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Pubic Rami Fractures in The Elderly - A Neglected Injury?

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Original article | Published 19 September 2013, doi:10.4414/smw.2013.

Cite this as: Swiss Med Wkly. 2013;143:w13859

Pubic rami fractures in the elderly – a neglected

Patrick Studer, Norbert Suhm, Björn Zappe, Nicolas Bless, Marcel Jakob

Department of Traumatology University Hospital Basel, Switzerland

Summary pelvic fractures. The overall incidence of a pelvic ring frac-

ture is 20–37/100,000 per year [5]. The incidence rises to
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the patient characteristics and 92/100,000 per year when considering people >65 years
natural history of pubic rami fractures in geriatric patients, only [6]. In this age group fractures typically are associated
with a special focus on the frequency of concomitant pos- with pre-existing osteoporosis [7]. Osteoporosis and falls
terior pelvic ring lesions and the percentage of secondarily increase with age. With respect to demographic changes,
operated patients as a result of conservative treatment fail- the incidence of these fractures will increase even more [8].
ure. Therefore prevention and treatment of osteoporosis are of
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. Patients major interest and research in this field has led to devel-
were treated in a university hospital that is equivalent to a opment of new drugs and therapeutic strategies in recent
level I Trauma centre. years [9, 10]. Nevertheless, osteoporotic fractures represent
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analysed 132 consecut- a substantial portion in orthopaedic trauma surgery.
ive patients (113 women, 19 men), >65 years old, present- Pubic rami fractures are classified as fractures of the an-
ing with low energy-trauma pubic rami fractures at our terior pelvic ring and from a biomechanical point of view
emergency department from January 2009 to December they are considered stable fractures that allow full weight
2011. bearing. As a consequence conservative treatment consist-
RESULTS: Mean age of patients was 84 years (range ing of analgesia and mobilisation with weight bearing as
66–100). Women were affected six times more frequently tolerated is generally applied. Contrary to this, is the exper-
than men. Almost 30% of patients lost their previous in- ience that for many patients, even under strong analgesics,
dependence permanently owing to the injury. Ninety eight early mobilisation often is not possible or insufficient and
percent of previously independent patients (community hospitalisation becomes necessary. Different authors poin-
dwellers) required temporary hospital care for a median ted out that isolated fractures of the anterior pelvic ring are
duration of 39 days (interquartile range [IQR] 28–52). One- rare. A coexistent lesion of the posterior pelvic ring is typ-
year mortality was 18.5%. A concomitant posterior pelvic ical [11–13]. Assessment of the posterior pelvic ring with
ring lesion was identified by computed tomography in 54% iliosacral joints and sacrum is difficult on a standard X-
of patients. In 4% of the patients secondary operative frac- ray of the pelvis (fig. 1a); hence injuries of the posteri-
ture stabilisation was performed. or pelvic ring are frequently missed. At this time the de-
DISCUSSION: Pubic rami fractures are frequently associ- tection of concomitant anterior and posterior pelvic ring
ated with concomitant posterior pelvic ring injuries, mak- injuries is typically done by computer tomography (CT),
ing these injuries more unstable than generally assumed. whereas a lesion of the posterior pelvic ring is a frequent
Based on this fact and the long duration of hospital stay, finding (fig. 1b). With other words a relevant proportion
more aggressive management of these injuries may be con- of conventionally classified pubic rami fractures in real-
sidered. The principle aims in this patient population are
satisfying pain management, early mobilisation, conserva-
tion of independence and return to previous place of resid-

Key words: pubic rami fractures; pelvic fracture; elderly;


Figure 1
Pubic rami fractures in the elderly often occur as a result of a) Difficult assessment of the posterior pelvic ring on standard x-ray.
a low-energy trauma, typically a fall from standing height b) CT-scan of the same patient reveals bilateral fracture of the lateral
mass of the sacrum.
[1–4]. These fractures represent the most frequent type of

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ity comprise a posterior lesion making the injury substan- on standard pelvic X-ray in a.p.-projection were screened.
tially more unstable. This may explain failure of conservat- Fifty patients were excluded: 10 patients sustained a high
ive treatment with persistent or even progressive pain and energy trauma, 24 patients showed concomitant acetabular
immobilisation after more than four to six weeks. In ad- fracture, 4 patients suffered pathologic fracture, and 12
dition to the conventional plate and screw fixation, recent patients presented with additional fractures caused by the
literature reports some descriptions of alternative operat- same the accident.
ive techniques for pelvic ring fractures in the elderly like
ramoplasty and sacroplasty where the injuries are treated Baseline characteristics of patients
with bone cement [14, 15]. These techniques are based on Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of patients. Aver-
the principle known from vertebroplasty for the treatment age age was 83.5 years (women 83.7, men 82.5). Women
of vertebral compression fractures. The reason for the re- were affected 6 times more often than men (113 women, 19
port on such techniques is probably based on the fact that men). Median Charlson Co-morbidity Index in 132 patients
unsatisfying courses of these injuries are more common was 1.5 (0–9) [17].
than generally assumed. But overall there is little literature Ninety-one (69%) patients were living independently in
about epidemiology, length of hospital stay, functional out- their own home, 37 (28%) patients were living in nursery
come and mortality due to these injuries [16]. The purpose home (NH), 1 patient came from a psychiatric hospital and
of this study was based on the question of whether pelvic for 3 patients we don’t know their previous place of resid-
ring fractures from low-energy trauma in geriatric patients ency.
are underdiagnosed and undertreated or not. To answer this
question we were interested in epidemiologic data from Percentage of patients with concomitant posterior
elderly patients with low-energy pelvic ring fractures. Fur- pelvic ring injury confirmed by CT-scan
thermore, we were especially interested in the frequency of In seventy (53%) patients a primary CT-scan of the pelvis
concomitant posterior pelvic ring lesions, the percentage of was carried out in addition to the standard X-ray of the
patients for whom surgery was indicated due to conservat- pelvis on the basis of the above mentioned criteria (dorsal
ive treatment failure, and if earlier surgical treatment may pain and/or local tenderness). In thirty-eight (54%) patients
be appropriate. a fracture of the posterior pelvic ring, mostly of the massa
lateralis, was present.
Patients and methods
Failure of conservative treatment/primary operative
The present work represents a retrospective, descriptive treatment
study approved by the local ethics committee. From Janu- No patient received primary operative fracture stabilisa-
ary 2009 to December 2011 all consecutive patients with tion. Secondary operative fracture stabilisation was per-
pubic rami fractures presenting at our emergency depart- formed in 5 (4%) of 132 patients. Indication for surgery
ment of a level I trauma centre have been screened. Further was based on failure of conservative treatment what we
inclusion criteria were age >65 years and low-energy defined as persisting or even increasing pain causing im-
trauma. Exclusion criteria were coexistent fractures in oth- mobilisation after more than four to six weeks. In these
er regions of the body, high-energy trauma, acetabular frac- situations we proceeded as follows: a CT-scan was per-
tures, and pathological fractures by tumours. The diagnosis formed to analyse the pelvic fracture pattern. In the case
of pubic ramus fracture has been confirmed by standard of a concomitant posterior pelvic ring injury we indicated
pelvic X-ray in a.p.-projection. During the observation surgical stabilisation of the fracture. We therefore used per-
period additional imaging in the form of a pelvic CT-scan cutaneous iliosacral screw fixation for the stabilisation of
was performed in case of posterior pelvic ring pain as men- the posterior pelvic ring [13] combined, if necessary, with
tioned by the patient himself or in case of local tender- a plate osteosynthesis of the anterior pelvic ring. Surgery
ness in the clinical examination, although this guideline was not performed before six weeks after injury. Operat-
was not strictly followed. As study parameters were collec- ive treatment consisted of CT-guided percutaneous iliosac-
ted: age; sex; place of residence before injury; duration of ral screw fixation without bone cement augmentation in
acute hospital stay; place of residence after acute hospital all five patients. In 4 cases the intervention was performed
stay; additional imaging (CT and/ or MRI); if CT-scan was after 6 weeks and in one case after 12 weeks. In two of
performed, could a lesion on the posterior pelvic ring be the five cases an additional anterior pelvic ring stabilisation
identified (yes or no); Charlson comorbidity index (CCI); using plates and screws was performed. All these patients
mortality after 30 days and one year mortality. Follow-up gained considerable and rapid pain relief due to the stabil-
data were obtained by telephone interviews with the pa-
tient, or relatives, or primary care provider. Patient data Table 1: Baseline characteristics.
were maintained confidentially, analysed anonymously and Age (y) 83.5 (IQR 66–100)
an accordant commitment for confidentiality was signed by Gender, n (%) women 113 (85.6%)
all authors. Gender, n (%) men 19 (14.4%)
Charlson comorbidity index 1.5 (0–9)

Results Residence before injury

Own home, n (%) 91 (69%)
Between January 2009 and December 2011, 182 patients Nursing home, n (%) 37 (28%)
older than 65 years with pubic rami fractures diagnosed Others, n (%) 4 (3%)

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Original article Swiss Med Wkly. 2013;143:w13859

isation of the pelvic ring and immediate mobilisation was ce. We could show that 98% of previous community dwell-
possible. ers in our cohort needed a hospital stay for a mean duration
of 39 days which is significantly longer than stated by other
Length of hospital stay authors [2, 18–24]. Baseline characteristics of our patient
From 37 patients admitted from a nursing home 28 (75.7%) cohort with a mean age of 83.5 years and a mortality rate
were returned back there the same day. Four patients of 18.5% correspond to those known from geriatric patients
(10.8%) were transferred to a rehabilitation facility with with proximal femur fractures [25–29]. The latter are in ex-
acute medical care and five patients (13.5%) stayed at the
university hospital for two days on average before return-
ing to the nursing home. Of the 91 patients coming from
their own home only 2 (2.2%) of them were treated on an
outpatient basis, while the other 89 patients needed hospit-
al care. Median length of stay was 39 days (IQR 28–52).

Mortality and place of residence one year after injury

Table 2 shows one-year mortality and changes in residen-
tial status. Of the 132 patients 2 patients were lost during
follow-up. Of the remaining 130 patients 24 (18.5%) pa-
tients died within the first year. Four (12.5%) out of these
24 patients died within 30 days after injury (one on day 1,
one after 2 days, one after 4 days, and one after 26 days)
due to exacerbation of underlying cardiovascular disease.
Of the remaining 106 patients the residential status 1 year
after injury was as follows: 59 patients lived at their own
home, 46 patients were institutionalised in a nursing home
(NH), and one patient in an assisted living centre.


This retrospective study showed that coexistent posterior

pelvic ring fractures in elderly patients with diagnosed pu-
bic rami fractures due to low-energy trauma are frequent.
As a consequence these fractures are substantially more un-
stable resulting in longer periods of immobilisation caused
by pain. Functional impairment means loss of independen-

Figure 3
a) pubic ramus fracture on the left side b) CT scan six weeks after
initial trauma due to increasing pain: There is a fracture of the
Figure 2 massa lateralis on the left and a discontinuation of the cortical bone
Currently used treatment algorithm for pelvic ring fractures in of the massa lateralis on the right c) CT-guided percutaneous
elderly patients. screw fixation d) pelvic X-ray six weeks after surgery.

Table 2: Residential status and mortality.

Residence before injury One-year mortality, n Residence one year after Loss of follow-up
Own home, n (%) 91 (69) 7 59 (55.6)
Nursing home, n (%) 37 (28) 16 46 (43.4)
Others, n (%) 4 (3) 1 1 (1)
Total (n) 132 24 (18.5%) of 130 106 2 (1.5%)

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tensive focus of research for years whereas observance of ficient whereas patients coming from their own home need
pelvic ring fractures in elderly patients is lacking. at least temporary institutionalised care. A second point is
Pennal et al. in 1980 were the first to highlight that a lesion that for nursing home patients the decision where they are
of the anterior pelvic ring must be associated with a pos- transferred to (back to a nursing home versus admission to
terior lesion [11]. The difficulty lies in the detection of pos- an acute hospital) is rather based on insurance reasons (the
terior pelvic ring lesions on standard X-rays where they are Swiss healthcare system in general does not fund rehabilit-
often missed and hence not treated. To get a precise dia- ation for patients who were institutionalised before the in-
gnosis of a pelvic fracture a CT-scan is mandatory. In our jury) rather than on a clinical algorithm.
patient collective a CT-scan in addition to standard pelvic Severe weaknesses of this study are the missing data of
X-ray for primary diagnostics was done in 70 patients. In geriatric assessment (i.e., mobility status, functional status,
54% of cases a posterior injury of the pelvic ring could be evaluation of bone biology) and measure of complications
identified. This corresponds to the results published in lit- (i.e., respiratory infection, urinary tract infection). On the
erature [30–33]. Predictive value of anamnesis and clinical other hand, we believe that our inclusion criteria focusing
examination concerning posterior pelvic ring lesion is con- on pubic rami fracture in patients older than 65 years and
troversial [32, 34]. In our series we only found information low-energy trauma only, are strengths of this study, as is a
about the presence or absence of posterior pelvic ring pain loss of follow-up of only two patients. Including 132 pa-
in 49 of 132 patients. Because of this low number and the tients our study represents one of the larger cohorts focus-
lack of information about the pain (localisation, quantifica- ing on osteoporotic pelvic ring fractures due to low-energy
tion/ score), we decided not to use this information. trauma and is therefore a useful contribution to the very
Henes et al. compared the sensitivity of MRI and CT con- low number of studies available in the literature.
cluding that MRI is significantly more sensitive than CT
for the identification of posterior pelvic ring lesions [35]. Conclusion
However, the question is how extensive primary additional
imaging shall be used? We believe that this depends on A coexistent posterior lesion of the pelvic ring in pubic
treatment strategies. In our sample, the CT had no influence rami fracture is frequent. On standard pelvic X-ray posteri-
on primary therapy. For that reason we will forgo the CT- or lesions are commonly missed and hence pelvic ring frac-
scan for primary diagnostics in our current treatment al- tures tend to be underdiagnosed and undertreated. Regard-
gorithm (fig. 2) that was established as a consequence of ing fracture healing these injuries in general show good
this review. On the other hand, we strongly recommend the results with non-operative treatment, but the time for re-
CT-scan for precise diagnostics and planning when surgical covery is longer than generally assumed.
treatment is considered. Baseline characteristics of elderly patients with pelvic ring
In this study all 132 patients included were primarily sub- fractures are comparable to patients with proximal femur
ject to non-operative treatment. 5 patients (4% ) showed fractures. In contrast to the latter which are extensively dis-
unsuccessful evolution with persistant pain and impaired cussed in literature, pelvic ring fractures in geriatric pa-
mobility 4 to 6 weeks after injury. In all these patients sec- tients lacks observance.
ondary operative treatment with osteosynthesis by percu- With respect to the results of this study, a more aggressive
taneous iliosacral screw fixation (all 5 cases) and additional approach for the treatment of geriatric patients with pelvic
anterior plating (2 cases) was performed (fig. 3). Neverthe- ring fractures may be appropriate. One possibility is the
less, a comparison of these 5 cases to conservatively treated use of new drugs with the with the aim of accelerated frac-
patients is inappropriate due to the low number of patients ture healing like parathyroid hormone 1‒84 as presented by
operated and the fact that patients were not initially oper- Peichl et al. [36]. Early surgical therapy by minimal invas-
ated on. Furthermore, it was not a purpose of this study to ive techniques that have low morbidity and are based on the
compare conservative and surgical treatment of these injur- results of systematically deployed CT-scans may be con-
ies. Scheyerer et al. reported operative treatment in 30% of sidered as well. To further compare these treatment options,
cases, whereas patients from all ages and origin of trauma a prospective randomised study with adequate geriatric as-
(high- and low-energy) were included [30]. Alost et al. sub- sessment, osteoporosis work-up and well defined function-
divided patients into those >65 years and <65 years but al outcome parameters would be necessary.
they did not differentiate between low- and high-energy
traumas [3]. To sum up, the literature about operative treat-
ment for geriatric pelvic ring fractures from low-energy Funding / potential competing interests: No financial support
trauma is limited. Furthermore, authors often do not distin- and no other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article
guish between the age of the patients and the mechanism of were reported.

injury making the studied patient cohorts extremely hetero-

genic. Correspondence: Patrick Studer, MD, Department of
Traumatology, Spitalstrasse 21, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland,
Another interesting finding of our study was the fact that
the proportion of patients treated on an outpatient basis
was much higher for patients coming from a nursing home
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Figures (large format)

Figure 1
■■■ Caption needed ■■■

Figure 2
Currently used treatment algorithm for pelvic ring fractures in elderly patients.

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Figure 3
a) pubic ramus fracture on the left side b) CT scan six weeks after initial trauma due to increasing pain: There is a fracture of the massa lateralis
on the left and a discontinuation of the cortical bone of the massa lateralis on the right c) CT-guided percutaneous screw fixation d) pelvic X-ray
six weeks after surgery.

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