Radiology Radiology
Radiology Radiology
Radiology Radiology
Iranian Journal of
Article type: Background: Diagnosis and accuracy in determining the exact location, extent and con-
Original Article figuration of bony defects of the jaw are of utmost importance to determine prognosis,
treatment planning and long-term preservation of teeth. If relatively accurate diagnosis
Article history: can be established by radiography, proper treatment planning prior to treatment proce-
Received: 05 Feb 2011 dures will be possible.
Revised: 03 Apr 2012 Objectives: The aim of the present study was to assess the correlation between indirect
Accepted: 20 Jun 2012 digital radiographic measurements and clinical measurements in determining the topog-
raphy of interproximal bony defects.
Keywords: Patients and Methods: Twenty interproximal bony defects, preferably in the mandibular
Radiography and maxillary 5↔5 area were selected and radiographed using the parallel periapical tech-
Dental nique. The radiographs were corrected and digitized on a computer using “Linear Mea-
Bone Diseases surement” software; then the three parameters of the base of defect (BD), alveolar crest
Topography, Medical (AC) and cementoenamel junction (CEJ) were determined using a software. Subsequent
to radiographic measurements, clinical measurements were carried out meticulously
during flap procedures. Then linear measurements were carried out using a periodontal
probe to determine the defect depth and its mesiodistal width. Then the amount of corre-
lation between these two measurements was assessed by Pearson's correlation coefficient.
Results: The correlation between clinical and radiographic measurements in defect depth
determination, in the evaluation of defect angle and in determination of defect width
were 88%, 98% and 90%, respectively.
Conclusions: Indirect digital radiographic technique can be used to diagnose intra-osse-
ous defects, providing a better opportunity to treat bony defects.
Published by Kowsar Corp, 2012. cc 3.0.
* Corresponding author: Adileh Shirmohammadi, Department of Periodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
Tel: +98-4113355965, Fax: +98-4113346977, E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: 10.5812/iranjradiol.89138
© 2012 Iranian Society of Radiology and Tehran University of Medical Sciences; Published by Kowsar Corp.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Indirect Digital Radiography in Determining Vertical Bone Loss Esmaeli F et al.
the following manner: imaginary plane which extended from the alveolar crest
One wall of the angle extends from CEJ to BD and the to the buccal (or lingual) plate of the proximal tooth.
other wall extends from BD to the lateral margin of the Subsequently, the impression was removed from the
defect. Radiographic measurements are made after draw- defect using an explorer; then, the tips of the two forks
ing the above-mentioned lines. Subsequent to radio- of a pair of calipers were placed tangential with the
graphic measurements, clinical measurements are car- two proximal walls of the impression and fixed. Then,
ried out accurately during flap elevation. Measurements the angle between the lateral wall of the defect and the
are made after removal of the granulation tissue and root surface was determined. In both digital and clinical
before only resective or regenerative surgical treatment. measurements, a periodontist carried out the measure-
Bony defects not located on proximal surfaces were ex- ment procedures three times and the mean of the three
cluded from the study. At first, vertical defect type (the measurements was reported as the final value. This tech-
number of remaining walls) was determined and the fol- nique minimized intrarater error. After clinical and ra-
lowing measurements were carried out: diographic measurements were completed, the results
Liner measurement: Linear measurement was carried were compared to evaluate similarities and differences
out using a calibrated periodontal probe (PCPUNC-15, Hu- between the methods. These were tested with Pearson’s
friedy) to the nearest 0.5 mm: correlation coefficient. All the statistical analyses were
1. Depth of the osseous defect: the distance between the performed using SPSS version 15. A P-value under 0.05 was
alveolar crest and the base of the osseous defect. considered statistically significant.
2. Mesiodistal width of the osseous defect: the distance
between the root surface and the osseous border of the 4. Results
defect in a mesiodistal direction at the level of the bony
crest or the distance between the mesial and distal bor-
4.1. Correlation Between Clinical and Radiographic
ders of the osseous defect. Accordingly, the minimum
dimensions for a defect are: width = 0.5 mm; depth = 0.5 Measurements in Determining the Defect Depth
mm. According to Graph 1 and Pearson’s correlation coeffi-
3. Defect angle: A hydrosol (elastomeric polyvinylsilox- cient, the correlation between radiographic and clini-
ane impression material) impression was taken from the cal measurements in determining the defect depth was
defect. strong (r = 0.88, P < 0.001).
This impression material was injected into the defect
after mixing. Caution was exercised not to introduce 4.2. Correlation Between Clinical and Radiographic
bubbles into the material. The material was set after 6-7 Measurements in Determining the Defect Angle
minutes and then a sharp blade was used to draw an
According to Graph 2 and Pearson’s correlation coeffi-
cient, the correlation between radiographic and clinical
measurements in determining defect angle was strong (r
Figure 4. Correlation and regression between clinical and radiographic Figure 5. Mean differences between clinical and radiographic measure-
measurements in determining the defect width ments of the defect angle, depth and width
GTR, 6 and 24 months after surgery. Periapical radio- the present study, linear evaluation during surgery and
graphs were provided and CEJ-AC and CEJ-BD distances also on conventional periapical radiographs were car-
were measured at baseline and 6 and 24 months after ried out on 0.5-mm intervals; however, linear evaluations
surgery using digitized CCD camera and a computer. on digitized radiographs were carried out by manipula-
The results of the study demonstrated statistically sig- tion on a computer at 0.01-mm intervals, which might
nificant differences in bone filling and bridging of wall be the main reason for the higher value of digitized ra-
defects, 6 and 24 months after surgery compared to con- diographs compared to conventional periapical radio-
ventional treatment modalities. The authors concluded graphs. One of the limitations of the present study was
that the radiographic analysis used in the study is a pre- the number of samples and the absence of evaluation of
cise method for the evaluation of intra-osseous lesions the above-mentioned method in determining the topog-
and treatment results and measurements are close to raphy of various interproximal osseous lesions (one-wall,
actual dimensions. In a study carried out by Wolf et al. (7), two-wall and three-wall defects). Therefore, it is suggest-
selected digital modifications (filters, scatter, structure) ed that further studies should be carried out with larger
in radiographic images did not result in more reproduc- sample sizes for evaluating various types of periodontal
ible or more valid results for measuring bone resorption osseous defects.
in interproximal lesions compared with un-modified The results indicate that digital enhancement can result
digital radiographs. Although the radiographic values in an increased ability to diagnose intra-osseous defects,
were lower than the clinical values in the present study, paving the way for a more appropriate decision-making
the differences were not statistically significant, with a process to treat intra-osseous lesions more properly.
strong correlation between radiographic and clinical val-
ues. Periodontal diseases result in endosteal resorption, Acknowledgements
which produces radiolucencies; however, bone resorp-
None declared.
tion does not produce a uniformly recognizable view.
Extra- and intra-oral radiographic techniques are used to
Authors’ Contribution
record changes. Radiographs are two-dimensional repre-
sentations of a three-dimensional structure. Therefore, [Should be written by author]
the image is not an accurate one and bone resorption
on the radiograph is depicted smaller than the actual le- Financial Disclosure
sion size. Therefore, measurements of bone resorption None declared.
on radiographs are not accurate to diagnose osseous le-
sions. In 1980, Goodson et al. used a computer as an aid Funding/Support
in the linear evaluation of bone resorption (8). Given the
technological advances and introduction of digital radio- None declared.
graphic technique, it has extensively been used in medi-
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