VRIOGS 013.4 ICT Nomenclature Specification

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Victorian Rail Industry Operators Group Standards

VRIOGS 013.4

ICT Nomenclature Specification


Issue Date: 15/6/2012



Document Developer

VRIOG Steering

Accredited Rail Operator

Metropolitan Train

Interstate Train


Department of

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The Standard has been created through the collaboration of members of the Victorian Rail
Industry Operators’ Group (VRIOG) for the purpose of establishing standards which, if
implemented throughout the Victorian Rail Network, will facilitate the interoperability of
The use of the Standard is not prescribed by law but, if adopted, it is expected that users will
conform with the provisions of the Standard so that the purpose of the Standard can be

The Standard is published by Public Transport Victoria for information purposes only and does
not amount to any kind of advice.
Each person is responsible for making his or her own assessment of all such information and
for verifying such information. The content of this publication is not a substitute for
professional advice.
Public Transport Victoria and VRIOG accept no liability for any loss or damage to any person,
howsoever caused, for information contained in this publication, or any purported reliance

© Public Transport Victoria 2012
This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance
with the provisions of the Copyright Act.
Where information or material is so used, it should be used accurately and the Standard should
be acknowledged as the source of the information.

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Contents Page





4.1 Purpose 11
4.2 Document Scope 11
4.3 Outcomes 12
4.4 Design Authority and Consultation Requirements 13
5.1 VicTrack Cable Records Compatibility 15
5.2 Distinction from cables of other systems 16
5.3 Numbering Uniqueness 16
5.4 Cable Capacities 17
5.5 Signal Identification Uniqueness 18
5.6 Simplification of Cable and Component Types 18
5.7 Ease of Interpreting Cable, Pathway and Space Labels 19
5.8 Cable Label Size 19
5.9 Data Hierarchy 19
5.10 Patches and Jumpers 20
5.11 DC Power Distribution and Control Multicores 20
5.12 Multi-dropped Cables 21
6.1 Introduction 22
6.2 Locations 22
6.3 Containers 23
6.4 Components 23
6.5 Basis of Nomenclature 24
7.1 Level 1 Locations (Region) 25
7.2 Level 2 Locations (Functional Area/Building) 25
7.3 Level 3 Locations (Sub-Area) 26
7.4 Location Alias Code Attributes 27
8.1 Pathway Definition 28

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8.2 Inter-site VicTrack Pathways 28
8.3 Intra-Site Distribution Pathways 28
9.1 Pits and Outdoor Structures 29
9.2 Racks 31
9.3 Distribution Boxes/Cabinets (including with active equipment) 33
10.1 Patch Panels and Distribution Frames 35
10.2 Cable Identification - VicTrack Cables 37
10.3 Cable Identification in Site Distribution Records 37
10.4 Allocation of Cable Type Identifiers in Line Numbers 39
11.1 Equipment Identifier Format 40
11.2 Standard Equipment Identifiers 41
12.1 Pathways 42
12.2 Fixed Cables 43
12.3 Patch Cords and Fly Leads 44
12.4 Containers (Enclosures and Structures) 44
12.5 Distributors 46
12.6 Wall Outlets 46
13.1 Scope 48
13.2 Cable Records Sheet 48
13.3 Distribution Frame Records 49
13.4 Patch Records 49
13.5 Schematic Drawings 50
13.6 Layout Drawings 51
13.7 Master Record Index 52
13.8 IP Address List 52


15.1 System Codes 54
15.2 Standard Equipment Identifiers 55
16.1 Example Cable Record List 58
16.2 Example Wiring Drawing Showing Typical Elements 58
16.3 Example Patch Record Sheet 58

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16.4 IDF Record Sheet 58

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Tables Page

Table 1 - Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 9

Table 2 - Nomenclature Conventions ................................................................................................................ 10
Table 3 - Designation of Code Components ..................................................................................................... 10
Table 4 - Level 2 Location Codes ...................................................................................................................... 26
Table 5 - Level 3 Location Codes ...................................................................................................................... 27
Table 6 - Container Codes - Pit and Structure .................................................................................................. 30
Table 7 - Alias Codes - System Racks .............................................................................................................. 32
Table 8 - Container ID Codes and Aliases ........................................................................................................ 34
Table 9 - Panel and Frame Identification Codes ............................................................................................... 36
Table 10 - Panel and Frame Numbering Ranges.............................................................................................. 36
Table 11 - Cable Type Identification Codes ...................................................................................................... 40
Table 12 - System Owner Codes ...................................................................................................................... 41
Table 13 - Nomenclature Codes - Systems ...................................................................................................... 54
Table 14 - Nomenclature Codes - Equipment ................................................................................................... 57

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1. Words or phrases that appear capitalised out of context are defined within the
Definitions section of this VRIOG Standard.

2. The word “Shall” is to be understood as mandatory.

3. The word “Should” is to be understood as non-mandatory; i.e. advisory or


4. Uncontrolled Standards may not be referenced within the VRIOG Standards.

These include former PTC Standards, Franchisee Standards, Franchisee
Subcontractor Standards and Infrastructure Lessee Standards.

5. Controlled Standards, including Australian Standards and other VRIOG Standards,

may be referenced but only if:

• The referenced item can not be adequately explained with an amount of text that
could reasonably be inserted into the body of the Standard.

• The reader is not referenced to another Controlled Standard necessary for the
item to be adequately explained; i.e. one document link only.

• The referenced document is a Figure or Table and could not reasonably be

included in the appendices of the Standard.

6. The numbering system for the VRIOG Standards is chronologically sequential from
the point of introduction, and is not based on any form of interpretive system.

7. VRIOG Standards will not contain any information that can be construed as a work
instruction, procedure, process or protocol. This information forms the basis of
each individual entity’s Safety Accreditation Certification, and, as such, is outside
the scope of VRIOG Standards.

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Terminology used and/or applied in this Standard is defined in Error! Reference source not
found. below:

ACMA Australian Communications and Media Authority
ARO Accredited Rail Operator (eg: MTM, V/Line, Yarra Trams)
AS Australian Standard
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CER Communications Equipment Room
CHP Customer Help Point

CM Connect Master (VT’s current Cable Record System

Contractor The party or organisation contracted to execute this
specification. This could technically be a sub-contractor or
sub-sub-contractor to a Head Contractor, Project Manager,
or Franchisee.
DC Direct Current
Design Authority The Transport ICT Infrastructure Group Manager within
Public Transport Victoria.
DIN German Standards Institute standard relay mounting rail
DOT Department of Transport
ELV Extra Low Voltage (<60V DC or <60V rms AC)
HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface
ICT Information and Communications Technology
IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP Internet Protocol
LAN Local Area Network
MDF Main Distribution Frame
MTM Metro Trains Melbourne
OCS Operational Control Systems
‘provide’ Supply, install, connect, configure, commission, and include
in as-built documentation.
PTV Public Transport Victoria

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Superintendent The party responsible for superintending the station works
contract as defined in project “Conditions of Contract”
‘this specification’ This document, in conjunction with all referenced
specifications for ICT systems.
TTA Transport Ticketing Authority
VT VicTrack
WAN Wide Area Network
Table 1 - Definitions

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The nomenclature conventions used and/or applied in this Standard are defined in Table 3
Error! Reference source not found. below:
Code Format Application
X Alpha Location, Container, Pathway and Cable code generic designator
Y Alpha Location and Container Alias generic designator
U Alpha VRIOGS Location Code – UP Direction
D Alpha VRIOGS Location Code – DOWN Direction
V Alpha Level 1 VRIOGS Location Codes
N Numeric Sequential number for location, container, duct or cable, when used with
generic ‘XX’ alpha designator
n Numeric Sequential number for container, duct or cable, when used with alpha prefix
C Alpha Prefix designating cable use in Communications application
E Alpha Prefix designating cable use in Electrical application
S Alpha Prefix designating cable use in Signalling application
A Alpha Prefix designating cable use in SCADA application
Table 2 - Nomenclature Conventions

The designator formats used and/or applied in this Standard are defined in Table 3 Error!
Reference source not found. below:
Name Type Format Reference
Location Code Level 1 Alpha VVV 7.1
Location Code Level 2 Alphanumeric XXNNN Table 4

Location Code Level 3 Alphanumeric XXNNN Table 5

VicTrack Inter-site Pathway Alphanumeric UUU DDD X NNN 8.2.1, 1.1.1, 0
Line Identifiers
VicTrack Inter-site Pathway Alphanumeric DNNNN 8.2.2
Section Identifiers
Intrasite Distribution Alphanumeric VVV XXNNN XXNNN XNN 1.1.1
Pathway Code
Container Code – Alphanumeric XXNNN Table 6
Container Code – Racks Alphanumeric VVV XXNNN XXNNN RK-XNN 9.2.2
Alias Codes – Racks Alphanumeric XXXNN Table 7
Distribution Box/Cabinet Alphanumeric XX NN Y B
Container ID Codes/Aliases Alpha XX Table 8
Panel/Frame ID Codes Alphanumeric XX Table 9
Equipment Identifier Alphanumeric VVV-XXXnNNN Table 13
Table 3 - Designation of Code Components

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4.1 Purpose

4.1.1 This document specifies the requirements for labelling and identification of ICT, OCS
and VicTrack network cabling and equipment in the rail environment (including both
trams and metropolitan and regional rail):
a. On the physical installation.
b. In cable, distributor and patch schedules and records.
c. On drawings.

4.1.2 It should be read in conjunction with the following documents:

a. Project-specific ICT and OCS System Specification: (All parts).
b. VicTrack standards in relation to VicTrack infrastructure.

4.1.3 The intended audience is:

a. Consultants and Designers specifying ICT and OCS infrastructure and
producing drawings and schedules as part of rail construction projects.
b. Contractors and their installers producing “Issue for Construction” and as-built
documentation as part of rail construction projects.
c. Rail operator installers and maintainers and their contractors.

4.1.4 This document is not currently applicable to taxi, bus and ferry operators’ site
distribution due to absence of infrastructure and technically not being part of the Rail
Industry covered by VRIOGS; however, it does apply to VicTrack’s network
infrastructure serving those operators.

4.2 Document Scope

4.2.1 This document details the following aspects of identification for all rail
Telecommunications, Operational Control Systems and ICT Systems:
a. Standard nomenclature.
b. Labels for cables, spaces, distributors and equipment.
c. Cable Records.
d. Details to be included on drawings.

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4.3 Outcomes

4.3.1 The objective of this document is to standardise the identification of cables,

terminations and equipment across all drawings and records in a way which allows
future migration of all fixed indoor and outdoor cabling and network records to an
automated Cable Records Database held by the respective infrastructure custodian,
or maintained by VicTrack as a managed service on behalf of any infrastructure

4.3.2 VicTrack operates a Cable Records Database system as its cable and network
connectivity records platform. VicTrack has established a set of nomenclature
standards as part of its Cable Records Database environment.

4.3.3 This document specifies a nomenclature hierarchy, format and content the same as
that used by VicTrack to the extent that the same locations and generic infrastructure
are being described. This will support a shared or parallel implementation of a Cable
Records Database for the purpose of:
a. facilitating data interfacing and merging with VicTrack records to achieve end-
to-end service views.
b. sharing of product knowledge, training, and templates between Accredited Rail
Operators (AROs).
c. sharing or transfer of skilled resources between AROs.
d. achieving consistent naming of infrastructure in shared spaces such as
equipment rooms.
e. facilitating the migration of all records to a single VicTrack Cable Records
database, should that be a future development.

4.3.4 Other anticipated outcomes of implementing this document include:

a. Compatibility of records between AROs (even prior to automation and/or
management by VicTrack).
b. Consistent labelling and interpretation of ICT assets.
c. Consistent interpretation of drawing content and labels assigned within
d. Contractors having experience with one ARO are able to understand and allow
for requirements of other AROs.
e. Compliance with Australian and International identification standards.
f. Structuring of patch, IDF and cable record data in a consistent format which
allows conversion to database tables and import into VicTrack Cable Records
Database with minimal need for manual manipulation of data.

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4.3.5 It is recognized that AROs will also operate Asset Management Databases and fault
tracking systems. There are constraints imposed on Asset Management by the
requirement for PASS Assets interfaces. It may not be possible to structure the data
for Cable and Network records in exactly the same manner as Asset Management
Databases, while still maintaining VicTrack Cable Records Database compatibility for
data merging or sharing. As a result:
a. one field (the unique cable number or distributor identifier) shall intentionally be
the same in both Asset Management Databases and Cable Records to create a
one-to-one data relationship between the data sets.
b. where possible, the same format, data string and maximum field character
length will be used in both Asset Management Databases and Cable Records
to facilitate automatic population of Asset Management Databases with data
generated in Cable Records.
c. equipment records may not be fully compatible between Asset Management
Databases and Cable Records due to one equipment item in Cable Records
potentially comprising a number of separate and distinct line replaceable units
which would be treated as separate assets.

4.3.6 Locations (defined in clauses 6.2 and Section 7.0) will be consistently and rigorously
defined for all Telecommunications, Operational Control Systems and ICT Systems.
a. One DMS drawing in the “L-series” set shall be produced to define the
boundaries of Level 2 and Level 3 locations across a specific site from the site
distribution perspective, to be updated as and when projects result in changes
to the physical site layout.

4.3.7 This nomenclature specification and associated distribution boundaries shall only
apply for Telecommunications, Operational Control Systems and ICT Systems. The
requirements for other systems are different and incompatible. The following are
specifically excluded from scope:
a. Electrical distribution (traction or site Low Voltage power)
b. Signalling

4.3.8 All items indicated in any project specification Contract Data Requirements List
(CDRL) to be delivered pre-implementation shall be developed as part of the detailed
design activity. Upon installation and commissioning completion, and as part of final
site acceptance, these shall all be delivered by the Contractor as as-built drawings.

4.4 Design Authority and Consultation Requirements

4.4.1 The Team Leader Transport ICT Infrastructure within Public Transport Victoria (PTV),
retains the Design Authority (DA) on all station OCS projects and shall be directly
involved in all scope change decisions and technical information exchanges
throughout the project lifecycle.

4.4.2 Liaison with PTV's Transport ICT Infrastructure team regarding design and delivery of
the infrastructure shall be instigated by the Contractor regarding:
a. review of “Issue for Construction” records and drawings prior to their issue,
b. installation inspections, and
c. as-built documentation review.

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5.1 VicTrack Cable Records Compatibility

5.1.1 The long-term vision for cable records and associated nomenclature is the
achievement of end-to-end traceability of any site terminal device interface to its head
end interface via the VT network. Records shall be in a form which can be entered or
imported into VicTrack Cable Records without clashing with nomenclature already
assigned by VT.
a. This is expected to be achieved by making VT the custodian of all cable record
data at some point in the future.
b. In the interim, the structure of any interim ARO cable databases shall be such
that data fields required by VicTrack Cable Records to achieve this outcome
may be imported on a non-real-time daily update basis overnight.
c. Prior to the implementation of any databases, the identification nomenclature
used and fields retained in interim spreadsheet cable records shall be formatted
in such a way that the data may be imported from spreadsheet fields into a
VicTrack Cable Records compatible database without the need for re-formatting
or conversion of data.
d. These principles will apply to TTA communications cabling for ticketing.

5.1.2 Where VT has already assigned nomenclature conventions, they should be copied to
site distribution cabling. Variations to accommodate additional site distribution (OCS
and ICT) cable and location types should use the same format and principles.

5.1.3 Cable Record Sheets shall contain the same attribute and location field data which
would be entered into VicTrack Cable Records or a compatible database, to facilitate
future automated import.

5.1.4 Three levels of location data (refer to clause 6.2) and the concept of containers (refer
to clause 6.3) shall be used by all site distribution Cable Records (spreadsheet or
database) to align with VicTrack Cable Records definitions.

5.1.5 Identifiers for the following shall be unique within the Level 1 location or “Region”
(refer to clause 6.2) corresponding to an assigned 3-Alphabetic Character code (for
any ARO or third party items):
a. Level 2 Locations (refer to clause 6.2)
b. Container Aliases (refer to clause 6.3)
c. Cables
d. Distributors
e. Equipment

5.1.6 Note the requirements of 5.1.5 a) and b) above regarding uniqueness of Location and
Container Identifiers require the person or system doing the assigning of identifier

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numbers to know all assignments already made by all parties within a Level 1
Region, or work within pre-assigned number ranges.

5.2 Distinction from cables of other systems

5.2.1 The identifier for all telecommunications, OCS and ICT cables covered by this
specification shall have a “C” (for “communications”) prefix to distinguish cable
numbers from other systems covered by different nomenclature standards suited to
those systems.

5.2.2 Identification used for other systems shall have a prefix character relating to that
system. Examples include:
a. “E” for electrical power
b. “S” for signalling
c. “A” for SCADA automation data

5.3 Numbering Uniqueness

5.3.1 For VT cabling which runs between sites (between regions or within a Region), a 5-
digit identification number unique to the cable within the whole range of sites covered
by VicTrack’s Cable Records (potentially all Victorian rail sites) shall be assigned.

5.3.2 For Metropolitan and Regional site distribution cabling, a 5-digit number unique to
that Region (Level 1 Location) shall be assigned.
a. For the purposes of future data importation and merging, 10,000 number
ranges are standardised within each region for the respective ARO’s (MTM, V-
Line, TTA and others).
b. Auto-numbering shall be constrained to operate within the assigned ranges for
each operator.
c. The Region boundary for the VRIOGS 3-letter code shall be as defined by VT in
VicTrack Cable Records.
(1) Generally this will be from the UP end of the platform closest to Flinders
St Station (at the station of the same name as the VRIOG 3-alpha code)
to the UP end of the closest platform of the next station DOWN the line.
(2) There are exceptions where infrastructure (such as a substation)
historically identified as part of a station lies beyond the UP end of the
station with the same name. Flinders St Station as rail network centre has
a custom definition.

5.3.3 Alias identifiers unique to systems reflecting existing systems nomenclature and
practices may be used within station distribution for locations and containers which
are later mapped as an attribute to generic database identifiers.

5.3.4 Distributor and equipment identification shall be unique to the Region (Level 1
a. The same identifier for any specific rack, frame, patch panel and the like shall
be used by all operators to ensure that interfaces between operators are
consistently recorded and suitable for merging of data sets.

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b. Where the method of assignment described in this specification results in
ambiguity due to site specific conditions, the unique naming shall be resolved
by consultation and agreement between all operators prior to “Issue for
Construction” documentation.

5.3.5 The only relationship between physical items and numbering will be by virtue of the
order of entry into auto-numbered asset (distributor and equipment) lists.

5.3.6 The data entry process for manual Cable Record spreadsheets allows all the cable
data to be entered, then sorted by application or other attributes prior to the
application of an auto-generated list of numbers, resulting in contiguous numbers for
the elements with the same attributes.

5.4 Cable Capacities

5.4.1 VT cable records are confined to copper cables constructed and terminated in pairs,
and single mode fibre cables terminated and spliced in simplex circuits and

5.4.2 Cable records, termination templates and distributor or terminal block records for site
distribution shall allow for a mix of the following cables and terminations:
a. Multimode optical fibre cable terminated and patched in LC-duplex pairs.
b. Multimode fibre terminated in LC-duplex pairs, but with only one strand used.
c. Multimode fibre terminated in (legacy) simplex ST connectors in single cores.
d. Single-mode optical fibre terminated as individual cores to simplex SC-APC
connectors, and used as single core based signals or duplex circuits.
e. Single-core copper conductors (as used for power distribution and earthing).
f. Multi-core copper conductors terminated and used as individual conductors (as
used for ELV power distribution, and selected security and control applications).
g. Copper paired cable of twisted pair construction, terminated as pairs.
h. Copper two-conductor cable, terminated and used in pairs carrying a single
i. Coaxial cable (both single- and multi-core).
j. Specialist cables combining a mix of conductors or many conductors for a
single signal interface (such as Cat6 plug ended cable, HDMI, data buses).

5.4.3 Cable capacities shall be expressed as pairs, conductors (cores) or complete

assemblies to match the way they are terminated and used to carry signals.

5.4.4 Where a cable comprising a pair or group of conductors terminates a single signal,
the cable shall be recorded with its signal as a single entity and record field.
a. A Cat6 4-pair cable terminated in 8P8C sockets at both ends shall be a single
b. A Cat6 cable terminated at one or both ends in a pair-managed insulation
displacement module with each pair individually accessible and jumperable
shall have the cable recorded as four paired connections with individual signals

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c. A 3-core (+, - and earth) power cable for a single DC voltage would be recorded
as terminating at the source on a single breaker or supply number, and at the
sink on a single terminal set, with individual conductor terminations being
assigned subscripts a, b, and c.

5.5 Signal Identification Uniqueness

5.5.1 The exact same terms shall be used to describe a signal (or “Service Details”)
through patch records from the start to the end point.
a. To facilitate this, the “Service Details” should be entered once and then copied
and pasted (as plain text) to all other appearances within the records.
b. For example, if a CHP relay circuit is identified in service details as “CHP#1
Relay” at the MDF, the same text shall appear for this signal at both ends of
every jumper through to the CCTV encoder alarm input tail. [NOTE: The signal
does not change name to “Encoder Input 1” at any point.]

5.6 Simplification of Cable and Component Types

5.6.1 In order to keep selection lists short enough for practical purposes, component
templates and defined types shall be restricted to their physical or interface format
and logical connectivity. For example:
a. All UTP modular connector terminations and patch panels shall be designated
by their standard “position” and “contact” format (for example 8P8C), regardless
of their performance category. The performance rating (for example Cat6) and
other details such as shuttering, model number and the like shall be recorded
as attributes (if required).
b. All Cat6 UTP cables shall be considered the one type, with data such as sheath
type (indoor, outdoor), colour, spacer type, manufacturer and the like being
recorded as attributes.
c. Optical fibre cables shall be designated by their core count and performance
grade (such as OS1, OS2, OM1, OM3 or G.652d) only, with data such as
sheath type (indoor, outdoor), colour, spacer type, manufacturer and the like
being recorded as attributes.
d. All cameras with an Ethernet interface shall have the same designation,
regardless of make, model, or application (for instance surveillance, remote
observation, thermal imaging or SPOT functions).
e. A generic Ethernet PoE powered device could be defined to cover a wide range
of less frequently used devices having the same connectivity. This might
include sensors, wireless access points, data loggers, remote control terminals
and the like.
f. All outdoor cabinets shall have the same designation, with the application,
system, size, mounting and the like being attribute data.

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5.7 Ease of Interpreting Cable, Pathway and Space Labels

5.7.1 Identification labels affixed to cables, containers, distributors and equipment shall
comprise a concatenated string of location, identifier and attribute data contained in
separate record fields.

5.7.2 Identifier type prefixes, aliases and attributes shall be based on text acronyms of
restricted field length such that any label can readily be identified by inspection on
site without having to refer to schedules or look up tables.
a. Wholly numeric codes requiring look-up tables for interpretation shall not be
used as attributes or identifiers.
b. Aliases are considered necessary to allow drawings and labels to be confidently
and uniquely assigned around the site without the risk of the data clashing with
existing assignments (thereby causing re-labelling) when site distribution is
captured in a database.

5.8 Cable Label Size

5.8.1 The amount of text (number of characters) in the label must be low enough such that
the text will fit into practical label sizes using a font size (character height) that is
readily readable.

5.8.2 For cables of 6mm and smaller diameter, this is considered to be of the order of 20
characters, which is the default label length.

5.8.3 For cables of over 10mm diameter a larger font and larger label size is possible;
however, the 20 character length target shall be adhered to.

5.8.4 The actual specified length of cable labels is seven characters.

5.9 Data Hierarchy

5.9.1 Every cable termination (distributor) or equipment item (outlet or plug) shall be
defined by a four level position hierarchy comprising:
a. Level 1 [Region]: VRIOGS Location Code (3 letters)
b. Level 2 [Location] (5 character, complete station or railyard precinct, building or
area on or off track corridor, any pole group or pit group outside defined Level 3
c. Level 3 [Area] (5 character room, sub-area, space, wall, roof, or other container
location or mounting position)
d. Level 4 [Container] (4 to 6 character depending on type: pit, mounting pole,
enclosure, wall plate, cabinet, wall box, rack, junction box).
(1) Note that to make cable pathways definitions work in VicTrack Cable
Records, pathways must start and end at containers. In rare instances,
this may require a wall or mounting surface to be assigned a container
(2) Terminal equipment and its connecting cabling may be defined in
VicTrack Cable Records as simply being installed at a Level 3 location
without a container. Height and position on the wall can be recorded as

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attributes. However poles used as mountings shall always be assigned a
“pole mount” container identifier if a pole number does not already exist
as a result of other functions the pole may have (such as a light pole
(3) Equipment enclosures such as camera housings, Passenger Information
Display enclosures or ticket gate units are regarded as attributes of the
actual equipment contained and shall not be assigned container

5.10 Patches and Jumpers

5.10.1 Patch cords, fly leads and jumpers are considered as un-fixed cable “connections” in
cable record databases and are not assigned numbers in the Cable Records

5.10.2 Patch cord cross-connections shall be recorded in patch cord records in a format
suitable for import as connections into a Cable Record database (including VicTrack
Cable Records).

5.11 DC Power Distribution and Control Multicores

5.11.1 DC power distribution and earth bonding within an enclosure will not be recorded as a
separate cable number in the Cable Record Schedule. It will be treated as a
“connection” in the same manner as fly leads and jumpers.
a. The connections within the enclosure shall only be recorded in a DC distribution
schedule or as part of that enclosure’s “patch record”. Refer to clause 5.11.2.
b. The terminated cabling to field devices outside the enclosure shall be recorded
in the Cable Record Sheet and identified in the same manner as other cables.
(1) Where the cable terminates to power distribution terminals on an
equipment item, the cable conductors shall be recorded as terminating to
the equipment (XXXNNNN ID) and the terminals as labelled on the
equipment or indicated in the equipment manual. (A separate DC
Distribution field identifier shall not be created).
(2) Where the cable terminates to a DC distribution terminal/fuse/circuit
breaker field which is outside and not integral with any power conversion
or distribution pre-manufactured (commercial off the shelf) equipment
item, a DC Distribution field identifier shall be created and all terminals
uniquely numbered as contiguous sequences (eg. 01...NN), with one
number per terminated cable.

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5.11.2 Where the power distribution forms part of a standard assembly (such as a CCTV
Field LAN Switch or Media Converter), the labelling of wire numbers shall match the
numbers used in the standard assembly wiring drawing detail, which will normally be
single or two digit numbers. The numbers will be the same for every assembly of the
same type.

5.11.3 Where terminals terminate a 2C or 2C+E ELV power supply cable, a single terminal
number shall be allocated, with the individual conductors being given A, B, C ...
a. This allows the source or load connecting cable to be recorded as a single
“connection” in the Cable Record System.
b. The convention for identifying (labelling) the physical terminals shall be (where
NN is the two digit terminal number):
(1) NNa: Active polarity
(2) NNb: 0V or “return” polarity
(3) NNc: Earth

5.11.4 Two digit single conductor DC terminal numbers shall be assigned for any single
conductor wired terminals within any enclosure (that terminates single conductor
cables from outside the enclosure).

5.11.5 There will be no distinction in the cable records between the following types:
a. Through terminals or tunnel terminals
b. Lug type terminals
c. Terminals with integral fuse
d. Terminals with disconnection link

5.11.6 Terminals used for terminating the ends of multicore cables where conductors are all
interconnected in pairs or groups (such as relay contacts) should be identified by the
same method as ELV power cables in 5.11.3.

5.12 Multi-dropped Cables

5.12.1 Each run of cable between two devices on a multi-dropped circuit shall be assigned
with a unique cable (“section”) number in the Cable Record System. Typical
examples include RS485 cables, IRIG-B clock circuits, Security “Challenger LAN”.

5.12.2 The following exceptions apply for Public Address wiring:

a. Loop wired loudspeaker cables: A single number shall be assigned for any
single cable run from head end to last speaker.
b. Where a speaker cable run contains branches, each new branch shall have a
single distinct cable number from the branch point to the last speaker in the run.
c. A tee connection to a single speaker or Hearing Loop (AFILS) amplifier input
shall retain the same number as the main run and not be regarded as a branch.

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6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 For the purposes of the nomenclature and any resulting Cable Records system
(manual spreadsheet or database) cabling is defined as constituting:
a. pre-defined standard “components” comprising equipment or cable termination
products, installed to specific attributes within “containers”.
b. containers installed to specific attributes at “locations”.
c. pre-defined standard cable components run via “pathways” comprising
conduits, trays and ducts between containers, to terminate on components at
each end.

6.2 Locations

6.2.1 Locations shall have three levels (as further defined in specification TB-RD_L0100)
which correspond to:
a. Level 1: Region VVV (defined as a section of transport corridor, with 3-letter
VRIOGS location code assigned).
b. Level 2: Functional Area/Building XXNNN (a building or plant item within a
Region, a Railway Station, or Stabling Yard [excluding the buildings inside the
Yard], would be a single Level 2 location).
c. Level 3: Area XXNNN (to provide further specific definition of spaces within
defined Level 2 Locations such as “Railway Station”).
(1) Level 3 locations shall be unique to a Level 2 location.
(2) As a result, numbering of rooms in any new separate building on the
corridor outside an existing Railway Station precinct may be assigned
without reference to identifiers used in existing buildings.
(3) The numbering of rooms in any new, separate building constructed within
an established Railway Station precinct must be assigned with reference
to identifiers used in the existing buildings and continue on from existing
numbering without overlap.

6.2.2 The underlying principle in assigning area boundaries is access.

a. Level 1 Regions require the crossing of defined boundaries as set on maps
held by VT and configured within VicTrack Cable Records.
(1) For regions on the rail corridor, the default boundary of a region with a
specific code is the rail corridor from the UP end of the closest platform of
the next station DOWN from the one with the respective region code, up
to the UP end of the station with that code.
(2) Boundaries may vary from the default where:
 Complexities arise due to line junctions
 Substations or plant associated with a specific station are beyond the
UP end of its platform

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 At Flinders St Station, which has no “UP” ends, being the centre of
the network.
 VT has infrastructure located off-corridor in an area.
b. Access to Level 2 Locations requires:
(1) The crossing of a defined station precinct or local plant geographic
(2) The entering of a separate space enclosed by fences or walls, from within
the Level 1 region. [Exception: within a Stabling Yard, the buildings within
the Yard are separate Level 2 Locations to the space comprising the rest
of the Yard outside the buildings].
c. Level 3 locations are separated from each other by:
(1) A choke point (road or pedestrian), door or gate.
(2) A boundary between any one of road, rail or pedestrian traffic types.

6.2.3 A Level 3 location bounded by structural elements such as walls, a ceiling or canopy
may be recorded as an un-enclosed component location without a specific Container
Identifier being assigned. Exact mounting detail is recorded as component attributes
in such cases. Examples include:
a. Wall- or canopy-mounted CCTV cameras.
b. Canopy- or ceiling-mounted PIDs.
c. Wall- or post-mounted Customer Help Points on platforms.
d. Wall phones.
e. Security sensors.
f. Structured cabling wall outlets.

6.2.4 One drawing in the L-series (telecommunications) set produced for any project shall
show the assignment of Level 2 and Level 3 locations on a suitably scaled Site
Telecommunications Nomenclature Plan.

6.3 Containers

6.3.1 Containers enclose equipment or terminations or act as a fixing point. They may
a. Enclosures such as indoor or outdoor, cabinets, racks, and wall boxes.
b. Pits and specifically identified structures to which components are affixed such
as poles, fences, gantries.

6.3.2 Walls, fences and other spread out items without specific identifiers are simply fixing
points within (or forming part of) localised Level 3 sub-area boundaries.

6.4 Components

6.4.1 Components may include cable, equipment and termination products.

6.4.2 Components have properties (which are always the same for the same generic
component, matching manufacturer data sheets, and only need to be defined once in

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a database). Properties are primarily related to circuit connectivity such as capacity
and performance parameters.

6.4.3 Component attributes distinguish items within a generic class. They may include:
a. Dimensions.
b. Conductor sizes.
c. Materials.
d. Mechanical detail such as locks.
e. Manufacturer/brand, model.
f. Functional variants (for instance PID 2, 4 or 6 line or LCD, wired or wireless)

6.4.4 Component attributes also comprise installation variables such as their physical
installation or usage, location, height, mounting arrangement, system or application
they are used for, installer and installation date.

6.4.5 Electronic equipment components normally comprise complete assemblies of co-

located items. In this respect they differ from “line replaceable units”, “panels” or
“modules” as would be recorded in an asset register or equipment list. Examples of
single components include:
a. LAN switch including base unit or chassis, SFP’s, power supply modules
(maybe main and redundant), interface modules, power cords.
b. Integrated 48V DC rectifier including chassis, DC distribution breakers, multiple
rectifier modules, SNMP monitoring interface, meter display, power cords.
c. Camera including lens, housing, mounting bracket, internal Cat6 outlet and
patch cord.
d. A plug pack or “brick” power supply powering an item in the same container
shall be regarded as part of the equipment. If the power supply is remote or in a
different container it shall be assigned a separate component identifier.

6.5 Basis of Nomenclature

6.5.1 The nomenclature is based on adding to items already set by VicTrack for its
implementation of VicTrack Cable Records, maintaining the same data structure.
a. Where an identifier has been assigned for a location or container by (or for)
VicTrack, the same identifier shall (where possible) be used by other operators.
b. Where different identifiers must be used by individual operators, the
assignments of other operators shall be noted as attribute fields the respective
item records.

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7.1 Level 1 Locations (Region)

7.1.1 The level 1 location shall be the three letter location code assigned in VRIOGS 007.2
Appendix A1 – Location Names and Codes (Trains). For example NME for North

7.2 Level 2 Locations (Functional Area/Building)

7.2.1 For most station sites, this will be the assigned VT codes for the respective building
and/or station structure as an entity on the corridor comprising the Region. It is only
required for the database, but not any labels or records maintained by MTM.

The format is:

[Code XX][number NNN] (2-Alpha + 3-Numeric)

7.2.2 Level 2 locations shall be defined as shown in Table 4:

Level 2 Location Code Used VT CM
as at 2012
Outside Plant: A local area containing a single item or group of OP Y
items of outdoor plant, normally within the rail corridor (but in
some instances maybe a defined area segregated out of RS or SY
Level2 area).
Radio Hut RH Y
Remote Equipment Room (shared by VT with other users) RE Y
Remote Communication Room (exclusively VT) RC Y
Power Infrastructure PI Y
Signalling Infrastructure SI Y
Building (other than PI or SI, such as buildings in a stabling yard BD Y
[in the case of VT, also any customer premises])
Railway Station comprising the entire contiguous area of the RS Y
station (but excluding areas which are separated from the station
by public roads or other private property and thereby separately
accessed). Includes buildings within the station precinct, bridges,
underpasses, car spaces, roads, bus stops, kiss and ride drop off,
Car Park and trafficable roadways, adjoining kerbs, fences and CK N
landscaping outside a primary station precinct and separately
accessed from public streets.
Bus Interchange (or general bus stop area) non-contiguous with a BI N
railway station.
Tram stop TS N
Sidings track roads and stabling yard or rail maintenance depot SY N
area and immediately surrounding fences, vehicular access roads
and walkways [excludes buildings inside the boundary].

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Table 4 - Level 2 Location Codes

7.2.3 Pits located outside defined Level 3 boundaries shall be assigned to a Level 2
“Outside Plant” location.
a. Where pits or poles are located within defined Level 3 sub-areas locations, the
respective Level 3 location is recorded as the location of the respective
assigned Container identifiers.

7.2.4 The numeric (NNN) component shall be assigned via auto-numbering.

a. Lists on spreadsheets should be used to track the assignment of numbers
(and/or attributes on drawing elements) to prevent numbers being repeated.
b. Outdoor cabinets, poles and pits for site distribution (within a Station or Stabling
Yard precinct) shall be identified as Containers within the respective Level 3

7.3 Level 3 Locations (Sub-Area)

7.3.1 Level 3 locations shall be of the form XXNNN (2 alpha, 3 numeric).

7.3.2 Level 3 location boundaries shall be defined by access criteria such as choke points,
doors and gates, walls and fences and natural traffic boundaries on the principles
listed in clause 6.2.1.

7.3.3 Level 3 locations shall be as detailed in Table 5:

Level 3 Location Code Used in VT
CM Now
Exterior mounted cabinet (VT), usually outside other defined MC Y
Level 3 area locations
Equipment Room (shared by VT with other users) ER Y
Communications Room (exclusively for VT) CR Y
Signalling Equipment Room SR Y
Signal Box (VT) usually outside other defined Level 3 area SB Y
MDF Room (primarily for VT third party customer premises MR Y
outside track)
Station Staff Activity Area (includes Station Master and Booking SA Y
Offices, Control Room, secure areas). Excludes public access
Equipment Compound (fenced off area within a Level 2 area). EC Y
Lift LF Y
General Room (waiting rooms, toilets, closets and stairwells not RM Y
covered by Station Activity, Platform, Walkway or
Equipment/Communications Room). All rooms except equipment
and communications rooms in stabling yard buildings.
Platform (identifier to match assigned platform number). Island PL N
platform centre and centre seating area, or items spanning both
sides, to be considered part of the odd numbered platform of the
Walkway – other than platform or car park, includes stairs and WK N
ramps, escalators, concourses, pedestrian bridge (individual
stairs or ramps should be defined as distinct walkway numbers)

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Level 3 Location Code Used in VT
CM Now
Forecourt activity area – Any area not covered by walkways. May FA N
include bicycle lockers, landscaped areas, waiting areas.
Car spaces and parking area (including car spaces, entry/exit CS N
roads, kiss and ride drop off). Separate areas must be defined for
every area having separate vehicular access and non-contiguous
with adjacent car space areas.
Train stabling sub-area. Generally stabling yards have contiguous YA N
roads with one rail access and the entire stabling and rail track
area will be one Level 3 location [= YA001].
Bus Stop comprising a contiguous group of bus bays including BS N
any shelter for that bus stop, concourse and lining up/boarding
Table 5 - Level 3 Location Codes

7.3.4 All Level 3 location [Area] identifiers are only unique within a specific Level 2
Location. For site distribution, note that:
a. A railway Station Level 2 area comprises the entire station contiguous precinct
including all station buildings, concourses, platforms, forecourts, contiguous car
parks, internal roads and walkways.
b. A stabling yard Level 2 area includes the entire space within the fenced or
bounded area but excludes the buildings inside the yard (which are separate
Level 2 locations).

7.3.5 The numeric (NNN) component shall be assigned via auto-numbering.

a. To avoid the numbering being initially randomly scattered around the Level 2
location (and therefore to provide a sense of order for constructors), numbering
should be distributed to logical groupings during IFC document preparation.
b. Lists on spreadsheets should be used to track the assignment of numbers
(and/or attributes on drawing elements) to prevent numbers being repeated.
c. Outdoor cabinets used exclusively for site distribution are not listed above.
They shall be identified as Containers within defined Level 3 locations.

7.4 Location Alias Code Attributes

7.4.1 For existing stations that already have specific rooms identified using an earlier
nomenclature system or that have signage based on an architectural nomenclature,
the alternative “human” nomenclature for such spaces shall be treated and recorded
as an “alias” of the defined Cable Record nomenclature.

7.4.2 The schedule of Level 2 locations shall include a column of attribute codes containing
the Level 2 space alias identifiers.
a. It is possible that some Level 2 locations have never been assigned an
identifier or “human” label. In this case new identifiers shall be defined at the
time any VicTrack/OCS/ICT work is done in the respective area.
b. The Level 2 ID alias for buildings in a stabling yard or maintenance depot
should match the function of the building on site, if it does not already (for
instance “TWP” for “train wash plant”).

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7.4.3 The schedule of Level 3 locations shall include a column of attribute codes containing
any sub-area space alias identifiers (for instance SA001 = BO = Booking Office).

7.4.4 Any numeric (NN) component of a newly assigned alias shall be manually numbered
in a geographic, physically or logically consistent and contiguous sequence at the
time of installation.


8.1 Pathway Definition

8.1.1 Pathways are any means of supporting, protecting and routing cables. They comprise
conduits, trays, ducts, cable gantries and aerial catenaries or bearers.

8.2 Inter-site VicTrack Pathways

8.2.1 Pathway “Line” identifiers shall comprise the UP and DOWN end Level 1 location, the
respective pathway prefix code (1-alphabetic character) and the unique (3-digit)
number of that specific pathway in the set of pathways over the same route.


8.2.2 Pathway “Section” identifiers shall comprise the character “D” (for generic “duct”)
followed by a 5-digit auto-numbered identifier for that pathway element unique
throughout the VicTrack network. That is: [“D”][NNNN].

8.2.3 Refer to TS SP028 VicTrack Nomenclature Standard for full details.

8.3 Intra-Site Distribution Pathways

8.3.1 Reserved.

8.3.2 Reserved.

8.3.3 Reserved.

8.3.4 Reserved.

8.3.5 Reserved.

8.3.6 Reserved.

8.3.7 Reserved.

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8.3.8 Reserved.

8.3.9 Reserved.

8.3.10 Reserved.

8.3.11 Reserved.

8.3.12 Reserved.

8.3.13 Reserved.

8.3.14 Reserved.


9.1 Pits and Outdoor Structures

9.1.1 Containers comprise pits and structural elements which act as a current or
prospective mounting fixture for ICT/OCS/VT infrastructure and/or a termination for

9.1.2 The full identification for a pit or outdoor structure as shown on its label and on layout
drawings shall be of the form:

[Level 1 ID VVV] [Level 2 ID XXNNN] [Container ID XXNNNN]

a. Note that for site distribution, every container has a Level 2 and Level 3 location
recorded in Cable Records, however its container number is still unique to the
b. Container ID numeric component NNNN first two leading zeros may be
suppressed in identifiers on drawings and physical labels affixed. For instance,
CP27 as opposed to CP0027.
c. Four digits are required for the numeric component container identifiers due to
a need on the part of VT to commence numbering of new pits without the risk of
overlapping numbers for old pits recorded in various past records being
imported into VicTrack Cable Records.

9.1.3 Container Type shall be used to distinguish between three types of VT pits, pits
exclusively for third party carriers, and pits used for site distribution.

9.1.4 Pit and structure container identifiers are defined as follows:

Pit or Structure Type Container “Owner”
Type Code
Jointing Pit JP VicTrack
Loop Pit LP VicTrack
Haul “through” Pit TP VicTrack
Site distribution OCS/ICT Pit (may be haul, loop or joint, but CP ARO
usually only haul pit)

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Pit or Structure Type Container “Owner”
Type Code
Electrical Pit (not normally recorded in ICT/OCS/VT cable EP ARO
records, but may be shown on combined services civil plans)
Signalling Pit (not normally recorded in ICT/OCS/VT cable SP ARO
records, but may be shown on combined services civil plans)
Third party carrier (eg. Telstra, Optus) service entry pit TT Respective
Carrier (Telco)
Pole (any pole, whether purely communications, CCTV camera PE ARO or electricity
pole, lighting pole, electrical pole or joint use) utility as
Perimeter fence section or gate FE ARO
Gantry or overhead beam or outrigger / cantilever mount GM ARO
Building element used to terminate a pathway (wall, floor, roof) BE ARO
Table 6 - Container Codes - Pit and Structure

9.1.5 Other pit attributes recorded in Cable Record pit records but not necessarily shown
on drawings (other than a pasted in list) shall include:
a. Location coordinates (easting and northing as built)
b. Lid type (simple lid or recessed access cover with concrete plinth)
c. Lid load class [of A to D] (trafficable or not)
d. Lid locking arrangement (nil, padlock + key type, Barri bolt, hex bolt)
e. Ownership
f. Material of pit proper (HDPE, polycrete, precast concrete, in-situ concrete)
g. Manufacturer
h. Model type (for example P3, P4, P66 etc) from manufacturer list of pit
components (note that the same size classification or type differs significantly in
size between brands).
i. Dimensions (L × W × D) for the respective component

9.1.6 Other structural attributes recorded in Cable Records but not necessarily shown on
drawings (other than a pasted-in list) shall include:
a. Pole or structural element centre location coordinates (easting and northing as
b. Structure type (typically make and model)
c. Structure height
d. Structure characteristics
e. Ownership

9.1.7 For simplicity of recording on combined services site plans, it is recommended that
every pole (whether lighting, electrical, joint use, or communications only) be
assigned a PEnnn number within Cable Records.
a. Where the pole is electrical, the designation on electrical plans and the label on
the pole shall be in accordance with the electrical nomenclature.

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b. Assigned electrical identifiers shall be recorded as a “human” alias against
PEnnn numbers in Cable Records.

9.2 Racks

9.2.1 Containers comprising cabinets or enclosures fitted with vertical rails conforming to
standard (IEC 60297) racking dimensions shall be treated as a “Rack” type container
and identified as indicated in this section.
a. All other wall and floor mount enclosures shall be treated and identified as
distribution boxes, - “Wall Boxes” or “Cabinets” in accordance with clause 9.3.
b. Boxes having some rack-mounting rails within the enclosed space, but also
having non-rack-mounting sections or other dimensions and formats (such as
backboards, gear trays or DIN rails not fixed to rack rails) shall be regarded as
distribution box type containers.
c. Any alias identifier assigned for a rack container shall be specific to its function,
and not the mechanical racking format of the container.

9.2.2 Racks within an already identified space shall be identified in the following form with a
number unique to the Level 3 Location ID of that space:

RK-[Suite 1-alpha X][Number in suite 2-digit NN]

The full name will thus be: [Location ID Levels 1 to 3] RK-[Suite 1-alpha X][Number in suite 2-
digit NN]
As an example, the second rack in the first row in a shared CER at Nunawading station (new
station is assumed to be RS001, de-commissioned station RS002) would be NWG RS001
ER001 RK-A02.
A further single rack in the Station-Master office SA003 for voice/data cabling would be
identified as NWG RS001 SA003 RK-A01.

9.2.3 Rack numbers shall be manually assigned on the above basis.

9.2.4 A suite comprises a row or “bay line” of adjacent racks.

a. The first suite (A) shall be the one furthest from the space entrance or door.
b. Additional suites (B, C, ...) may be defined for the same space or room.
c. With the exception of very large stations and train control centres, most CERs
will only have a single suite A.
d. Positions in the bay line shall number starting at the rack furthest from the door.
(This may result in numbering from left to right, or right to left, depending on the
room layout).

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9.2.5 Where there is no suite, but rather racks are installed around the perimeter of a room,
the perimeter shall be treated as bay-line A, and racks shall number clockwise
around the room from RK-A01 furthest from the entry door.

9.2.6 Where a bay line or room perimeter contains non-rack format cabinets which could
be occupied by a rack in the future, an identifier shall be reserved such that the
identification of racks will remain standard and consistent after a future upgrades to
a. The current container shall still be identified as a CBnn box or cabinet.
b. The numeric component of the rack identifiers in the room will as a result be

9.2.7 Racks shall be defined (in cable records) by the following properties:
a. Number of Rack Units height.
b. Width format (19”, 24” or 24”-with-19”-rails)

9.2.8 Rack attributes shall include an alias of the form [System XXX number NN]:
a. The system designation alias shall be identified uniquely to the region (Level
1 location) as a rack attribute (and to be used on drawings) as defined in Table
Name Alias Owner
OCS Rack 1 (normally containing CCTV) OCS01 Operator
OCS Rack 2 (containing PA, AFILS, PRIDE) OCS02 Operator
OCS Rack 3 (if applicable, eg CCTV archival site) OCS03 Operator
Rack used exclusively as a CCTV Field LAN Switch box FLS3A FS03A Operator
VicTrack Rack 1 (transmission) VTK01 VicTrack
VicTrack Rack 2 (eg train radio) VTK02 VicTrack
First ICT rack (eg for operator voice/data) ICT01 Operator
Second ICT Rack (eg for Station Master office voice/data node) ICT02 Operator
Ticketing rack 1 TKT01 Oper (TTA)
Signal rack 1 SIG01 Operator
Electrical rack 1 (SCADA, Control) ELE01 Operator
Table 7 - Alias Codes - System Racks

b. Location (space identifier)

c. Type (indoor open frame, indoor cabinet, outdoor cabinet)
d. Depth (for cabinets)
e. Accessibility and equipment mounting (front only, or both front and rear)
f. Rack owner (maintenance access)
g. Cooling facilities (passive vents, fan tray fitted, in-rack air conditioner)
h. Security class (if applicable, leave blank otherwise, eg Class C).
i. Integral patch lead management (yes / no)
j. Lock

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k. Colour
l. Manufacturer

9.2.9 Both the Rack Level 3 location and Identifier, and the system designation Alias
attribute shall be indicated in a two line format on:
a. Enlarged scale (1:20) insets on layout plans, or standalone room layouts.
b. Cabling schematics within the dashed line representing the container boundary.
For example:
ER001 RK-A02

9.2.10 For construction purposes and up to the time of Cable Record Database data entry at
some time in the future, the Container schedule (sheet) shall be created and
maintained for each site (as part of the Cable Record List Excel file) listing the
specified properties and attributes of all racks along with other defined containers.
Clause 9.2.8 a) to i) shall form part of IFC documentation.

9.3 Distribution Boxes/Cabinets (including with active equipment)

9.3.1 Distribution boxes or cabinets act as containers for one or more distribution frames
and possibly one or more items of active equipment.

9.3.2 All passive or active distribution boxes or cabinets shall be identified in the form
XXNN with a number unique to the Level 3 location, where XX is the respective box
type code, and NN is sequential (auto) number of box starting at 01.

9.3.3 Distribution boxes containing active equipment forming part of specific systems shall
be provided with a manually generated attribute alias unique to the region (Level 1
location) of the form:

[Type code 2-alpha XX]-[Loop, ring or daisy chain run number 2-

digit NN][Position of box in run 1-alpha Y]
a. Linear runs shall be numbered with lowest number starting at the end closest to
the head end or CER.
b. Loop (ring) runs shall be numbered clockwise from the CER (or ring connection
c. Where the box distribution contains both communications and ELV DC power
elements, the run number (and therefore box number sequence) will be in
accordance with the communications cabling.
d. Where single boxes are star wired from one distribution point, each box shall
have its own run number.
e. If all boxes star out from a central box (or the CER MDF or system rack), the
boxes will be numbered XX01A through to XXNNA.
f. Note that to achieve the above, auto-numbering will not be applied to aliases.

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9.3.4 Distribution box information shall be shown on drawings as follows:
a. Layout plans showing locations on a floor or site plan:
(1) Active equipment box with assigned alias:

[Box ID XXNN] [Alias XXNNYY]

(2) Box containing passive distributor or joint:

[Box ID XXNN] [contained Distributor ID/joint ID]

b. Inside box boundary dashed line on cabling and system schematics:
(1) Active equipment box with assigned alias:

[Alias XXNNYY]
(2) Box containing passive distributor or joint:

[Level 2 location] [Level 3 location] [Box ID XXNN]

9.3.5 Where media converters branch off a Field LAN Switch, the box alias numbering shall
continue as if they were the next or neighbour boxes on the run or ring to that switch,
with the same FS-NNY designation).
a. For example, if two MCs are wired to FS02A, they would be numbered FS02B
and FS02C. The next Field LAN Switch fed off FS02A (if applicable) would be

9.3.6 The type designator 2-alpha (XX) of boxes shall be designated as shown in Table 8:
Name ID Code Alias
Wall Box (includes junction boxes) WB -
Cabinet CB -
Pillar (NB is same code as Platform location but different string length) PL -
Wall plate (for wall outlets uncommitted to specific equipment) WP -
OCS Field LAN Switch box, Media Converter Box, Security Location Box WB or CB FS
Audio Frequency Induction Loop (Hearing Augmentation) Amplifier Box WB HB
Security box general (containing door controllers, DGPs and alarm I/O) WB SB
Fence perimeter detection box WB FB
Gate controller box WB GB
Lift Marshalling Box WB LB
Table 8 - Container ID Codes and Aliases

9.3.7 Distribution Box attributes shall include the following where applicable:
a. Location (space identifier)
b. Height (above finished floor or ground level, to centre), zero if floor mounted
c. The respective System (if single system purpose), or “OCS General” if serving
multiple OCS sub-systems.
d. Lock

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e. Material (Plastic, stainless steel etc)
f. Manufacturer
g. IP rating

9.3.8 The following Distribution Box Properties shall be recorded:

a. Type (indoor, outdoor, CCTV types 1 or 2)
b. Dimensions W × H × D

9.3.9 Patch panels and pair managed frames within boxes (“containers”) will not normally
have numbering related to the respective box, but rather auto numbering will apply.


10.1 Patch Panels and Distribution Frames

10.1.1 Every patch panel and frame (comprising one or multiple verticals) shall be provided
with an identifier unique to the Level 1 (region) location.

10.1.2 Every physically separate equipment item (distributor vertical or physically separate
panel) shall have a unique suffix identifier.

10.1.3 Each pair managed distributor vertical shall have its own identity and attributes,

10.1.4 Multiple adjacent patch panels shall be treated and identified separately, as opposed
to being aggregated into a single distributor with a larger port count. [NB: this
matches recently proposed MTM numbering in principle but not most historic cabling.]

10.1.5 The type designator 2-alpha (XX) of frames and panels shall be identified as detailed
in Table 9:
Name Abbreviation
Pair managed jumperable distribution frame (Krone Frame) DF
Optical Fibre patch panel (SMOF or MMOF, all connector types) FP
UTP modular patch panel (Cat5 and higher, 8P8C connectors) UP
STP (shielded) modular patch panel (Cat5 and higher, 8P8C connectors) SP
Data patch panel (other copper connector types such as D9, D15) DP
BNC coaxial patch panel (75 ohm) BP
N-connector coaxial patch panel (primarily radio, 50 ohm) NP
Audio jack panel, TRS (Tip Ring Sleeve), Cannon XLR or Neutrik AP
Non jumperable (splice) frame to final distribution or transition point between cable TF
B-supply ELV (DC) distribution breaker or fuse terminal field (includes Phoenix BF
UT16, ST4-HESI, ST4-HEDI as used in CCTV site distribution
Through terminal screw terminal blocks for control and alarm I/O circuits, single TB
conductor terminated (tunnel type, Phoenix UK or UT series, etc), without
disconnection links or fuses
(8P8C) telecommunications wall outlet jack not committed to any specific TJ
equipment. Possibly spare or for itinerant maintenance use. May be left patched
and “live”, even if not equipment is plugged in. Usually outlets identified as

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Name Abbreviation
V01...Vnn or D01....Dnn. Note that number will be unique to the region (Level 1),
even though the outlet number may only be unique at Level 2 or even Level 3.

Note 1: CP (“Copper Panel”) and TP (Transition Point) have been avoided above to prevent conflict with
container identifiers CP (Comms Pit) and TP (Tram Pole [VT]).
Table 9 - Panel and Frame Identification Codes

10.1.6 Patch panels and distribution frames shall be identified in the following form with a
number unique to the site:

[Type code 2-alpha XX]-[Number NNN]

a. The number NNN shall be unique to the type, but may be repeated between
b. Auto numbering shall be applied, however by data entry, effort shall be made to
keep patch panels within the same system contiguously numbered.

10.1.7 The following number range reservations are made to allow panels owned by various
users to be pre-assigned without potential clashes when entered in VicTrack Cable
Number Range Application
001-099 Vic Track panels and frames
101-399 MTM managed panels and frames
401-599 V-Line managed panels and frames
601-799 Transport Ticketing Authority managed panels and frames
801-999 Yarra Trams managed panels and frames
Table 10 - Panel and Frame Numbering Ranges

10.1.8 Panel numbering shall generally be sequential auto-numbering and unrelated to box
a. By data entry order, panels should be numbered in the same sequence as box
b. Where a Level 1 region contains several large sites being independently
developed, number ranges should be reserved within each site from the above

10.1.9 The following Patch Panel and Distribution Frame Properties shall be recorded (to
achieve one defined component in VicTrack Cable Records or in schedules for each
combination of capacity and connector type):
a. Port capacity (patch panels), frame height in Series 2 ADC-Krone modules
b. Connector type
(1) Module type (Series2, Highband10, Ultim8) for ADC-Krone frames
(2) normally 8P8C for UTP patch panels

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(3) normally LC-duplex for OM3 panels and SC-APC single fibre for SMOF
(4) BNC for analogue CCTV coax panels

10.1.10 Patch Panel and Distribution Frame attributes shall include:

a. Location (container identifier)
(1) Note, for TJnnn outlet the container will usually be WPnnn wall plates
b. Rack unit position of the bottom RU occupied (for rack mounted panels)
c. The respective System (if single system purpose), or “ICT” if serving multiple
ICT and security systems.
d. Dimensions W × H × D or number of rack units
e. Performance category (for UTP/STP panels)
f. Manufacturer
g. Model number (patch panels only)

10.2 Cable Identification - VicTrack Cables

10.2.1 Cable identification and parameters for VicTrack records shall be in accordance with
the referenced VicTrack Cable Records Standards (refer to clause 8.2.3).

10.3 Cable Identification in Site Distribution Records

10.3.1 For site distribution, there are not normally any intermediate joints in the cable. In the
VT nomenclature, a distribution cable will always comprise a single “section” and the
cable “number” will be numeric. Cable “segments” (for instance an underground and
an indoor tray run on the route of a distribution cable) will not be defined.

10.3.2 Every cable shall be assigned a 5-number NNNNN “section ID” unique to the Level 1
a. This number will uniquely identify the cable in records for that region.
b. The ID will normally be the next available unassigned number.

10.3.3 In the case of interconnect patch cables either from terminal device to equipment
port, between two equipment ports, or between equipment ports and patch panels,
the patch will not be assigned a number in the Cable Record Sheet because it is
treated as a “connection” in that system.
a. A label shall be fitted when the cord is installed showing the equipment or panel
identifier and port/terminal number at each end.
b. Patch cord labels will therefore be self-evident and not recorded in patch
records (to AS3085.1).
c. Patch cord labels shall not be shown on drawings.

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10.3.4 Connections between DC fuse or breaker fields and equipment power input ports
shall be recorded as “connections”.
a. Where the wiring forms part of a standard assembly, clip-on or wrap-on (one- or
two- digit) wire number “labels” may be added matching the respective numbers
standard assembly drawings.
b. Any such wire numbers will not be recorded in Cable Records.

10.3.5 Equipment mains power cords shall be labelled with an “E” prefix, the equipment
identifier [XXXNNNN] and a single digit number [n] of the form: E-XXXNNNN-n at
each end.
a. Power cord labels shall not be recorded in Cable Records or on drawings.

10.3.6 A system attribute shall be recorded in the Cable Records Sheet and any future
database against every cable.
a. The attribute will generally match the code used for the respective connected
equipment used in asset registers.
b. There are no codes allocated for on-board cabling on rolling stock or for
portable equipment because they are not part of the fixed cabling infrastructure
being recorded, although they appear as assets in asset registers.
c. There are no codes allocated for fire alarms, Building Automation, SCADA and
general Electrical and Mechanical services cabling as these are outside the
scope of ICT/OCS records and the Cable Record Sheets.
d. System attribute codes (for incorporation into cable records) are defined in
clause 15.1.

10.3.7 Cable data shall include the following attributes and properties, with all containers,
cable types, spaces and the like being selected from drop down lists in a database or
data validation list in spreadsheet records where possible:
a. Cable Section ID
b. Generic Cable Type (Property)
c. Insulation and environment (construction type, for example “PVC indoor”)
d. Conductor size (strand count for multi-strand and diameter)
e. System / application
f. Length
g. Type identifier (Property, for use in future Cable Line records)
h. Performance category (Property)
i. Sheath colour
j. Level 2 Start location (building or site area, will be the same for all cables within
the same railway station precinct)
k. Level 3 Start location (sub-area, room or space code)
l. Start container
m. Start distributor or equipment
n. Start termination range, field or port

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o. Level 2 End location (building or site area, will be the same for all cables within
the same railway station precinct)
p. Level 3 End location (sub-area, room or space code)
q. End Container (if applicable)
r. End distributor or equipment
s. End termination range, field or port
t. End service and/or signal protocol carried [Mainly for terminal device cables
and patch cords] (eg 1000baseSx, 100baseT, RS422, PAL video, “multiple” for
multi-pair backbones)
u. Installed date
v. Test result reference (if applicable)
w. Installer
x. Manufacturer
y. Model Number
z. Attributes to be optionally recorded (where required by specific project
(1) Pits traversed
(2) Conduits, ducts and trays traversed

10.3.8 Cable Properties, where indicated above (generic properties defining the circuit
connectivity offered by the cable, to be defined once then selected from drop down
menu in a database or value validation list in spreadsheets) shall include:
a. Generic product type and capacity (pairs for telephone and UTP/STP CatX
cable, coaxial pairs types C, U, X, S, R), cores for fibre and other unbalanced
b. Type identifier.
c. Performance category or construction type for the cable [not the application it
serves] (eg S008 telephone, Cat5, Cat6, OM3, G.652d, OS2).

10.4 Allocation of Cable Type Identifiers in Line Numbers

10.4.1 Under automated database records only (but not in manually generated Cable
Record Sheet spreadsheet records), every cable shall be provided with a cable line
number of the form XNNN where:
a. X is the cable type prefix as per the table below.
b. NNN is the three digit number for the cable of the same type (X) between two
distinct Level 3 locations (spaces) or containers, panels or equipments,
numbered contiguously and sequentially starting at 001.
(1) It is acknowledged that for most terminal devices and single cables
between two points, the Cable Line number will only be 001. Although it
may seem superfluous in that context, it will still be generated.
(2) Cable Line numbers will not be assigned in pre-database site distribution
cable schedules, however the cable type prefix shall be recorded.

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10.4.2 Cable type identifiers specified in Table 11 are assigned (to form part of future Cable
Line number).
a. Note: these identifiers are not intended to be a complete definition of the cable,
the cable properties such as performance, capacity, shielding, conductor size
shall be available as a pre-defined data set when a specific cable type is
Cable Type Identifier
Optical Fibre F
Multi-pair copper up to Cat3 C
UTP copper Cat5 or above U
Coaxial cable (75 ohm video) X
Shielded paired cable, any grade (excludes microphone cable) S
VGA cables V
DVI Cables D
4-core or multicore security detector or actuator cable Y
Multi-core unbalanced cable (general, shielded or unshielded) M
DC power cable (Typically 2core or 2core + Earth, but could be any core count) B
AC Mains Power (electrical) cable E
RF coaxial cable (50 ohm) R
100V PA line cable or any other Fig8 not used for DC power P
Hearing loop cable (from amplifier to loop, within loop) H
Balanced shielded audio cable for microphones and PA auxiliary lines A
Table 11 - Cable Type Identification Codes


11.1 Equipment Identifier Format

11.1.1 For field and terminal equipment, an acronym of at least three characters is required
for the equipment type.
a. Three characters has been set as the standard to keep text strings short for
fitting on drawings and for compatibility with other asset databases, whilst
providing enough characters to identify the range of items encountered in OCS
and ICT systems.

11.1.2 In order to allow each owner to auto-assign equipment numbers unique to a region
without having to consider numbers already assigned within the region by other
owners of equipment with the same equipment code, a single digit number “n” shall
be assigned to represent the owner as the leading digit in a 4-digit numeric
Equipment ID string.
Owner Number
VicTrack 0
Metropolitan Train Operator 1
Regional Train Operator 2
Tram Operator 3

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Owner Number
Ticketing Operator 4
Table 12 - System Owner Codes

11.1.3 Given larger regions will often have more than 100 units of some devices like
cameras or alarm sensors, three further digits are required for unique equipment
a. Auto-numbering shall be employed (subject to clause 11.1.4).
b. By order of data entry, items physically grouped in a sequence shall have the
same number order when entered initially in manual or database Cable
c. Reserved number assignments shall be made for known future additions.
d. It is accepted that over time after moves, adds and changes, the order of
numbering will be less indicative of physical groupings and more indicative of
installation order.

11.1.4 To ensure uniqueness and ability to independently develop numbering by project or

by precinct in regions containing several large Level 2 areas (such as station and
stabling yard), 100 number ranges shall be pre-defined for each Level 2 area for the
equipment numeric component.
a. The number of 100 number ranges assigned for each equipment type shall be
consistent with the sizes of the respective sites and allow for approximately
100% future expansion of equipment quantities.
b. In the case of a station and stabling yard in the same region, the recommended
default is n001-n199 for the station, n201-n399 for the stabling yard, and a
further 100 numbers for each subsequent site (such as a substation). [“n”
represents owner digit].
c. Multiples of 100 shall be skipped in the numbering.
d. For auto-numbering purposes within a Cabling Record Database, this may
mean dummy assignments need to be made to consume and reserve spare
numbers until assigned to actual equipment.

11.1.5 The format of the full equipment identifier shall be:

[Site ID – Level 1 Location VVV]-[3-alpha equipment type XXX][owner ID n][3 digit
number NNN]
Note: There is no dash between the character and numeric strings, ie: VVV-

11.2 Standard Equipment Identifiers

11.2.1 Equipment identifiers are listed in clause 15.2.

11.2.2 The following equipment attributes shall be recorded in cable records (these will vary
with equipment type):
a. Location Area (Level 2)

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b. Location Sub-Area (Level 3)
c. Container [or mounting surface or type]
d. RU position of bottom of unit (if in a rack), height if on wall or ceiling
e. Installation date

11.2.3 The following equipment attributes shall be captured in cable records databases
(when implemented) but will not be included in the Cable Record Sheet spreadsheet
(although they shall be captured in the Master Record Index spreadsheet and IP
address schedule against the item Identifier).
a. Make
b. Model
c. Type within a generic class
d. Software version
e. Firmware version
f. IP Address
g. Equipped options
h. Installation accessories (multiple fields)
(1) For CCTV camera or LCD PID: housing
(2) For CCTV camera or LCD PID: Mounting bracket

11.2.4 The following properties shall be recorded in automated cable records databases
only (not required for manually entered Cable Record Sheet spreadsheet):
a. Designations of all interface ports
b. Dimensions (L/H × W × D)


12.1 Pathways

12.1.1 For the pathways identified and captured in Cable Records (in accordance with
clause Section 8.0), identification labels for affixing to the pathway ends shall be
produced comprising two lines of text of the form:
a. Line Identifier (omitting the first three character site VRIOG code VVV prefix);
see section 7.3.4.
b. Section Identifier; see section 7.3.5.

12.1.2 Pathway labels shall be affixed at the ends and any intermediate access points (such
as inspection opening bends in the case of above ground conduits).
a. For conduit labels at conduit ends in pits, engraved labels shall be provided and
affixed to the pit wall above the conduit appearance. Labels for multiple
conduits shall be arranged in an array towards the top of the pit side above the
conduits, arranged in a pattern matching the physical order of conduits below.

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a. For conduit labels at conduit entries into rooms or outside rooms against walls,
engraved labels shall be provided and affixed to the wall horizontally adjacent
to the conduit appearance. Labels for multiple conduits shall be arranged in an
array beside the group of conduits, arranged in a pattern matching the physical
order of conduits below, with rear-most conduits being on the top row.
b. For exposed conduits, an indelible adhesive label shall be applied on the
conduit face in a position that can easily be read during inspection.

12.1.3 Pathway labels shall comprise a minimum of 20 point (7mm height) Sans Serif format
black text engraved on a white background.
a. Labels shall be affixed in a secure manner which will withstand the
environmental conditions without degrading the integrity of the container or
For example:

CP0107-CP0108 C001
12.2 Fixed Cables

12.2.1 The default cable label format shall be: shall be:

“C-[Cable ID# NNNNN]

Where N denotes numeric digits of the assigned number.

12.2.2 The cable label designations shall be automatically calculated by formulae in the
Cable Record List spreadsheet sheet (refer item appended at clause 16.1).
a. The text size on cable labels shall be a minimum of 9 point or 2.7 mm text
height. The font shall be of a filled Sans Serif format such as Helvetica or Arial.
b. The text size on cables of over 15 mm diameter shall be 20 point (6 mm text
height) or greater.
c. Labels shall comprise black text on a white background.

For example (small cable, 6mm diameter):


For example (larger cable):


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12.2.3 The C-prefix followed by the assigned 5-digit cable number only shall be shown on
cabling schematic drawings.

12.3 Patch Cords and Fly Leads

12.3.1 Patch cords (and fly leads) shall be labelled at each end within 50 mm of the plug by
the following method and not be included in fixed Cable Record Sheets (or database
or patch records).
a. For patch cords: [A-end equipment or panel code XXXNNX] [Port number (if
more than one) NN] - [B-end equipment or panel code XXXNNX] [Port Number
(if more than one) NN]. As this method replicates the patch record, there is no
requirement to capture this in a patch record table.
b. For fly leads: [Terminal equipment code XXXnNNN] - [Outlet socket number or
ID as per socket label XXNN]. If there is only ever going to be one fly lead at a
location (for instance inside a camera housing) or if leads are short and easy to
trace (three or four cords in a small wall box) the cord need not be labelled.

12.4 Containers (Enclosures and Structures)

12.4.1 Containers shall be fitted with a label readable from a range of at least 1500 mm
comprising a minimum of 26 point (7 mm text height) lettering fixed to the container in
a secure manner which does not degrade its environmental integrity.

12.4.2 Pits and poles shall be fitted with engraved or punched metal labels showing their
assigned identifier.

12.4.3 Wall and outdoor pad-mount cabinets shall be fitted with a label having two rows of
text comprising:
a. Assigned container identifier (for example WB103)
b. Alias identity of that cabinet within its respective system (if applicable, for
example FLS3A).

12.4.4 Rack cabinets shall be fitted with a label having three rows of text comprising:
a. Full location prefix (for example NWG RS001 ER001)
b. Assigned rack identifier (for example RK-A03)
c. Alias identity of that cabinet within its respective system (if applicable, for
example “OCS02”; or “FLS4A” [if its function is exclusively a CCTV field LAN
d. The text does not include the “owner” attribute (as this should be self-evident
from the system Alias and can be confirmed from the records).

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For example:

NWG RS001 ER001

12.4.5 Container identifiers shall be shown on site and floor layout drawings.
a. Rack and wall cabinets shall also have any assigned alias shown on site and
floor layout drawings.
b. The boundary of rack and wall cabinet containers shall be shown by dashed
linework in cabling schematics, together with the respective identifier and/or its
c. Containers provided exclusively for distributors (cable termination frames) shall
also show the respective enclosed distributor identifier on site and floor layouts.

12.4.6 Where a rack encloses elements of multiple systems or networks, any defined virtual
containers for the systems shall be shown on the label in brackets.
For example:

NWG RS001 ER001

OCS01 (FS02A)

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12.5 Distributors

12.5.1 Wall-mounted distributors shall be fitted with a distributor identification label fixed to
the wall above the distributor and any entering/leaving cable or jumper space with a
label comprising a minimum of 56 point (20 mm text height) lettering engraved black
on white background fixed to the wall in a secure manner which does not degrade its
environmental integrity.
a. Where the distributor has more than four verticals or termination fields, each
shall be fitted with a label above or below the respective field (to achieve best
readability) with a minimum of 26 point (9 mm high) lettering engraved black on
white background, fixed in the same manner as the main identifier label.
b. On smaller distributors, it shall be assumed fields are A, B, C, D in order of left
to right and top to bottom.
For example:

12.5.2 Rack-mounted distributors shall be fitted with a self-adhesive machine printed label
indicating the assigned distributor identifier in a minimum of 20 point (7 mm high)
black Sans Serif format text on white background.

12.6 Wall Outlets

12.6.1 Modular outlets for structured cabling wired to a modular patch panel shall have an
adhesive label with a minimum of 12 point Sans Serif text of the form:
[Serving Distributor ID XXNNNX]-[Distributor port # NN]/[Plan Alias YNN]
a. The plan alias will be the outlet number assigned on the floor plan.
b. “Y” represents a character for the outlet type, typically
(1) D = Data
(2) V = Voice (phone)
(3) C = CCTV (workstation)
(4) S = Screen (Video monitor)
(5) M = Microphone
(6) T = TV
c. Every socket shall be assigned a unique number (for instance a double outlet
shall have two numbers).
For example (above one socket):


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12.6.2 Modular wall outlets for structured cabling wired to a pair-managed distribution frame
(primarily telephone) shall have an adhesive label with a minimum of 12 point Sans
Serif text of the form:
[Serving Distributor ID XXNNN] [Vertical][Pair range on vertical]/[Plan Alias YNN]
a. The plan alias will be the outlet number assigned on the floor plan.
b. “Y” represents a character for the outlet type (as per clause 12.6.1 b)
c. Every socket shall be assigned a unique number (for instance a double outlet
shall have two numbers).
For example (above one socket):

DF103 C11-14/V02

12.6.3 Modular outlets for permanent OCS equipment structured cabling wired to a pair-
managed distribution frame (such as PIDs, clocks, CHPs) shall have an adhesive
label with a minimum of 12 point Sans Serif text of the form:
[Serving Distributor ID XXNNN] [Vertical][Pair range on vertical]
a. Every socket shall be assigned a unique number (for instance a double outlet
shall have two numbers).
For example (above one socket):

DF103 B11-14

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13.1 Scope

13.1.1 The nomenclature and identification standards will impact on the following
deliverables specified in overarching and individual ICT or OCS system
a. Cable Records Sheet
b. Distribution Frame Records
c. Patch Records
d. Drawings
e. Master Record Index
f. IP Address Schedule

13.1.2 This document assumes that until such time as the respective Rail Operator has
established a Cable Records System database, data shall be manually entered and
captured in spreadsheets in a format which allows future import into automated cable
records (including VT VicTrack Cable Records) with minimal pre-import data

13.2 Cable Records Sheet

13.2.1 Cable records shall generally be in the form of spreadsheet presentation that will later
become replicated as a site Cable Record List report from the database system.
a. It shall contain all the data required to be captured in a database.
b. The lists of cable types, characteristics and potential attributes shall be set up
as table sheets on the same spreadsheet file. Data validation drop down lists
shall be used to constrain selections to picking from lists. Sheets shall include:
(1) Cable types
(2) Cable Properties
(3) Locations
(4) Racks and Containers assigned
(5) Distributor and Patch Panel assignments
(6) Equipment assignments
c. Each of these lists shall be configured in such a way that a cable records
database (including VT VicTrack Cable Records) can import the data as lists or

13.2.2 Where a cable terminates on an outlet dedicated to specific equipment, the cable
shall be regarded as terminating on the actual equipment.
a. Where there are multiple cables to the same equipment, the respective ports
shall be indicated (in a separate column).

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13.2.3 A partially populated example sheet is appended (Cable Record Example DOT

13.3 Distribution Frame Records

13.3.1 Distribution frame records shall generally show all detail specified in AS3085.1, but
with an extra jumper column to allow for double jumpers, and configuration of data on
the incoming side to allow for direct import into a database.
a. Both the cable origin (connections at the remote end) in addition to the
connections on the DF itself shall be recorded.
b. All data shall be recorded on the basis of one row per pair with data for the
same cable (#NNNNN) being repeated on every row that cable terminates (as
opposed to the traditional manual record presentation of showing one cable
spanning a range).
c. Provision shall be available for entering commoning (or splitting) diode details.
d. Double jumpers shall be accommodated.
e. Cable origin details shall include the Section number (#NNNNN).
f. Jumpers shall have a separate column for the vertical frame and the pair within
that frame (for future data export compatibility with database Cable Records).

13.3.2 Equipment items, distributors and outlets in the records shall be recorded by their
assigned identifier (as recorded in the Cable Record Sheet).

13.3.3 The same “service description” shall be used to describe a signal at every
appearance of that signal (both ends of all jumpers).
a. In order to avoid multiple data entry discrepancies arising from typing
differences, data shall only be entered once on the entire record, then copied
(by “Paste Values” text copy to all other appearances).
b. Where the same signal appears on multiple distributors, data shall be copied
from spreadsheet to spreadsheet.
c. A signal having transitioned an isolation device (such as an LIU or diode) shall
be given a suffix to indicate it has been modified. The suffix may be destination

13.3.4 A sample jumper record sheet complying with the above criteria is attached.

13.4 Patch Records

13.4.1 Patch records shall generally show all detail specified in AS3085.1.
a. In particular, every fibre and every copper patch within a container (or even
between containers) shall be recorded, regardless of whether it runs between
ports, between equipment items or in and out of the same patch panel.
b. All data shall be recorded on the basis of one row per signal line with data for
the same cable being repeated on every row (as opposed to the traditional
manual record presentation of showing one cable spanning a range).
c. Every equipped port shall be listed, with patch details left blank if there is no

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d. The frame (or equipment) identifier and port shall be separate columns in the
patch details.

13.4.2 Identifiers used for distributors and equipment in Patch Records shall be identical to
those assigned in the Cable Record Sheet.

13.4.3 A sample patch record sheet is attached.

a. Note the patch record includes port allocations. Separate port allocation tables
shall not be produced.
b. The format replaces multiple sheets produced on past projects with one sheet
per container (ie all patches within a rack or enclosure are on one sheet).
c. It is not an IP address schedule and the format is not suited to IP address data.

13.5 Schematic Drawings

13.5.1 Schematic drawings shall show the following:

a. Level 1 region code and full identification for site MDFs (Optical and Copper)
only. [For all other items, the Level 1 code shall be omitted].
b. The boundary of containers (in dashed line work) together with their assigned
identifier (and/or alias if applicable) as text inside and adjacent to the boundary
line (only last level XXNN).
c. On cabling / termination schematics:
(1) assigned identifiers for all frames and patch panels XXNNN (below the
frame/panel vertical line)
(2) capacity [and connector attribute if applicable] (above frame/panel vertical
d. On system schematics (showing end to end signals passing through frames),
the assigned identifiers for all frame above the centre line(s) representing the
frame terminations.
e. On both cabling and system schematics, equipment identifiers XXXnNNN shall
be shown against all equipment items.
f. On cabling / termination schematics, cable section identifiers (the unique five
digit number #NNNNN assigned within that Level 1 region) shall be shown in
1.8 mm Arial text above or beside the line (within 1 mm of the line itself) for all
fixed cables between distribution frames, panels and equipment.
(1) Cable properties (capacity and performance if applicable) shall be shown
in-line within the line work as per AS3085.1.
(2) Any attribute data shown in cable records will not be shown on the
(3) Note: Cable numbers will not normally be shown on system / interface
schematics (because the line-work in these is associated with the signals
inside cables and through connections).

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13.5.2 Patch cords are regarded as a connection (or joint/jumper) and numbering or
labelling shall not be shown.

13.5.3 Wiring within defined standard assemblies treated as a system component within a
container such as CCTV Field LAN Switches shall be numbered according to the
standard assembly wire numbers, which shall be based on a fully populated
assembly and be the same number for the same wire in every instance the box is
used. Unused numbers shall be skipped in partially populated boxes.

13.5.4 Jumper or patch detail shall only be shown on “system” and interface schematics
showing end-to-end connections between specific interfaces or terminals, not on
“cabling” schematics showing block terminations and distributor terminal

13.5.5 The following are not required on manually (CAD) drafted schematic drawings but
may be provided if automatically generated by VicTrack Cable Records or a Cable
Records database:
a. For identified equipment, XXX type identifiers may be omitted if they are self-
evident from the symbols used.
(1) The relationship between the full identifier and the short-hand form used
on the drawing shall be indicated in a legend on the same sheet or
included in the drawing set.
(2) For example, on CCTV site distribution schematics, the CCTV camera
symbol is defined and the identifier will simply be the number (with first
leading zero suppressed if not used on the site).
b. Where the drawing content is restricted to a single region (Level 1 location), the
region identifier “VVV” need not be shown on any equipment and frames other
than the wide area site interface items inside the CER of respective buildings.

13.5.6 The use of equipment identifiers shall not replace the use of symbols representing
the equipment.
a. AS1102.1xx and AS3085.1 symbols and DOT agreed custom symbols based
on AS1102.102 for other items shall continue to be used.
b. An identifier inside a rectangle (“box”) shall not be used as an alternative
symbol other than complex high level items [such as a PID or SMP].

13.6 Layout Drawings

13.6.1 Level 1 location (region) “VVV” identifiers need not be shown on any items except for
the CER and for any items leading off site. The Level 1 location shall be identified in
the title block and drawing number.

13.6.2 The layout drawing telecommunications / security (L-series) set shall include at least
one “index” layout drawing specifically for the purposes of nomenclature definition
a. The boundaries of Level 2 areas within the part of the region covered by the
b. The boundaries of Level 3 sub-areas (if not shown on other more detailed

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13.6.3 On any layout drawings, full identifiers (or alias unique to the site in the case of
containers and racks) shall be included for all of the following items, where they
appear on the respective drawings:
a. Closets and spaces used in cable records (notably CER, offices, platforms,
concourse areas, car park areas)
b. Containers (Enclosures and racks)
c. Frames and patch panels
d. Pits
e. Poles
f. Pathways to the extent that identifiers have been assigned (normally all
backbone routes)

13.6.4 For identified equipment, XXX type identifiers may be omitted if they are self-evident
from the symbols used and the legend and the presentation would become unclear if
the full identifier was shown.
a. The relationship between the full identifier and the short-hand form used on the
drawing shall be indicated in a legend on the same sheet or included in the
drawing set.
b. For example, on CCTV coverage plans and schematics, if the CCTV camera
symbol is defined, the identifier will simply be the number (with first leading zero
suppressed if not used on the site).

13.7 Master Record Index

13.7.1 The Master Record Index shall capture all equipment, listed by its assigned identifier.
The MRI shall include:
a. All items listed in clauses 11.2.3 apart from f (the IP address).
b. Serial number
c. Supplied spares listed as line items, but without an assigned identifier.

13.7.2 The MRI will cease to have relevance once the records created have been imported
into the Asset Register database.

13.8 IP Address List

13.8.1 The IP Address list shall include the IP address of all LAN connected equipment and
any reservations made for future growth, listed by equipment identifier.

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The following documents have been used as references in preparation and usage of this

Australian Standards
1. AS1102.1 – Graphical Symbols for Electrotechnology (full set parts 101 to 113)

2. AS/NZS 3085.1 – Telecommunications Installations – Administration of

Communications Cabling Systems – Basic Requirements

3. AS/NZS 14763-2 – Information Technology – Implementation and Operation of

Customer Premises Cabling, Part 2: Planning and Installation [when issued; expected

4. AS/ACIF(CA) S009 – Installation Requirements for Customer Cabling (Wiring


VRIOG Standards
5. VRIOGS 007.2-2006 – Infrastructure Drawing Standards

VicTrack Standards
6. TB-RD_L0100 – Connect Master Location Structure

7. TS-SP_026 – Internal Plant Nomenclature Standard

8. TS-SP_028 – External Plant Nomenclature Standard

Documents specified above shall refer to the latest version of the documents listed, or to any
documents replacing these.

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15.1 System Codes
System codes are defined in Table 13:
Application Identifier
General ICT backbone, supporting corporate voice and data (eg ICT rack tie) ICTB
OCS backbone (all ties to racks containing CCTV, PI Systems, PA etc [was "CCTV"]) OCSB
Security (overarching items common to CCTV, alarms and access control, perimeter SCTY
detection, such as a site fibre loop in a stabling yard)
Security (backbone between panels, RAS including Challenger and reader LAN, also SECU
all detector, lock, siren and device cabling)
CCTV Security Camera (any items exclusively part of CCTV system) CCTV
Perimeter detection system PDET
SPOT Camera or monitor (legacy, new monitors and cameras are part of CCTV) SPOT
PRIDE Interface PRID
PIDS hardwired PIDH
PIDS Wireless (Radio) PIDR
Clocks CLCK
PA / Hearing Loop (AFILS), including wireless microphone receivers, microphone PAHL
Intercoms ICOM
Lifts (phone/intercom, alarm cables) – excluding CCTV cables LIFT
Administrative telephone (and fax, EFTPOS etc) – “voice lines” TELV
Control Telephones (SEPAC) TELC
Post Telephones TELP
Tunnel Telephones TELT
Analogue Radio RADO
Digital Radio RADD
FM Radio rebroadcast FMRB
Train Number Transmitter TNT
Position of Trains System POTS
ACOM (Zetron Acom communications console system) ACOM
Data Networks (Operator Admin networks) DATA
Ticketing TCKT
Tunnel Intruder Alarm System TIAS
Redflex REDF
Voice logger VLOG
Table 13 - Nomenclature Codes - Systems

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15.2 Standard Equipment Identifiers

15.2.1 Equipment identifiers, grouped by category. are assigned as shown in

Table 14
Equipment Type Identifier
Core (Site) LAN Switch CLS
Edge (Layer 2) LAN switch (usually non OCS) ESW
Firewall FRW
Field LAN Switch (OCS) FLS
Media Converter (LAN optical to electrical, any protocol) MCR
Modem (any type, baseband or voice frequency line, dial or leased line) MDM
Multiplexer (any type, analogue or digital) MUX
Router RTR
Wireless Access Point WAP
Wireless LAN Controller WLC
Content Management System (“CMSS”) CMS
Fibre Channel Attached Storage (to FC interface on server) FCS
Keyboard Video monitor Mouse slide out tray unit KVM
KVM Switch KVS
Network Application Server SVN
Network Attached Storage (IP connection) NAS
PRIDE Console Processor PCP
Printer PTR
Protocol Converter System “PCSS” PCS
Server, CCTV archival SVA
Server, general (includes CCTV directory servers) SVR
User Terminal TRM
Virtual Machine Environment VME
Workstation (any system) WST
AFILS Hearing Loop (the actual induction loop) HLP
AFILS Hearing Loop Amplifier HLA
Cathode Ray Tube Monitor (not normally part of a workstation) CRT
Clock CLK
Customer Help Point CHP
LCD monitor (not normally part of a WST or PID, for example SPOT screen, LCD
standalone CCTV monitor)
Lift (general control interface, excludes Lift Phone Control Unit) LFT
Line driver unit (any type audio over optical, video over UTP, etc) LDU
Loudspeaker (any type) SPK
Microphone MIC
Optical isolation unit OIU
PA Extended Zone Relay Box EZR

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Equipment Type Identifier
PA Zone Selector Switch ZSS
PID (any number of lines, any type including LCD, LED, wireless or wired) PID
Preamplifier (if a separate unit distinct from an amplifier) PRE
Public Address Amplifier (100V line output) PAA
Public Address Telepage system PAT
Video Extender (VGA, DVI) VEX
Antenna ANT
Demodulator (not part of a single modem device) DEM
Master Control System (analogue train radio) MCS
Modulator (if separate from a modem, eg baseband video to RF TV) MOD
Power Amplifier (RF, audio, MATV, anything other than PA and AFILS) AMP
Receiver Unit (any system) RXU
Remote Control Unit RCU
RF Coupler RFC
RF Exciter XCT
RF Filter RFF
RFID Reader (excluding security proximity card readers) RFI
Train Control System Terminal TCS
Transmitter Unit (any system) TXU
Break Glass Emergency Exit Release BGR
Camera (any type, analogue, digital, PTZ) CAM
Camera Drive Unit (for legacy Panasonic system analogue cameras) CDU
Card reader with numeric codepad NCR
Decoder (any port count) DEC
Digital Video Recorder (dedicated PAL CVBS input device, not a server) DVR
Duress Button DUR
Electric (Mortice) Lock ELL
Electric Strike ELS
Electro Magnetic lock EML
Encoder (any port count) ENC
Environmental Smoke Detector (not part of a Fire Alarm System) SMK
Fence Detection Analyser / Processor Unit FDU
Fence Detection Sensor (vibration, microphonic, trip wire) FDS
Gate Control Unit (Boom gates, track gates, sliding or leaf vehicle gates) GCU
Glass Break (Shatter) Detector / Alarm GBK
Infra Red Beam detection unit / set IRB
Intercom control unit (main processor, switch, analogue or VoIP) ICU
Intercom station (slave or master, analog or VoIP) ICM
Motorised / automatic door (or gate) control unit DCU
Movement Detector (Passive Infrared) PIR
Numeric codepad for door access (excludes arming stations) NCP
Optical Fibre Analogue Video (PAL CVBS) Receiver OVR

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Equipment Type Identifier
Optical Fibre Analogue Video (PAL CVBS) Transmitter OVT
Proximity (including “Smart Card”) or Swipe Card Reader (any type of interface) CRD
Reed Switch (any type) RSW
Request to exit switch RTE
Security 4-door controller 4DC
Security Data Gathering Panel DGP
Security Master Panel SMP
Security Remote Arming Station RAS
SNMP Alarm Transmitter Unit ATU
SPOT monitor enclosure (box with roller shutter/controller, no monitors) SPM
Tamper Switch (microswitch, mechanically activated, not a reed device) TSW
Air Conditioner A/C
Back Up Battery Assembly BUB
Circuit Breaker C/B
Environmental Monitoring System (standalone device or probe) EMS
General Purpose (Mains Power) Outlet (for telecommunications) GPO
Integrated Rectifier Unit (main centralised DC supply with load distribution) REC
Lightning Surge Diverter, Arrester LSD
Potential Equalisation Clamp PEC
Power distribution panel (rack mount load distribution unit, excludes DIN rail fuse and PDP
breaker panels)
Power Supply Unit (any type, AC input serving single equipment item or system, or PSU
DC-DC converter)
Relay RLY
Residual Current Device (breaker) RCD
Uninterrupted Power Supply UPS
Audio Bridge AUB
Fax machine (any mode) FAX
Lift telephone controller / interface LTI
Line isolation unit (or recording adapter), transformer based, non-optical LIU
Telephone handset, any type except Payphone (analogue, digital, “DTERM”) TEL
Telephone switchboard console terminal TSB
Telephone system switch (any type keyphone, PABX) PBX
Telstra or other carrier Public Payphone PUP
Tone Generator Unit (Pip tones) TGU
Voice Logger VLG
Spare (for future equipment) SPR

Table 14 - Nomenclature Codes - Equipment

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16.1 Example Cable Record List
Cable Record List Example (Draft) DOT 11114.xls

16.2 Example Wiring Drawing Showing Typical Elements

Example ICT Cabling Schematic Showing Nomenclature 110803.pdf
Note, this matches the cable schedule in clause 16.1.

16.3 Example Patch Record Sheet

ICT Patch Record Template v1.1 110607.xls

16.4 IDF Record Sheet

IDF Record Template V1 101208.xls

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