Lesson 5
Lesson 5
Lesson 5
In your own understanding, list down five of international financial institutions in
the creation of a global economy
1.The Bretton Woods System – This was established after the major economies in
the world suffered because of World War I and U.S Dollar became the global
2.The General Agreement on tariffs and trade(GATT) and the World Trade
Organization (WTO)- GATT was established in 1947, it was a forum for the
meeting of representatives from 23 member countries and the WTO focused on
trade goods through multinational trade agreement conducted in many rounds of
negotiation and its general basis is neoliberalism.
3.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank- This was founded
after the World War II their establishment was mainly because of peace advocacy
after the war they helped the economic stability of the world.
4.The Organization for economic Corporation and Development (OECD), THE
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and European Union (EU)-
One of the most encompassing club of richest countries in the world, OPEC are
part of the major exporters of oil in the world today while EU has most members
adopted the euro as basic currency.
Through a graphic organizer, illustrate the history of market integration. Write a
maximum of Five sentences to present your insight on what market integration
has become today compared to its beginning.
Today is the time of the information
This was the first economic change MARKET revolution technology has reduced the
when people learned how to INTEGRATION
human labor and shifted it from
domesticate plants and animalsthey manufacturing-based economy to one
realized that it was much productive that is bade on service work and the
than hunter gathered societies and production of ideas rather than goods.
became the new agricultural economy Computers and other technologies are
this led to major developments, it also beginning to replace many jobs
gave rise to new economic tools like because of automation or outsourcing
steam engines,manufacturing and jobs offshore.
mass production.
The picture depicts the unity of each nation towards the betterment of the world, Its borders are
recognized by other countries but globalization makes a big different especially in the politics.
Aside from what were mentioned above, Identify three institutions that govern international relations
and write short descriptions.
Answer the question- How can the challenges of global governance be eliminated or atleast be
Global governance has two challenges these are the Traditional challenges that generally be described
as invasion by other countries which for me can eliminated through Neoliberal economics or neoliberal
capitalism it focuses on free trade and dismantling trade barriers,free trade was seen as the ideal way to
eliminate the so called traditional challenge because the best economy is one where is a free trade
everywhere, it also requires the state to cooperate in the global market through the free flow of capital,
the privatization of services and fiscal austerity.
Secondly, the Challenges from national or Identity movements upon reading the module this can be
eliminated or at least be alleviated through the Peace treaties alliances such as the United Nations
where in the main purpose of this organization is to provide peace and unity in every nation.
Moreover, UN offered different programs such as UNICEF its primary goals is to help children around the
world,SDGs In economic issues its main focus is the reduction of global inequality, UNEP addresses
environmental issues, IPCC aims to mitigate climate change through assessments of climate, ICJ usually
referred as the World Court.
Based from the picture below, what do you think the North and south pertains to?
The picture depicts the difference between south and north which means north are those second world
countries joined either the first world or the third world wherein they are privilege and with greater
economy and political power while south are those majority world where in crisis is rampant and
described as wretchedly poor place by Colin Clar.
Take Action!
Nowadays, Global relations is still on its process to emerged as one why? Different countries,
organization and even peace makers are having a hard time in nurturing the mind of every leaders it’s
because there are beliefs, own political ways or even own practices that they stand for.
New terms alone were insufficient to bring changes despite the aspirations and efforts of many people
still it was dived in to two the well privilege and terribly poor so as we continue to unite the global
relations one thing is for sure, It will take decades.