic growth brings
between different physical infrastructure services and per capita income / output.
These studies suggest that infrastructure does contribute towards the growth of output,
income and employment of the economy and ultimately the quality of life of the
people in the concerned economy [Looney and Frederiksen (1981); Hardy and
Hudson (1981); Aschauer (1989a); Ebert et al (1991); Queiroz and Gautam (1992);
Gramlich (1994); Cutanda and Paricio (1994); Esfahani and Ramirez (2003)]. Studies
also exist on the inter-state disparities on the level of economic development and
infrastructure facilities, e.g., Rao (1977), Elhance and Lakshmanan (1988), Ghosh and
De (1998, 2004), Sahoo and Saxena (1999) are only a few to name. Sarkar (1994)
10th and 11th Finance Commissions have used the index of infrastructure as one of
the criteria for devolution of funds to states. Bhatia (1999) constructed an index of
rural infrastructure and his study revealed that the index of infrastructure significantly
towards the role of infrastructure in growth enhancement and for this purpose macro
analysis of Pakistan economy will be conducted in Chapter No. 9. This study may be
unique in the sense that role of infrastructure may be explored for rural sector of the
growth is indirect path at macro level for the purpose of poverty alleviation.
At the end of this chapter we may conclude that rural infrastructure has
been taken as an important element for economic growth and poverty reduction of any
country. Sufficient number of studies explores this topic in various countries. Most
economic growth and poverty reduction. However, such studies are also available in
the literature which contradict with the notion that rural infrastructural development
Overall, it has been taken that rural infrastructural development may have the force to
With this background when we try to find out the results from
Pakistan, then it has come to the surface that there exist a limited number of studies
which focus this topic in case of Pakistan. Specifically, when we talk about the role
of infrastructure for poverty reduction we find negligible work in this regard and only
the infrastructure of irrigation has been evaluated for this purpose. Therefore, keeping
in view this limitation we feel strong need to present the evidence from Pakistan
wherein we may explore the role of infrastructural development for poverty reduction
and economic growth of Pakistan. As earlier mentioned in last chapter that poverty is
a rural phenomenon in Pakistan, therefore, we may investigate this topic for rural
areas of Pakistan. After analysis phase of the study we may be able to put the
evidence from Pakistan regarding the role of rural infrastructure in poverty reduction
and in growth enhancement. But before starting the analysis phase of the study we
a theory. This chapter attempts to expound the theory embodying this hypothesis.
Consequently, in this chapter we briefly discuss poverty theory and then state the
framework supporting the philosophy behind the argument of this thesis. For this
purpose we divide this chapter into three further sections. Section: 4.2 describes
major concepts of poverty theory so that reader may be able to presume the milieu of
the thesis. Therefore, issues related to poverty measurement, and poverty reduction
policies will be conversed here briefly so as to assemble a vista in the minds, which
then will be employed in crafting a conceptual framework of the thesis. Section: 4.3
rural development ideology to be used in the thesis. Within the perspective of poverty
theory, the impact hoisted by selected snap of rural development (i.e. rural
The Section: 4.4 then endeavors to portray the theory to be evaluated in this thesis for
the purpose of finding out the response of poverty reduction on the basis of enhanced
the thesis wherein we seek to estimate diverse sections of the framework for the
What poverty is? Why there is a need to focus on poor? These two
questions are very necessary to answer if we want to be familiar with the concept of
poverty. For the sake of definition we could say that poverty is a state of human
being whereby human beings are unable to satisfy core necessities of life i.e. physical
intakes, clothing and shelter etc. Different definitions of poverty have been presented
the beginning all the academics took poverty within the ambit of financial resources
of the people that whether populace have sufficient money to fulfill their basic
Concept of Well-being is difficult and multifarious which need clarity; therefore, the concept gave
birth to different approaches describing well-being. Consequently, poverty measurement theory
made use of these approaches during analysis of different data-sets.
minimum needs and requirements or not. If someone has the resources to fulfill his
basic wants then he may be considered as non-poor otherwise he is poor. Basic wants
the income/consumption of the household is not sufficient to acquire that bundle then
But with the passage of time the concept of poverty has been
broadened and poverty theorists also considered other aspects of life for a person to be
poor and poverty has been defined in different scenarios. Another approach to look at
consumption goods or attributes e.g. education, health, nutrition, and access to public
services etc. Households are examined on their ability to obtain a defined1 quantity of
that good or not. If they have not attained the defined quantity then they will be taken
as poor. The broadest approach of poverty has been presented by Sen (1987) who
defined poverty as the lack of capabilities. What does capability mean here?
society. Whether the person has or has not ability to attain sufficient nutrition,
speak and live in the communities etc. Such a broadness of thought made poverty a
multidimensional concept which takes care of the poor communities in all respects.
But while struggling against the genie of poverty it is very difficult to keep pace with
such a broad concept of poverty because still humanity is combating with poverty
within the bubble of monetary aspect. Therefore, conventional thinking regarding the
A certain limit has been defined e.g. if we talk about education then simple literacy or 5 years of
schooling could be considered as threshold of being poor or not.
concept of poverty has still its importance, and till yet issues related to estimation and
this study also focus on the conventional thought regarding poverty i.e. pecuniary
image of poverty.
theory it is also questioned that who are poor. How could we be able to know about
the poor section of the society? Hence, another task of poverty theory is to measure
field of poverty research. Economists and social scientists have divergent stance on
this core concept and hence tried to resolve the issue in a different way. This study
themselves were not much clear on this topic and after a long time of research on this
core issue, they are able to describe a procedure to measure poverty. Poverty theorists
such as Ravallion, Sen, Deaton, Kakwani, Haughton, Khandker, Duclos, Visaria etc
did extensive work on measurement of poverty and provided clarity of concept on this
issue of poverty theory. For the purpose of broad learning in this area of research, the
studies such as Ravallion (1992), Duclos (2006), and World Bank (2009) could be
considered and perused as a lustrous guiding material. On the basis of work in this
regard we can easily articulate that measuring poverty is a three step phenomenon.
Step-II Establishing the threshold
Any attribute which can describe the well being of humanity, can be
wide concept which could be defined not only monetarily but also under the
extorted not only by the income and consumption (Welfarist Approach) of the people
but also could be deducted from the utilization of a specific commodity e.g. nutrition,
focuses on utility and exercises monetary measures of humanity to capture their well-
being. Welfarist approach uses two types of variables, one showing the capacity of
individual (power of buying) to attain utility i.e. income, and other showing capability
investigate the inputs1 employed to attain utility, and is unable to catch the outputs2
attained by usage of that utility. Admittedly, inputs have their own importance but
outputs could not also be ignored. Hence, another extreme is Non-Welfarist approach
These are the variables, which can be used to generate the utility.
These are the variables which reflect the effects of utility usage.
Similar to Welfarist approach, Non-Welfarist approach also uses two types of
variables e.g. 1) Basic Needs; The capacity of the masses in usage of specific
commodity (helps in attaining the specific functioning) i.e. defined level of education,
calories, housing, freedom etc, and 2) Capability; The ability of the masses to achieve
a functioning out of its set (freedom of choice) i.e. nutritional status etc. Limitation
attached to Non-Welfarist approach, does not allow capturing of all the aspects of
well-being within one orb. Hence keeping in view these types of limitations related to
both the approaches, theory suggests following variables inter alia to measure the
a) Income
b) Consumption
c) Calories Intakes
d) Ratio of food expenditure to total expenditures
e) Defined level of basic necessities
f) Nutritional Status
the basis of these variables, we may be able to judge the living conditions of the
people and may be able to sort out poor segment of the society. Still we cannot say
assertively that these variables have full power to measure poverty. Each of these
After the inception of human race on earth, humanity needs some basic
items for their existence. They need food, clothing and shelter. These requirements
are the basic and inevitable for the survival of humankind. Hence these requirements
have vital role in describing verge point which segregate the society into poor and
non-poor. Even with the evolution of civilizations on the globe the humankind has
expanded their necessities for existence and has also been enjoying the comforts of
life. But scarcity compelled the people to capture most of the resources for their own
use and competition started between human beings for having control over utmost
resources to fulfill their own requirements. Such a race left the people on different
places, some succeeded to achieve most of the resources and enjoying comforts of
life, some of them achieved only such requirements which are sufficient to live a
normal life, and some of them failed to achieve resources even required for just
existence of their lives. Poverty exists not only at micro level but also at macro level
and some of the countries left behind in the race of capturing resources. Colonialism
is an indicator of race for capturing resources. However, the failed segment of the
societies has been known as poor, and still the minimum requirements needed for the
existence of humanity are the same as taken by humanity at the time of its inception
i.e. food, clothing and shelter. So, these requirements have a vital role in finding out a
threshold, which can describe a point below which masses are considered as poor i.e.
The statistic, which is able to provide maximum information of whole
the analysis, will be known as “Index” of that analysis. In literature, for analysis of
just count the poor lived in a society and represent the number as a ratio of total
population. This ratio will then be known as Headcount Index or Headcount Ratio.
Hence, such a statistic can only capture the situation about poverty level of a society,
different societies for their poverty status because this statistic could only be helpful
to express the level of poverty and could not express the intensity of poverty being
faced by the poor segments of the societies. The statistic may show that both the
countries have 30% poor population even that the poor of one of the society are
poorer than other society. Similarly within a society, the statistic could not tell about
the poverty level of two different poor. Notwithstanding the statistic has been widely
approved and used for the purpose of poverty measurement because of its simplicity.
The formula used to compute this statistic is as under:
HCR = P (yi < z)
shows total number of observations, [P(.)] is an indicator function used to pick the
poor from the society: if household expenditures (yi) falls below poverty line (z), then
the function [P(.)] will be concluded as 1, otherwise the function [P(.)] will be
Index. In this statistic, it has been tried to capture the depth of poverty within a
society. For this purpose the gap of each household has been computed while
assuming that gap of non-poor is zero. This gap has been divided by poverty line to
obtain proportionate poverty gap with respect to poverty line. Then average of
proportionate poverty gap will be calculated. If we define Poverty Gap Index as PG,
then the formula for computing Poverty Gap Index could be expressed as under:
1 G
PGI = i
N z
Where: Gi = (z – yi) P( )1 ,.
The indicator function P(.) has already been described in formula of Headcount Ratio.
while assuming that z – yi = 0, for all non-poor.
between poor and poverty line. In other way, it will be easy to find out that how
many resources are required to fill the gap between poor and poverty line. But
limitation attached is simple that how the society could be able to impart these
resources to actual deprived class even if society has fixed a certain proportion of
their resources for poor segment. This static also could not help out to find out the
intensity of poverty for a given society and also not helpful to measure inequality
among the poor of the society. Despite the limitations attached with the statistic, the
statistic has been propagated by many analysts due to the reason that with the usage of
this statistic in analysis, society could be able to find out the information regarding
least amount of resources to be required for handling the problem of poverty in the
As noted above that Poverty Gap Index has been failed to capture the
extent of inequality among the poor of a society, therefore, by computing the statistic
known as Squared Poverty Gap Index, an effort has been made to overcome the short-
coming of the statistic named as Poverty Gap Index. Here, simply the weights have
been assigned to proportionate poverty gaps (i.e. z – yi/z) and weights are the
n 2
1 G
SPGI1 = i
N z
This statistic has the power to capture inequality among the poor of the
society and in case of transfers from any poor to another poorest within society; the
value of statistic will be reduced. Limitation attached with this statistic is its
purpose of poverty measurement is to keep the poor on the board because poverty
measurement could expose not only the level of poverty, but also the decomposition
that humanity as a whole may be able to help them in reducing their problem of
poverty. Hence, the other important tool of poverty analysis is poverty reduction.
What poverty reduction is and how to handle with the problem? This is the question
For the purpose of poverty reduction, two main approaches have been
i) Macro Approach
ii) Micro Approach
The indicator function Gi has already been described and explained in formula of PGI.
94 Macro Approach to Poverty Reduction
policy tool for poverty reduction in case of developed countries whereas when we
focus the developing countries, again the economic growth has its vital importance
but economic liberalization, democracy and military expenditures also play their role
will be taken as economic growth. Instead of the fact that there exists controversy on
the topic that whether economic growth helps to reduce poverty or not, economic
growth has been proved a leading element for poverty reduction at macro level
[Dollar and Kraay (2002)]. Chen and Ravallion (2001), Deaton and Dreze (2001),
Datt and Ravallion (2002), and Bhagawati (2001) also put their arguments for
such as Ravallion and Datt (1996), Tendulkar and Jain (1995), and Tendulkar (1998)
also put their evidence and find empirically that economic growth can help reduce
Robinson, 1989, and Papanek and Kyn, 1981). It was also found out in some studies
The economic growth which would be a cause of unequal distribution of income, hence results to augment poor segment of
the society.
[Ahluwalia et al (1979), and Fields (1980)] that if any link between economic growth
and poverty reduction have been concluded than such evidence may be emerged
overall increase of income level then economic growth has a little relevance with
poverty reduction. This will happen in case of high rate of inequality in the country.
Here we talk about pro-poor growth. Pro-poor growth means the economic growth
which inherits the characteristic of poverty reduction [(Ravallion and Chen 2003)].
How the economic growth could accompany poverty reduction. Kraay (2004)
concludes that for economic growth to be pro-poor, central role will be assigned to
policies of the governments and to the institutions helped to enhance broad base
enhance the pubic basic requirements other than food i.e. education, heath,
infrastructure etc. What policies could help the economic growth to be pro-poor?
Answer to this question is still not satisfactory because still it is difficult to suggest
specific policies in this regard. However, in case that with the help of policies if we
are able to streamline the incomes of the society and then economic growth could help
‘equal distribution of income’ which helps to reduce poverty. In that case also we
could not neglect the importance of economic growth for poverty reduction, and we
should focus on distribution of income1 along with economic growth so that incomes
The concept of inequality described in section; it means that poverty and inequality will be
handled simultaneously so as to combat poverty reduction.
of the households of the region could be tied closely to economic growth [Ravallion
Earlier she suggests two main macro approaches to reduce poverty i.e. labour
intensive economic growth; and investment in human capital [World Bank (1990)].
Then on the basis of experiences of 1990s, The World Bank (2000) appendages the
a) Opportunities
b) Empowerment
c) Social Protection
the problem of poverty whereas at micro level we try to find out the causes due to
which masses have to face the problem of poverty known as poverty correlates and
however, it is too early to say that these are the deep causes of poverty. The causes
mentioned below are immediate one which could describe the framework to combat
with the problem of poverty. We could distribute these causes into different types
such as:
i) Regional Characteristics
ii) Community Characteristics
iii) Household Characteristics
97 Regional Level Characteristics and Poverty
region i.e. country, where the masses live, and these characteristics could be natural or
of affairs, resource base, and geographical location of that region. Human planning
stability, effectual judiciary, participation, market performance and security etc. Some
specific countries could have to face poverty due to their regional characteristics such
Shaw (2006), Cholistan- a desert range in Pakistan- due to its remoteness [Imran
Sharif Chaudhry et al (2005)], and developing countries due to bad governance, non-
with certain communities i.e. people lived in a specific area within the country either
mobilization etc. All such characteristic play an import role for poverty reduction.
State of infrastructural development of the communities could help the masses while
escalating opportunities for them to access the economic, social and managerial
institutions, which consequently increase their ability to improve well being [Fan et al
(2000), (2002), (2003), (2004)]. Similarly it is observed that social capital could have
been considered a good practice to fight against poverty, inequality and vulnerability
etc because social capital makes the masses capable of attaining the well being for
them [World Bank (2000), Kozel and Parker (2000), and Fafchamps and Minton
to increased access to employment sources then it will be easy for masses to increase
their well being [ILO (2008)]. In the same wary, land distribution could help to
resultantly help to improve their well being [Besley and Burgess (1998)]. Recently,
the most importance has been given to social capital- social skills or association
within the families and communities or social institutions at macro level- because
social capital has the force to improve cooperation and collaboration among the
masses which resultantly work for improvement in the well being of the masses.
main types:
i) Demographic
ii) Economic
iii) Social
been positively correlated with poverty [Gibson (1990)]. So far as age of household
head is considered, a positive correlation of this variable has been discovered with
poverty and if we focus gender of household head, the families with female as a head
are most likely to be poor. Similarly, female to male ratio has been positively
correlated with poverty. Dependency Ratio1 has also been positively correlated with
variables have been taken as income and consumption which are negatively correlated
with poverty. But economic condition of household could also be checked by their
or participation ratio4 etc. All these variables have been negatively correlated with
correlated with poverty. Property comprises of land, building, machinery and durable
Ratio of dependents (ages between 1-14 and more than 64 in completed years) to independents
(ages between 15-64 in completed years)
How many members within household are employed?
How many hours the household members worked?
Ratio of employed (either doing a job or seeking for job) household members to the size of the
household who could be included in labour force (the household who are that of the age between 15-
64 years whether employed or not)
goods etc whereas asset holding consists of financial assets i.e. savings, securities,
household. The most important variables which show the social improvement of the
households are education, health and shelter. When we talk about education, we want
coding for different level of education i.e. codes for primary, secondary, college or
available services in this regard. For quantifying shelter, economists normally use
housing (type of building, source of housing i.e. ownership or rental etc), environment
services (drinking water, electricity, communication etc). All these variables have
to define the word “Rural”. According to IFAD (2001), rural locale is an area where
persons. Now the definition of rural development can be stated as: “Sustained
development in well being of rural people”. Major causes of rural underdevelopment
themes have been presented for explaining it, but main ideology will remain the same.
could not be neglected throughout the evolving phases of Rural Development. The
main ideology in this regard may also be affected by the broad ideology of
areas, it will take the shape of rural development. Similarly structural adjustment,
redistribution with growth etc, have their recognition at macro level but when
Here we briefly discuss different themes of Rural Develop from 1950s
development wherein efforts have been made to improve the infrastructure and social
farms and takes the shape of “Small Farm Growth” in 1960s. Under this approach
problems of small farms have been taken the importance for rural development. The
era of 1970s emphasizes on integral approach under the theme “Integrated Rural
Development” wherein Rural Development encircles not only the small farms but also
has been taken into consideration at macro level, the Rural Development has also
been shifted from state-led rural development to “Market Liberalization” in the era of
1980s. From the mid of 1980s to the mid of 1990s, the ideology of Rural
people will be at the central point to achieve development for them. In 1990s,
wherein again integral approach has been attained the focal point for development of
rural sector. In the 21st century, efforts have been made to mainstream the ideology of
process the well being of the people should be the main target so that masses can
realize the benefits of development. Hence, in the first decade of 21st century the
rural development ideology has also identified the PRSP as a main theme for Rural
As per IMF, PRSP has been defined as, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, which are prepared by
the member countries through a participatory process involving domestic stakeholders as well as
external development partners, including the World Bank and International Monetary Fund .
Development. As mentioned above that even the replacement in the themes over time
has been occurred continuously and may be continued in future also, but the main
elements for Rural Development always remain the same i.e. farm sector, non-farm
representative of rural development, and in the analysis phase of the thesis when we
try to estimate the impact of rural development on poverty reduction, we will take the
Pakistan and on the basis of this survey we may try to quantify rural development in
shape of rural infrastructural development. This survey is a part and parcel of HIES
data conducted in 2005-06. The topic will be discussed in next chapter in some little
bit more detail, however, here the purpose to mention the creed is just to show that the
development has the force to enhance economic growth of the county, to augment
to have a look at the connections between Rural Development and Poverty Reduction.
In developing countries main cause of high poverty is rural poverty because outsized
proportion of overall poverty belongs to rural areas (Malik, 2006). The economy of
Pakistan also termed as a developing country, therefore, throughout this study we take
the case of rural poverty reduction and emphasizing insight for development in rural
areas. Rural Development affects poverty to reduce via two directions: direct and
indirect. Mostly in developing countries- where rural sector and rural poverty are
likelihood for the rural people to be poor. Hence, Rural Development helps to
improve the well being of the people resided in the rural areas on account of
Therefore, we could easily assume that Rural Development itself affects poverty
directly. The indirect link of Rural Development for Poverty Reduction is associated
with enhancement of economic growth, which consequently improves the well being
of the people. Now we may put light in some little bit detail on these two ways by
Followings are the main points which could help us to understand the
phenomenon by which Rural Development could improve directly the well being of
the masses resided in rural areas:
ii) Rural poverty increased with the increase in distance from markets
[(Greer and Thorbecke (1986)]. To counter rural poverty it is necessary
to improve the Rural Infrastructural Development because it is
conducive not only to develop the efficiency in factor and product
markets but it also supports to enhance participation of rural people in
these markets, which consequently could affect their poverty and poverty
rates positively. Role of rural markets could not be ignored for poverty
reduction of the masses resided in rural areas.
iii) Well built social institutions e.g. a good network of schools and hospitals
with maximum facilities and establishing the NGOs for their support in
rural areas could enhance human capital within rural communities.
Human capital not only contributes positively to poverty reduction but
also it could be a sound base to improve empowerment in rural
communities which in turn helps to reduce poverty.
iv) Stagnation is the prime sign of rural communities which gave birth to
retarded growth and high rates of poverty. Refined cultural norms,
attitudes and vivid social network raise the mentality of the individuals
of vicinity to understand the environment of that area and to take rational
decision regarding their well being. Hence, Rural Development within
the perspective of social protectionism could be able to provide a stage
for poverty reduction.
v) Normally the rural people have the employment opportunities within the
sphere of farm and non-farm sectors of rural areas which are not
sufficient to absorb the labour force of rural communities. Hence, Rural
Infrastructural Development provides the framework in shape of
enhanced linkages between rural-urban areas along with labour intensive
techniques in urban development. Resultantly, Rural Infrastructural
Development could increase the employment opportunities for rural
people which then help to improve their well being.
106 Indirect Impact of Rural Infrastructural Development on
Poverty Reduction
specific country. It is already discussed in section above that within specific
framework the economic growth has the vital role in poverty reduction. Hence, Rural
Infrastructural Development has not only direct impact over poverty reduction but it
potentially solve the issue of poverty. How could infrastructural development play its
role for the masses fallen in the cruel loop of poverty? This section takes into account
this specific question and tries to mention a pathway which is built on the blocks of
picture could be mentioned that may be able to explain the phenomenon on the basis
of which this study is trying to evaluate the thesis that in case of Pakistan rural
1 i.e. eradication extreme poverty and hunger. As discussed earlier that this thesis
region known as Southeast Asia e.g. Pakistan, India, Bangladesh etc- the poverty is
rural sector.
Economic growth is the key to poverty reduction (Lewis, 1955). If economic growth
access of the poor people to the employment, education, health, market, water and
In 1990s, there were two broad views about infrastructure and poverty
significant for poverty reduction. On the other hand, developed nations viewed
earnings from non-farm sector. Wages either in cash or in kind, could be earned from
both the ingredients of rural sector i.e. farm and non-farm, hence whether a person
may have land or not, he is capable of earning wage income on the basis of his labour.
Whereas only the masses who own land and have landholding, could have earned the
by size of land.
productivity in farm and non-farm sectors. Higher the productivity of farm and non-
farm sectors, greater will be the employment opportunities and sources of income for
the masses in rural sector. It means productivity and employment in farm and non-
farm sector is directly related to incomes of the masses, and inversely related to
poverty incidence.
The farm/crop income depends upon size, and productivity of the farm
sector. Higher the size and productivity of farms, greater will be the income sources
for land-holders. It means productivity and size of land are directly related to
incomes of the masses in rural areas and inversely proportional to poverty incidence
of non-farm sector. Higher the productivity in non-farm sector, higher will be the
incomes of masses involved in non-farm sector. It shows that income in the rural
communities is improved with the enhanced productivity of non-farm sector and vice
versa which consequently proves that incidence of poverty inversely depends upon
of poverty in the scenario of rural sector, and hence these are the main areas of
explanatory variable for poverty reduction (the area of concern). The ideology of the
poverty reduction has been explained in the figure below. As per Figure: 4.1, when
we intervene with the variables of interest i.e. rural infrastructural development, it will
which in turn helps to improve not only the wages of the masses but also overall
which consequently lowered the poverty of the region. On the other hand, rural
development also helps to enhance economic growth of the region which in turn helps
to reduce poverty, hence, again lowers the poverty of the region indirectly through
economic growth.
1. Area of Intervention
2. Area of Influence
4. Area of Concern
An effort has been presented in this chapter to describe comprehensive
theory behind the thesis. We conclude that the economic theory supports the thesis
that infrastructural development helps not only to enhance economic growth but also
helps to reduce poverty. Hence, we observe that there are two main pathways out of
through augmented economic activities and employment generation. And the other
the country to enhance and then enhanced economic growth may play its role for
poverty reduction of the masses. In previous pages it has already been revealed that
study and presents the economic theory while keeping in view rural sector of the
During the analysis phase of the study we pay our attention on both the
poverty reduction while using micro level data. Firstly in Chapter No. 7, we try to
explore indirect channel of the thesis that rural infrastructural development helps to
level. In Chapter No. 8, the micro evidence has also been vetted at macro level.
investigate the impact of rural infrastructure on poverty reduction only at micro level
characteristics of the datasets to be exploited in the analysis phase of the study. Along
with data distinctiveness we also try to explicate the methodology to be utilized for
multi-faceted topic which affects poverty through different directions. This study
tries not only to capture status of Rural Infrastructural Development in Pakistan but
reduction. Rural Development affects the poverty in rural areas via two main
directions as explained in the last chapter. Therefore, this thesis comprises of multi-
have to use two datasets so that we may be able to examine the question of thesis via
different ways. We divide this chapter into two main parts. Section 5.2 would
explain the characteristics of the datasets to be used in this study and Section. 5.3
would be an effort to describe the methodology to be followed for the purpose of
acquiring final results from these datasets. In the last Section: 5.4 will conclude this
The main theme behind this study is to find out strength and direction
good manner for the purpose of inferential analysis. This is why we make use of the
Rural Infrastructural Development could influence the poverty to reduce via supply
Infrastructural Development could have the ability to increase the access of rural
communities to public facilities which ultimately increase the opportunities for rural
communities where most of the poor reside. Hence, keeping in view both the
channels of poverty reduction via rural development i.e. direct and indirect, we will
try to explore its effects on growth and poverty reduction. So far as growth is
data of Pakistan from 1981 to 2010 so as to attain the impact of Rural Infrastructural
Development on growth of Pakistan at macro level. On the other hand at micro level
variable. The impact of Rural Infrastructural Development on poverty reduction has
also been investigated at micro level. At micro level we use the dataset titled,
Division, Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS), Pakistan, and renowned published data
sets of GoP. The distinctiveness of these datasets have now been explained one by
one in the followings so that it may become easy to understand that how these data
sets can be used for the analysis purpose of this study. After discussing the features
of the data sets, variables and their inter-relationships will be discussed in detail.
The issues regarding the problems attached with secondary data have
their own importance and significance during inferential process of datasets but only
on the basis of this cause we could not ignore the efforts accomplished by statistical
institutes of government sector. May be, such information will not represent the real
from literature.
obtained through secondary sources for the purpose of inferential analysis, therefore,
we divide this section into following two main sub-sections which may describe the
main elements of these datasets i.e. “Pakistan Mouza Statistics 2008” and
“Household Integrated Economic Survey 2005-06”. So far as time series data set
from 1981 to 2010 is concerned, it has been collected via different published sources
Division of Pakistan, who conducted the survey titled “Pakistan MOUZA Census
2008”. ACO started its functioning in the early 1970s and thereafter it conducted as
many as eight census of this kind in 1971, 1979, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003 and
to the researchers in the field of Rural Development which could facilitate the
where agricultural development has vital role to improve the economic situation of the
country, therefore, collection of such data is very important to monitor and evaluate
titled, “Pakistan 2008 MOUZA Statistics” has been provided by them to interested
researchers, planners, and policy makers so that information could be used for useful
data for the availability of different type of facilities by rural communities, and also
the accessibility by them to different type of services in distances (KM), has been
117 Basic Information of Survey
defined as a unit with specific name, explicit margins, and divided into plots, and is
representative of revenue record for that unit while having a specific ‘Revenue Unit
No’ in revenue record of the country. All the MOUZAs of Pakistan from four of its
provinces1 as well as Northern Areas, and Azad Jammu and Kashmir have been
covered. Due to the problem of terrorism some of the areas of Pakistan have not been
covered in the survey i.e. Orakzai Agency, North Waziristan Agency, Bajour Agency,
F.R Kurram, South Waziristan Agency, and Kurram Agency. Survey was completed
in three phases starting from October, 2007 to May, 2008. The questionnaire
comprises of two pages, covered the information through 51 questions while taking
into consideration core enumeration techniques. After completion of the survey five
main reports were published for Pakistan and for four of its provinces separately as
mentioned above. The Pakistan Report has been utilized for this study.
codes of each unit on questionnaire, and then packed the questionnaires along with an
census through trained team of ACO known as Census Master Trainers (CMTs).
Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Punjab, and Sindh.
Thereafter enumerators, as per methodology and instruction imparted to them,
collected the data from local representatives/elders of locality carefully and submit the
same to ACO. Full operation has been conducted in three phases. In first phase entire
Punjab and Sindh were covered while in second phase hot areas of Balochistan and
Khyber Pakhtunkhawa were covered, and in third phase cold areas of Balochistan and
Pakistan, has conducted the survey titled, “PSLM: Pakistan Social and Living
country at micro level. These surveys are helpful to find out living standards of the
people of the countries i.e. incomes, consumptions, education, health of the people
along with access of the people to the services to be provided by the government or
private sectors. Such type of surveys has been conducted all over the world for the
purpose of research and analysis so that impact of different policies adopted by the
thereafter continues this practice with some breaks. In 1990s and then in 1998-99
the World. Recently HIES has been conducted as the sub-sample of Pakistan Social
119 Basic Information of the Survey
has been defined as a group of people, either single or more, who live in one
family. Information for a household has been collected for male and female members
by male and female enumerators separately while using separate male and female
questionnaires in this regard. Both the questionnaires have been divided into eleven
different sections. Some of the sections have been filled by the male respondents and
some of the sections have been filled by the female members as per requirement of
the questionnaires. Information has been gathered for employment status, income
Data obtained could also be decomposed between rural and urban areas
and also for all the four provinces along with northern areas and Jammu and Kashmir
because certain codes have been mentioned for each SSU unit wherein different codes
have been assigned to provinces, primary sampling units (PSU), urban and rural areas
the data on the basis of gender-ness different coding have been mentioned in
data specifically for rural sector whereby primary sampling units of rural areas have
encompassment of a service but also accessibility by distances in KM) by the rural
other persons who have been considered as more knowledgeable about his village, so
available in the vicinity or not, and if not available than at how many distance the
service is accessible for the rural communities. For the services encompassed within
the vicinity, codes of “1” and “2” have been used but in case of non-availability of the
services within the vicinity, the distances of the services in KM from rural
communities have been mentioned. Some certain characteristics have more than one
attributes. In this case, coding has been provided to distinguish the level of
development on the basis of attributes. The already mentioned coding for male and
questionnaire with the exception that here only PSU is considered whereas SSU has
been ignored. The questionnaire has been divided into five main sections for
information is very important and this study has deduced the information from this
specific section so as to employ the same for explanatory variables in the model.
questionnaire and the survey was started in the month of July, 2005.
121 Sampling Frame of Survey
restrictions, all the four provinces of Pakistan have been covered in this survey as its
universe. Sampling frame has been differentiated on the basis of rural and urban
areas as sub-universe. Urban areas have been partitioned into small and dense areas
taking into consideration low, middle and high income groups separately. Urban
cadastral maps of provincial governments. In all, 50588 MOUZAs have been covered
for this survey. Sample size consists of 15,453 SSUs, which are chosen at National
level and Provincial level while breaking-down them into rural and urban areas.
There are 1109 PSUs of the survey out of which 531 belong to urban and 578 belong
to rural areas. In construction of sampling frame, it has been tried that sampling
estimates may present national indicators within 95% confidence interval and 5-7%
significance level.
rural and urban. In urban areas large cities have been considered as independent
stratum. After excluding large cities, in the remaining urban domain each division
has been treated as a stratum. In rural areas of Punjab, Sindh, and Khyber
each division will be treated as stratum. Thereafter each stratum has been stratified
into low, middle, and high income sub-stratum. Enumeration blocks in urban areas
while MOUZAs in rural areas have been recognized in survey as PSU. ‘Probability
Proportional to Size1’ method has been utilized for selection of PSU whereas
households are recognized as SSU. Out of each PSU near about 12-16 SSUs have
analysis phase of the thesis. Variables, their nature, their description, their
of quantifications. Keeping in view three major analyses, we divide this section into
created by different factors. These factors are related not only to household’s
attributes but also to community level characteristics. On the basis of literature in this
regard, this study tries to pull together most important elements which are responsible
utilized in this regard. Hence, Table: 5.1 below presents the variables which are
The probability of selection of any PSU is proportional to its population size. This method helps to
select all the sampling units with the same probability irrespective of their population size.
considered as responsible in literature for creating variations in household’s incomes
as dependent variable. This section also discusses direction of relationship for these
variable. In this section of the chapter we may infer the result for economic growth at
micro level which will be presented by the proxy variable of income per capita per
household members earned from different sources i.e. wages, wages in kind, pensions,
receipts from sold items, transfers received, rental amount received, profits earned
from financial and real sources etc. After computing incomes, we find out the size of
the households. The data on size of household could also be presented numerically at
ratio scale with characteristic of discreteness. Then we divide the incomes by the
household size to find out the data on household income per capita per month
on the basis of their characteristics i.e. household level characteristics and community
variables which presents community level characteristics being enjoyed by the
Table: 5.1
Variable Definition
Logarithm of Household Income Per Capita Per Dependent
LNHHI Variable
Month (in rupees)
Household’s Head Gender (1=Male & 0=Female)
HHHG Hypothesis: If gender is male than income of Positive
household will be high
Household’s Head Age (number of years)
HHHA Hypothesis: Higher incomes are associated with Positive
higher age of household’s head in rural areas
Household Size (number of members)
HHS Hypothesis: Higher the size of household, higher
will be the income
Value of Livestock in 1000 rupees
VLS Hypothesis: Higher the value of livestock owned Positive
by household, higher will be the income
Hypothesis: Higher the rural infrastructural development, higher will be
income of household
Availability of Road to household in their
community. A Dummy variable with three
attributes i.e. matelled, paved, un-paved road
ROAD road1 (1=matelled road, & 0=otherwise) Positive
road2 (1=paved road, & 0=otherwise)
road3 (1=unpaved road & 0=otherwise)
Availability of Electricity to households in their
ELECT Positive
community (1=yes, 0=no)
Availability of Gas to households in their
GAS Positive
community (1=yes, 0=no)
Household Head
households which are supposed to be associated with the income level of households.
developing countries like Pakistan household head play an important role for earning
the income of the family. This is why we collect the data on gender-ness (HHHG)
and age of the household head (HHHA). Both the variables have been positively
related with household income. Male headed household are associated with higher
income. This is because females are head of the family only in the case that vital
earners of the family (male household) are either incapable of earning or they have
died. Hence, females have to be the head of the family who then face hurdles in
income generation for the family. So far as age of household head is concerned, it is
argued that old age head of the family have more financial resources because in their
younger age they have earned and saved the income for their family in shape of asset
building, livestock farming etc. The variable of age of household head is measurable
on ratio scale because we measure age by number of years, so, we collect the data
variable which could be measured by coding of “1” and “0” i.e. 1 for male and 0 for
female respectively.
Socio-Economic Factors
household size (HHS), value of livestock (VLS) and land owned by the household
constrained to use only the HHS, and VLS as independent variables. We have already
discussed HHS, now we may give a little bit detail of VLS. It is a ratio scale variable
measured in rupees and amount of rupees measures the value of livestock held by the
household. Households were asked to tell the value of their livestock and on the basis
of information provided by the households we find out the value of livestock. The
variable of VLS has been positively related to household’s income because higher
values are associated with higher number of livestock products. More livestock will
be helpful in earning more income on account of productions regarding milk, egg etc.
127 Community Level Characteristics as Independent Variable
Community level characteristics comprise of the public services
available to the households either in their community or at some distance from their
(ROAD1, ROAD2, and ROAD3), electricity (ELECT), gas (GAS), primary schools
(PS), basic health unit (BHUD) and telecommunication (PHOND). Roads, gas and
electricity are nominal scale variable measured by dummy variable technique. These
variables show that the households live in a community where these public services
may or may not available to them. The variables of ELECT and GAS are the dummy
variables with two attributes i.e. either the service is available or not. If the public
service is available we measure it with “1” otherwise with “0”. So far as road is
concerned it is a dummy variable with more than two attributes i.e. either the
construct three dummies for road i.e. ROAD1, ROAD2, and ROAD3 for matelled,
matelled, otherwise with “0”, ROAD2 is measured with “1” if the road is paved
otherwise with “0”, and ROAD3 is measured with “1” if the road is un-paved
otherwise with “0”. The variables of BHUD and PHOND attempt to measure the
health and communication infrastructure. These two variables are measured with
ratio scale measurement. For the purpose of quantification we use distance of the
service from the household’s residential area and the distance is a ratio scale attribute.
In all the cases whether the public service is available to the households in their
community or available public service has valued configuration (in case of roads,
matelled road is more valued than paved and paved is more valued than un-paved
road) then it is argued that households are enjoying high level of rural development
dependent variable of the model as mentioned above. This study quantifies dependent
account of their importance. For this purpose, seven different variables under three
be discussed in followings:
LRHI: No of Rural Health Institutions wherein two major
institutions are counted i.e. Basic Health Units and Rural
Health Centers because both these two health centers works
in rural areas of Pakistan
LINF: Inflation Rate find out with the help of data provided by
FBS on yearly basis
LOPEN: Openness, which is defined ratio of ‘sum of exports and
imports’ to real gross domestic product
Now this study may try to introduce the variables of the model to be
utilized for the purpose of analysis exploring the determinants of rural poverty while
focusing rural infrastructural development. Most of the variables have already been
micro level may also be discussed here. In the followings this section may focus
and their hypothesis are concerned we explain them with the help of Table: 5.1 below.
130 Dependent Variable
two attributes i.e. either the household is poor or non-poor. For the purpose of
estimation, we present it with ‘1’ if the household is poor and with ‘0’ if the house
hold is non-poor.
The answer to this question is that we select a threshold for this purpose. We use
official poverty line of Pakistan for the period 2005-06 described by the Planning
adult equivalent per month. This poverty line is mentioned in Economic Survey of
Commission employs PIHS 1998-99 survey and using 2350 calories per adult
equivalent per day on the basis of Food Energy Intake approach and obtained official
poverty line of Rs. 673.54 per adult equivalent per month. Thereafter, they update
this poverty line for each round of household’s survey (i.e. 2001-02, 2004-05 and
have utilized HIES (2005-06) for estimation purposes and Planning Commission also
utilizes the price index of the months when HIES (2005-06) was conducted for
updating poverty line, secondly the official poverty line of Pakistan has been
(2008)]. Therefore, we decide to differentiate poor from non-poor on the basis of this
month we use consumption of fortnightly food items, food and non-durable goods,
basic necessities which they consumed within 14 days of the date of interview.
Similarly, their expenditure on food, non-durable goods and durable goods have been
computed for the reason that if consumption of the household for durable goods is
preferred over food and non-durable goods, then it has some worth for households,
adult equivalent scale has also attained vital importance. In earlier studies instead of
using ‘adult equivalent scale’, the approach of ‘expenditure per capita’ was used for
this purpose. But this approach had some certain limitations because households have
divergent characteristics on the basis of size and number of children. Families having
larger size enjoy economies of scale while families having same size but with
expenditure per capita approach fails to eliminate the impact of economies of scale
and impact of less number of children on total expenditures of the households. This is
why recently when we want to measure poverty of different households on the basis
of some certain threshold, the approach of adult equivalence scale has been using for
have also used adult equivalence scale approach for computing expenditure per
Bank (2009).
to compare it with the threshold mentioned above and in case that per adult equivalent
otherwise, he is non-poor.
Table: 5.2
Variable Definition
Discrete Response Variable i.e. 1=Poor & 0=Non- Dependent
POVERTY Variable
Household’s Head Gender (1=Male & 0=Female)
HHHG Hypothesis: If gender is male than less is the Negative
chance that household will be poor
Household’s Head Education (number of
HHHE Negative
Hypothesis: Higher the education of household
head, less is the chance that household will be poor
Household’s Head Age (number of years)
HHHA Hypothesis: Higher the age of rural household, less Negative
is the chance that household will be poor
HHS Household Size (number of members) Positive
Hypothesis: Higher the size of household, more is
the chance that household will be poor
Dependency Ratio (Dependents/Independents)
DR Hypothesis: Higher the DR, more is the chance Positive
that household will be poor
Participation Ratio (Workers/Household aged 10
and above)
PR Negative
Hypothesis: higher the PR, less is the chance that
household will be the poor
Hypothesis: Higher the rural infrastructural development, less is the chance
that household will be poor
Availability of Road to household. A Dummy
variable with three attributes i.e. matelled, paved,
ROAD ROAD1 (1=matelled road, & 0=otherwise) Negative
ROAD2 (1=paved road, & 0=otherwise)
ROAD3 (1=unpaved road & 0=otherwise)
Availability of Electricity to households (1=yes,
ELECT Negative
GAS Availability of Gas to households (1=yes, 0=no) Negative
Primary School (number of primary schools
PS Negative
accessible to household where he resides)
Note: If the distance of community services (infrastructure) from household’s
residence is high, it means low rural development i.e. higher the distance, lower
will be rural development, more is the chance that household will be poor. This
is why where distance is the measure of infrastructure variable, the relationship
is shown positively as below. A distance of 0 K.M means availability of the
service (infrastructure) within the community of the household
Phone Service Distance in KM from household’s
PHOND Positive
Basic Health Unit Distance in KM from
BHUD Positive
household’s residence.
which this study wants to analyze has been explained in Table: 5.2. The description
of most of the independent variables has already been explained via Table: 5.1,
however, two new variables will be introduced here i.e. DR and PR for representing
sense that it may explore within household that how many independents bear the
ration (PR) as socio-economic variable may try to find out within household the ratio
because these variables are ratio scale variables. Dependency Ratio could be obtained
while dividing the number of household who are either less than 15 years of age or
distinguish those household who are equal to or more than age of completed 10 years,
and consider them as the labour force within the households. Then, out of labour
force within households we find out the number of workers (households who either in
job or jobless while seeking the job actively). Thereafter, we divide the number of
worker by the total labour force within the household to get the data on participation
In this chapter we not only discussed the description of data but also
the variables and interrelationships of the variables whereupon analysis phase of the
thesis will be based. The chapter covers almost all such information which is
necessary to be presented and on the basis of the information reader may be able to
keep in mind the perspective of the analysis phase of the thesis. Therefore, in next
chapter we will start the analysis while presenting not only the picture of rural
macro level and on poverty reduction at micro level of the Pakistan economy.
Pakistan. For this purpose, an analysis of descriptive nature has been applied to
available data. Consequently, we try to build a structure of tables and graphs on the
basis of secondary data provided by ACO in its publication titled “Pakistan 2008
chapter is that of comparative nature whereby we try to assess the rural infrastructural
development status of all the four provinces of Pakistan discretely. Hence, in this
chapter we try to mention succinct facts of rural development not only at country level
but also supplementing the analysis with comparative statistics of provincial level
data so that we may be able to observe the picture of rural development with a broad
vision. We segregate our analysis in two alleys i.e. encompassment of the public
services within the boundaries of rural communities, and accessibility of the public
services by rural communities at some distances. In first phase of the analysis, we try
to classify those services which the natives of rural communities enjoy within their
environs. Hence, Section: 6.2 in shape of graphs and tables covered all those services
phase of the analysis we try to mention those facilities which may or may not be
available within the vicinity but same will be accessible for the inhabitants of rural
accomplished in Section: 6.3 wherein again tabulation and graphs will be used for
this purpose. After analyzing the services utilization by the inhabitants of rural
compute composite index of principal variables in Section: 6.4 and then concludes in
Section: 6.5 on the basis of facts and figures observed in the analysis.
and figures of Pakistan economy which may be able to grasp the rural development of
Pakistan in shape of services being provided by the government sector to the rural
inhabitants of the country within their vicinities. The analysis then decomposed for
regarding different types of services have been collected and presented in the tables
development in rural areas of Pakistan. Before starting the discussion regarding the
core public services being enjoyed by the rural inhabitants we may start the
descriptive analysis while trying to representing the root cause of rural development
6.2.1 Land Utilization and Crops Cultivation In Pakistan
view rural sector, out of total land in Pakistan 49% area has been cultivated which is a
very poor figure in this respect, and huge space is available for rural development
Number 48357871 49421309 43700 22045 19530 17002 15748 6453 14152
Percent 49 50 92 46 41 36 33 14 30
Spatial Distribution among Provinces (Percent)
BALOCHISTAN 46 53 81 7 7 1 7 6 25
PAKHTUNKHWA 39 59 86 78 11 10 1 4 27
PUNJAB 71 27 99 48 62 54 51 21 32
SINDH 21 77 86 22 53 53 53 12 31
NOTE : For simplicity decimals are avoided.
Source : PAKISTAN 2008 MOUZA STATISTICS, Agricultural Census Organization, Statistics Division, Pakistan.
Prepared by : Authors
observe that comparatively Punjab has highest level of development with 71% of its
area used for cultivation, and Sindh has least level of development with 21% while
(Spatial Distribution) (Spatial Distribution)
50 60
40 50
10 10
0 0
Percent age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C ult ivat ed Ar ea F acili t y N umb er
Balochistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Punjab Sindh Balochistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Punjab Sindh
utilized their land for food/grain items with wheat grains by 92%, maize 46% and rice
41%. The cultivation of cash crops, with sugarcane at 36% and cotton at 33%, has
got the importance after food crops. Comparative analysis of provinces also follows
the same pattern. It shows that in rural areas of Pakistan, people are still fighting for
their food security and they look in a state of war against poverty because of low
productivity of land which in turn pointed out toward the need of rural development in
well, and canal while 49% of the MOUZAs utilizing the facility of tube-well and 46%
uses the canals for irrigation. Improvement in installation of tube-well for irrigation
this facility was used negligibly. But in the long-run it will be a sign of
underdevelopment because with the passage of time by heavy usage of tube-well, the
water level of the land could be dropped heavily and resultantly productivity of land
remained a dominant source of irrigation. Hence this sector should be the top source
of irrigation in Pakistan but data in this regard does not favour the fact. On the other
hand the MOUZAs which are known to be as arid zone are 33% of total number of
MOUZAs, which again is a sign of low development. The construction of big dams
with a network of canal to irrigate the land is the necessity of the time for the region
but no such improvement in this regard has been sighted during last four decades.
Pakistan. Spatial distribution in this regard shows that Sindh is highly developed with
87% MOUZAs irrigated through canal following by Punjab with 63% of MOUZAs
irrigated by canal. In this scenario Balochistan is proved to be the least developed
region of Pakistan.
Percent Distribution
80 80
60 60
40 40
0 10
Improved Water Mouzas Reporting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Courses Improvement
Fa c il it y Number
Balochist an Khyber Pakht unkhwa Punjab Sindh
Balochistan Khyber Pakht unkhwa Punjab Sindh
improvement schemes for water courses (Table: 6.3), which again is not satisfactory
situation for an agricultural based country. Spatial distribution shown in Figure: 6.3
clearly shows that Punjab and Sindh are highly developed while Balochistan is least
diseases which humanity has to face are just because of non-availability of safe
drinking water in the vicinity. Importance of safe drinking water for health is evident
from the fact that the decade from 2005 to 2015 has been declared as “Water for Life”
decade by the United Nations [W.H.O (2008)]. When we talk about sources of
drinking water in rural areas of Pakistan then we come to know that only 11 percent
MOUZAs in Pakistan have been enjoying the water supply through piped sources
whereas 56 percent of the MOUZAs depends upon hand pumps a and 35 percent of
MOUZAs depends upon electricity pumps as a source of their drinking water. All
other MOUZAs have the facilities of well (20%), tube-well (19%), canal (10%),
spring (13%) and pond (7%). However, hand-pumps, tube-well and electricity pumps
also proves helpful in provision of drinking water but piped water is the best source of
safe drinking water which is available only to 11 percent MOUZAs of Pakistan. Such
the scenario of safe drinking water. Whereas if we consider only the availability of
drinkable water in rural areas then the situation is relatively better as is evident from
the facts mentioned above in this regard. In this sense a moderate level of rural
So far as spatial distribution of sources of drinking water is concerned
regarding safe drinking water i.e. piped supply of water then rural development is
supply of drinking water, whereas all other provinces lag behind in this facility.
Number 5413 8799 9423 26519 16681 4978 6217 3409 1670
Percent 11 19 20 56 35 10 13 7 4
Cross-Provinces Spatial Distribution (Percent)
Facility No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
BALOCHISTAN 7 29 39 13 2 10 20 23 7
20 20 38 18 11 13 39 6 6
PUNJAB 9 17 8 82 61 3 1 4 2
SINDH 7 8 11 69 11 38 1 6 2
Note : For simplicity decimals are avoided.
Source : PAKISTAN 2008 MOUZA STATISTICS, Agricultural Census Organization, Statistics Division, Pakistan.
Prepared by : Authors
when we talk about facilities created by the efforts of humanity, again low
performance is evident from the Table: 6.5 whereby only 4 percent rural communities
are enjoying filtrated water and less than half of the rural communities have the toilet
facility within their homes. The rural communities where toilet facility is not
available in homes, inhabitants has to visit certain open tracts of land for this purpose.
Such a phenomenon again requires certain efforts by the humanity for disposal of
the rural communities in Pakistan have no proper excrement disposal system. Hence,
provided by the human efforts (i.e. safe water, and in-house toilet) again point outs
the same fact that Balochistan is facing the least development. However, natural
the province of Punjab is most developed followed by Sindh and Khyber
communities, again we have to look two types of sources i.e. sources require less
human efforts such as firewood and dung cake etc, and the sources which require
heavy human efforts for its exploitation e.g. gas, oil etc.
120 120
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
Taste of Water Filtration Toilet 1 2 3 4 5 6
Facilit y D om e st i c F u el N um b e r
Balo chist an Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Punjab Sindh Balochist an Khyber Pakht unkhwa Punjab Sindh
their provision, less development is evident from Table: 6.6 whereby only 4 percent, 8
percent, 12 percent and 2 percent rural communities are enjoying gas, L.P.G, oil and
coal respectively as their main source of fuel. The sources of firewood and dung cake
as fuel have been used by the 96 percent and 48 percent rural communities
respectively. This again refers to poor development of the rural areas of Pakistan.
In case of comparisons, the Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Punjab and Sindh
documenting the rural development in this regard as is evident from Figure: 6.6.
surrounding of their residence e.g. streets, drainage system and sewerage system etc.
streets, bricked drainage or sewerage system is available are more than 50 percent of
the total number of vicinities. Specifically the facility of sewerage system is not
where up to 50 percent or more than 50 percent of rural inhabitants are enjoying these
facilities are not more than 25 percent of total number of rural communities. These
and Sindh have low level of development for residential public facilities as is obvious
of Pakistan, it is evident from Table: 6.8 that main sources of employment for rural
people of Pakistan are agriculture, and labour sectors. This is in line with the
evidence obtained universally that engines of rural development are farm and non-
farm sectors [(Germano and Thorbecke (2001)]. As per GoP (various issues-i)
employment in Pakistan. Trade, Services, and Industry sectors also contribute in this
regard but their contribution is negligible which shows that generation of decent job
60 90
40 60
20 30
0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
F a cil i t y S e c t o r N u mb e r
Balochistan Khyb er Pakhtunkhwa Punjab Sindh Balochist an Khyber Pakht unkhwa Punjab Sindh
Unit Personal
Agriculture Labour Trade Services Industry
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Sector by Number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number 32013 14493 8565 12634 551 1668 236 55 30 32 1114 713
Percent 67 30.52 18 26.61 1 3.51 0.50 0.12 0.06 0.07 2 1.50
Cross-Provinces Spatial Distribution (Percent)
BALOCHISTAN 50 26 32 29 2 7 0.39 0.06 0.02 0.06 1 0.42
46 22 33 32 2 6 1 0.11 0.10 0.03 3 0.75
PUNJAB 83 35 8 24 0.50 2 0.22 0.12 0.06 0.08 2 2.38
SINDH 64 34 16 24 1 2 0.22 0.16 0.05 0.09 2 0.54
Note : Decimals are avoided. For small values decimals up to two places have been used.
Source: PAKISTAN 2008 MOUZA STATISTICS, Agricultural Census Organization, Statistics Division, Pakistan.
Prepared by : Authors
Table: 6.8 also shows that opportunities for female in case of labour
and personal business are higher than male counterpart specifically in the regions
where comparatively the rural development has been discovered to be low. This
evidence is also in line with the country evidence [GoP (various issues-i)] whereby it
is found out that in disadvantaged areas of the country the female and youth have
Figures: 6.8 that in case of agriculture (which is the highest and predominant source
opportunities in this regard. This is why the vicinities belonging to Punjab and Sindh
feel less need to indulge in personal business, labour and trade as is evident from
columns of ‘Personal Business’, ‘Trade’ and ‘Labour’ of the Table: 6.8. So far as the
sufficient enough to be analyzed for comparative analysis. Similar results could also
40 7.00
35 6.00
30 5.00
0 0.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
S e c t o r N um b e r I nd us t r y N umbe r
Balochist an Khyber Pakht unkhwa Punjab Si ndh Balochist an Khyber Pakht unkhwa Punjab Sindh
6.2.8 Status of Industry
remarkable position within the theories of development. Under the perspective of this
theory the vital role of small and medium size industries could not be neglected for
industry for development of rural areas, this sub-section of the study takes into
industry has been presenting a tormenting state of affairs for development of rural
areas because these two types of industry could help to improve non-farm (an
Figure: 6.10, it is obvious that Punjab and Sindh are more advantageous regions in
this regard whereas Balochistan is again proved to be the most disadvantaged region
Balochistan in case of “Cottage” and “Small Scale” industries. Hence, in the current
scenario we may easily conclude that provinces having mountainous areas are
Laureate economist Arthur Lewis explained the phenomenon by which surplus of labour in
agriculture sector could be utilized in Industry by way of transformation.
comparatively less developed regions in Pakistan. Despite of the fact that
mountainous and non-productive land should be the focus of non-farm sector, our
these areas. Such evidence is sufficient to conclude that there may be a skewed
reduction of any society. Specifically rural sector has been taken as the utmost
MOUZAS Encompassing Facility By Gender
Organization Number 1 2 3 4 5
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Number 1869 873 165 46 2514 653 241 111 43411 45971
Percent 4 2 0.35 0.10 5 1 1 0.23 91 97
Cross-Provinces Spatial Distribution (Percent)
BALOCHISTAN 3 2 0.22 0.09 2 1 0.16 0.05 95 98
7 2 1 0.10 10 3 0.44 0.14 84 95
PUNJAB 2 1 0.25 0.09 4 1 1 0.31 94 98
SINDH 8 5 0.20 0.11 5 2 1 0.31 88 94
Note : Two decimals are used for small values & 0=negligible value.
Source : PAKISTAN 2008 MOUZA STATISTICS, Agricultural Census Organization, Statistics Division, Pakistan.
Prepared by : Authors
It is obvious from the column No. 5 of the Table: 6:10 that overall
there are 94 percent MOUZAs within Pakistan where no NGO or other type of
for the purpose of improving their way of life. This is a very sorrow state of affairs
been working in Pakistan with the help of foreign assistance. Hence, it looks that still
lot of efforts are required to be initiated for setting up such organizations which could
(Spatial Distribution) (Spatial Distribution)
12 100
8 70
6 50
2 20
0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
Or gani z at i on N umber
F a c i l i t y b y N u mb e r
but for the sake of analysis Figure: 6.11 clearly show that Balochistan is again proved
to be least developed region of the country. However, the region of Punjab is also
Pakhtunkhawa and Sindh are comparatively more developed regions. Such a situation
Pakistan. This may be happened because of the fact that social organizations in
Pakistan are mostly financed by the foreigners, who provide finance on the basis of
geographical needs of the country and are not biased in this regard.
while 67 percent of the MOUZAs have the facility of T.V telecasting. The facility of
newspaper is available to 27 percent of MOUZAs. On this account that literacy is not
a basic requirement for grasping the reflections being transferred through the senses
of listening and viewing, the rural inhabitants may show their interest in the media of
radio and T.V. This is why these types of media are being provided by the concerned
people may have no interest in newspaper, and resultantly newspaper are not being
delivered by the publishers in remote and rural areas. Transport infrastructure may
also a cause along with illiteracy. The availability of cable along with T.V will be a
sign of modernization but it is also a costly process and it will be difficult for the
people who are fighting for their livelihoods to afford such services. Overall a good
rural development.
Facility No 1 2 3 4 5
Number 43032 31927 2420 12953 2266
Percent 91 67 5 27 5
Cross-Provinces Spatial Distribution (Percent)
BALOCHISTAN 87 18 2 10 12
94 53 1 22 4
PUNJAB 90 88 7 30 3
SINDH 91 65 7 47 5
Note : Decimals are avoided. Approximate figures are used & 0=negligible value.
Source : PAKISTAN 2008 MOUZA STATISTICS, Agricultural Census Organization, Statistics Division, Pakistan.
Prepared by : Authors
Spatial analysis is in line with the earlier analysis in this regard while
pointing out the Balochistan as the least developed region which is followed by
Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. On the other hand Punjab and Sindh could be considered to
have a moderate level of rural development in this regard. These facts are crystal
status of rural development in shape of those services which are accessible by the
rural inhabitants at some distance from their origins of residence. These types of
services may or may not available normally within the boundaries of communities;
therefore, we try to find out the distances of the services from the rural people. These
to keep in mind that actually rural development will be achieved if we may succeed to
provide these services within the boundaries of rural communities so that big
proportion of the populace may be able to utilize basic facilities at their doorsteps.
However, for the sake of analysis we may present the situation in the followings
Social sector development more often than not takes into consideration
the education and health conditions of the populace. These services could also be
termed as social infrastructure of the country. In this section we will focus our
attentions toward educational and health institutions to be available to the residents of
rural vicinities.
Table: 6.12
SOCIAL SECTOR FACILITIES (Accessibility Analysis)
Number of MOUZAs by Distance
From Facility(Average For Boys OVERALL
and Girls)
1 10
1 2 3 4 5 6
PRIMARY SCHOOL 35381 8761 3340 15 92.96
MIDDLE SCHOOL 12304 25403 9775 13 79.41
HIGH/HIGHER SECONDARY 4626 25759 17097 17 63.99
COLLEGE 626 13171 33686 32 29.06
VOCATIONAL CENTER 497 10040 36945 43 22.19
MEAN 10686.60 16626.50 20168.40 23.80 57.52
HOSPITAL/DISPENSARY 4838 25874 16770 17 64.68
RURAL HEALTH CENTER 4694 26390 16398 16 65.46
BASIC HEALTH UNIT 5469 26678 15335 15 67.70
3002 23189 21291 22 55.16
5466 23743 18273 19 61.52
N.G.O. DISPENSARY 1808 16358 29316 34 38.26
PRIVATE DOCTOR [MBBS] 5043 23340 19099 20 59.78
MIDWIFE FACILITY 11398 18909 17175 22 63.83
VETERINARY FACILITY 5679 27096 14707 16 69.03
MEAN 5266.33 23508.56 18707.11 20.11 60.60
* Within 10 KM = 2+3: Note : For small values decimals up to two places have been used.
Source : PAKISTAN 2008 MOUZA STATISTICS, Agricultural Census Organization, Statistics Division, Pakistan.
Prepared by: Authors Education
An obvious fact out of Table: 6.12 for the facility of education is that
This fact is in line with rationality because comparatively the education up to primary
level has been considered as significant factor for poverty reduction and human
development. Overall three fourth of total number of MOUZAs have the facility of
primary schools within the range of 1 KM and nearly 92 percent of MOUZAs have
this facility within the range of 10 KM. Mean distance of primary schools from rural
healthy state of affairs for rural development in Pakistan. On average more than 50
percent of MOUZAs are located with 10 KM range from all level of educational
Spatial distribution depicted from Figure: 6.13 and Table: 6.13 clearly
point out that Balochistan is the least developed region in this regard while Punjab is
highest developed, while Khyber Pakhtunkhawa and Sindh have moderate level of
rural development.
120. 00 90.00
100. 00
80. 00 60.00
60. 00
40. 00 30.00
20. 00
0.00 0.00
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
F a cility by S r N o F a cilit y by S r N o
Balochistan Khyber Pakht unkhwa Punjab Sindh Balochist an Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Punjab Sindh
158 Health
When we look over Table: 6.12 for health facilities, it come to the
knowledge that overall 60 percent of the total number of MOUZAs are located within
the range of 10 K.M from all types of health facilities whether it is dispensary, or
B.H.U or R.H.C1 or even the facilities of veterinary. However, when we observe the
Column No. 2 of the table for analyzing that what proportion of the total number of
MOUZAs (i.e. 47482) are enjoying these facilities within a range of 1 K.M, then it
come to the notice that on average near about only the10th part of the total MOUZAs
have this facility (i.e. 5266), which again a sorrow state of affairs regarding rural
development of Pakistan.
with Table: 6.13 confirm the earlier analysis of skewed distribution favouring Punjab
and Sindh and notifying Balochistan as the least developed region. The region of
development in Pakistan that the provinces of Punjab and Sindh are advantageous
Abbreviations are described in acronyms. All such health facilities are very basic facilities for inputs
in health sector.
with the characteristics of developing countries like Pakistan where dualism and
Table: 6.13
we endeavor to collect the facts and figures regarding transport, communication and
Table: 6.14
(Accessibility Analysis)
Number of MOUZAs by Distance
From Facility OVERALL
1 10
1 2 3 4 5 6
Transport and Communication
METALLED ROAD 28460 12248 6771 19 85.73
TRANSPORT 31756 11960 3763 13 92.07
FIXED LINE TELEPHONE 9451 16556 21472 24 54.77
COMPUTER/INTERNET 5607 16853 25017 26 47.30
P.C.O. 16897 18086 12496 19 73.68
POST OFFICE 7757 26029 13693 17 71.16
MEAN 18818.50 14404.25 14255.75 20.50 69.97
ELECTRICITY 38435 3566 5478 33 88.46
DIESEL / PETROL PUMP 7228 24460 15794 19 66.74
CNG / LPG 1064 10501 35913 58 24.36
MEAN 15575.67 12842.33 19061.67 36.67 59.85
* Within 10 KM = 2+3: Note : Decimals are avoided. For small values decimals up to two places have been used.
Source : PAKISTAN 2008 MOUZA STATISTICS, Agricultural Census Organization, Statistics Division, Pakistan.
Prepared by: Authors Transport
which are at a distance of 1 K.M from the facility. The matelled road and transport
constitutes a little more than 50 percent portion of the total. It means that half of the
MOUZAs in Pakistan are not enjoying the facility of roads infrastructure within a
range of 1 K.M. However, when we expand the range from 1 K.M to 10 K.M it looks
from column No. 6 that 85 and 92 percent MOUZAs are enjoying respectively the
service of matelled road and transport and till yet about 10 percent MOUZAs lack this
120.00 120.00
100.00 100.00
80.00 80.00
60.00 60.00
40.00 40.00
20.00 20.00
0.00 0.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
Fac i l i t y by S r N o Fa c il i t y b y S r N o
Balochist an Khyber Pakht unk hwa Punjab Sindh Balochist an Khyber Pakht unkhwa Punjab Sindh Communication
Only 7757 MOUZAs (out of 47482 i.e. about one sixth segment of
total) have post office within a range of 1 K.M while 71 percent MOUZAs are located
at a distance of 10 K.M from post office. Similar analysis could also be observed
from the table for the services of telephone and internet services. Energy
table, the distance wise availability of electricity for MOUZAs is highest while that
for petroleum & diesel services is modest and least for CNG & LPG services. These
are the commercial energy resources which may be utilized for commercial purposes.
Analysis of these services for range of 1 K.M and 10 K.M represent the same picture
rural areas of Pakistan. Even that the infrastructure is available but services will not
be provided all the time which creates hurdle in economic activities of the region.
shedding because rural areas of Pakistan have to bear comparatively more load-
Table: 6.15
On the basis of Table: 6.15 along with Figures: 6.15 & 6.16, it is clear
The rural areas in the province of Punjab are largest user of the facilities while that of
Balochistan are least users. This shows the tilt of balance in favour of Punjab when
provision by the public sector. However, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhawa attained an
The market and banking sector infrastructure has been evaluated in this
section of the study wherein data regarding different types of markets and financial
institutions, which are accessible for the rural areas of Pakistan, has been trying to be Markets
MOUZAs in Pakistan within the range of 10 K.M, however, within the range of
1 K.M only one thirteenth portion (nearly 3500 MOUZAs) out of total number of
MOUZAs have been enjoying this facility. Keeping in view commercial aspect of
for the rural inhabitants but still 50 percent of the total segment is not in a position to
enjoy this status. The markets for food items are available to only 30 percent
MOUZAs within the range of 10 K.M, and less than one sixtieth portion of total
MOUZAs are approaching food items’ markets within the range of 1 K.M, which
which not only reduce the transaction costs but also ready to lend a hand for obtaining
inputs and selling outputs at market rate without any exploitation of anti-market
164 Banks
progress in agriculture and non-agriculture sectors. It is very costly to adopt new and
of such a costly task depends upon efficient financial markets. Banking and Non-
banking sectors form the financial market. Pakistan is a developing country where
analysis for non-banking sector in rural areas of Pakistan. However, in the followings
we endeavor to explain the facts and figures of banking infrastructure for rural areas
of Pakistan.
70.00 50.00
40.00 30.00
30.00 20.00
0.00 0.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
Fa c il i t y by S r N o Fac i l i t y by S r N o
Balochist an Khyber Pakht unkhwa Punjab Sindh Balochist an Khyber Pakht unk hwa Punjab Sindh
within the range of 10 K.M while online facility is available to only 26 percent of
MOUZAs. This state of affairs clearly shows that banking infrastructure for rural
areas of Pakistan has not attained an adequate level because more than half of the
Table: 6.16
Number of MOUZAS by Distance
From Facility OVERALL
1 2 3 4 5 6
LIVESTOCK MARKET 781 13753 32950 38 30.61
GRAINS MARKET 767 14153 32562 40 31.42
FRUITS MARKET 590 13809 33083 41 30.33
VEGETABLES MARKET 652 14624 32206 41 32.17
GOVT. PROCURE. CNT 1210 14411 31859 48 32.90
SEEDS SHOP 3972 21277 22232 26 53.18
FERTILIZERS SHOP 3291 20674 23516 26 50.47
PESTICIDES SHOP 3147 20800 23534 26 50.43
MEAN 1801.25 16687.63 28992.75 35.75 38.94
Banking Facilities
COMMERCIAL BANK 1702 18299 27480 29 42.12
ON-LINE BANKING 490 11899 35093 45 26.09
MEAN 1096.00 15099.00 31286.50 37.00 34.11
* Within 10 KM = 2+3: Note : For small values decimals up to two places have been used.
Source : PAKISTAN 2008 MOUZA STATISTICS, Agricultural Census Organization, Statistics Division, Pakistan.
Prepared by: Authors
With the help of Figures: 6.17 & 6.18 and Table: 6.17, it could be
easily inferred that in case of market and banking sector facilities also, the region of
Balochistan has been remained far behind as compare to the other regions of Pakistan
which fact has already been come to the surface throughout this analysis. Similarly,
the region of Punjab is highest beneficiary in this perspective and the province of
Table: 6.17
discussed above. Such an attempt will be proved helpful to observe the overall
variables selected for this purpose are infrastructures used to provide facilities of
education, health, transport and communications, energy, credit and sales & purchase
of inputs and outputs (markets) to the rural people. Therefore, information of all these
variables will be summarized in the composite index and status of rural infrastructural
In the section titled above as “Rural Development: Accessibility to
measure the status of rural development. Now, the same data (mentioned in Tables:
6.14, 6.15 & 6.16 above) has been used for the purpose of construction of composite
index and the same measure i.e. number of villages wherein the service is accessible
(via infrastructure) within the range of 10 KM, has been taken into consideration so as
used in Morris and Liser (1977), Mukherjee (1980), Iyengar and Sudarshan (1982),
and Patra and Acharya (2011). As per this methodology, for the purpose of
been computed in such a way that weights varies inversely to the variation in different
respectively. In this way will be measured whose value ranges between zero to one.
be constructed as under:
= and =
Table: 6.18
Principal Weights Average of Components of
Wm x Zm
Variables (Wm) Principal Variables (Zm)
Education 0.163337984 0.500770719 0.081795
Health 0.222618537 0.273811425 0.060955
Transport &
0.181419921 0.475442228 0.086255
Energy 0.153936082 0.44628072 0.068699
Markets 0.150841474 0.623052995 0.093982
Banks 0.127846002 0.5 0.063923
Sum 1 0.455609
which means that on average there are 45 percent MOUZAs wherein all the
infrastructure services on the whole are available within the range of 10 KM, which
It has been discussed earlier in Chapter No. 4 that for the purpose of
of interest. In the above analysis, an effort has been made to present the data
comprehensively. However, we don’t claim that our data and its presentation have
made simply an attempt only, which may have the space for correction with the help
Pakistan while focusing our attention towards the infrastructure and public services
being encompassed within the borders of rural communities. These services have
been utilized by the rural inhabitants in their surroundings e.g. land utilization,
residential public facilities, social set up of the vicinities, and media services etc. It
has been crystal clear from the facts & figures given in Section: 6.2 that still rural
level of infrastructure has been depicted from the data presented in this chapter. Poor
development in Pakistan could not be termed as helpful for enhancing the quality of
life of rural inhabitants. It has also come to the notice that in case of those services
which have been available to rural inhabitants naturally i.e. without the efforts of
humanity such as natural sources of drinking water and fuel etc, the status of service
utilization by the rural inhabitants is comparatively better because nature not only
provides its benefits to all but also distributes the facilities among them equally.
Same fact is evident from the spatial distribution of these services on the basis of
provinces of the country i.e. Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Punjab and Sindh.
Whereas in case of those services which are available to humanity on the basis of
human efforts such as public residential facilities, filtration, media services, irrigation,
in rural areas of Pakistan. In this way it could be easily concluded that for the
services which are encompassing within the rural vicinities of Pakistan, there is a poor
state of rural development in Pakistan. And there is strong need to improve these
conditions so that people residing in rural areas of Pakistan could enjoy the basic
necessities of life.
communities which we analyze in this chapter with the help of “Pakistan 2008
MOUZA Statistics” are also comprises of the population over 5000. Hence, rural
development while utilizing all the possible ways and maximum available evidence,
we contribute distance wise analysis in our study. This analysis comprises of social
sector development, communication and energy sector development and market &
We also use the ranges of 1 K.M and 10 K.M for accessibility of the
services to the rural inhabitants. When we use the range 1 K.M, it will be found out
except the services of education, transport and electricity all other services are
available to less than 3000 MOUZAs only (out of 47482 MOUZAs). And the
within the range of 1 K.M, which shows that still half of the MOUZAs are not able to
enjoy these services even within the range of 1 K.M from their locale. If we increase
the analysis up to the range of 10 K.M, even then on average only half of the
MOUZAs will be able to enjoy all these facilities. Similar is the finding for analysis
conducted as composite index in Section: 6.4 while keeping in view the accessibility
of the infrastructure to the rural communities within the range of 10 K.M. All such
facts and figures either at individual analysis or at composite analysis are enough to
MOUZAs are enjoying the public services within the range of 10 K.M, therefore, for
the purpose of spatial distributive analysis we select the range of 10 K.M. In spatial
development in Pakistan on the basis of its four provinces i.e. Balochistan, Khyber
Pakhtunkhawa, Punjab and Sindh. On the basis of the analysis, it is found out that
percentage number of MOUZAs enjoying the public facilities in Punjab is largest and
Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. Notwithstanding, overall the region of Sindh has
ignoring Balochistan is undoubtedly visible from the data tables presented above in
the analysis for the purpose of examining the status of spatial distribution of
of the rural areas of the country, therefore, rural development in Pakistan could be
has not been grasped up to that level which is sufficient to achieve economic
services by the rural inhabitants at some distance from their vicinities, insufficient
rural development is crystal clear from the facts and figures mentioned above. Rural
spatial distribution because comparative advantage of some provinces over the other
want to mention that Pakistan is facing a poor state of rural development which is
try to find out the effects of Rural Development on growth and poverty reduction of
economic growth and poverty reduction in three different chapters. First two chapters
(i.e. Chapter No. 7 & 8) will take into consideration the economic growth while next
holds contradictory evidence as the same fact is evident from our discussion in
Section: It was observed therein that even with the background of
contradictory results, economic growth could be proved helpful for poverty reduction.
Hence, in these two chapters within the perspective of economic growth for poverty
economic growth so that we can measure the indirect channel of our framework
which pointed out that when we intervene with the variables of rural infrastructural
development, it will help to enhance economic growth which ultimately contributes in
rural infrastructural development at macro level because the published data sets of
segregate the data on regional basis (i.e. urban and rural). So, we are unable to find
any way to separate rural infrastructure from urban infrastructure at macro level.
Whereas at micro level while using cross-section data, if we are able to find the
economic growth of Pakistan at micro level because growth is a variable which could
only be measured in time series data set because quantification of growth require time
element. This is why we are constrained to conduct our analysis at two levels i.e. at
micro level and macro level separately. Firstly in Chapter No. 7 it has been tried to
income while considering household’s per capita income as a variable at micro level
which could point out towards economic growth of Pakistan. Even per capita income
of households is not the true representative of economic growth at micro level but it
may have the force to create variations in total output of the economy in one point of
of any economy from one point of time to another point of time. This is why we want
to use per capita income as a dependent variable of our analysis at micro level so that
we may be able to find out the impact of rural infrastructure on it. Such an analysis
the country at micro level through per capita income of households. Secondly, in
Chapter No. 8 we may attempt to probe the relationship between rural infrastructural
development and economic growth at macro level. This may help us in verifying the
of Pakistan for the year 2005-06 [GoP (2005-06)] which is the latest data set which
of micro and macro variables we may attempt to find out the impact of rural
Section: 3.4.2, we try to construct a single equation model in Section: 7.2.1 and then
way, we may try to capture the force of rural infrastructural development which
will be used here as dependent variable so that we may be able to find out changes in
Section: 7.2.2. Regression results will be found out not only for Pakistan but also
decomposed the results for provinces so that impact of rural development on
7.2.1 Model
we will construct an equations in which we take household’s income per capita per
determinants i.e. vector of assets (land, value of livestock etc), and vector of
etc). Reardon (1998) finds that as a policy variable the rural infrastructural
development could also play a vital role for increasing rural non-farm activities.
While exploring the factors determining the growth and poverty reduction in Africa,
Deininger and Okidi (2003) employed household panel survey data and constructed a
model of economic growth at micro level. They found that access to infrastructure,
agricultural exports, human and physical capital have the force not only to enhance
economic growth but also to reduce poverty. Nkonya et al (2004) also modeled
household’s primary income and found public services as an important element in this
regard. They also employed household level data for this purpose. Fan, Nyange and
Rao (2005) investigated the role of public services for enhancement of household’s
income while using household level survey and found that public services play a vital
Following the model used by Fan, Nyange and Rao (2005), we try to
construct a single equation model for capturing the role of rural infrastructural
HHI = + i Xi + {i / i, m N, i = 1,2,...m,...N}---------(7.1)
Therefore, Equation: 7.1 shows that income per capita of households depends upon
livestock, and land owned by household etc. All these variables have been used in
income in literature as mentioned above. We will exploit these variables in our model
income/consumption of the people at micro level. Hence a number of variables
electricity, gas, road, school, basic health units, telecommunication etc) have been
included in the model so that we may check the strength of these variables for their
HHI = + i Xi + j Yj + {i / i, m N, i = 1,2,...m,...N}
{j / j, n N, j = 1,2,…n...,N}------------(7.2)
(infrastructure for electricity, gas etc) and transport, communication (roads, transport
equipment, telephone infrastructure etc). The term shows the error term in the
model which may capture the effects of those variables which could not be entered
into the model. The terms , s, and s show the coefficient of each variable which
may capture the marginal effects of the independent variable on dependent variable.
On the basis of available data we attempt to evaluate functional form of the model and
we have to select best functional form for our model. In the equation mentioned
above we have used dummy variables in our model, therefore, log-log and linear-log
functional forms of the model could not be evaluated for comparative purposes
because logarithm of ‘0’ will be indeterminate. Hence we have to select either linear
or log-lin functional form of the model. In this case we have to compare two models:
one with dependent variable as linear (i.e. HHI) and other with dependent variable
with log (i.e. LNHHI). In this case literature provides limited information for
both these two models while comparing significance of independent variables and
value of R2, we can choose log-lin model, which provides best combination of results.
But best combination of results is no more a valid criteria because in this way we may
Therefore, instead of focusing over sign and significance level of s, we just compare
the value of R2 for both the functional forms of Model. But in this case R2 is not
comparable1, hence, for better comparison of R2 value, we calculate “Quasi R2” on the
[HHI – antilog (log HHI)]2
Quasi R2 = 1 – _
[HHI – HHI]2
therefore, again we are left with no criteria for selection of functional form. Hence,
again we look toward literature for help and following Nyange and Rao (2005), and
Imran Sharif Chaudhry (2003), we select log-lin functional form of model for
LNHHI = + i Xi + j Yj + {i / i, m N, i = 1,2,...m,...N}
{j / j, n N, j = 1,2,…n......N}---(7.3)
All the variables used in model along with their hypothesis have been
defined in Table: 7.1. The variables and their hypothesis have been drawn on the
If dependent variables are different then value of R2 of the models are not comparable.
Palomo et al (2000), Yunez-Naude and Taylor (2001), Deininger and Okidi (2003),
and Alberto (2006), Karttunen (2009), Aikaeli (2010), Ibekwe (2010), Ibekwe et al
estimation of our data. We use statistical package E-Views for the purpose of
cleaning process of data because in some certain cases either value of one of the
variable was not available or the available value will be an outlier and has to tackle
under data cleaning procedure provided by FBS. Value of R2 is sufficient (i.e. 0.23)1
to say that overall the model is good fit in this analysis. F-statistic, with a value of
As per Gujrati (2003), in cross-section data sets normally the value of R2 remained low due to
diversity of the cross-sectional units. Therefore, alternatively the approach of using F-statistic is
sufficient to show that impact of all the independent variables simultaneously is not zero.
237, shows that in the model there exists considerable impact of independent
Therefore, in the following paragraphs we may discuss both these two vectors
separately. This will help us not only to find out the strength of the variables in
question i.e. rural infrastructural development in comparative sense but also help to
the variable with household’s income is not in line with hypothesis discussed in
Table: 5.1 above. In this analysis it is found out that as the household size is
increased, household’s income will be decreased. The main focus of this study is on
rural sector of the Pakistan. Joint family system is still a main characteristic of
working strongly in rural areas. This is why in a family structure like Pakistani rural
areas, most of the family members are dependent while few family member are
important to mention here that we have measured household’s income in per capita
sense. Hence, as the number of dependents is increased per capita income will be
decreased and vice versa. On this behalf we should not be surprised by the negative
Table: 7.1 Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural
Household’s Income: Result For Pakistan
Coefficient t-Statistic Probability
ratio is low and number of earners is high in a family structure, the positive
shown in Table: 7.1, in this analysis HHHA, and HHHG are statistically significant at
1% level and their relationship with dependent variable is as per expectation because
theory suggests that household head’s age, and gender are positively related to income
of household. Hence, it is a positive sign for the analysis in question. Similarly, VLS
is not only significant at 1% level but also has the positive relationship with the
has more livestock, the probability of their income generation will be increased.
Keeping in view two important elements i.e. role of public sector for provision of
select six variables of community characteristics for the purpose of analysis i.e.
Variables of ROAD3 and BHUD have been proved insignificant in the analysis while
observe that all the variables have expected relationship as per hypothesis mentioned
in Table: 7.2. Two of the variables i.e. BHUD and PHOND which we have quantified
have shown negative relationship. The reason is that as the distance of the public
services is increased it refers to low level rural development. Hence, low level of
rural develop will be a cause of low level of household’s income. So far as variable
of ROAD is concerned ROAD1 (matelled road) has been taken as reference category
while ROAD2 (paved road) and ROAD3 (un-paved road) are included in model. As
per results ROAD1 has been shown a positive relationship with household income
and impact of ROAD1 is higher than ROAD2, and ROAD3 whereas impact of
whole we may say that ROAD1 has more importance for household incomes than
ROAD2. Matelled road shows higher level of rural development than the paved road.
Hence, higher the rural development, higher will be the rural household’s income.
observations, now we may decompose the analysis among provinces of Pakistan i.e.
decomposed analysis are 1184, 1841, 3645, and (total=8480) respectively for all
provinces. Now, number of observations have been reduced which ultimately puts its
analysis, now we have not dropped any variable as we have done in data analysis of
Overall the model is good fit for the data set of Balochistan as the same
fact is evident from the value of R2 i.e. 0.24 while F-statistic is 34.81 and significant
Table: 7.2 Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural
Household’s Income: Result For Balochistan
Coefficient t-Statistic Probability
C 3.141963 8.469971 0.0000
impact on dependent variable. The variable of HHS is again significant at 1% level
Reason of its inverse relationship has already been discussed above while blaming
high dependency ratio in rural areas of Balochistan. Variables of HHHA, and HHHG
are also significant at 1% and as per our expectation in line with the hypothesis. They
all show a positive relationship with household income which confirms the results of
analysis conducted on the whole data set of Pakistan. Similarly VLS is significant at
1% level and has a direct relationship with household income which again follows the
analysis of Pakistan.
GAS and BHUD are insignificant in case of Balochistan which follows the analysis of
Pakistan for the variable BHUD but one more variable has been proved insignificant
in case of Balochistan i.e. GAS. It is also worth mentioning here that relationship of
GAS has shown inverse relationship with household income which is against our
expectation. But the GAS is proved to be insignificant in our data for Balochistan,
therefore, no need to justify the result on the basis of economic theory. The variable
of PS is significant within the range of 5% and has the direct relationship with the
1% level and has the positive relationship with household income, which also follows
the analysis of Pakistan. So far as the variable of ROAD is concerned the results are
in line with the results obtained in analysis of Pakistan that ROAD1 has more strength
than ROAD2 and ROAD2 has more strength than ROAD3 i.e. higher the rural
last we may observe that PHOND is significant at 10% level but have a positive
relationship with the household income which means that as the distance of phone
shop is increased the households will earn more income. In other words we can say
Balochistan is a least developed region of the country as the same fact has already
been observed in Chapter No. 6 of this study when we analyze the status of rural
could be observed that in early stages of development when people find a facility of
phone they use it for strengthening their social and family contacts, therefore, it will
facility we use the service of post office for informing our relatives regarding family’s
matters of happiness and sorrows due to which a little number of relatives will join
these reasons we may say that as the distance of phone shop is increased in an under
developed region like Balochistan, family’s expenditures will be reduced, which will
sufficient level, then households also use to utilize phone facility for business and
income is then sufficient enough to overcome the expenditures incurred on social and
phone facility for increased household income is correct but in set up like Balochistan
Overall, the model is good fit for the data set of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa
with R2 value of 0.22 and F-Statistic value of 46.99 having significance level of 1%,
therefore, we could easily reject the null hypothesis that all the coefficients of
relationship with the household income which is similar to our results in case of
Pakistan and Balochistan. Variables of HHHA, and HHHG are also significant at
Table: 7.4. Variable of VLS is also significant at 1% level and positively related with
household income. Overall the vector of household level characteristics show the
same behaviour in all the three analyses conducted so far while using the data sets of
Table: 7.3 Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural
Household’s Income: Result For Khyber
Coefficient t-Statistic Probability
C 4.796180 19.17455 0.0000
insignificant in all the analyses conducted so far. However, GAS is proved
significant at 1% level and has a positive relationship with household income. PS and
PHOND are also proved to be significant at 1% level and have expected relationship
with household income. So far as the variable of ROAD is concerned, the only
reference category i.e. ROAD1 is significant at 1% level but all the other two
variables i.e. ROAD2 and ROAD3 are insignificant, therefore, we can consider that
result of the analysis for Khyber Pakhtunkhawa shows the variable of ROAD as
insignificant for household’s income. Unexpectedly, the variable of BHUD has shown
mentioned above in Table: 5.1, but as we have also observed that it is statistically
insignificant, therefore, we can conclude that in case of data set relating to Khyber
The Model is fitted very well with a value of R2 equal to 0.28. Along
with R2, when we want to confirm the overall goodness of model through F-statistic,
then we find out that value of F-statistic is also sufficient to suppose that there exist a
the same behaviour which we have already observed in all the above analyses. All the
variables i.e. HHS, HHHA, HHHG, and VLS have been proved to be significant at
Table: 7.4 Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural
Household’s Income: Result For Punjab
Coefficient t-Statistic Probability
C 5.368587 49.22861 0.0000
1% level and their relationship with household income is as per expectation except the
relationship of HHS. But we have already discussed and justified the cause of
the relationship of ROAD. Reference category i.e. ROAD1 along with ROAD3 are
ROAD1 is higher than ROAD2, and ROAD3. Similarly, impact of ROAD2 is higher
ROAD1 is more beneficial than ROAD3 i.e. rural development in shape availability
of better road has more impact on rural household’s incomes. The variable of ELECT
And the GAS is also positively related with household’s income in line with the
expectation presented by the literature in this regard. The GAS is also significant at
1% level. The variable of PS has a negative relationship with household’s income but
at the same time it has been proved an insignificant variable. The variable of BHUD
has shown an expected relationship and also significant. So far as the variable of
PHOND is concerned, it has been proved insignificant despite of the fact that it shows
an expected relationship with the dependent variable. In case of Punjab, nearly two
Table: 7.6, which is equal to 0.33. The value of F-statistic is 83.93. F-statistic is
significant at 1% level.
Household level characteristics of the model in case of Sindh also have not changed
its response in the analysis. The variable of HHS has inverse relationship with
HHHG are also significant at 1% level and their relationship with the household
level. Throughout our analysis from Pakistan to Sindh, we found that the vector of
with the dependent variable and significance level, which is a very good sign of the
analysis in the sense that it follows the theory which have already been proved in
In case of Sindh, variable of ROAD has shown the similar results that
ROAD1 and ROAD2 are significant at 1% and 5% level respectively and impact of
insignificant. The variable GAS has shown unexpected relationship with the
dependent variable but in case of data regarding the province of Sindh, it has been
observed as insignificant. The variable of ELECT even shows an expected sing but
insignificant here. Even the variable of PS has the expected relationship but same has
also been noticed as insignificant. In case of Sindh, the only two variables which
have been proved significant are BHUD and PHOND. Significance level of BHUD is
nearly at 5% while that of PHOND is 1%. Both these two variables have the expected
signs. In case of vector of community level characteristics, the analysis of Sindh has
shown a little bit different outlook as against our analysis conducted for Pakistan
Table: 7.5 Log-Linear Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural
Household’s Income: Result For Sindh
Coefficient t-Statistic Probability
C 3.354135 13.25171 0.0000
because comparatively more variables have been proved insignificant here.
the economic growth. However, the variable of interest here is rural household’s
incomes. Major determinants of rural income as observed in Table: 5.1 are household
size, household head’s gender, household head’s age, value of livestock contained
community i.e. matelled road, paved road, un-paved road, electricity, gas, primary
schools, basic health units and facility of phone. However, higher impacts have been
vicinities. We could say that rural infrastructural development could have been
proved an important variable for augmentation the incomes of rural inhabitants. Out
of rural infrastructure we find that the effects of electricity and gas are comparatively
high which points out towards role of these variables in production activities of farm
and non-farm sectors of rural areas. It has been further detected out of the analysis
less significant than the role of the vector of household’s characteristic for
enhancement of incomes of rural people. This is due to the fact that community level
characteristics have played secondary role and household level characteristics have
the primary role in the lives of the rural families. Therefore, we find that even rural
infrastructural development has the force for income enhancement of the rural
populace but its role for this purpose is that of secondary nature. Importance of
education and health for enhancement of rural income is evident from prominent
literature in this regard, but the fact come out of this research is this that when we talk
secondary nature whereas infrastructure for electricity and gas has shown a vital role
in income enhancement capacity of rural areas. This may be due to the fact that rural
people lack resources and are unable to manage even their family expenditures.
Therefore, they feel strong need for expansion in economic activity of their regions
and economic activity depends upon farm and non-farm production units. Expansion
in farm and non-farm production activities may depend upon availability of electricity
and gas. This is why in case of infrastructure, availability of electricity and gas
Pakistan, we observe that overall the results have been observed to be similar to the
results of analysis in totality of data for Pakistan. The only difference which we
relationship observed in totality. The reason behind may be the reduction of sample
provinces small number of observations are utilized. The vector of household level
characteristics again has been proved as primary determinant and community level
The accessibility of gas has been proved to be most important infrastructure for rural
been noticed as important variable in this regard for the provinces of Punjab, Khyber
has been observed to be important for the provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa and
telecommunication and health institutions have shown more importance for rural
household’s incomes. Overall we can observe that the variables which are important
for Punjab are also important for Pakistan. This information leads to the fact that
more observations from Punjab play a dominant role in analysis. Even we face this
not be neglected because of the fact that it represents the specific needs of each
province separately for the provision of infrastructural variable e.g. need of Khyber
may be proved helpful to strengthen the analysis conducted at micro level in Chapter
No. 7.
institutions and electrification, the variables could not be included in the model. Even
then analysis of this study is sufficient to draw the conclusion for indirect relationship
analysis has been conducted in two major directions i.e. micro and macro level. At
macro level, time series framework has been employed for finding out the impact of
earlier that under the limitations regarding data availability, in case of Pakistan it is
difficult (if not impossible) to quantify rural infrastructure because no renowned
published data set provides disaggregated data for infrastructure on the basis of rural
and urban regions of Pakistan except for the variables used in this study as proxies.
mentioned the model in Section: 8.2. The results and estimation has been specified in
Section: 8.3. So far as conclusions are concerned, Section: 8.4 confers the conclusion.
(1989) and Munnell (1990) also focused on issue of productivity. Barrow (1990)
reframed the endogenous growth theory presented by Aschauer (1989) and consider
economic growth by Wylie (1996), who also exploits the production function for
and Pedroni (1999) used panel data set from 1950-1992 with countries as cross-
economic growth across the countries. Demurger (2001) found out the impact of
infrastructure on economic growth of China while following endogenous growth
and Guha (2009) concluded rural infrastructural development (private and public) as
potential factors for economic growth of rural India. So far as Pakistan is concerned,
Khan and Sasaki (2001) used production function approach for capturing the
relationship between productivity of public capital and economic growth and found
that public and private capital complementarily are suitable investment in this regard.
the studies take into consideration the Cobb-Douglas production function i.e.
Y = bLK
labour, K presents the capital, and , are output elasticities of labour and capital
Y = bLK I
output (Y) as an additional input in production function. Keeping in view Solow type
models [Solow (1956)]; this type of model is now open to the possibility of constant
returns to scale. Hence, in line with the Demurger (2001), we want to estimate
following growth equation wherein an extended form of framework given by Barro
by the addition of Solow type set of variables, and such variables will reflect the
the vector relating to factors of production i.e. labour and capital, Yjt is a vector of
rural infrastructure variables to be included in the model for finding out their impact
model is concerned, we select Log-Log (or double log) functional form for estimation
because we know that base of the model mentioned in Equation (8.1) is a production
function. For such a model a better functional form for estimation purposes may be a
8.3 Estimation
Results are shown by the Table: 8.1 given below. Before discussing
and spurious regression because in this section of the thesis, we are analyzing the time
series data set. A major hurdle of time series analysis is the problem of non-
By Stationarity in a time series variable we mean that the basic properties of the variable (constant
mean, constant variance, and dependency of ACF on lag only) remain unchanged over time.
stationarity. For having reliability of the regression results in time series analysis,
variables of the model is non-stationary, then estimated coefficients may have been
shown by high level of significance spuriously. Therefore, results will not be reliable
statistically. So, in time series analysis some specific techniques have been utilized to
get rid of spurious correlation and un-reliable regression results. Hence, firstly we
may talk about the problems relating to stationarity, thereafter we may represent the
results of estimation.
time series analysis. But before deciding to acquire one of these methodologies, it
will be better to inquire about the order of integration of the variables of the model.
In case that all the variables of the model have an integration order of same level1,
then it could be easily concluded that there exist no problem relating to non-
stationarity in the model. Because it is believed that if all the variables of the model
have same order of integration, then residuals of the estimated model will be
obtained co-integration then we should estimate the model simply by using OLS
i.e. either I(0) or I(1) or I(2) etc. These are the order of integration which shows that the variable is
stationary at level, first difference or second difference respectively.
methodology. In this way, the results obtained out of the estimation will not be
spurious and will be reliable and trustworthy. Hence, we want to obtain the series of
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
t = Gt i Xit j Yjt k Zkt
using ADF procedure. If series of residuals is stationary at level i.e. I(0), then we may
conclude that variables of the model uses for estimation are co-integrated. Therefore,
obtained through estimation are reliable and trustworthy. We follow this procedure
for our data set and find that residuals are stationary at level. Hence, we simply
The model is over all very good fit with a high value of R2 i.e. 0.98.
Similarly, F-Statistic also shows that there is significant simultaneous impact of all
the independent variables on dependent variable. The value of d-statistic1 (i.e. 1.81)
because CAPS and LFPR are significant within the range of 5% level of significance.
Durbin-Watson Statistic.
Table: 8.1 Double-Log Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Economic
Growth of Pakistan (1981-2010)
Coefficient t-Statistic Probability
C 2.779548 3.980891 0.0007
F Statistic 299.0225
R2 0.987983
Probability (F Statistic) 0.000000
Number of Observations 30
Estimates computed by authors on the basis of data collected through secondary sources with the
help of E-views
Their relationship with LGDPPC is as per our expectation that labour and capital
development, we find that two of the variables i.e. LROAD and LRHI are significant
at 1% level whereas the variable of LEIRR has been observed to be insignificant. All
the three variables have shown an expected sign which points out a positive
variable of LINF has a negative/inverse relationship with RGDP which is in line with
our hypothesis because double digits inflation (as in the case of Pakistan) has always
been taken as adverse factor for economic growth of any country. The LINF has been
proved statistically an insignificant variable for the data set which we employ for
estimation. On the other hand in case of variable of LOPEN, we find that trade
liberalization has been evident to be an insignificant variable in our model and its
relationship with dependent variable has been observed to be as per expectation on the
to the determinants of economic growth at macro level analyzed in Table: 8.1. Macro
evidence in this regard endorses the micro analysis discussed above. We find that in
case of Pakistan labour, capital, and rural infrastructural development has the force to
(i.e. labour and capital) has shown strong impact on economic growth. The effects of
the vector relating to rural infrastructural development have been found to be modest
whereas the vector of economic environment has shown the least impact for the data
set we utilize for analysis purposes. Our main focus is on rural infrastructural
development which even has shown the force for enhancement in economic growth
but it has been observed that rural infrastructural development has shown
both the vectors of the model. There may be many reasons for this weak strength but
we suggest two reasons in this regard. Firstly, due to lack of capital, financial
constraints and urban biased policies, governments have not given their due focus
attention has been paid, such an attempt was destroyed due to unequal distribution
across different regions i.e. provinces of the country (Conclusions of Chapter No.6).
In this chapter we will make an attempt to find out the impact of rural
take into consideration time series data for Pakistan on poverty and infrastructural
infrastructure is not available for rural and urban areas of Pakistan separately,
the impact of infrastructure variable. However, luckily we find household level data
set i.e. GoP (2005-06), which is based on the household survey conducted by FBS
wherein along with collection the data of household characteristics, the data on
series analysis, no definite source is available which may be proved helpful to provide
comparable, credible and reliable data in this regard because FBS has frequently
changed its methodology for data collection during 1990s [Arif (2006)]. However, if
we talk about household level data sets in one point of time, then we may easily say
that HIES data sets of FBS are a best source of data which could be used for poverty
analysis on the basis of cross-sections. On account of these two main reasons, for this
analysis we select cross-sectional data provided by FBS for the year 2005-06 i.e. GoP
conduct the analysis for the data set of Pakistan but also decomposed the analysis for
studies such as Saith (1981), Ahluwalia (1985), Gaitha (1989), Ravallion and Datt
(1994), Datt and Ravallion (1997), and Sikander and Mudassir (2008), which
different studies focusing the determinant of rural poverty also used single equation
model e.g. Hossain and Sen (1992), Alian and Sadoulet (2000), Apata et al (2010). In
the same line studies examining the determinants of poverty in Pakistan [Shirazi
(1995), Dawood et al (2008), Siddiqui (2009), Imran Sharif Chaudhry (2009), Asma
and Maqsood (2010)] and determinants of rural poverty in Pakistan [Malik (1996),
Imran Sharif Chaudhry (2003), Amara Amjad Hashmi et al (2008), Malik (2012)] also
followed the single equation model. So far as if we talk about the impact of
infrastructure on poverty, then Shenggen Fan has presented enormous work [Fan,
Hazzel and Haq (2000), Fan, Hazzel and Thorat (2000), Fan et al (2003), Fan,
Jitsuchon and Methakunnavut (2004), Fan et al (2002), Fan, Zhang and Rao (2004),
important determinant of poverty. Shenggen Fan mostly covered this topic at macro
level and used simultaneous equation model for analysis purpose. Whereas keeping
in view serious limitations in data collection at macro level, when Fan, Nyange and
Rao (2005) discovered this topic at micro level and investigated the infrastructure as a
determinant of poverty, then they also used single equation model for analysis
development while quantifying rural development through rural infrastructure and try
Pakistan. On the basis of above mentioned discussion and following Fan, Nyange and
Rao (2005), we use single equation approach for modeling rural infrastructure as the
POVERTY = + i Xi + {i / i, n N, I = 1,2,...n,...N}----------(9.1)
the literature it represents well known determinants of poverty at micro level. So far
relating to vector of household’s level characteristics of the model, and is the error
which have not been included in the model but they could play their role in this
regard. So as to find out the impact of all the independent variables on poverty
reduction we take POVERTY as dependent variable in the model for the purpose of
As earlier mentioned, the purpose of this study is to find out the impact
POVERTY = + i Xi + j Yj + {i / i, n N, I = 1,2,...n,....N}
{j / j, m N, I = 1,2…m...N}----(9.2)
attributes (i.e. whether the household is poor or non-poor), therefore, dummy variable
technique has been used to quantify this variable. Wherever we want to use dummy
regression models such as LPM, Logit model, or Normit model etc. We follow the
literature for choosing Logit model instead of Normit model for the purpose of
one over the other out of these two models (i.e. Logit, and Normit) because the only
difference between the two is that in Logit model, the distribution has shown a
slightly flatter tails compare to the distribution of Normit or Probit models. So far as
increases linearly with independent variable. These problems have automatically
been solved when we use Logit model for the purpose of estimation.
using Tables: 9.1 to 9.5. Estimation for Pakistan and for the all the provinces of
Pakistan i.e. Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Punjab and Sindh have separately
been mentioned. In this way, we not only attempt to incarcerate the overall impact of
the comparative analysis within provinces to explore this topic in a little bit depth.
overall goodness of fit. However, normally in practice, the McFadden R2 has been
statistic has been replaced by LR statistic in Logit regression. LR statistic serves the
same purpose as has been served by F-statistic in simple regression i.e. with how
much confidence we can say that all the independent variables simultaneously have a
regression has been quantified here with z-statistic while capturing the significance
those coefficients which explain the impact of independent variables on Logit (i.e.
convert the Logit into Odd Ratio by taking antilog of Logit. As early as we convert
Logit into Odd Ratio, coefficients have been converted into odds as shown by the last
columns of Tables: 8.2 to 8.6. On the other hand Odd Ratio has the force to explain
Overall model is good fit with McFadden R2 value of 0.14 and the LR
HHHG, all the household level characteristics (i.e. HHHA, HHHE, HHS, DR, and
PR) have been proved to be significant at 1% level while HHHG has a significance
level of 10%. So far as their relationships with the dependent variable is concerned,
all the variables have expected signs as we can observe in the table that HHHG,
HHHE, HHHA, and PR have inverse relationship whereas HHS and DR have direct
this regard.
characteristics (i.e. rural infrastructural development) we find that all the variables
(ELECT, GAS, PS, BHUD and PHOND) except ROAD have expected signs.
ROAD1 has been taken as the reference category and represented by the constant.
significant at 1% level. Therefore, we can observe that highest impact on poverty has
been shown by un-paved road while second highest impact was shown by matelled
road and third highest impact was observed by un-paved road. As per our hypothesis,
higher the rural development i.e. a better condition of road infrastructure, less should
Table: 9.1 Logit Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural Poverty:
Results For Pakistan
Coefficient z-Statistic Probability Odd
C 0.369631 1.905976 0.0567 1.447
LR Statistic 1418.4160
McFadden R 0.148451
Probability LR (Statistic) 0.0000
Estimates computed by authors on the basis of data collected through PSLM [GoP (2005-06)] using
be the chance for household to be poor. This hypothesis has only been observed for
paved and matelled roads, but not for un-paved road. Hence, in case of road
infrastructure, it has been observed that significant and highest impact on poverty
reduction has been shown by un-paved road. For un-paved roads, our result is in line
with Fan et al (2005) which focused only on road infrastructure for poverty reduction
of China and concluded that low type roads have more impact on poverty reduction.
The variables of PS and PHOND are not significant but have expected sign, whereas
the variables of ELECT, GAS and BHUD have been proved significant at 1% level
which shows important implications not only for result relating to vector of
community characteristics but also for its comparative analysis with vector of
household characteristics.
provinces of Pakistan. In the analysis, we have included all those variables which
the statistical package has shown syntax error for ELECT variable, so, we are unable
to include this variable in the model for Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, otherwise, we have
analyzed the same model as we have analyzed in case of Pakistan so that a better
The model is overall good fit in the sense that it shows the value of
McFadden R2 equal to 0.18 while having LR-statistic equal to 259.41 at a significance
level of 1%.
the variable of HHHG has shown a negative relationship with the dependent variable
as against the hypothesis mentioned in Table: 8.1, but this variable has been proved
insignificant, therefore, no further need to justify the result for its conflicting
relationship because in our data set it has no importance for analysis. The variables of
HHHA, HHHE, and PR have shown a negative relationship with poverty and
confirmed our hypothesis. Similarly, the variables of HHS and DR show a positive
sign as per expectation on the basis of hypothesis. So far as significance of all these
the variable of ROAD has been proved insignificant because C, ROAD2, and ROAD3
are insignificant. Similarly, GAS, PS and PHOND have also been proved
insignificant. The signs of GAS and PHOND are as per expectation whereas the sign
of PS has been shown against hypothesis mentioned in Table: 8.1. As the variable of
PS has been proved insignificant in our data set, therefore, it has loose its importance
for analysis purposes. Whereas the variable of ELECT has been proved significant at
1% level and the variable of BHUD has show a significance level of 5%. So far as
the relationship of ELECT is concerned, we find that it has shown the expected
development of rural areas has been proved beneficial for poverty reduction. On the
Table: 9.2 Logit Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural Poverty:
Results For Balochistan
Coefficient z-Statistic Probability Odd
C 1.010031 1.363835 0.1726 2.746
LR Statistic 259.4078
McFadden R2 0.178138
Probability LR (Statistic) 0.0000
Estimates computed by authors on the basis of data collected through PSLM [GoP (2005-06)] using
other hand the variable of BHUD has not shown this behaviour. It has already been
found out in Chapter No. 6 that Balochistan is the least developed province of
has to rely on indigenous health facilities i.e. (HAKEEM, dispenser resided near their
vicinities etc), and their transaction costs have been saved. It may be a cause of
The model which we use for the analysis of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa has
233.39 on a significance level of 1%. It could be easily assessed that model is good
fit because the impact of all the independent variables simultaneously is significantly
is not significant. The variable of HHS is significant at 5% level and all other
characteristics, are concerned it could be noticed that all the variables show expected
signs. The variables of HHS and DR have inverse relationship while variables of
HHHA, HHHG, HHHE and PR have direct and positive relationship with POVERTY.
Now we may also take a look over the vector of community level
Table: 9.3 Logit Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural Poverty:
Results For Khyber Pakhtunkhawa
Coefficient z-Statistic Probability Odd
C -0.58159 -1.733394 0.0830 0.559
LR Statistic 233.3879
McFadden R 0.124851
Probability LR (Statistic) 0.0000
proved as insignificant because both the variables i.e. ROAD2 and ROAD3 are
insignificant. However, impact of un-paved road has been observed as highest one.
Even the relationships of the variables of GAS and PS has been noticed to be inverse
with POVERTY as per expectation but, these two variables have also been proved as
insignificant. The variable of BHUD has a positive sign and has direct relationship
with POVERTY as per our expectation because more is the distance of basic health
unit from the household’s vicinity, less will be Rural Development, and higher will be
level. Similarly, the variable of PHOND is significant at 5% level and has a direct
Now we may look at the analysis for Punjab. Goodness of the model
fitted for the analysis has been shown by the value of McFadden R2, which is equal to
0.18. On the other hand the value of LR-statistic has been equal to 709.16 with a
significance level of 1%. These values are sufficient to say that overall the model is
A look over the vector of household level characteristics shows that the
variable of HHS is significant at a level of 10%. On the other hand the variables of
mostly similar to our analysis conducted for the data of Pakistan because expected
signs of all the variables could be noticed easily in Table: 8.5. The variables of
HHS and DR have inverse relationship whereas the variables of HHHA, HHHG,
HHHE and PR have direct and positive relationship with POVERTY and same are
Table: 9.4 Logit Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural Poverty:
Results For Punjab
Coefficient z-Statistic Probability Odd
C 0.993851 2.816362 0.0049 2.702
LR Statistic 709.1571
McFadden R2 0.176807
Probability LR (Statistic) 0.0000
statistically significant for the data set which we have employed for the province of
in the Table: 8.5 for Punjab. The variable of ROAD2 is insignificant, while the
far as relationship of the ROAD variable is concerned, it is in line with the analysis
conducted for whole of the PAKISTAN, and same is justified in the light of study
conducted by Fan et al (2005). It is observed from the analysis that un-paved road has
been proved more beneficial than matelled road. The variables of ELECT and GAS
have shown the expected relationship with POVERTY that if households have these
facilities in their vicinity, then less is the chance for households to be poor. The
variable of ELECT is significant at 10% level while the variable of GAS is significant
at 1% level. Against our expectation, the variable of PS has shown a positive and
direct relationship with the POVERTY which means that if the number of primary
schools in the vicinity of the household is high, then more is the chance for household
surprising and we find no reasoning to justify the result. However, we may suppose
POVERTY may be obtained as inverse and negative. The reason behind this
supposition is that for the data sets of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, this
variable has been proved insignificant whereas for data sets of Sindh (a different
sample) and Pakistan (an increased sample), the variable of PS has been proved
statistically significant and has an inverse and negative relationship with POVERTY.
The variable of BHUD is significant at 1% level and has expected relationship with
POVERTY. On the other hand the variable of the PHOND has unexpected
relationship because it shows that as the distance of phone shop from household
vicinity is increased (i.e. low rural development), less is the chance that household
will be poor. However, such an unexpected relationship has not been proved
statistically significant, therefore, the result of PHOND for this analysis has lost its
When we look at the Table: 6.6 for goodness of fit of the model, we
find that overall the model is good fit because the value of McFadden R2 has been
observed as 0.19 while LR-statistic attains the value of 412.63 with a significance
level of 1%. These values are sufficient to believe that in case of province of Sindh,
all the independent variables of the model simultaneously have a significant and
As usual first of all we may evaluate the vector of household characteristics. In case
of Sindh, this vector has been proved significant and behaved as per our expectations
in this regard. The variables of HHS and DR are significant at 1% level and have
basis of hypothesis mentioned in Table: 8.1. The variables of HHHA, HHHE and PR
are also significant at 1% level and their relationship with POVERTY is negative and
inverse which supports our hypotheses in this regard. On the other hand even the
relationship of variable HHHG is in line with the hypothesis but this variable has
Table: 9.5 Logit Regression Estimates of Rural
Infrastructural Development and Rural Poverty:
Results For Sindh
Coefficient z-Statistic Probability Odd
C -0.225174 -0.31227 0.7548 0.798
LR Statistic 412.6343
McFadden R 0.190552
Probability LR (Statistic) 0.0000
Number of Observations 1810
Note : Odd = e where x is the value of concerned coefficients
Estimates computed by authors on the basis of data collected through PSLM [GoP (2005-06)] using
been proved insignificant in our data set for the province of Sindh. These results are
shown to be similar to the results of the analysis conducted for the data set of
find that the variable of ROAD has been observed to be insignificant because all the
attributes of this variable i.e. ROAD1, ROAD2, and ROAD3 are evident to be
hypothesis in this regard but it has been proved statistically insignificant in the
analysis. The relationship of the variable of GAS is even as per expectation but same
has also been noticed as insignificant. The variable of PS has a negative and inverse
relationship with POVERTY, which is not only in line with our hypothesis mentioned
the variables BHUD and PHOND has been proved at 1% level as mentioned in Table:
8.6 and relationship of these variables with POVERTY is evident to be positive and
direct. Such a relationship supports our hypothesis that as the distance of household’s
community from phone shop and basic health unit is increased, Rural Development
will be lower, and more will be the chance for household to be poor.
development for poverty reduction of rural households. First of all we may discuss
the analysis for whole data set i.e. data set of Pakistan. In this regard we find that
vector of household’s characteristics i.e. household size, household head’s age,
dependency ratio, have played a vital role for poverty reduction of the rural
households. On the other hand the vector of community level characteristics also
played their role for poverty reduction but comparatively their relationship with
poverty reduction is a little bit weak than the vector of household’s characteristics.
with poverty reduction of rural areas is due to the reason that we have employed six
variables for measuring impact of infrastructure on rural poverty reduction but only
three variables have shown their statistical significant impact on poverty reduction i.e.
electricity, gas and basic health units. On the other hand, the statistical relationship of
the roads variable with poverty reduction has also been proved to be partially
electricity and gas has been proved to be most important variables for poverty
electricity and gas while observing the values of odds as 0.67, and 0.69 respectively.
Lower value of odd points out that probability of a household to be poor is lower than
its probability to be non-poor i.e. there is more likelihood for a household to be non-
poor. The variables of electricity and gas contribute significantly for expansion of
economic activity of any region on account of their force for improving production
activities of farm and non-farm sectors of rural areas. Consequently the enhanced
economic activity leads toward better income sources which ultimately helps
Now we may put light on province wise analysis regarding the
with the analysis conducted for whole the data set of Pakistan, the province wise
Punjab or Sindh, the obvious result of the analysis is the strong role of household
level characteristics for poverty reduction of rural areas. This does not mean that
there exists no role of community level characteristics for poverty reduction. The
analysis also shows the important role of community level characteristics in shape of
rural infrastructure but in comparative sense its role is secondary in nature because
electricity has played a vital role for poverty reduction while showing the lowest
value of odd i.e. 0.33. In case of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, the role of health
most important (with odds equal to 1.01) among all infrastructural variables. So far as
the province of Punjab is concerned, we can observe that the rural infrastructure
relating to gas and electricity has proved to be comparatively more effective for rural
poverty reduction than other infrastructural variables of the analysis. On the other
hand in province of Sindh the rural infrastructure of education sector has the highest
impact on poverty reduction of rural areas while the variables of health and
telecommunication infrastructure has also been noticed as important variables in this
regard. Again we can notice that the data set with larger number of observations (i.e.
the data set of Punjab) has the force to affect analysis of whole data set i.e. analysis of
Pakistan because both stress that the gas and electricity are important variables for
poverty reduction in rural areas of Pakistan. But simply on this account we cannot
mentioned that such an analysis could be able to point out specific and different
infrastructural variable to play its role for poverty reduction of each province of
rural areas of Pakistan. The study has been divided into two main sections i.e. section
related to helping material and the section discussed core part of the thesis. Section of
main theme of the study along with discussing the objectives of the study. Chapter
No. 2 attempts to analyze the economy of Pakistan within the background of the
subject matter of the study. So far as the review of literature is concerned, in Chapter
No. 3 we try to assemble important, recent, and available evidences not only from all
over the World but also from Pakistan. This chapter may be helpful to represent the
foundation of the study on the basis of the renowned and prominent research in this
regard. Lastly, in Chapter No. 4 of the helping section of the study we endeavor to
analyze the theoretical background of our study and discussed important theories
which support our hypothesis. Core analysis of this study has been divided into five
methodologies to be utilized in this study. After this chapter, we represent our core
analysis in four chapters i.e. Chapter No. 6, Chapter No. 7, Chapter No. 8 and Chapter
No. 9. In these chapters we utilize time series and cross-sectional data sets to perform
descriptive and inferential analysis at macro and micro level. This last chapter of
study comprises of conclusions and policy implication drawn on the basis of core
analysis of the thesis. Brief conclusions have already been drawn in the concerned
chapters, however, keeping in view convenience and easement of the readers now we
i) After analyzing the facts and figures we reach to the conclusion that
poor because most of the public services have not been available to
within the vicinities then these services are not sufficient to improve
ii) When we focus rural life of the people, we observe two types of
not only the poor state of rural development in Pakistan but also the
iii) The public services which are not available within the rural vicinities
iv) It could also be perceived from facts and figures presented in Chapter
No.6 that most of the public services are not available to more than
communities of Pakistan.
on economic growth of Pakistan. For this purpose we conduct the analysis at two
levels i.e. micro and macro. At micro level (in Chapter No. 7) we utilize rural
micro level because household’s income has the force to create variations in economic
growth while at macro level (in Chapter No. 8) we take into consideration the
head’s gender, household head’s age and value of livestock) along with
primary schools and basic health units) have a considerable role for
further found out that electricity and gas could be termed as most
ii) When we focus our attention towards comparison of household level
this regard. This does not mean that rural infrastructural variables have
variables have shown an important role for this purpose but these have
findings presented in Para No. (i) & (ii) above that rural infrastructural
variables even have the force to enhance household’s income but these
household’s characteristics.
iv) Out of the disaggregated analysis we also notice that for the province
variables of telecommunication and health institution to have highest
number of observations the data set of province of Punjab has the force
to affect the analysis conducted for whole data set. We conclude this
expenditures for rural development are concerned, in our data set these
ii) We also find that the vector of production function has played an
growth of Pakistan is concerned, we find that this vector has also been
level characteristics (electricity, gas, basic health units, and roads) have
ii) So far as comparison of household level characteristics and community
iv) Disaggregated analysis in this regard also supports our findings while
purpose. For Punjab, these are the variables of Gas and Electricity
reduction in rural areas of Pakistan. The shortcoming of disaggregated
important in enhancing economic growth, augmentation of rural
household s income and reducing rural poverty.
in this regard which may be proved helpful in designing the policies at government
of rural household’s income and rural poverty reduction in Pakistan. All the
suggestions have been mentioned while keeping in view these main objectives of
economic development in Pakistan. Our suggestions are just the guiding principles on
the basis of our contributions in this regard which we think to be proved useful for
obtaining these main objectives. We will not claim these suggestions as the firm,
solid and compact solutions in this regard. On the basis of our perception, we present
descending order.
the population lives in rural areas (as is the case of Pakistan), then
Therefore, top most priority of the government should be the provision
the main theme of this thesis. On the basis of our analysis we suggest
the country in respect to millennium development goals because in this
facilities to rural areas of Pakistan then we are of the point of view that
vicinities should be at priority to augment rural household’s incomes.
vi) Lastly we think it also important to suggest that at macro level quality
disaggregated not only on the basis of provinces but also on the basis
of urban and rural regions. The data relating to poverty should also be
not only to explore the status of poverty but also to find out the impact
government of Pakistan:-
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