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Module 1 – Sports & Entertainment Extra Questions (Suggested Answers)
• Music helps people relax. It can help people change
Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 4-5)
their mood. People can dance to music too.
1 a) 1 C 3 B 5 B 7 B • Going to the cinema is a popular activity because it is
2 A 4 C 6 D like travelling to another place.The big screen totally
involves the audience in the story being told.
2 1 C 3 B 5 A 7 D 9 D • Sport should be compulsory at school because
2 D 4 C 6 B 8 B 10 C children need to be taught how to stay fit and have
the opportunity to try different sports.That way they
3 1 competitors 4 rival 7 referee can choose an activity that they enjoy and continue it
2 spectators 5 umpire 8 trainer as a leisure activity and to stay fit and healthy.
3 runner-up 6 commentator • Mass entertainment can be educational. There are
many informative documentaries on television for
4 1 score 4 physical 7 true example, from which we can learn so much about the
2 win 5 break 8 playing world.
3 happy 6 sports • If I had more free time, the best thing to do with it
would be to learn to play the guitar, which is
Listening (p. 6) something I would like to do.
1 1 B 3 D 5 A • I don’t think I have enough free time these days
2 F 4 E 6 C because I have to study hard.

Task 2 (Suggested Answer)

2 1 C 3 B 5 C 7C
2 B 4 C 6 A A: What do you think about the special event for the
Arts Festival? Do you think the talk on the history of
Speaking (p. 7) art would be a good idea?
B: I was thinking about an exhibition of student’s
Task 1 (Suggested Answer) photographs. The talk sounds quite interesting but I
I’m going to talk about the role of leisure activities in think it might be a bit too much like a lesson and it
people’s lives. Most people’s lives are full of personal would be nice to have something different.
challenges. These vary from person to person according A: Maybe you’re right. The other options sound
to their circumstances but everyone feels stress at some entertaining too. Although I think a night of watching
time. To balance this, we need to spend time on leisure films is something we can do any time.
activities which help us relax. Doctors say that when we B: I agree with you about that. How about a classical
relax, our bodies can repair any damage the stress causes. music concert? It sounds very entertaining and we
Leisure activities such as team sports or clubs give us have some very good musicians in the school.
the opportunity to spend time with other people who A: Yes we do, however it might not appeal to everyone
share the same interest. We all need the support and because some people prefer to listen to other kinds
friendship of other people and it is important to find time of music.
to develop our friendships and spend time with other B: That’s a good point. It seems that the exhibition of
people. If we do not do this we can become lonely and students’ photographs would be best.We could hold a
feel isolated. competition too and invite all the students to enter a
Not only are leisure activities a good way to socialise photograph of something to do with the school.
but they can also be educational; for example learning to A: That’s an excellent idea. That way all the students
play a musical instrument or a craft. Learning how to do would have an opportunity to participate in the event
it is interesting and can be fun and as we become more and it would be fun.We could ask the head teacher to
skilful we enjoy a sense of achievement.A skill can always judge the best photograph.
be improved and we can enjoy the pleasure of making B: Well, I think we agree, so let’s tell the organisers.
something or playing music for ourselves and for others Hopefully they will approve and we can put up a
too. notice about the competition.
I enjoy swimming and playing badminton, they keep
me fit and make me feel full of energy. I also enjoy reading Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 8-9)
as it is a great way to lose myself in another world and
forget about my problems. A good film also does the 1 1 F 3 G 5 D 7 H
same and if I have been studying a lot I find watching a 2 C 4 E 6 B
film very relaxing.

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2 1 frequent 5 life 9 proud Use of English (pp. 12-13)

2 scientist 6 traffic 10 spirit
1 1 C 3 A 5 B 7 C
3 save 7 public
2 B 4 C 6 B
4 foreign 8 securely
2 1 no doubt you will be
3 1 trip 4 flight 7 travel
2 swam well apart from
2 journey 5 tour
3 would rather stay in than
3 voyage 6 cruise
4 didn’t deserve to be
5 had difficulty finding
4 1 pack 6 commute
6 is responsible for dealing
2 passengers 7 cabin
7 unlikely (that) there will be
3 traffic jam 8 return ticket
8 were driven into town by
4 motorway 9 package deal
5 adventure 10 voyage
3 1 had rained/been raining 5 was being chased
2 would be facing 6 have come
5 1 oversee 4 running/run
3 looking 7 ‘ll give
2 accelerate 5 had (had)
4 Did you rest
3 is making/made 6 caused
4 1 locations 4 competitive
Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 10-11)
2 beneficial 5 supportive
1 a) 1 A 3 G 5 F 3 development 6 encouragement
2 D 4 B 6 C
Writing letters/emails (pp. 14-15)
2 1 influenced 5 revolutionised
1 A ending — informal email to a friend
2 achieved 6 paving
B beginning — formal letter of application
3 dedicated 7 re-uniting
C ending — formal letter
4 released 8 emulating
D beginning — formal letter giving information
E beginning — informal reply to a letter of
3 1 B 3 C 5 A 7 C 9 D
2 A 4 C 6 B 8 A 10 D
F ending — informal letter or email to a friend
4 1 kind 5 safety 9 world
2 (Suggested Answers)
2 style 6 fashion 10 popular
3 industry 7 audience B Opening remarks: I am writing to express my
4 success 8 band disappointment with the service I recently
experienced in your shop
(Suggested Answers)
Closing remarks: I look forward to receiving
1 The Rolling Stones are an amazing band; they are
your prompt reply concerning this matter
truly one of a kind.
2 Her style of dress is a bit unusual but I like it.
C Opening remarks: Hi, I hope you and your
3 It is incredibly difficult to break into the music
family are all well. I’ve been thinking about my
gap year arrangements and wondered if you can
4 Their new album is sure to be a great
give me some advice.
commercial success.
5 One of our main safety concerns is people Closing remarks: I hope you can help me. I’m
who don’t wear seatbelts. waiting to hear from you.
6 Have you noticed how fashion trends change
every season? D Opening remarks: I am writing to enquire
7 The singer looked out at the vast audience, about computer courses. I am interested in
took a deep breath and began to sing. learning more about programming and I would
8 Coldplay is the most popular pop band in the be most grateful if you could forward details of
world. courses to me.
9 I’m not really interested in the world of
fashion. Closing remarks: I look forward to hearing
10 I prefer classical music to popular music. from you.

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6 a) 1 I am writing to complain about

E Opening remarks: Thanks for the info on 2 I was quite disappointed with
Rome, it’ll be really useful. 3 Contrary to the information in your
Closing remarks: I’ll let you know how the
4 Moreover
trip goes and send you a postcard.
5 She didn’t offer an explanation
6 I feel that I am entitled to
3 A formal
7 I hope to hear from you
1 to inform you
2 we will be holding The tone of the letter is mild.
3 some important announcements phrases that show tone: quite disappointed,
4 regarding the new some of the facilities, I feel I am entitled
5 all members of staff
6 The venue will be b) The writer is complaining about a holiday
7 Please ensure because:
8 promptly 1 The swimming pool was being built
9 writing materials 2 The hotel wasn’t luxurious
10 will be providing 3 The rooms were small
4 The hotel didn’t match the brochure
B Informal description
5 The representative was unhelpful and rude
1 to let you know
6 The rep was very late at the airport to meet
2 there will be
3 some important things
7 The rep didn’t find out the information the
4 about the new
writer requested
5 everybody
8 The rep didn’t apologise for being late or
6 It’s being held in
7 Make sure
8 on time
7 1 Despite 3 but
9 something to write with
2 Nevertheless 4 In spite of the fact
10 will be giving out

4 The first example is written in an informal style Vocabulary & Grammar Practice I (pp. 16-17)
which is inappropriate for a letter of application. 1 1 C 5 B 9 B 13 C 17 A
1 Dear Mrs Bryan 2 D 6 D 10 C 14 C 18 B
2 saw your advertisement 3 A 7 C 11 A 15 B 19 D
3 in Thursday’s edition of ‘Student Today’ 4 B 8 A 12 D 16 D 20 D
4 I would like to apply for the position
5 I am in my final year at school 2 1 C 5 B 9 B 13 B 17 C
6 enjoy my studies very much 2 A 6 B 10 A 14 C 18 A
3 C 7 D 11 D 15 D 19 A
The second example is written in a formal style 4 C 8 D 12 B 16 A 20 C
which is inappropriate for a letter to a friend.
7 I’d love to drop in and see you
Module 2 – Food, Health & Safety
8 hang out with Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 18-19)
9 Let me know if you’re around!
10 Can’t wait to hear from you 1 a) 1 C 3 C 5 C 7 C
11 Love 2 A 4 D 6 B

5 1 C Letter of complaint to an airline company – 2 1 A 3 A 5 C 7 B 9 D

mild 2 D 4 C 6 B 8 B 10 B
2 B Letter of complaint to the manager of a
restaurant – strong
3 A Letter of complaint to an online camera
supplier – strong
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3 1 supplement 6 combat • I think it is a good idea for students to learn to cook at

2 revealed 7 referred school, especially for some children who are not taught
3 deteriorated 8 balanced to cook at home.They can also learn new recipes.
4 abstained 9 coping • Our family always eat meals together at the
5 underestimated 10 rectify weekends because we like to relax together.
Sometimes in the evenings it is not possible to sit
Listening (p. 20) together because we have different things to do.
1 1 G 3 F 5 A Task 2 (Suggested Answer)
2 C 4 D 6 E
A: We have four options to choose from for Health and
Safety Week. They all seem to be good. What do you
2 1 B 3 B 5 A 7 C
2 C 4 A 6 B
B: I agree with you but we have to choose one so let’s
take them one at a time. First of all the day of first aid
3 1 C 3 B 5 C 7 C
instruction is something that would be very useful.
2 B 4 A 6 A
A: Yes, it definitely would be. I think the talk on road
safety is a little bit dull and would be better for
Speaking (p. 21) younger children.What about you?
Task 1 (Suggested Answer) B: I think that’s a good point. I also think that the
I am going to talk about eating habits in my country.There is demonstration of safe cooking methods is not going
a Russian proverb that says “shchi and kasha are our food” to be as interesting to many students as the other
meaning that all we need to survive are cabbage soup and two options.
porridge. However we do eat different things too! A: You are probably right. So that leaves the workshop
on exercising safely to consider. I think that would be
For breakfast, we might have a bowl of kasha (which is a
interesting for everyone and exercise is a very
type of porridge) or eggs or even a sandwich with a cup
important part of staying healthy.
of tea or coffee.
B: Yes, that’s true. I still think the first aid instruction is
Soups are very popular in Russia and we have soups for the best choice though. I mean, if there was an
every season and every occasion. Salads are also popular emergency at home or when you were out with your
and depending on the season these could be made from friends would you know what to do?
cabbage or pickled vegetables and may include meat, fish A: No, I must admit I wouldn’t and I don’t suppose many
or eggs with a dressing of mayonnaise. These foods are of the other students would either. I think you are
very healthy because they are made with natural, right, it is the best choice.
nutritious ingredients. B: OK then, we agree that the special event for Health
These days more people do eat fast foods for and Safety Week should be a day of first aid
convenience though, especially in the big cities and this is instruction.
not so healthy.
Personally I prefer to eat at home generally, because Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 22-23)
home cooking is better, and you know what is in it. For 1 a) 1 D 3 E 5 F
special occasions we sometimes go to a restaurant. In the 2 G 4 A 6 B
city there is a wide range of restaurants offering food
from all over the world. We like to try different 2 1 course 5 snack 9 stall
international cuisine for special occasions. 2 ingredients 6 tip 10 dish
I love eating blini too and whenever there is a holiday we 3 bill 7 flavour
make lots of them. If it is a very special occasion we put 4 spices 8 dessert
caviar on them and they are simply the best.
3 1 peel 5 grilled 9 stew
Extra Questions (Suggested Answers) 2 slicing 6 boiling 10 roasting
3 baked 7 chop
• Usually for breakfast I have a sandwich and a cup of
4 fried 8 simmer
• I don’t think I need to improve my diet because I eat
4 1 D 3 A 5 A 7 C 9 C
very healthy food.
2 C 4 B 6 B 8 A 10 D

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Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 24-25) 3 Unfortunately we will not be able to help you
prepare the food for the party on Saturday. I do
1 a) 1 C 3 A 5 D 7 E
hope you understand (apology)
2 F 4 H 6 B
4 I am so sorry to hear that the restaurant that
you work at is closing down. I hope you will get
2 1 meet 3 staff 5 supply
a new job soon. (sympathy)
2 filled 4 renowned 6 pre-packaged
5 I would like to apologise for forgetting your
birthday. I hope you can forgive me (apology)
3 1 delivering 5 clashed
6 We cannot thank you enough for coming to the
2 rushed 6 owns
school to give a talk about health. The students
3 caters 7 served
really enjoyed it and the information was very
4 developing 8 progressed
useful. (formal thanks)
4 1 C 3 C 5 A 7 D 9 B
5 1 E, H 2 A, D 3 C, G 4 B, F
2 A 4 D 6 B 8 B 10 C
6 (Suggested Answers)
Use of English (pp. 26-27)
1 Dear Jamie and Sue,
1 1 C 3 A 5 A 7 D Thank you so much for inviting me to your
2 B 4 B 6 A wedding. Regretfully I will not be able to attend.
As much as I would like to be there, I am afraid
2 1 seems to be a it just isn’t possible for a number of reasons.
2 if you don’t The main reason is that I will be travelling to
3 was made by London to attend a training course for my
4 not allowed to drink work. Unfortunately, it is not possible to change
5 was unfamiliar with this arrangement as this is an annual event. The
6 has been a vegetarian for course lasts 2 days and very few people are given
7 don’t like taking this opportunity. I do hope you understand.
8 ought to get I hope you have a marvellous day and I look
forward to hearing about it soon.
3 1 Following 5 will be attending My very best wishes,
2 have already had 6 arranged Mike
3 was heard 7 will you spend
2 Hi Neil,
4 was not
Sorry to hear about the accident. What a drag
that you won’t be able to take part in the inter-
4 1 invisible 4 knowledge
school sports day. I’m sure the other members
2 correctly 5 successfully
of the Athletics team are just as disappointed as
3 instructions 6 recommendations
you are. Anyway, get plenty of rest and do what
the doctor says. I hope you’re back on your feet
Writing letters/emails (pp. 28-29) and back to training soon. Keep in touch and let
1 1 informal 3 formal me know how you’re getting on.
2 (semi-) formal 4 informal Love,
2 A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1 3 Dear Mr Bartlett,
Thank you so much for all your help with
3 a) The letter is to Aunt Polly from Andrea. Economics. I was finding it very difficult to
The purpose of the letter is to apologise and to understand the subject and I was very worried
offer sympathy. that I would fail the exam. Now I feel much
more confident because I understand everything
b) 1 a 3 a 5 b 7 b clearly. I do not think I would have managed
2 b 4 b 6 a without your support.
Once again, I would like to say that I am very
4 1 Thank you letter to a host family. grateful for your assistance.
2 Congratulations on your new job,You must be Regards,
feeling really pleased (letter of congratulation) Simon Lake

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4 Dear Rachael, Speaking (p. 35)

I’m glad to hear that all the hard work you have
Task 1 (Suggested Answer)
done this year has paid off.You definitely deserve
the award for outstanding student. I wish I could I am going to talk about Travel.
have been there when they announced your I think many people want to travel so that they can see
name. I’m sure you must have felt extremely what life is like in other places. Some people travel
proud. Keep up the good work! because they live in the city and they want to enjoy the
I’m glad all the exams are over now and I am countryside and people who live in the countryside want
looking forward to the summer break. I will be to experience city life. Some people travel to enjoy a
working in a café for a while and then we will go sport such as skiing or to enjoy the sunshine and the sea.
camping for a week. To travel long distances people use aeroplanes, ships,
Write and tell me all your other news. trains and even coaches. Clearly, aeroplanes are the
Love, fastest method of travelling long distance. However, some
Amy people like to take their time and take in the sights en
route to their destination. People who take cruises can
Vocabulary & Grammar Practice II (pp. 30-31) visit many places and relax in between on the ship.Trains
1 1 A 5 B 9 C 13 C 17 A and coaches offer people the opportunity to see the
2 B 6 D 10 B 14 C 18 B countryside.
3 A 7 C 11 A 15 D 19 D Tourism can be both good and bad for a country. It is
4 D 8 A 12 B 16 C 20 A good because it creates jobs but it can be bad when the
character of a place is destroyed or it becomes too
2 1 C 5 B 9 A 13 B 17 B crowded with tourists.
2 D 6 B 10 B 14 A 18 B During my holidays I like to spend my time with my
3 B 7 C 11 C 15 A 19 A family.We don’t travel to other countries but we do visit
4 B 8 B 12 B 16 C 20 D places of interest in our own country.

Module 3 – Travel Time Extra Questions (Suggested Answers)

Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 32-33) • I would like to go on holiday to China because I
would l love to see their New Year festival.
1 a) 1 C 3 B 5 C 7 B • I would like to visit England to practice speaking
2 C 4 C 6 D English.
2 1 caused 4 elder 7 habit • I wouldn’t like to study in another country because I
2 grew 5 taken 8 granted would miss my family a lot.
3 distant 6 sharp • If someone is visiting my country they should visit St.
Petersburg because it is a beautiful city with lots to
3 1 accounting 4 clustered 7 shook see and do.
2 stuck 5 lined 8 drifting
3 occurred 6 germinate Task 2 (Suggested Answer)
A: We have four interesting options to choose from for
4 a) 1 border 2 frontier 3 boundary the main event for International Week. First of all, we
can either go out or stay in school — which do you
b) 1 beach 3 coast 5 bank think is best?
2 seaside 4 shore B: It would probably be easier to stay in school, but the
c) 1 quay 2 harbour 3 bay visit to a travel agency sounds very interesting.
A: Yes I agree, although I was wondering how many
Listening (p. 34) students could visit a travel agency at once, which
means we would have to go in smaller groups. The
1 1 D 3 F 5 B museum could be better because they can deal with
2 C 4 G 6 A large numbers of people.
B: You’ve got a very good point. The exhibition about
2 1 B 3 C 5 A 7 C travel should have information about destinations as
2 A 4 A 6 A well as forms of transport. But let’s consider the
other options too. I’m sure everyone would enjoy a
3 1 B 3 A 5 B 7 C meal with international cuisine.
2 B 4 C 6 C A: Definitely! The only problem I can see with that is,
106 who is actually going to cook the food?
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B: Well we could suggest that all the students bring in 7 It is completely normal for the air pressure in
one dish. If we circulate a list we can make sure we the cabin to drop slightly.
have a variety of dishes. 8 We sat in the aircraft cabin and looked down
A: Yes, I suppose that is one way to do it. Do you think at the clouds below us.
we can rely on everyone to do that? Let’s think about
a talk by international students about the culture of Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 38-39)
their country.
1 a) 1 D 3 A 5 F 7 C
B: That puts a lot of responsibility on them, they would
2 E 4 B 6 H
have to be prepared to do that. I think overall that the
trip to the museum would be the best option.
2 1 origins 4 unique 7 cater
A: I think you’re right. As it is International Week,
2 legend 5 spectators 8 opportunity
different classes can go on different days of the week
3 attract 6 dishes
so that it is not too crowded and in the end everyone
will share the experience.
3 1 regain 4 sampling 7 operates
B: So we agree that the trip to the museum to see an
2 flocked 5 have outlawed 8 boasting
exhibition about travel is our final choice.
3 cleanse 6 alerted
Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 36-37)
4 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C
1 a) 1 C 3 E 5 G
2 A 4 B 6 D 5 1 wide 4 bank 7 direct
2 main 5 event 8 party
2 1 forecast 5 approached 3 alight 6 year
2 passed 6 drifted
3 converted 7 combined (Suggested Answers)
4 was intruding 8 slid 1 The shop on the high street sells a wide range
of sports equipment.
3 1 shock 4 fit 7 side 2 Our main objective is to educate young
2 counts 5 hostile 8 make people.
3 accurate 6 arguably 3 The barn was set alight when it was hit by
4 1 B 3 C 5 C 7 A 4 Did you know that Monday is a bank holiday in
2 D 4 A 6 D 8 B the United Kingdom?
5 The festival in Quebec is an annual event.
5 1 fully 4 weather 7 air 6 I have lots of things planned for the coming
2 operating 5 carrying out 8 aircraft year.
3 impressive 6 medical 7 Can you tell me if there are any direct flights
to London, please?
(Suggested Answers) 8 We are going to a costume party on October
1 At Rothera, the fully active research base, 31st.
scientists do all kinds of research experiments.
2 The surgeon will come and speak to you when Use of English (pp. 40-41)
he gets out of the operating theatre.
1 1 A 3 C 5 D 7 D
3 You have to have very impressive qualifications
2 B 4 B 6 C
to work at NASA.
4 The information we get from weather
2 1 is time you learned
satellites is especially important to people who
2 matter which route you take
work outdoors.
3 have been learning French for
5 My brother graduated last year and is now
4 the exception of Steve
carrying out research at a lab in the United
5 is estimated to take
6 I were you, I would
6 New York hospitals have the best medical
7 know if he had done
facilities in the world.
8 is capable of typing

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3 1 had just completed 5 has been going on 3 1 Hi 7 it would be great to see you
2 had been booked 6 do you think 2 invite you to 8 let me know
3 chose 7 was told 3 party 9 can come
4 said 4 is 10 great
5 is 11 Love
4 1 solution 4 accommodation 6 start 12 Susan
2 activities 5 ensure
3 endangered 6 spectacular 4 a) A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1

Writing letters/emails (pp. 42-43) b) • special effects — fantastic

• acting — brilliant, effortless
1 1 respond to an invitation
• film — action-packed
2 narrate an experience
3 describe something
5 a) Plot Beginning/ Characters
2 a) A 2 informal, narrative techniques Ending
B 1 informal, descriptive techniques gripping moving disappointing
C 3 formal, descriptive techniques original disappointing evil
well-developed interesting interesting
b) (Suggested Answers) interesting tragic excellent
thrilling confusing believable
A Hi Tim, excellent weak
Hope you’re well.You remember I told you I excellent weak strong
was going to go on a day trip to the theme weak surprising
park? Well, unfortunately it wasn’t a good day strong shocking
for me. ... imaginative strong
complicated unexpected
Anyway, the lady very kindly let me use her
phone and my friends came back for me. I believable
tried to enjoy the rest of the day but in the
end I was just happy to get home. b) 1 believable (book)
Hope to hear your news soon. 2 gripping (book/film)
Best wishes, 3 shocking (film)
Martin 4 confusing (book/film)
5 tragic (book)
B Dear Betsie, 6 evil (film)
It was lovely to receive your letter. I’m
pleased to hear that you are going to go on a 6 1 positive 3 positive 5 negative
cycling weekend in the Peak District, I’m sure 2 negative 4 positive
you’ll love it.
7 (Suggested Answers)
Good luck with the presentation, I hope it
goes well for you. Film
Write soon, ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ (1988) is a classic film
Love, and one of my all-time favourites.The film combines
Jennifer animation, cartoon characters and live actors in a
believable comedy/mystery thriller that is set in Los
C Dear Sir/Madam, Angeles in 1947. The plot is interesting and
My family have just returned from a holiday imaginative and the characters are excellent.
in England.We were staying in your hotel for Book
a week, from 20th to 27th March in rooms ‘Deception Point’ by Dan Brown is an excellent
311 and 312. thriller with a very believable story. A combination
I look forward to hearing from you. of action, interest, fun and suspense keep the reader
guessing. Dan Brown is a great story teller and he
involves characters to love and characters to hate.
This is one of those books that keeps you up late
because it is difficult to put down once you start
reading it.
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Vocabulary & Grammar Practice III (pp. 44-45) on the amount of paper we waste and to recycle as much
as possible.Also, everyone should refuse to buy products
1 1 C 5 D 9 C 13 B 17 D
that have too much packaging.
2 C 6 C 10 C 14 D 18 B
3 C 7 A 11 B 15 D 19 C
4 A 8 C 12 B 16 C 20 B Extra Questions (Suggested Answers)
• Governments are mainly responsible because even
2 1 B 5 C 9 A 13 A 17 C though they have the power to ban logging they
2 B 6 C 10 D 14 B 18 C don’t. We must all contribute by looking at the way
3 C 7 D 11 B 15 D 19 A we live our lives and changing them to become more
4 B 8 C 12 C 16 A 20 C environmentally friendly.
• Most of the young people I know are worried about
Module 4 – Environmental Issues the environment. The world today is their world of
the future so we need to protect the planet for the
Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 46-47) generations to come.
1 a) 1 B 3 D 5 D 7 C • There have been many campaigns to clean up the
2 B 4 A 6 C environment in my area. My school has a special day
every year when all the students go out onto the
2 1 B 3 C 5 A 7 B 9 D streets to pick up litter. The local council has also
2 C 4 D 6 B 8 D 10 A placed recycling bins in most areas and tried to raise
awareness of recycling issues by distributing leaflets
3 1 settle for 3 struggling 5 stick and holding special events.
2 concerned 4 longs for 6 joking • It’s easy to say that governments and big business
should be held responsible, but the truth is that we
4 1 entered 3 changes 5 initial are all responsible to a certain extent. There are
2 faced 4 simple 6 sources many things we could all do to reduce the impact our
lives have on the environment.
Listening (p. 48) • The future of the world depends on how we act
now. If we change our ways and start to help the
1 1 C 3 D 5 A
planet, then the world of the future will be a better
2 E 4 F 6 B
place. On the other hand, if we continue to ruin our
own natural habitats, then things will undoubtedly get
2 1 B 3 C 5 C 7 B
2 A 4 C 6 A
• There are things we can all do as individuals, but
there has to be co-operation between governments
3 1 B 3 C 5 B 7 A
before the larger issues can be tackled. Laws need to
2 C 4 A 6 C
be introduced, bans need to be put into effect and
there has to be an understanding that we are not just
Speaking (p. 49)
a series of countries but living together on a planet
Task 1 (Suggested Answer) that is under threat.
The environmental problem that I’m most concerned
about is deforestation. Every day more and more Task 2 (Suggested Answer)
rainforests are cut down for wood that is used to make A: Should I start?
things. I worry about it because, even though these B: Sure.
rainforests are far away, the effects will have a real impact A: Well one of the activities is a day of talks by experts
on the planet.These trees are the natural habitat of many on different environmental problems. This is not a
species and as a result those species are in danger of good idea, in my opinion, because it would be very
extinction. Cutting them down means there is no boring for the students to sit and have to listen to
protection from wind and rain so when the weather is talks all day.
bad, the ground is exposed. This can result in landslides B: Yes, I agree. It doesn’t matter how interesting the
and floods, some of which might be strong enough to talks might be, this is not an activity that many of my
damage or destroy villages. These trees also help clean classmates are going to enjoy. What do you think
the air, making the atmosphere healthier for everyone about the photographic exhibition showing
around the planet. We need to reduce the number of environmental problems in our area?
trees cut down. Some ways of doing this are to cut down A: I like the idea of getting the students involved. They
could take the photographs themselves of the
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problems that they believe are the worst. The 7 Martin Luther King Jr. is a real inspiration to
exhibition would be more personal in that way. Do young people.
you think the visit to a recycling centre is a good 8 A park ranger ensures that people obey the
idea? rules and stay safe when visiting national parks.
B: Yes, I do. Everyone likes to get out of school for a 9 The animal kingdom is a term for all animals,
while, even the teachers! It’s more than just a day out from birds to reptiles.
though. Seeing how things are recycled would be 10 The beaver’s natural habitat is slowly being
really interesting and raise awareness of the issues destroyed.
around recycling.What do you think?
A: This is the best idea so far.The last possible activity is Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 52-53)
a series of one-hour workshops on how to save
1 a) 1 E 3 H 5 F 7 A
energy at home.This sounds good because it involves
2 G 4 C 6 B
something that we can all do. It’s not just listening –
it’s learning and then putting that learning into
2 1 vision 5 impact
2 difference 6 improve
B: I still think the visit to the recycling centre would be
3 mention 7 hard
the most popular with the rest of the school and
4 opportunity 8 award
that’s the activity that I think we should choose.
A: As much as I like the workshops suggestion, I think
3 1 implemented 6 carries out
others would prefer the recycling centre as well so
2 erected 7 benefit
I’m going to agree with you. The activity for
3 reduce 8 aim
Environment Week is a visit to a recycling centre to
4 protect 9 foster
see how waste materials can be reused.
5 set up 10 ensure
Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 50-51)
4 1 B 3 A 5 B 7 D 9 A
1 a) 1 F 3 C 5 B 2 C 4 A 6 D 8 A 10 D
2 D 4 G 6 A
Use of English (pp. 54-55)
2 1 survival 4 remember 7 protection
1 1 A 3 B 5 A 7 A
2 living 5 effects 8 released
2 B 4 D 6 C
3 familiar 6 unlawful
2 1 wishes she had gone
3 1 D 3 B 5 B 7 A
2 was written by
2 A 4 A 6 C 8 A
3 needs to be put out
4 not like Tony to be
4 1 live 4 caring 7 exploring
5 is forbidden to
2 ensure 5 appreciate 8 intend
6 not succeeded in preventing
3 roam 6 grew
7 does this cat belong to
8 has a tendency to get
5 1 endangered 5 public 9 animal
2 dream 6 firsthand 10 natural
3 1 had just spent 5 am giving
3 wild 7 inspiration
2 finished 6 have already had
4 welfare 8 ranger
3 was not 7 would grab
4 would be delayed
(Suggested Answers)
1 The giant panda is an endangered species. 4 1 approximately 4 tourists
2 My dream job is to be a famous writer. 2 unbelievable 5 scenery
3 Animals should live in the wild and not in zoos. 3 catastrophic 6 homeless
4 The RSPCA is concerned with animal
welfare. Writing argumentative essays (pp. 56-57)
5 The campaign aims to educate the public
about recycling. 1 1 B 2 A 3 C
6 Do you have any firsthand experience of
caring for animals?

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2 • space travel requires a lot of 5 1 Firstly, a pet can provide company for people
specialised equipment and developing who cannot get out or have few friends. For
it will provide jobs for many people example, people may find themselves restricted
• new inventions that are created may to the house due to illness or old age. In this
also be useful for people back on case, pets are valuable companions to make
Earth people feel less lonely. Secondly, owning a pet
• advances in technology and can be very relaxing. Research has shown that
knowledge may provide solutions to people with pets do not suffer from stress as
problems on the planet much as those who do not own pets.
• may help us find a second home as 2 To begin with, having your own car is not always
one day Earth may not be big enough more convenient. Being in your own car will not
Against • the billions of dollars that will be get you through the morning rush hour any
spent on it could be put to better use quicker than being on public transport. In
solving the problems we have now addition, there is the problem of parking. When
• some of the new technology you get where you want to go, you quite often
developed for space exploration find there are no parking spaces and car parks
could be used for harmful purposes can be very expensive.
in the wrong hands
6 1 A conclusion 3 C introduction
2 B conclusion
3 a) A 3 B 1
7 (Suggested Answer)
b) A Firstly, For example, Secondly,Therefore
Zoos have always been popular, but in recent years
B To start with, For instance, In addition, For there has been a growing debate about the benefits
this reason of keeping wildlife far from their natural habitats.
Evan Esar once defined a zoo as,“an excellent place
The issue being discussed is the advantages and
to study the habits of human beings.” The way we
disadvantages of solar energy.
treat other species certainly tells us a lot about
for: good for our planet, will never run out ourselves as a species, but there is still intense
debate about the role of zoos.
against: amount of energy that solar panels
create varies, can be expensive to install On the one hand, there are those who believe that
keeping wildlife in zoos is a positive thing. To begin
justifications/examples (for): does not with, they say that the zoos provide a safe
pollute; people depend less on oil environment away from poachers and the threat of
justifications/examples (against): sun is extinction, protecting species from falling numbers.
weaker in the winter, on cloudy days and in Secondly, zoos are educational because the public
colder countries; some households may not be can learn about wild animals. A documentary about
able to afford them lions on television cannot compare with seeing the
creatures in real life.
4 (Suggested Answers) On the other hand, keeping wildlife in zoos has
Introduction drawbacks. Firstly, a zoo is not the natural habitat of
The Earth’s resources are under threat. Fossil fuels any animal. They are often kept in small unhygienic
will eventually run out and we will have to turn to cages that cannot match the jungles, plains or
alternative sources of energy like solar power. Some mountains they came from. In addition, some
people believe that solar energy has obvious keepers are not always well trained and there have
benefits, but others are more cautious. been many reports of cruelty.
Conclusion In conclusion, there are both pros and cons to
All things considered, the advantages of using solar keeping wildlife in zoos. Personally, I believe that
energy seem to outweigh the disadvantages. these animals should be allowed to live their lives in
Whether we use solar energy or some other the lands where they were born. If we don’t want to
alternative energy source, the fact remains that make wildlife tamelife, we need to rethink the way
fossil fuels will not be with us much longer. It seems we behave towards other species.
that renewable energy is the future.

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Vocabulary & Grammar Practice IV (pp. 58-59) 2 1 B 3 C 5 C 7 C

2 B 4 A 6 A
1 1 C 5 D 9 D 13 A 17 D
2 C 6 B 10 A 14 D 18 A
3 1 B 3 B 5 C 7 B
3 A 7 A 11 B 15 C 19 C
2 A 4 A 6 C
4 D 8 C 12 C 16 B 20 D
Speaking (p. 63)
2 1 B 5 A 9 A 13 D 17 A
2 C 6 D 10 A 14 C 18 C Task 1 (Suggested Answer)
3 D 7 A 11 B 15 A 19 A I am going to talk about modern living.
4 D 8 D 12 B 16 B 20 B Firstly, modern technology plays a huge role in our daily
lives nowadays. Electrical appliances are used by many
Module 5 – Modern Living people all over the world without any thought because
Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 60-61) they have grown up with them. These appliances have
made our lives easier in many ways and enabled fast
1 a) 1 C 3 C 5 A 7 C communication and travel. Our jobs influence the way we
2 D 4 B 6 B live because our financial status depends on our job.
What we do for a living also affects our daily timetable
2 1 B 3 C 5 D 7 C 9 C too, for example some people work unsociable hours.
2 D 4 B 6 B 8 D 10 B Other people work in places that are a long distance
from their home and they are unable to spend much time
3 1 dominate 5 has portrayed with their families.
2 attempting 6 are developing In our daily lives, we all face our own difficulties. School
3 fulfil 7 displays children have the pressure of their studies and exams to
4 associates 8 will affect pass and workers have deadlines to meet. Individually we
have problems with our relationships, our health,
4 1 subject 4 effect 7 control transport and money. On a wider scale, the world faces
2 lonely 5 made 8 strained serious issues such as global warming and international
3 reality 6 infancy conflicts.
Leisure time is important for everyone and a huge
5 1 basic tasks 5 science fiction industry has grown up to cater for it. Some people like to
2 lively debate 6 rapid rate take regular holidays in places away from their homes.
3 everyday lives 7 human relationships Others enjoy participating in sporting activities.There are
4 well received 8 social issues theatres, cinemas, circuses, theme parks and a wide range
of home entertainment that people enjoy in their free
(Suggested Answers) time.
1 Robots can perform basic tasks. I think modern living is exciting and challenging and we
2 There was a lively debate on the subject that was should do our best to make the most of our
shown on television. opportunities
3 Cars are part of our everyday lives.
4 His speech was well received by the audience Extra Questions (Suggested Answers)
who stood up to clap. • A career choice can affect someone’s future. When
5 I used to read a lot of science fiction books. we choose a career that suits our ability, we will be
6 The number of insects is increasing at a rapid happy and productive.
rate. • I would like to have a career as an industrial engineer
7 His books illustrate his understanding of human as I enjoy problem solving. I am good at maths and
relationships. science and I think it would be a very interesting
8 Obesity among teenagers is a social issue we career with lots of opportunities.
must not ignore • I do not enjoy playing computer games very much. I
prefer to spend my leisure time playing sports.
Listening (p. 62) • I think modern living can bring increased stress
because the pace of life can be hectic. However, if we
1 1 G 3 F 5 C
balance our activities, the stress is kept under
2 A 4 B 6 D
control.This is why I like doing sport.

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Task 2 (Suggested Answer) 2 Big fashion stores sell a wide range of designer
A: How do you feel about a fashion show for the clothing.
festival? 3 It is sometimes impossible to finish the work
B: I’m not sure it’s the best choice for the main event. It due to time constraints.
would be OK as a side event but I think an exhibition 4 I like to go to the gym on a regular basis to
would be better. keep fit.
A: Yes, I agree with you about the fashion show. There 5 She got involved with a group of people who
are two exhibitions to consider; either photographs share the same interests.
or state of the art technology. Of the two, 6 My parents like to spend the weekend in a
photographs would probably be easier to organise. quiet location and relax.
B: Yes, you may be right about that. I like the sound of 7 As it was a formal occasion he wore a suit
state-of-the-art technology though and it might not and tie.
be so difficult to arrange. We would just have to 8 He recommended an initial consultation in
contact suppliers of the most up-to-date order to assess my needs.
technological appliances and invite them to come and
exhibit their products. Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 66-67)
A: That’s a good point. Let’s consider the other option 1 a) 1 E 3 G 5 A 7 C
before we come to a decision — a showing of a 2 D 4 H 6 B
documentary about modern life. That could be a
project that all the students would be involved in.We 2 1 pursue 5 admit
could ask the Media Department to film the 2 retired 6 grew up
documentary and every class could make a 3 acknowledge 7 thrives on
contribution. 4 move 8 was featured
B: That’s an excellent idea! That way everyone would be
involved and it would be interesting and educational 3 1 budget 5 amenities
to make and to watch. At first I thought that this 2 transport 6 accommodation
would be a boring option but the way you see it 3 property 7 outskirts
would be great. 4 option 8 community
A: So shall we say the documentary then?
B: Definitely! 4 1 C 3 A 5 D 7 C
2 B 4 C 6 C 8 B
Reading & Vocabulary (pp. 64-65)
1 a) 1 D 3 A 5 C 5 1 brand new 5 terraced house
2 G 4 B 6 F 2 incredibly lucky 6 living space
3 city living 7 impersonal atmosphere
2 1 ascertain 6 gauge 4 prime position 8 transport links
2 were imposed 7 reflect
3 try on 8 achieve (Suggested Answers)
4 book 9 familiarise 1 My brother has just bought a brand new bike.
5 strikes 10 assisted 2 We were incredibly lucky to survive the
3 1 C 3 A 5 B 7 D 3 City living can be stressful at times.
2 D 4 C 6 D 8 A 4 The house was in a prime position
overlooking the bay.
4 1 suit 3 receipt 5 waist 5 I stayed in a terraced house in London with
2 customers 4 image my host family.
6 The living space in a small studio has to be
5 1 shop floor 5 got involved well organised.
2 fashion stores 6 quiet location 7 The hotel was so big it had a very impersonal
3 time constraints 7 formal ocassion atmosphere.
4 regular basis 8 initial consultation 8 We have very good transport links into the
city centre from my area.
(Suggested Answers)
1 The manager is often seen on the shop floor
talking to customers.
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Use of English (pp. 68-69) 2 The fashion industry changes trends every
season so that people are constantly having to
1 1 C 3 A 5 D 7 B
buy new things.They change colours or styles so
2 D 4 C 6 C
often that people have to spend a small fortune
to keep up. Is it really necessary for us to buy
2 1 no point in trying to 5 working on my own
something new every season?
2 rather cook than eat 6 take into account
3 had better go 7 kept a record of
4 The writer expresses his/her opinion in the essay
4 had been on time 8 will not let him go
in Ex. 1 in the conclusion by saying “...I believe
studying abroad is a richer and more fulfilling
3 1 had arranged 5 was not
experience than studying at home.”
2 will make 6 having
3 sitting 7 have learnt/are
5 2 I completely agree that the violence young
4 did they give learning
people see on TV screens every day negatively
influences them.
4 1 automated 4 manufacturing
3 As far as I am concerned, fast food serves a
2 mechanically 5 specific
purpose for people with busy lives.
3 invention 6 ability
4 I believe that teenage magazines can cause young
people to feel too much pressure to keep up
Writing argumentative essays (pp. 70-71) with the latest fashions.
1 a) 1 C 2 E 3 B 4 D 5A 5 The way I see it, taking a gap year can give young
people a chance to develop new skills and
b) Viewpoints Reasons qualities.
6 I couldn’t agree more that really violent sports
• Helps you learn new • Opens your mind to such as boxing are very dangerous and should
skills and cross different points of be banned.
cultural understanding. view.
• You will have many • They will be exciting 6 underlined phrases: impose limits; use a pre-paid
new experiences and interesting or account of a fixed amount per week; educate
which will benefit make you stronger. children to use mobile technology positively
you. • You will study harder
• It’s better to study in and learn more. circled phrases: This way; As a result; they would
your own country. • It helps you develop not get into debt
• Studying abroad is a skills and attitudes
richer and more that stay with you for 7 • start – objective statement
fulfilling experience life. • end – writer’s opinion
than studying at
home. Suggested replacements
• Most of us use mobile phones. However, did you
2 Para. E: Firstly, studying abroad gives you the
know that an increasing number of children use
opportunity to understand people from
them to access inappropriate websites, or even
different cultures as well as learning new
take inappropriate photos or videos? This is a
problem we need to tackle. (address the reader
Para. B: In addition, you will experience a lot of directly)
new things. • All in all, there are possible solutions to this
problem, but it is necessary to act soon. If we do
Para. D: On the other hand, some people are of not act quickly a whole generation could be in
the opinion that it is best to study at trouble. (a statement giving the reader
home, not abroad. something to consider).
3 1 You can get from one place to another much 8 1 due to the fact 3 This would
quicker than any other form of transport. Flying 2 so that 4 in order to
is the best way to travel, especially if you have to
cover long distances. 9 a) 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D

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b) (Suggested Answers) 19 had better not go

2–B 20 no intention of hurting
Talk any problems through with a good friend in 21 could lend him
order to find solutions more easily. 22 at the age of
Furthermore, you will feel less stress when your 23 as soon as I arrived
problems are shared. 24 been put off
25 not used to staying out
3 –A 26 wouldn’t have got lost
Eat healthily and get plenty of exercise and sleep. 27 never owned a better
In this way you will be generally healthier and 28 no comparison between
your body will be more able to deal with stress. 29 is going to be pulled
4–D 30 came up with
Write ‘to do’ lists and make a study plan so that 31 gave him a hand with
you feel in control and organised, which reduces 32 wish I had a bigger
stress. 33 didn’t/wouldn’t let me
34 he had told you the
10 1 That way we could reduce the amount of paper 35 become a professional writer until
we use and help save a tree at the same time. 36 is always on time
2 It could help reduce some of the local crime 37 get in touch with
because they would not have to steal things or 38 have had no success
rob people for money. 39 stay and tidy
40 wouldn’t have been able
Vocabulary & Grammar Practice V (pp. 72-73) 41 have the ability to run
42 to discuss the matter with
1 1 C 5 D 9 D 13 A 17 B 43 I am too tired
2 A 6 C 10 A 14 A 18 C 44 a full description
3 B 7 D 11 A 15 D 19 C 45 pays (any) attention to
4 A 8 A 12 B 16 A 20 C 46 it is rare to find
47 not like Emma to get
2 1 B 5 C 9 A 13 A 17 B 48 must have been lying about
2 A 6 C 10 A 14 A 18 C 49 so that the dog would
3 D 7 A 11 B 15 D 19 C 50 to know how high
4 C 8 B 12 B 16 D 20 A 51 must have been pleased
52 is better than Bill
Further Practice Section 53 called off because
54 it is necessary to eat
Key Word Transformations (pp. 74-82) 55 of reputation does this company
A 1 would rather eat salads than 56 mind closing the door
2 unless they left 57 didn’t deserve to be
3 doesn’t cost anything to 58 gave me permission
4 do you good to eat 59 shouldn’t have eaten
5 she known 60 advisable not to drink/not advisable to drink
6 only cares about 61 is said to have been
7 do not approve of 62 nothing wrong with me staying
8 more than six months since 63 have no intention of going
9 was set up by 64 had run out of
10 as well as working in 65 not having listened
11 in case it rains 66 the same as they/as much as they
12 haven’t changed since 67 wasn’t his fault
13 said I could borrow 68 be possible to finish
14 apologised for shouting 69 suggested going
15 wish I hadn’t forgotten 70 so that she won’t
16 isn’t worth washing 71 of going on foot
17 was difficult to find 72 prefer not to study
18 makes no difference 73 will be on sale

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74 is said to have had 130 by before Jane said

75 was sorry that she had 131 have made a better
76 not expected to win 132 feel like going
77 is capable of winning 133 take care of himself
78 wish I had learned to 134 no point in cleaning
79 making no effort/not making any effort 135 would you mind not parking
80 flooded as a result of 136 wouldn’t let us enter
81 looked up to 137 like to know
82 turned up for 138 was crowded with
83 instead of going 139 are considered to be
84 enjoyed the concert apart from 140 don’t need to change
85 I were you I would 141 is unusual for us to
86 wasn’t Oliver who sent 142 as long as you bring
87 would have been able to 143 given a caution
88 in case you get 144 reminded him not to be
89 what made her cry 145 be a better option than
90 is only the second time 146 was the only one who
91 is included in 147 is said to be working
92 take advantage of 148 no point in speaking
93 if I had seen 149 is employed as a
94 is expected to win 150 will never come round to
95 has been six months since 151 got on well
96 refused to allow/let his children 152 is time you learned
97 taking care of 153 last time I saw Edward
98 has been a dramatic increase 154 are made to clean
99 I look it up in 155 would be better if
100 very good at playing 156 was cancelled because of
101 was too far away 157 gave us permission to use
102 does this coat belong to 158 when/after you are eighteen can
103 is the length of these 159 has been driving for
104 I would rather not eat 160 would rather not meddle
105 haven’t heard from 161 regretted not taking
106 apologised for breaking 162 do these CDs belong to
107 gave her another two days 163 had difficulty persuading
108 would have turned up on 164 to get round to fixing
109 had been early 165 Martin went on to become
110 have no doubt 166 put up with his
111 rely on him 167 has difficulty talking
112 such a lot of work 168 made John do
113 carried on getting up 169 was nobody Lucy knew
114 were prevented from reaching 170 one of the tyres was
115 even though the sky was 171 tell the difference between
116 is being built 172 has a tendency to blush
117 had difficulty understanding 173 us a detailed description of
118 to cook unless Sue is 174 no doubt the boys will
119 anyone came to 175 accused me of damaging
120 happen to have 176 in order to save
121 was too old to 177 was better than we
122 is forbidden to feed 178 suggested that we go/suggested going
123 to have a job with 179 I am sorry that
124 completely agreed with each 180 didn’t succeed in persuading
125 had no idea about 181 has been a month since
126 lost his temper with 182 only they hadn’t cancelled
127 I would not have seen 183 would rather study engineering than
128 was cancelled owing to 184 make a good impression on
129 was unaware of 185 was called off
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186 evacuated as a result of 242 was forty when he got

187 have no intention of doing 243 with a view to passing
188 does not feel like coming 244 bought her flowers because
189 I were you, I would 245 on the point of calling
190 is out of order 246 was no furniture
191 succeeded in passing 247 to avoid getting
192 in case the evening is 248 one who did not take
193 too fast for us to 249 as a means of reducing
194 doesn’t matter which route 250 no matter where
195 to read rather than watch 251 prefer the red lamp to
196 is the same size as 252 is estimated to take
197 objects to her smoking 253 promised to return it
198 need not have cooked 254 was invited to
199 due to the fact 255 help you unless you
200 as long as you promise 256 has given up playing
201 it isn’t worth staying 257 him if I had
202 is said to be 258 only after I got
203 gave us her word that 259 is hardly any
204 takes pride in 260 once I finish/have finished
205 is unlikely there will
206 is responsible for arranging Multiple Choice (pp. 83-89)
207 are not permitted to eat
208 house is similar to B 1 C 39 D 77 A 115 D 153 C
2 B 40 A 78 A 116 B 154 B
209 was prepared by
3 C 41 C 79 A 117 C 155 B
210 cannot get used to working 4 A 42 B 80 A 118 C 156 D
211 made her stay in 5 B 43 D 81 D 119 B 157 C
212 so as not to upset 6 D 44 C 82 C 120 C 158 D
213 can’t have stolen 7 B 45 C 83 D 121 C 159 B
214 mind if I closed 8 C 46 C 84 B 122 B 160 C
215 even though we had not 9 D 47 A 85 D 123 C 161 D
10 C 48 C 86 C 124 C 162 C
216 spite of being
11 D 49 C 87 A 125 D 163 D
217 could lend him 12 B 50 D 88 C 126 D 164 D
218 has been put off 13 A 51 D 89 A 127 D 165 C
219 completely disagreed with each 14 A 52 B 90 D 128 B 166 C
220 first time Joanne has (ever) 15 B 53 A 91 B 129 B 167 D
221 had run out of 16 B 54 C 92 A 130 D 168 A
222 play basketball as well as 17 B 55 B 93 A 131 D 169 C
18 A 56 B 94 C 132 C 170 A
223 is being designed by 19 D 57 A 95 C 133 C 171 D
224 would not let them talk 20 B 58 A 96 D 134 A 172 C
225 should not have bought 21 A 59 D 97 B 135 A 173 A
226 paid no attention to 22 C 60 A 98 A 136 D 174 C
227 was too boring for us 23 C 61 D 99 C 137 C 175 C
228 only I had contacted her 24 A 62 A 100 C 138 A 176 B
229 might be delayed so 25 D 63 B 101 D 139 A 177 B
26 C 64 D 102 C 140 D 178 C
230 get in touch with 27 C 65 A 103 A 141 A 179 C
231 had better leave 28 A 66 A 104 D 142 C 180 A
232 wasn’t Alfred who broke 29 D 67 C 105 C 143 C 181 B
233 instead of going to 30 B 68 C 106 C 144 C 182 A
234 wonder if Jackie sent 31 B 69 B 107 D 145 D 183 B
235 the last time you attended 32 A 70 A 108 B 146 B 184 D
236 object if I use/to me/my using 33 D 71 C 109 C 147 D 185 B
34 A 72 B 110 D 148 C 186 A
237 the end of the presentation 35 B 73 D 111 B 149 A 187 A
238 make up her mind 36 D 74 C 112 C 150 B 188 C
239 enjoys walking 37 C 75 D 113 C 151 D 189 D
240 was such a hot 38 D 76 C 114 D 152 C
241 is to be announced
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Word Formation (pp. 90-95) 55 importance 118 disagreements

56 invention 119 economic
C 1 persuasion 6 attractive 57 relatively 120 growth
2 dedication 7 organisations 58 owner 121 employment
3 meditation 8 competitive 59 explanations 122 concentration
4 talkative 9 exaggeration 60 signature 123 remarkable
5 pollution 10 supportive 61 attractive 124 industrial
62 fitness 125 expansion
D 1 perseverance 5 resistance 63 knowledgeable 126 usually
2 allowance 6 residence 64 fashionable 127 reservations
3 insistence 7 dominance 65 refreshments 128 entertainment
66 daily 129 publishers
4 disturbance
67 listeners 130 reliable
E 1 anxiously 5 salty/thirsty 9 impressed 68 skilful 131 inconvenient
2 fiercely 6 gently 10 tired 69 information 132 disappointment
70 unusual 133 variety
3 slowly 7 amazing 71 cheerful 134 specialities
4 icy 8 healthy 72 development 135 wonderful
73 historic 136 subtitles
F 1 luxurious 5 functional 9 foolish
74 ability 137 unchanged
2 careless 6 selfish 10 financial 75 instructions 138 disapproves
3 admirable 7 enthusiastic 76 satisfaction 139 unlucky
4 considerate 8 expensive 77 beginners 140 action
78 peaceful 141 possibility
G 1 delightful 5 harmful 9 tasteless 79 adventurous 142 ensure
2 painless 6 faithful 10 thoughtful 80 scenery 143 Unfortunately
3 thankful 7 helpless 81 unfair 144 contestant
4 careful 8 powerful 82 injury/injuries 145 tropical
83 disappointing 146 delightful
H 1 uneven 6 irresponsible 84 dangerous 147 impressive
2 inconsiderate 7 incorrect 85 broken 148 highly
3 dishonest 8 impossible 86 weight 149 attractions
4 misleading 9 untouched 87 relaxation 150 annually
88 particularly 151 stormy
5 antibacterial 10 overspend
89 unhealthy 152 unsuitable
I 1 seventh 28 third 90 replacement 153 attendance
2 popularity 29 requirements 91 decisions 154 burglar
3 unlike 30 strength 92 beginning 155 agreement
4 appearance 31 energetic 93 conclusion 156 limited
5 completely 32 excitement 94 criticism 157 advisable
6 inventor 33 unexpected 95 admiration 158 dependent
7 improvement 34 strangers 96 publicity 159 helpful
8 uncomfortable 35 musical 97 contribution 160 encouragement
9 height 36 currently 98 curiosity 161 carefully
10 production 37 ambitious 99 sight 162 manageable
11 cyclists 38 professional 100 mistakenly 163 official
12 exciting 39 performance 101 stressful 164 purely
13 impossible 40 enjoyable 102 behaviour 165 difficulties
14 basically 41 tendency 103 uncommon 166 risky
15 central 42 unaware 104 possessions 167 increasingly
16 residents 43 possession 105 intention 168 unpleasant
17 specialises 44 successful 106 considerable 169 employees
18 colourful 45 selection 107 commercial 170 entertainment
19 characteristics 46 speakers 108 bitterly 171 awareness
20 choice 47 easily 109 destructive 172 identity
21 arrangement 48 knowledge 110 scientific 173 scientists
22 sale 49 feelings 111 suffering 174 reminder
23 lover 50 effective 112 comfortably 175 punctually
24 childhood 51 regardless 113 tourists 176 anxious
25 various 52 famous 114 additional 177 recommendation
26 importance 53 librarian 115 warmth 178 environmental
27 growth 54 valuable 116 irregular 179 angrily
117 coastal 180 painters

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Prepositions (pp. 96-98) Phrasal Verbs (pp. 99-101)

J 1 from 56 of 111 in K 1 out 51 on 101 for
2 for 57 for 112 in 2 off 52 up for 102 back
3 of 58 of 113 for 3 down 53 into 103 down
4 to 59 on 114 at 4 back 54 down 104 up
5 with, about 60 to 115 in 5 up (down) 55 across 105 on
6 for 61 from 116 for 6 up 56 up 106 out
7 for 62 to 117 in 7 out 57 by 107 over
8 of 63 with 118 to 8 in 58 into 108 up
9 in 64 on 119 in 9 out 59 out 109 down
10 to 65 on/upon 120 with 10 up to 60 off 110 into
11 on 66 for 121 on 11 for/after 61 out 111 up
12 in 67 for 122 in 12 over 62 aside 112 out
13 about 68 of 123 to 13 out 63 on 113 up to
14 on 69 after 124 at 14 on 64 up 114 up
15 of 70 for 125 on 15 down with 65 back on 115 off
16 on 71 on 126 In 16 on 66 up 116 on
17 for 72 to 127 at 17 round 67 out for 117 by/on
18 with 73 for 128 in 18 down 68 behind 118 up
19 on 74 on 129 of 19 apart 69 away 119 without
20 at 75 from 130 On 20 through 70 out 120 up
21 of 76 of 131 on 21 in 71 away with 121 out
22 at 77 as 132 for 22 ahead 72 through 122 on/along
23 between 78 in 133 in 23 on 73 on 123 out
24 for 79 at 134 in 24 on 74 in 124 up
25 of 80 in 135 on/by 25 off 75 out 125 away
26 with 81 of 136 at 26 up 76 on 126 up
27 on 82 on 137 in 27 off 77 back 127 to
28 for 83 in 138 on 28 off 78 up with 128 together
29 with 84 out of 139 out of 29 for 79 across 129 out
30 to 85 at 140 in 30 to 80 up 130 up
31 with 86 on 141 under 31 back 81 away 131 in
32 of 87 in 142 by 32 off 82 off 132 on
33 to 88 on 143 for 33 out 83 out 133 off
34 with 89 by 144 on 34 out 84 off 134 for
35 from 90 off 145 On 35 to 85 away 135 down
36 to, for 91 under 146 to 36 in on 86 off 136 off
37 to 92 At 147 on 37 off 87 for 137 out
38 in 93 for 148 in 38 off 88 forward 138 round
39 to 94 In 149 in 39 off 89 up 139 up
40 from 95 by 150 in 40 without 90 up 140 out
41 by 96 of 151 at 41 on 91 round 141 around
42 from 97 with 152 with 42 up 92 back 142 by
43 for 98 in 153 about 43 through 93 out 143 up
44 for 99 to 154 of 44 away 94 down 144 off
45 to 100 on 155 by 45 through 95 for 145 out
46 into 101 in 156 in 46 up 96 into 146 for
47 from 102 about 157 from 47 down 97 on 147 over
48 on 103 by 158 for 48 off 98 up with 148 around
49 of 104 from 159 to 49 up 99 out 149 out
50 to 105 by 160 of 50 off 100 out 150 about
51 in 106 into 161 on
52 with 107 to 162 under
53 on 108 by 163 with
54 to 109 to 164 in
55 for 110 on

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MODULE 1 soccer?
RM: Well, the popularity of football is increasing slowly but
Exercise 1 (p. 6)
steadily in the US and that’s basically what has made me so keen
Speaker 1 to go there. I want to help fire up that enthusiasm and help
I guess I started playing electronic games when I was really young, football become as established as other sports there. I think their
maybe too young. Of course, then, we didn’t have so many mobile passion for the game is just below the surface and just needs
devices, so I could only play at home. I’d usually spend about three some encouragement.
or four hours a day on it, but now I’ve got all sorts of gadgets I Int: You’ve been criticised for your decision for a number of
can take around with me. So I play games on public transport and reasons. Some say that you’re only after the huge amounts of cash
even at my desk at work. If I ever forget to take one with me, I get you can make and others claim that it’s because, in fact, your high
really anxious and can have a very rough day. flying European career is over.
RM: It just goes to show that a lot of people in the media want to
Speaker 2
be as hurtful as they can to sell more papers. I mean really … they
I reckon I play badminton about three or four times a week. We
must be joking.The truth of the matter is that, whether I stay or
usually meet in the evenings after work and play for about two
go, I can still make money, good money … so that’s not why I’m
hours, but sometimes we spend the whole evening playing. I really
doing it.And as far as my career goes it’s common knowledge that
enjoy it and I think it helps keep me focused and alert, but more
my team wants me to stay and … don’t forget … I’ll still be
importantly, it gets me out of the house.We don’t take it seriously
playing for my country.
at all, and we talk and laugh a lot while we’re playing. Yeah, it’s
Int: So you’re making the move purely out of love for the game
more about spending time together really.
and to promote it in the States?
Speaker 3 RM: I’m really excited about the opportunity I’ve been given to
In a way, it’s a bit of a mystery why I’m so fond of water sports. be involved in something that’s considered new and fresh. In some
When I was younger, I spent a lot of time at the seaside with my ways attitudes in Europe towards football are a bit ... well ... tired,
parents. Then, when I moved to Oxford, I did other things like because it has all been seen and done before. And for me as a
rugby and cricket, and I didn’t think that much about it. But after a person, not just an athlete, a whole new world is about to open
few years of living far away from the sea, I felt something was up.That’s why I’m going.
missing from my life. I don’t know; it’s strange. Anyway, now I live Int: You mentioned before that you’ll still be part of the England
on the coast again and I do several different kinds of water team. How are you going to cope with jetting between two
sports. continents?
RM: Just as I’ve always coped with travelling as an international
Speaker 4 player. All players have to travel frequently.You get used to it, and
You know, it’s not that difficult to explain. My parents loved it so anyway, I’m an athlete ... we don’t get as tired from jet lag as much
they used to take me along to the theatre with them when they as people who aren’t fit do.And it’s not as if it’s going to be every
went. Now, I’ve got a fairly tough job with lots of responsibilities, other day, is it?
and I spend a lot of hours at the office. Still, I get to see a play at Int: You’ve had some problems with recurring injuries, though, lately.
least once a week. It’s the only moment when I can truly sit back, Do you think you’re going to be fit enough for the start of the season
take it easy and enjoy myself. There are lots of small theatres in with your new team?
town, so there’s always something good on. RM: I certainly hope so! I can’t wait to get on the pitch to play.
But the doctors are keeping a close eye on my physical condition
Speaker 5 and whatever advice they give I will follow it. If I have to take
It might sound strange, but watching movies is a very important things a bit slower at first then that’s the way it goes.
part of my life. I go to the cinema about two or three times a Int: We’ve talked a lot about the way you feel about the move but
week and if I don’t feel like going out, I rent something. My what about your family?
parents complain sometimes about all the money I spend.Anyway, RM: I think my wife is more excited than I am! Players’ families
I avoid anything serious or too melodramatic because I think are used to moving around; it goes with the job, to be honest. As
there’s enough of that in my hectic day-to-day life. I’m a bit of a for my son, he just sees it as another holiday somewhere … and
dreamer and I need some escapism. These days, I’m really into as a parent I think it’s great that I can offer him the opportunity to
animated films. experience so many fantastic different places at such an early age.
Speaker 6 Int: So it seems that the whole family is looking forward to the move,
I’ve always enjoyed reading books, whether it be fiction, history or then! That’s great! But what about your new team mates? Do you
almost any other subject you care to mention. So I joined my think they’re just as pleased about you coming?
local book club as I wanted the opportunity to discuss the books RM: I’ve met everybody on the team and they were all really
I’d read with other people. It’s really interesting to discuss the warm and friendly. I’ve made it clear to everyone that I will be just
ideas in the books and very intellectually stimulating. I have another member of the team so I don’t want any special star
learned a lot from going to the club and I enjoy expressing my treatment. It’s not a case of me and them. It just doesn’t work like
views too. that at a professional level.
Int: Well, I think we’ve pretty much set the record straight here
Exercise 2 (p. 6) today, Ryan.Thanks for coming in to talk to us.
RM: Thanks for having me.
Int: There’s no doubting the affection that the British hold in their
hearts for the game of football and for its most talented players.
One such player is my guest today, Ryan McClair, who will soon
be leaving our shores to settle permanently in the United States.
And I can’t help but wonder, Ryan, if Americans will ever develop
the same kind of attachment that we do to the sport they call

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MODULE 2 friend. I had eaten crisps from a bowl on the coffee table and
within seconds my throat started to swell. It was horrible, and
Exercise 1 (p. 20)
quite a scary experience for our friend. She later discovered that
Speaker 1 although she had been refilling the bowl of crisps throughout the
My husband took me to an East-Asian restaurant for my birthday afternoon, her flatmate had, at one point, filled the bowl with
this year, as I’m wheat intolerant and their cuisine uses very little peanuts.
wheat. I even managed to order noodles because they were made
Speaker 6
from rice. The evening was great. We ate so much! However, the
John had been off collecting wood for the fire and returned with
next morning I woke up feeling a little ill, and when I looked in the
some wild mushrooms. I was really anxious, but the other guys
mirror, a bad skin rash had developed on my face. I couldn’t
checked the manual we had and said they were a safe variety to
believe it, we had only eaten vegetables, and wheat-free noodles. I
eat. Plus, John’s a chef, so we trusted his judgment. It was only 10
went to the doctor to ask his advise and to my surprise, he
minutes after eating one that Adam was throwing up violently. I
informed me that soy sauce contains wheat.That dark liquid that
knew we shouldn’t have cooked them; we had plenty of our own
is used for seasoning contains wheat – I couldn’t believe it. And
yes, I’d used it on my meal that night. I now take a book listing
foods containing wheat wherever I go.
Exercise 2 (p. 20)
Speaker 2 Interviewer: For today’s edition of ‘Health Focus’, we have been
It really annoys me that I’m allergic to dairy products. It’s joined in the studio by Dr Dorian Michaels, who is here to tell us
astonishing the number of things I can’t eat. I didn’t realise it about a group for people with diabetes. Dr Michaels, thank you
myself until I was told I had a dairy intolerance and had to for coming along today.
research it. My friends find it difficult to believe, too. They always Dr: No problem at all, I’m keen to make more people aware of
have to phone me before they have me to dinner to check if the the group.
ingredients are ok. People are very kind and accommodating, but I Interviewer: So why did you feel it was necessary to set up the
still managed to have a mishap once. I was visiting my aunt and she group? Could you give us a little background?
had bought some soya milk, so I could have some tea with her Dr: The group was established a little under a year ago in
and my cousin. We sat around drinking and talking for ages. response to a high demand for information from our patients.We
However, after about an hour, I began to feel really nauseous and I were impressed by how many people wanted to understand their
seemed to be showing signs of my allergy. It turned out that my situation and manage it effectively, so we wanted to offer help.The
aunt had accidentally put normal milk in my tea and soya milk in drop-in sessions seemed the most effective idea, as patients could
my cousin’s. She felt awful, poor thing. speak to healthcare professionals face to face.
Interviewer: So it offers a very personal approach then?
Speaker 3 Dr: That was our aim and we certainly appear to be achieving it.
I discovered that I was allergic to shellfish when I was a young People want to speak to people, not sit in front of the Internet all
boy. My mother loves to eat prawns, and when I was five, I day. And what’s more, sometimes they just want to get together
apparently decided to try some. Shortly after, I started to have with other people that share common problems.As a group, they
trouble breathing and had to be rushed to hospital. After that, I can compare their experiences.
stayed well away from any food from the sea! However, years Interviewer: So these drop-in sessions … I think people can
later, I was in a restaurant with my friend and we were sharing a meet at the local town hall once a week, is that right?
platter of different foods. I had been eating what I believed to be Dr: That’s right – Thursday night.
deep-fried onion rings only to find it was squid. I waited anxiously Interviewer: How do they work? Is there a typical order of
for my allergic reaction to develop … but, to my amazement, it events?
never did. I visited my doctor and he explained it isn’t unheard of Dr: There isn’t really a typical evening, although things have
for allergies developed in childhood to disappear in adulthood. I become a lot more structured as time’s progressed.We’ve found
was very happy although I’m still a little nervous about going out the best way to organise the meetings is to work from a
for a seafood meal! suggestion box. We leave it in the meeting room each week, and
Speaker 4 group members can use it to notify us of the topics they would
I suffer from migraines and had a terrible one two weeks ago. My like addressed.
parents and I had been to Belgium for a long weekend and Interviewer: … So the sessions are run by health care
returned home laden with specialty Belgian chocolates – some professionals but are very much governed by the members?
for friends and family and, of course, some for ourselves! One Dr: Absolutely.We tailor the meetings according to the feedback
night, my mother and I decided to open a box and indulge while we receive. For example, diet is very heavily linked with diabetes,
we were watching a film on TV. They were delicious and I ate so it was suggested that we offer cooking advice. It was very
quite a few. I really loved the ones covered in dark chocolate. successful and now, on a monthly basis, we have a session
Unfortunately for me, I won’t be able to eat it anymore. I didn’t dedicated to recipe sharing and cooking techniques. We have a
realise it was a common trigger for migraines, and the one that I nutritionist from the local hospital who takes members’ favourite
developed that night was excruciating. recipes and rewrites them in a form that is healthier for people
with diabetes. She’s very good at it, and the group members think
Speaker 5 she’s great!
My friend,Anna, and I share a common allergy – neither of us can Interviewer: What a good idea!
eat peanuts. Other nuts, brazil nuts, walnuts, pistachios, and so on, Dr: I agree … and it’s always a lot of fun which I think is
are fine, but if we eat peanuts, we have a frightening reaction important. We do use group sessions to address more scientific
where our throats tighten and we have difficulty breathing. I enjoy issues, but rather than lecturing patients all the time, we hold
cooking with Anna as we both know how careful we have to be. question and answer sessions to help explain new developments
On one occasion a couple of years back, we visited a mutual to our members in the area of diabetes research.We try to be as

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informative, and at the same time approachable, as possible. We impacts of these chemicals on our foods and this has lead to the
want our group members to be relaxed and enjoy the meetings. growth of organic farming. The only problem is that organic
Interviewer: So do your meetings have specific age restrictions products tend to be far higher than the price of conventionally
or can anyone come along? farmed goods.This is partly because the costs of organic farming
Dr: Oh everyone’s welcome, definitely. At the moment, all our are higher but also because organic goods are very fashionable at
group members are adults, but I think that’s because adults are the moment.
keen to learn about the disorder, as they have to look after Interviewer: Once you realised there was a need for affordable
themselves. We would like to see more children, but they are, organic produce, what did you do next?
understandably, less enthusiastic to learn about science and Mr Jacobs: Well, I approached my parents to see what they
specialised cooking, but we do have some carers who come along thought of the idea. My mother has always approved of organic
on their behalf. farming, even though it requires a lot more time and effort to
Interviewer: I see.And how do people find out about the group? tend to the crops. So, when I raised the subject with her and told
Dr: Well, we put up notices around the hospital, but the most her about the rising demand for such goods in London, she was
effective promotion of the meetings so far has been done by our all for it. My father, however, was a little apprehensive at first, but
enthusiastic members who regularly produce leaflets and hand them it didn’t take long to make him see the benefits of getting involved
out to local shops and businesses. They really do make a in this growing sector of farming, to be honest.
commendable effort on behalf of the group. And after seeing the Interviewer: All the produce you sell comes from your parents’
success of our group, our hope is to set up a network of support farm then?
groups throughout the country. Mr Jacobs: It does indeed. It’s great working with my parents and
Interviewer: That’s great and I’m sure you’ll get a good response it’s wonderful to be linked to the farm again, all the way from
from people out there…we wish you the best of luck and London! Hopefully, people will pick up on the family nature of this
continued success. venture. It’s a more personal approach, which I think is really
Dr: Thank you very much. important as shopping in big supermarkets can feel a bit cold and
impersonal. Even if we expand as a business I want to keep it
Exercise 3 (p. 21) friendly – a shop with a personal touch. Just the way shops were
Interviewer: Mr Jacobs, thank you for taking some time out of in the past when local people would meet up in the grocer’s for a
your busy schedule to talk to us today about your wonderful new chat as they did their shopping. I fully intend to be on first name
shop, which I visited myself a couple of days ago. So, tell us, what terms with all my customers, once I get to know them.
made you decide to open a shop selling organic produce? Interviewer: And expansion is on the cards, is it?
Mr Jacobs: I’m really pleased you liked the shop, thanks. Well, Mr Jacobs: Of course. It may take a while as we are a new
business aims aside, the main reason for starting this venture was business. But the plan is to extend the range of organic products
to bring good quality food, at affordable prices, to the people of we sell to include meat and dairy produce and eventually to open
Camden.At the moment we only sell organic fruit and vegetables more branches in other parts of London. But expanding the
but we hope, as the business grows, to include organic meat and business does not mean that we do not intend to stick to our
other organic produce such as cheese and eggs. main principles, which are to sell high quality goods at reasonable
Interviewer: You’ve certainly got off to a good start – Your shop prices in a friendly neighbourhood shop. We don’t just see
seems to be the talk of the town at the moment! Can you tell us ourselves as a business but as a part of the community.
in more detail about why you wanted to sell organic fruit and veg? Interviewer: Well, that just about wraps everything up. The only
Mr Jacobs: Firstly, I’m not a Londoner. I grew up on my parents’ thing that remains for me to add is that listeners can find the shop
farm in Kent and every meal we ate was made using fresh at … .
produce from the fields. So, I think an awareness of good quality
food was instilled in me from an early age. I didn’t know, though, MODULE 3
how lucky I was until I moved to London and saw how hard it is Exercise 1 (p. 34)
to get really fresh, high quality farm produce. I mean, most of the
Speaker 1
fruit and veg in supermarkets is pre-packaged and may have
Our trip to Las Vegas wasn’t exactly cheap for a family of four.We
travelled hundreds or even thousands of miles before it gets to
didn’t mind, though, because we wanted it to be a really special
the shops – it’s not really fresh at all!
trip for all of us. Some of our friends thought the kids wouldn’t
Interviewer: So you don’t think there is good quality food to be
enjoy it as much as we would. But they were wrong. There was
found in London?
loads of great family entertainment on offer. There was just so
Mr Jacobs: Oh no, I’m not saying that. You can find almost
much to do and see that no one got bored for even a minute. I’m
anything you could possibly want in London, if you know where
just glad we could afford such a great family trip.
to go. But the thing is, most of the speciality shops are very
expensive, particularly those selling organic produce. It’s very Speaker 2
difficult to find good produce at reasonable prices. I realised there A group of us from uni decided that a great way to spend our
was a gap in the market and that I could sell a high quality product summer holidays would be to do something really adventurous.We
that was not beyond the pocket of most people. I think everyone opted for back-packing in Peru. It was going to be the trip of a
deserves to have access to good fresh food, not just people with lifetime.What we didn’t know, though, was that you have to spend
an above average income. some time getting used to being high up in the mountains before
Interviewer: Was your parents’ farm organic? you start doing any hiking or, in fact, any kind of strenuous activity
Mr Jacobs: No, the demand for organic produce is a relatively at all.We all ended up getting altitude sickness, which is really awful,
new thing and when I was growing up very few farms were and we had to cut our holiday short. Next time I decide to be
organic. It’s only in recent years that people have begun to adventurous, I’ll make sure I’ve looked into it properly first.
question the idea of spraying crops with chemical fertilisers and
pesticides. People are, quite rightly, concerned about the health

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Speaker 3 sleeping on board the sailboat. During these trips, we try to make
Simon and I have been going to the same place for over ten years port at some of the more interesting islands nearby, to allow the
now. The reason we’ve always loved it is that it has top-quality students to not only get a feel for sailing, but also for the local
facilities and service and it’s a lovely peaceful spot to relax. culture and way of life.
They’ve managed to retain the character of the area and DJ: I have to say, not only does this sound like a great opportunity
encourage tourism at the same time. No big ugly hotels or huge for young people, but also like an amazing job for you.Why did you
noisy discos. It’s small, and it’s friendly, and you can really get away get involved with sailing anyway?
from it all there. It’s a shame more places don’t offer the same Peter: I’m originally from London, and as I’m sure you know, the
kind of tourism. sun is in scarce supply over there. But more importantly, I’ve
always had a passion for the sea, and I want to be able to make it
Speaker 4 possible for young people who share the same passion to
My mate Pete persuaded me to go with him to a popular experience it as fully as possible.
Mediterranean resort. He kept telling me what a fantastic time DJ: What are some skills, besides sailing, that these kids will be able
we’d have and how great the night life was etcetera etcetera. So I to gain while participating in your programme?
thought, why not? Be a bit adventurous for once, and try Peter: That’s a great question. Well, the most important skill the
something different. You see, I usually like going hillwalking, that kids learn is teamwork. Sailing is not a one-person sport, you need
kind of thing. But I was willing to try something new for a change. everyone working together, communicating, and sometimes even
As it turned out, I simply couldn’t wait for it to be over. I was anticipating what needs to be done before being told to do it.
bored on the beach and hated the loud bars … just not my cup of DJ: And are there other benefits, too?
tea, I’m afraid. Peter: Well, sailing requires a lot of discipline and a good level of
Speaker 5 alertness and awareness of your surroundings, as a lack of
I wasn’t keen on the idea of going camping in the first place, but attention could result in serious injury.Also, the young adults that
my girlfriend is a real outdoor, nature-loving type.The first couple take the course learn to rely on and improve their common sense
of days I was just miserable, stuck in a damp tent in a muddy field and to intuitively use various skills they have learned along the
and I kept kicking myself for ever having listened to her. Then way, like how to read the weather and how to identify landmarks
something clicked and I saw the funny side of it. I decided it was and sea life.
best to make the most of it. I soon found cooking hot soup over DJ: Well, it sounds like a great way to spend a summer holiday.
an open fire after a day hiking in the countryside is just what she’d Thank you, Peter, for your time.
said it would be, marvellous. It was quite a revelation really. SC: Thank you.

Speaker 6 Exercise 3 (p. 35)

I’d just come out of hospital after an operation and my husband Int: If you’re wondering where to spend your holidays this
decided that what I really needed to get me back on my feet was a summer but don’t want to go to one of those huge faceless
good holiday. So he booked a two-week cruise down the Nile. It resorts, then why not try a holiday with a difference? John Rigby
took me a couple of days to adjust to the heat but I have to say that of Go Fairer travel agency is here to tell us about some of the
my husband was absolutely right. We had a marvellous time. I got alternatives on offer. Good morning, John.
plenty of time to relax, lounging on the deck as well as visiting some JR: Good morning to you and all your listeners.
of the most spectacular archaeological sites in the world. The only Int: From what I understand, John, your agency is aimed at people
problem is now I’ve got the cruise bug and I want to go to on a who want an ‘eco’ holiday, is that right?
Caribbean cruise this Christmas, which will cost quite a lot! JR: I wouldn’t call it eco-tourism exactly, because we don’t offer
things like trips to Brazil to help protect the rainforest, and so on.
Exercise 2 (p. 34) What we do is help people find a holiday that is going to have as
DJ: Now today we have something really interesting for our low an impact as possible on the environment. In other words, we
young listeners. Mr Peter Cowell runs a summer sailing school for don’t organise package holidays to large resorts. We work with
teenagers in the beautiful islands of the Caribbean. Peter, why small independent travel companies.
don’t you tell our listeners a little bit about this exciting Int: So why is that good for the environment, then?
opportunity. JR: For lots of reasons, really. Many beautiful places all over the
Peter: Hello all. Well, yes, we run an instructional school for world have lost their character because they have been over-
sailing.We train our students in what is known as offshore sailing developed. This has led to the destruction of the natural
as well as navigation. environment and has created the kind of tourism that means you
DJ: Now, let me ask you a question. Peter, do the students actually never really get to be a part of the culture you are visiting … and
live aboard the sailboat the whole time? Or do they get to stay in most of the money you spend goes into the pockets of the big
some beachfront hotel and spend their days on a sailboat? Because companies and not to the locals.
either of these options sound pretty terrific! Int: Can you give us some examples of the kind of holiday
Peter: Actually, the students can do either depending on the someone could book with your agency?
length of the course.We have shorter courses that last only six to JR: Oh, there are all sorts of them, really, but I could start with
ten days, where the students will spend all of their time on the some of our most popular ones. Beach holidays in sunny climates
sailboat. We also have longer courses, lasting about four weeks, are usually at the top of people’s lists. But with us, we’ll book you
where the students are based on land and have daily instruction into a small, often family-run, hotel. Also popular are walking
and sailing. holidays. They’re great for people who really want to feel closer
DJ: Now during these longer programmes, do the students ever to the natural environment. And for those who want to get away
get to sleep on the sailboat? from it all, how about going on a yoga retreat holiday or to a
Peter: Sure, the longer programmes include a number of trips traditional spa?
that last anywhere from two to four days, with the students Int: What about cost? I suppose a lot of the holidays you have
mentioned are quite pricey?
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JR: Well, obviously we can’t compete with the package deals on Speaker 3
prices. But we think that these kinds of holiday are, in fact, too When I was invited to Jenny’s 21st birthday party, I wasn’t sure I
cheap … and nature is paying the price. I would like to say though, would be able to make it, but I decided to make an effort to go as
that we do offer holidays to suit almost everyone’s budget and we she is a really good friend of mine.The problem is, she lives quite
aim to keep our prices as low as possible. For instance, a week in far away. I had to drive after work to get there, so I was tired, and
a traditional Greek cottage is quite affordable and it’s a to make matters worse, I got stuck in a traffic jam. Then, heavy
sustainable form of tourism – far better than staying in some snow started to fall and in no time at all, driving was becoming
characterless hotel. Surely, it’s worth a little extra. quite dangerous. As you can imagine, I had to drive very slowly
Int: Don’t you think that it’s unlikely that these kinds of holiday and carefully. When I finally got to Jenny’s house, she had already
will ever become really popular? cut the cake and most people were saying their goodbyes. I was
JR: I don’t think anything could be further from the truth. For one really disappointed.
thing, not only is awareness about green holidays growing, but also
many people want a real experience from their holidays. They Speaker 4
don’t want to feel that going on holiday is like a factory process. We had been warned about the heavy rain so we piled up
You know, sometimes you can feel that you haven’t left the sandbags all around the house. We also moved some things
country at all, the only difference is that it’s sunnier. Well, people upstairs, like the computer and the TV. When we went to bed, we
are getting fed up with this and that’s a good thing in my opinion. just hoped for the best. The children and even our dog Jasper
Int: A lot of ecologists are saying that we shouldn’t even go were really scared and couldn’t sleep because of the howling
abroad for our holidays as flying is damaging for the environment, wind. I told everyone not to worry and that everything would be
too. alright. But when we woke up the next morning, we got a nasty
JR: They’re absolutely right, of course! But I don’t think we are surprise – the water had broken through the sandbags and
going to see the end of foreign travel anytime soon, especially flooded the house. Everything was soaking wet – the carpets, the
when you consider the wet, chilly summers we often have here in furniture and even the curtains. Of course, they were ruined and
Britain. Nonetheless, more and more people are opting for everything had to be thrown out.
holidays at home. And you can have a lovely time in your own Speaker 5
country, too. In fact we offer lots of holidays for those who want I was driving my mother’s car when suddenly it just stalled and I
to see more of the British Isles. remember thinking that she should really get herself a new car. It
Int: So where do you go on holiday? was absolutely freezing outside, so I really didn’t want to get out
JR: It’s not often I actually get to go on holiday, I’m afraid, as I’m of the car. However, as it was getting quite foggy as well, I decided
too busy organising them for others. I really want to help make I had better take a quick look under the bonnet to see if I could
tourism a force for nature and not against it and that takes up a spot anything wrong. Unfortunately, I couldn’t tell what was
lot of my time. What my wife and I really enjoy is going on mini- wrong with it.Then the temperature began to drop even further,
breaks to places like the Lake District, and last year we even so I got back into the car to try to keep warm. Luckily, I had my
stayed in a castle in Ireland for a week. It was wonderful. mobile phone with me and I was able to call home. My dad came
Int: John, it’s been lovely to have you with us this morning and as soon as he possibly could – it took him nearly an hour to get
thanks for all the fascinating information. to me because of the fog and ice on the roads.When he arrived,
JR: It’s been a pleasure. he gave me some hot tea from a flask to warm me up, and he
managed to get the car going, too.
Speaker 6
Exercise 1 (p. 48)
It was our last day on holiday in the mediterranean and we
Speaker 1 decided to take the kids on a boat trip to a nearby island to see
Before I set off, I heard the forecast on the radio as I was having dolphins. When we set off, early in the morning, it looked like it
breakfast. I knew there was a possibility of gale-force winds, but I was going to be a lovely summer day. Unfortunately about an
chose to risk it. I thought the climb would only take a couple of hour into the trip the sky clouded over, the wind really picked up
hours at most. Anyway, it was so calm that morning. I thought they and the sea became very choppy.The captain decided it would be
must have got it wrong.What a mistake! I was only half way up the a good idea to turn back but that didn’t stop us all from getting
mountain when I had to turn back. There was nowhere to find really seasick. We all felt terrible while we were on the boat and
shelter, which made it worse. I ran as fast as I could and just hoped none of us managed to keep our breakfasts down. It was awful.
for the best. It was a frightening experience. I was lucky I got back
uninjured. Exercise 2 (p. 48)
Speaker 2 [I = Interviewer IB = Ian Bridges (customs officer)]
I must have been only about 10 at the time, but I remember it all I: Wildlife campaigners are always telling us to make sure the
so clearly. My brother, sister and I were visiting our grandparents. souvenirs we bring back from holiday were made without causing
They live not far from St. Andrews, where there’s a fantastic injury or death to rare or endangered animals. But what does that
beach.Well, we went there in the morning to avoid all the crowds mean? In the studio with us today, to tell us exactly what we are
and the weather was unusually good, so we spent most of the day and aren’t allowed to bring back home with us, we have customs
there – having our picnic, running along the sand, building officer, Ian Bridges. Ian, welcome to the programme.
sandcastles. Everything was perfect until we got back to the IB: Thanks.
house.We were all as red as tomatoes! Grandma had to put this I: This summer season, a record number of British tourists are
horrible pink liquid on our backs to make us feel better. It was my expected to head to various countries, including some very
first lesson in avoiding sunburn. Now, of course, I’m more careful. exotic locations. What sort of things do they typically bring back
as souvenirs?

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IB: Well, thankfully, most tourists are very careful about what they depend on the sea for many things; for food and other natural
bring back with them. In most cases, the souvenirs they buy aren’t resources, for jobs, and as a natural defence barrier.
harmful, such as the typical Mexican sombrero hat or some Int: So, is it all bad news?
castanets – all good fun and certainly nothing cruel to animals. PH: As you know, many professionals – be it scientists, fishermen,
I: What about illegal items? divers or environmentalists like myself – have been voicing
IB: Although some illegal items are brought in by smugglers for concerns over the decline of the marine environment for quite a
profit, many items are brought back by holidaymakers as while. The chief concern, of course, is the problem of pollution.
souvenirs. Thankfully, the health of the marine environment is a priority for
I: You mean, they don’t know that what they have brought back is the European Union and strategies are being developed to
illegal? protect it. People have now come to realise that treating the sea
IB: That’s right. All too often, weird and wonderful goods bought like a huge dustbin not only harms wildlife but also puts human
by tourists have to be confiscated by the likes of myself. People life at risk. The seas around Britain are home to over 8000
get quite upset when you tell them they have to give up their different species of plant and animal life and we must ensure that
souvenirs. But it’s either that or pay a fine! In serious cases, nothing upsets the ecological balance of their natural habitat.
people may even face a prison sentence. Int: What kind of pollution threatens this balance?
I: What kinds of things are we prohibited from bringing into the PH: There are many forms of pollution. In the past, the dumping
country? of chemicals and heavy metals into the sea was a serious problem.
IB: Things like ivory carvings, many types of fur, coral jewellery, Now various regulations have put a stop to this practice. But
feathers from protected species or bags, belts and shoes made problems still continue as a result of what was dumped in
from certain animal skins. It depends on the country of origin. previous years. Even now, you can still find high concentrations of
I: So how does the traveller know what is and what isn’t allowed? things like industrial chemicals and agricultural pesticides. It will
IB: You should avoid buying any questionable animal or plant take many more years before they drop to safe levels.
products which might endanger rare species or damage the Int: What other things pollute our waters?
environment. That includes snakeskin or crocodile handbags and PH: Oils spills are a problem, too. Whether it is spilled
lizard skin wallets. We all love going abroad and bringing home a accidentally because of careless transport or as a result of a
souvenir of the places we visit, but we have a duty not to destroy devastating storm, oil slicks cause pollution that take a very long
what we have gone to see. If you are in doubt, it is best not to buy time to clean up. With a greater number of oil platforms in the
anything. North Sea, the danger of accidental spills has increased.
I: How can people become better informed? Unfortunately, we will probably never manage to reduce the risks
IB: There are a variety of ways that we are using to educate to zero.
people about what they should or shouldn’t buy. For instance, Int: What can we hope to achieve?
there is a guide for travellers which you can obtain by contacting PH: We can work together to reduce the harmful products in
the Customs and Excise Advice Service – free of charge. Also, our marine environment. By this I don’t just mean industrial
you can always ask the travel company you are booking with to pollution but also plastic and aluminium packaging and other non-
give you information. biodegradable waste.The effects of these kinds of waste can also
I: But, obviously, more needs to be done to educate the public. be devastating. All too often, sea birds swallow pieces of plastic
IB:Yes, I agree.The World Wildlife Fund has been working hard in which make them feel full and then they starve to death. Turtles
recent years, for example, by showing exhibitions of seized and other sea animals eat plastic bags because they mistake them
souvenirs in various cities around the UK. Souvenir alert leaflets for food and then choke to death.We should all reduce our use of
are distributed at international airports and there are special plastic packaging and participate in local recycling programmes.
luggage labels that show images of rare and endangered species. Int: Is there anything else we can do?
I: Do many tourists smuggle in live animals? PH: How about joining a beach clean-up campaign? There are
IB: You would be surprised what people try to get away with! many initiatives, such as the ‘Adopt-a-Beach’ programme that
There have been cases where a live snake has been worn like a belt allow you to help tackle the problem. Thousands of volunteers
or live birds’ eggs have been brought in using specially made vests work every year to pick up and record the amount and type of
with pouches! Sadly, not all live animals survive the journey they litter found on our beaches. In the last ten years, the amount of
make. However, when illegal animals are seized and are still alive, litter found around the UK coastline has doubled, so individuals
they are sent to a holding centre. They are kept as evidence in need to take action now more than ever before it becomes too
future court cases and most are then found homes in zoos. great to reverse.
I: What should we do if we suspect any illegal wildlife trade? Int: It is presumably in everyone’s interest to deal with this
IB: You can report it to our hotline at 01483 4261121. problem?
I: That’s 01483 4261121.Thanks, Ian. PH: Yes, of course. Beach litter isn’t just an eyesore, it’s
IB: Thank you for inviting me. It’s been a pleasure. dangerous, too. But there is some good news. More and more UK
beaches are being recommended for their good sea bathing
Exercise 3 (p. 49) quality. So it may no longer be a health hazard to go to your local
beach. Before you go, check which beaches are safe at the online
Int: I’d like to welcome the environmentalist Paula Hutton who is site the ‘Good Beach Guide’. And don’t forget the more involved
going to be talking to us today about the marine environment you become in ensuring our beaches are clean the more beaches
around Britain’s shores. First of all, Paula, why do you think that there will be in the guide.
British people should be concerned about it?
PH: I think the main reason is pretty obvious, really. Britain is
surrounded by water and has 3,200 km of coastline. We need to
be aware of the state of the marine environment because it has a
direct effect on all of us. British people always have and always will

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MODULE 5 P: Now, a lot of people will be interested in hearing about how

you started in the fashion world.
Exercise 1 (p. 62)
M: Well, to be honest, I had no idea that I would end up in this
Speaker 1 business. I was good at drawing when I was a kid, but I never did
Something had to be done before the whole neighbourhood was any designs for clothes. It happened more or less by accident. A
destroyed.They kept coming around here late at night with their very fashion-conscious friend of mine asked me to help her
spray paint and stuff and they’d hang around corners causing design a hat for some school competition and to my surprise we
trouble. Every day there was new graffiti, but that was the first won first prize. I realised that I had talent and decided to use it.
time they did it to my store. I had really had enough, so I called in P: So, what was your first job in the world of fashion?
the police. M: Actually, my first job was rather an accident too! I sent some
Speaker 2 designs to a company but strangely enough they liked my
It was awful! He was dressed like any normal guy except that he photograph better and called me and asked me to model for
had a mask on his face so I couldn’t recognise him. I was really them.They didn’t seem to even bother with my sketches.
scared when I saw that he had a knife sticking out of his pocket. P: Really! That’s an amazing story.
Obviously, he must have been scared of being caught and he M: Yes, it is and there’s more to come. I did some modelling but I
jumped out the window and ran off down the street. wasn’t too keen on it. I was determined to become a designer and
Unfortunately, he did manage to take my most expensive I always took my portfolio of sketches with me to shows. Well,
jewellery from my drawer. one night I left my sketches behind and guess what? This well-
known designer found them. He phoned me immediately and
Speaker 3
asked me to come and work for him.
It all came as a complete surprise. I mean it’s a lovely
P: And how old were you then, Margaret?
neighbourhood and it’s certainly not considered dangerous. I just
M: I had just turned 21. From then on it was all work. I joined a
went out to my corner shop to get some batteries and this guy
team whose job it was to come up with new designs for dresses
jumped me in the alley by the shop. He must have been hiding
and shoes mostly. I stayed in that company for about five years
behind the crates. He pointed a gun and shouted. I don’t
and I think everybody was impressed with me there. But, I
remember anything else but he took everything, my wallet,
realised that I wanted to do something different. The company’s
money, and even the batteries! And of course there were no
style was a bit too old-fashioned for me. I had to leave.
cameras there. I still can’t believe it!
P: Would you say that was the deciding moment in you career,
Speaker 4 then?
Well, it was very late and I was on my way home. I took the usual M: Yes, without a doubt. I left and it wasn’t easy. I almost gave up,
route down Baker’s Street and along the Penny Bridge. I was a bit but after 14 months being unemployed, I finally decided to get a
cautious because it was quite dark and there weren’t any people loan and set up my own business. It all went very quickly from
around. I turned a corner and suddenly saw them standing there there. Before I knew it, I was designing clothes for famous
in front of me. I was relieved at first because they only asked me actresses like Angelina Hughes and Elizabeth Howard.
politely for some money. I was glad to give them my loose change, P: That’s a success story if ever I heard one! Of course, today
I often give beggars my loose change. I was outraged the next everyone knows your name. How many outlets do you have
morning when I realised they had taken my wallet. It’s scandalous! around the world now?
M: We have over 200 outlets and we are launching our brand
Speaker 5 new jewellery collection soon in our new shop in Tokyo.
I thought they looked suspicious, hanging around and all that, you P: Well, Margaret, it’s been a pleasure having you with us in the
understand, but I was quite busy at the time. Besides, I often get studio today. I know ... (fade)
their type in here and they always pay up like everyone else.
Anyway, I reckon they took about £200 worth of goods without Exercise 3 (p. 63)
me noticing. At least they didn’t put a knife to my throat or I’ve been selling books for over forty years now. I left school
anything. It could have been a lot worse. when I was sixteen and got a job as a sales assistant in a
Speaker 6 bookshop. I worked there for five years and I really enjoyed it.
Ever since I was a child I’ve hated being home alone late at night. I When the owner wanted to retire, I decided to take a risk and
keep thinking I hear someone walking around upstairs or buy the business for myself. It was difficult at the beginning when I
creeping around in the basement. Well, last Friday night Bob and was paying back the bank loan I had to take out, but on the whole
the kids had gone out and I was sitting watching TV. All of a I can’t complain - it’s been good.
sudden, I could have sworn I heard someone trying to get in the During those years, there’ve been so many changes.The one thing
back door. There have been a lot of burglaries in our I thought would never change, though, is the bookseller’s trade. I
neighbourhood, so I automatically thought it was a burglar. I have to admit I was wrong. We used to have one of those card
should have gone to investigate but I wasn’t thinking straight and I catalogue systems for orders, but now all that’s done by
phoned the police.You can’t imagine how I felt when they showed computers. For keeping up-to-date with all the latest releases, the
up and discovered the neighbour’s dog scratching at my backdoor. Internet is invaluable. My family said I’d never get the hang of it,
I said I was sorry but they were very angry that I had wasted their but it wasn’t difficult at all and I’m a bit of an expert now.
About ten years ago, I had a coffee bar built at the back of the
Exercise 2 (p. 62) shop with comfy leather chairs and that really increased business.
P: I’m sure many of you have dreamed of becoming a great Sales almost doubled overnight. There’s something about the
fashion designer. Well, today in the studio I’m joined by Margaret smell of coffee that puts people in a good mood and if they’re
Lynch, owner and manager of Fashion Fancies. relaxed enough, they might even be fooled into believing that
M: Hello. It’s a pleasure to be here. they’re back at home in front of the fire – and looking for a good

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book.And we have many. It’s a really great atmosphere and people

use it as a meeting place at the end of a long hard day at the office
and as I said, business improved.

The latest thing to come along though might prove to be the end
of my little bookshop. It’s the ebook. Now the ebook is a totally
different way of reading in that you don’t need books – it’s an
electronic book.You pay a fee, download a book from a website
and the pages appear on a small screen on the device which is like
a large mobile phone. But all that’s no different from a paperback,
isn’t it? The only real advantage I can see is that it can hold
hundreds, perhaps thousands, of books. And to be honest, is all
that choice necessary? On a bad day, I can’t choose between my
black shoes and my brown ones, let alone a thousand books.

Whenever we hear about something new, it always seems as

though it’s perfect. Ebooks can show animation and film clips so
they’re just like a storybook with pictures. They have their own
light so you can read them when it’s dark. There’s a memory so
you don’t need a bookmark and it’ll open at the last page you
were reading. But these are solutions to problems we didn’t know
we had. I haven’t heard anyone complaining about traditional

I keep reading in the newspapers that sales of CDs have really

fallen since people started downloading music from the Internet. I
just hope that doesn’t happen to my shop. The future’s not all
black though. I chat to the customers who come for a quiet
coffee and a read and they say that this kind of gadget will never
completely replace the traditional paperback. All new technology
has its drawbacks. The ebook device is heavier than a small
paperback and needs a power source. And let’s not forget that it
can be stolen like mobile phones.

In the end, it’s not up to me, it’s up to the customers. I’ve heard
ebooks are very popular in Japan, but I have no idea if they’ll be
successful here or not. Time will tell, I suppose. If the public like
ebooks, then the dog-eared paperback may end up like vinyl
records, video cassettes and last year’s games console – at the
rubbish dump. I’m almost at retirement age.Anyone want to buy a

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